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a guest
Dec 8th, 2016
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  1. .:Vertci:. CommieKiller757 gib KCK
  2. .:CommieKiller757:. Hmm?
  3. .:CommieKiller757:. Oh
  4. .:CommieKiller757:. Kansas City
  5. .:beanbagtraveler:. CommieKiller757 it's a very reasonable demand, it's a split metropolitan area that the GLF should have had ages ago
  6. .:CommieKiller757:. Give us access to pour the US Army through to rat-fuck Texas and we might have a deal
  7. «--- tooichan (tooichan@user/tooichan) has Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  8. .:Vertci:. I offered to straight up invade with you
  9. .:Colin_000:. Rat fuck Texas
  10. .:Colin_000:. Texas is the best state
  11. .:Colin_000:. Excuse me
  12. .:@irk:. it's not
  13. .:CommieKiller757:. It's really not
  14. .:@irk:. It does dumb things every season
  15. .:Colin_000:. no I'm talking about IRL
  16. .:CommieKiller757:. Better than Cali, but not the best
  17. .:CommieKiller757:. Me too
  18. .:Vertci:. gaining KCK is more valuable than allying with a state that set the "days since nuclear launch in war" timer to zero CommieKiller757
  19. .:@irk:. IG you faggots
  20. .:CommieKiller757:. Fair enough, run it by fmonge01
  21. .:CommieKiller757:. I'm only the guy who blows shit up
  22. .:Colin_000:. That blows
  23. <King_of_Anything> irk has a point
  24. .:King_of_Anything:. Why are you guys negotiating here
  25. .:King_of_Anything:. lol
  26. .:@irk:. I've learned to wrap my midnight cream cheese so well
  27. .:CommieKiller757:. It's easier?
  28. .:@irk:. And also against the rules
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