

Jul 17th, 2015
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  1. Nameless
  3. Silent, Aggressive, Judgemental, Violent, Antisocial, Principled
  5. Speed 6 Feline +1 to speed. +6 to attack and defence in melee,
  6. Strength 8 Large +3 to Strength, 480 max weight, +40 to melee damage, 240 feet normal item, 120 heavy.
  7. Mind 5 100 IQ, +5 to perception,
  9. 140 HP
  10. 50 MP
  12. healing rate 10 HP per day
  13. Advanced sight: Your eyes have adapted to see ultraviolet and lowlight spectrums. You can see in the dark to such a degree that night and day are just colors in the sky to you. There are no tests for vision rolls if it relates to darkness.
  14. Claws. Your claws are natural weapons in every sense. Besides weapons they are strong enough to support your weight and allow you to climb without much risk of falling. Damage: 20+2d10 for using them to carefully slice something. Add 30+2d10 to regular punch damage when using them in a strike.
  15. Flexibility: You have the extra vertebrae and floating clavicle that allows you to move easier and naturally contort beyond the realm of human squeezing. Bonus: +1 speed. +3 Bonus to Sneak skill rolls.
  16. Larg, 9 feet, 40 HP bonus, 200 pounds,
  17. Skills: Sneak 1: +1 to sneaking, Camouflage 1: +1 to camouflaging, Scavenging 1: +1 to scavving, Survival 1: Plus 1 to basic survival Navigation 1: +1 to navigation
  18. Samurai Sword: 20+2d10
  19. Throwing Spear 15+2d10
  20. Waster's Riot Jacket 120 HP
  21. Riot Helmet+Gasmask 60 HP
  22. Gasmask: provides protection against hazardous vapors and looks stylish to boot.
  23. Scrapbook: a memento of a fading persona and the ramblings of an apocalyptic survivor.
  24. Nameless is a tall intimidating looking mutant, his gait is slightly hunched over and he can walk and run on all fours if he needs to. A simple look through the lenses of his gasmask will show his slit yellow eyes and his long fuzzy tail makes it hard to hid his feline heritage. He wears a short leather coat, steel plates held by straps, bandages that keep the harsh winds and duststorms from flaying his skin and patched leather pants and boots.
  26. It's clear that he is not faking his amnesia as his personal history is not known to him (and despite carrying a scrapbook assembled during his adjustment period to his mutation, he shows no outward interest in the object despite it containing more than enough to piece together who he was. Instead his focus is placed on survival, scrounging up dwindling supplies, stealthily hunting monsters (in all their myriad forms) and making maps of the slowly mapping out the dust dunes and hidden ruins that he calls home. He calls himself Nameless on the odd occasion someone manages to get him to speak and isn't much for conversation though he doesn't approve of theft or outright murder and is actually an amicable trading partner and travelling companion should incentives be provided.
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