
Nora's Xenon Rp

Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. 17:58 Antenora The last few moments of winter were reaching their end. Snow had already melted from the Neon City streets, chilly winds replaced by more temperate breezes, and there were even the beginnings of blossom on trees. But much its namesake, the people of this city are constant, stable, unchanging. And none more so that the conglomerate at it's heart: Xenon. (1/2)
  2. 18:00 Antenora Their grip on this city was unrelenting and nearly all-powerful. They were your lawmakers, your banks, your media. It was a practically Orwellian in its control on Neon, but the people here never minded if the quality of life was good. And facts were that Xenon gave the money to pay the bills, even with the risks involved. Which is why even now, people (2/3)
  3. 18:00 Antenora still found it in themselves to go there and work their shifts.
  4. 18:04 Thomas-Orolanus [so uh, where exactly are we?]
  5. 18:04 Antenora [oh right, my fault didn't want the thing to drag. Xenon HQ people, do as you would do on an average day.]
  6. 18:10 Thomas-Orolanus walks into the large building, being careful with his large hammer, looking for a waiting room, or a seat to sit in, he needed a job and hopes this place would be ok
  7. 18:10 Pence walks into Xenon HQ, holding a set of files. He had a rather bored look on his face as he walked up to a seat in the lobby to review the papers he was delivering. It was time to send in the team's monthly status report, and it was his job, as usual.
  8. 18:11 Thomas-Orolanus Oh uh, Hey, you! Dude in blue suit!
  9. 18:11 McGoFuckYourself "Holy fucking shit I fucking hate this shitty fucking slush-ass shit. Stupid fucking weather on a stupid fucking day. Goddamn do I hate this shit." He flipped through his phone with his feet on the table as Hatemonger floated above him, keeping an sharp eye on the intersection around him. Major bank one one corner, large traffic flow, an investment firm down the street, more than a couple of...
  10. 18:11 McGoFuckYourself ...jewelers in the area, and a metric shitload of pedestrians-as one of the more ritzier sections of town it was a prime spot for any wanton crime to take place. While on patrol, the brightly clad Evolutionary and his demonic shadow damn well made any potential bank robbers and thieves think twice before acting on their impulses in the area.
  11. 18:12 McGoFuckYourself Why the other people on the outdoor cafe were giving him weird looks, though, is anyone's guess
  12. 18:12 McGoFuckYourself "Holy /fuck/ will summer not fucking come fast enough."
  13. 18:14 Pence looks up to see a darkly dressed fellow calling out to him. He responds, "What's your business with me?"
  14. 18:15 Thomas-Orolanus runs up to Pence. "Nothing much, just wanting to know if there is a waiting room or something here, job interview and such"
  15. 18:15 Pence "Job Interview? What job are you thinking about?"
  16. 18:17 Thomas-Orolanus Not really the science type, and I don't think this place has a magic wing, but I heard some good stuff about Evos, just, going with the flow of things
  17. 18:18 Antenora There's a tension in the halls of Xenon, and it's pretty palpable. Even MGFY, on patrol right now, could feel it coming from his walkie-talkie. The entire staff were on the lookout for a thief in their ranks, someone who had been taking stationery, ammo, and other supplies. It wasn't just a hassle, but a pretty big financial detriment to the company to (1/?)
  18. 18:18 Antenora have to buy all of this back. So now there was a reward for people who could find this thief. Not the most professional way, but it was the quickest. Of course, it did also mean that vendettas started to bubble their way back up... but that wouldn't be a huge issue, right?
  19. 18:20 Pence has had his fair share of dealing with novices to this game, and was in need of entertainment, so he looked over to Guffy. "See that guy in the red sweater. That's the man you have talk to. He'll show you the ropes."
  20. 18:22 Thomas-Orolanus ...great, thanks. Of all the people.
  21. 18:23 McGoFuckYourself (uhh, MGFY isn't in Xenon HQ)
  22. 18:24 Antenora (Yeah, he's on patrol right now)
  23. 18:24 Pence [ah]
  24. 18:25 McGoFuckYourself "HEY, JACKASS, MORE FUCKING CHICKEN WINGS." Those glares from the waiters, customers, and pedestrians were quickly turned away by a single growl from Hatemonger. The captain pauses, looking down at his handset. "Stupid fucking thieves wasting my goddamn time. Last thing I fucking need is some fucking jackass taking my shit at Darwin Hall."
  25. 18:26 Thomas-Orolanus looks around. "Uh, I think you may need glasses dude"
  26. 18:27 Pence gets up and grabs his stuff, motioning for Thomas to follow. "Things have been rather hectic as of late so don't expect things to go smoothly. Some asshole's been running around swiping everyone's shit. Nothing you know about? Right?"
  27. 18:29 Thomas-Orolanus follows. "Uh, Yeah, never." he was clearly lying, he has been known to steal during his younger years, nothing much, just food and the like
  28. 18:31 Antenora There is some talk on the walkie-talkie to MGFY, with a light mention of one Buffer who had been sent to check on the electronics a few minutes ago. Most of the squads were too wrapped up in finding the culprit to pay attention to little details, so his story was a little gap-filled. Back at HQ, several staff were rushing back and forth through the halls(1/2)
  29. 18:32 Antenora While the HQ was always busy, it was especially hectic now with a thief on the loose. No one wanted to be the suspect, after all, so work was being done at double-time, people weaving in and out without a care or a second glance.
  30. 18:34 Thomas-Orolanus was following Pence, amazed at the people who worked here, a pile of guts, some dude looking like a swarm, it was both fascinating and sickening
  31. 18:36 Thomas-Orolanus So, is it always this, chaotic?
  32. 18:39 Pence eyes the literally shady looking fellow closely as he walks over to the recruitment table. "Not to this extent." His hand hovers over his baton in case of it's assistance. "If I find out who's stirring shit I'll wring his fucking neck...I've been doing nothing but send reports for the past few hours....."
  33. 18:42 Thomas-Orolanus sits down at the other side of the table, placing his 3ft mallet into his satchel. "Bag of holding, gotta love it"
  34. 18:43 Pence holds the hilt of his baton. "Quite......very useful isn't it?"
  35. 18:43 Pence "You can fit a lot of goods in there, I'm betting..."
  36. 18:44 *** Antenora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  37. 18:44 *** Antenora joined #MeatLocker
  38. 18:44 Antenora [fuck, sorry]
  39. 18:44 Thomas-Orolanus Yep, so...uh, do we start this interview or should I wait till some later
  40. 18:44 Thomas-Orolanus [its fine]
  41. 18:45 Antenora (Was anything said "23:40 Pence eyes the literally shady looking fellow closely as he walks over to the recruitment table. "Not to this extent." His hand hovers over his baton in case of it's assistance. "If I find out who's stirring shit I'll wring his fucking neck...I've been doing nothing but send reports for the past few hours....."")
  42. 18:45 Thomas-Orolanus Thomas-Orolanus sits down at the other side of the table, placing his 3ft mallet into his satchel. "Bag of holding, gotta love it"
  43. 18:45 Thomas-Orolanus Pence holds the hilt of his baton. "Quite......very useful isn't it?"
  44. 18:45 Thomas-Orolanus "You can fit a lot of goods in there, I'm betting..."
  45. 18:46 Thomas-Orolanus [last two lines were both pence]
  46. 18:47 McGoFuckYourself "Oh, fuck me sideways is that bank ro-no, of fucking course not. One goddamn thing that would've made this fucking day interesting. Instead I got to hear about this bullshit assfuck stealing staplers and shit. Goddamn."
  47. 18:47 Pence "Look pal, I'm sorry but I think I might need to turn you in for a minute. No hard feelings, everyone's been given this treatment today."
  48. 18:49 Thomas-Orolanus Nah, its fine, from the look of this place some stuff has been going down
  49. 18:49 Pence "I'm also going to take that bag of your into custody."
  50. 18:49 Antenora At that moment, everything goes black. There is a hum as the auxiliary power comes into play, letting doors and lights still function but nothing else. MGFY hears of this instantly from the Buffers, with some cursing the one they sent off to check the electrical wiring.
  51. 18:50 Thomas-Orolanus, I think we may want to hold that off
  52. 18:51 McGoFuckYourself "Smooth. Fucking nice. Ever since that hypocritical jackass took over, they've been fucking slipping. Good job, guys. Hopefully /this/ fuckup wasn't one of his favorites, or else there won't be any goddamn punishment for him."
  53. 18:52 Pence looks out into the hallway. It was all dark. Frantic footsteps were heard everywhere. "God dammit. Look, stay with me. Whoever the hell is responsible for this is going hurt really fucking bad in the morning."
  54. 18:55 McGoFuckYourself sighs, standing up. "They're probably going to need some fucking help over there." He starts walking towards Xenon HQ, which admittedly wasn't super far from the cafe. "Another fucking day in pa-SEND THE FUCKING BILL TO DARWIN HALL. CHRIST. Buncha dumbasses." He sets out down the road.
  55. 18:56 Thomas-Orolanus tries to look in his BoH for a flashlight, but hes not the type to keep things neatly, so no luck. "Damn, I really got to start organizing"
  56. 18:57 Antenora There is some knocking coming from the elevator, likely some poor bugger left stuck in there by the power cut. Auxiliary power only went so far. There was a loud echo of the Buffer's footsteps, moving in sync through the building. A power cut shouldn't usually be cause for alarm, but who knew when it came to Xenon. People were rarely, if ever, willing to (1)
  57. 18:57 Antenora let something like this slip by them.
  58. 18:59 Pence notices the elevator's knocking and walks over to it, "Poor guys....." He knocks back at it, "Anyone in there!?"
  59. 19:01 *** McGoFuckYourself_ joined #MeatLocker
  60. 19:01 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by McGoFuckYourself_)))
  61. 19:01 Antenora The man in the elevator sounded rather strained, panicked even. "Fucking hell... Get me out of here, quick! Jesus christ the shit down there was unreal!" he started shouting, becoming steadily rather incoherent.
  62. 19:01 *** McGoFuckYourself_ is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  63. 19:02 Thomas-Orolanus uh, I'm not one to judge what goes down in this building, but I think a power outage isnt the only thing happening
  64. 19:03 Pence searches his person for something of use. "Nothing...." He looks over to Thomas, "Hey fella, got a crow bar in there? Anything to pry this door open?"
  65. 19:04 McGoFuckYourself strides through the door. Hatemonger behind him breathes a rather large puff of flame into his massive claws, giving the two of them some kind of illumination in the darkened lobby.
  66. 19:04 McGoFuckYourself "Now what the /fuck/ is going on here."
  67. 19:05 Thomas-Orolanus grabs his mallet. "Not pry, smash, tel him to stand bac-oh hey its ski-mask"
  68. 19:05 Thomas-Orolanus Didn't know you worked here
  69. 19:07 Pence [ought to make a map of this tower]
  70. 19:07 McGoFuckYourself "Goddamn right I fucking work here."
  71. 19:07 Pence salutes immediately
  72. 19:08 Thomas-Orolanus think you can have Reddy there get the door open?
  73. 19:08 Antenora "That's all well and good, but can I be let out already?!"
  74. 19:11 Pence looks at the two, waiting for one of them to handle the situation.
  75. 19:11 Thomas-Orolanus ...alright, tell the guy in there to stand back
  76. 19:13 Thomas-Orolanus swings his hammer at full force, stopping an inch from the door "Wait will I have to pay for this?"
  77. 19:13 Pence "Just do it"
  78. 19:14 Antenora "JUST BREAK IT DOW- JESUS NO!"
  79. 19:14 Antenora "GET OFF OF ME!"
  80. 19:15 Thomas-Orolanus swings but was shocked by the screaming, hitting closer to the side only giving them a small hole
  81. 19:15 Thomas-Orolanus The Fuck is going on in there!?
  82. 19:16 Pence grabs his baton
  83. 19:18 Thomas-Orolanus swings again, this time the door bending open into the elevator
  84. 19:19 McGoFuckYourself "Hurry the fuck up, man."
  85. 19:19 Antenora By the time the door is pulled off, the elevator is empty. At the bottom of the elevator is a massive bite, clean through the floor. No prizes for guessing where this employee had gone to.
  86. 19:21 Pence walks in and investigates the hole. "A bite? Today gets even stranger..." He looks over to Guff,"Sir, do you have any idea what's going on?"
  87. 19:23 Thomas-Orolanus is tempted to jump in too, but he has no clue how much the elevator could take.
  88. 19:27 McGoFuckYourself "Fuck if I fucking know. City like this, could be fucking anything.)
  89. 19:27 McGoFuckYourself *"
  90. 19:28 Antenora The hole is large and round, and rather... clean. It was more like a clean, perfect circle than a bite, but it was obviously still a bite. Still, whatever made this wasn't an animal... at least, a normal one. The elevator shaft didn't go too far down, just to the lower ground floor, which in turn lead to the much larger, longer-running elevators.
  91. 19:30 Thomas-Orolanus does more digging in his bag, finding his flashlight, and a few sandwiches. "Hey uh, hm, never learned your name, use my flashlight, see if anything is still down there"
  92. 19:31 Pence simply looks at his higher up, waiting for an order or some kind of command. He wasn't gonna lead this brigade. "Pence."
  93. 19:37 McGoFuckYourself sighs. "Some goddamn SCP delta green bullshit here. Whip up a squad of Buffers or some shit and send'em down. That's their fucking job, isn't it? Can't send Hatemonger /too/ far away."
  94. 19:40 Pence "Sir!" Pence then radios in for a squad of Buffers to investigate the elevator shaft. He also orders a lockdown of the entire building. "I just wanted to send in some paperwork....."
  95. 19:40 Antenora As if on command, a Buffer squad were right behind the trio, stamping a foot down and saluting. "Sirs, we came as quick as we could. We need people to find safe, bright places to inhabit while we check the lower floors. There are still some staff trapped there, after all." their leader said.
  96. 19:42 Pence "Talk about convenience..."
  97. 19:44 Antenora "You are in a building full of Buffers, to be fair. It's easy enough for squads to form up."
  98. 19:45 McGoFuckYourself (One second, dog got caught on pole outside, brb)
  99. 19:45 Antenora [aight]
  100. 19:46 Pence "O-Of course..."
  101. 19:48 McGoFuckYourself "How many of the fucks are trapped down there?"
  102. 18:20 Antenora The Buffer checked with his comrades, nodding in agreement and raising four fingers. "We had four technicians down there, looking at the electrics and plumbing. While we're betting on them knowing what caused this, their lack of response on the walkies are worrying us. Hence why we're here. Captain, are you and these two joining us?"
  103. 18:24 McGoFuckYourself sighs. "It was a nice fucking day right up until now. I guess we gotta clean up your fucking messes, eh?" Looks to Pence and the other fuck. "You two are fucking conscripted now. Welcome to temp duty, assholes."
  104. 18:24 Thomas-Orolanus Sweet, came here for a job anyways
  105. 18:25 Pence simply nods in agreement, and whispers to himself, "My paperwork..."
  106. 18:26 McGoFuckYourself "Last I fucking checked, jackass, this is a bit more goddamn important than being a pencil pushing fuck."
  107. 18:27 Pence straightens up in surprise of being heard, "Y-Yes. So. How are we going to handle this situation...?"
  108. 18:29 Antenora The head Buffer nods, taking a metal disk from his belt. With a well-practised throw he tosses it at the hole; the disk splits open in mid-air, magnetism holding it in place around the wires. "Magnetic ziplines. These are just being tested around the office, but they're good for moving three, four people in one go."
  109. 18:30 McGoFuckYourself "Not fucking necessary." Hatemonger gingerly wraps his massive arms around MGFY. "Last I checked, I don't need to bother with shitty experimental shit." Looks to the other two. "WEll, hurry the fuck up, then, assholes."
  110. 18:31 Thomas-Orolanus not a fan of 'shitty experimental shit' either, but, when duty calls
  111. 18:31 Thomas-Orolanus zips on down
  112. 18:31 Antenora "Pardon me sir, but you'll notice a conspicuous lack of giant red hate entity on our persons."
  113. 18:32 Pence hops onto the zipline, "We don't all have special powers..."
  114. 18:33 Thomas-Orolanus I do, maybe you should take magic Pence, was it?
  115. 18:33 McGoFuckYourself "And is that my fucking fault, how?" Hatemonger lifts off the ground, slowly gliding downward with the Captain. "It ain't my fault you fucks are a buncha shitters."
  116. 18:33 Antenora The Buffer sighs, used to the Captain's behavior by now. He gestures for his men to follow, grabbing the disk and zipping down the shaft, all the way to the bottom.
  117. 18:34 Pence takes Guffy's comment in stride, "Magic? thanks."
  118. 18:35 Thomas-Orolanus Not for everyone, say, big red there comes in a glow in the dark version? getting a bit dark
  119. 18:36 Pence whips out a flashlight, as all other Buffers should have, and activates it as they head deeper into what feels like the Mariana Trench.
  120. 18:37 Pence "We making land soon or what..."
  121. 18:37 Antenora When they reach the bottom, they find the elevator in a ruined state; chewed up and bitten into. It's dark, with barely any lighting here. The Buffers flip on their mounted lights, looking around the halls of the basement.
  122. 18:38 Thomas-Orolanus Woooah, this happen often? Monsters eating everything
  123. 18:38 Antenora There are bite marks all over. Some in the walls, some on the floor and ceiling. There's a door leading to plumbing and pipes, a pair of legs sticking out of the half-open doorway. "Hey, what's going on?" one Buffer shouted to the man in the doorway, coming closer.
  124. 18:38 McGoFuckYourself >Hatemonger lets down the Captain onto his feet, moving in front of his host. Just in case.
  125. 18:39 Thomas-Orolanus pulls out his Mallet, "your in charge 'Captain', give the orders"
  126. 18:40 Pence looks around with his flashlight, his baton in hand in case of danger. "Look at down here..."
  127. 18:42 Antenora The Buffer comes to the doorway, poking a leg and shouting again. He gets no response, and suddenly he grabs the leg, pulling hard... and bringing the bite marked leg with him. He shouts in disgust, dropping the chewed off leg and stepping back. "Holy shit!" another Buffer shouts, running over and looking at the leg. "Fuck, that's... that's his leg alright."
  128. 18:42 McGoFuckYourself "Move as a fucking group. Don't split up, don't fucking lose sight of everyone. If some shit's fucking shit up down here, it's gonna try and pick us the fuck off one by one. Hatemonger takes the fucking lead. If something fucking jumps us, then it's gonna get the fucking Holy Hate right up its ass." Sighs at the leg. "For fuck's sake."
  129. 18:43 Thomas-Orolanus you don't higher the brave folk I see
  130. 18:45 Pence stares at the leg, "People are being killed in our fucking tower. This is cannot slide."
  131. 18:46 Thomas-Orolanus Any slobber or, anything not normally on a human on the leg? poison, spit, a tooth?
  132. 18:46 McGoFuckYourself "Whatever the fuck it is, if it's ripping people to shit, it's gonna leave a fucking trail."
  133. 18:48 Antenora The Buffers get over the little insult this new guy gave them, instead examining the leg. "The bite is completely clean. There's not even spit; it's just a clean slice." one says, muttering to himself and sighing. "Whatever this is, it's blatantly not human. We're gonna need to be careful, like the Captain said."
  134. 18:48 Thomas-Orolanus considers taking the leg. "might be good for bait? so we won't have to use anyone here for it"
  135. 18:49 Antenora "Given the fact that this thing is eating /anything/, we probably don't need bait."
  136. 18:49 Thomas-Orolanus Fair point
  137. 18:49 Pence "We might be expendable but have some respect."
  138. 18:55 McGoFuckYourself "So are we gonna fucking go for this thing or not?" He takes a step forward, Hatemonger moving in front of him. With a tearing sound, the great red demon sprouts out a pair of massive, tree-trunk legs and a decent-sized wingset. More body mass meant more cover for McGoFuckYourself as it walked down the hallway. "So do we have a fucking map of the area or anything?"
  139. 18:56 Thomas-Orolanus I don't think we'll be in trouble with Big Red there...hopefully
  140. 18:58 Pence progresses forward, making sure not to brush his leg against lying around. "Whatever this thing is, I want to know where it came from..."
  141. 18:59 Antenora Buffer Leader tapped his head, pointing out their visors. "We have maps loaded up in our helmets, and I think some spare holographic ones on our person." he explained, taking a tablet from his chest and handing it to the Captain. "This area isn't too complex to navigate, it's mostly what's deeper beneath that gets messy."
  142. 19:05 Thomas-Orolanus mind if I get one of those maps? New guy and all
  143. 19:08 McGoFuckYourself takes the tablet, flipping through it as Hatemonger leads the way. "Well, let's hurry the fuck up with this. Where's the fucking electronics room?"
  144. 19:14 Antenora "The electronics? Well, that's the elevator to our left... shit, that's gonna be either wrecked or something, ain't it? Those things run way too deep to take risks on taking the direct route. We should probably take the stairs."
  145. 19:17 Thomas-Orolanus more we stand around, more that, thing eats, lets get a move on
  146. 19:18 Pence wonders about what the rest of the team is doing at the moment, probably something more enjoyable. He simply waits for someone to make a decision as he investigates the desecrated area.
  147. 19:20 Antenora "We say it's safer to take the staircases." the Buffer leader says, approaching a door marked with a warning symbol. "They're pretty tall... but I don't think they'll cause much trouble, right?"
  148. 19:21 Pence "Who knows. Gravity might decide to become a person and fuck with us. Stairs seem ideal. We just need to keep our guard up and anticipate anything."
  149. 19:22 Pence looks at the stairs. "Inviting..."
  150. 19:22 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah, I ain't fucking locking myself in a tiny fucking box while some goddamn thing goes around eating people." Hatemonger opens the staircase door. And by 'open', I mean 'puts his foot through the hinges and knocks the damn thing open.'
  151. 19:25 Pence "Let's make haste"
  152. 19:25 Pence progresses into the stairs
  153. 19:28 McGoFuckYourself sticks behind Hatemonger as they both head inward and down
  154. 19:28 Antenora The stairs spiral downward, in a dense and rather claustrophobic set up. It's no wonder people don't really use them.
  155. 19:28 Thomas-Orolanus follows, ready to grab the mallet and smash
  156. 19:29 Pence "For what reason is half of this building even meant for..."
  157. 19:30 Thomas-Orolanus eEeEevil~~ or storage
  158. 19:30 Antenora "Well, come on, these things need resources to run. The entire plumbing needs its own sector to be safely handled."
  159. 19:32 Thomas-Orolanus Just, how deep does this go exactly?
  160. 19:36 Antenora "Deep? Good question. These things need like, 5 or 6 floors?" the Buffer medic interjected, rushing down the stairs with some labored breathing. "We know that the engineers were examining the second floor, however."
  161. 19:39 Pence increases his stride, skipping steps like a hasty child in middle school, "Lovely"
  162. 19:44 Thomas-Orolanus grabs a penny from his pocket, tossing it down, waiting for the sound
  163. 19:51 Antenora [fuck, fell asleep, sorry guys, timing is really bad...]
  164. 19:51 McGoFuckYourself >"Whatever it is. I look forward to ripping it to pieces"
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