
(Gay Clop) Dragon Maids (WIP)

Oct 3rd, 2013
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  1. >Day Dragon in Equestria
  2. >Garble is chilling with the other dragons
  3. >They are playing king of the hoard, bathing in lava
  4. >Just chilling, as usual
  5. >But he wonders where the hell Fizzle has gone, he's not been around recently
  6. >Come to think of it, he hasn't seen that other dragon either, "Spike", he remembers.
  7. >He decides to go flying around, see what he finds
  8. >After taking off and flying towards Ponyville, he realizes something is new
  9. >There is a house out here! A BIG house, like a mansion!
  10. >He grins evilly, maybe he could burn it?
  11. >He drops down into the wonderful garden landscaping in the front yard
  12. >Grinning at the promise of destruction, he takes a big breath...
  13. "Hey!"
  14. >He whips his head to the side and realizes he's not alone!
  15. >It was Spike! That rookie dragon from before!
  16. >He was currently snipping the hedges, and he was scowling at Garble
  17. "Don't you dare burn these bushes! Master Anon wouldn't allow it!"
  18. >Garble lets his fire die down, not expelling it, just out of surprise
  19. "What the hell? Why you clipping this 'Anon' guy's lawn?"
  20. >Spike grins, pulling out a big, juicy looking ruby
  21. "Because he pays well!"
  22. >Spike grins, Garble looks shocked and then smiles
  23. "D-Do you think I could work for him too? If just for a little while?"
  24. >Spike nods
  25. "Sure! But you can't break anything. Or else you will be punished!"
  26. >Garble nods, too enchanted by the size and shimmer of that gem that Spike whipped out
  27. >He wanted some of that!
  28. >Spike motions for him to come inside the big house, to begin his training...
  30. >Spike and Garble enter the mansion through the service door, near the back
  31. >Right inside the room there are hooks on the wall with girly aprons on them
  32. >Spike grabs one and puts it on, it's white with pink and a little pink heart in the middle
  33. >Garble laughed
  34. "Seriously?"
  35. >Spike looks up
  36. "What? It's the uniform? Are you too insecure to wear it?"
  37. >Grable looks stunned for a second
  38. "Wh- no!"
  39. >Just then, Fizzle walks into the room
  40. >He was wearing an entire maid's outfit, black and white skirt and dress with stockings and everything, even the little hat
  41. "Pff- come on Garble. Don't be such a baby."
  42. >Garble was shocked
  43. >Fizzle had never spoken to him that way. Fizzle was always Garble's "Beta" as it were, his yes-man.
  44. >Now he was insulting him for not wearing a girly maid apron!
  45. >Garble grumbled and grabbed a baby blue apron, it contrasted nicely with his scales
  46. >He put it on, feeling a little exposed on his rear and back after tying the strap
  47. "Great! Let's get cleaning shall we?"
  48. >Spike said with a smile, grabbing a feather duster and handing it to Garble
  49. "I'm baking for Master Anonymous and getting Dinner ready. You go upstairs with Fizzle and clean up the study."
  50. >Garble is confused, and doesn't really like being told and ordered around, especially not by a little dragon, but he doesn't really have any other clue of what was going on
  51. >I mean, he was getting pushed right into this
  52. >And seeing Fizzle all dressed up like that... what the hell was going on?
  53. >The pay must be REALLY worth it if he's doing that
  54. >Whoever this 'Master Anonymous' was, he must be good to work for or else the two dragons wouldn't be working for him
  55. >Spike may have been more pony then dragon, but he sure knew Fizzle wasn't
  56. >So he followed Fizzle upstairs anyway, avoiding looking up at the lacy white panties he seemed to be wearing underneath that skirt of his.
  58. >Around the study were platters of food and used drink containers, little books out and bobbles and blankets
  59. >Whoever was using this room must have been a real slob!
  60. >But regardless, they had work to do
  61. >Garble picked up a book and closed it, before putting it up on the shelf
  62. "Garble! That book doesn't go there! Master Anon is VERY particular about where his books are kept!"
  63. >Garble rolls his eyes and takes the book back off the shelf
  64. "Then where does it go?"
  65. >Fizzle pointed up to a single empty spot near the top of the bookcase
  66. >Garble sighed, flapping his wings and slipping the book into the correct spot, before thumping down to the floor
  67. >For a moment, the entire bookcase seemed to shake back and forth and almost fall over
  68. "Be careful Garble! We would both be punished if the bookcase fell! Do you know how much damage that would do?! How long it would take to clean!?"
  69. >Garble looked at Fizzle, who seemed very upset
  70. "Ok, ok. Sorry Fizzle."
  71. >Fizzle shook his head
  72. "These books are very rare and expensive. Don't damage them... please."
  73. >Garble nodded, he was much more mindful of the way he was picking the books up
  74. >He went around the room and daintily picking up the books, closing them gently and putting them on a table to be reorganized in a moment
  75. >He also picked up some of the platters for snacks and things, putting them on a platter
  76. "Where do I take these?"
  77. >Garble asked Fizzle
  78. "Down to the kitchen- go down to the first floor and turn to your right. Spike will be there- he'll tell you where to put them."
  79. >Garble took the platter full of expensive glassware and walked down the stairs
  80. >He was being mostly careful, but his inexperience with being graceful meant his steps jostled the platter each time, not putting his weight down slowly and carefully
  81. >He suddenly stepped a bit too hard on a step, his foot bending and the platter being pushed upward too hard, he gasped in panic!
  83. >The glasses landed back down on the platter, some crumbs falling off and onto the floor, but otherwise the glasses were fine and not damaged
  84. >Except one
  85. >One of the crystal wine glasses tilted forward and fell off the platter, tumbling down to the hard stairs
  86. >Garble gasped, unable to do anything to stop it
  87. >Just before it hit the floor a purple claw shot forward and grabbed it
  88. >Garble just then realized Spike ran and grabbed the glass just at the last second!
  89. >Spike looked up at him with a scowl
  90. "I heard you clattering when you came down those steps! You must be more careful with the master's things!"
  91. >Garble nodded furiously
  92. >Spike pointed at the red dragon's feet with his claw, nearly hissing as he spoke
  93. "Step down softly!"
  94. >Garble took the next step very gently, a light sound came from the platter and glasses regardless
  95. "SOFTER!"
  96. >Garble winced and took another step as delicately as he could, he summoned all of his inner softness and femininity in that step, his foot stepping down like a pillow
  97. >Not a sound was made when he took the step
  98. "Good! I didn't want to be punished for your mistakes!"
  99. >Garble frowned as Spike left the room in a huff, his little apron flapping as he turned the corner to the kitchen
  100. >Garble took the rest of the trip down the stairs very softly and carefully, taking much longer but he was very happy he didn't break anything
  101. >This stuff was must more expensive and precious then he originally thought! He was far too rough with it
  102. >He entered the kitchen with the platter and looked over at Spike
  103. "Where do I put the dirty dishes?"
  104. >He asked gruffly, as Spike was rolling some dough
  105. >Spike pointed to a sink, and so Garble gently set the dishes inside
  106. >Well, it was gentle to him, but it was thunderously loud
  107. >Spike looked over in horror, but thankfully nothing had broken
  108. >He shot a look at Garble who gave a weak smile
  109. >Spike rolled his eyes and got back to kneading the dough
  110. >Garble looked interested in it, and stepped closer
  112. >The red dragon looked at the dough curiously, wondering what Spike was making
  113. "What are you making?"
  114. >Spike looked up, smiling a bit even as a little sweat rolled down his face from the heat of the ovens and cooking fires
  115. "Ahh- I'm making my special cookies for Master Anon for desert!"
  116. >Garble seemed to smile at that, this new experience let him enjoy things that he would normally just brush off as girly or dumb
  117. "C-Can I help?"
  118. >Spiked raised an eyebrow at Garble, but nodded
  119. "Alright, add some sugar into the mix. Just a cup full."
  120. >Garble nodded and walked to the batch of dough being made.
  121. >He picked up the bag of sugar and hoisted it up on his shoulder, hovering over the measuring cup, which was but inches from the bowl
  122. >He felt a bead of sweat forming on his forehead, the kitchen was hotter then the lava hot tub back in the mountains!
  123. >He raised an arm to wipe off the sweat, but doing so and he suddenly lost control of the bag of sugar!
  124. >the bag started to pour sugar onto the kitchen counter and then into the bowl, WAY more then a cup
  125. "STOP!"
  126. >Spike rushed over and pushed the bag away, helping Garble to get in control
  127. >Garble set it down gently, looking over at what happened
  128. "Sorry! Sorry!"
  129. >Spike looked pissed, pointing at the stairway near the kitchen
  130. "Get out you idiot! I'll not have you ruin this dinner! Go help Fizzle like you were supposed to!"
  131. >Garble retreated with his tail between his legs, feeling terrible
  132. >It really was an accident
  133. >But he left the kitchen anyway, not wanting to make things worse for Spike
  134. >He walked back to the study and saw Fizzle bent over by the couch, his tail high up in the air.
  135. >There was no mistaking it now, he really was wearing a pair of lacy white panties!
  136. >The room was also spotless, Fizzle had done a great job! And in such a short time too!
  138. >Fizzle looked at Garble with a grin
  139. "I heard him yelling from up here. Spike really doesn't like anyone messing up his dinners. He takes it very seriously."
  140. >Garble looked down at his feet with a light blush, but nodded his head. He knew that now, all too well.
  141. >Fizzle pointed to the next room
  142. "Well I'm going to go clean the guest rooms and the dressing room. You go to the basement and dust everything off. It's a piece of cake job, just don't... touch anything. Ok?"
  143. >Garble nodded, taking out that small feather-duster he had been holding on to
  144. >He turned and walked down to the basement, trying not to get lost
  145. >He finally reached the basement, opening the doors and looking inside
  146. >It was dark and full of strange things!
  147. >He saw a strange, huge metal box with seats inside of it. It also had four strange, black wheels and another wheel inside, he could see inside only through windows! He dusted it off carefully, before moving on.
  148. >There was a collection of swords on a rack. He was really interested in these! He checked behind his shoulder to make sure nobody was watching and took a sword off the rack, swinging it in the air experimentally
  149. >As he swung, he missed a fragile looking thing covered in a sheet, and with a sudden flash of common sense he put the sword back, dusting it off
  150. >He just was happy he didn't break anything!
  151. >He then walked to another part of the cellar, it seemed to be full of barrels. He could tell from the smell it was full of wine
  152. >There were so many barrels too!
  153. >Garble walked past that room and was shocked with what he saw next
  154. >In a tiny room with a thick door that could be locked if needed he saw a huge display of gemstones!
  155. >The shiniest, most beautiful gemstones he had ever seen!
  156. >There were diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and topazes!
  157. >His mouth watered as he looked at the fine jewels on display
  158. >The feather duster fell from his hands for a moment, his stomach grumbling
  159. >It had been a while since he last ate...
  161. >Garble grabbed a shimmering emerald off of the wall
  162. >He took the huge thing in his hand, sniffing the smooth gem
  163. >He felt weak at the knees, this thing was orgasmic!
  164. >Without even thinking he raised it to his mouth and took a bite out of it, a sick crunch filled the room as he chomped and chewed on the gem's tough crystal
  165. >It tasted amazing, it was the best gem he had ever had
  166. >It was simply indescribable
  167. >He raised the gem to his mouth to take a second bite, when he suddenly heard a gasp behind him
  168. >It was Fizzle, holding up both his hands to his mouth in a girlish way, in pure shock and terror
  169. "G-G-Garble?! Do you have any idea what you've done!"
  170. >Garble's situation suddenly seems to come to rushing back to him, he drops the gem out of nerve, it clattering against the ground. But it was too late, the large chunk he had bit out was obvious as ever
  171. "G-Garble, those were the M-Master's finest gems!"
  172. >Garble felt sick to his stomach
  173. >He opened his mouth, about ready to explain to Fizzle, when they both heard a tiny little noise
  174. >It was the sound of a bell
  175. >It was a very light, nearly inaudible sound, but they both heard it clear as day
  176. >Even in the dark cellar, Garble could see Fizzle's pupils enlarge, a pure look of horror on his face
  177. "We've been summoned."
  178. >Garble gulped, stepping over the gem and walking with Fizzle slowly towards the stairs out of the cellar
  179. >He didn't want to go any faster, but he couldn't escape
  180. >Fizzle led Garble upstairs, past the exit doors
  181. >He wanted to flee and leave- every ounce of him wanted to run and escape
  182. >But he couldn't, for some reason he just couldn't
  183. >He shook at the knees as they went up past the study and lounge up to the Master's private quarters on the top floor
  184. >He stood in a marble hallway with Fizzle and Spike standing by, both looking worried sick
  185. >Fizzle was fixing his dress and Spike was worriedly moving around his apron, looking ahead at the double doors ahead
  186. >The golden handles shone ominously
  188. >They heard it again, the bell rang out from the room, much clearer this time, but still dulled behind the doors
  189. >Spike looked up at Garble with wild, big eyes
  190. "Y-You don't want to let it ring three times..."
  191. >Garble looked forward frightfully, but finally stepped forward
  192. >He had made the mistake, and it seemed now he would meet this 'Master Anonymous' he was working for
  193. >With shaking knees and white knuckles, he pushed open the door
  194. >In the room, Garble could see a fireplace burning, with at least two other rooms coming off the first
  195. >There was a figure sitting in the chair, facing away from the three dragon maids, sipping wine from a glass. In his other hand was the bell, hanging there.
  196. >It was tiny, but to Garble it was a prophet of doom
  197. >The man set the bell down, and spoke without turning to the dragons
  198. "Spike, it seems you have employed another dragon under my service, yes?"
  199. >Spike gulped, looking down at the ground nervously, fiddling with his claws
  200. "Y-Yes Master."
  201. >The figure in the chair said nothing for a moment.
  202. "So, did you fully plan on letting a gem thief eat one of my prized collection?"
  203. >Spike looked shocked and stunned for a moment, he must not have heard the news just yet
  204. >He looked up at Garble, his eyes wide in fear
  205. "N-No Sir! No Master! I didn't-"
  206. >The human held up his hand, still not turning to face them, but his hand silenced them all.
  207. "Spike- you must be punished for this.."
  208. >Spike looked fearful for a moment, breathing heavily as he contemplated his fate
  209. >Garble suddenly spoke
  210. "S-Sir! Uhh, Master A-Anon! Sir!"
  211. >The figure seemed to slowly shift in the chair, turning his head around
  212. >At that moment, the red dragon saw the face of his employer. He was a human, a strange hairless ape
  213. >He was rather handsome and regal looking, but the most striking feature about him was his cold, gray eyes
  214. >They seemed to pierce right into Garble's very soul, Garble felt a cold chill creep right up his spine
  216. >Anon cracked a tiny smile at the red dragon, who looked terrified of him, even as he sat in his chair.
  217. >Garble realized he was wearing a bathrobe
  218. >The human sat up and turned the chair around, now looking at him directly again.
  219. "...Yes?"
  220. >Garble stammered, realizing why he had spoken
  221. "I-It was my fault sir! Not Spike's! Don't punish him! I am to blame!"
  222. >The human raised an eyebrow
  223. "I see you have more dignity then I expected. Fizzle- go downstairs and get what remains of Garble's little 'snack'."
  224. >Garble gulped again, how did he know his name?
  225. >He looked over at Spike again, smiling
  226. "You are pardoned, Spike."
  227. >Spike looked relieved, like a weight was just taken from his shoulders
  228. >Fizzle had already shuffled out with a bow, and was briskly walking down the stairs
  229. >Anonymous focused on Garble again
  230. "Garble- do you know all I ask for from my servants?"
  231. >Garble shook his head, he didn't know
  232. "All I ask from them is three simply things. First is to serve me on my whims and demands, to do what I ask. Second is to move with grace, dignity, and humility in their Master's house. And third... is to always be grateful. Are you grateful of this 'job' that I have allowed you to have?"
  233. >Garble nodded his head slowly, hesitant at first
  234. "Y-Yes! Yes Master!"
  235. >Garble didn't know what came over him all the sudden, but he felt so very weak and out of control. This Anonymous was so powerful in voice and presence that even a big, tough 'alpha' dragon like him couldn't stand up to him
  236. "You are? Then why did you decide to have a snack of one of my most precious and favorite of treasures? You obviously don't have any respect for my property, so you must not truly be grateful."
  237. >Garble shook his head
  238. "N-No! I just... Please! I'm sorry! I just had a moment of weakness! Please forgive me!"
  239. >The human smiled, and Garble heard footsteps coming up from behind them
  240. >Right there in Fizzle's hands was the gemstone, with a big bite right out of it
  242. >Fizzle held the thing like it was about to explode
  243. >He gingerly handed it to Anonymous, who stood up and held it in his hands, tracing his finger along the bitemark
  244. "Was it good?"
  245. >The question shocked Garble for a moment, even as Anonymous stepped forward and towered over him, holding the emerald in his hands, a small grin on his face
  246. "Y-Yes Master Anonymous. Very good."
  247. >Anonymous nodded, a light chuckle escaping him.
  248. >He pointed his finger down
  249. "Kneel."
  250. >Garble's knees bent on their own, submitting to this higher authority. He got on his knees, his eyes looking up and looking at Fizzle and Spike, both of whom were just as scared as he was
  251. >Suddenly, the human handed the gem to Garble, then spoke with a low growl
  252. "Finish it."
  253. >Garble shook as he took the stone and looked at it, the bite mark a black sin on him
  254. >He looked up at Anonymous, as if begging him to reconsider, but he didn't budge
  255. >Garble slowly put the emerald up to his mouth, biting down on a tiny piece, the splinter that came off and into his mouth tasted wonderful, but the situation and tension he felt made it taste awful, like guilt and regret
  256. >He nearly spit the piece out, but swallowed it as those gray eyes bore right into him, into his very soul
  257. "Finish. It."
  258. >Garble shook as he very slowly took another bite, crunching the gem obediently, not wanting any more after what he had done
  259. >He shivered as he swallowed the next piece.
  260. >He looked up at Anon, shivering, begging for mercy, but there was none in his eyes
  261. "P-Please..."
  262. >Garble breathed out pathetically, he couldn't force himself to take any more. All of his appetite he might have had shrived up and died as the powerful man stared right through him.
  263. >Anonymous didn't budge, he wasn't about to say it again
  264. >Garble shoved the hard stone into his mouth, his eyes locked with the Master's, unable to do anything but obediently chew the emerald
  265. >It was disgusting to him now, he wanted so badly to vomit it up and run away, but he couldn't
  267. >Garble kept going, slowly eating the gem
  268. >Finally, he got to the last tiny bite, and he nearly sobbed as he put it in his mouth and swallowed it
  269. >Once he was done, Anonymous gave an approving smile
  270. >He waved at the other two dragons
  271. "Get dinner ready, you two. Leave us alone."
  272. >Grable was shaking, the emotions and pure tension and intensity was too much for him
  273. >He felt tears nearly coming to his eyes, looking to the ground, finally breaking that spell that Anonymous had seemingly put on him
  274. >Anonymous sat in his chair, he coo'd softly
  275. "There there, Garble. Come."
  276. >He patted his lap
  277. >Garble, still very much a teenage dragon, not fully mature yet, wasn't about to reject any comfort he was offered
  278. >He got up and shifted over to Anonymous's lap, sitting down on his strong leg
  279. >He buried his face in Anonymous's shoulder, sobbing softly
  280. "Shhh... It's alright. It's over now. I forgive you."
  281. >Garble smiled, pulling his head back and looking at Anonymous's face
  282. "R-Really?"
  283. >Anonymous smiled, but pointed a finger at his face
  284. "Yes- but that still leaves your punishment. It's your first transgression, and as such I will go easy, but you aren't off the hook yet."
  285. >Garble was happy, he just wanted to get this punishment over and done with!
  286. "Yes! I understand! I deserve it!"
  287. >Anonymous nods knowingly, before tapping his knees
  288. "Bend over my knee, little dragon maid..."
  289. >Garble did so obediently, his tail still pressed down in embarrassment
  290. "Raise your tail."
  291. >Garble did so, hesitantly, too caught up in the moment to even question
  292. >Anonymous's hand gently rubbed the soft flesh of Garble's rump, before drawing back and giving it a might smack
  293. >Garble cried out in pain, giving a girly little squeak as his rump burned from the slap
  294. >But he was just getting started
  295. >Going faster, Anonymous spanked the poor young dragon, giving his rump a good spanking, Garble wincing and crying out in pain, pathetically whimpering as Anonymous gave him his punishment.
  297. >Garble's eyes were nearly in tears again as Anonymous finally stopped spanking him
  298. >His rump was burning in pain, the bigger, stronger male finally giving him a reprieve
  299. "Have you learned your lesson now?"
  300. >Garble sobbed, and nodded
  301. >He spoke in a high pitched and pathetic voice, totally broken
  302. "Y-Yes master! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! I promise!"
  303. >Anonymous's hand rested on the soft and stingy flesh of Garble's rump again, gently rubbing it
  304. "Good Boy. That gem was worth quite a bit, so it will replace your first three paychecks. You'll need to work quite a bit to make it back. But I'll continue feeding you, and even let you stay in the servant's quarters, because you've been such a Good Boy."
  305. >Garble's tail seemed to wag a little bit, smiling back at Anon
  306. "T-Thank you master!"
  307. >Anonymous nodded, before standing the dragon back up
  308. >Garble rubbed his rump, the pain still stinging
  309. "Here- put this on."
  310. >Anonymous handed Garble a pair of baby blue panties, with blue and white stripes.
  311. >It matched his apron
  312. >Garble looked at the panties and at Anonymous worriedly
  313. >But at this point he wasn't about to refuse it
  314. >Garble started to put the panties on
  315. "No- turn away from me."
  316. >Garble turned away from his master obediently, pulling up the panties nice and slowly, his rear being covered up by the snug panties
  317. "Good Boy. Now help the others prepare dinner."
  318. >Garble smiled, bowing his head in respect before leaving the room and going downstairs, thankful for this second chance to please his master...
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