
Old Time's Sake (FR One-Shot)

Jul 28th, 2020
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  1. >Day "Status Quo" in Equestria.
  2. >Soft sunlight leaks in through your window, resting on your eyelids and gently prodding you awake.
  3. >You blink a few times, your body whirring slowly into motion like a restarting machine.
  4. >Sitting up in bed, you exhale, letting out an exaggerated yawn before glancing about your room.
  5. >...Yup, again.
  6. >Just like the past while.
  7. >It's been very nice being able to sleep in, all things considered.
  8. >Working on your own time, getting a good night's rest, snoozing until the morning was well-started.
  9. >Really, it's the ideal way to wake.
  10. >It wasn't always like this.
  11. >A while ago, you used to always get woken up first thing in the morning, at the crack of dawn.
  12. >From the day you arrived in this land til she decided to stop.
  13. >Til she decided to finally listen to you.
  14. >What a time period that was.
  15. >At the time, it was a huge annoyance.
  16. >Not being able to sleep, having to deal with that mare.
  17. >Having to turn down her awkward advances.
  18. >When she finally decided to stop, it was an absolute blessing.
  19. >You smile at the thought, then, with a large stretch, you swing your legs around and get out of bed.
  20. >But...
  21. >You think, as you make your way downstairs to the kitchen, each step creaking the wooden steps.
  22. >Now that it's been this way for a while... you can't help but miss it.
  23. >At least a little.
  24. >Pouring yourself a hot cup of joe, you glance out your kitchen window into the streets of P0nyville.
  25. >The day is already in full swing, with p0nies going about their day.
  26. >Chatting, laughing, working, walking with each other.
  27. >You smile, sipping your hot beverage, your eyes drifting to the edges of the Everfree Forest.
  28. >Locked on the tall trees.
  29. >. . .
  30. >Hmm.
  31. >You exhale a bit, placing your cup down on the counter and stepping back upstairs.
  32. >Really, it's not like it's been bad or anything since she stopped.
  33. >You even still see her in town every now and then.
  34. >Like her name implies, she's still very shy around you.
  35. >But that once-awkward p0ny that tried her best to court you seems to have left long ago.
  36. >You smile.
  37. >A nostalgic smile.
  38. >What are you even thinking?
  39. >You laugh at yourself as you step into the bathroom, performing the holy trinity of the Triple S.
  40. >Feeling refreshed, you make your way to the front door.
  41. >Ready to start your day.
  42. >...But, as you do...
  43. >...A thought crosses your mind.
  44. >You stop, hand hovering over your coat on the coat rack.
  45. >. . .
  46. >...Would you really want to do this?
  47. >You laugh at yourself again. You laugh at your own stupidity.
  48. >Why ruin a good thing?
  49. >Why go out of your way to make life more inconvenient?
  50. >You try to rationalize it for a moment.
  51. >Still in front of your door, you ponder.
  52. >...Well.
  53. >You finally grab your coat, swinging it around and onto yourself before leaving your house.
  54. >Sometimes, things don't need to make sense.
  55. >Yeah.
  56. >That's the logic you go with as you make your way towards the Everfree Forest, greeting the friendly citizens of P0nyville along the way.
  58. >The soft babble of the river grows louder as you approach her cottage.
  59. >How long it's been since you've been here.
  60. >Usually, she would always come to you.
  61. >There was no need to come here.
  62. >Yet, here you are, about to prod the sleeping bear.
  63. >Potentially reopening a can of worms.
  64. >Is this worth the potential hassle?
  65. >...Well. Too late now.
  66. >You've made your decision.
  67. >And you smile at the thought.
  68. >Approaching her front door, you take in a deep breath, roll back on the heels of your feet for a second, then, with a big exhale, you knock on the door.
  69. >A second passes before a soft shuffling is heard from inside.
  70. >"Coming."
  71. >After a moment, the door opens, and the short, yellow pegasus emerges from behind.
  72. >She looks puzzled for a split second, until she realizes who exactly knocked on her door.
  73. >She looks up, meets your eyes, and a look of shock crosses her face.
  74. >"O-Oh!" she exclaims, perhaps unintentionally.
  75. "Good morning, Fluttershy."
  76. >She darts her eyes from left to right, peeking behind you.
  77. >"G-Good morning, Anon."
  78. >The air is still between you two for a moment.
  79. >As you look down at the mare, you can't help but smile.
  80. >This is all wonderfully nostalgic.
  81. >"Um, well..." she starts. "What can I do for you? It's not often you stop by..."
  82. "Yeah, rare occasion, huh?"
  83. >You glance off to the side, peering into the trees that lay just beyond her cottage.
  84. "...Say Fluttershy."
  85. >"...Yes?"
  86. "What if I were to give you... one more guess?"
  87. >The mere mention of the word causes her to wince.
  88. >As if the word itself is some kind of trigger.
  89. >As if the memories of all the times prior came rushing back.
  90. >"Wh-Wh-What?" she stammers. "One more g-g-guess? Y-You mean...?"
  91. >You laugh.
  92. "Yeah, I mean what you think I mean."
  93. >You rest your hands into your coat's pockets.
  94. "What do you say? For old time's sake."
  95. >She again peers out the door, scanning the area as if she thinks she's being punked.
  96. >Afterwards, she mildly retreats into the door, only her head poking out.
  97. >She droops down, as if thinking, as if fighting with herself.
  98. >"...A-Are you sure?"
  99. "Yeah, why not?"
  100. >"You don't mind...?"
  101. "I'm the one proposing it, aren't I?"
  102. >She thinks again, glancing off to the side, refusing to make eye contact.
  103. >It feels like ages of silence pass by between you two.
  104. >"...O-Okay." She pushes the door open, revealing her whole self. "P-Please lay down on your stomach."
  105. >You raise an eyebrow, cracking a smile.
  106. >You struggle to suppress a simple laugh.
  107. "Yeah, okay."
  108. >You bend down, getting into position, lying down onto the floor with your arms on your side.
  109. "Like this?"
  110. >"Y-Yes, perfect."
  111. >With your head turned to the side, it's hard to see, but you begin to hear her hoofsteps walking closer.
  112. >Suddenly, the weight of one hoof presses down onto your back.
  113. >Then another, and another, until Fluttershy herself is standing completely on your back.
  114. >"Oh, um. Okay. Hmm."
  115. >She thinks for a moment.
  116. >Then, all in unison, she begins moving her hoofs in circles.
  117. >It initially takes you by surprise, but as it goes on, it starts to feel pretty good.
  118. >You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling.
  119. >She begins lifting up her hooves and pressing back down, alternating her legs in a nice rhythm.
  120. >You exhale loudly, a smile crossing your face.
  121. >She does this for about three minutes.
  122. >Finally, afterward, she steps off, each hoof making a soft clop with the ground.
  123. >You sigh out loud, satisfied, before pushing yourself up off the ground and standing back up, dusting off the dirt from the front of your shirt.
  124. >"...A-Are back massages your fetish, Anon?"
  125. "Hmm."
  126. >You say, brushing off your shoulders, checking around to make sure you didn't miss a spot.
  127. "Nope, can't say that they are, sorry. Sure did feel good though."
  128. >"O-Oh..." she says, her head drooping a bit.
  129. >You see this, a smile creeping onto your face.
  130. "Hey, hey, don't get down over this."
  131. >Her eyes rise to meet yours.
  132. "So your record's still bad, so what?"
  133. >You cross your arms, glancing off to the side.
  134. "Guess you'll just have to try again tomorrow morning, huh?"
  135. >You shift your eyes over to her, grinning.
  136. >At first, she doesn't quite seem to realize.
  137. >Then, slowly, it starts to dawn on her.
  138. >As if it took a few moments for her to grasp exactly what you said.
  139. >Her mouth begins to gape.
  140. >Her eyes begin to widen.
  141. "...A-Anon, are you saying...?"
  142. >You feign a confused look, shrugging.
  143. "I dunno. You tell me."
  144. >You lock eyes with her, and smile.
  145. >She gazes into your eyes for a moment.
  146. >Then, slowly, her mouth begins to change.
  147. >Slowly, it reforms into a smile.
  148. >A great, big smile.
  149. >She smiles so big it forces her eyes closed, where small tears begin to form.
  150. >"O-Okay Anon!" she beams.
  152. The End
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