
Cadence and Sylum : Abridged

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. Abridged Version : Removed the silly things and added some plot-important shits. Only for personal purposes, k?
  3. Oke, RP ini bisa membuat patah hati dan kesedihan yang mendalam. Tolong lanjutkan dengan perhatian.
  5. =======================================================;_;=======================================================================
  7. 0:52 Sylum -the sun was high in sky, a letter sent to a certain girl from a certain...madness fueled jacket-
  8. 00:56 Cadence -- Holding the letter in hand, Cadence is seen wandering through Dust City. The letter is the only clue she have to find her.. lover.. and she is not going to stop.
  9. 01:04 *** Cadence quit (*.net *.split)
  10. 01:06 *** Cadence_ joined #covenger_rp
  11. 01:07 Cadence_ [Resume please, anything I miss?]
  12. 01:08 Sylum -The letter stated to go to a old abandoned clothes factory, and if she did care for him, to come alone-
  13. 01:14 Cadence_ -- Being a very timid girl, she at first is scared. She have never travelled there, ever, and the thought of being in an alien city with nobody to call when things go awry disturbs her. But, after days painstakingly researching thr city's streets and important places, she dares herself to go there. With only two days to find him and go back to Neon, she
  14. 01:17 Cadence_ -- needs to go fast. After her arrival by bus, she immidiately heads toward the place. She brough nothing but some money, handphone and a backup battery, and the letter.
  15. 01:18 Cadence_ -- Hoping that she is at the right place, she opens the rusting doors.
  16. 01:19 Sylum is sitting over in a corner, watching a small black and white tv, sitting on a old blanket, few other stuff he must of stole from hotels
  17. 01:22 Cadence_ "Hello... Sylum?" The girl started to walk towards the only lit corner of the factory.
  18. 01:24 Sylum raises his head. "Y-You actually came, t-thank you."
  19. 01:27 Cadence_ smiles slightly as she rubs off some of the dust sticking in her black cardigan. "I really didn't want to be here, but... Here I am. I really, really miss you."
  20. 01:28 Sylum stands up, a bit taller and buffer, small patches of dirt here and there
  21. 01:34 Cadence_ "You're a little bit taller than I think. And buffer. But, you're still that same person I met in that event, yes?" She tries to hide her trembling hands in her back.
  22. 01:35 Sylum I...I don't know, after what I did, I felt, different, stronger, faster...I don't know how they do it.
  23. 01:38 Cadence_ "T-They? You mean.. That scientists? And do you even remember me?"
  24. 01:40 Sylum Of course I do, Cadence, one person to still trust me, and, I meant Guffy, or Buddy, with all the deaths under their belt, how do they go through the guilt'
  25. 01:43 Cadence_ "You still remembers me, and even trusted me... I still remembered that Guffy guy with his monster, but Buddy? Never see him. And to answer your question, sometimes they just don't care."
  26. 01:44 Cadence_ "Like her, inside my mind."
  27. 01:45 Sylum Her? I, never meet her, what does she think of me?
  28. 01:47 Cadence_ "Oh, Entropica? She likes you, very much even. Haven't see this kind of reaction from her since.. a decade ago? She is the main reason I'm here."
  29. 01:49 Sylum Really?....So, you came just to please her?
  30. 01:50 Cadence_ "No, she just motivates me to go here. I also want to meet you, don't get me wrong."
  31. 01:52 Sylum Tell me...May I, meet Entropica?
  32. 01:54 Cadence_ "That... Yes. She is actually waiting for you. But, I don't know if I can 'transfer' you there, Sylum... It's something I've never done."
  33. 01:55 Sylum What do you mean? Is it cause I'm not, organic?
  34. 01:56 Cadence_ "... Yes. So far the transfer cannot work on mechanical beings. I'll try to, though. Maybe, just maybe, you can get through and meet her."
  35. 01:57 Sylum Well, if she truly wants to see me
  36. 01:58 Sylum is hesitant to get near Cadence, hes been scared to be around anyone, but, he tried his best to get close
  37. 01:59 Cadence_ takes several deep breaths, trying to calm herself and preparing her to transfer Sylum.
  38. 02:03 Cadence_ "Alright... I will try to do it. She will be waiting for you. It's not that hard to find her, really. And sometimes, she can show you numerous nasty things. Don't let it get through you, okay?"
  39. 02:06 Sylum Heh, I'm made of Madness, I can take what shes got...hopefully
  40. 02:09 Cadence_ "So, to do it, you will have to stand right in front of me. And then, I'll try my best to transfer you. I cannot be there, unfortunately. Oh, can you bring me some... Soft things? J-Just in case."
  41. 02:11 Sylum Soft things...Alright
  42. 02:11 Sylum stands in front of her
  43. 02:15 Sylum when ever yourt ready
  44. 02:16 Cadence_ "Yes, that would be okay. So now... Good luck... And be careful, my love."
  45. 02:16 Cadence_ takes her last deep breath before she closes her eyes. Sylum is enveloped in a blinding stream of light, but for onlt a second,and the next thing he sees is this... field.. with neon green grass and a bright pastel pink sky. Standing in front of him is a figure of a woman in black, contrasting with the bright landscape.
  46. 02:17 *** Cadence is now known as Entropica
  47. 02:18 Entropica [Resuming]
  48. 02:18 Sylum U-uh, hi, you must be Entropica, its nice to finally meet you
  49. 02:19 Entropica "Ah, hello. Yes, I am Entropica. Nice to meet you, Sylum."
  50. 02:20 Entropica - how she looks
  51. 02:22 Sylum So, this is it, we finally meet...s-should I shake your hand or?
  52. 02:24 Entropica "Ah, yes." The white figure extends her right hand that is partially covered in blood. "It is nice to meet you, at last. Cadence has told me about you in the past."
  53. 02:25 Sylum shakes her hand, stepping a bit closer
  54. 02:26 Entropica "Do not be afraid of me yet, my friend. Now, tell me about yourself."
  55. 02:27 Sylum well, I'm, madness, killed a few scientists, and ran away to Dust
  56. 02:27 Sylum sent a letter to someone I could trust
  57. 02:27 Entropica -- The three circles on her shoulder blade region starts to move, probably assessing Sylum.
  58. 02:31 Entropica "Killed a few scientist? Ooh, very interesting. Say, how did you do that? Did you torture them first, or is it just kill-and-run scenario? And by 'someone you can trust', you mean my host?"
  59. 02:34 Sylum Kill and run, so full of rage I, broke their mind
  60. 02:34 Sylum And, I feel like I could trust you too
  61. 02:40 Entropica "Oh. I personally like to torture them first and break their mind before killing them."
  62. 23:59 Sylum Heh, edgy, and, kinda bringing down my trust
  63. 00:00 Entropica "Edgy? It is simply my personal preference, my friend. Being a master of illusion, who would not like to play with the victim first?"
  64. 00:05 Sylum Right, w-where are we anyways
  65. 00:08 Entropica "Ah, that is an excellent question. This is my personal plane, dimension, world, whatever you want to call it. Its name is Chaotica, although it is pretty stable right now. Would you like to sit down and talk further? It is pretty tiresome standing in this way."
  66. 00:09 Sylum oh, yes, I wouldn't want to stress you
  67. 00:10 Entropica "Fine, then. Please do not left your current position."
  68. 00:13 *** WishingWell_ joined #covenger_rp
  69. 00:14 Entropica raises her left hand and points at a spot a few meters away. From there, a wooden table and chairs rises from the ground, almost instantly. Above the table, there are two empty cups. "Have a seat. Please tell me if you do not like a particular thing, and I will change it."
  70. 00:17 Sylum Nono, its fine, better then where I was living
  71. 00:18 Entropica "Alright. Would you like anything to drink, or eat?"
  72. 00:19 Sylum No, I, dont exactly eat or drink anymore
  73. 00:20 Entropica "Ah, yes, pardon me."
  74. 00:22 Entropica "Feel free to ask me questions. My host did not send you here for no reason."
  75. 00:24 Sylum Well, I dont rea-Host?
  76. 00:25 Entropica "Yes, my host, Cadence. I tend to refer to the people that wears my amethyst as hosts."
  77. 00:31 Sylum Oh, wouldn't it be a mutual relationship?
  78. 00:31 Entropica "Yes,it is in a way."
  79. 00:33 Entropica " I grant her bloodline the ability to make illusions, and they give me hosts to live on."
  80. 00:35 Entropica [afk, be back immidiately]
  81. 00:46 Entropica [good, resume]
  82. 00:49 Sylum Tell me, why is it you wanted to meet me
  83. 00:50 Entropica "I am interested in your power, my friend."
  84. 00:51 Entropica "Perhaps, with our powers fused we can make something much, much bigger than we have ever done before."
  85. 00:51 Sylum Lots of people are, I don't even understand it, and, last time I did that...It didn't end well
  86. 00:53 Entropica "Well, since you are the embodiment of insanity itself, I can see why people are interested in you. Me, on the other side, is almost treated as a curse by my host."
  87. 00:54 Sylum looks around at the organs, blood on her hands. "I can see why"
  88. 00:58 Entropica "Ah, I almost forgot. How do you think of Cadence? Your relationship with her is very.. Interesting."
  89. 01:01 Sylum Cadence, she, actually seems to like me, most people I knew didn't seem to trust me, Wishingwell, guffy, after all I did, I see why
  90. 01:05 Entropica "Ah, that naïve girl. She is a little too kind at times. But, her fondness of you is nearly unconditional."
  91. 01:06 Entropica "Guffy? Is that the same person Cadence sees a few times when she is in Neon City? And who is Wishingwell and Buddy? Elaborate, please."
  92. 01:09 Sylum Guffy, McGoFuckYourself, hes hard to miss with Hatemonger floating behind him, Wishingwell was a friend and I didn't mention Buddy
  93. 01:11 Entropica "Oh? Pardon me, I sometimes get out of the context."
  94. 01:11 Entropica [Shit]
  95. 01:13 Entropica "And, would you like to ask me more questions? It is nice to have a company that is not my host."
  96. 01:14 Sylum Heh, Hatemonger, I remember when I had to fight him, I actually got close to winning.
  97. 01:14 Sylum I think I got the closes too, but, what do I know
  98. 01:15 Entropica "Ah! You are quite a fighter, then."
  99. 01:16 Sylum Hehe, yeah, didn't do so well fighting whats his name, possessed a Xenon weapon
  100. 01:19 Entropica "Xenon? I guess, your work place, yes? And how did you... Possess the weapon?"
  101. 01:21 Sylum Oh, no, I didn't possessed one, I fought a possessed weapon, and, I didn;t really work at Xenon, more, was made by it
  102. 01:25 Entropica "Made? I see..." The woman looked at Sylum with her three eyes. "It must be pretty painful, yes?"
  103. 01:28 Sylum I, don't know, from what I've been told, I was an animal, ruthless, out for blood. The only thing left of scientists that made me were, dried empty husks
  104. 01:29 Sylum I didn't even have a body originally
  105. 01:29 *** Entropica quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  106. 01:30 *** Entropica_ joined #covenger_rp
  107. 01:30 Entropica_ [Geez, disconnected]
  108. 01:32 Sylum [want me to repost anything?]
  109. 01:33 Entropica_ [did you said something when I was away? If no, then resume please.]
  110. 01:33 Sylum I, don't know, from what I've been told, I was an animal, ruthless, out for blood. The only thing left of scientists that made me were, dried empty husks
  111. 01:33 Sylum I didn't even have a body originally
  112. 01:35 Entropica_ "Then, how did you get your body?"
  113. 01:36 Sylum After awhile, I some managed arms, during my fight with hatemonger I got legs, rest, just came naturally I guess
  114. 01:36 Sylum somehow*
  115. 01:39 Entropica_ "Ah, I see."
  116. 01:40 Entropica_ "Well, you have any more asks? Do you want to leave this place, maybe? I understand if you want to, my friend."
  117. 01:41 Sylum How?
  118. 01:41 Sylum How do, anyone, live with the guilt of killing?
  119. 01:41 Sylum how do you*
  120. 01:45 Entropica_ "Ah, not many people asked that to me. I do not feel any guilt whenever I torture and kill them. They are wrong in my eyes, and they must be punished."
  121. 01:46 Entropica_ "People live and people die. It is only a matter of time and fate."
  122. 01:46 Sylum I wouldn'tcall being killed by a mad coat, fate
  123. 01:51 Entropica_ "And so being killed by some monstrous creature that torture its victims first. You still have much to learn, my friend. At one point you will abandon your values and sanity, and start to love your acts. One day, you will smile in front of your victim as you hacked him into pieces. I am far beyond that point, to a place that I did not feel any remorse to --
  124. 01:52 Entropica_ -- behead someone and forces him to see his body."
  125. 01:53 Sylum I...think your....I wish to leave.
  126. 01:55 Entropica_ [Ffft]
  127. ***Dihapus***
  128. Entropica : [3spoopy 5 sylum lol]
  129. Sylum : [No, he didn't want to think that she is right]
  130. ***Dihapus***
  131. 01:57 Entropica_ "Alright, then. It is sad to see you leave, for this place is quite lonely without someone with a similiar mind to me."
  132. 01:58 Entropica_ stands up. "So, are you sure, my friend?"
  133. 01:59 Sylum You've giving me a lot to think about, to much in fact
  134. 02:00 Sylum stands up. "I would rather die, then see myself become a mindless killer"
  135. 02:01 Sylum Maybe you can change too Entropica_
  136. 02:03 Entropica_ "I am beyond saving. My values and sanity have been corrupted too much, my friend. I cannot return without making myself disappear in the process, how delightful it seems." She is silent for a while. "Alright, now, close your eyes. Concentrate to your world."
  137. 02:05 Sylum gives Entropica a hug, "it has been a, pleasure to meet you."
  138. 02:06 Sylum closes his eyes
  139. 02:06 Entropica "Before you leave, think about this : We can merge ourselves and break our boundaries. We can become what we are meant for. We are strong together."
  140. 02:09 Entropica -- As he closes his eyes, a beam of light envelopes Sylum once more. As he opens his eyes, he is back to where he was in the real world. But Cadence isn't doing well.
  141. 02:09 *** Entropica is now known as Cadence
  142. 02:09 Sylum Cadence! What happened? Did someone hurt you?
  143. 02:10 Cadence is lying on the floor, passed out. Her breath are slow and deep, almost like in trance.
  144. 02:13 Sylum picks up Cadence, taking her to his little corner, and laying down and cuddling with her until she woke up
  145. 02:14 Cadence [L-lewd]
  146. 02:15 Sylum [too lewd, or right amount?]
  147. 02:16 Cadence wakes up, followed by a deep gasp. A good few hours has passed since Sylum's return, and it's getting dark.
  148. 02:18 Sylum has fallen asleep, arm he had around her falling off asshe got up
  149. 02:19 Budman [Fallin off det ass]
  150. 02:19 Sylum [maaaaybe]
  151. 02:20 Cadence "AH! It's almost night already... And... Sylum? W-what are you doing here? What am /I/ doing here?
  152. 02:20 Cadence [Haha, her ass is quite disappointing buddy]
  153. 02:21 Sylum [damn]
  154. 02:21 Cadence "Ugh... My head hurts... Geez, must've slipped and knock myself out."
  155. 02:23 Sylum opens eyes "Cadence, your ok. You were out when I got back from the Chaotica"
  156. 02:24 Sylum And, I can't really go out in public caring a passed out girl, so, I stayed with you till you were ok
  157. 02:25 Cadence ".... Oh! Okay, I remember it now. I.. passed out when you are inside. Well, tell me, did you have a nice conversation with her?"
  158. 02:25 Sylum ...Yeah, she, gave me a lot to think aBOUT
  159. 02:26 Cadence "And, thank you for caring about me when I passed out there. I just ran out of juice and fell."
  160. 02:27 Cadence "Hah. She is happy to see you, am I right?"
  161. 02:28 Sylum Y-yep, say Its dark out, you should better get home, o-or....stay with me for the rest of the night?
  162. 02:30 Cadence "I think I'll stay. It's Valentine's day, right? I'm sorry I can't bring anything for you."
  163. 02:32 Cadence "And.. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Sorry."
  164. 02:32 Sylum I knew you were leaving when you got here, Dust isn't as good as Neon
  165. 02:36 Cadence "Yeah.. Things around here are significantly worse than Neon. Oh, and I'm sorry, but... Do you have something to eat? I haven't eat a thing since my breakfast. It's fine if you don't have one, maybe I'll go out and find something to eat."
  166. 02:40 Sylum I don't, sorry. don't eat much anymore. there's a Guffy's a few blocks down, just, come back,ok?
  167. 02:42 Cadence "A-alright... I think I have some money left to eat and go back to Neon tomorrow. I will come back, but.. Be safe here, okay? I'm leaving, bye."
  168. 02:43 Cadence stands up and walks out from the abandoned factory, although she is still not balanced at times.
  169. 02:46 Sylum turns the small tv on, no channels to watch, or sound, just static. "Sigh"
  170. 02:47 Cadence -- An hour later she returns, with a box of food and beverage, plus two small bars of chocolate. "I'm back, Sylum, just as promised. Want chocolate?"
  171. 02:48 Sylum Oh, sure, thank you
  172. 02:51 Cadence hands one of the chocolate bar to Sylum. "Wish I can get a bigger one, hah."
  173. 02:52 WishingWell [I'll give you a bigger one...]
  174. 02:52 Cadence eats the boxed meal... rather vigorously. Only fifteen minutes and she devoured most of the content. It seems that she is very, very hungry.
  175. 02:52 Sylum takes the chocolate, removing the wrapper, and holds it, soon turning red, and is adsorbed
  176. 02:52 Sylum You were really hungry
  177. 02:55 Cadence "Hrm... Nrvr thourght food is zro good..." She continues to munch what's left on the box (save for the uneatable materials) for another five minutes before finishing.
  178. 03:00 Cadence "Alright, sorry for my savageness previously." She opened the bar and bite a good chunk out, probably a quarter of the bar. "I'm glad that I can spend my birthday eve here, with you."
  179. 03:01 Sylum birthday? Quite the way to spend it
  180. 03:02 Cadence "Yep, February 15. Compared to my earlier birthdays this is decent."
  181. 03:04 Sylum Really? well, I'm glad you came, and trust me
  182. 03:05 Cadence bites another chunk, leaving only half of the bar.
  183. 03:06 Cadence "Yep, being all alone in here seems... Sad. When will you return to Neon, Sy?"
  184. 03:08 Sylum I don't think I ever can. They don't really let criminals roam free, if I go back, Xenon will lock me up, or worst and, all the more likely, kill me
  185. 03:09 Cadence stops munching at the word 'kill me'. "Kill... You?"
  186. 03:12 Sylum I killed 5 scientists, I'm a wanted criminal, I doubt they would bother with jail time, just, let Hatemonger loss on me
  187. 03:14 Cadence "Ah..." She looked on the floor. "W-well, maybe they will lock you up instead of killing y-you. I-I mean, Xenon won't be that cruel to just murder you, r-right?"
  188. 03:15 Sylum Who knows
  189. 03:22 Cadence "You can't die. You must not die. Not yet." Maybe he can see tears welled up on her eyes, and her muffled screams. "W-what time is it?"
  190. 03:24 Sylum No clue, not light out, my guess 11, 12
  191. 03:25 Cadence "So.. L-let's sleep now. I'm getting sleepy.."
  192. 03:29 Sylum lets Cadence into his arms as they lay down on the stolen hotel pillow
  193. 03:30 Cadence "For a jacket, you're quite warm... Goodnight..."
  194. 03:31 Sylum Heh, jackets are usually warm, Goodnight Cad
  195. ***Epilogue***
  196. Cadence closes her eyes and fall asleep. Probably she let a tear or two fall right to Sylum's arm.
  197. 'Please, don't go, I still need you, I need you, I love, like, I.. I love you, unconditionally.' She mutters under her breath, as she escapes reality once more, and dreams about them, together. The illusion she created herself, a fragile facade to her destroyed dreams.
  199. The morning after, Cadence woke up, almost in verge of breaking down, because she knows she can't be on his side forever.
  201. At her departure, she stood up and fixes her messy hair and clothes, checked the clock on her phone, and 'kiss' sylum goodbye. And they hugged for a long, long time. It's almost like Cadence wouldn't let Sylum go.
  203. "I still can't believe you won't go with me, Sy."
  204. "I wouldn't want to risk my life."
  205. "But still.. It hurts when I know I need to leave. I can't tell you, if I can be back again to enjoy my weekends with you. I want to, if I can, but..."
  206. "I know."
  207. "So... This is it, huh?" She lets out Sylum after their 30-second hug. "I'm leaving you, maybe for good. Here, all alone. Goodbye."
  208. "Goodbye, Cadence."
  209. And she left.
  211. The moment she stepped into her apartement and crushed herself into the bedroom (Which is around 3-4 AM), she cried. And cried. And cried, until her tears are dried out and her voice is vanished and her feelings are gone and empty. Her other half watched from the distance, observing and loathing.
  212. ***Epilogue***
  215. Oke. Kokoro saya udah officially ancur dan gue ngeship cadence/sylum sampe gue mati. CAD/SY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!111eleven1
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