
the short, tragic tale of Jumper 1134209

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. As 1134209 is chucked through the gate, he finds himself hanging in the darkness between worlds. Did something go awry? Did someone throw the wrong switch and strand him in the nothingness where reality isn't?
  3. No. He isn't alone here. There is a ... presence. Tall, horned, amused by his predicament. An offer is made, a contract signed in blood. This Horned-one will give him power, and sometimes even backgrounds in the worlds where he is stranded. In return, 1134209 will serve him, and do the occasional favor for him in these worlds.
  5. Jump 01: Vampire the Masquerade
  6. Drawbacks:
  7. +300(1300)Gehenna - That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds, snakes and aeroplanes. Prisoner 1134209 is not afraid.
  8. +300(1600)Twice Damned - Okay, we're making a monster now.
  9. Background:
  10. -0(1600)Drop-in: He WAS just chucked into this world by the Empire.
  11. -0(1600)Clan - Nosferatu
  12. Skills:
  13. -0(1600)Blood Buff
  14. -200(1400)Animalism 1,2,3 - Nightwisp Ravens, Burrowing Beetle, Spectral Wolf
  15. -100(1300)Potence 1,2 - Strong enough to cleave a horse in two
  16. -200(1000)Obfuscate 1,2,3,4 - Hide Motionless, Limited Invisibility, Hidden Killer, Advanced Invisibility
  17. -0(1000)Blood Bond
  18. -0(1000)Embrace
  19. -0(1000)Lockpicking
  20. -100(900)Sneaking
  21. -200(700)Inspection
  22. -150(550)Protean 1 - Thermal Vision/Dodge
  23. -150(400)Celerity 1 - Exceptional Speed
  24. -100(300)Melee
  25. Items:
  26. -100(200)Steyr Aug
  27. -50(150)Fire Axe
  28. -50(100)Heavy Leather
  29. -100(0)Body Armor
  31. Rolls for 10 years: 64 64 30 52 24 36 2 89 47 97
  32. Looks like Gehenna starts in Year 7. Ugh. the next three years average out above average though. I MIGHT make it out of this. maybe.
  33. Roll for Gehenna: 22
  34. Roll for Twice Damned: 17
  35. ... Okay.
  37. 1134209 Certainly does not have an easy time of it in this world. He finds the conditions of his arrival have twisted him into a voracious monster. Even the boons his mysterious horned benefactor have granted him do not really insulate him from these terrors. The worst part is that he retains a small ember of his humanity somewhere deep inside the creature that he now is. This does nothing to comfort him, for ten years, this tiny voice inside of himself screams in terror at what he does to survive.
  39. at first, he resists this creature, until the hunger strips him of his senses. This animalistic state is perhaps his only release. He goes in cycles, trying to feed only upon those the world needs the least, those too foul to go on living... and there ARE so many of them here. But in the third year, he slips too deeply into the beast, and does not surface until it is too late, catching himself feeding on a true innocent. And, there's something about it he finds he likes. it grows harder and harder to feed upon the foul, when the sweet are so savory.
  41. When he falls, he becomes something so foul even the undead of this place disdain him, and capture him to study why he is the fiend he has become. Their quest for answers drives him further and further into his feral state, and yields nothing useful for those inspecting him. Ironically, it is Gehenna that finally frees him. With 1134209 in such a debased state, he is hardly recognizable to the antediluvians, and something about the shock of their awakening is enough to snap him out of his bestial state.
  43. 1134209 tries going underground, sacrificing his newfound strength for his original, human form. By selectively scurrying from shadow to shadow, fleeing deep into the wilderness, and spending most of his time as a human, 1134209 manages to survive deep into the end of the world, long enough to go mad from his hunger once more. feeding upon beasts could not sate the beast, and slipping back into the form this world granted him, he was found by dark things that had awoken... and used like a dog to hunt other survivors. He was also tormented by his captors purely for their amusement. They twisted him then, and pulled the very thoughts from his mind. They learned what he was.
  45. The only reason 1134209 was not dead was that they knew what he was, and that he would be going home shortly. And he would open the way for them, let the Antediluvians into his homeworld. Only the tiny ember of his humanity objected, remembering the innocents in that world. The beast that held sway over him was happy to lead his new masters there.
  47. Two Worlds Dead: BAD END.
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