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The Breakup

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Feb 5th, 2014
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  1. 06[01:18] * FeatherDuster walks through townsquare, leaving the townhall and looking up at the sky
  2. 06[01:20] * FeatherDuster perks up his ears seeing Cheren out of the corner of his eye. He smiles half heartedly and makes his way to him, " Hey Cheren..."
  3. 06[01:20] * @Cheren smiles softly. "Hey Feather. So, ready for that talk?"
  4. 06[01:21] * FeatherDuster takes a slow, but deep breath, " Yea..." he goes up to him to nuzzle into his neck
  5. 06[01:22] * @Cheren 's bags clink slightly as he returns the nuzzle. "Oh yeah, some of the dandeleon wine that I made turned to vinegar. Do you have a cupboard in the cave yet?"
  6. 06[01:23] * FeatherDuster pulls back, " A cupboard? " he shakes his head, " Just wooden crates and a dresser I store things in. "
  7. 01[01:24] <@Cheren> "Alright, well, that's just one more thing to get you. Sorry I've been busy these past few days." He chuckles softly. "Just when you start to come out of the cave, I get busy again."
  8. 01[01:25] <@Cheren> "Anyway, where do you want to talk? Here so some place more private?"
  9. 06[01:27] * FeatherDuster looks around, " seems to be pretty quiet here, but it's up to you. " he looks down at the snow
  10. 06[01:27] * @Cheren sighs. "Earth Real has been really hard on you, hasn't he?"
  11. 06[01:29] * FeatherDuster shakes his head again, " It's not that....well, something like that, but that's not what I wanted to talk about. " his heart is pounding in his throat as he's never done something like this before. He feels his face growing hot.
  12. 01[01:30] <@Cheren> "The baby boom? I know how you practically broke down after the we left the chasm after seeing the foals. Truth be told, it still haunts me every so often as well."
  13. 06[01:31] * FeatherDuster sits down in the snow. It was cold, like ice (duh) but he didn't let it bother him, "...Yea. Cheren...I think..." he bites his lip, " ...I think that we shouldn't be together any more. " he winced at the words.
  14. 06[01:32] * @Cheren winces as well. "Why not? If it's not having enough time for you, I can withdraw from next election."
  15. 06[01:35] * FeatherDuster shakes his head not wanting to look at him, " No, no it's not's..." he stomps his hoof trying to force the words out, " time in the cave, an then coming back out made me realize some things about myself. " he continues, " I...there are just several things that prevent this from working, and they say if you love someone, you should let them go if need be.
  16. 06[01:35] * FeatherDuster "
  17. 06[01:37] * @Cheren 's eyes start to mist. "You've been my support and kept me firmly planted on the ground the entire time I've been here. I don't want to lose you was my strength."
  18. [01:38] <FeatherDuster> "And you won't lose me. I'm still here for you, and I'll still be there....just as a friend. "
  19. 06[01:40] * @Cheren has some tears coming down his cheeck and he moves in to kiss Feather's forehead gently. "Heh, it's always something isn't it?" He allows a small smile. "You taught me to love again after all the years in the navy and coming back stateside... I'm greatful for you allowing me to be with you for this long."
  20. 06[01:42] * FeatherDuster feels his own eyes burn, and shuts them as he's kissed. It felt nice and warm, even if it was for a split moment. Reaching up, he pulls him into a hug, " I still love ya...boss. "
  21. 06[01:44] * @Cheren laughs a little. "I love you too, Feather and I always will. So why do you think we won't work out? You know I would do almost anything for you."
  22. 06[01:48] * FeatherDuster pulls back, " That's part of it...I'm holding you back. With all these new foals around it confirmed for me that I could never...well. " he wipes his eyes, " And my feelings for you has drifted too. " he starts to cry a little, but keeps his cool, " I just don't think I'm ready for something like this, you know? "
  23. 06[01:54] * @Cheren hugs Feather. "Hey, whether or not you could never mattered for me. I love you for who you are. I told you that when we saw the ones in the chasm..." He looks away for a moment, haunted by their memory. "Hell, considering how some ponies act here, I'd take you over them any day." He chuckles. "Anyway, you're your own person, and I don't want to hold you back either, even though it hurts so much to let you go." He chokes back some tears as well. "But if you don't care for me any more..."
  24. 06[01:56] * FeatherDuster interjects quickly, " I do care! Just...not in that way. " he touches his hoof, " If you need me for anything, I'm only a cave away, okay? "
  25. 06[02:00] * @Cheren sighs and nods. "Fine. I know how weaboo you are. Want to make this complete and do a little sparring match to make everything complete? I'll tell you what Feldspar gave us and what I was planning on doing with my half after, and if you still want what I was going to give you."
  27. 06[02:06] * FeatherDuster tilts his head, " A sparring match? You know I can't fight too well. " He says with a half smile
  28. 06[02:07] * @Cheren chuckles. "No magic, no weapons, hooves only. And besides, you've beat me every time so far, if I recall correctly."
  29. 06[02:10] * FeatherDuster shakes his head, wiping away the last of his tears, " ...Alright. Let's do this. "
  30. [02:11] <Quicksilver> [take out your anger! embrace the hate and turn to the dark side!]
  31. 06[02:11] * @Cheren grins and wipes away his tears as well. "TETSUYOOOOOOOOOOO!" He yells, getting fired up. For a few brief moments he forgets the pain inside of him.
  32. 06[02:12] * FeatherDuster blinks with wide eyes. Oh god he's doing THAT. Welp! , " KAAAAANEEEDAAAAA!! "
  33. 06[02:13] * @Cheren stops. "Oh wait, let me take off my saddlebags first. Don't want the vinegar to get broken." He sets down his gear then turns to Feather again. "TETSUYOOOOOOO!"
  34. 01[02:14] <@Cheren> [4s system, roll for init when you're ready]
  35. [02:16] <FeatherDuster> [>4s]
  36. [02:16] <FeatherDuster> [>fff]
  37. 01[02:16] <@Cheren> [hue]
  38. [02:16] <FeatherDuster> [gonna go without anything. I have to rebuild/figure out that thing]
  39. 01[02:17] <@Cheren> '\'\\
  40. 01[02:18] <@Cheren> [accoring to stats rigth now, you have +2 init, +1 ac, +1hp, and +1 to-hit on top of the current +2]
  41. [02:20] <High_Tide> [are we seriously still usig the +2 earth pony to-hit?]
  42. 01[02:20] <@Cheren> [shhh, tide, no tears]
  43. [02:20] <FeatherDuster> [I'll go with that then just to make things quicker. ]
  44. 01[02:20] <@Cheren> [alright, and then you'll forget to change them later. lel]
  45. [02:21] <High_Tide> [/me weeps for the hideous headcanon]
  46. [02:24] <FeatherDuster> [With booze ther other night I went without anything hue]
  47. 01[02:24] <@Cheren> [alright whatever you want to do is fine.]
  49. [02:24] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 he gallops forward
  50. [02:24] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  51. [02:24] <FeatherDuster> [great start]
  52. 01[02:24] <@Cheren> !roll d20 he heads towards Feather.
  53. [02:25] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  54. 01[02:25] <@Cheren> [best start]
  55. [02:26] <FeatherDuster> [bonk heads. pass out. gg]
  56. 01[02:27] <@Cheren> [whelp, that was fast. guess we can die in the snow together and freeze to death. It's no dying giving birth, but Starlight already stole that trope from you.]
  57. [02:28] <FeatherDuster> [I know right? dammit]
  58. 01[02:28] <@Cheren> !roll d20 init again. take 2.
  59. [02:28] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  60. [02:29] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20
  61. [02:29] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  62. 06[02:30] * FeatherDuster stands there and lets him come at him
  63. 01[02:30] <@Cheren> !roll d20 "Victory will go to the one with courage!"
  64. [02:30] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  65. 06[02:31] * FeatherDuster side steps and turns
  66. [02:31] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20
  67. [02:31] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  68. [02:31] <FeatherDuster> [ (.__.) ]
  69. [02:32] <FeatherDuster> [ ]
  71. 06[02:32] * @Cheren spins and turns around, then charages at Feather once more. "Aquarion!"
  72. 01[02:32] <@Cheren> !roll d20 init
  73. [02:32] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  74. [02:33] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 ducks his head down to move in on him again
  75. [02:33] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  76. [02:33] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 "ORIYAAAAA!! "
  77. [02:33] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  78. 06[02:34] * FeatherDuster nudges him in the side
  79. [02:34] <FeatherDuster> !roll d4
  80. [02:34] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  81. [02:34] <FeatherDuster> [..................]
  82. 01[02:34] <@Cheren> !roll d20 "DEEEESSSSSSU!"
  83. [02:34] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  85. [02:34] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 "BOKU IS BETTER! "
  86. [02:34] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  87. 06[02:35] * @Cheren goes flying from the hit and cannot recover in time to the side. "Maybe, but that's no Bobobo bobobobo!"
  88. 01[02:35] <@Cheren> !roll d20
  89. [02:35] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  90. [02:35] <FeatherDuster> [I'm lost now, we on int? or is it your hit move?]
  91. 01[02:35] <@Cheren> !roll d20 He charges at Feather once more, determined to land at least one hit. "Hikari ni nari!"
  92. [02:35] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  93. 06[02:36] * @Cheren still cannot hit
  94. [02:36] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 to tap him on the back
  95. [02:36] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  96. [02:36] <FeatherDuster> !roll d4
  97. [02:36] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  98. 06[02:37] * @Cheren winces as he goes down in the snow. "So you have been training. Good."
  99. 06[02:37] * FeatherDuster winces, " Ah, I'm sorry! "
  100. 06[02:38] * @Cheren picks himself up and shakes the snow off of his body. "I see I'm going to have to try another strategy." He grins. "Nah, be sorry after we're done. Sorry for dumping me you baka head!"
  102. 01[02:38] <@Cheren> !roll d20 init
  103. [02:38] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  104. [02:38] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 int
  105. [02:38] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  106. 06[02:38] * FeatherDuster scoots back and swings, " Iyyaaa! "
  107. [02:39] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20
  108. [02:39] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  110. 01[02:39] <@Cheren> [inb4 nat 1 in main]
  111. [02:40] <FeatherDuster> [snicker]
  112. [02:40] <FeatherDuster> !roll d4 baps him on the flank
  113. [02:40] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  114. [02:41] <FeatherDuster> [...srsly]
  115. 01[02:41] <@Cheren> [hue. allow me 1 attack before I go down? pls? :b]
  116. [02:41] <FeatherDuster> [Of course!]
  117. 06[02:42] * @Cheren takes the blow and smirks. "I've always enjoyed fighting losing battles." He has Feather right where he wants him, well, before he goes down anyway.
  118. 01[02:42] <@Cheren> !roll 2d20+-4 all out times since I can't hit with anything else.
  119. [02:42] <GameServ> (2, 3) + -4 == 1
  121. 01[02:42] <@Cheren> [kek]
  122. 01[02:42] <@Cheren> [I knew it]
  123. [02:42] <FeatherDuster> [brb. going to vegas]
  124. 06[02:43] * @Cheren collapses into Feather's side. "Kya!~"
  125. 06[02:43] * FeatherDuster eeps and trips falling backward, " D-dame! "
  126. [02:43] <FeatherDuster> !roll d20 test
  127. [02:43] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  128. [02:43] <FeatherDuster> [just checking kek]
  130. 06[02:44] * @Cheren raise up a hoof weakly. "Couldn't even land one hit on you." He starts laughing. "Guess I really have made a man out of you."
  131. 06[02:45] * FeatherDuster takes his hoof and pulls him up, " Yea, looks like you did..."
  132. 03[02:46] * Starfire_Asleep is now known as Starfire_Away
  133. [02:46] <FeatherDuster> " But really, I think you let me win, didn't you? "
  134. 06[02:47] * @Cheren gets pulled up. "Thanks. Now why would you think that? So, yeah, Feldspar gave us a kilo of silver. I was going to use some of my half to make a couple pendants for both of us. If you don't want one after all this I would understand."
  135. 01[02:48] <@Cheren> "Though the only gems I have are the rose quartz still... hmm, with gems or without..."
  136. 06[02:50] * FeatherDuster shakes his head, " You can keep it. Use it to make you something nice, eh? " he says with a smile then thinks, " ...Can silver make for a good dagger I wonder? "
  137. 03[02:50] * Phoenix_Down is now known as Ambience
  138. 06[02:53] * @Cheren chuckles. "Maybe a symbolic one. Anyway, the six bottles of vinegar in my saddle bag are yours. I'm keeping a spare one for when you decide to visit."
  139. 03[02:55] * Mary_ONette_ ( has joined #fourcannon-townsquare
  140. [02:55] <FeatherDuster> "Six? Oh wow, that much? You whould take three and sell them "
  141. 06[02:59] * @Cheren grins and shakes his head. "Trust me, I've got a lot more wine bottles to sell or trade. I've still got about 30 of them after I give out the bottles to those who were with me in Old Town since I promised them." He laughs a little. "It's a little bitter, the dandeleon wine, and has a bit of a hint of smoked wood since it was being made at the inn when it burnt down the first time."
  142. 06[03:01] * FeatherDuster smirks in nostalgia, " Fond memories, huh? "
  143. 01[03:04] <@Cheren> "Yeah, something like that." He sits down beside Feather in the snow and looks up in the sky, trying to see if he can spot any stars, or if it's just overcast. "So, what do you want to do now? Go to the inn? The diner? Golden's closed down the spa for the time being. How's Honey doing with her kid, by the way? I saw Quick the other day."
  144. 06[03:05] * @Cheren mumbles something about how he should have shouted Macross or Gundam slogans instead during the battle.
  145. 06[03:06] * FeatherDuster looks at the sky with him, trying to see something as well, " I'm actually going to head to bed here soon. Honey though, the poor thing is tired. Comes with motherhood. Coral is doing great, a little ball of energy she is. "
  146. 06[03:08] * @Cheren nods and grins. "Mind if I come along? I would like to see just what I was carrying around in my, I mean Honey's body for that short time we all switched bodies."
  147. 01[03:09] <@Cheren> "Is Coral a seapony, by the way?"
  148. 06[03:13] * FeatherDuster chuckles, " No, no, she isn't. She a healthly little pony looking just like her parents. " he stands up, " Come to my cave? Chere, you know how I feel about my cave. "
  149. [03:13] <FeatherDuster> [er. retcon that ]
  150. 01[03:14] <@Cheren> [hush, I'm going to mine a tunnel to your cave now :b ]
  151. 06[03:14] * FeatherDuster chuckles, " No, no, she isn't. She a healthly little pony looking just like her parents. " he stands up, " Come to visit Coral, Quick and Honey? I'm sure she'll be happy to see you. She's been locked up in that house just as much as I've been in my cave. "
  152. [03:15] <FeatherDuster> [ do it faget]
  153. [03:16] <FeatherDuster> " I'm thinking of dragging her out to do something though. Still have to think of that. " he leans in to peck cheren on the cheek, " Goodnight. "
  154. 06[03:16] * @Cheren gets up. and puts his gear back on. Brrr~ it's cold. "Alright, I will." [challenge accepted!] "You sure you don't want to borrow my scarf, by the way? I know how cold it gets outside."
  155. 06[03:16] * FeatherDuster shakes his head, " I have my coat from Feld, it's okay. "
  156. [03:16] <FeatherDuster> [I'm seriously getting tipsy right now. typing is so surrell]
  157. 06[03:17] * @Cheren pouts. "Alright then. I know how sick you got a while ago after spending forever in your cave. I just want to make sure you're healthy."
  158. 01[03:18] <@Cheren> [getting drunk? What are we going to do at Honey's Feather?~]
  159. 06[03:18] * FeatherDuster nods, " It's okay, I'm as healthy as a horse! "
  160. [03:18] <FeatherDuster> [pEE IN HER YARD]
  161. 06[03:19] * @Cheren laughs and ruffles Feather's mane. "I guess we should quit horsing around and get a move on then."
  162. [03:20] <FeatherDuster> [I think there may be some confusion, Feather is going home to his cave]
  163. 01[03:20] <@Cheren> [yeah, I thought we were going to see honey]
  164. [03:21] <FeatherDuster> [hue, if she's awake and I don't become full on drunk we could]
  165. 01[03:22] <@Cheren> [neat! And drunken Feather is fun, so no worries.]
  166. [03:23] <FeatherDuster> [WAS PPMING her, she ded]
  167. 01[03:23] <@Cheren> [yeah...]
  168. [03:24] <FeatherDuster> [ah well, off tomorrow ]
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