
#golemquest log Dec. 24

Jan 17th, 2012
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  1. [2011-12-24 00:19:28] -->| MrTT ( has joined #golemquest
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  21. [2011-12-24 00:21:58] -->| YOU (Ironybot_) have joined #golemquest
  22. [2011-12-24 00:21:59] =-= Topic for #golemquest is ``Current thread: | Disc Thread: | Wiki: | Guns: | Guns Disc: | Dreamer: ||''
  23. [2011-12-24 00:21:59] =-= Topic for #golemquest was set by ChicagoTed on Sunday, August 14, 2011 3:05:00 AM
  24. [2011-12-24 00:25:08] |<-- Ironybot has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  29. [2011-12-24 00:29:05] <MrTT> oh god what have we done!
  30. [2011-12-24 00:29:10] <MrTT> That character, it is awesome
  31. [2011-12-24 00:31:15] <Shot__> She's still not as evil as Ace of Spades, Caligula, or Damien
  32. [2011-12-24 00:31:31] <Shot__> 1,1Pray to god you never run into those fuckers.
  33. [2011-12-24 00:31:36] <PriceisMagic> Ace of Spades who?
  34. [2011-12-24 00:31:58] <PriceisMagic> Well if you're enough of a dick we will
  35. [2011-12-24 00:32:03] <Shot__> I reiterate: You don't want to meet them
  36. [2011-12-24 00:38:05] <Ralith> so is this a pure evil run or what
  37. [2011-12-24 00:38:23] <MrTT> Pretty much :P
  38. [2011-12-24 00:38:33] <MrTT> Although I want more conquest then destruction
  39. [2011-12-24 00:38:38] <MrTT> slaves
  40. [2011-12-24 00:39:21] <Ralith> killing everyone would get kind of boring and samey
  41. [2011-12-24 00:39:27] <MrTT> those who are a drain on society shall be sacrificed, those who defy us shall be broken or sascrificed (depending on how many we own)... keep a good amount of people under you
  42. [2011-12-24 00:39:27] <Ralith> we should have a higher goal
  43. [2011-12-24 00:39:45] <MrTT> Rule the world, take over everything
  44. [2011-12-24 00:39:57] <Ralith> that's not very original
  45. [2011-12-24 00:40:10] <MrTT> Eh, most people don't have a "higher goal" in life
  46. [2011-12-24 00:40:17] <MrTT> its HOW you do it that matters anyways
  47. [2011-12-24 00:40:32] <Ralith> most people would be a pretty goddamn boring quest protagonist too
  48. [2011-12-24 00:40:43] <MrTT> true
  49. [2011-12-24 00:40:56] <MrTT> most protagonists don't HAVE An end goal
  50. [2011-12-24 00:41:01] <MrTT> they just faff about
  51. [2011-12-24 00:41:13] <MrTT> tiffany has one, that is unique
  52. [2011-12-24 00:41:20] <Ralith> that is often considered characteristic of bad writing
  53. [2011-12-24 00:41:26] <Ralith> (faffing about)
  54. [2011-12-24 00:41:42] <Ralith> and/or bad suggester management I guess
  55. [2011-12-24 00:49:32] <Bobcat> 4So, any firm choices on 'potential hummingbird names'
  56. [2011-12-24 00:49:46] <Bobcat> 4alternatively, 'ways to amke it actually not dislike you'?
  57. [2011-12-24 00:54:48] <mib_5tv44c> Is this just a nickname or will the naming process effect anything?
  58. [2011-12-24 00:57:14] <BUTTZ> Bravura
  59. [2011-12-24 00:57:27] <Ironybot> I'm pretty sure that whatever its true Name is, I'm going to push for calling it Hummingbro on a casual basis.
  60. [2011-12-24 00:57:37] <Ironybot> Unless it's female. Then I'll come up with a different name.
  61. [2011-12-24 01:00:04] <Ironybot> As far as ways to not make it dislike us... we don't know that much about its thought processes for the moment, but one potentially important point is that hummingbirds have a life span which generally doesn't exceed 4 years. Not sure how old this one is, but at a guess it's survived a couple years at least. There's an argument to be made that it would be better to "nest" in our soul and...
  62. [2011-12-24 01:00:05] <Ironybot> ...thus have a form of life as long as we do than to die off quickly in its short remaining span.
  63. [2011-12-24 01:01:25] <Ironybot> Which would essentially be reworking the whole spirit animal concept to appear as a service from us to it rather than a form of enslavement where we extract its power, if we could make a persuasive enough case.
  64. [2011-12-24 01:06:21] <mib_5tv44c> I'm fine with trying to argue for permanence, it's a logical extension of the home analogy proffered earlier.
  65. [2011-12-24 01:07:34] <Ralith> yeah
  66. [2011-12-24 01:07:52] <Ralith> enabling it to continue to protect what is its, etc
  67. [2011-12-24 01:08:39] <mib_5tv44c> We also probably have some plant nectar in our food stocks, it's not too uncommon of an ingredient to consider we might have some.
  68. [2011-12-24 01:08:46] <Bobcat> 4So...
  69. [2011-12-24 01:08:49] <Bobcat> 4just letting you know
  70. [2011-12-24 01:09:17] <Bobcat> 4but the bird's kinda sorta gonna have a Rocky trainer theme to his personality as a 'fuck yer circumstances, stick to yer guns!' types
  71. [2011-12-24 01:09:36] <Bobcat> 4owing to it's crazy life living front and center
  72. [2011-12-24 01:09:43] <Ralith> hell that bird is ALL ABOUT permanence
  73. [2011-12-24 01:09:56] <Ralith> and we are in a really damn good position to provide it
  74. [2011-12-24 01:10:27] <mib_5tv44c> Armas could use Mickey
  75. [2011-12-24 01:11:02] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Mhm. We could call him Balboa.
  76. [2011-12-24 01:11:19] <Ironybot> If we're choosing a Name, remember to make it long and pointlessly complex.
  77. [2011-12-24 01:11:20] <PriceisMagic> Rocky?
  78. [2011-12-24 01:11:20] <Bobcat> 4Balboa the burd
  79. [2011-12-24 01:11:25] <PriceisMagic> YES
  80. [2011-12-24 01:11:25] <Bobcat> 4Or...
  81. [2011-12-24 01:11:27] <mib_5tv44c> Isn't he the trainer?
  82. [2011-12-24 01:11:43] <Bobcat> 4how about Balboan Adventure
  83. [2011-12-24 01:11:48] <Bobcat> 4it's your spirit of adventure
  84. [2011-12-24 01:12:01] <PriceisMagic> THE CHOICES
  85. [2011-12-24 01:12:02] <Bobcat> 4alternatively, it's your adventurous spirit
  86. [2011-12-24 01:12:17] <mib_5tv44c> Make adventure his middle name
  87. [2011-12-24 01:12:21] <Ironybot> How is it a spirit of adventure? It's all about defending what you have already, not exploration and going out to see new things.
  88. [2011-12-24 01:12:33] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> We should get a spirit of adventure.
  89. [2011-12-24 01:12:53] <Ralith> we should steal adventure's spirit
  90. [2011-12-24 01:13:13] <Bobcat> 4by naming it adventure so it's a play on words
  91. [2011-12-24 01:13:40] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Wh-what? Use? using a play on words? NEVER!
  92. [2011-12-24 01:14:16] <mib_5tv44c> You know he does throw a wrench in our Peter Pan analogy
  93. [2011-12-24 01:14:30] <mib_5tv44c> Is he Tinkerbell now instead of Sake?
  94. [2011-12-24 01:14:38] <mib_5tv44c> Are they both Tinkerbell?
  95. [2011-12-24 01:16:01] <Ironybot> I know it would be a play on words, but it doesn't seem like a terribly appropriate one. It's just a basic joke.
  96. [2011-12-24 01:16:21] <Ironybot> ...that sounded more arrogantly elitist than I meant it to.
  97. [2011-12-24 01:19:12] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Oh, don't worry. You are
  98. [2011-12-24 01:19:55] <mib_5tv44c> The name needs to compliment his glorious plumage
  99. [2011-12-24 01:20:40] <MrTT> "<Bobcat> alternatively, 'ways to amke it actually not dislike you'?" - only way to do that is to find an alternative binding scheme. If the only proper binding we find is to make it a soul slave then it will hate us... and thus what we should do is focus on tricking it into giving up its soul. Thus effectively being "willing" for whatever we want
  100. [2011-12-24 01:20:44] <MrTT> Which is kinda damn evil
  101. [2011-12-24 01:20:56] <MrTT> That was another issue i had with getting bird over the fragments
  102. [2011-12-24 01:21:09] <MrTT> Since with the fragments there is no need for us to murder someone for their soul
  103. [2011-12-24 01:23:37] <Ironybot> Why would you think that tricking someone into giving up their soul doesn't leave their soul hating you?
  104. [2011-12-24 01:24:07] <Ironybot> The soul might technically be willing, but it can still loathe both that fact and its master.
  105. [2011-12-24 01:26:22] <MrTT> nono ironboy
  106. [2011-12-24 01:26:28] <MrTT> i am saying it will hate us EITHER way
  107. [2011-12-24 01:26:39] <MrTT> tricking it into giving up its soul would make it irrelevant that it hates us
  108. [2011-12-24 01:27:01] <MrTT> Although... that is a really shitty thing to do to someone
  109. [2011-12-24 01:27:13] <MrTT> Also I am worrying if it would in any way be amen like
  110. [2011-12-24 01:27:40] <MrTT> just trying to fuck us over with literal genie stuff... luckily we mostly benefit from it via passive boosts
  111. [2011-12-24 01:28:11] <Ironybot> The proper way to go about soul slaving someone that you don't want to hate you is to con them into believing that they will be better off as a soul slave, that they want to serve you in that manner, or similar. That is what we should be attempting here. There are any number of slaves throughout history who have been content and happy with their lot.
  112. [2011-12-24 01:28:31] <mib_5tv44c> The fact we were asked a question asking us to offer ideas for how we could do it seems to indicate it's possible, unless you believe Bob was simply being rhetorical.
  113. [2011-12-24 01:29:17] <mib_5tv44c> In which case I would direct you to the countless times he was and then immediately shut down the person who attempted to answer.
  114. [2011-12-24 01:29:36] <Bobcat> 4There is an approach you haven't considered.
  115. [2011-12-24 01:29:40] <Bobcat> 4What, pray tell...
  116. [2011-12-24 01:29:45] <Bobcat> 4is a hummingbird's life span?
  117. [2011-12-24 01:29:54] <MrTT> actually that issue HAS been raised before
  118. [2011-12-24 01:29:56] <mib_5tv44c> 4 years
  119. [2011-12-24 01:29:59] <mib_5tv44c> Already raised
  120. [2011-12-24 01:30:11] <MrTT> suggest that without being bound its soul will dissolve in NN
  121. [2011-12-24 01:30:17] <MrTT> and convince it it is a path to immortality
  122. [2011-12-24 01:30:23] <MrTT> with our soul being a "new home"
  123. [2011-12-24 01:32:02] <Bobcat> 4another thought
  124. [2011-12-24 01:32:20] <Bobcat> 4if you make a world eye as you planned-what if it can fly in it?
  125. [2011-12-24 01:33:00] <MrTT> that, would be pretty damn awesome
  126. [2011-12-24 01:33:06] <MrTT> immortality in the eye world
  127. [2011-12-24 01:33:17] <MrTT> And it also scouts for us
  128. [2011-12-24 01:33:23] <MrTT> And nobody tries to attack it there
  129. [2011-12-24 01:33:31] <Ironybot> That... would require that it be in our eye. Do spirit animals retake their forms as independent beings if brought onto a spiritual plane?
  130. [2011-12-24 01:33:54] <PriceisMagic> If that isnt freedom I dont know what is
  131. [2011-12-24 01:34:40] <Ironybot> And if so- it does make sense- then is it mandatory? That is, would we have an apparent hummingbird distinct from us buzzing around every time we go into a spiritual plane from the point we bind it at on?
  132. [2011-12-24 01:37:29] <MrTT> Bob, since spirit animals can be passed around from person to person. Can it be done under duress? For example "I kidnapped your son, I tricked him into giving up his soul... I will trade you his soul and returning him unharmed for your spirit animal"
  133. [2011-12-24 01:37:59] <Bobcat> 4it would take more effort to let it shift between the two-but it's doable
  134. [2011-12-24 01:39:19] <MrTT> Alright, I suspected as such
  135. [2011-12-24 01:41:14] <Bobcat> 4yeah, you can even be forced to bequeath it with torture
  136. [2011-12-24 01:42:03] <PriceisMagic> Hey bob, would letting the Burd choose its name make it like us?
  137. [2011-12-24 01:42:17] <Ironybot> I doubt it has a grasp of the importance or meaning of Names.
  138. [2011-12-24 01:42:57] <Ironybot> Which says nothing about whether it would like choosing its own, admittedly, but it's something to consider.
  139. [2011-12-24 01:43:10] <Bobcat> 4It would, but names is something it doesn't understand to begin with
  140. [2011-12-24 01:43:16] <Bobcat> 4names are, that is
  141. [2011-12-24 01:43:22] <Bobcat> 4funtimes grammar
  142. [2011-12-24 01:43:44] <MrTT> I will let ark know that it is possible bob
  143. [2011-12-24 01:44:11] <Ironybot> What causes spirit animals to be unable to grow their souls? Is it a function of having utterly submitted one's soul to another, or is there some other cause?
  144. [2011-12-24 01:45:07] <Ironybot> Because thinking about the world eye bit, it seems like it our hummingbird spirit is putzing about in there all the time it might encounter and overcome challenges- but if its soul can't grow, is the soul weight that would be gained simply lost?
  145. [2011-12-24 01:45:30] <Ironybot> Or would it be transferred to us as its master, perhaps? Or something else?
  146. [2011-12-24 01:46:08] <MrTT> I thought ALL Souls, once dead, cannot grow
  147. [2011-12-24 01:46:20] <MrTT> They can ascend maybe or get graft, but stop growing the moment they stop being alive
  148. [2011-12-24 01:46:30] <MrTT> That is really the whole purpose of einher not immediately becoming spirit einher
  149. [2011-12-24 01:46:38] <MrTT> but running around as mortals as long as they can
  150. [2011-12-24 01:51:55] <Ironybot> That doesn't really make sense, unless the soul has to be anchored in a body in order to grow- but given the number of purely nonphysical beings out there, surely that's not the case. Otherwise anything that doesn't have a physical form would never be able to grow its soul.
  151. [2011-12-24 01:52:49] <Bobcat> 4Ironybot: it is a byproduct of having utterly submitted their soul, willing or no, to someone/thing else.
  152. [2011-12-24 01:59:14] <Bobcat> 4all right, night
  153. [2011-12-24 01:59:21] |<-- Bobcat has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  154. [2011-12-24 01:59:58] <MrTT> that is interesting
  155. [2011-12-24 02:00:00] <MrTT> night bob
  156. [2011-12-24 02:01:51] <MrTT> do einher count as having utterly submitted their soul to odin? Likewise for angels and other ascended beings in a god's care?
  157. [2011-12-24 02:03:13] |<-- mib_5tv44c has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  158. [2011-12-24 02:13:26] [INFO] Disconnecting from IRC. Click close again to exit now.
  159. [2011-12-24 02:13:26] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc:// (irc:// [[Reconnect][Reconnect to][reconnect]]
  160. [2011-12-24 11:44:26] -->| YOU (Ironybot) have joined #golemquest
  161. [2011-12-24 11:44:26] =-= Topic for #golemquest is ``Current thread: | Disc Thread: | Wiki: | Guns: | Guns Disc: | Dreamer: ||''
  162. [2011-12-24 11:44:26] =-= Topic for #golemquest was set by ChicagoTed on Sunday, August 14, 2011 3:05:00 AM
  163. [2011-12-24 11:44:37] <guile> ...?
  164. [2011-12-24 11:44:50] <Wutenheimer> something from 20 mins before you came on guile
  165. [2011-12-24 11:44:57] <guile> ah
  166. [2011-12-24 11:45:03] <Wutenheimer> [11:53:34] <Dart666> i don't know what would be better, a world without magic that we could easily take over or a world with super magic that we could learn
  167. [2011-12-24 11:45:04] <Wutenheimer> [11:56:26] <Samar> low magic takeover would let us gain more power by becoming a god
  168. [2011-12-24 11:45:04] <Wutenheimer> [11:56:41] <Samar> learning would make it so we can actually use the power we have without exploding
  169. [2011-12-24 11:45:35] -->| AlratanMobile ( has joined #golemquest
  170. [2011-12-24 11:45:52] <Samar> with low magic we could nomnom the baby gods
  171. [2011-12-24 11:46:33] <AlratanMobile> With low magic we can experiment on human souls as we please
  172. [2011-12-24 11:46:39] <AlratanMobile> Without being murdered
  173. [2011-12-24 11:47:16] -->| Abeo (qwebirc@82EC437B.3B161DD2.7207864F.IP) has joined #golemquest
  174. [2011-12-24 11:47:27] <guile> no magic may not mean no chakra. there could be Lo Fangs everywhere
  175. [2011-12-24 11:48:03] <Abeo> we talking about camella's home reality?
  176. [2011-12-24 11:48:51] <AlratanMobile> No
  177. [2011-12-24 11:49:07] <AlratanMobile> When we go to medieval Japan
  178. [2011-12-24 11:49:12] <Abeo> ah
  179. [2011-12-24 11:49:17] <AlratanMobile> We roll 1d100 for magic
  180. [2011-12-24 11:49:22] <AlratanMobile> 1 is no magic
  181. [2011-12-24 11:49:42] <Abeo> hmm
  182. [2011-12-24 11:50:13] <Abeo> our soul generates its own energy, yeah?
  183. [2011-12-24 11:50:33] <Abeo> Or would we be unable to regen our energy?
  184. [2011-12-24 11:51:02] <AlratanMobile> We would be
  185. [2011-12-24 11:51:10] <AlratanMobile> We would introduce magic
  186. [2011-12-24 11:51:21] <Abeo> And if no magic means no wizards... we'd have to find another slider to get back home probably
  187. [2011-12-24 11:51:24] <Abeo> I see
  188. [2011-12-24 11:51:27] <AlratanMobile> And we would introduce magic
  189. [2011-12-24 11:51:42] <AlratanMobile> Sorry, copy paste fail
  190. [2011-12-24 11:51:48] <Abeo> That's pretty cool actually
  191. [2011-12-24 11:51:51] <AlratanMobile> We would introduce gods
  192. [2011-12-24 11:52:21] <Wutenheimer> well bob is at his computer
  193. [2011-12-24 11:52:23] <AlratanMobile> People would have souls, they just wouldn't have magic use, IIRC
  194. [2011-12-24 11:52:40] <AlratanMobile> I think chakra only was not the low magic world
  195. [2011-12-24 11:52:41] <Abeo> It'd be a real neat place to set ourselves up as a god proper
  196. [2011-12-24 11:53:08] <AlratanMobile> But chakra only would be an amazing place to learn it, as they would have had to develop it for everything
  197. [2011-12-24 11:53:25] <Abeo> Possibly.
  198. [2011-12-24 11:53:45] <AlratanMobile> We need to learn gunsmithing, I think
  199. [2011-12-24 11:53:46] <Abeo> There's also the chance that it is roughly as advanced and they just can't do as much in their reality
  200. [2011-12-24 11:53:52] <Abeo> yeah?
  201. [2011-12-24 11:54:15] <Abeo> you mean magic gunsmithing?
  202. [2011-12-24 11:55:08] <Abeo> Anyway, I was thinking about the Reaper charms earlier and came to a realization.
  203. [2011-12-24 11:55:14] <AlratanMobile> Standard gunsmithing
  204. [2011-12-24 11:55:22] <AlratanMobile> We're going to the past
  205. [2011-12-24 11:55:28] <Abeo> I... seee
  206. [2011-12-24 11:55:32] <Abeo> kinda meta though
  207. [2011-12-24 11:55:39] <AlratanMobile> Not really
  208. [2011-12-24 11:55:52] <AlratanMobile> We were given a set of gunsmithing tools in Finland
  209. [2011-12-24 11:56:04] <Abeo> for minor repairs
  210. [2011-12-24 11:56:09] <AlratanMobile> And we're learning about it anyway for the reaper gun
  211. [2011-12-24 11:56:15] <Wutenheimer> and we've been meaning to learn gunsmithing for a long time
  212. [2011-12-24 11:56:16] <Abeo> Yeah, I guess
  213. [2011-12-24 11:56:20] <Wutenheimer> since the beginning of the quest
  214. [2011-12-24 11:56:35] <AlratanMobile> From even before it started, IIRC
  215. [2011-12-24 11:56:38] <Abeo> Might be able to do combined study with one or more of the Russians too
  216. [2011-12-24 11:56:50] <AlratanMobile> Good point
  217. [2011-12-24 11:57:04] <Abeo> But yeah, Reaper charms.
  218. [2011-12-24 11:57:11] <AlratanMobile> Go on
  219. [2011-12-24 11:57:14] <Abeo> Darkening solved so many problems with that
  220. [2011-12-24 11:57:38] <AlratanMobile> Shrug
  221. [2011-12-24 11:57:48] <AlratanMobile> Item would have been better
  222. [2011-12-24 11:57:56] <Abeo> Now instead of figuring out how to graft a lobotomized soul to the charms so we can use it, or binding the soul to our own or something
  223. [2011-12-24 11:58:08] <Abeo> we can scultp our soul to look like the Reaper's
  224. [2011-12-24 11:58:21] <Abeo> trick the charms
  225. [2011-12-24 11:59:07] <AlratanMobile> Hmm
  226. [2011-12-24 11:59:37] <Abeo> We'd almost certainly be stuck to the one "soul form" when using the charms in that fashion, but it isn't extremely illegal and probably much easier
  227. [2011-12-24 11:59:42] <AlratanMobile> Do we know what the Reaper's soul looks like well enough to reproduce it in precise detail
  228. [2011-12-24 11:59:55] <Abeo> Our soul sense is shit for now, so no
  229. [2011-12-24 12:00:11] <Abeo> I'm against doing any self-soul sculpting till we can observe it
  230. [2011-12-24 12:00:21] <Abeo> Also, the soul's got a chunk missing from it
  231. [2011-12-24 12:00:54] <Abeo> Ideally, we'd uncover some more information about the charm's specificity
  232. [2011-12-24 12:01:08] <Abeo> Like, is it the whole soul or a particular defining characterisitc or whatever
  233. [2011-12-24 12:01:48] <Abeo> A short(er) term solution anyway
  234. [2011-12-24 12:03:17] <AlratanMobile> If it's like a lock and key
  235. [2011-12-24 12:03:28] <AlratanMobile> Perhaps we can reverse engineer the key from the lock
  236. [2011-12-24 12:03:55] <AlratanMobile> Do that only the piece of soul that interfaces with the charmset has to be shapes that way
  237. [2011-12-24 12:04:01] <Abeo> Yeah, unfortunately all we currently have is a broken key
  238. [2011-12-24 12:04:16] <Abeo> and no idea of the lock's make
  239. [2011-12-24 12:04:26] <Abeo> Woo longterm projects!
  240. [2011-12-24 12:04:51] <Abeo> Oh right, we ALSO don't know how to recharge the time charms
  241. [2011-12-24 12:04:55] <AlratanMobile> Yeah
  242. [2011-12-24 12:05:09] <AlratanMobile> I suspect you need time magic to recharge a time charm
  243. [2011-12-24 12:06:01] <Abeo> They probably have on in-house
  244. [2011-12-24 12:06:04] <Abeo> *one
  245. [2011-12-24 12:06:11] <Abeo> Oh, that reminds me!
  246. [2011-12-24 12:06:36] <Abeo> Next time we get one of those goddamn notes, we're demanding shit in return for all his bullshit
  247. [2011-12-24 12:06:49] <Abeo> Specifically, information that we can use.
  248. [2011-12-24 12:07:19] <Abeo> Either that is useful to us specifically, or rare/valuable info that we can sell
  249. [2011-12-24 12:07:52] <Abeo> The guy on the other end of the notes has some sort of knowledge of multiple realities and should have access to uncommon info
  250. [2011-12-24 12:13:45] <AlratanMobile> I expect he's our ticket back from historic Japab
  251. [2011-12-24 12:14:37] <Abeo> Well, we wouldn't be taking care of Silja while there
  252. [2011-12-24 12:15:49] <guile> you mean the guy that gave us the devil hand? or is telling us shit about the subjective future?
  253. [2011-12-24 12:16:16] <Abeo> The devil hand guy who keep leaving us notes
  254. [2011-12-24 12:16:42] <Abeo> most recently he asked for permission to speak with Silja
  255. [2011-12-24 12:16:52] <guile> so we'd be demanding shit in exchange for... what? him giving us random info and then telling us to do what the fuck we want?
  256. [2011-12-24 12:17:18] <guile> because supposedly otherwise Silja will be developmentally stunted
  257. [2011-12-24 12:17:20] <Abeo> Obviously we'd sell it as him helping us gain additional resources with which to secure Silja's future
  258. [2011-12-24 12:17:37] <Abeo> seeing as how he can apparently SEE the future, I doubt he'll be terribly impressed
  259. [2011-12-24 12:17:50] <Abeo> may decide to drop us some interesting info anyway
  260. [2011-12-24 12:18:37] <Abeo> Also, in exchange for his cryptic bullshit and generally doing what he wants us to, in generally the fashion he wants us to
  261. [2011-12-24 12:18:56] <Abeo> *putting up with his cryptic bullshit
  262. [2011-12-24 12:21:09] <Abeo> Could also spin it as a sign of trust thing
  263. [2011-12-24 12:21:15] -->| Moralfag ( has joined #golemquest
  264. [2011-12-24 12:21:38] <Moralfag> o hai der
  265. [2011-12-24 12:23:39] |<-- AlratanMobile has left (Quit: AlratanMobile)
  266. [2011-12-24 12:24:37] -->| AlratanMobile ( has joined #golemquest
  267. [2011-12-24 12:24:54] <Moralfag> Wb there, Alratan?
  268. [2011-12-24 12:25:01] <AlratanMobile> Hi guys
  269. [2011-12-24 12:25:07] <Moralfag> 'Sup?
  270. [2011-12-24 12:25:32] <AlratanMobile> Collapsed after big meal
  271. [2011-12-24 12:25:35] <AlratanMobile> You?
  272. [2011-12-24 12:25:40] <Moralfag> XD
  273. [2011-12-24 12:25:54] <Moralfag> Just sitting up watching a thread someone made based on a setting I designed.
  274. [2011-12-24 12:25:59] <Moralfag> Questchan thinger.
  275. [2011-12-24 12:27:54] <Moralfag> Before you ask - No, I have no life.
  276. [2011-12-24 12:36:24] |<-- Abeo has left (Quit: Rizon webchat:
  277. [2011-12-24 12:45:11] <AlratanMobile> I was thinking about second and third spirit animals for Armas, and the thought struck - Imagine Camella with a mantis shrimp spirit animal
  278. [2011-12-24 12:45:25] <Moralfag> Mantis shrimp?
  279. [2011-12-24 12:46:16] <AlratanMobile>
  280. [2011-12-24 12:46:35] <AlratanMobile> Look at the eye section
  281. [2011-12-24 12:46:44] <Moralfag> [/Peek]
  282. [2011-12-24 12:46:57] <AlratanMobile> Best naturally occurring vision, with amazing signal processing
  283. [2011-12-24 12:47:14] <Ironybot> How in the world would a mantis shrimp develop a soul?
  284. [2011-12-24 12:47:31] <Moralfag> Awesome. O wo
  285. [2011-12-24 12:47:53] <Moralfag> My favorite shrimp is the pistol shrimp personally.
  286. [2011-12-24 12:48:08] <Moralfag> Because clickBOOM.
  287. [2011-12-24 12:48:29] <Ironybot> I mean, it would be incredibly cool to get a spirit animal like that, but at the same time- in order to get a spirit animal, first the animal has to develop a soul in the first place and then someone has to locate and catch the damn thing, and give it to you.
  288. [2011-12-24 12:49:10] <AlratanMobile> You can force an animal to develop a soul
  289. [2011-12-24 12:49:38] <Ironybot> By keeping it and torturing it/making it go through hardships until it gets one, yes. Do you know another method
  290. [2011-12-24 12:49:42] <AlratanMobile> Yes
  291. [2011-12-24 12:49:53] <AlratanMobile> You can put it a soul link an share xp
  292. [2011-12-24 12:50:00] <Moralfag> Well buck, man. That's horrible.
  293. [2011-12-24 12:50:09] <Ironybot> Ah. Right, the familiar thing.
  294. [2011-12-24 12:50:12] <AlratanMobile> Until it has enough xp to develop a soul
  295. [2011-12-24 12:50:13] <Moralfag> "Hey, I want this animal to have a soul. Let's torture it mercilessly!"
  296. [2011-12-24 12:50:25] <Ironybot> Both of those methods take a long time, though.
  297. [2011-12-24 12:51:09] <AlratanMobile> Moralfag: Mantis shrimps have the same style of claw as pistol shrimp
  298. [2011-12-24 12:51:40] <Moralfag> AlratanMobile: But can they clickBOOM?
  299. [2011-12-24 12:51:41] <AlratanMobile> Doing the same cavitation bubble implosion
  300. [2011-12-24 12:51:45] <Moralfag> Oh
  301. [2011-12-24 12:51:47] <Moralfag> Awesome
  302. [2011-12-24 12:52:06] <AlratanMobile> Moralfag: yes, they're know to smash aquariums from the inside
  303. [2011-12-24 12:52:17] <Moralfag> Hah! Amazing.
  304. [2011-12-24 12:52:25] <Moralfag> Those poor helpless aquariums.
  305. [2011-12-24 12:52:45] <AlratanMobile> 10400g acceleration for the claws
  306. [2011-12-24 12:53:04] <AlratanMobile> If we wanted to be a perceptive melee fighter
  307. [2011-12-24 12:53:13] <AlratanMobile> They'd be ideal
  308. [2011-12-24 12:53:46] <Moralfag> You don't think the bonus would help a ranger/gunner?
  309. [2011-12-24 12:54:10] <AlratanMobile> Yes, but they are smashers and spearers
  310. [2011-12-24 12:54:17] <Moralfag> Ah.
  311. [2011-12-24 12:54:31] <AlratanMobile> That's what the two types are called
  312. [2011-12-24 12:54:45] <AlratanMobile> We'd probably want a spearer
  313. [2011-12-24 12:55:07] <AlratanMobile> But IronyBot is right
  314. [2011-12-24 12:55:16] <AlratanMobile> Not the easiest thing to get
  315. [2011-12-24 12:55:35] <Moralfag> [/Listens to Brusher Patrol, from the Bastion OST]
  316. [2011-12-24 12:55:59] <Moralfag> [/Somehow gets the mental image of a fight against psychopathic cajun gator-men in a sewer in a speedboat]
  317. [2011-12-24 12:58:24] <AlratanMobile> A squid spirit animal might be interesting, as they have chameleonic skin and are jet propelled
  318. [2011-12-24 12:58:39] <Moralfag> Jet propelled? Really?
  319. [2011-12-24 12:59:38] <Moralfag> Buck, I apparently know fuck-all about animals.
  320. [2011-12-24 13:00:46] <Ironybot> The conceptual features of an animal are as important as the physical ones for spirit animal purposes, I think. Or at least, their physical attributes are translated into conceptual meaning.
  321. [2011-12-24 13:01:17] <Ironybot> Jet propelled would probably become some kind of short-range burst of movement speed ability.
  322. [2011-12-24 13:01:19] <Moralfag> Yer. Hence the phrase "workhorse."
  323. [2011-12-24 13:01:29] <AlratanMobile>
  324. [2011-12-24 13:01:41] <AlratanMobile> Look at the flying section
  325. [2011-12-24 13:02:18] <AlratanMobile> 50m of jet propelled flight
  326. [2011-12-24 13:02:33] <Moralfag> O wo
  327. [2011-12-24 13:02:35] <AlratanMobile> But yes, I suspect some form of burst movement
  328. [2011-12-24 13:02:36] <Moralfag> Interesting.
  329. [2011-12-24 13:03:15] <AlratanMobile> I would be curious what the chameleonic skin would become
  330. [2011-12-24 13:03:21] <AlratanMobile> Stealth boost?
  331. [2011-12-24 13:04:07] <WaryObsv> Could affect soul stealth, it is a spirit animal
  332. [2011-12-24 13:06:26] <Ralith> guys guys
  333. [2011-12-24 13:06:29] <Ralith> spirit pistol shrimp
  334. [2011-12-24 13:07:01] <AlratanMobile> A mantis shrimp can do the pistol shrimp trick
  335. [2011-12-24 13:07:09] <AlratanMobile> And has amazing perception
  336. [2011-12-24 13:07:12] <Ralith> what a showoff
  337. [2011-12-24 13:08:48] <WaryObsv> Saltwater croc maybe? Strong stealthy and according to wiki fairly smart.
  338. [2011-12-24 13:09:19] <AlratanMobile> I wonder if we can stack different kinds of speed
  339. [2011-12-24 13:09:40] <AlratanMobile> Hummingbird mommentum control and manuverabilith
  340. [2011-12-24 13:09:51] -->| BobTrain ( has joined #golemquest
  341. [2011-12-24 13:09:54] <BobTrain>
  342. [2011-12-24 13:09:54] <AlratanMobile> Squid jet burst speed
  343. [2011-12-24 13:09:58] <AlratanMobile> Hi Bob
  344. [2011-12-24 13:10:07] <BobTrain> Yes thank you game I don't think I would have noticed if you hadn't told me.
  345. [2011-12-24 13:10:59] |<-- guile has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  346. [2011-12-24 13:12:07] <Ralith> bob are you playing railworks
  347. [2011-12-24 13:13:23] <AlratanMobile> A question - are we going to be talking to the hummingbird today?
  348. [2011-12-24 13:13:41] <Moralfag> I'll hum YOUR bird.
  349. [2011-12-24 13:13:42] <Moralfag> ...
  350. [2011-12-24 13:13:49] <Moralfag> I'm sorry, that wasn't really very funny.
  351. [2011-12-24 13:14:02] <Wutenheimer> oh gods bob
  352. [2011-12-24 13:14:05] <Wutenheimer> how did you do it
  353. [2011-12-24 13:14:34] <Wutenheimer> dat derailment
  354. [2011-12-24 13:15:10] <Moralfag> ...
  355. [2011-12-24 13:15:16] <Moralfag> [/Peeks at the Derailment pic]
  356. [2011-12-24 13:15:17] <Moralfag> ...
  357. [2011-12-24 13:15:18] <Moralfag> wat
  358. [2011-12-24 13:19:13] <BobTrain> I am not exactly sure how this event happened
  359. [2011-12-24 13:19:19] <BobTrain> But I'm happy the game warned me
  360. [2011-12-24 13:19:24] <BobTrain> coulda missed it
  361. [2011-12-24 13:19:39] <Moralfag> Yeah, that kind of thing would be easy to overlook.
  362. [2011-12-24 13:21:21] <WaryObsv> Spirit animals don't confer personality traits possessed by the animal do they?
  363. [2011-12-24 13:26:28] <Ironybot> Confer is a strong word, but you do have a soul with those personality traits attached to you at all times. And it can say things, presumably send along feelings and emotions, and so forth.
  364. [2011-12-24 13:26:47] <Ironybot> Like having someone constantly whispering in your ear. So there is almost inevitably going to be personality influence.
  365. [2011-12-24 13:26:57] <WaryObsv> Could be problematic with the hummingbird then
  366. [2011-12-24 13:27:43] <WaryObsv> Or any solitary spirit animal, really.
  367. [2011-12-24 13:28:49] <AlratanMobile> Give it free will and let it fly free inside the world eye when we're not in combat
  368. [2011-12-24 13:29:04] <AlratanMobile> It won't bother us much then, hopefully
  369. [2011-12-24 13:29:28] |<-- CaptainButthead has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  370. [2011-12-24 13:35:02] -->| AlratanMobile_ (~alratan@DFAFBE4E.E8CD920A.36443E58.IP) has joined #golemquest
  371. [2011-12-24 13:36:04] |<-- AlratanMobile has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  372. [2011-12-24 13:36:15] =-= AlratanMobile_ is now known as AlratanMobile
  373. [2011-12-24 13:37:53] <WaryObsv> Thought: World eye would be a Demiplane, right?
  374. [2011-12-24 13:37:54] <BobTrain>
  375. [2011-12-24 13:38:17] <WaryObsv> Could we then populate that demiplane with regular animals?
  376. [2011-12-24 13:40:07] <AlratanMobile> Bob: that's pretty shocking
  377. [2011-12-24 13:40:24] <AlratanMobile> But, on reflection, maybe not
  378. [2011-12-24 13:40:25] <BobTrain> I saw people walk IN this place
  379. [2011-12-24 13:42:00] <AlratanMobile> That's why you claim to be an alternative medicine practitioner
  380. [2011-12-24 13:42:18] <AlratanMobile> Same money. Little redress for the people who fall for your con
  381. [2011-12-24 13:43:42] <AlratanMobile> I wonder if we can somehow harvest the proto-soul from animals who have not yet quite accrued enough magic/xp to grow their own soul, and graft it onto a spirit animal of the same type
  382. [2011-12-24 13:43:51] <AlratanMobile> I there is a proto-soul
  383. [2011-12-24 13:50:51] <BobTrain>
  384. [2011-12-24 13:51:46] -->| Shot__ (~chatzilla@C7DEDBDF.98D1E179.166E94FC.IP) has joined #golemquest
  385. [2011-12-24 13:52:15] <Shot__> Bob's on a train?
  386. [2011-12-24 13:52:17] <Shot__>
  387. [2011-12-24 13:52:28] <AlratanMobile> I imagine the mugger felt like BB did after the last update
  388. [2011-12-24 13:52:34] <Wutenheimer> :D
  389. [2011-12-24 13:52:39] <AlratanMobile> Bob's playing a train game
  390. [2011-12-24 13:52:40] <BobTrain> Yes, like that hasn't been linked dozens of times since the first day SB popped up Shot
  391. [2011-12-24 13:52:49] <Wutenheimer> [14:10:03] <BobTrain>
  392. [2011-12-24 13:52:49] <Classhole> Wutenheimer: BobTrain linked that 42 minutes ago.
  393. [2011-12-24 13:53:45] <AlratanMobile> Well, we lost this chance to become that by turning down the shadows
  394. [2011-12-24 13:54:08] <Shot__> Can we high-five our own shadow, though?
  395. [2011-12-24 13:54:11] <WaryObsv> How so?
  396. [2011-12-24 13:54:28] <WaryObsv> We can allways find somthing else to but shadows with.
  397. [2011-12-24 13:54:38] <AlratanMobile> Yes
  398. [2011-12-24 13:54:39] <WaryObsv> Buy*
  399. [2011-12-24 13:54:54] <AlratanMobile> Hence 'this' chance
  400. [2011-12-24 13:54:57] <AlratanMobile> Not all chances
  401. [2011-12-24 13:55:08] <WaryObsv> Yo confuse me
  402. [2011-12-24 13:55:53] <AlratanMobile> How so?
  403. [2011-12-24 13:56:27] <WaryObsv> It goes without saying we lost that chance, why bring it up?
  404. [2011-12-24 13:56:54] <AlratanMobile> Because before you asked
  405. [2011-12-24 13:57:35] <AlratanMobile> I was going to go on to say, "but That doesn't mean SB can't get them in his own"
  406. [2011-12-24 13:57:44] <WaryObsv> Ah
  407. [2011-12-24 13:58:06] <WaryObsv> Didn't SB say he'd prefer it that way?
  408. [2011-12-24 13:58:50] <AlratanMobile> Not... quite
  409. [2011-12-24 13:59:06] <AlratanMobile> He can get his own bunch of minions on his own
  410. [2011-12-24 13:59:30] <AlratanMobile> Additional shadows to incorporate into himself may be different
  411. [2011-12-24 14:00:12] <WaryObsv> A clarification to ask for perhaps.
  412. [2011-12-24 14:00:20] <AlratanMobile> Agreed
  413. [2011-12-24 14:01:02] <AlratanMobile> I wonder what we could get for BB's charm
  414. [2011-12-24 14:01:21] |<-- Moralfag has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  415. [2011-12-24 14:01:36] <AlratanMobile> I imagine the Dunter's would be interested
  416. [2011-12-24 14:01:42] <WaryObsv> Something to make the amen problem less of a problem I hope
  417. [2011-12-24 14:01:46] <AlratanMobile> As they're Blood users
  418. [2011-12-24 14:02:12] <AlratanMobile> I can't see how that would help
  419. [2011-12-24 14:02:54] <WaryObsv> Could you clarify?
  420. [2011-12-24 14:03:07] <AlratanMobile> I think we need to go for the Soul Engine plan, and make soul bound to us
  421. [2011-12-24 14:03:53] <AlratanMobile> Our issue is, as I see it, that Amen's actual master is the lobotomised monster in our eye
  422. [2011-12-24 14:04:34] <AlratanMobile> Composed of Sisithurous' mutated blood combined with Amen
  423. [2011-12-24 14:04:34] * AlratanMobile 's blood
  424. [2011-12-24 14:05:14] <AlratanMobile> If we die, Amen will test his bonds, discover we're not his master anymore
  425. [2011-12-24 14:05:23] <WaryObsv> Wait
  426. [2011-12-24 14:05:26] <AlratanMobile> And go free
  427. [2011-12-24 14:05:33] <WaryObsv> Doesn't that mean he's his own master?
  428. [2011-12-24 14:05:43] <WaryObsv> So the bonding stay?
  429. [2011-12-24 14:06:01] <BobTrain>
  430. [2011-12-24 14:06:10] <AlratanMobile> Possibly, but Sisithorous' blood may be dominant in the hybrid
  431. [2011-12-24 14:09:03] <AlratanMobile> But if he's his own master, he's still an enemy of all life
  432. [2011-12-24 14:09:06] <WaryObsv> Due to the telepathic bond to Amen, he knows what we know, right?
  433. [2011-12-24 14:09:12] <AlratanMobile> No
  434. [2011-12-24 14:09:15] <WaryObsv> Good
  435. [2011-12-24 14:09:19] <AlratanMobile> We hope not
  436. [2011-12-24 14:09:29] <WaryObsv> Somthing to ask.
  437. [2011-12-24 14:09:37] <BobTrain> Did someone have questions?
  438. [2011-12-24 14:09:49] =-= BobTrain is now known as TheBeardiestBob
  439. [2011-12-24 14:10:01] <AlratanMobile> Also, we had some information on precisely what happened when we defeated the Eye-Monster erased
  440. [2011-12-24 14:10:06] <AlratanMobile> Hi Bob
  441. [2011-12-24 14:10:09] <AlratanMobile> A couple
  442. [2011-12-24 14:10:12] <WaryObsv> An enemy to all life trapped in a mansion
  443. [2011-12-24 14:11:14] <AlratanMobile> I wonder if we can somehow harvest the proto-soul from animals who have not yet quite accrued enough magic/xp to grow their own soul, and graft it onto a spirit animal of the same type. By proto-soul I mean wherever the accumulation of xp lives
  444. [2011-12-24 14:12:17] <AlratanMobile> Also, are we thinking of having us talking to the hummingbird this update, so should I repost with specific arguments?
  445. [2011-12-24 14:12:37] <TheBeardiestBob> The accumulation of experiences are held outside of conventional existence. They don't really exist, in a sense that can be interacted with, until the actualize. In another wording, they're quantum 'til complete.
  446. [2011-12-24 14:13:06] <TheBeardiestBob> As to hummingbird, it's dependent what the prevailing posting priority is.
  447. [2011-12-24 14:13:41] <Ralith> the word you are looking for is probably superimposed
  448. [2011-12-24 14:14:27] <AlratanMobile> Yeah, a superposition of a soul and not a soul until collapse
  449. [2011-12-24 14:14:34] <AlratanMobile> A shame though
  450. [2011-12-24 14:15:25] <AlratanMobile> If you bind two of the same sort of spirit animal, can you legally merge them into one?
  451. [2011-12-24 14:16:05] <TheBeardiestBob> If that is the proper wording for it. I offered that only through my as-standard-procedure-when-dealing-with-quest being stoned thing.
  452. [2011-12-24 14:16:12] <Ralith> lol
  453. [2011-12-24 14:16:43] <TheBeardiestBob> As in, two of the same format, Defensive, Sensor or Assault, or the same species, or the same history, or some combination thereof?
  454. [2011-12-24 14:16:48] <TheBeardiestBob> This distinction is relevant
  455. [2011-12-24 14:17:21] <AlratanMobile> Same format and species
  456. [2011-12-24 14:17:30] <AlratanMobile> Say, two Hummingbirds...
  457. [2011-12-24 14:18:36] <TheBeardiestBob> Okay-in that case, you could not merge them without having one of the following to go with 'the explicitly free-will-derived permission to do further soul manipulation beyond that covered by being your spirit animal' from one member. Then....
  458. [2011-12-24 14:18:42] <TheBeardiestBob> 1: the same from the other could do this
  459. [2011-12-24 14:19:22] <TheBeardiestBob> 2: some situation where in self defense you, as an untrained soul manipulator, destroyed/warped it's soul in self defense. This means outing your power set to draconian tribunal.
  460. [2011-12-24 14:20:00] <TheBeardiestBob> 3: purchasing preshredded soul bits (do not think of this as a conventional commodity-people who acquire legally okay soul shreds usually covet them.)
  461. [2011-12-24 14:20:42] <TheBeardiestBob> 4: use bits of your own soul (note that feeding your own soul to a spirit animal in this more permanent sense, rather than funneling spiritual energy, can greatly disturb the spirit animal bond and mutate it)
  462. [2011-12-24 14:21:06] <TheBeardiestBob> 5: have a god imbue it after getting the bird to agree to the specific thing you want to do
  463. [2011-12-24 14:21:19] <TheBeardiestBob> Uh... there's more but that's all I got off the top of a baked brain
  464. [2011-12-24 14:21:22] <AlratanMobile> Cannibal hummingbird?
  465. [2011-12-24 14:21:29] <AlratanMobile> Could be interesting
  466. [2011-12-24 14:22:04] |<-- Dart666 has left (Read error: Connection timed out)
  467. [2011-12-24 14:22:22] <TheBeardiestBob> Because of beak structure it'd be limited to puncture and suction based consumption. So either vampire or it would inject some dissolvent and slurp out organ/bone/blood/muscle goo from feather sack
  468. [2011-12-24 14:22:45] <WaryObsv> Bob: #4 is potentially good right?
  469. [2011-12-24 14:22:59] -->| Dart666 (~chatzilla@D2CD64FE.AD7575C1.5622741C.IP) has joined #golemquest
  470. [2011-12-24 14:23:11] <AlratanMobile> Can a vampire animal
  471. [2011-12-24 14:23:19] <AlratanMobile> Become a spirit animal
  472. [2011-12-24 14:23:26] <TheBeardiestBob> Option 4 could potentially yield a positive mutation. The problem is you can't control the mutation at all.
  473. [2011-12-24 14:23:32] <AlratanMobile> Luck?
  474. [2011-12-24 14:23:40] <TheBeardiestBob> Alratan yes, a vamp can
  475. [2011-12-24 14:24:09] <TheBeardiestBob> Part luck in the form of intermittent rolls, part interaction logging.
  476. [2011-12-24 14:24:35] <WaryObsv> Just to be clear, what can become a spirit animal? Anything with a soul?
  477. [2011-12-24 14:24:50] <AlratanMobile> Is buying luck to augment that kind of roll rather expensive, perhaps?
  478. [2011-12-24 14:25:39] -->| ArkSortofHere ( has joined #golemquest
  479. [2011-12-24 14:25:52] <ArkSortofHere> eveing people
  480. [2011-12-24 14:25:56] <ArkSortofHere> christmas sucks monkey ball
  481. [2011-12-24 14:26:07] <WaryObsv> Only one ball?
  482. [2011-12-24 14:27:13] <AlratanMobile> You know, apparently hummingbirds have amazing memories
  483. [2011-12-24 14:27:21] <TheBeardiestBob> Alratan, the problem is until you know the specific triggers for rolls, you might waste money on luck that doesn't cover the period the roll happens during.
  484. [2011-12-24 14:27:32] <AlratanMobile> Hopefully Armas can learn something from the example
  485. [2011-12-24 14:28:12] <AlratanMobile> Bob: and having it trigger automatically is presumably not cheap itself
  486. [2011-12-24 14:30:37] <AlratanMobile> Can you get charms, like the Aztec hummingbird talismans, designed to enhance the power of specific spirit animals
  487. [2011-12-24 14:31:04] <ArkSortofHere> what roll does he want to enhance?
  488. [2011-12-24 14:31:18] <ArkSortofHere> Also, why isn't alratan looking into making Sake learn luck magic instead?
  489. [2011-12-24 14:31:25] <AlratanMobile> If we feed a spirit animal a permanent piece of our own soul
  490. [2011-12-24 14:31:58] <AlratanMobile> "TheBeardiestBob: 4: use bits of your own soul (note that feeding your own soul to a spirit animal in this more permanent sense, rather than funneling spiritual energy, can greatly disturb the spirit animal bond and mutate it) "
  491. [2011-12-24 14:32:21] <AlratanMobile> The mutation we get is partially roll based
  492. [2011-12-24 14:32:27] <LittleRedRidingHood> ...wait a sec.
  493. [2011-12-24 14:32:49] <LittleRedRidingHood> How large of a chunk are we talking about?
  494. [2011-12-24 14:33:11] <AlratanMobile> I'd want to make it tiny
  495. [2011-12-24 14:33:23] <AlratanMobile> We can use Iron Trick safely once a day
  496. [2011-12-24 14:33:29] <AlratanMobile> So no bigger than that
  497. [2011-12-24 14:33:36] <ArkSortofHere> huh, Alratan
  498. [2011-12-24 14:33:47] <ArkSortofHere> why do yo uwant to mutate hummingbird?
  499. [2011-12-24 14:34:03] <AlratanMobile> I want to grow its soul as we grow
  500. [2011-12-24 14:34:18] <AlratanMobile> Mutation is a side effect
  501. [2011-12-24 14:34:26] <ArkSortofHere> would that do it?
  502. [2011-12-24 14:34:28] <AlratanMobile> Of the most accessible method
  503. [2011-12-24 14:34:43] <ArkSortofHere> ah ok, you just quoted the method, not what it i
  504. [2011-12-24 14:34:46] <ArkSortofHere> it did
  505. [2011-12-24 14:34:47] <ArkSortofHere> mmmh
  506. [2011-12-24 14:34:51] <ArkSortofHere> that seems rather awesome
  507. [2011-12-24 14:35:01] <ArkSortofHere> What are the other three methods?
  508. [2011-12-24 14:35:07] <AlratanMobile> But the mutation could be bad
  509. [2011-12-24 14:35:09] <AlratanMobile> PM
  510. [2011-12-24 14:35:12] <ArkSortofHere> And has bob given exemple of what the mutation could be?
  511. [2011-12-24 14:35:35] <ArkSortofHere> TheBeardiestBob: is this kind of what the Ameridian people do?
  512. [2011-12-24 14:35:40] <TheBeardiestBob> Alratan: yeah there are spirit animal species and/or type specific boosting charms
  513. [2011-12-24 14:36:02] <WaryObsv> Wording suggests it warps the bond, not the spirit animal.
  514. [2011-12-24 14:36:32] <AlratanMobile> No example mutation given
  515. [2011-12-24 14:36:35] <AlratanMobile> Depends
  516. [2011-12-24 14:36:43] <AlratanMobile> on rolls and interaction
  517. [2011-12-24 14:39:11] <ArkSortofHere> Iirc, it should be possible to get direct inner soul manip on bird if it's linked to our soul, so we could preumably 'prep' it for that thing
  518. [2011-12-24 14:39:47] <ArkSortofHere> Anyway, we just need permission too
  519. [2011-12-24 14:39:59] <ArkSortofHere> and we want to be pal with the bird, so...
  520. [2011-12-24 14:40:14] <AlratanMobile> If we befriend it ahead of time
  521. [2011-12-24 14:40:23] -->| MrTT ( has joined #golemquest
  522. [2011-12-24 14:40:29] <AlratanMobile> Promise it the chance of eternity rather than four years
  523. [2011-12-24 14:40:54] <AlratanMobile> The opportunity to live securely in a shared personal world
  524. [2011-12-24 14:41:51] <AlratanMobile> And that we will ensure it continues to grow stronger, whether by charms or by directly upgrading its soul if it permits us to
  525. [2011-12-24 14:41:59] <AlratanMobile> Life+
  526. [2011-12-24 14:42:19] <AlratanMobile> As the Demiplane is responsive to will, which it has plenty of
  527. [2011-12-24 14:42:40] <AlratanMobile> So it would live in paradise most of the time
  528. [2011-12-24 14:42:56] <ArkSortofHere> yes, this is why i don't think the 'mergng' is needed
  529. [2011-12-24 14:43:12] <ArkSortofHere> we'll have to treat the bird well, and make sure we appear as someone he likes
  530. [2011-12-24 14:43:42] <ArkSortofHere> It's not like we need to power it up furth now- it's already well above the curve of what spirit animals we should be able to have
  531. [2011-12-24 14:45:10] <ArkSortofHere> mmmh bob, how would the hummingbird compare to a low tier mythic when it comes to speed?
  532. [2011-12-24 14:45:48] <TheBeardiestBob> give me a mythic animal to compare against
  533. [2011-12-24 14:46:30] <MrTT> Alratan, you can also scare it a bit with the knowledge of what happens to those who die normally... namely their soul gets melted into nothingness by the cruel and uncaring NN
  534. [2011-12-24 14:46:48] <MrTT> unless they can take steps to prevent that
  535. [2011-12-24 14:48:02] <AlratanMobile> This is such a step
  536. [2011-12-24 14:48:10] <ArkSortofHere> The best way i think is to take time t oconvince it
  537. [2011-12-24 14:48:23] <ArkSortofHere> Just spirit bind it, and take a few motnhs to convince it
  538. [2011-12-24 14:48:28] <AlratanMobile> No
  539. [2011-12-24 14:48:31] <ArkSortofHere> make sure you let it excerise it's full will
  540. [2011-12-24 14:48:44] <ArkSortofHere> TheBeardiestBob: damn.... Doonegaes?
  541. [2011-12-24 14:48:59] <AlratanMobile> Why should it believe a word we ever say after we murder it
  542. [2011-12-24 14:49:01] <TheBeardiestBob> The hummingbird is faster
  543. [2011-12-24 14:49:06] -->| Guile ( has joined #golemquest
  544. [2011-12-24 14:49:08] <AlratanMobile> And enslave it
  545. [2011-12-24 14:49:16] <AlratanMobile> We have to convince it first
  546. [2011-12-24 14:49:28] <AlratanMobile> And only when it agrees spirit bind it
  547. [2011-12-24 14:49:40] <AlratanMobile> So we don't have to dominate it
  548. [2011-12-24 14:49:55] <AlratanMobile> Forcefully
  549. [2011-12-24 14:50:12] <Guile> on the subject of spirit animals, we might as well stick with what we're doing. Other particularly speedy/acceleration animals
  550. [2011-12-24 14:50:19] <AlratanMobile> I also have a suspicion that a willing spirit animal may be different in small ways
  551. [2011-12-24 14:50:36] <AlratanMobile> As it was willing when bound
  552. [2011-12-24 14:50:38] <Guile> or ones that further boost intellect/memory, even if I dont really see Armas as intellect guy
  553. [2011-12-24 14:50:54] <ArkSortofHere> armas is intellectual
  554. [2011-12-24 14:50:59] <ArkSortofHere> just not focused and diligent
  555. [2011-12-24 14:51:07] <AlratanMobile> To one forcibly murdered, broken to our will, and dominates
  556. [2011-12-24 14:51:11] <Guile> no, he's crafty, cunning and able to think around problems. not intelligent.
  557. [2011-12-24 14:51:14] <TheBeardiestBob> intelligent, maybe. Intellectual? Dunno about that.
  558. [2011-12-24 14:51:17] <ArkSortofHere> Guile: i dind't want to sell it to the old woman, just to put the thought into armas head of selling it
  559. [2011-12-24 14:51:23] <Guile> ah
  560. [2011-12-24 14:51:30] <ArkSortofHere> Lending it to Camella as a company aspect if she gets in is good, too
  561. [2011-12-24 14:51:44] <ArkSortofHere> AlratanMobile: we don't need to do that
  562. [2011-12-24 14:51:52] <TheBeardiestBob> crafty/cunning fit better, but he does have some okay intelligence, even if he has interesting deficits
  563. [2011-12-24 14:51:55] <Guile> I thought about the others, but none of our humans are stand-out in the same way. Hafaz needs his crew
  564. [2011-12-24 14:52:01] <ArkSortofHere> We can ocnvince him to e in our soul, and we don't need to take away it's will
  565. [2011-12-24 14:52:07] <ArkSortofHere> We CAN make it uses its full will
  566. [2011-12-24 14:52:28] <ArkSortofHere> Guile: yeah, only Camella is worth getting it
  567. [2011-12-24 14:52:29] <Guile> maybe there'd be a way to tweak it and make subordinate charms linked to the master one, so they can share its 'charges'
  568. [2011-12-24 14:52:47] <ArkSortofHere> If we could do that, we could probably build one
  569. [2011-12-24 14:52:47] <Guile> since they do nothing but crib from it, they might even be cheap
  570. [2011-12-24 14:52:52] <ArkSortofHere> i'd prefer not to tweak with it
  571. [2011-12-24 14:53:12] <AlratanMobile> Arkeus: I'm saying that it's much harder, maybe impossible to convince something that has determination as a core character trait when it hates us for murdering an dominating it
  572. [2011-12-24 14:53:29] <ArkSortofHere> AlratanMobile: we don't need to dominate it, that's the point
  573. [2011-12-24 14:53:34] <AlratanMobile> So we have to convince it before doing anything that harms it
  574. [2011-12-24 14:53:35] <ArkSortofHere> we can make sure it has its full will
  575. [2011-12-24 14:53:43] <ArkSortofHere> and we can try to make it accept being a spirit animal
  576. [2011-12-24 14:53:47] <AlratanMobile> And murdering it?
  577. [2011-12-24 14:53:48] <ArkSortofHere> Do it step by step
  578. [2011-12-24 14:53:50] <ArkSortofHere> over time
  579. [2011-12-24 14:54:00] <AlratanMobile> We're still it's murderer
  580. [2011-12-24 14:54:09] <ArkSortofHere> Depends how we spin it
  581. [2011-12-24 14:54:23] <ArkSortofHere> We'd need to talk to it first, maybe, but i am not even sure
  582. [2011-12-24 14:54:47] <AlratanMobile> We loose nothing by convincing it upfront
  583. [2011-12-24 14:54:49] <ArkSortofHere> Being murdered is not really being murdered if you are still alive
  584. [2011-12-24 14:55:04] <TheBeardiestBob> here's a thought for a question to ask SOMETHING that isn't me but is in-quest: 'what methods are there to allow as pleasant a possible conversion to spirit animal as feasible/how do you leave it less inclined to dislike you for the act/etc'
  585. [2011-12-24 14:55:06] <ArkSortofHere> AlratanMobile: i am saying, do not try to convince it to do EVERYYTHING upfront
  586. [2011-12-24 14:55:10] <ArkSortofHere> just become a spirit animal
  587. [2011-12-24 14:55:14] <ArkSortofHere> then more as he likes us
  588. [2011-12-24 14:55:16] <TheBeardiestBob> You have just BC's one blurb on spirit binding to go off of
  589. [2011-12-24 14:55:23] <AlratanMobile> Dead, and your ghost enslaved by your murderer
  590. [2011-12-24 14:55:27] <TheBeardiestBob> and you're treating it as the gospel on how spirit animals always function
  591. [2011-12-24 14:55:39] <ArkSortofHere> good point
  592. [2011-12-24 14:55:47] <Guile> bob, should I change my post to suggest we not spirit bind the bird if we cant figure out how to do the soul thing? nobody upped it, but itd still be a shitty thing to lose the bird if we die
  593. [2011-12-24 14:55:54] <ArkSortofHere> We need to look into it more, but i want to do that quickly
  594. [2011-12-24 14:55:58] <ArkSortofHere> not lose time about it
  595. [2011-12-24 14:56:25] <TheBeardiestBob> If it does have upvotes when I update latish tonight, it could get used.
  596. [2011-12-24 14:56:30] <AlratanMobile> Yes, hence why my post says we need to investigate more before doing anything
  597. [2011-12-24 14:56:35] <Guile> I was just kinda annoyed at giving up an artifact for something we couldnt immediately use
  598. [2011-12-24 14:56:43] <Guile> okay, so thats a downvote, itll be fine
  599. [2011-12-24 14:57:13] <Guile> although considering our saminess, we might be able to alter the thing post-binding
  600. [2011-12-24 14:57:24] <AlratanMobile> Arkeus: we kept pointing out that the hummingbird was a jam tomorrow item, based on what we currently know
  601. [2011-12-24 14:57:40] <TheBeardiestBob> You have what effectively equates to Camella's Determinator/Guts function in a Hummingbird
  602. [2011-12-24 14:58:04] <TheBeardiestBob> even lacking the conversion to spirit animal (where you better believe it will be assault, rather than sensor) it could be useful
  603. [2011-12-24 14:58:26] <ArkSortofHere> oh?
  604. [2011-12-24 14:58:34] <AlratanMobile> Is it's speed function not defensive?
  605. [2011-12-24 14:59:05] <AlratanMobile> We now know that a vampire animal can become a spirit animal
  606. [2011-12-24 14:59:13] <ArkSortofHere> alratan: it's laso a predator spirit from my understanding
  607. [2011-12-24 14:59:40] <AlratanMobile> Vampire Hummingbird can become our new character when we inevitably kill Armas
  608. [2011-12-24 14:59:49] <TheBeardiestBob> predator/assault spirit from it's life. Would have been sensor as a normal hummingbird
  609. [2011-12-24 14:59:53] <AlratanMobile> Before getting around to binding it
  610. [2011-12-24 14:59:57] <TheBeardiestBob> this one says fuck that, I will fight for what's mine
  611. [2011-12-24 15:00:17] <AlratanMobile> Normal hummingbirds are territorial as fuxk
  612. [2011-12-24 15:00:21] <AlratanMobile> *fuck
  613. [2011-12-24 15:00:34] <Guile> "Follow the hummingbird." Russian: What? "Just do it!"
  614. [2011-12-24 15:00:35] <AlratanMobile> And will happily kill each other over territory
  615. [2011-12-24 15:01:14] |<-- AlratanMobile has left (Remote host closed the connection)
  616. [2011-12-24 15:01:36] <TheBeardiestBob> While that is true, they almost always end sensor-it's pretty hard for herbivorous, particularly small herbivorous species to become assault/predator class spirit animals
  617. [2011-12-24 15:01:47] <TheBeardiestBob> it's mostly large carnivores that become that.
  618. [2011-12-24 15:01:49] <TheBeardiestBob> mostly
  619. [2011-12-24 15:01:53] <ArkSortofHere> That's... a pretty cool spirit aimal
  620. [2011-12-24 15:01:57] <LittleRedRidingHood> That is one awesome bird
  621. [2011-12-24 15:02:02] <Guile> that is the point
  622. [2011-12-24 15:02:07] <LittleRedRidingHood> Make it second-in-command after us
  623. [2011-12-24 15:02:12] <ArkSortofHere> lol
  624. [2011-12-24 15:02:15] <Guile> "Camella, meet the Camella of the avian world."
  625. [2011-12-24 15:02:19] <Ironybot> What exactly are the rules about the three spirit animal classes? What makes the distinctions exist?
  626. [2011-12-24 15:02:20] <Guile> We name the bird Camella!
  627. [2011-12-24 15:02:40] <LittleRedRidingHood> Allemac.
  628. [2011-12-24 15:02:43] <LittleRedRidingHood> Name it Allemac.
  629. [2011-12-24 15:02:44] <ArkSortofHere> lol
  630. [2011-12-24 15:02:45] <TheBeardiestBob> The distinctions are their innate functionality.
  631. [2011-12-24 15:02:48] <Guile> what are the 3? offensive, defensive, sensor?
  632. [2011-12-24 15:03:48] <TheBeardiestBob> That is: do they enhance your physical ability (Defensive), do they enhance your senses (Sensory), or do they externally attack spirits (assault/predator, depending on who's talking. Big calls them predator. Most call it Assault)
  633. [2011-12-24 15:04:21] <ArkSortofHere> So this one is defensive/predator?
  634. [2011-12-24 15:04:28] |<-- Shot__ has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  635. [2011-12-24 15:04:32] <Ironybot> That's what they do, sure, but why do those distinctions exist at all in terms of spiritual mechanics? They seem like kind of an arbitrary thing, and I can't think of any other rules we know about magic that would produce those categories as an emergent effect. Or are they not magically significant distinctions, just labels that people tend to use?
  636. [2011-12-24 15:04:58] <TheBeardiestBob> It's a byproduct of making a spirit animal
  637. [2011-12-24 15:05:05] <Guile> if its assault... pump it up on Armasoul, then send a giant hummingbird spirit on the attack
  638. [2011-12-24 15:05:07] <Guile> bitchin'
  639. [2011-12-24 15:05:13] <Guile> its like Borderlands, but better
  640. [2011-12-24 15:05:27] <ArkSortofHere> yeah, bob talked about doing that
  641. [2011-12-24 15:05:42] <Guile> kind of a shame to lose speed, though
  642. [2011-12-24 15:05:58] <Guile> I could see a case being made either way
  643. [2011-12-24 15:05:59] <ArkSortofHere> i think it has both speed and assault
  644. [2011-12-24 15:06:02] <ArkSortofHere> not sure, though
  645. [2011-12-24 15:06:03] <Guile> given theres divergent nomenclature
  646. [2011-12-24 15:06:13] -->| AlratanMobile ( has joined #golemquest
  647. [2011-12-24 15:06:15] <Guile> oh, switching from one to the other, that would be delightful
  648. [2011-12-24 15:06:48] <Guile> "Send in the hummingbird."
  649. [2011-12-24 15:07:00] <Ironybot> Sending the hummingbird to attack might not make us lose any basic boosts that it grants. Remember that our soul connection to it would remain active as long as it's our spirit animal, and I think it's that connection which grants us powers.
  650. [2011-12-24 15:07:10] <AlratanMobile> To the tune of the Imperial March
  651. [2011-12-24 15:07:26] <Ironybot> So sending it to attack would be kind of like... I don't know, deploying an assault kite, where there's a tether back to us.
  652. [2011-12-24 15:07:30] <Guile> Undoubtedly, but it also keeps us out of the main battle - so itd be useful for situations like fighting spirits, or creatures that have no soul powers
  653. [2011-12-24 15:07:50] <Ironybot> That tether would continue to give us speed boosts, would be my prediction.
  654. [2011-12-24 15:08:05] <Guile> if that were the case, then bob does believe in Christmas
  655. [2011-12-24 15:08:20] <AlratanMobile> I think that having the hummingbird were willing from before it became a spirit animal, then it would be significantly better at operating independently
  656. [2011-12-24 15:08:42] <Guile> Big's spirit animals seem both subordinate and able to think independently
  657. [2011-12-24 15:08:52] <ArkSortofHere> So, what we need to do is find a way to soulbind it directly to our soul with the least possible harm to the hummingbird itself
  658. [2011-12-24 15:08:53] <Guile> thats okay with me
  659. [2011-12-24 15:09:00] <ArkSortofHere> i think the winter gal might know how to do that
  660. [2011-12-24 15:09:11] <AlratanMobile> Yes, but we want the determinator function to work
  661. [2011-12-24 15:09:12] <Guile> who, hillevi? kami?
  662. [2011-12-24 15:09:22] <AlratanMobile> The Yama-UBS
  663. [2011-12-24 15:09:30] <AlratanMobile> Yama-uba
  664. [2011-12-24 15:09:36] <Guile> Oh, Grannoms.
  665. [2011-12-24 15:09:38] <ArkSortofHere> AlratanMobile: it will work anyway, though it might be muted until he does it by itself
  666. [2011-12-24 15:09:39] <Ironybot> I am not sure that we actually need to learn anything in order to bind it to our soul. We operate very effectively on an instinctive level with soul shit.
  667. [2011-12-24 15:09:57] <ArkSortofHere> Ironybot: the point is to do it without hurting the hummingbird at all
  668. [2011-12-24 15:10:01] <Ironybot> We might just be able to will it to become our spirit animal and have it work. Admittedly, I don't recommend this because it would be a huge gamble.
  669. [2011-12-24 15:10:06] <ArkSortofHere> for a 'easy' transition
  670. [2011-12-24 15:10:25] <AlratanMobile> I also suspect that a willing binding will loose less power, as it won't be spending it's strength fighting us for dominance
  671. [2011-12-24 15:10:36] <Guile> if we could experiment, I'd say try Lordly Impositioning it strongly enough to tear its soul from its body and envelop it without devouring it
  672. [2011-12-24 15:10:42] <ArkSortofHere> i don't think it fight us for dominance at all
  673. [2011-12-24 15:10:45] <Guile> but we'd need another souled being to try it on
  674. [2011-12-24 15:10:54] <ArkSortofHere> and remember we can convince it even after it's bound
  675. [2011-12-24 15:10:57] <ArkSortofHere> hard, but possible
  676. [2011-12-24 15:11:08] <Guile> then the soul is within us, trapped but not a part of us
  677. [2011-12-24 15:11:12] <AlratanMobile> A determinator that we murdered. Convince them
  678. [2011-12-24 15:11:15] <AlratanMobile> Yeah
  679. [2011-12-24 15:11:18] <AlratanMobile> Good luck
  680. [2011-12-24 15:11:32] <ArkSortofHere> As bob said, there might be other ways without the hardships
  681. [2011-12-24 15:11:38] <Guile> though you may run into some continuous energy requirements that way
  682. [2011-12-24 15:11:52] <Guile> the Laib are the undisputed masters... but they dont exactly have a landline
  683. [2011-12-24 15:12:04] <ArkSortofHere> and BC is in contact with them
  684. [2011-12-24 15:12:10] <ArkSortofHere> Einrik could get us into contact, too
  685. [2011-12-24 15:12:35] <ArkSortofHere> That's why i want to call the valkonens and talk about it to the laib olmai that are possibly there
  686. [2011-12-24 15:12:48] -->| PriceisMagic ( has joined #golemquest
  687. [2011-12-24 15:12:50] <AlratanMobile> Isn't there a Liab Olmai shaman currently at the Valkonens
  688. [2011-12-24 15:13:01] <AlratanMobile> We can ring up and talk to him
  689. [2011-12-24 15:13:24] <Guile> can't say I remember that, but Im not infallible
  690. [2011-12-24 15:13:37] <ArkSortofHere> BC is gettting lessons from laib olmai
  691. [2011-12-24 15:13:44] <AlratanMobile> Working with BC on the hydra project
  692. [2011-12-24 15:13:45] <ArkSortofHere> don't know if they are actively there, though
  693. [2011-12-24 15:14:00] <Guile> and then there's the 'learn about soul over the phone' aspect
  694. [2011-12-24 15:14:14] <ArkSortofHere> what's the problem wit hthat
  695. [2011-12-24 15:14:17] <Guile> maybe we could use up our favor to have him come to us
  696. [2011-12-24 15:14:20] <ArkSortofHere> spirit animal binding is ok
  697. [2011-12-24 15:14:24] <AlratanMobile> What!
  698. [2011-12-24 15:14:27] <Guile> We learn best by seeing
  699. [2011-12-24 15:14:44] <AlratanMobile> We should call in our teaching
  700. [2011-12-24 15:14:48] <Guile> trying to explain abstract concepts over the phone would be hard
  701. [2011-12-24 15:14:52] <ArkSortofHere> Also, we have said FAR worse over the phone
  702. [2011-12-24 15:14:53] <AlratanMobile> Ask Einrik to send the family plane
  703. [2011-12-24 15:14:56] <Guile> yes, thats what I was trying to say, Al
  704. [2011-12-24 15:14:58] <ArkSortofHere> Guile: ah, right
  705. [2011-12-24 15:15:14] <AlratanMobile> I'm saying we can't safely learn it over the phone
  706. [2011-12-24 15:15:16] <ArkSortofHere> Well, i get the feeling we won't be able to get our teaching
  707. [2011-12-24 15:15:20] <ArkSortofHere> that BC used it up
  708. [2011-12-24 15:15:20] <Guile> obviously, there are things about the soul we literally have no words - maybe even no concepts - for
  709. [2011-12-24 15:15:21] <ArkSortofHere> or some such
  710. [2011-12-24 15:15:23] <ArkSortofHere> bastard
  711. [2011-12-24 15:15:34] <AlratanMobile> BC can't have used up OUR teaching
  712. [2011-12-24 15:15:38] <AlratanMobile> As he's not us
  713. [2011-12-24 15:15:39] <Guile> oh, come on! that doesnt even make sense!
  714. [2011-12-24 15:16:02] <ArkSortofHere> I wouldn't be surprised if we'd end up with that 'news'
  715. [2011-12-24 15:16:09] <Guile> Camella promising our money away, Big using up our training... our friends are as big a bunch of assholes as we are
  716. [2011-12-24 15:16:28] <PriceisMagic> What
  717. [2011-12-24 15:16:38] <PriceisMagic> When did she do that?
  718. [2011-12-24 15:16:43] <Guile> oh, is this one of things where you say something and we take it as fact, but you meant it as a guess
  719. [2011-12-24 15:16:47] <PriceisMagic> And to who and why
  720. [2011-12-24 15:17:02] <Guile> she met us back in istanbul with 'oh, once we catch BB you owe Go Ping 4million'
  721. [2011-12-24 15:17:15] <Guile> for services rendered while we were away
  722. [2011-12-24 15:17:22] <PriceisMagic> ...
  723. [2011-12-24 15:17:26] <Guile> maybe the leg, maybe support with blackbeard, I dunno
  724. [2011-12-24 15:17:36] <ArkSortofHere> Guile: that's a guess
  725. [2011-12-24 15:17:37] <PriceisMagic> SoN OF A bitch
  726. [2011-12-24 15:17:41] <ArkSortofHere> i didn't say it was a fact at alll
  727. [2011-12-24 15:17:45] <PriceisMagic> Fucking cpas
  728. [2011-12-24 15:17:48] <ArkSortofHere> "i get th feeeling"
  729. [2011-12-24 15:17:51] <ArkSortofHere> not a fact at all
  730. [2011-12-24 15:17:52] <PriceisMagic> son of a BITCH*
  731. [2011-12-24 15:18:07] <Guile> yeah, thanks for making the effort- I still missed it
  732. [2011-12-24 15:18:21] <Guile> well, considering I honestly doubt BB is going down, itll never come do
  733. [2011-12-24 15:18:30] <Guile> or his bounty will climb so much 4mil is a drop in the bucket
  734. [2011-12-24 15:18:39] <Guile> come due*
  735. [2011-12-24 15:18:43] <PriceisMagic> Doubtful
  736. [2011-12-24 15:18:55] <PriceisMagic> Unless it gets jacked to like 100mil
  737. [2011-12-24 15:18:57] <Guile> it was at 20mil, and is now at 27-29, isnt it?
  738. [2011-12-24 15:19:10] <Guile> all the running battles in istanbul
  739. [2011-12-24 15:19:43] <ArkSortofHere> BB's not going down
  740. [2011-12-24 15:19:47] <ArkSortofHere> He is too loved
  741. [2011-12-24 15:19:49] <ArkSortofHere> :p
  742. [2011-12-24 15:20:11] <ArkSortofHere> going to try and sleep a couple of hours
  743. [2011-12-24 15:20:13] <ArkSortofHere> later
  744. [2011-12-24 15:20:17] |<-- ArkSortofHere has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  745. [2011-12-24 15:27:36] |<-- AlratanMobile has left (Quit: AlratanMobile)
  746. [2011-12-24 15:28:26] -->| AlratanMobile ( has joined #golemquest
  747. [2011-12-24 15:29:02] <AlratanMobile> I think when BC returns we'll have the climatic battle
  748. [2011-12-24 15:29:13] |<-- Dart666 has left (Read error: Connection timed out)
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  750. [2011-12-24 15:30:07] <Guile> with who? BC?
  751. [2011-12-24 15:30:29] <AlratanMobile> No, with BB
  752. [2011-12-24 15:30:37] <AlratanMobile> Back under Bob's control
  753. [2011-12-24 15:32:09] <AlratanMobile> Well, I've reposted, with a proposal for the hummingbird
  754. [2011-12-24 15:41:03] <Wutenheimer> holy shit skyrim is 20$ off
  755. [2011-12-24 15:41:12] <Guile> ooo
  756. [2011-12-24 15:41:37] <Guile> I was planning to wait, but for 20 bucks off...
  757. [2011-12-24 15:42:56] <Guile> hey, bloodbowl. thats supposed to be pretty fun, right?
  758. [2011-12-24 15:43:06] <Guile> 8 bucks, too
  759. [2011-12-24 15:45:27] <Wutenheimer> you know what's really annoying?
  760. [2011-12-24 15:45:35] <Wutenheimer> i know i require nourishment, but i'm not hungry
  761. [2011-12-24 15:46:25] <Guile> iv time go
  762. [2011-12-24 15:46:35] <Wutenheimer> excellent idea!
  763. [2011-12-24 15:47:10] <Wutenheimer> hmmm, orange juice or gravy?
  764. [2011-12-24 15:49:39] <Guile> decisions, decisions
  765. [2011-12-24 15:51:42] <LittleRedRidingHood> .choose Orange Juice, Gravy
  766. [2011-12-24 15:51:43] <Classhole> LittleRedRidingHood: Orange Juice
  767. [2011-12-24 15:56:17] <Wutenheimer> wait, fuck alla yall
  768. [2011-12-24 15:56:34] <Wutenheimer> .choose beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, BEAR
  769. [2011-12-24 15:56:35] <Classhole> Wutenheimer: BEAR
  770. [2011-12-24 15:56:38] <Wutenheimer> :O
  771. [2011-12-24 15:57:54] -->| Shot__ (~chatzilla@C7DEDBDF.98D1E179.166E94FC.IP) has joined #golemquest
  772. [2011-12-24 16:12:40] <PriceisMagic> Going to do Christmas stuff
  773. [2011-12-24 16:12:45] <PriceisMagic> Might be back later
  774. [2011-12-24 16:12:49] |<-- PriceisMagic has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  775. [2011-12-24 16:14:44] -->| ManOfTroy ( has joined #golemquest
  776. [2011-12-24 16:18:03] <ManOfTroy> Hello, my gents. I need Steam Help.
  777. [2011-12-24 16:19:04] <ManOfTroy> Well, not honest help. CHoice help.
  778. [2011-12-24 16:19:48] -->| Arkill ( has joined #golemquest
  779. [2011-12-24 16:20:27] -->| Shifter21 ( has joined #golemquest
  780. [2011-12-24 16:20:54] <AlratanMobile> So, what are the options?
  781. [2011-12-24 16:21:01] <Arkill> for?
  782. [2011-12-24 16:21:49] <ManOfTroy> Current steam Sale, please.
  783. [2011-12-24 16:25:10] |<-- TheBeardiestBob has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  784. [2011-12-24 16:31:32] |<-- Wutenheimer has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  836. [2011-12-24 16:35:36] <AlratanMobile> Oh, Arkeus, something you may be interested in. When I asked Bob before I'd it was worth posting discussion with the hummingbird (to persuade it to be a spirit animal willingly) for this update, he said it depended on the balance of posts.
  837. [2011-12-24 16:36:07] <AlratanMobile> I no longer have the logs on my mobile, but someone else may have the exact words
  838. [2011-12-24 16:36:36] <AlratanMobile> So getting its co-operation may not result in delaying the binding process
  839. [2011-12-24 16:37:00] <Guile> Skyrim and maybe Bloodbowl, for me
  840. [2011-12-24 16:37:06] <Guile> @Troy
  841. [2011-12-24 16:37:51] |<-- Ironybot_ has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  842. [2011-12-24 16:38:57] <AlratanMobile> On the sale, I'd vote Skyrim
  843. [2011-12-24 16:39:16] -->| AlratanMobile_ ( has joined #golemquest
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  845. [2011-12-24 16:39:16] =-= AlratanMobile_ is now known as AlratanMobile
  846. [2011-12-24 16:39:37] <ManOfTroy> THanks. Skyrim is still 40, and 'damn that's high'. More asking about Hard Reset and Hawx, Hawx 2 and Wings of...
  847. [2011-12-24 16:40:25] <ManOfTroy> Wings of Prey
  848. [2011-12-24 16:40:55] <Arkill> But the blasted book didn’t even tell her how any of their spells was achieved. It was all well and good to talk about the elements, but what was ‘A-S-F’ supposed to mean? Was that an aria? Acronyms for something else? Did she need a ritual circle? It didn’t say. Just ‘A-S-F’ for a spell of quickening, and that was it.
  849. [2011-12-24 16:40:58] <Arkill> lol
  850. [2011-12-24 16:41:14] <Ralith> I hear wings of prey is kind of shitty
  851. [2011-12-24 16:41:20] <Ralith> but then I'm a massive flightsim sperg
  852. [2011-12-24 16:41:23] <ManOfTroy> Yeah. It looked it.
  853. [2011-12-24 16:43:30] <Guile> ... sperg?
  854. [2011-12-24 16:43:50] <Ralith> sperg!
  855. [2011-12-24 16:43:52] * Ralith spergs.
  856. [2011-12-24 16:43:57] <Guile> okay then
  857. [2011-12-24 16:44:16] <Ralith> it's kind of like being a nerd
  858. [2011-12-24 16:44:18] <Ralith> but worse
  859. [2011-12-24 16:44:39] <Guile> it SOUNDS horrible
  860. [2011-12-24 16:45:40] <Ralith> but on the upside if you need somebody to tell you why any fiction or game or etc concerning aircraft is terrible and/or wrong I am your man
  861. [2011-12-24 16:45:47] <Guile> Yeah, $40 for Skyrim is a little high for me and I have other stuff to play, but its not going to get down to that price normally for a year, so why the hell not?
  862. [2011-12-24 16:46:08] <Ralith> it's steam, it'll be cheaper still if you give it 6 months
  863. [2011-12-24 16:47:00] <Guile> Hard Reset Ive heard is a mindless shooter, a la Doom's ilk
  864. [2011-12-24 16:47:15] <Ralith> I even have a $500 joystick, although that's only because buying shit on amazon was how I cashed out my bitcoins back during that huge peak
  865. [2011-12-24 16:47:18] <Guile> can be fun if you like that
  866. [2011-12-24 16:47:31] <Ralith> it's pretty neat
  867. [2011-12-24 16:52:12] <ManOfTroy> Ralith, you vaguely scare me.
  868. [2011-12-24 16:52:41] <ManOfTroy> So, Wings of whatnot is crap.
  869. [2011-12-24 16:52:45] <ManOfTroy> How about Hawxs?
  870. [2011-12-24 16:52:47] <Shot__> Need a new computer before I can run Skyrim, let alone buy it
  871. [2011-12-24 16:52:52] <AlratanMobile> Guile: on your post, and concerns about inviting the Yama-uba, remember that we've massively increased our magical meat supply recently, and so can make every dish from the book per week. As long as we're talking about tasting rather than simply gorging, I think it should be OK.
  872. [2011-12-24 16:52:58] <Ralith> hey, it was a hell of a lot easier than working out the shit to get them to send me actual money
  873. [2011-12-24 16:53:06] <Ralith> buying things on amazon was literally less effort than using a credit card
  874. [2011-12-24 16:53:28] <Ralith> ManOfTroy: so arcadey I never even bothered to learn about it, unfortunately.
  875. [2011-12-24 16:53:42] <Guile> we have no idea what the cookbook contains. 20 dishes? 40? More?
  876. [2011-12-24 16:54:37] <Guile> mm, thats probably my problem too shot, although fallout new vegas chugs along
  877. [2011-12-24 16:55:39] <Arkill> we know we got enough meat for 100 starving men for a week
  878. [2011-12-24 16:56:25] <Guile> considering the redcaps can pack away hundreds of gallons of blood in one sitting, it kinda depends on whether Grannoms is a connoisseur or not
  879. [2011-12-24 16:56:33] <LittleRedRidingHood> I wonder when we'll get a Cooking Trait...
  880. [2011-12-24 16:56:40] <Ralith> that would be awesome
  881. [2011-12-24 16:56:42] <Guile> and our meat is not HUMAN meat, most of it.
  882. [2011-12-24 16:56:54] <LittleRedRidingHood> What? Main Quest Story? What's that?
  883. [2011-12-24 16:56:58] <ManOfTroy> Honest, folk. Honest.
  884. [2011-12-24 16:57:22] <Guile> she is a cannibal, not necessarily into shamshir or kelpie meat
  885. [2011-12-24 16:57:35] <Guile> maybe we could convert her to an exciting new lifestyle choice!
  886. [2011-12-24 16:57:44] <Guile> maybe I'll add that to my post
  887. [2011-12-24 16:58:13] <Ralith> ManOfTroy: is the stick in question, if you're interested
  888. [2011-12-24 17:00:27] -->| Shot___ ( has joined #golemquest
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  891. [2011-12-24 17:01:40] |<-- Arkill has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  892. [2011-12-24 17:02:39] <AlratanMobile> I think a social good host trait would be an interesting one to get
  893. [2011-12-24 17:02:54] <AlratanMobile> Build from Word like Gols
  894. [2011-12-24 17:03:04] <AlratanMobile> *Gold
  895. [2011-12-24 17:03:27] -->| AlratanMobile_ ( has joined #golemquest
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  897. [2011-12-24 17:03:27] =-= AlratanMobile_ is now known as AlratanMobile
  898. [2011-12-24 17:03:48] <AlratanMobile> I do wonder what we have to do to upgrade our haggling though
  899. [2011-12-24 17:04:40] <AlratanMobile> Perhaps if we can convince the hummingbird to become our spirit animal based on our word of how great it will be for him and how much death sucks, we could upgrade WoG
  900. [2011-12-24 17:05:32] <AlratanMobile> As persuading somone to voluntarily give away their soul seems pretty extreme!
  901. [2011-12-24 17:05:45] <Guile> we dont really need a bunch of little 3-4 level traits so much as be able to use M7 for everything
  902. [2011-12-24 17:06:36] |<-- LittleRedRidingHood has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  903. [2011-12-24 17:08:24] -->| LittleSister (cgiirc@C7DC51C0.E039B8F5.C318AC60.IP) has joined #golemquest
  904. [2011-12-24 17:08:29] <AlratanMobile> Yes. This seems a perfect opportunity to combine WoG and M7 (along with Animal Emperor, I suppose) to work towards the same goal, as we use the truth and our given word about it to manipulate someone.
  905. [2011-12-24 17:08:54] <AlratanMobile> I might repost to that effect
  906. [2011-12-24 17:09:30] <AlratanMobile> Actually, I've been replied it, do it may be better for someone else to if they're in agreement
  907. [2011-12-24 17:12:24] <Shot__> GUYS QUICK
  908. [2011-12-24 17:12:46] <Shot__> New sherlock holmes, Puss in boots, Girl with the dragon tattoo, or the new mission impossible.
  909. [2011-12-24 17:12:49] <Shot__> Which one!?
  910. [2011-12-24 17:13:00] <Guile> all supposed to be good
  911. [2011-12-24 17:13:36] <ManOfTroy> Sherlock.
  912. [2011-12-24 17:13:48] <ManOfTroy> But Mission Impossible looks good.
  913. [2011-12-24 17:14:02] <Shot__> how do I ask Classhole
  914. [2011-12-24 17:14:04] <ManOfTroy> Not Puss, however.
  915. [2011-12-24 17:14:46] <LittleSister> .choose Sherlock Holmes, Puss in boots, Girl with the dragon tattoo, Mission Impossible
  916. [2011-12-24 17:14:47] <Classhole> LittleSister: Puss in boots
  917. [2011-12-24 17:14:51] * LittleSister snickers
  918. [2011-12-24 17:15:04] <Shot__> I think I know what I want
  919. [2011-12-24 17:15:25] <LittleSister> Puss in Boots?
  920. [2011-12-24 17:15:45] <Shot__> Sherlock
  921. [2011-12-24 17:16:08] <ManOfTroy> Sherlock is awesome.
  922. [2011-12-24 17:17:13] <Shot__> >Brother watches the first one
  923. [2011-12-24 17:17:22] <Shot__> >"That's how unarmed VATS should work."
  924. [2011-12-24 17:17:39] <ManOfTroy> AOh, that's awesome.
  925. [2011-12-24 17:22:56] <Guile> that would be delightful, yes
  926. [2011-12-24 17:25:59] |<-- WaryObsv has left (Quit: Rizon webchat:
  927. [2011-12-24 17:26:19] -->| Burrowed_Lurker ( has joined #golemquest
  928. [2011-12-24 17:27:33] |<-- Burrowed_Lurker has left ()
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  930. [2011-12-24 17:43:16] -->| mib_1mn03g ( has joined #golemquest
  931. [2011-12-24 17:49:06] <Shot__> Red Sands
  932. [2011-12-24 17:51:59] -->| Moralfag ( has joined #golemquest
  933. [2011-12-24 17:52:52] <Moralfag> Awesome! First mention of the Nobles. I can't wait. > W<
  934. [2011-12-24 17:53:33] <Moralfag> Also, Shot__, you bucking faggot, those names were totally ponyriffic. XD
  935. [2011-12-24 17:53:45] <Shot__> Shhhh about the ponies.
  936. [2011-12-24 17:53:59] <Moralfag> [/Petpet]
  937. [2011-12-24 17:54:18] <Moralfag> My brain sucks today.
  938. [2011-12-24 17:54:20] <Moralfag> Feels fried.
  939. [2011-12-24 17:57:23] <Moralfag> [/Pokes the stranger]
  940. [2011-12-24 18:12:34] -->| someone ( has joined #golemquest
  941. [2011-12-24 18:13:32] =-= someone is now known as Guest63273
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  951. [2011-12-24 19:21:22] |<-- LittleSister has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  952. [2011-12-24 19:21:41] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> You lot seem to know what you're on about, when it comes to Skyrim.
  953. [2011-12-24 19:21:53] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> WHen should I level, and is there any point I should stop leveling?
  954. [2011-12-24 19:25:06] -->| Dart666 (~chatzilla@D2CD64FE.AD7575C1.5622741C.IP) has joined #golemquest
  955. [2011-12-24 19:26:09] <mib_1mn03g> Whenever you want.
  956. [2011-12-24 19:26:42] <mib_1mn03g> As long as you don't take up any peculiar build you should be capable of taking anything when the enemies start scaling.
  957. [2011-12-24 19:28:37] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Ok, I just remember that Oblivion it was best not to level.
  958. [2011-12-24 19:29:50] <mib_1mn03g> Yeah, the new leveling system is a lot more streamlined, a bit too much for my liking, but it's a lot more accessible.
  959. [2011-12-24 19:42:50] -->| BigSister (cgiirc@C7DC51C0.E039B8F5.C318AC60.IP) has joined #golemquest
  960. [2011-12-24 19:49:55] <Wutenheimer> oh yes, mrtt iirc i've had this charm desribed to me before
  961. [2011-12-24 19:50:04] <Wutenheimer> when i was playing hafaz
  962. [2011-12-24 19:50:17] <Wutenheimer> which is probably why bob neglected to describe it
  963. [2011-12-24 19:51:06] <Wutenheimer> and yeah, it's a golden wheel with a gem in the center, if it's the same charm that camella and i had to deal with
  964. [2011-12-24 19:51:23] <Wutenheimer> atleast, thats what i think. probably shouldnt quote me on that
  965. [2011-12-24 19:57:40] <Wutenheimer> mrtt are you just reading GQ now?
  966. [2011-12-24 19:57:42] <Wutenheimer> jesus man
  967. [2011-12-24 19:58:39] <Ralith> ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB: just be sure not to grind crafting massively hard until you are fairly tough
  968. [2011-12-24 19:59:00] <Guile> turns out theres a mod to power up dragons in skyrim. tt ought to be happy with that
  969. [2011-12-24 20:01:47] <mib_1mn03g> I'm looking forward to DLC.
  970. [2011-12-24 20:02:46] |<-- Wutenheimer has left ()
  971. [2011-12-24 20:03:36] =-= mib_1mn03g is now known as Grail
  972. [2011-12-24 20:20:47] -->| CaptainButthead ( has joined #golemquest
  973. [2011-12-24 20:21:18] <Guile> Im torn on whether to get skyrim at 33% off when I'm still playing new vegas
  974. [2011-12-24 20:21:47] <Guile> ... and shogun... and witcher, and all the other crap I bought during the summer and autumn sales
  975. [2011-12-24 20:21:49] <CaptainButthead> It's just a game, get it when you want it
  976. [2011-12-24 20:22:04] <Guile> salient point
  977. [2011-12-24 20:22:18] <Guile> 15 bucks aint that much of a difference
  978. [2011-12-24 20:25:06] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Fifteen bucks, in this sale, are two other games.
  979. [2011-12-24 20:25:15] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> 30 is like, what, an entire liberary of games/
  980. [2011-12-24 20:25:36] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> So wait, save your money till all the DLC comes out, the mods are great, and the computers to play the game are cheep
  981. [2011-12-24 20:29:44] <Shot__> Red Sands
  982. [2011-12-24 20:39:15] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Seriously, what does that mean? You've said it twice now.
  983. [2011-12-24 20:39:25] <Shot__> Red Sands?
  984. [2011-12-24 20:39:32] <Shot__> It's update notify.
  985. [2011-12-24 20:40:10] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Ah!
  986. [2011-12-24 20:40:12] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Ok.
  987. [2011-12-24 20:41:38] |<-- BigSister has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  988. [2011-12-24 20:42:37] -->| WaryObserver ( has joined #golemquest
  989. [2011-12-24 21:03:11] |<-- Shifter21 has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  990. [2011-12-24 21:12:41] -->| ManOfTroy ( has joined #golemquest
  991. [2011-12-24 21:13:49] <MrTT> i was away for hours
  992. [2011-12-24 21:13:53] <MrTT> with my brother
  993. [2011-12-24 21:13:57] <Shot__> MrTT
  994. [2011-12-24 21:14:00] <MrTT> whom i am meeting for the holidays
  995. [2011-12-24 21:14:00] <Shot__> update to sands
  996. [2011-12-24 21:14:05] <MrTT> cool, thanks shot
  997. [2011-12-24 21:31:47] -->| LittleSister (cgiirc@C7DC51C0.E039B8F5.C318AC60.IP) has joined #golemquest
  998. [2011-12-24 21:32:00] <LittleSister> ?discthread
  999. [2011-12-24 21:32:00] <Classhole>
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  1005. [2011-12-24 22:32:05] <Captain-Lightning> ?gfh
  1006. [2011-12-24 22:32:06] <Classhole>
  1007. [2011-12-24 22:32:27] -->| TheBeardiestBob ( has joined #golemquest
  1008. [2011-12-24 22:41:19] -->| Arkwasted ( has joined #golemquest
  1009. [2011-12-24 22:41:23] <Arkwasted> hey
  1010. [2011-12-24 22:41:29] <Ironybot> I need to get my old gaming group a Christmas gift. Preferably something RPG-related that can fit in a gmail attachment (25 MB), that's uncommon enough they're unlikely to have heard of it. Any clever ideas, anyone?
  1011. [2011-12-24 22:41:32] <Arkwasted> who is WaryObserver ?
  1012. [2011-12-24 22:41:50] |<-- Shot__ has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243])
  1013. [2011-12-24 22:46:35] <Arkwasted> no one talking, huh
  1014. [2011-12-24 22:47:38] <WaryObserver> Just a dude.
  1015. [2011-12-24 22:47:52] <WaryObserver> Who like Golem and Gfh.
  1016. [2011-12-24 22:52:00] -->| Shifter21 ( has joined #golemquest
  1017. [2011-12-24 22:54:31] <Arkwasted> laters
  1018. [2011-12-24 22:54:38] |<-- Arkwasted has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1019. [2011-12-24 22:56:32] <Guile> Get them MaidRPG
  1020. [2011-12-24 22:56:41] <Guile> if theyre also into anime
  1021. [2011-12-24 22:56:48] <Guile> its wacky
  1022. [2011-12-24 22:59:32] <Ironybot> They are not particularly into that kind of anime, no. It wouldn't go over that well.
  1023. [2011-12-24 23:00:25] <Ironybot> Otherwise I'd probably have done so already.
  1024. [2011-12-24 23:10:19] <WaryObserver>
  1025. [2011-12-24 23:10:23] <WaryObserver> There ya go
  1026. [2011-12-24 23:12:12] <Ironybot> Hah, I remember that one. It would be worth a laugh, at least.
  1027. [2011-12-24 23:13:05] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> I whould sugest getting them Maid anyway.
  1028. [2011-12-24 23:15:05] <Ironybot> Why? I doubt they'd ever read or play it and it would likely worsen their opinion of me. Some of their opinions of me, anyway.
  1029. [2011-12-24 23:16:44] |<-- ManOfTroy has left (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1030. [2011-12-24 23:18:23] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> >Worsen.
  1031. [2011-12-24 23:18:24] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Suuure.
  1032. [2011-12-24 23:19:14] <WaryObserver> Palladium Fantasy, maybe? 19mb
  1033. [2011-12-24 23:19:31] <Ironybot> Hmm, I don't have a copy of that.
  1034. [2011-12-24 23:19:34] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> If Maid would worsen, Palladium would destory it.
  1035. [2011-12-24 23:20:06] <Ironybot> I'm not actually familiar with the game.
  1036. [2011-12-24 23:21:02] <Guile> Call of Cthulhu is fairly mainstream these days
  1037. [2011-12-24 23:21:11] <Guile> and Settlers of Cataan needs the board
  1038. [2011-12-24 23:21:41] <Guile> are any of them rules lawyers? Get em Munchkin: the... whatever it was
  1039. [2011-12-24 23:22:51] <Ironybot> For reference, we played Call of Cthulhu, D&D 3.5, Changeling, Paranoia, Shadowrun, Star Wars d20, and... probably a couple other things that don't come to mind. And since I moved they're now playing Earthdawn, apparently.
  1040. [2011-12-24 23:22:58] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Irony, Palladium is a...not good system.
  1041. [2011-12-24 23:23:08] <Guile> or if theyre into anime but not harem stuff, there's
  1042. [2011-12-24 23:23:31] <Guile> Rogue trader is also pretty good for futuristic grimdark
  1043. [2011-12-24 23:24:06] <Ironybot> Their interest in anime is minimal and mostly leans towards things like Ghost in the Shell, where it's action and not heavy with anime tropes.
  1044. [2011-12-24 23:24:40] <WaryObserver> AHA
  1045. [2011-12-24 23:24:52] <WaryObserver> Hero system vol 1 & 2
  1046. [2011-12-24 23:24:59] <WaryObserver> If
  1047. [2011-12-24 23:25:06] <WaryObserver> Wthey like rules heavy goodness
  1048. [2011-12-24 23:25:09] <Guile> oh, if they like d20 like D&D, Mutants and Masterminds is pretty good
  1049. [2011-12-24 23:25:21] <WaryObserver> 2e is just over 30mb
  1050. [2011-12-24 23:25:25] <Guile> the rules lend themselves to superheroish games, but doesnt need to
  1051. [2011-12-24 23:25:34] <Guile> models funky powers well
  1052. [2011-12-24 23:25:42] <Guile> cuz you can mix and match your own
  1053. [2011-12-24 23:26:00] <Guile> Firefly also has a tabletop game
  1054. [2011-12-24 23:26:05] <Guile> that is serviceable
  1055. [2011-12-24 23:26:09] <Ironybot> Hrm. 3e Mutants and Masterminds looks like it's only 23 MB. Promising.
  1056. [2011-12-24 23:26:20] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Oh, delightful!
  1057. [2011-12-24 23:26:20] <Guile> Serenity RPG
  1058. [2011-12-24 23:26:42] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Ok, question: How the fuck does Bob post pictures?
  1059. [2011-12-24 23:26:51] <Guile> its been wonky lately
  1060. [2011-12-24 23:27:10] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Huh. Worked.
  1061. [2011-12-24 23:30:40] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Well, it worked if others can see it
  1062. [2011-12-24 23:31:39] <Ironybot> Did you just post a youtube video with a humorous suggestion that has minimal bearing on the game which would result in utter horror if taken seriously?
  1063. [2011-12-24 23:31:50] <Ironybot> If so, it worked.
  1064. [2011-12-24 23:33:26] <Ironybot> Guile, the website of the creator of Bliss Stage is currently promoting his newest game, "Hot Guys Making Out".
  1065. [2011-12-24 23:33:48] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> YES!
  1066. [2011-12-24 23:33:49] <Guile> ...
  1067. [2011-12-24 23:33:57] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> ...
  1068. [2011-12-24 23:34:13] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> That loud yes was directed at the 'utter horror if taken seriouesly'.
  1069. [2011-12-24 23:34:14] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> AHem.
  1070. [2011-12-24 23:36:47] <Grail>
  1071. [2011-12-24 23:37:06] <Ironybot> ...the charge was what, trespassing?
  1072. [2011-12-24 23:37:16] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Likely.
  1073. [2011-12-24 23:37:26] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Or job thief.
  1074. [2011-12-24 23:37:37] <WaryObserver> Next halloween
  1075. [2011-12-24 23:37:47] <ManOfSleepOhMyGodHowLongHasItB> Although, I'm vaguely depressed that that link isn't the edited Beauty and the Beast picture.
  1076. [2011-12-24 23:42:54] <Grail> You know the complete subservience of will thing with Spirit Animals would have had interesting implications for what could have happened with Silja.
  1077. [2011-12-24 23:43:07] <Ironybot> All right, I am sending out both Mutants&Masterminds 3e and Big Motherfuckin' Crab Truckers. Because that's a fairly hilarious 150KB.
  1078. [2011-12-24 23:44:29] <Guile> this quest would be a lot easier if we were unrepentantly evil instead of just occasionally, half-reluctantly evil
  1079. [2011-12-24 23:44:39] <Grail> It would have made her drastically less human.
  1080. [2011-12-24 23:44:45] <Grail> And halted any soul growth
  1081. [2011-12-24 23:45:05] <Ironybot> My understanding was that Silja's soul could still grow even if we did that, but only by consuming others?
  1082. [2011-12-24 23:45:20] <Ironybot> That was why she was once cited as the best spirit animal available.
  1083. [2011-12-24 23:45:59] <Grail> Well natural soul growth would be halted I suppose
  1084. [2011-12-24 23:46:02] <WaryObserver> What fun is Easy?
  1085. [2011-12-24 23:46:02] <Guile> didnt say better, just easier
  1086. [2011-12-24 23:46:21] <WaryObserver> Golem quest was only fun imo due to AWESOME
  1087. [2011-12-24 23:46:29] <WaryObserver> Easy as shit though
  1088. [2011-12-24 23:46:45] <Ironybot> What drastically evil actions do you think we could/should have taken that would have made the quest much easier?
  1089. [2011-12-24 23:47:09] <Ironybot> I can't actually think of any. There haven't been a huge number of situations where a simple bit of douchery would maximize benefits.
  1090. [2011-12-24 23:47:21] <Grail> A lot of Armas' less evil actions have turned out to ultimately benefit him
  1091. [2011-12-24 23:47:39] <Grail> Save kids? Get awesome contract with practitioner family.
  1092. [2011-12-24 23:47:53] <Grail> Decide not to hunt hobos for lunch? Meet a merchant.
  1093. [2011-12-24 23:50:03] <Ironybot> On other topics, been considering what skills we should try to develop prior to being transported to ancient Japan. After careful consideration, I'm thinking that really pushing our cooking skills would be good.
  1094. [2011-12-24 23:50:35] <Ironybot> Because we could learn about history, tactics, medieval warfare, ancient cultures, or the Japanese language... but wouldn't we rather be wonder chef?
  1095. [2011-12-24 23:50:45] <WaryObserver> Naw
  1096. [2011-12-24 23:51:03] <WaryObserver> Uprgade summer goodness and learn super breakdancing
  1097. [2011-12-24 23:51:23] <WaryObserver> Dance dance...
  1098. [2011-12-24 23:51:27] <WaryObserver> Revolution
  1099. [2011-12-24 23:51:33] <Ironybot> Hey, update.
  1100. [2011-12-24 23:51:37] <Grail> Well we don't really have reason to learn about anything specifically pertaining to Japan in character beyond idle chatter with Sake
  1101. [2011-12-24 23:51:53] <TheBeardiestBob> Mini update
  1102. [2011-12-24 23:52:14] <WaryObserver> What does that mean bob?
  1103. [2011-12-24 23:52:20] <WaryObserver> Wil there be more tonight?
  1104. [2011-12-24 23:52:26] <WaryObserver> or is it just small?
  1105. [2011-12-24 23:54:17] <Guile> Evil actions that PROBABLY would have worked out well: spirit animal Silja. Take the homeless population down a notch, eat souls. I think theres more, but I dont recall now
  1106. [2011-12-24 23:55:38] <Ironybot> If we spirit animal'd Silja everyone who can sense souls would have been able to sense that we had a dead woman chained to us.
  1107. [2011-12-24 23:55:54] <Ironybot> That strikes me as a rather significant social hindrance.
  1108. [2011-12-24 23:56:01] <WaryObserver> ^
  1109. [2011-12-24 23:57:35] <Shifter21> I must.
  1110. [2011-12-24 23:58:35] <TheBeardiestBob> Jesus Christ how horrifying.png
  1111. [2011-12-24 23:58:50] <TheBeardiestBob> Also, The Smiling One likes you.
  1112. [2011-12-24 23:59:47] <Captain-Lightning> Holy shit
  1113. [2011-12-24 23:59:52] <Captain-Lightning> Had volume at max
  1114. [2011-12-25 00:00:00] <Captain-Lightning> FUCK YOUR CAR
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