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3.0 BRD openers

a guest
Oct 22nd, 2015
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  1. 3.0 BRD openers
  2. ||Starting with Wanderer's Minuet on||
  3. 10s: Foe Requiem
  4. 4s: (Quelling Strikes) (Battle Voice) (Hawk's Eye) (Blood for Blood) (Raging Strikes)
  5. Pull: (Bloodletter/Rain of Death) Straight Shot (Dex potion) > Windbite (Internal Release) > Venomous Bite (Flaming Arrow) > Heavy Shot (Barrage + Empyreal Arrow) > Heavy Shot (Sidewinder) > Heavy Shot (Bloodletter) > Iron Jaws > etc.
  7. ||Wanderer's Minuet off for two GCDs|| **preferred opener at the moment**
  8. 10s: Foe Requiem
  9. 4s: (Quelling Strikes) (Battle Voice) (Hawk's Eye) (Blood for Blood) (Raging Strikes)
  10. Pull: (Bloodletter/Rain of Death) Straight Shot (Dex potion) > Windbite (Wanderer's Minuet + Internal Release) > Venomous Bite (Flaming Arrow) > Heavy Shot (Barrage + Empyreal Arrow) > Heavy Shot (Sidewinder) > Heavy Shot (Bloodletter) > Iron Jaws > etc.
  12. Please note that after Venomous Bite the rest of the opener is subject to RNG depending on Bloodletter procs and how adventurous you are feeling. Here is an example.
  14. This:
  15. Heavy Shot (Barrage + Empyreal Arrow) > Heavy Shot (Sidewinder) > Heavy Shot (Bloodletter) > Iron Jaws > etc.
  17. Can turn into this:
  18. (Bloodletter + Barrage + Empyreal Arrow + Bloodletter) > Heavy Shot (Sidewinder + Bloodletter) > Iron Jaws (Bloodletter) > etc.
  20. Credit to Aiurily Ari for working with me on ideas for better openers as well as improving synergy with Trick Attack and possible late application of Disembowel. Pretty sure he's actually the one that came up with this exact (and very effective + natural feeling) variation of the Minuet off opener!
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