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FlaminSarge's Versus Saxton Hale version stuff

a guest
Jul 12th, 2011
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  1. //written by FlaminSarge
  2. //near the top of the plugin
  3. new String:haleversiontitles[][] = { "1.0", "1.1", "1.11", "1.12", "1.2", "1.22", "1.23", "1.24", "1.25", "1.26", "Christian Brutal Sniper", "1.28", "1.29", "1.30", "1.31", "1.32" };
  4. //put in your new version numbers at the end of this array
  6. //put these in OnPluginStart to replace the current ones
  7. RegConsoleCmd("hale_new", NewPanelCmd);
  8. RegConsoleCmd("halenew", NewPanelCmd);
  10. //only one line was changed here
  11. public HalePanelH(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
  12. {
  13. if (action == MenuAction_Select)
  14. {
  15. switch (param2)
  16. {
  17. case 1:
  18. Command_GetHP(param1, 0);
  19. case 2:
  20. HelpPanel(param1, 0);
  21. case 3:
  22. HelpPanel2(param1, 0);
  23. case 4:
  24. NewPanel(param1, sizeof(haleversiontitles)-1); //this line
  25. case 5:
  26. QueuePanel(param1, 0);
  27. case 6:
  28. MusicTogglePanel(param1, 0);
  29. default: return;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  34. //replaces current NewPanelH
  35. public NewPanelH(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
  36. {
  37. if (action == MenuAction_Select)
  38. {
  39. switch (param2)
  40. {
  41. case 1:
  42. {
  43. if (curHelp[param1] <= 0)
  44. NewPanel(param1, 0);
  45. else
  46. NewPanel(param1, --curHelp[param1]);
  47. }
  48. case 2:
  49. {
  50. if (curHelp[param1] >= sizeof(haleversiontitles)-1)
  51. NewPanel(param1, sizeof(haleversiontitles)-1);
  52. else
  53. NewPanel(param1, ++curHelp[param1]);
  54. }
  55. default: return;
  56. }
  57. }
  58. }
  59. public Action:NewPanelCmd(client, args)
  60. {
  61. if (!IsClientInGame(client)) return Plugin_Continue;
  62. NewPanel(client, sizeof(haleversiontitles)-1);
  63. return Plugin_Handled;
  64. }
  65. public Action:NewPanel(client, versionindex)
  66. {
  67. if (!Enabled)
  68. return Plugin_Continue;
  69. curHelp[client]=versionindex;
  70. new Handle:panel = CreatePanel();
  71. decl String:s[90];
  72. Format(s,90,"=%t%s:=","whatsnew",haleversiontitles[versionindex]);
  73. SetPanelTitle(panel, s);
  74. FindVersionData(panel, versionindex);
  75. if (versionindex > 0)
  76. Format(s,90, "%t", "older");
  77. else
  78. Format(s,90, "%t", "noolder");
  79. DrawPanelItem(panel, s);
  80. if (versionindex < sizeof(haleversiontitles)-1)
  81. Format(s,90, "%t", "newer");
  82. else
  83. Format(s,90, "%t", "nonewer");
  84. DrawPanelItem(panel, s);
  85. Format(s,512,"%t","menu_6");
  86. DrawPanelItem(panel,s);
  87. SendPanelToClient(panel, client, NewPanelH, 9001);
  88. CloseHandle(panel);
  89. return Plugin_Continue;
  90. }
  92. stock FindVersionData(Handle:panel, versionindex)
  93. {
  94. switch (versionindex)
  95. {
  96. //case 16: would be the next version number here
  97. case 15: //132
  98. {
  99. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Added new Saxton's lines on...");
  100. DrawPanelText(panel, " a)round start");
  101. DrawPanelText(panel, " b)jump");
  102. DrawPanelText(panel, " c)backstab");
  103. DrawPanelText(panel, " d)destroy Sentry");
  104. DrawPanelText(panel, " e)kill Scout, Pyro, Heavy, Engineer, Spy");
  105. DrawPanelText(panel, " f)last man standing");
  106. DrawPanelText(panel, " g)killing spree");
  107. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Fixed bugged count of CBS' arrows.");
  108. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Reduced Hale's damage versus DR by 20 HPs.");
  109. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Now two specials can not be at a stretch.");
  110. DrawPanelText(panel, "v1.32_1 1)Fixed bug with replay.");
  111. DrawPanelText(panel, "v1.32_1 2)Fixed bug with help menu.");
  112. }
  113. case 14: //131
  114. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Now \"replay\" will not change team.");
  115. case 13: //130
  116. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Fixed bugs, associated with crushes, error logs, scores.");
  117. case 12: //129
  118. {
  119. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Fixed random crushes associated with CBS.");
  120. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Now Hale's HP formula is ((760+x-1)*(x-1))^1.04");
  121. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Added hale_special0. Use it to change next boss to Hale.");
  122. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)CBS has 9 arrows for bow-rage. Also he has stun rage, but on little distantion.");
  123. DrawPanelText(panel, "5)Teammates gets 2 scores per each 600 damage");
  124. DrawPanelText(panel, "6)Demoman with Targe has crits on his primary weapon.");
  125. DrawPanelText(panel, "7)Removed support of non-Arena maps, because nobody wasn't use it.");
  126. DrawPanelText(panel, "8)Pistol/Lugermorph has crits.");
  127. }
  128. case 11: //128
  129. {
  130. DrawPanelText(panel, "VS Saxton Hale Mode is back!");
  131. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Christian Brutal Sniper is a regular character.");
  132. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)CBS has 3 melee weapons and bow-rage.");
  133. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Added new lines for Vagineer.");
  134. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Updated models of Vagineer and HHH jr.");
  135. }
  136. case 10: //999
  137. DrawPanelText(panel, "Attachables are broken. Many \"thx\" to Valve.");
  138. case 9: //126
  139. {
  140. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Added the second URL for auto-update.");
  141. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Fixed problems, when auto-update was corrupt plugin.");
  142. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Added a question for the next Hale, if he want to be him. (/haleme)");
  143. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Eyelander and Half-Zatoichi was replaced with Claidheamh Mor.");
  144. DrawPanelText(panel, "5)Fan O'War replaced with Bat.");
  145. DrawPanelText(panel, "6)Dispenser and TP won't be destoyed after Engineer's death.");
  146. DrawPanelText(panel, "7)Mode uses the localization file.");
  147. DrawPanelText(panel, "8)Saxton Hale will be choosed randomly for the first 3 rounds (then by queue).");
  148. }
  149. case 8: //125
  150. {
  151. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Fixed silent HHHjr's rage.");
  152. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Now bots (sourcetv too) do not will be Hale");
  153. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Fixed invalid uber on Vagineer's head.");
  154. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Fixed other little bugs.");
  155. }
  156. case 7: //124
  157. {
  158. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Fixed destroyed buildables associated with spy's fake death.");
  159. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Syringe Gun replaced with Blutsauger.");
  160. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Blutsauger, on hit: +5 to uber-charge.");
  161. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Removed crits from Blutsauger.");
  162. DrawPanelText(panel, "5)CnD replaced with Invis Watch.");
  163. DrawPanelText(panel, "6)Fr.Justice replaced with shotgun");
  164. DrawPanelText(panel, "7)Fists of steel replaced with fists.");
  165. DrawPanelText(panel, "8)KGB replaced with GRU.");
  166. DrawPanelText(panel, "9)Added /haleclass.");
  167. DrawPanelText(panel, "10)Medic gets assist damage scores (1/2 from healing target's damage scores, 1/1 when uber-charged)");
  168. }
  169. case 6: //123
  170. {
  171. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Added Super Duper Jump to rescue Hale from pit");
  172. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Removed pyro's ammolimit");
  173. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Fixed little bugs.");
  174. }
  175. case 5: //122
  176. {
  177. DrawPanelText(panel, "1.21)Point will be enabled when X or less players be alive.");
  178. DrawPanelText(panel, "1.22)Now it's working :) Also little optimize about player count.");
  179. }
  180. case 4: //120
  181. {
  182. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Added new Hale's phrases.");
  183. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)More bugfixes.");
  184. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Improved super-jump.");
  185. }
  186. case 3: //112
  187. {
  188. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)More bugfixes.");
  189. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Now \"(Hale)<mapname>\" can be nominated for nextmap.");
  190. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Medigun's uber gets uber and crits for Medic and his target.");
  191. DrawPanelText(panel, "4)Fixed infinite Specials.");
  192. DrawPanelText(panel, "5)And more bugfixes.");
  193. }
  194. case 2: //111
  195. {
  196. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Fixed immortal spy");
  197. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Fixed crashes associated with classlimits.");
  198. }
  199. case 1: //110
  200. {
  201. DrawPanelText(panel, "1)Not important changes on code.");
  202. DrawPanelText(panel, "2)Added hale_enabled convar.");
  203. DrawPanelText(panel, "3)Fixed bug, when all hats was removed...why?");
  204. }
  205. case 0: //100
  206. {
  207. DrawPanelText(panel, "Released!!!");
  208. DrawPanelText(panel, "On new version you will get info about changes.");
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
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