
Fluffy Breeder

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. 1/5
  2. >Fluffy pony breeder.
  3. >Try to keep fluffies happy but business comes first.
  4. >Buyer calls; wants a white unicorn, purple mane.
  5. >Must be a Rarity fan.
  6. >Got nothing in stock, but have two potential breeders.
  7. >Good chance these two can produce the foal.
  8. >Buyer says yes.
  9. >Put stallion & mare together.
  10. >Calender says they're both ripe.
  11. >Trim fluff around penor & cooch.
  12. >No hot sexy action yet; just roll around hugging & playing.
  13. >Help things along, put male on top.
  14. >Stallion gets the idea, starts humping.
  15. >Mare shrieks and bolts away.
  16. >Hides in corner, shaking.
  17. >Won't let stallion near her.
  18. >Stallion goes to opposite corner and sulks.
  19. >"Fiwwy no wan' special huggies."
  20. >Gotta do this the hard way.
  21. >Roll stallion over.
  22. >Push fluffy pony wiener out of sheath.
  23. >"WHaaaat!? No touch! Huwt place!"
  24. >Slip tube over penis.
  25. >Hit vacuum switch; tube is stuck on.
  26. >Stallion terrified by pump noise.
  27. >Doesn't matter, jizz milking has begun.
  28. >Juggle tiny fluffy balls to speed this along.
  29. >No homo.
  30. >Fluffy pony blows load into tube.
  31. >Machine off...suction is broken.
  32. >Stallion escapes. Done with him anyway.
  33. >Thought he was going to give special huggies.
  34. >Got a scary & painful jizz milking instead.
  35. >Fluffy stallion balls up in corner of his cage and licks sore wiener.
  36. >Now for the mare.
  38. 2/5
  39. >Mare rejected fluffy stallion.
  40. >Fluffy stallion had to be jizz milked with machine.
  41. >Now it's mare's turn.
  42. >Catch mare by scruff.
  43. >She tries to run but hooves just slide on plastic cage floor.
  44. >Hold fluffy over the litterbox.
  45. >Roar like a monster.
  46. >Literally scares the shit out of her.
  47. >Easier and safer than squeezing.
  48. >Flip fluffy mare upside down.
  49. >Pin head between your knees.
  50. >Fluffy mare crying; "Pwease let go! Pwease no ouchies!"
  51. You could have done this the easy way, but no.
  52. >Glove on left hand, slide middle finger up fluffy pony butthole.
  53. >Fluffy mare squeals in pain.
  54. >"Owww! Pwease stop huwt poopies pwace!"
  55. >Push cervix into position.
  56. >Thumb & index finger pull fluffy vag open.
  57. >Tube slides in.
  58. >Inject stallion jizz.
  59. >Slide tube out.
  60. >Pull finger out of butthole.
  61. >Set mare down gently...she scrambles away from you.
  62. "You're done'll have a baby coming soon."
  63. >Sniffling fluffy mare.
  64. >"Babees? Fwuffy momma again?"
  65. "For a little while you will be."
  66. >Until I sell your foal.
  68. 3/5
  69. >Weeks pass.
  70. >Fluffy mare getting nice and round.
  71. >Buyer calls for an update at least once a week.
  72. >The day arrives.
  73. >Going to induce labor.
  74. >First, shave fluff off mare's vag.
  75. >Scary for any fluffy pony.
  76. >Remind her it's to help the baby come.
  77. >Lay fluffy mare on table.
  78. >Push on belly to maneuver foal into birth position.
  79. >Slide two gloved fingers up fluffy pony vag.
  80. >Fluffy mare squeals in pain, kicks legs frantically.
  81. >"Owwie! Oww, Owwie! No wan' babee come!"
  82. Too late if you ever had a choice.
  83. >Grab some wet fluff.
  84. >Gently pull foal out.
  85. >It plops out on the towel, slimy with amniotic fluid.
  86. >Pull away sack, snip umbilical.
  87. >"Pwease gif babee!" begs fluffy mare.
  88. >Wash foal off first. Mother could do this with her tongue, but you need to know the color.
  89. >Success!
  90. >White filly foal with purple mane & tail.
  91. >Give squeaking foal to momma, who hugs it and guides it to her teat.
  92. >Foal fluff dries and puffs up.
  93. >Perfect fluffy flaws in white coat, brilliant purple mane & tail.
  94. >Leave mother & filly nursing in warm cage.
  95. >Call buyer to tell him the good news.
  97. 4/5
  98. >Buyer is very happy.
  99. >Exactly what he wanted.
  100. >"One more thing..."
  101. >"...this fluffy pony is for my daughter, and she's kinda autistic."
  102. >"I was thinking of getting its legs amputated before I give it to her."
  103. >Have done plenty of leg amputations.
  104. >Never done a foal amputation.
  105. >No reason why not.
  106. >Foal has to stay with mother for the first few weeks anyway.
  107. >Buyer doesn't need fluffy until daughter's birthday.
  108. >Gonna give foal time to gain strength first.
  109. 2 weeks pass...
  110. >Foal is happy, healthy & lively.
  111. >Cuddles with momma, plays with the other foals in nursery pen.
  112. >It's time.
  113. >Momma & baby are napping.
  114. >Filly's belly full of fluffy milk.
  115. >Gently lift foal from mother's fluff.
  116. >Mare wakes up but doesn't protest.
  117. >She trusts you with her baby.
  118. >Take foal to medical table where she was born.
  119. >That gets momma's attention.
  120. >"Why take babee to doctow pwace? Babee sick?"
  121. "I'm just doing something to make sure she's safe in her new home."
  122. >Fluffy foal is totally relaxed in your hand.
  123. >Nuzzles your palm, hugs your thumb.
  124. >Carefully lay her down in blood pan.
  125. >"Whaa? Cowd!" protests foal, unable to speak in sentences yet.
  126. >Let's do this quick.
  127. >Pick up shiny surgical shears.
  128. >Mother realizes what's going on.
  129. >All hell breaks loose.
  130. >"What doing to babee!? No take babee weggies!"
  131. "Calm down, we're just doing this to make sure your baby is safe in her new home."
  132. >Mare freaks out, starts thrashing gate of cage.
  133. >"NOOOO!!! Pwease stop, no take babee weggies!"
  135. 5/5
  136. >Foal doesn't understand what's going on, but seeing her mother upset scares her.
  137. >Crying & squirming in the pan.
  138. >"Wan' momma! Momma pwease hewp!"
  139. >fuckinghell.jpg
  140. >Other fluffies are horrified, crying and pooping in their cages.
  141. >Momma is going ape-shit, banging her head into the bars, screaming.
  142. >"No huwt babee! No take babee weggies!"
  143. >This just upsets the foal further.
  144. >"Huwt? No huwt! Wan' momma!"
  145. >Pin her down...make the first cut.
  146. >Foal squeals in agony.
  147. >Working as fast as you can.
  148. >Cauterize...antiseptic gel...
  149. >Second front leg.
  150. >Baby vomits milk.
  151. >Milk vomit & blood mix in pan.
  152. >Back leg.
  153. >Second back leg.
  154. >Done.
  155. >Fluffy foal bawling, wiggling leg stumps in futile effort to escape.
  156. >Put her in safe bowl.
  157. >Go try to relax mother.
  158. >Reasonably easy...momma expended much energy during panic.
  159. "You have to be calm now. Your baby needs you but I can't give her to you if you're still acting badly."
  160. >"Why take babee weggies?" she cries, "Babee onwy widdle...babee not bad fwuffy."
  161. "It has nothing to do with that. Your baby will be safer in her new home now."
  162. >Momma is calmed down enough now.
  163. >Gently give her the crying foal.
  164. >Snuggles foal in fluff...both sobbing.
  165. >Foal still kicking leg stumps, unable to understand what has happened.
  166. >Momma too dumb to explain, licks cauterized stumps, doesn't know what else to do.
  167. >5 days later, buyer takes delivery of foal.
  168. >Autistic girl kills fluffy within a week.
  169. >Buyer calls again, needs a replacement.
  170. >Mo Money, Mo Money...
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