
My Inner Buddy [Anon x Sammy]

Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. >Another day in Equestria
  2. >today, you have gone camping in the everfree forest
  3. >the shenanigans back in ponyville were driving you insane
  4. >and you thought to yourself "I need a vacation!"
  5. >so here you are, camping right next to a lake
  6. >Drinking, fishing, cleaning, the perfect spot
  7. >Twilight didn't think so
  8. >she was afraid the you woud be eaten
  9. >funny enought, most of the creatures here leave you alone
  10. >well, that hydra liked you for that chocolate bar you had given it
  11. >right now, you are resting on a tree
  12. >closing your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature
  13. >you feel your mouth begin open
  14. >a slimey texture and mass was crawling into your mouth
  15. >your eyes snap open to look at the intruder
  16. >a long, black tail with what looks like pony legs was sticking out
  17. >reflexes kicking in, you grab onto it and yank it out
  18. >this is very odd looking
  19. >what looks like a head, mane and legs of a pony but with the body of a salamander
  20. >from the features on its face, it was a female
  21. >its black body with red mane and underbelly are coated with your saliva
  22. >she is blushing and her golden eyes are looking right at you nervously
  23. >"Oh hey, you're awake. hehe"
  24. Why were you in my mouth?
  25. >she is now struggling in your hand to escape
  26. >but your masturbating hand keeps her in your grip
  27. Hold on a minute, I wont hurt you.
  28. >She stops her squirming and looks you right in the eyes
  29. >"R-r-really? You wont harm me?"
  30. >you loosen your grip
  31. I promise, I was just curious why you would be in my mouth.
  32. >she moves nervously again
  33. >"You would hate me if I tell you"
  34. >Hate this cute little thing? nah
  35. >Those little coloured bugs that ate your house and eyebrows, yes
  36. >but this little lady? no
  37. I won't hate you. That is another promise.
  38. >"...I want to be in your stomach..."
  39. >what?
  40. Why?
  41. >"I would be warm and safe in there"
  42. You kidding? My stomach acid would kill you!
  43. >she perks up
  44. >"It won't. My body is resistant to it."
  45. How would you be able to bre-
  46. >Rustling was coming from a nearby bush and was getting louder by the second
  47. >"A predator is coming! hide me, please!"
  48. >she darts her eyes to try to find a good spot to hide
  49. >you got to hide her, there's very little time
  50. >with the new knowledge given to you by her, you do the weirdest thing
  51. >you quickly put her back in your mouth
  52. >she starts wiggling down your throat as fast as she can
  53. >you are surprised she fit in there
  54. >like trying to eat a whole burrito!
  55. >her tail vanished through your lips and she settles in your stomach
  56. >you took to the bushes to see a timberwolf come out
  57. >it looks at you for a few seconds, then goes to the lake for a drink
  58. >the beauty of magical equestria
  59. >will wonders ever cease?
  60. >the timberwolf drinks its fill and goes back the way it came
  61. >you look to your gut
  62. Are you ok in there?
  63. >you feel a little kick
  64. >you hope that was a yes
  65. You can come back out now.
  66. >*two kicks*
  67. >that answers that question
  68. You want to stay in there?
  69. >*kick*
  70. As long as you don't eat me from the inside, you can stay in there, deal?
  71. >*kick*
  72. What is you name?
  73. >you feel her hoof drag across your stomach walls
  74. >S-A-M-M-Y
  75. >Sammy, huh? Cute name for a cute creatures
  76. Well Sammy, you hungry?
  77. >*big kick*
  78. >You point towards your tent for dramatic effect
  79. Then onwards, to lunch!
  80. >you life as now gotten more interesting
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