

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. [04/22/14 18:13:00] *** JOPEBUSTER joined the channel
  2. [18:13:00] *** Shampuru joined the channel
  3. [18:13:01] *** SkeletN joined the channel
  4. [18:13:02] *** JLVWNNOOOO joined the channel
  5. [18:13:02] *** shyzuto joined the channel
  6. [18:13:04] SkeletN: .setgoal NG any%
  7. [18:13:04] RaceBot: Goal Set: NG any%
  8. [18:13:04] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Entry Open | Game: Hotline Miami | Goal: NG any%
  9. [18:13:04] shyzuto: .enter
  10. [18:13:04] RaceBot: shyzuto enters the race! 1 entrant.
  11. [18:13:29] SkeletN: .enter
  12. [18:13:29] RaceBot: SkeletN enters the race! 2 entrants.
  13. [18:13:33] SkeletN: radis ici
  14. [18:13:37] shyzuto: .ready
  15. [18:13:37] RaceBot: shyzuto is ready! 1 remaining.
  16. [18:13:59] SkeletN: .ready
  17. [18:13:59] RaceBot: SkeletN is ready! 0 remaining.
  18. [18:14:01] RaceBot: 4The race will begin in 10 seconds!
  19. [18:14:03] shyzuto: HF GL
  20. [18:14:06] RaceBot: 45
  21. [18:14:07] RaceBot: 44
  22. [18:14:08] RaceBot: 43
  23. [18:14:09] RaceBot: 42
  24. [18:14:09] SkeletN: GL
  25. [18:14:09] *** shyzuto quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  26. [18:14:10] RaceBot: 41
  27. [18:14:11] RaceBot: 4GO!
  28. [18:14:11] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: IN PROGRESS | Game: Hotline Miami | Goal: NG any%
  29. [18:15:19] *** shyzuto joined the channel
  30. [18:35:03] shyzuto: Pire temps au monde
  31. [18:39:08] SkeletN: .done
  32. [18:39:08] RaceBot: SkeletN has finished in 1st place with a time of 00:24:57.
  33. [18:39:16] SkeletN: ah oui
  34. [18:40:16] shyzuto: .donne
  35. [18:40:17] shyzuto: .done
  36. [18:40:17] RaceBot: shyzuto has finished in 2nd place with a time of 00:26:05.
  37. [18:40:17] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Complete | Game: Hotline Miami | Goal: NG any%
  38. [18:40:38] shyzuto: Chrome qui crashe quand la game commence
  39. [18:40:45] SkeletN: ah merde
  40. [18:40:56] shyzuto: c'était à 4/3 donc j'ai lancé au feeling
  41. [18:41:10] shyzuto: Puis le connard que je suis a essayé de relancer IRC dès le début au lieu d'attendre Trauma
  42. [18:41:49] shyzuto: donc j'étais déjà à 35-45 secondes de retards + RNNG de merde ce qui fait un totale de 2 minutes 30 de retards
  43. [18:42:28] shyzuto: je m'arrête là désolé je suis un peu cassé avec ces deux runs
  44. [18:42:30] SkeletN: Sal ouais
  45. [18:42:35] SkeletN: ok pas de soucis
  46. [18:42:40] shyzuto: mais bon ej jette beaucoup la faute à la RNNG mais j'ai fais pas mal de la merde aussi
  47. [18:42:44] SkeletN: merci en tout cas pour ces deux ptites runs
  48. [18:43:00] shyzuto: ouais
  49. [18:43:00] SkeletN: Y'a tellement de RNG qu'on sait plus qui est le probleme parfois :O
  50. [18:43:13] shyzuto: C'est la faute à la RNG toujours
  51. [18:43:24] shyzuto: car sinon je ferais des WR à chaque run Kappa
  52. [18:43:43] shyzuto: Fin' bref, ++ :D
  53. [18:43:52] SkeletN: haha ca marche
  54. [18:43:52] SkeletN: bye
  55. [18:44:37] *** shyzuto quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  56. [18:47:21] *** doicm joined the channel
  57. [18:47:21] RaceBot: 1. skeletn (00:24:57) | 2. shyzuto (00:26:05)
  58. [18:47:24] doicm: .goals
  59. [18:47:32] doicm: what
  60. [18:47:42] doicm: what's the difference between this and any%?
  61. [18:47:45] doicm: .wr hm any%
  62. [18:47:52] doicm: gah
  63. [18:51:48] doicm: SkeletN, you around?
  64. [18:55:07] SkeletN: sorry
  65. [18:55:10] SkeletN: i was gone
  66. [18:55:11] doicm: not a problem
  67. [18:55:15] SkeletN: What's up ?
  68. [18:55:17] doicm: what's the difference between the two categories?
  69. [18:55:24] doicm: between any% and NG any%?
  70. [18:55:33] SkeletN: actually I'm not sure
  71. [18:55:37] SkeletN: I think they are the same
  72. [18:55:41] doicm: okay, good to know
  73. [18:55:41] doicm: thanks
  74. [18:55:43] doicm: .setgoal any%
  75. [18:55:43] RaceBot: Goal Set: any%
  76. [18:55:43] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Complete | Game: Hotline Miami | Goal: any%
  77. [18:55:45] SkeletN: But it's better to precise it's NG any%
  78. [18:55:52] SkeletN: than any%
  79. [18:55:53] SkeletN: I think
  80. [18:55:55] doicm: hm...
  81. [18:55:57] SkeletN: But whatever
  82. [18:56:04] doicm: it's just that any% has been raced more often
  83. [18:56:07] SkeletN: because NG+ any% exists
  84. [18:56:16] doicm: anyone in the community to verify this more?
  85. [18:56:31] SkeletN: Duke bilgewater and cfb
  86. [18:56:45] doicm: dang...neither are online
  87. [18:56:50] SkeletN: shit
  88. [18:57:00] doicm: well, i'll record as NG any% for now then
  89. [18:57:03] doicm: .setgoal NG any%
  90. [18:57:03] RaceBot: Goal Set: NG any%
  91. [18:57:03] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Complete | Game: Hotline Miami | Goal: NG any%
  92. [18:57:22] SkeletN: ok
  93. [18:57:22] SkeletN: ,n
  94. [18:57:53] doicm: thanks for your help
  95. [18:58:15] doicm: .record
  96. [18:58:15] RaceBot: Race will be recorded shortly!
  97. [18:58:39] doicm: .log
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