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Jul 8th, 2012
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  1. INTRO:
  2. PART 1:
  3. PART 2:
  4. PART 3:
  5. PART 4:
  6. PART 5:
  7. PART 6:
  8. PART 7:
  9. BONUS 7:
  10. PART 8:
  11. PART 9:
  12. PART 10:
  15. Faced with the AEIOU's offer, which sounded suspicious to you, Lyra decided to give the whitecoats her verdict:
  16. "I want what's best for my child. I realize I have no idea what that may be, but neither does anyone else, even the Union. Whatever happens, I'd rather be surrounded by ponies I know will do everything in their ability to take care of me. I'll take my chances outside the AEIOU."
  18. AND NOW
  19. Fox actually seems to be suppressing a smile upon hearing this. She puts her pen and papers away. "Speaking for myself, I think you've made the right choice."
  20. Bromide nods in agreement. He signals Fox for something, and she fishes out a business card from a file. He whispers to the both of you. "Don't look at it right now. It could be useful."
  22. "What is it?" Lyra plucks it with her magic and stashes it away in your pocket.
  23. "What's what?" Both of the scientist doctors smirk. "We wish you the best of health. Good luck to both of you."
  25. Your exit from the facility is a little more ceremonious, the doctors being left behind in the meeting room as the uniformed security escorts you to the underground garage. "We've been monitoring possible exit points and decided it be best if you took one of our company carriages. We'll have a driver deliver you anywhere you want, no questions asked."
  27. Where to? Bonbon is probably still shopping in Castletown if not lounging around the estate. Downtown is a bit of a mess, but you have a chance for some private time with Lyra.
  29. ...
  31. >>3073339
  32. >>3073366
  33. "Sun above, I want to go home..." Lyra slumps in her seat.
  34. "About that." You get in next to her. "I had to ward off Bonbon earlier this morning, told her we were getting her a surprise gift."
  35. "You want to go shopping?" She gives you a weird look.
  36. "Well, and we should probably treat ourselves out after this ordeal. Maybe find a place where it's just the two of us." You wink. She seems nonplussed, however.
  37. "I just know I want to eat a big bowl of pickles and ice cream."
  39. You signal the driver to take you to the commercial district, which is on the opposite side of Downtown from Castletown. You get there quickly after escaping the mobs, and now you're on the sidewalk with Lyra on a very pleasant cobblestone avenue overlooking the river. Bistros and boutiques abound with wrought iron accents.
  41. "...Or maybe I should have tofu and peanut butter..."
  43. ...
  45. >>3073737
  46. >>3073850
  47. "We should probably eat lunch first, by the sound of it."
  48. "Huh? No, I'm not hungry, just... I dunno. It's weird, it's like a primal urge."
  49. "Lyra, you're craving. I hear it's what moms-to-be do." You hold her steady and look her dead in the eye. "There are like a million places here, but you know the city better than I do. You got a favorite spot?"
  50. "Uhhh... There's this awesome pasta place down the road I used to go to all the time while I was in university. Ooh, no, no, wait, I feel like quiche, that's in the other direction—eh, wait, that's where I met my first girlfriend. Or I wonder if Slider Palace place near here is still open..."
  51. "Lyra, focus!"
  53. It's no use, and she continues rattling off a variety of Equestrian cuisines (90% of which you aren't familiar with at all) and naming places up and down the river. You might just pull her along to wherever you decide; those first three places sound safe and familiar to your gut, at least.
  55. ...
  57. "...I think I can smell the eggplant tempura from here. And maybe gyros. Well, there was those rival delis..."
  58. "Okay, pasta it is!" You dutifully hoist Lyra up into your arms and carry her off down the road while she wonders aloud to herself. You see a brightly painted sign and stop in your tracks. "Seriously?"
  60. "Mom's Spaghetti! Yes, this is exactly what I was craving! How did you know?"
  61. "You... told me?"
  62. "Alright, well, put me down, I gotta go in and say hi!" She wriggles out of your grasp and trots into the establishment. Almost immediately there are cheers and greetings, and you remember you are a stranger in a strange land. "Hey everyone, this is Anon!"
  64. Every member of staff visible waves to you, and the two of you are summarily whisked away to a table for two. "Hey, your first time here, right? You get a discount on the house special!"
  65. "I'll have one, too, it's been too long!" Lyra excitedly pounds the table with her hooves.
  67. Order up, or take the special?
  69. ...
  71. >>3074470
  72. >>3074569
  73. You get two specials. True to namesake, it's two heaping bowlfuls of Mom's Spaghetti: spaghetti noodles drenched in thick tomato sauce and brimming with the scent of mushrooms, broccoli, olives, raisins, basil, and possibly fifteen other things you don't know the names of. Oh, and you even have garlic bread to dip in the sauce. Lyra happily digs in, but you pace yourself; wouldn't want vomit on your sweater already.
  75. "So, Anon, what do you think we should get Lyra? I mean, the last time I got her something it didn't go over so well."
  76. "I thought you'd be the expert on that. What was wrong with the panties?"
  77. "No, no, I mean the other time. The, uh... Naughty Human dildo with tubing. Cus you know, she's kinda sorta bi so I thought she'd like it?" She shrugs and continues stuffing herself.
  78. You almost choke on your spaghetti; apart from the odd package and occasional dig through her toy box you never had that much insight into her relationship with Bonbon. You can't help but feel a dozen stares digging into the back of your skull.
  80. ...
  82. "Is this really something we can talk about here?" You manage to ask after clearing your throat and chewing your food more carefully.
  83. "Sorry, I just... I feel so energized! Like I'm in charge, you know? Talking to those AEIOU whitecoats and... Rrrgh! It just makes me so mad, like I was some kind of experiment or something, and they wanted to—" Lyra rises out of her seat, but barely notices that other patrons have overheard what she said. It dawns on her that this isn't an appropriate topic for conversation, either.
  85. >>3075076 >>3075090
  86. 6 + 0 = 6 vs 15
  87. Something in the back of your head tells you this is a bad idea.
  89. "So, about Bonbon..." You lean in and whisper, "You think she'd be more interested if I maybe introduced her to the real thing?"
  91. Lyra just about does a spittake, but the spaghetti doesn't come out. She looks like she should be coughing—
  93. "Oh God. Oh man oh god oh man oh god." You rush to the other side of the table and wrap your arms around her body.
  95. Two rolls to Heimlich.
  97. ...
  99. >>3075157
  100. I'll give you this one.
  102. In a moment of clarity, you quickly pop open a flask of Karma Jolt and pour it down your throat. You don't feel any different. Maybe it's a placebo effect... But there's no time to wonder about that, now.
  104. +7 to your next roll.
  106. ...
  108. >>3075157
  109. >>3075197
  110. >>3075200
  111. 7 + 7 + 0 = 14 vs 10
  113. You actually weren't sure if the Heimlich maneuver would work on a horse, but you'd be damned if you'd let Lyra choke on her spaghetti. You realize why you didn't feel at all different; it wasn't medical knowledge the Karma Jolt blessed you with, but a reaffirmation of just how much you care about her that you'd do something so absolutely stupid.
  115. And it works.
  117. Your arms and the table are covered in spaghetti, the plates having been knocked over in your tussle. The waitstaff are just coming over, amazed at your celerity. They back off to give her some air, and she waves them all off, thanking them for their concern.
  119. "I think... I should go take a walk. After I clean up."
  120. "This one's on us, we're terribly sorry."
  121. "No, no, it's not the food it's just... Heh, I haven't eaten here so long, got kind of carried away. Come on, Anon." The two of you take time to clean off in the restrooms in the back before heading back out to the avenue.
  123. The midday gloom of winter casts a pleasant white glow over the marble city of Canterlot, but you don't notice it as you keep a close eye on Lyra. She turns around and punches you in the thigh with a laugh.
  125. "Darn it, I forgot what I was going to say! Ahaha... and here you are lecturing me on appropriate topics of conversation."
  127. ...
  129. "Sorry! But honestly, it's either that or we could take her shopping."
  130. "YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO BONE HER?!" She shouts, but catches herself. You can't tell if she's angry or what, but there's some kind of strange look in her eyes. Kind of like that first night you got together. "...Are you serious?"
  132. ...
  134. >>3075537
  135. Realizing you struck a nerve, you quietly kneel down and press your forehead against her horn. "I'm sorry, I know it sounded stupid, but... I just—I'm scared that she'll want to keep you away from me when she finds out. I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose us. I dunno, I just figure I have to make nice with her somehow. I'm willing to do just about anything."
  136. "Even her?" Lyra's breath still smells of basil and mushrooms, unusually warm. "You know she's not into humans, I mean, not like I am at least. She'd never forgive me for indulging myself like this."
  138. If you're seriously going through with this plan, you'll have to talk your way through it. Pick your words carefully.
  140. ...
  142. >>3075965
  143. >>3076085
  144. >>3076249
  145. "No, Lyra, she'll forgive you. She loves you. We both do, there just has to be a way we can find common ground from there. I need to get to know her better, is all."
  146. "Oh, so you're not going to have sex with her?" She actually looks a little disappointed.
  147. "That's like a plan B. Or C. Or D. Look, that's beside the point, point is, you think you could help me get some, uh, alone time with her?"
  149. Lyra thinks hard on this.
  150. "My parents actually did say they'd be out very late tonight with casework, but if I'm around she'll be all over me."
  151. "So?"
  152. "I can buy you the afternoon, if you go home right now. Tell her I'm spending extra time shopping and didn't want you spoiling the surprise, or I'm hanging out with an old classmate after the meetup and you got bored."
  153. "That... sounds like a plan A."
  154. "Yeah! I just wish I could see what happens. Tell me everything when I get back?"
  155. "I'll give you a call when it's all clear? Or she might, she could get worried about you."
  156. "I want you to tell me EV-E-RY-THI-NG, got that?"
  157. "Lyra. Plan A."
  158. "Right. Right." She straightens out her hair and spies a pharmacy down a street. "You shouldn't 'come' unprepared, though."
  159. "LYRA."
  160. "Hey! I'm being the responsible one, today. You already knocked me up, I'm not gonna have the same happen to Bonbon, as completely unlikely as it is. And what if she boots you out and you have to go sleeping around with some other mare?"
  161. "Just... I'll call a cab. You'll be okay out here?"
  162. "I know this city like the back of my hand. If I had hands." She smiles. "I just wish this could be easier."
  163. "So do I."
  165. Do you take Lyra's suggestion or head straight back to the estate?
  167. ...
  183. ...
  185. As ludicrous as it is, you decide to play it safe and make a quick trip to the pharmacy. The two of you do your best to look inconspicuous in the contraceptives aisle (that is to say, you stick out like crooked fence posts) and after rifling through stallion-sized condoms Lyra finally finds a human-configured brand. You quietly make your exit and call for a cab to take you back to the estate.
  187. [5x SPARTAN UNIMPREGNABLES added to inventory]
  189. You stand at the front door of the Travis Estate. Apart from the streetlights, it is very dark. There have been no reports of Grue attacks in Canterlot, but you don't aim to stay out in the cold for long. A butler opens the door for you and takes your coat (you keep your inventory with you). You ask him to take you to Bonbon, but he informs you he was about to step out to perform an errand for Lord Travis. He calls for one of the maids to accompany you through the estate and bids you farewell.
  191. You turn around to see a familiar pale green mare in black dress approach you.
  192. "A... Anon."
  193. "Miss Keen."
  194. She smiles awkwardly.
  196. ...
  198. >>3076883
  199. >>3076968
  200. "Take me to Bonbon, please." You try not to reciprocate her familiarity, and she doesn't push the topic (apart from the unusually wide and high swing of her tail as she sashays down the hallway as she walks in front of you). You recognize this part of the estate, however: it's the music room.
  202. Kiwi opens the door for you, and you can hear the faint sounds of some notes coming from deeper in. As you lean in to look for Bonbon, you feel a tug at your side. Your pocket feels lighter, and you turn to see Kiwi examining your box of condoms.
  204. "O-oh my goodness, Spartans... I-I did not realize you felt like this, sir..."
  206. ...
  208. >>3077144
  209. >>3077175
  210. "Kiwi, please! I already told you, there's somep[spoiler][/spoiler]ony I like." You grab the box back.
  211. "Some... pony?" She looks up at you with the saddest expression. Your little exchange seems to have drawn attention as you hear Bonbon call out from inside the music room.
  212. "Anon, is that you?"
  213. "Yeah, hi Bonbon." You turn to greet her, and when you look back, Kiwi's already disappeared. You close the music room door behind you and walk between the stands and instrument cases towards a more open area of the chamber.
  215. You find Bonbon sitting on the floor with the Zebra autoharp and an instruction manual. "Oh goodness, Lyra's not here, is she? It's not ready yet!"
  217. ...
  219. >>3077327
  220. >>3077378
  221. "Lyra's hanging out with an old classmate. I got bored and came back to see how you were doing. Nice choice of instrument, by the way, I didn't know you played."
  222. "I don't!" Bonbon's face scrunches as she struggles to get a chord out of the thing. A strum of her hoof instead gets a discordant twang. "And when I bought this thing they didn't tell me it wasn't tuned, and I couldn't find a tuner on short notice, so I bought this manual here..."
  223. "This was going to be your gift to Lyra?"
  224. "Not just the autoharp, I wanted to, like, write a little song for her, maybe? I know, it's stupid. I could've used one of the instruments in here instead, at least, but no, I had to get my big ideas..."
  226. Bonbon keeps referring to the open pages in front of her, fiddling with the knobs on the exotic instrument and testing the strings.
  228. ...
  230. >>3077509
  231. >>3077539
  232. >>3077548
  233. You sit down next to her. "Would you like some help?"
  234. "Do you know anything about these?"
  235. "I'm not a student of music like Lyra, but I could help tune it. Fingers are pretty good for precision work like this."
  236. "Yeah, my neck's getting sore. Here, you take a stab at it."
  238. You don't have to roll to progress, but you should converse with Bonbon while you have her attention.
  240. ...
  242. >>3077570
  243. >>3077586
  244. >>3077611
  245. >>3077846
  246. You ask Bonbon to go to the piano. "We're going to need a reference for these notes."
  247. "Oh. Yeah, duh. Of course." Bonbon shakes her head like she knew all along and takes a seat on the bench. You move closer and prop the manual up on a stand, taking a seat next to her.
  249. >>3077684
  250. >>3077747
  251. "So... what's up with you and Lyra that you have to go write a song about it?"
  252. "What do you think, smartass?" She smirks. "Her mom keeps pushing for an engagement, and I have one planned, but... you know, just on my own time."
  253. "You were going to propose in song?"
  254. "No! That's way too cheesy. I just... I dunno, after the train and everything my mind was just going dark places, but she really lights up my day, you know?"
  256. ...
  258. "Well, maybe you should just try learning a song instead of making one?"
  259. "You got a suggestion?"
  260. "I can think of one when we have this thing in working order. Wrong key—yes, that one. Thanks." The both of you take turns referring to the manual and you point to the keys for her to play while you handle the autoharp. "So... heavy stuff on your mind?"
  261. "Kinda. Just focusing on this right now, though."
  262. "Well, for what it's worth, I'll listen if you're willing to talk."
  263. "Long as I've got Lyra, I'll be fine."
  264. "You should talk it over with her when she gets back."
  265. "I'm not gonna spoil her fun. Is this the right key?"
  266. "Yeah, you got it. And, hey, you can spoil my fun all you want."
  268. Bonbon turns to you for a second. "Well, what do you want to know?"
  270. ...
  272. "It goes back to the train, right? And that... guy. I kind of made the connection with the story you told around Hearth's Warming."
  273. "Mm."
  274. "You said that was when you were younger. Let's start from there, I guess?"
  275. "You want my life story?"
  276. "Whatever you're comfortable talking about! And, this is stuff I've already heard about, so I guess you could expand on that and nothing else if you want."
  278. "I've told you before I don't really like dwelling on my past. I can't even remember why I left home now. I don't think I want to."
  279. "Then don't."
  280. "Hey, I'm telling the story." Bonbon elbows you in the ribs. "I was just looking for any place, anyone to take me in. I was an idiot. And then after I left him and the band I realized I should just find my own path."
  281. "You said you were a roadie, right?"
  282. "Yeah."
  283. "And you don't know how to tune an autoharp?"
  284. "Hey, it was a long time ago, it was just something I picked up so I'd have an excuse to hang out with them. I didn't retain any of that."
  286. How do you continue your conversation?
  288. ...
  290. We'll probably wrap this up within the hour.
  291. >>3078555
  292. >>3078566
  293. >>3078606
  295. "From what I gather, what you did retain was a strong will to survive. I admire that."
  296. "You think so?" Bonbon seems to soften up a bit at that remark.
  297. "Fellow drifter, remember? And I say you've done a mite better than I have. You run your own business!"
  298. "True..." She turns back to the piano. "You think Lyra saw that in you?"
  299. "What do you mean?"
  300. "I mean, when she took you in, it kind of reminded me of when I first came to Ponyville. I mean, I thought it was because she was all obsessed with humans and stuff. We had a big fight about it."
  301. "You did? I couldn't tell."
  302. "Well, I got this kind of gut feeling that maybe she was just a good judge of character. She knew you'd be somebody worth keeping around, a good friend. I didn't really realize that til just recently, so that's kind of why I decided to take the big step of faith and give you a job, do my part to help out."
  303. "And I couldn't be sticking around when you two moved in together."
  304. "Yeah, but that wasn't the main reason. Honest. I mean, yeah, Lyra gave me a place to stay, but it didn't become a home until I cared about her. You get what I'm saying?"
  305. "Home is where the heart is?"
  306. "Yeah, exactly. Hey, could you play that last chord again?"
  307. "This one?"
  309. You strum a chord on the autoharp, and it feels completely together now, even a little bit happy.
  310. "I think it's ready. You know any good songs, Anon?"
  312. ...
  314. >>3078899
  315. >>3078019
  316. You play with the chords a bit and find the one you're looking for, starting off slow to make sure you have the right one for each step.
  318. Little darling, it's been a long, cold lonely winter...
  320. After a few starts and stops, you give up playing all the chords on time and focus on at least singing the song faithfully. Bonbon is listening to you intently the entire time, and you don't realize just how close you are to her on the piano bench til you finish. She looks a little dreamy, lost in thought.
  322. "It's a pretty song."
  323. "I felt it was kind of fitting, given the season."
  324. There is a pregnant pause in the conversation.
  326. ...
  328. I've been at this for five hours. I suggest we hold off here for tonight and reconvene Friday for further Bonbon funtimes.
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