
Races ar war Chapter 1: Boarding

Oct 24th, 2012
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  1. Races at War
  2. Chapter 1: Boarding
  3. October 27th, 2523
  5. "Hey dude, wake up. We're almost there."
  7. Private Sean Hinkley groaned and got up from his bed. He was 21 years old 5' 8", and really smart. His only weakness was he hated war. He never thought he could another person (or race for that matter).
  9. The man who woke him up was Cpl. Luke Patterson, Sean's best friend in the Army. He was 22 years old, and he had a knack for fighting. He just loved it. He always had to help Sean when he went into battle
  10. against terrorists. They were friends ever since childhood, when they met in 1st grade.
  12. Behind Luke, Sean saw his other 3 teammates. Private 1st class Leon Leeway, a 20 year old man who just finished his degree in engineering. He was their tech expert for the mission. Beside him was Specialist Kelly Orson, a 23 year old woman who showed amazing sniper skills in the field. The last guy was their commander, Sergeant Nick Trevor, a 25 year old man who showed in the field his amazing tactics and skill as a commander.
  14. "Really, we're there already?" Sean asked Luke. "Yeah, we're heading into the area where we're supposed to intercept them. Better get your gear on." Luke replied. Sean groggily walked over to his supply locker, and got out his choice weapons (think of it like a tf2 locker). He got his favorite weapons, an M60A3 (heavy weapons yeah!), an m97 assault shotgun, and his trusty Lukeiss p07 12-barrel revolver. Luke got his M43 assault rifle and a p99. Leon just took an mp5 and a USP.45. Kelly grabbed her M82 sniper
  15. rifle and a TMP. Nick took, as always, an M16 and a Desert Eagle.
  17. "Alright ladies, let's get this straight. We're going to be one of the boarding teams going on to the Potomian ship. The humans and equines on the U.S.S. Logan will join us shortly after we secure the landing bay. Got that?" A unanimous 'YES SIR!' was yelled by all 4 squad members. "Alright then, get to your assigned pods. The U.S.S. Piper will be in position any moment."
  19. The three ships that were intercepting the Potomian ships were waiting in the area of space known as Sector Jin. The U.S.S. Piper, U.S.S. Logan, and U.S.S. Motrin, all waited. The U.S.S. Piper was to send three teams of drop pods to board the Potomian Cruisers and secure the landing bays for more troops, and to secure the bridge. Sean's team was one of them.
  21. Sean boarded his assigned pod, regulating his breath. He learned this technique from Luke to calm himself before battle. 'In, out, in, out," He kept doing deep breaths. Suddenly, Luke came over the radio
  22. "Hey, buddy you okay in there?" He jokingly said. "Yup, just chippers. You?" "You know, I just can't wait to blow their heads off. Just like with those terrorists, eh?" He said with a hearty laugh.
  23. "Hey, you two, shut up in there." Kelly said over her communicator. "We need to be serious for this." She could hear Luke grumbling in his pod.
  25. "Alright men! The Potomian ships should be here any second! Get ready to board!" Sergeant Trevor yelled to his team. They all gazed at their screens in their pods, giving them a view of what was going on outside. Suddenly, 5 Potomian cruisers appeared out of hyperspace. "NOW!" Nick yelled to the pod operator.
  27. All 5 pods were launched at break-neck speeds, but thanks to the technology, the soldiers didn't feel a thing. 2 other 5-men teams, one human and one Equestrian, were launched at the same time. Sean's team, code-named team Gamma, was headed for the rightmost Potomian ship.
  29. As they crashed into the ship, they all landed in the same area, the landing and loading bay. They all jumped out, and saw many Potomians walking around, getting their fighters and loading and unloading cargo. They caught a glimpse at what they looked like, in full armor (think of it like Dead Space armor), with laser weapons that could go right through you like butter. They had yellow eyes, and tongues like frogs. The team took cover behind a few crates when the Potomians opened fire.
  31. "Oh S#@% man! There's a lot them!" Leon yelled out. "Just fire at them! You'll be dead if you don't!" Encouraged Luke. Luke leaned out and hit a Potomian right between the eyes.
  32. "Private, lay down suppressing fire!" The sergeant yelled at Sean. "Right away sir!" was his immediate response. He set up his m60A3 on top of a box, and fired away at the enemy. He took out maybe 17 of them before he got knocked back by a blaster shot to his shoulder. Luckily, his special armor saved him.
  34. "Gow! Those blasters really have a kick to them!" Sean said as he tried to sit back up. "Just shoot those guys will yah?" Said Kelly. He immediately got up and got back on the gun. They kept fighting for about 15 minutes more. They began to get worried. "Where are those darn reinforcements!?" the sergeant yelled to command. 'They should be on their way. Zeta is about 2 minutes away, but we have lost contact with Enigma.' Was the reply.
  35. "What the heck happened to Enigma team?" Luke asked Nick. "They probably either forgot to turn on their transmitters, or they're dead. Let's just wait for Zeta to get here!"
  37. Suddenly, an explosion occurred in the back right of the room. Through the hole, a team of 5 men in black uniforms came out, and shot most of the Potomian soldiers in that area. The Potomians had been surrounded, so Sean felt they had victory in their grasp. After about 5 more minutes of firing back and forth, the Potomian soldiers were depleted.
  39. "We did it! We won!" one of the Zeta team members yelled out. "We haven't won yet, son. We still have to take the bridge." Said their captain. Meanwhile, Sean was patching up Leon, who had taken a hit to the leg. Luke and Nick conversed with Zeta over what to do next, while Kelly just stood quietly by the
  40. wall with her arms crossed.
  42. "Alright, so what you're saying is there is an alternate route to the bridge that we can surprise them from?" Nick asked. "Yes, there are supply transport machines that bring supplies to every part of the ship, even the bridge. Just one of them is large enough to fit all of us. Do you agree with this plan?" Asked the Zeta commander. "Sounds like a plan" replied Nick. He informed the U.S.S. Piper of their successful securing of the landing bay, and turned to his team, Alright men, let's go!"
  44. Everyone gathered their weapons and supplies. Leon was patched up thanks to Sean. As soon as everyone started moving towards the door, something loud could be heard behind it.
  46. *buum*
  48. "What was that?" One Zeta member asked.
  50. *Buum*
  52. "I don't know, but it's getting closer" The commander said pointing the gun in the sound's direction.
  54. *Buuuuum*
  56. Everyone prepared themselves for what would come through the door.
  58. *BUUUUUUM*
  60. "Something's heeeeere." Whispered Leon to Kelly.
  62. Then everything went black for Sean, the last thing he heard being an explosion before getting knocked out.
  64. To Be Continued...
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