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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  3. use strict;
  4. use DBI;
  5. use DBD::Pg;
  6. use Config::General;
  7. use Getopt::Std;
  8. use POSIX qw( strftime );
  9. use Data::Dumper;
  10. use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
  11. use Email::MIME;
  12. use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
  13. use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;
  14. use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS;
  15. use Log::Minimal;
  16. use Try::Tiny;
  17. use Config::IniFiles;
  18. use File::Basename;
  20. my $start_log = 0;
  21. my $start_pid = 0;
  22. my $start_cmd = "$^X $0 @ARGV";
  23. my %opts;
  24. &init();
  25. #my $conf = new Config::General( $opts{c} );
  26. #my %config = $conf->getall;
  27. my %config;
  28. tie %config, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $opts{c}, -handle_trailing_comment => 1 );
  29. for my $k1( keys %config ){
  30. for my $k2( keys %{$config{$k1}} ){
  31. if( $config{$k1}{$k2} =~ /(.*)\.\$(.*)/ ){
  32. $config{$k1}{$k2} = $config{$1}{$2};
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. my $log_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/storage/';
  37. if( ! -d $log_dir ){
  38. if( ! mkdir $log_dir,0777 ){
  39. print "create $log_dir failed:$!\n";
  40. exit;
  41. }
  42. }
  43. my $class4_log_file = $log_dir."/class4.log";
  44. my $open_log = 1;
  45. if( ! open CLASS4_LOG, ">>$class4_log_file" ){
  46. print "open $class4_log_file failed:$!\n";
  47. $open_log = 0;
  48. }
  49. $ENV{LM_DEBUG} = 1;
  50. local $Log::Minimal::AUTODUMP = 1;
  51. local $Log::Minimal::LOG_LEVEL = $config{script_log}{ log_level };
  52. local $Log::Minimal::PRINT = sub {
  53. my ( $time, $type, $message, $trace, $raw_message ) = @_;
  54. print "$time [$type] $trace $message\n";
  55. print CLASS4_LOG "$time [$type] $trace $message\n" if( $open_log );
  56. };
  57. infof( "start script : $start_cmd" );
  58. my $db_name = $config{db}{ dbname };
  59. my $db_host = $config{db}{ hostaddr };
  60. my $db_port = $config{db}{ port };
  61. my $db_username = $config{db}{ user };
  62. my $db_password = $config{db}{ password };
  63. my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Pg:dbname=$db_name; host=$db_host; port=$db_port",
  64. $db_username,
  65. $db_password,
  66. { AutoCommit => 1, pg_server_prepare => 1 } );
  67. if( ! $dbh ){
  68. critf( $DBI::errstr );
  69. &do_exit();
  70. };
  72. # 记录脚本的开始时间
  73. my $sql = "INSERT INTO scheduler_log (script_name, start_time) VALUES ('Dialy Summary Report', current_timestamp(0))";
  74. my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
  75. $sth->execute();
  76. my $scheduler_log_id = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef, "scheduler_log", "id");
  78. my $file_dir = $log_dir."/summary_report";
  79. if( ! -d $file_dir ){
  80. if( ! mkdir $file_dir,0777 ){
  81. critf( "create $file_dir failed:$!" );
  82. &do_exit();
  83. }
  84. }
  85. my $run_pid_file = $log_dir."/";
  88. &start_log();
  92. my %mail_template_data;
  93. my $mail_from_ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT auto_summary_from as from from mail_tmplate");
  94. my $mail_hr;
  95. if( $mail_from_ref && $mail_from_ref->{ from } && $mail_from_ref->{ from } ne 'Default' && $mail_from_ref->{ from } ne 'default' ){
  96. $mail_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT loginemail,smtp_host as smtphost, smtp_port as smtpport, username as emailusername, password as emailpassword, email as fromemail, secure as smtp_secure FROM mail_sender WHERE id = $mail_from_ref->{ from }" );
  97. }else{
  98. $mail_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT * from system_parameter" );
  99. }
  100. #my $mail_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT * from system_parameter" );
  101. $mail_template_data{ from } = $mail_hr->{ fromemail };
  102. $mail_template_data{ fake_from} = $mail_hr->{ emailname };
  103. $mail_template_data{ server } = $mail_hr->{ smtphost };
  104. $mail_template_data{ port } = $mail_hr->{ smtpport };
  105. $mail_template_data{ username } = $mail_hr->{ emailusername };
  106. $mail_template_data{ password } = $mail_hr->{ emailpassword };
  107. $mail_template_data{ auth } = ($mail_hr->{ loginemail } eq "true") ? 1 : 0;
  108. #$mail_template_data{ tls } = $config{ sendmail_tls_require };
  109. $mail_template_data{ tls } = $mail_hr->{ smtp_secure };
  110. $mail_template_data{ ssl } = ($mail_hr->{ smtp_secure } == 2) ? 1 : 0;
  111. my $mail_template_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT * from mail_tmplate" );
  112. $mail_template_data{ cc } = $mail_template_hr->{ auto_summary_cc };
  114. if( $opts{a} ){
  115. #&start_pid( $run_pid_file );
  117. my $report_client_sql = "
  118. SELECT
  119. 0 as period_type,
  120. c4_client_balance.balance,
  121. name,
  122. client.client_id,
  123. last_autoreport_time,
  124. auto_send_zone,
  125. case auto_summary_group_by when 0 then 'country' when 1 then 'code_name' when 2 then 'code' else 'country' end as auto_summary_group_by,
  126. to_char(current_date-1,'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00')||COALESCE(auto_send_zone,'+00') as start_time,
  127. to_char(current_date-1,'YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59')||COALESCE(auto_send_zone,'+00') as end_time,
  128. to_char(current_date,'YYYYMMDD') as current_table_suffix
  129. FROM
  130. client
  131. left join
  132. c4_client_balance
  133. on client.client_id::text=c4_client_balance.client_id
  134. WHERE
  135. is_auto_summary = true and
  136. status=true and
  137. (auto_summary_period is null or auto_summary_period = 24) and
  138. (last_autoreport_time is null or last_autoreport_time < current_date::timestamp with time zone at time zone auto_send_zone::interval) and
  139. current_timestamp(0) at time zone auto_send_zone::interval > current_date::timestamp with time zone and
  140. (auto_summary_hour is null or EXTRACT(HOUR FROM now() at time zone auto_send_zone::interval)>=auto_summary_hour)
  142. union
  144. SELECT
  145. 0 as period_type,
  146. c4_client_balance.balance,
  147. name,
  148. client.client_id,
  149. last_autoreport_time,
  150. auto_send_zone,
  151. case auto_summary_group_by when 0 then 'country' when 1 then 'code_name' when 2 then 'code' else 'country' end as auto_summary_group_by,
  152. to_char(current_timestamp(0)-auto_summary_period*interval '1 hour','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00') as start_time,
  153. to_char(current_timestamp(0)-interval '1 hour','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:59:59') as end_time,
  154. to_char(current_date,'YYYYMMDD') as current_table_suffix
  155. FROM
  156. client
  157. left join
  158. c4_client_balance
  159. on client.client_id::text=c4_client_balance.client_id
  160. WHERE
  161. is_auto_summary = true and
  162. status=true and
  163. (auto_summary_period is not null and auto_summary_period != 24) and
  164. EXTRACT(HOUR FROM now() at time zone auto_send_zone::interval)::integer%auto_summary_period=0
  165. ";
  166. print $report_client_sql;
  167. my $report_client_hr = $dbh->selectall_hashref( $report_client_sql, "client_id" );
  168. for my $k1( keys %$report_client_hr ){
  169. &mod_data( "update client set last_autoreport_time=current_timestamp(0) where client_id=?","$k1" );
  170. }
  171. my $has_report_data = 0;
  172. for my $k1( keys %$report_client_hr ){
  173. my $timeout = 0;
  174. my $current_table_suffix = $report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ current_table_suffix };
  175. if ($has_report_data != 1){
  176. while( 1 ){
  177. my $report_time_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT report_time from cdr_report_detail$current_table_suffix where report_time >= '$report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ end_time }' limit 1" );
  178. if ( ! $report_time_hr ){
  179. if ($timeout < 10){
  180. $timeout += 1;
  181. debugf( "after $report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ end_time } not found report,wait" );
  182. sleep(60);
  183. next;
  184. }else{
  185. debugf( "after $report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ end_time } not found report,exit" );
  186. exit;
  187. }
  188. }else{
  189. $has_report_data = 1;
  190. last;
  191. }
  192. }
  193. }
  195. my $report_file = $file_dir."/".$report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ name }."_summary_report_".substr($report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ start_time },0,10).".xls";
  196. if( &create_report( $report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ start_time },$report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ end_time },$k1,$report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ auto_summary_group_by },$report_file,$report_client_hr->{ $k1 }->{ balance } ) < 0 ){
  197. next;
  198. }
  200. my $send_mail_res = &send_mail( %mail_template_data );
  201. if( $send_mail_res ){
  202. warnf( "send mail failed : $send_mail_res" );
  203. }else{
  204. #&mod_data( "update client set last_autoreport_time=current_timestamp(0) where client_id=?","$k1" );
  205. }
  206. my $send_mail_log = [ $send_mail_res, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime), $k1, $mail_template_data{ to }, $report_file, 2, 0, $mail_template_data{ subject }, $mail_template_data{ content } ];
  207. &send_mail_log( $send_mail_log );
  208. }
  209. }else{
  210. my $client_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select * from client where client_id=$opts{i}" );
  211. if( $client_hr ){
  212. my $report_file = $file_dir."/".$client_hr->{ name }."_summary_report_".substr($opts{s},0,10).".xls";
  213. #if( &create_report_cdr( $opts{s}, $opts{e}, $opts{i}, $opts{g}, $report_file, $opts{b} ) == 0 ){
  214. my $send_mail_res = &send_mail( %mail_template_data );
  215. if( $send_mail_res ){
  216. warnf( "send mail failed : $send_mail_res" );
  217. }
  218. my $send_mail_log = [ $send_mail_res, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime), $opts{i}, $mail_template_data{ to }, $report_file, 2, 0, $mail_template_data{ subject }, $mail_template_data{ content } ];
  219. &send_mail_log( $send_mail_log );
  220. #}
  221. }else{
  222. debugf( "client $opts{i} not exists" );
  223. }
  224. }
  226. # 记录脚本的结束时间
  227. my $sql = "update scheduler_log set end_time = current_timestamp(0) where id =?";
  228. my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
  229. $sth->execute($scheduler_log_id);
  230. infof( "finished script" );
  231. &do_exit();
  234. sub init()
  235. {
  236. my $opt_string = 'ahc:s:e:i:g:b:';
  237. getopts( "$opt_string", \%opts ) or usage();
  238. usage() if $opts{h};
  239. }
  241. sub usage()
  242. {
  243. print "perl -c class4.conf -a or -s start_time -e end_time -i client_id -g code/code_name/country -b end_time_balance\n";
  244. exit;
  245. }
  247. sub mod_data {
  248. my( $data_sql,$data_value ) = @_;
  249. my @value_array;
  250. if( ref( $data_value ) eq "ARRAY" ){
  251. @value_array = @$data_value;
  252. }else{
  253. @value_array = split( /,/, $data_value, -1 );
  254. }
  256. my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $data_sql );
  257. $sth->execute( @value_array );
  258. if( $sth->state ){
  259. critf( "update database error sql:%s,data:%s,error:%s", $data_sql, join(",",@value_array), $sth->errstr );
  260. return 1;
  261. }
  262. return 0;
  263. }
  265. sub start_log(){
  266. my @script_name = split(/\//,$0);
  268. &mod_data( "update scheduler set last_run = current_timestamp(0) where script_name=?", "@script_name[$#script_name]" );
  270. $start_log = 1;
  271. }
  273. sub start_pid(){
  274. my( $pid_file ) = @_;
  276. if( -e $pid_file ){
  277. my $pid = `head -1 $pid_file`;
  278. debugf( "last pid : $pid" );
  279. if( $pid !~ /^\s*$/ && -e "/proc/$pid" ){
  280. debugf( "pid $pid alreay running" );
  281. &do_exit();
  282. }
  283. }
  284. if( ! open PID_FILE, ">$pid_file" ){
  285. critf( "open pid file error:$!" );
  286. &do_exit();
  287. }
  289. print PID_FILE "$$";
  290. close PID_FILE;
  292. debugf( "new pid : $$" );
  294. $start_pid = 1;
  296. return 0;
  297. }
  299. sub end_pid(){
  300. my( $pid_file ) = @_;
  302. debugf( "process done" );
  304. if( ! open PID_FILE, ">$pid_file" ){
  305. critf( "close pid file error:$!" );
  306. }
  307. print PID_FILE "";
  308. close PID_FILE;
  310. return 0;
  311. }
  313. sub do_exit(){
  314. &start_log() if( $start_log );
  315. $dbh->disconnect if( $dbh );
  316. close CLASS4_LOG;
  317. &end_pid( $run_pid_file ) if( $start_pid );
  319. exit;
  320. }
  323. sub send_mail(){
  324. my ( %mail_data ) = @_;
  325. my $mail_from = $mail_data{ from };
  326. my $mail_fake_from = $mail_data{ fake_from};
  327. my $mail_server = $mail_data{ server };
  328. my $mail_port = $mail_data{ port };
  329. my $mail_auth = $mail_data{ auth };
  330. my $mail_username = $mail_data{ username };
  331. my $mail_password = $mail_data{ password };
  332. my $mail_tls_require = $mail_data{ tls };
  333. my $mail_to = $mail_data{ to };
  334. my $mail_subject = $mail_data{ subject };
  335. my $mail_content = $mail_data{ content };
  336. my $mail_attach_files = $mail_data{ files };
  337. my $mail_ssl = $mail_data{ ssl };
  338. my $mail_cc = $mail_data{ cc };
  340. my $attach_data;
  341. if( $mail_attach_files ){
  342. for my $k1( @$mail_attach_files ){
  343. if( ! open( MAIL_DATA, "<$k1" ) ){
  344. critf( "open $k1 failed,$!" );
  345. return "open $k1 failed,$!";
  346. }else{
  347. local $/;
  348. #my @file_data = <MAIL_DATA>;
  349. my @mail_attach_files = split( /\//, "$k1" );
  350. $attach_data->{ @mail_attach_files[$#mail_attach_files] } = <MAIL_DATA>;
  351. close MAIL_DATA;
  352. }
  353. }
  354. }
  356. my $email;
  357. if( $mail_attach_files ){
  358. my @parts;
  359. push @parts, Email::MIME->create(
  360. attributes => {
  361. content_type => "text/html",
  362. # charset => "us-ascii",
  363. charset => "utf-8",
  364. encoding => "base64",
  365. },
  366. body_str => $mail_content,
  367. );
  368. for my $k1( keys %{ $attach_data } ){
  369. push @parts, Email::MIME->create(
  370. attributes => {
  371. content_type => "application/octet-stream",
  372. encoding => "base64",
  373. filename => "$k1",
  374. },
  375. body => $attach_data->{ $k1 },
  376. );
  377. }
  378. $email = Email::MIME->create(
  379. header_str => [
  380. From => $mail_from,
  381. To => $mail_to,
  382. Subject => $mail_subject,
  383. Cc => $mail_cc,
  384. ],
  385. parts => [ @parts ],
  386. );
  387. }else{
  388. $email = Email::MIME->create(
  389. header_str => [
  390. From => $mail_from,
  391. To => $mail_to,
  392. Subject => $mail_subject,
  393. Cc => $mail_cc,
  394. ],
  395. body => $mail_content,
  396. attributes => {
  397. content_type => "text/html",
  398. # charset => "us-ascii",
  399. charset => "utf-8",
  400. encoding => "base64",
  401. },
  402. );
  403. }
  405. #print $email->as_string;
  406. my $send_res;
  407. if( $mail_auth == 0 ){
  408. try{
  409. sendmail(
  410. $email
  411. );
  412. }catch{
  413. $send_res = $_;
  414. }
  415. }elsif( $mail_tls_require == 1 ){
  416. try{
  417. sendmail(
  418. $email,
  419. {
  420. transport => Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS->new(
  421. host => $mail_server,
  422. port => $mail_port,
  423. username => $mail_username,
  424. password => $mail_password,
  425. ),
  426. }
  427. );
  428. }catch{
  429. $send_res = $_;
  430. }
  431. }else{
  432. try{
  433. sendmail(
  434. $email,
  435. {
  436. transport => Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new(
  437. host => $mail_server,
  438. port => $mail_port,
  439. sasl_username => $mail_username,
  440. sasl_password => $mail_password,
  441. ssl => $mail_data{ ssl },
  442. ),
  443. }
  444. );
  445. }catch{
  446. $send_res = $_;
  447. }
  448. }
  449. #print "send result : $send_res\n";
  450. $send_res =~ s#Trace begun[\s\S]*##g;
  451. return $send_res;
  452. }
  455. sub create_report(){
  456. my( $report_start_time,$report_end_time,$client_id,$group_type,$file_name,$client_balance ) = @_;
  457. my $report_sql;
  458. $report_sql = "select ingress_client_id,egress_client_id,ingress_prefix,ingress_code,not_zero_calls,ingress_total_calls,ingress_bill_time,ingress_call_cost,egress_total_calls,egress_bill_time,egress_call_cost,duration from cdr_report_detail where report_time between '$report_start_time' and '$report_end_time' and (ingress_client_id=$client_id or egress_client_id=$client_id)" if( $group_type eq "code" );
  459. $report_sql = "select ingress_client_id,egress_client_id,ingress_prefix,ingress_code_name,not_zero_calls,ingress_total_calls,ingress_bill_time,ingress_call_cost,egress_total_calls,egress_bill_time,egress_call_cost,duration from cdr_report_detail where report_time between '$report_start_time' and '$report_end_time' and (ingress_client_id=$client_id or egress_client_id=$client_id)" if( $group_type eq "code_name" );
  460. $report_sql = "select ingress_client_id,egress_client_id,ingress_prefix,ingress_country,not_zero_calls,ingress_total_calls,ingress_bill_time,ingress_call_cost,egress_total_calls,egress_bill_time,egress_call_cost,duration from cdr_report_detail where report_time between '$report_start_time' and '$report_end_time' and (ingress_client_id=$client_id or egress_client_id=$client_id)" if( $group_type eq "country" );
  462. my $client_balance_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select * from c4_client_balance where client_id='$client_id'" );
  463. $client_balance = $client_balance_hr->{ balance } if( ! defined $client_balance );
  464. #my $client_balance = &report_balance( $client_id, $report_start_time, $report_end_time );
  465. my $buy_call_time = 0;
  466. my $sell_call_time = 0;
  467. my $buy_calls = 0;
  468. my $buy_not_zero_calls = 0;
  469. my $buy_mins = 0;
  470. my $buy_amount = 0;
  471. my $sell_calls = 0;
  472. my $sell_not_zero_calls = 0;
  473. my $sell_mins = 0;
  474. my $sell_amount = 0;
  475. my $buy_data;
  476. my $sell_data;
  477. my $report_res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $report_sql );
  478. for my $k1( @$report_res ){
  479. #print "@$k1\n";
  480. if( $k1->[0] == $client_id ){
  481. ##buy data
  482. $buy_data->{ $k1->[2] }->{ $k1->[3] }->{ total_calls } += $k1->[5];
  483. $buy_data->{ $k1->[2] }->{ $k1->[3] }->{ not_zero_calls } += $k1->[4];
  484. $buy_data->{ $k1->[2] }->{ $k1->[3] }->{ bill_time } += $k1->[6];
  485. $buy_data->{ $k1->[2] }->{ $k1->[3] }->{ cost } += $k1->[7];
  486. $buy_data->{ $k1->[2] }->{ $k1->[3] }->{ call_time } += $k1->[11];
  488. $buy_calls += $k1->[5];
  489. $buy_not_zero_calls += $k1->[4];
  490. $buy_mins += $k1->[6];
  491. $buy_amount += $k1->[7];
  492. $buy_call_time += $k1->[11];
  493. }
  494. if( $k1->[1] == $client_id ){
  495. ##sell data
  496. $sell_data->{ $k1->[3] }->{ total_calls } += $k1->[8];
  497. $sell_data->{ $k1->[3] }->{ not_zero_calls } += $k1->[4];
  498. $sell_data->{ $k1->[3] }->{ bill_time } += $k1->[9];
  499. $sell_data->{ $k1->[3] }->{ cost } += $k1->[10];
  500. $sell_data->{ $k1->[3] }->{ call_time } += $k1->[11];
  502. $sell_calls += $k1->[8];
  503. $sell_not_zero_calls += $k1->[4];
  504. $sell_mins += $k1->[9];
  505. $sell_amount += $k1->[10];
  506. $sell_call_time += $k1->[11];
  507. }
  508. }
  509. $buy_not_zero_calls += 0;
  510. $sell_not_zero_calls += 0;
  511. if( ($buy_not_zero_calls + $sell_not_zero_calls) == 0 ){
  512. debugf( "no cdr found,exit" );
  513. return -1;
  514. }
  516. ###excel
  517. my $alert_file_hr;
  518. push @{ $alert_file_hr->{ buy } }, ["Tech Prefix",$group_type,"Total Call","Success Call","Bill Min","Avg Rate","Cost","Call Min"];
  519. #print "BUY DATA : Tech Prefix,$group_type,Total Call,Success Call,Bill Min,Avg Rate,Cost,Call Min\n";
  520. for my $k1( keys %$buy_data ){
  521. for my $k2( keys %{ $buy_data->{ $k1 } } ){
  522. $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time } = $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time }/60;
  523. $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ call_time } = $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ call_time }/60;
  524. my $avg_rate = $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time } == 0 ?0 : $buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ cost }/$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time };
  525. #print "$k1,$k2,$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ total_calls },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ not_zero_calls },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time },$avg_rate,$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ cost },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ call_time }\n";
  526. push @{ $alert_file_hr->{ buy } }, [$k1,$k2,$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ total_calls },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ not_zero_calls },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ bill_time },$avg_rate,$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ cost },$buy_data->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ call_time }];
  527. }
  528. }
  530. push @{ $alert_file_hr->{ sell } }, [$group_type,"Total Call","Success Call","Bill Min","Avg Rate","Cost","Call Min"];
  531. #print "SELL DATA : $group_type,Total Call,Success Call,Bill Min,Avg Rate,Cost,Call min\n";
  532. for my $k1( keys %$sell_data ){
  533. $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time } = $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time }/60;
  534. $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ call_time } = $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ call_time }/60;
  535. my $avg_rate = $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time } == 0 ?0 : $sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ cost }/$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time };
  536. #print "$k1,$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ total_calls },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ not_zero_calls },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time },$avg_rate,$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ cost },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ call_time }\n";
  537. push @{ $alert_file_hr->{ sell } }, [$k1,$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ total_calls },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ not_zero_calls },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ bill_time },$avg_rate,$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ cost },$sell_data->{ $k1 }->{ call_time }];
  538. }
  540. &write_excel( $file_name, $alert_file_hr );
  543. $mail_template_data{ subject } = $mail_template_hr->{ auto_summary_subject };
  544. $mail_template_data{ content } = $mail_template_hr->{ auto_summary_content };
  545. my $client_info = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SELECT * from client where client_id=$client_id" );
  546. if( $client_info->{ auto_daily_balance_recipient } == 1 ){
  547. $mail_template_data{ to } = $mail_hr->{ system_admin_email };
  548. }elsif( $client_info->{ auto_daily_balance_recipient } == 0 ){
  549. $mail_template_data{ to } = $client_info->{ email };
  550. }elsif( $client_info->{ auto_daily_balance_recipient } == 2 ){
  551. $mail_template_data{ to } = "$mail_hr->{ system_admin_email },$client_info->{ email }";
  552. }
  554. $mail_template_data{ files } = ["$file_name"];
  555. $buy_mins = $buy_mins/60;
  556. $sell_mins = $sell_mins/60;
  557. $buy_call_time = $buy_call_time/60;
  558. $sell_call_time = $sell_call_time/60;
  559. $buy_mins = sprintf( "%.3f", $buy_mins );
  560. $buy_amount = sprintf( "%.3f", $buy_amount );
  561. $client_balance = sprintf( "%.3f", $client_balance );
  562. $sell_mins = sprintf( "%.3f", $sell_mins );
  563. $sell_amount = sprintf( "%.3f", $sell_amount );
  564. $buy_call_time = sprintf( "%.3f", $buy_call_time );
  565. $sell_call_time = sprintf( "%.3f", $sell_call_time );
  567. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{client_name}/$client_info->{ name }/g;
  568. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{client_name}/$client_info->{ name }/g;
  569. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{begin_time}/$report_start_time/g;
  570. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{end_time}/$report_end_time/g;
  571. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{customer_gmt}//g;
  572. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_call_buy}/$buy_calls/g;
  573. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_not_zero_calls_buy}/$buy_not_zero_calls/g;
  574. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_success_call_buy}/$buy_calls/g;
  575. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_billed_min_buy}/$buy_mins/g;
  576. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_billed_amount_buy}/$buy_amount/g;
  577. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{credit_limit}//g;
  578. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{remaining_credit}//g;
  579. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{balance}/$client_balance/g;
  580. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_call_sell}/$sell_calls/g;
  581. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_not_zero_calls_sell}/$sell_not_zero_calls/g;
  582. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_success_call_sell}/$sell_calls/g;
  583. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_billed_min_sell}/$sell_mins/g;
  584. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{total_billed_amount_sell}/$sell_amount/g;
  585. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{buy_total_duration}/$buy_call_time/g;
  586. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{sell_total_duration}/$sell_call_time/g;
  587. $mail_template_data{ subject } =~ s/{switch_alias}/$mail_hr->{ switch_alias }/g;
  588. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{client_name}/$client_info->{ name }/g;
  589. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{begin_time}/$report_start_time/g;
  590. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{end_time}/$report_end_time/g;
  591. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{customer_gmt}//g;
  592. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_call_buy}/$buy_calls/g;
  593. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_not_zero_calls_buy}/$buy_not_zero_calls/g;
  594. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_success_call_buy}/$buy_calls/g;
  595. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_billed_min_buy}/$buy_mins/g;
  596. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_billed_amount_buy}/$buy_amount/g;
  597. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{credit_limit}//g;
  598. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{remaining_credit}//g;
  599. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{balance}/$client_balance/g;
  600. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_call_sell}/$sell_calls/g;
  601. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_not_zero_calls_sell}/$sell_not_zero_calls/g;
  602. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_success_call_sell}/$sell_calls/g;
  603. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_billed_min_sell}/$sell_mins/g;
  604. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{total_billed_amount_sell}/$sell_amount/g;
  605. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{buy_total_duration}/$buy_call_time/g;
  606. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{sell_total_duration}/$sell_call_time/g;
  607. $mail_template_data{ content } =~ s/{switch_alias}/$mail_hr->{ switch_alias }/g;
  609. return 0;
  610. }
  613. sub report_balance(){
  614. my( $id_client, $balance_start_time, $balance_end_time ) = @_;
  616. #$balance_start_time = "2000-01-01" if( ! $balance_start_time );
  617. $balance_start_time = "2000-01-01";
  619. my $payment_hr;
  620. my $cdr_cost_hr;
  621. my $reset_balance = 0;
  622. my $reset_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select * from client_payment where client_id = $id_client and payment_type = 14 order by receiving_time desc limit 1" );
  623. if( $reset_hr ){
  624. $reset_balance = $reset_hr->{ amount } + $reset_hr->{ egress_amount };
  625. $payment_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select sum(case when payment_type=4 then amount else 0 end) as invoice_received,sum(case when payment_type=5 then amount else 0 end) as payment_received,sum(case when payment_type=8 then amount else 0 end) as credit_note_sent,sum(case when payment_type=12 then amount else 0 end) as debit_note_sent,sum(case when payment_type=3 then amount else 0 end) as invoice_sent,sum(case when payment_type=6 then amount else 0 end) as payment_sent,sum(case when payment_type=7 then amount else 0 end) as credit_note_received,sum(case when payment_type=11 then amount else 0 end) as debit_note_received from client_payment where client_id=$id_client and payment_time between '$balance_start_time' and '$balance_end_time' and payment_time >= '$reset_hr->{ payment_time }'" );
  626. $cdr_cost_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select sum(case when ingress_client_id=$id_client then ingress_call_cost else 0 end) as total_ingress_cost, sum(case when egress_client_id=$id_client then egress_call_cost else 0 end) as total_egress_cost from cdr_report where report_time between '$balance_start_time' and '$balance_end_time' and report_time >= '$reset_hr->{ payment_time }' and (ingress_client_id=$id_client or egress_client_id=$id_client)" );
  627. }else{
  628. $payment_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select sum(case when payment_type=4 then amount else 0 end) as invoice_received,sum(case when payment_type=5 then amount else 0 end) as payment_received,sum(case when payment_type=8 then amount else 0 end) as credit_note_sent,sum(case when payment_type=12 then amount else 0 end) as debit_note_sent,sum(case when payment_type=3 then amount else 0 end) as invoice_sent,sum(case when payment_type=6 then amount else 0 end) as payment_sent,sum(case when payment_type=7 then amount else 0 end) as credit_note_received,sum(case when payment_type=11 then amount else 0 end) as debit_note_received from client_payment where client_id=$id_client and payment_time between '$balance_start_time' and '$balance_end_time'" );
  629. $cdr_cost_hr = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "select sum(case when ingress_client_id=$id_client then ingress_call_cost else 0 end) as total_ingress_cost, sum(case when egress_client_id=$id_client then egress_call_cost else 0 end) as total_egress_cost from cdr_report where report_time between '$balance_start_time' and '$balance_end_time' and (ingress_client_id=$id_client or egress_client_id=$id_client)" );
  630. }
  632. debugf( $reset_hr );
  633. debugf( $payment_hr );
  634. debugf( $cdr_cost_hr );
  636. return ($reset_balance
  637. +$payment_hr->{ invoice_received }
  638. +$payment_hr->{ payment_received }
  639. +$payment_hr->{ credit_note_sent }
  640. +$payment_hr->{ debit_note_sent }
  641. +$cdr_cost_hr->{ total_egress_cost }
  643. -$payment_hr->{ invoice_sent }
  644. -$payment_hr->{ payment_sent }
  645. -$payment_hr->{ credit_note_received }
  646. -$payment_hr->{ debit_note_received }
  647. -$cdr_cost_hr->{ total_ingress_cost }
  648. );
  650. }
  653. sub send_mail_log(){
  654. my ( $log_data ) = @_;
  656. &mod_data( "insert into email_log(email_res,send_time,client_id,email_addresses,files,type,status,subject,content) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", $log_data );
  658. return 0;
  659. }
  661. sub write_excel(){
  662. my( $filename, $filecontent ) = @_;
  664. my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new( $filename );
  665. if( ! defined $workbook ){
  666. critf( "Problems creating new Excel file $filename: $!" );
  667. return -1;
  668. }
  669. for my $k1( sort keys %{ $filecontent } ){
  670. my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet( substr( $k1, 0, 31 ) );
  671. $worksheet->write_col( 0, 0, $filecontent->{ $k1 } );
  672. }
  673. $workbook->close();
  675. return 0;
  676. }
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