
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 8 (Origins Pt. 2)

Feb 21st, 2014
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  1. >*Thud*
  2. >*Thud*
  3. >*Thud*
  4. >Blueblood groans out loud.
  5. >*Thud*
  6. >*Thud*
  7. >*Thud*
  8. >"Anonymous..."
  9. >*Thud*
  10. "Hmm?"
  11. >*Thud*
  12. >"Will you please--"
  13. >*Thud*
  14. >"--Please stop throwing that ball?"
  15. >*Thud*
  16. >You catch the rubber ball on its umpteenth bounce from the wall.
  17. >You lay stretched out on your bed, head relaxing on your pillow, staring at the same spot you've been bouncing the ball off for God knows how long.
  18. >Blueblood stands off to the side in your room.
  19. >He looks exhausted.
  20. "...Come on, man... there's nothing else to do. At least give me this."
  21. >"I've given you 'this' for far too long. It's beyond annoying."
  22. >You shrug.
  23. "You can always leave."
  24. >"You know I can't do that."
  25. >*Thud*
  26. "I'm not a child, Blueblood, I can take care of myself."
  27. >Right before you catch the ball, it's enveloped in a colorful aura. It floats over to the prince.
  28. >He whips it out the door.
  29. >You sigh.
  30. >"That's 'Prince' Blueblood, Anonymous. And it's not about your age. I need to keep an eye on you for the safety of the land."
  31. >Stretching out, you rest your hands behind your head.
  32. "Hasn't Princess Celestia already deemed me a not-threat?"
  33. >"That doesn't mean you shouldn't be checked up on."
  34. "Dude, I'm leaving, like, today. You're not going to be coming with me to my new house too, are you?"
  35. >The past few days you've been here, Blueblood has kept a serious eye on you.
  36. >Sometimes he's alone, other times he's with his girlfriend.
  37. >It must be seriously exhausting, though. He's looked so very tired compared to when you first crossed paths.
  38. >Speaking of his girlfriend... you still haven't asked about that weird black p0ny you saw.
  39. >It might just be nothing. Hell, you don't know anything about magic horseworld yet. But it doesn't hurt to ask.
  40. >"No. Once you leave the castle premises, the guard Garrison shall escort you to your new house."
  41. >You smile a shit-eating grin.
  42. "Great. I'm sure he's a much better guy than you."
  43. >Blueblood scowls.
  44. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask... in Equestria, are there any... I don't know, black p0nies?"
  45. >Blueblood raises his eyebrow. "Anonymous, you surely can't be THAT unobservant... many of the p0nies in this very castle have black fur."
  46. >You shake your head.
  47. "No, no, like... I don't know... no mane, blue eyes..."
  48. >"Anonymous..."
  49. >You shift your eyes to Blueblood.
  50. >"Plenty of p0nies shave their manes, and a large amount have blue eyes."
  51. >You sigh again.
  52. >He sounds incredibly condescending.
  53. >You doubt he's giving anything you say much thought at all, just brushing it all aside as the useless observations of a foreigner.
  54. >Whatever.
  55. "You know what? Never mind."
  56. >Blueblood laughs to himself a little.
  57. >"Honestly, Anonymous, if you're going to ask such asinine questions, I suggest--"
  58. >"Pardon me..." you hear, interrupting Blueblood.
  59. >A guard p0ny pokes his head inside your room.
  60. >"Princess Celestia has requested the human Anonymous's presence in the throne room."
  61. >Both you and Blueblood sigh in relief. The simultaneous exhale causes you to look questionably over at the prince.
  62. >He glances over to you, then grins.
  63. >"What? It's not like I LIKE having you babysit you."
  64. >You narrow your eyes at him.
  65. >Blueblood stands up, almost falling over. "I think it's about time I partake in some rest. Maybe with Dahlia." He passes the guard on his way out. "I trust you can escort our guest?"
  66. >"But of course, Prince Blueblood!" he says with a salute.
  67. >With that, Blueblood has left. You yourself stand up to your feet, stretch, and walk over to the guard.
  68. "Alright Seabiscuit, let's roll."
  69. >The guard rolls his eyes with a smile, and you two begin your stroll through the halls of the castle.
  70. >Up a few stairs, around a few corridors, and soon enough, you're at the throne room.
  71. >The guard leaves you at the door, and you alone enter the grand area.
  72. >All kinds of stained glass designs adorn the walls.
  73. >At the end, on a suitable throne, you see the elegant white p0ny herself.
  74. >Her eyes meet yours, and you can see her smile from across the room.
  75. >"Welcome, Anonymous," she greets. You wave back.
  76. "Hiya Princess."
  77. >Your informality makes her smile again.
  78. >"I trust your stay at the castle has been pleasant?" she asks as you two close the gap.
  79. "Ehh... more or less."
  80. >She giggles a bit. You imagine she knows what, or who, you're referring to. "Well, I am happy to say that your preparations for moving have been completed."
  81. >This makes you smile.
  82. >"We've arranged a house in Canterlot proper for you. Suitable furniture has been chosen based on your height and proportions, and the area should allow you to immerse in Equestrian culture and prepare for your time in this land."
  83. "That sounds excellent."
  84. >Princess Celestia smiles at you once more. From behind her, she levitates a full duffel bag.
  85. >You hold our your hands as she passes it over to you. Your eyes glaze over it with curiosity.
  86. >"Do you remember a couple of days ago when those Canterlot seamstresses took your measurements?"
  87. >Your face flushes a little. It causes Celestia to giggle once again.
  88. >Freaky she-horse seamstresses were all over you.
  89. >Way too interested in your body for your own comfort.
  90. >Why would they even be? They're an entirely different species. Surely they didn't find you attractive.
  91. >"Well, this is the fruit of that embarrassing time for you." You zip open the bag and take a look. "An assortment of clothing designed specifically for you, for a multitude of occasions."
  92. "This is spectacular,"
  93. >You say, rezipping the bag.
  94. "Thank you so much, Princess."
  95. >She smiles warmly to you. "Not a problem, Anonymous. You'll find a small allowance in there as well. Are you ready to depart for your new home?"
  96. >You nod.
  97. >"Perfect..." she turns away from you for a moment. "I, unfortunately, will not be able to personally see you there. However, one of the guards will show you the way."
  98. >A door opens from a side room, and you see a guard march out, salute, and trot up to you both.
  99. >You recognize him as Garrison, a guard you've seen around.
  100. >Blueblood did say he'd be escorting you, after all.
  101. >Garrison approaches you both, bows deeply to Princess Celestia, then holds out his hoof to you.
  102. >"Good day, Anonymous," he says as you give him a shake. "Shall we make our way over?"
  103. "You got it."
  104. >Princess Celestia smiles at you both, then turns around and makes her leave through a side room. You both, however, walk down to the very entrance of the throne room.
  105. >"Excited to be out living on your own?" Garrison asks as you walk down the corridor.
  106. >You glance at all kinds of stained glass windows as you do.
  107. >They're beautiful.
  108. "Yeah, man."
  109. >So many of them depict these same six p0nies...
  110. "I mean, I lived on my own back home on Earth, but--"
  111. >You stop yourself. Verbally and literally.
  112. >Garrison steps forward a few paces before stopping himself and looking back at you. He raises an eyebrow.
  113. >"Something the matter, Anonymous?"
  114. >You glance up to one of the windows.
  115. >Depicted in it is a huge swarm of black colored, p0ny-like creatures.
  116. >It's instantly familiar to you.
  117. "Oh..."
  118. >Garrison backs up and looks at the window with you. He smiles.
  119. >"Amazing, huh? It feels like so much time has passed since the Changeling invasion happened."
  120. "Changelings?"
  121. >He nods, and coaxes you into continuing walking.
  122. >As you snake your way back through the castle, Garrison informs you of this invasion that happened in the past.
  123. >Led by a queen, these creatures feed off love and tried to take over Canterlot during a princess's wedding.
  124. >A huge battle broke out between the p0nies and the changelings, but eventually, the p0nies came out on top, and through the potent power of love, the changelings were sent flying away from the kingdom.
  125. >You and Garrison now walk among the city, taking your first steps outside of the castle grounds.
  126. >"I myself took a whooping that day. Still got the scars too."
  127. >He laughs a little at his own recollection.
  128. >"I hope they never come back. If they do... boy. I'm not sure the cityp0nies could take it. The last time was really traumatizing."
  129. "So these changelings... they're dangerous?"
  130. >He nods. "Very much so. When they swarm, all hell can break loose."
  131. "What about just one?"
  132. >He turns to you, raising his eyebrow.
  133. >You smile a bit.
  134. "Just curious..."
  135. >You can't tell him about the changeling.
  136. >There's no way. Not after what he just said.
  137. >Panic and mayhem would break loose.
  138. >No... there's got to be a way to deal with this quietly.
  139. >He shrugs.
  140. >"I mean... I guess. But they're like insects, right? They're most lethal when in a swarm." He pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "Yeah... one wouldn't really do a whole lot... to a group, anyway. If it targets one p0ny or creature, that could be dangerous."
  141. "Why's that?"
  142. >You both turn into an alleyway-like street, with many connecting townhouse-like buildings adorning each side in a very medieval-like fashion.
  143. >"Because they feed off love. If they can get that one p0ny to love them, and feed for long enough, that p0ny will be seeing downhill days, that's for sure."
  144. >Your heart sinks a little bit.
  145. >"Anyway Anonymous, here we are."
  146. >You both stop at the entrance to the house, among the townhouses. Two stories. Looks spacious enough.
  147. >You grip the doorknob and give it the ol' twist-'n-push, revealing the inside of your home.
  148. >"I trust you can settle in yourself just fine?"
  149. >Your feet gently knock against the wooden floor as you enter.
  150. "Yeah... I should be all good..."
  151. >"Excellent. If there are any problems, you can always come back to the castle and voice your concerns. Good day!"
  152. >You wave goodbye to your p0ny escort, then close the door and step further into your house.
  153. >You drop the duffel bag on the floor and plop down onto the couch.
  154. >With your arm propped up on the armrest and your head resting against your fist, you begin to think.
  155. >Blueblood's been awfully tired lately.
  156. >And if what you're hearing is right... Dahlia must be a changeling.
  157. >Feeding off of Blueblood's love.
  158. >One's not dangerous, but to one person...
  159. >You girt your teeth.
  160. >Well fuck, man.
  161. >Blueblood's a serious asshole.
  162. >You've had half a mind to kick his ass yourself.
  163. >But this...
  164. >Shit, man.
  165. >Blueblood can't put up with this.
  166. >And this changeling...
  167. >You gotta give it the boot.
  168. >But you have to do it stealthily. You don't want the castle knowing about this changeling infiltration.
  169. >But it's Blueblood's girlfriend... there's no way you can do this without him finding out about it sooner or later.
  170. >Maybe you should just tell him then. He can do something about it.
  171. >Then HE can stealthily deal with the situation.
  172. >Yeah... that's the plan.
  173. >You sit up a little straighter in your seat, then take a deep breath.
  174. >You'll wait a bit. Maybe half an hour or an hour. Let some time pass, let Garrison get back. Make it like everything went well.
  175. >Then go back to the castle. Say you forgot something, or that you need to talk with Blueblood.
  176. >Find him, tell him, have him take care of the changeling girl.
  177. >Bada-bing, bada-boom, crisis averted.
  178. >You smile.
  179. >Sounds like a plan.
  181. >It's starting to get later into the day, and the sun is beginning to set.
  182. >The chilly, winter wind blows past you, but you continue walking toward the castle.
  183. >Luckily, the seamstresses have made winter clothes for you as well.
  184. >The tall peaks of the castle towers come into view from behind some buildings, and soon enough, you're walking back through the grounds.
  185. >The entrance is gargantuan, as you remember, with very large doors kept under watch by two guards.
  186. >Neither of these guards are ones you know or have seen around, however.
  187. >They see you approaching and scoot inside closer to the door.
  188. >"Halt," one commands. "State your business."
  189. >You bite your tongue and clear your throat.
  190. "Uhm, I'm Anonymous. The human. I was here earlier and just moved out, but I, uh, think I forgot something."
  191. >They don't say anything for a moment.
  192. "I think Blueblood has it. He's been with me almost nonstop these past couple of days."
  193. >The guards look to each other for a second, then both nod.
  194. >"Very well, Anonymous. Proceed."
  195. >They step to the side, the large doors opening before them.
  196. >You thank them as you pass by, stepping into the grand castle you've become familiar with over time.
  197. >Not a whole lot of activity is going on. You see a few scholars and royal guards going to and fro, but not much else.
  198. "Excuse me,"
  199. >You call to a passing p0ny as you step deeper into the castle.
  200. "I'm looking for Prince Blueblood, I need to speak with him. You know where he is?"
  201. >The p0ny adjusts his glasses are he stares into you.
  202. >"...The prince may be found in his chambers," he states, then continues on his way.
  203. >You eye him as he walks on.
  204. >You can do without the condescending attitude you've been getting lately.
  205. >With another breath, you hop up the nearby staircase and map in your mind where ol' Blueblood's room is.
  206. >Going through and about a few corridors, you see a closed door with some light seeping through the door crack.
  207. >That's Blueblood's room alright. And someone's definitely home.
  208. >You still haven't completely thought out what you're going to say to him. Or Dahlia.
  209. >The door comes closer and closer.
  210. >You mean, you can probably just wing it.
  211. >Moving automatically, you approach the door...
  212. >And knock.
  213. >Welp. No going back now.
  214. >You know what you gotta say, and you just gotta say it.
  215. >"Come in," you hear weakly.
  216. >You grip the handle and push, revealing Blueblood's rather extravagant room.
  217. >It's quite big, with some furniture, a large, royal bed on which Blueblood lays, and a window displaying one side of the wondrous Canterlot,
  218. >Next to him is his changeling sweetie, Dahlia.
  219. >She appears to be tending to him.
  220. >You step into the room and close the door. Blueblood raises his head to get a view.
  221. >"...Anonymous?" he asks. He sits up. "What are you doing here?"
  222. >There's annoyance in his voice.
  223. >"Now now, dear," Dahlia states, pushing him back down. "You need to get your rest."
  224. "Hooves off, Dahlia."
  225. >You say, pointing at her and stepping closer.
  226. >The plan has been initiated.
  227. >Blueblood stirs once again. "What did you say, Anonymous?"
  228. >Dahlia looks rather surprised.
  229. "I said hooves off. You've pampered him enough."
  230. >"Anonymous..."
  231. "Or have you really been pampering him at all?"
  232. >You step up to the p0ny at Blueblood's bedside, towering over her.
  233. "The way I see it, I think you've been doing just the opposite of that."
  234. >"Wh-What do you mean?" she asks meekly.
  235. >You can feel your jacket collar lift up, as if some punk from a bar was trying to start shit.
  236. >It's Blueblood's magic.
  237. >"Anonymous. Leave this room right now. You have no right to talk to my girlfriend that way."
  238. >You scowl at Blueblood.
  239. "Get your magic off me, man. I'm trying to help you."
  240. >"Help me? How in heaven's name do you think you're doing that?"
  241. >Blueblood winces in pain, and his magic hold of you breaks free.
  242. >Dahlia feigns concern and attends to him.
  243. "Because this girl is not who you think she is."
  244. >Her eyes widen and pupils shrink. Blueblood raises his eyebrow at you.
  245. "I saw her transform a few days ago, but I didn't know what was going on. Today, I found out just what it was."
  246. >You glare down at the mare.
  247. "...This isn't Dahlia. I don't even think Dahlia exists."
  248. >She looks frightened, and Blueblood's looking progressively angrier.
  249. "This isn't anything more than a changeling!"
  250. >"What!?" they both exclaim simultaneously.
  251. >Tears come to Dahlia's eyes while Blueblood sits up in bed angrily.
  252. >"Th-That's not true!" she cries.
  253. >"How dare you accuse her of such a thing!"
  254. "It's true, Blueblood! Believe me, I saw her transform!"
  255. >She looks back and forth between you and Blueblood, both angrily staring into each other.
  256. "I know the castle or city can't afford to know about it, so I thought I'd tell you personally! That way YOU could take care of it!"
  257. >"Take care of IT? How about I take care of YOU?"
  258. >You feel your shirt lift up again, and you're thrown back hard, crashing into a wall loudly.
  259. >Blueblood winces again and falls back into bed.
  260. >"How dare you say such nonsense! Why would I believe a creature who doesn't even know anything about this land?!"
  261. >You pull yourself back up to your feet, gritting your teeth.
  262. "Listen you stubborn mule!"
  263. >He takes great offense to this.
  264. "If you'd just listen to what I'm saying and give me a chance, you'd know I'm right!"
  265. >You point to Dahlia again.
  266. "She's sapping your love and stealing your energy! Why do you think you've been so weak!?"
  267. >Dahlia sniffles loudly. "He... He's just ill! I have nothing to do with it!"
  268. "Enough with the act!"
  269. >Suddenly, the door bursts open. Two guard p0nies come jumping in.
  270. >"Sire! We heard commotion and yelling!"
  271. >Blueblood sits up in bed. "Perfect timing. Guards, get this creature out of my room. Now!"
  272. >The two unicorn guards turn to you.
  273. >Your anger dissipates immediately when you realize the state of the situation.
  274. >Oh shit.
  275. "Wait a minute, I-- Whoa!"
  276. >You're levitated up into the air forcefully.
  277. >"Make sure he never sets foot in this castle again! Ever!"
  278. >You can feel yourself float across the room. It blurs by quickly, and you can see your aggressors, Blueblood, and Dahlia zip by in a flash.
  279. >"I'll talk with Aunt Celestia about further punishment myself when I'm able."
  280. >Soon, you see where you're going toward.
  281. >The window.
  282. "God damn it."
  283. >Looking over once more, you can see how intensely angry Blueblood is.
  284. >And Dahlia. She--
  285. >Your heart pangs.
  286. >She's got... a look.
  287. >A... smug look.
  288. >Like she's smiling victoriously.
  289. >For a second, you can feel your anger flash back, but it doesn't last long.
  290. >You feel the cold breeze jut at you as the window opens, and you're flung out into the air from the second floor.
  291. >The window and room shrink quickly, and you spiral and twirl through the frigid winter air.
  292. >As quickly as you were thrown out, you soon smack down into a snow bank, breaking your fall.
  293. >You lay there for a moment, seeing the guard p0nies peek out, then slam the window shut.
  294. >You stare dazed for a tad more.
  295. >Ugghhh.
  296. >Holding your head, you pull yourself up.
  297. >You glance around yourself. Still on the castle grounds, but more the outside.
  298. >...
  299. >You need a beer.
  301. >The rather busy pub is full of activity this evening.
  302. >Glasses clank, stories are told, and general hustle-and-bustle fills the air.
  303. >You sit at a table by yourself, sipping an ice-cold Equestrian ale.
  304. >As much as you enjoy a good beer, you're having a hard time doing so with this one.
  305. >Not because it isn't tasty.
  306. >(Quite the opposite, actually).
  307. >But because your mind swims with thoughts of the events that happened two hours or so prior.
  308. >Blueblood is going to talk with Celestia about "punishment..."
  309. >Your chest feels heavy just thinking about it, and you take another drink of beer.
  310. >Sure, Celestia is kind, but if no one believes what you've accused Dahlia of, you doubt she'll be very gentle towards you.
  311. >She doesn't like her nephew all that much apparently, but you doubt she'd ignore the recently-arrived creature storming the castle and causing a ruckus.
  312. >You wonder how much time you have til the royal guards show up at your house...
  313. >...Shit.
  314. >You grip your beer in frustration.
  315. >And you know you're right.
  316. >You fucking know it. That's what makes it so aggravating.
  317. >Any seed of doubt that may have planted when you were accusing her was weeded when she flashed that fucking grin.
  318. >That smug, shit-eating grin. She thinks she's won.
  319. >Depression is leaving, and it's starting swap out with anger.
  320. >And fucking Blueblood.
  321. >Not even for a second did he consider what you were saying.
  322. >Instantly wrong. No thought into it.
  323. >Just because. Probably since you're just some creature to him.
  324. >God damn does that piss you off.
  325. >What you wouldn't do just to prove yourself right and shove his face into it.
  326. >You can feel your blood pump with some weird combination of confidence, anger, and anticipation.
  327. >...Fuck it. Can't get any worse, can it?
  328. >Let's give this another go.
  329. >You tank back your beer quickly, then slam it down on the table, vigorously wiping your mouth off.
  330. >Now add alcohol to that blood-pump mix.
  331. >You enthusiastically eye out the crowd in the pub.
  332. >No... no... maybe... aha.
  333. >You see a group of three young looking stallions.
  334. >Sitting up quickly, you stride your way over to their table.
  335. >P0nies eye you as you pass by. Most still have no idea what you are.
  336. >As you approach them, you grab a wooden chair from a nearby table, flip it in front of you, then kick it toward them.
  337. >It scrapes across the ground and lands neatly in front of their table a second before you.
  338. >And with that, you plant your foot up to it, Captain Morgan style, and lean in, resting your arms on your knee.
  339. >The stallions look up to you with an odd look of awe and fear.
  340. "...What can you guys tell me about changelings?"
  341. >They look to you, then back to each other, then back to you.
  342. >One clears his throat. "Ch-Changelings?"
  343. >You nod.
  344. >"W-Well... what do you want to know...?"
  345. >You glance off to the side and take a deep breath, then lean back up from your knee.
  346. "...Say I'm a changeling. Right here, right now."
  347. >This puts them on edge.
  348. >You smile, then shake your head and wave your hand in negativity.
  349. "Now... what would you do to reveal my true form?"
  350. >They look back to each other again.
  351. >"Um... well, uh, 'sir.' There exist spells that can revert a changeling back to its base form..."
  352. >You shake your head.
  353. "No can do, compadre. What else?"
  354. >The third stallion chimes in.
  355. >"Um... well, during the invasion, my family and I found out that... if they're knocked unconscious, that causes them to change back." You raise your eyebrow. "Because, transformation is a spell of sorts, right? They can't keep it up if they aren't awake to do so."
  356. >You nod slowly in agreement.
  357. >...Makes sense.
  358. >You smile, then take your foot off the chair.
  359. "Thanks, boys."
  360. >You flick three bits, one after another, onto the table.
  361. "Your next round's on me."
  362. >They look to the bits, then each other, and smile. Any fear they may have had is now gone.
  363. >"Who are you?"
  364. >You smile.
  365. "Call me Anon."
  366. >Looking to the door, you begin to make your way out.
  367. "Catch you boys another time!"
  368. >They wave goodbye as you exit the building into the cold winter night.
  369. >You quickly survey the area, find the castle not too far in the distance, and begin running over.
  370. >You've found newfound vigor.
  371. >You ain't lettin' this changeling win.
  372. >And you're gonna stupefy Blueblood when you do it.
  373. >Make him eat his words.
  374. >And all you gotta do is knock a sucka out.
  375. >You can do that no problem!
  376. >Smiling and laughing to yourself, you think of potential ways to go about this.
  377. >You gotta get to Blueblood's room somehow...
  378. >There's no way they'll let you into the castle now.
  379. >Not after what happened.
  380. >Surely Blueblood informed everyone to keep you out.
  381. >The castle comes into view, lit up in the beautiful night.
  382. >You slow down as you enter the grounds, hiding behind a pillar and peeking out.
  383. >You can see the entrance. It's guarded, as usual.
  384. >Hmm...
  385. >You ponder to yourself, and look to the side of the castle.
  386. >...You were thrown out of Blueblood's room.
  387. >His room is on the second floor...
  388. >You can get to that area without letting the guards see you, no problem...
  389. >Peaceful times come in handy, you suppose.
  390. >A smile comes back to your face.
  391. >Fuck yeah.
  392. >Spidey time, bitches.
  393. >You sneak up and around the pillar, not approaching the actual doors, but rather, going around the side.
  394. >As you expected, you aren't seen, and you quickly make your way over to the snow bank you became so acquainted with a few hours prior.
  395. >Looking up, you can see Blueblood's room. It's still lit up.
  396. >You look directly in front of you to the wall. It's got brick arrangement in a way that every so often, a layer juts out.
  397. >Makes it look aesthetically pleasing. But it's also pretty good for scaling.
  398. >Surely, p0nies would never be able to do this, so this wall wasn't designed with your dexterous fingers and legs in mind.
  399. >Using your otherworldlyness to your advantage, you begin scaling the wall. Hands grabbing the jutting-out wall, pulling up, and planting your feet where your hands once were.
  400. >With a grab and hoist, you pull yourself up higher with each motion.
  401. >Adrenaline starts to kick in.
  402. >Now's your time to shine. Let's not fuck it up.
  403. >After a short amount of time, you arrive at the window.
  404. >Peeking in, you see Blueblood and Dahlia in much the same position as before.
  405. >You take a breath.
  406. >...Showtime.
  407. >You push open the window, each side flying in and slapping against the wall.
  408. >Both Blueblood and Dahlia look over to you in shock and surprise.
  409. >You grab the inside of the wall with your hand and plant your foot down inside the room.
  410. "Surprise, cockfags!"
  411. >Dahlia shrieks. Blueblood sits up furiously.
  412. >"Anonymous!!" Blueblood yells. "How dare you! What are you--"
  413. >You don't give him time to finish. You point at Dahlia with a huge smile.
  414. "Let's rock!!"
  415. >You laugh internally. You have no idea why you're saying this shit, but it's hilarious.
  416. >You sprint towards the bed as fast as you can.
  417. "No brakes on the Pain Train!!"
  418. >You can see Blueblood back up into his pillow in fear.
  419. >Dahlia looks terrified.
  420. >Right before you arrive at the bed, you leap up as high as you can and plant your feet down hard on the mattress, springing high into the air.
  421. >Right above Dahlia.
  423. >You can only imagine what it looks like from her terrified perspective.
  424. >This man, flying through the air with a smile on his face.
  425. >Horizontal.
  426. >Holding out his elbow.
  427. >She mustn't have had much time to think about it.
  428. >Because you fall down with the weight of an anvil, crashing your elbow down onto her skull a second before you slam down onto the ground.
  429. >Her head flies down with you at sonic speeds, hitting the ground and sandwiching between it and your elbow.
  430. >She's down for the count, instantly.
  431. >You lay on the ground for a moment before getting up to your feet and cheering like a football player making a touchdown.
  432. >Blueblood looks at you, speechless. His mouth hangs wide open.
  433. >You still have that smile on your face.
  434. >He looks to you, then his unconscious girlfriend, then back to you.
  435. >"You... you..."
  436. >He can't find the words.
  437. >You hold up your hand and shake your head, then point to Dahlia.
  438. >From the tip of her head, you see a light of some sort.
  439. >It envelops the top of her, then travels down her entire body.
  440. >As it does, it reveals her true form.
  441. >Like slipping out of a pair of pants, the "Dahlia" that you all knew disappears.
  442. >Sliding off of this black, bug-like creature in a second or two.
  443. >Blueblood looks in astonishment.
  444. >He's even more speechless than before.
  445. >This must be a lot to process.
  446. >You walk over to him, take a breath, then pat him on the shoulder.
  447. >Looking to the changeling on the ground, you say your consoling words.
  448. "...I told you so."
  449. >He's still locked on the changeling, but soon, he manages to look up to you.
  450. >You just smile and nod your head, continuing to pat him on the shoulder.
  451. >Finally, he manages to speak.
  452. >"...I... I suppose you did..."
  453. >Taking another breath, you sit down next to him on the bed.
  454. >You can tell he's still in shock.
  455. >...It must be a huge blow.
  456. >The girl he was really into, maybe even really loved...
  457. >Was a changeling all along.
  458. >...There's some kind of Mike Myers movie like this.
  459. >The odd adrenaline starts to wear off, and you look to the douchebag p0ny who's given you such a hard time lately.
  460. >...He's an asshole.
  461. >But he's got a heart too.
  462. >And it must be hurting.
  463. >You pat him on the shoulder again.
  464. "I'll leave you to it, buddy."
  465. >You stand to you feet.
  466. >"...W-Wait, Anonymous."
  467. "Hmm?"
  468. >He looks up to you from the bed.
  469. >"I... I believe that I might... owe you an apology..." he stutters out.
  470. >You give him a smile.
  471. "Yeah yeah... don't worry about it..."
  472. >Looking back over to the window, you make your way over.
  473. >But you take one more peek back.
  474. >...
  475. "...Hey, Blueblood."
  476. >He turns to you.
  477. "...If you ever want to grab a beer and talk about it... I'm free tomorrow night."
  478. >The blonde p0ny looks to you with a perplexed face.
  479. >...And smiles.
  481. >"...And he accepted your offer?"
  482. >You nod, and take a sip of your beer.
  483. "Yeah. But not before Garrison barged in because of the commotion."
  484. >Twilight giggles.
  485. >It causes you to smile too.
  486. "We filled him in and told him not to tell anyone, of course. Keep it to himself. Save the panic around the castle and city. And, of course, to save Blueblood's pride too."
  487. >Twilight continues to nod.
  488. "After that, Blueblood went out for a beer with me, and... it just kind of got better from there."
  489. >You smile, thinking back to all of the good memories of you two.
  490. "We went out a few times after that, and we opened up to each other more each time. Next thing I knew, he was like a brother to me."
  491. >Twilight tilts her head a little bit, noticing your happy smile, causing her to do so as well.
  492. "You think after all of that happened, Blueblood would give me a better chance to explain myself with this."
  493. >You shrug.
  494. "I was right before, and I'm right again. It's almost the same situation. But I guess love does crazy things to that stallion's head."
  495. >With a small sigh, you rub under your chin and take another drink.
  496. >...The good times.
  497. >Back when you and Blueblood were living it up in Canterlot.
  498. >...You can still go back to that.
  499. >Surely you can.
  500. >You can't give up now. Just like you didn't back then, when you met him.
  501. >Not after all you've been through.
  502. >You sip your beer in thought.
  503. >...And your eyes widen.
  504. >You place your drink back to the table, glancing off to the side.
  505. >"...Anon?"
  506. "..."
  507. >"Anon, what is it?"
  508. "I think I have an idea... it's a little crazy, but it just might work."
  509. >Twilight looks to you quizzically.
  510. "...And 'might' is enough for me to try."
  512. End of Part 8
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