CYOA - Cadance

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. >The train is bumping along the tracks
  2. >You've been riding for a couple of hours now
  3. >But you're excited
  4. >Twilight and the gang are taking you to the 'Crystal Empire'
  5. >You thought Celestia ruled everything
  6. >But apparently, Twilight's brother is married to some third princess
  7. >And she rules over this Crystal Empire
  8. >As the train stops, you're eager to get off
  9. >Luckily the ponies here fixed the train station in town
  10. >Otherwise you'd have to walk miles to get here
  11. >Already you're impressed
  12. >Everything seems to be made of crystal
  13. >Even the ponies!
  14. >It looks amazing
  15. >Rarity seems to enjoy it as well
  16. >"TWILY!"
  17. >Holy shit dude
  18. >You see a unicorn running over
  19. >God damn this guy yells loud
  20. >He hugs Twilight and starts talking to her
  21. >He sounds like a complete dudebro
  22. >Whatever, he seems nice enough
  23. >What really catches your eye is the pink alicorn coming over
  24. >She is gorgeous
  25. >Absolutely stunning
  26. >Your mouth hangs open as she comes closer
  27. >She talks to all of the six ponies before noticing you
  28. >"Oh, this must be the human. Anon, right?"
  29. >Her voice is the sweetest thing you have ever heard
  30. >You think you've fallen in love right there
  32. >You quickly regain your composure
  33. >You gracefully bow before her
  34. "Yes, your highness. I am Anon, the human, and it is a pleasure to meet you."
  35. >"Oh my, such manners."
  36. >She smiles at you
  37. >And you smile back
  38. >"It's exciting to welcome a new species to the Crystal Empire."
  39. >You bow slightly once more
  40. >"Please, you don't have to do that. For now, just consider me a regular pony."
  41. >You nod and follow along
  42. >All nine of you walk into the castle
  43. >You've never seen anything more spectacular
  44. >The crystals makes the whole place shine in a grand way
  45. >As you're inside, Cadance turns to face you
  46. >"Since you're the newcomer, I think it's fair you get to choose where we go."
  47. >All eyes fall on you
  48. >Oh God, the pressure
  50. >The pressure is uncomfortable
  51. >You feel spaghetti forming in your pockets
  52. >Oh, God, why did they have to force you to this?
  53. >You twitch nervously as they all stare at you
  54. >Not wanting to take too long, you speak
  55. "Let's fly to the castle."
  56. >All of the ponies around you look at you weirdly
  57. >Fucking shit, fuck
  58. >Spaghetti consumes your body as you wait
  59. >"Uhm, we're already in the castle, Anon."
  60. >Cadance gives you a weak smile
  61. "Heh, yeah."
  62. >You can't manage more than that
  63. >The embarassment is too much
  64. >"Uh, well then. Let's just continue on."
  65. >Saved by the princess
  66. >You let out a sigh of relief as you all continue on
  67. >As you're walking inside the castle, Applejack nudges your leg
  68. >You look down to her
  69. >"Whut was all that 'bout, sugarcube?"
  71. >As she looks to you, you suddenly get an urge
  72. >You stop up and wrap your arms around her
  73. >"Whut the!"
  74. >You hug Applejack tightly
  75. >When she realises what you're doing, she hugs back
  76. >The two of you fall slightly behind the rest as you stand there
  77. >Applejack's fur is so very soft
  78. >It's amazing
  79. >And her muscles really show during the hug
  80. >Realising you should probably be with the others, you break the hug and hurry back in line
  81. >Applejack follows suit
  82. >"Now, never mind whut you said, whut was THAT 'bout?"
  83. >She sounds confused, but happy
  84. >A warm, tender smile is on her lips
  86. >You simply smile at Applejack
  87. >She shakes her head and trots onwards
  88. >As you're walking through the castle, you look at all there is to see
  89. >Truly, this castle is far more impressive than the one in Canterlot
  90. >The crystals makes everything so beautiful
  91. >You wish you had a house made of crystals
  92. >Every once in a while, you notice Applejack looking back at you, smiling
  93. >You smile back at her every time
  94. >The nine of you enter a library of size you have never seen before
  95. >This place is absolutely enormous
  96. >Your jaw drops for the second time
  97. >Cadance notices
  98. >"Do you like our library, Anon? It has almost every book you could ever dream of."
  100. "Oh my God. I think it's Twilight's dream come true!"
  101. >Everyone laughs at that
  102. >Except for Twilight
  103. >She's just blushing
  104. >"Oh yes, Twilight has spent a lot of time in here."
  105. >Cadance shoots Twilight a sly smile
  106. >"Yeah, sometimes we can't even get her out of here."
  107. >Even her brother is going at it
  108. >His voice is sort of annoying, though
  109. >How Cadance decided to marry this guy, you have no idea
  110. >He pisses you off so immensely
  111. >His dudebro voice, perfect hair
  112. >It's like that jock from high school all over again
  113. >You return your attention to the books once more
  114. >"Go ahead and look around, if you please."
  115. >Cadance' sweet voice fills your ears
  116. >It's like the best of music massaging your eardrums
  117. >She is absolutely magnificent
  119. >After looking around for a moment, you turn towards Cadance
  120. "It's fine. I'm not one for reading."
  121. >Twilight gasps
  122. >Everyone laughs at that
  123. >Poor pony is making a fool of herself
  124. >"Well, then. Let's continue to the museum."
  125. >Holy shit they can fit an entire library and museum in here?
  126. >Ponies are crazy
  127. >As you're walking through the halls, Twilight approaches you
  128. >"Hey, Anon?"
  129. >You smile at her
  130. >"What's 'God'?"
  131. >Her question surprises you
  132. >Then again, religion is a strange thing, if you think about it
  133. "Do you not have concepts of gods in Equestria?"
  134. >Twilight shakes her head
  135. >You think for a moment
  136. "Basically, on Earth, a lot of humans believe an omnipotent being created everything. All the planets, stars, life. Everything. That is God. People worship him."
  137. >Twilight's eyes go wide as you speak to her
  138. >You feel like Jesus teaching his disciples
  139. >"Wow, that's amazing! But, is it true? Was your world really created by something so powerful? Magic like that sounds impossible!"
  141. "No one really knows, Twilight. That's why there is faith."
  142. >She still looks at you like you're someone important
  143. >Someone she looks up to
  144. >Well, she does, literally
  145. >"You're going to have to tell me more of this once we're back home! I have to document everything!"
  146. >Already she's making plans for this
  147. >You giggle at her
  148. >She's gone into autopilot about writing, documenting and sharing every part of it
  149. >You just shake your head and follow the rest of the ponies
  150. >Going up a flgiht of stairs, you reach a large door
  151. >Two guards open it and all of you go inside
  152. >"Welcome to the museum."
  153. >This place was even bigger than the library
  154. >How they manged to build this is beyond you
  155. >All of you walk around the place
  156. >"We have tablets from millenea ago, armor used by the pegasi in the internal pony wars and much more."
  157. >You don't understand the importance of these things
  158. >But obviously they are important enough to be on display
  159. >"Now, I have some knowledge of Equestrian history, particularly that of this empire. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them."
  161. "Tell me, why is it called an Empire? There was an empire I was really passionate about on my home world; I'd like to learn if there are any parallels."
  162. >Cadance looks genuinely surprised at that question
  163. >"Well, a long time ago, this WAS an empire spanning far and wide here in Equestria. That was before Celestia and Luna."
  164. >Now this you had never heard before
  165. >"It was not a great empire. It was ruled by greedy unicorns who wanted power. They took it... any way they could."
  166. >Cadance' eyes start getting wet
  167. >"This empire helped a lot of ponies. Brought peace. But it did so through strife and war."
  168. >She wasn't enjoying telling this one bit
  169. >"When one particular pony rose as emperor, ponies started an uprising. He had no regard for peace and so enslaved the citizens. He forced them to find gems. In his madness, he caused his own downfall. The empire was hidden beneath the earth for a thousand years."
  170. >Twilight told you the rest of this story
  171. >About Sombra and everything that happened here
  172. >Cadance looks sad
  173. >Like she just had to deliver terrible news
  174. >Even though this happened far in the past
  176. >A sudden thought enter your head
  177. >You're not sure why you even thought of this
  178. >But now that it's there, it's nagging you
  179. >Like a fly in a silent room
  180. >You don't know if this is appropriate, but you have to ask
  181. "Excuse me, but, if Sombra had slaves, couldn't he have a descendant still around?"
  182. >That quickly got everyone's attention
  183. >"What do you mean?"
  184. >Cadance sounds confused, but also worried
  185. >You don't know how to phrase this properly, so you just speak
  186. "Well, on Earth, slaves were often... raped. Emperors and monarchs were keen on that. Couldn't that have happened here, too? Couldn't there be a descendant of Sombra walking about?"
  187. >Total silence
  188. >You expected the ponies to be mad at you
  189. >But none of them seem to be
  190. >"I... I don't know."
  191. >Cadance sounds genuinely worried now
  192. >"I guess that could actually be true. Guard!"
  193. >A guard immediately rushes over
  194. >"Yes, your highness?"
  195. >She mumbles something to him
  196. >He nods and hurries off
  197. >A dark cloud seems to be hanging over everyone's heads
  198. >The mood changed completely now
  199. >And still nobody speaks
  201. >The whole scene is quite uncomfortable
  202. >No one speaks
  203. >Everyone seems to be brooding
  204. >It's getting on your nervous
  205. >And since it's your fault, you feel the need to undo it
  206. "So, can I charge my 3DS here? I really want to play Sonic Lost World."
  207. >Once more in this short timespan, everyone looks to you
  208. >Everyone seems confused, too
  209. >"What's a 3DS?" Twilight asks
  210. >You simply smile at her
  211. "It's a video game machine from Earth. It needs electricity to work."
  212. >"I'm... afraid not."
  213. >Cadance looks at you like you're a drooling retard
  214. >You just smile at her and shrug
  215. "Oh well, let's continue on then, shall we?"
  216. >Everyone is back to talking
  217. >Mostly about how strange you can be sometimes
  218. >At least it got them in a better mood
  219. >As you continue walking, Cadance approaches you
  220. >"Twilight was right when she told of you. You do say strange things sometimes. Is Earth really that much of a strange place? Is everyone there like you?"
  221. >She smiles as she asks
  222. >Probably didn't want you to feel bad
  224. "Yeah, everyone there is weird. They all want to fuck horses."
  225. >Sometimes you wonder why you even open your mouth
  226. >Cadance raises and eyebrow at your remark
  227. >"Everyone? Then, shouldn't that be normal, then?"
  228. >She does have a good point
  229. "I, uh, I guess so."
  230. >She giggles
  231. >Holy fuck it's adorable
  232. >Not only is she majestic and beautiful, but also cute
  233. >Absolutely a 10/10
  234. >"I'm sure the horses of Saddle Arabia would love to hear about your people."
  235. >You laugh heartily at that
  236. >Okay, she has humor too, 11/10
  237. >"Well, Anon, it certainly is something else with a human around."
  238. >With those words, you see Twilight's brother coming over
  239. >"Hey! Are you two getting along well? I'm Shining Armor, by the way. Cadance' husband."
  241. >You don't like this guy one bit
  242. >He's that perfect kind of jerk
  243. "Oh yeah! I know you! You're a pretty cool guy!"
  244. >Shining smiles at you
  245. >It looks genuine enough
  246. >But you know his kind
  247. >He's just enjoying the attention
  248. >"AJ sure talked a LOT about you!"
  249. >Cadance immediately turns her eyes to him
  250. >Shining just looks at you in confusion
  251. >"Uh, she did?"
  252. >You just give him your best smile
  253. >"Yeah, she really seemed to have enjoyed her time with you."
  254. >You can feel Cadance giving him a stare
  255. >The wife stare
  256. >Luckily you've never experienced it
  257. >But it seems like a horrible thing
  258. >"W-well, I'm glad she liked it."
  259. >After that, Cadance and Shining fall behind the rest of the group
  260. >You can hear angry mumbling from behind you
  261. >You mentally pat yourself on the back
  262. >Twilight comes over to you
  263. >She's looking back at her brother and his wife
  264. >"Anon, what's with them? What happened over here?"
  266. >Gotta play this smoothly
  267. >You take just a brief second to get your head in the right place
  268. "I... I don't know. I just mentioned how much you all told me about the Crystal Empire and how much you loved it!"
  269. >Twilight doesn't even look at you
  270. >With sadness in her eyes, she just stares at the fighting couple
  271. >Finally she sighs and looks to you
  272. >"I really hope they get through it. I don't know why they're angry, but I'm sure they will get better."
  273. >She doesn't sound too convinced about that
  274. >"Well, thanks anyway."
  275. >With that she goes back to chatting with Fluttershy
  276. >She occasionally looks back towards the royal couple
  277. >You just smirk to yourself as you walk around the museum
  278. >Nothing really catches your eye
  279. >Museums were never really your thing
  280. >Suddenly, Cadance is next to you
  281. >She almost scared the shit out of you
  282. >"Anon, what exactly did you mean with what you said before? Tell it to me straight."
  283. >She sounds displeased
  284. >You're not sure if she's mad at you or Shining
  285. >You hope to God it's at Shining
  287. >You really have to put on your best poker face for this
  288. >Shrugging, you look at the princess
  289. "I don't know. Applejack mentioned something about his throwing form."
  290. >"I see."
  291. >Cadance gives you a slight nod, then goes back to her husband
  292. >You sigh quietly in relief
  293. >Although the museum is huge, you only spend ten more minutes there
  294. >They aren't the most exciting minutes
  295. >Cadance is with Shining Armor the entire time
  296. >The rest of the ponies are just chatting amongst themselves
  297. >As you leave, Cadance speaks
  298. >"Well, this concludes the tour. The castle is always open to all of you. Please, go and see everything there is."
  299. >She's so composed
  300. >Not even a shed of sadness in her eyes
  301. >It's commendable
  302. >As you turn to leave with the rest of the ponies, Cadance pulls you to the side
  303. >You're not sure whether you should be excited or scared
  304. >Luckily, she doesn't look mad
  305. >"Look, I'm really sorry about all that before."
  306. >She sighs
  307. >"Sometimes being married isn't all flowers and happy times."
  308. >She lifts her head and smiles at you
  309. >"Thank you for being honest with me. It means a lot. You've certainly learned from the best."
  311. >Right there you see a golden opportunity
  312. >And you grab it
  313. "Heh... Yeah, I know what it's like being married."
  314. >You give Cadance your best weak smile
  315. >Her face distorts into sadness
  316. >"Oh, I... I'm so sorry. I... didn't know."
  317. >You shrug at her and continue
  318. "That's okay... It's been a long time, you know?"
  319. >Even though you're full of shit, you still feel sad
  320. >At least it's helping your act
  321. >Cadance places a hoof on your shoulder and looks you in the eye
  322. >"If it's any consolation, I think you'd make a great husband."
  323. >She smiles warmly at you
  324. >It feels nice
  325. >Like you can feel it spreading in your body
  326. >Smiles feel great
  327. >So you smile back at her
  328. >The gently, majestic pony princess
  329. >She truly is fantastic
  330. >Absolutely amazing
  332. >You're lost in her eyes
  333. >They are so very beautiful
  334. >Oh how you want nothing more than this pony in front of you
  335. >And as you stand there, lost in her beauty, you speak
  336. "And I think you'd make a great wife."
  337. >You instantly regret your words
  338. >You scream internally while watching Cadance
  339. >She actually blushes ever so slightly
  340. >It's difficult to see, though, considering her color
  341. >"Thank you, but I'm sure I have my fair share of bad parts as well."
  342. >She giggles and you join her
  343. >You just stand there in the hallway, giggling away with the princess
  344. >You wouldn't mind a life like this
  345. >"Well, then. Since you're new here and everypone has already left, care to take a walk in the castle gardens with me?"
  346. >She gives you a warm, motherly smile
  347. >Again you feel nice
  348. >It's like she has some sort of power
  349. >But you don't care if it's magic or not
  350. >It feels great
  352. >Everything feels great
  353. >Like a warm summer day inside your body
  354. "For some reason, I feel good around you. Like an aura of sorts."
  355. >You don't even care that what you said sounded slightly creepy
  356. >Life just feels good!
  357. >Cadance giggles at you
  358. >"Sorry, I have that effect on people."
  359. >Wow, she sure doesn't mind complimenting herself
  360. >"My special talent does revolve around love, after all."
  361. >She nods to the cutie mark on her flank
  362. >True enough, a big heart made of crystal
  363. >Maybe it isn't an ego thing after all
  364. >"I hope it doesn't bother you."
  365. "Not at all."
  366. >Cadance just giggles again
  367. >You realise how dreamy your voice sounded
  368. >It's actually slightly embarassing
  369. >You feel yourself blush slightly as you look away
  370. >"Well, then, would you care to join me?"
  372. "I'd love to."
  373. >You smile at the princess
  374. >"Let's go then."
  375. >The two of you walk side by side into the gardens
  376. >Although the castle was magnificent, the gardens took the cake
  377. >You had no words for what was before you
  378. >Partially due to not knowing technical terms for gardenwork
  379. >Flowers of all colors graced the garden
  380. >Trees the kind of which you had never seen
  381. >Even flowers made of crystal!
  382. >They were absolutely amazing
  383. >And they smelled like the greatest of things in life mashed into one
  384. >They must have been magical
  385. >Cadance is smiling at you
  386. >She enjoys seeing you amazed like this
  387. >You completely forget about her for a few minutes as you walk about
  388. >Everything about this place is great
  389. >Ponyville and Canterlot is normal compared to this
  390. >This is true magic
  391. >"Enjoying yourself, Anon?"
  393. >You spin to face the princess
  394. >She's smiling at you
  395. >A content smile
  396. >You look into her eyes
  397. >Her pretty, amazing eyes
  398. "Yes..."
  399. >All there is are her eyes
  400. >Oh those eyes
  401. >Never before had you seen eyes like those
  402. >Deeper than the vastest of oceans
  403. >More magnificent than all of the planets and the stars
  404. >More beautiful than a single flower in the desert wastelands
  405. >Oh those eyes
  406. >Those eyes were moving closer
  407. >"Anon? Are you okay?"
  408. >You snap out of it
  409. >Cadance is right next to you
  410. >She isn't worried or mad
  411. >She simply smiles
  412. >How she manages this composure is beyond you
  413. >But it is incredible
  414. >"Feeling all right?"
  416. >You gulp and giggle nervously
  417. "I-I feel kind of guilty."
  418. >Honestly you felt bad about this
  419. >Granted, this pony was absolutely fantastic
  420. >But she was married, after all
  421. >What you were doing, or at least thinking, was morally wrong
  422. >It brought some shame to yourself
  423. >You did pride yourself on being a decent man
  424. >"Oh, don't worry about it, Anon. We're just enjoying each others' company as adults."
  425. >She doesn't even bat an eye
  426. >She just continues smiling at you
  427. >You wish to some day be as calm and collected as yourself
  428. >It is a great mystery as to how she does it
  429. >Then again, being a ruler did require such composure
  430. >But being able to show that very same composure to simple people such as you
  431. >It was so very impressive
  432. >"Though you do have a tendency to stare. Especially when I look at you."
  433. >She giggles at that
  434. >Your cheeks burn up at that remark
  435. >She was right about that
  436. >But with such a beautiful creature in front of you, who wouldn't stare?
  438. >Still, she did deserve respect
  439. >Not only was she a princess, but also a married pony
  440. "Do you want me to stop?"
  441. >Again, as she always did, she simply smiles
  442. >"Stop what? I see nothing wrong with what you're doing."
  443. >Now it's your turn to smile
  444. >The two of you continue your walk in the gardens
  445. >Everything between the two of you has become far more relaxed
  446. >Cadance even cracks a joke along the way
  447. >In truth, she was like a gentler version of Celestia
  448. >You're just enjoying her company, and hopefully she returns that feeling
  449. >As Cadance is telling you about her time as a ruler, you spot something in the corner of your eye
  450. >A guard is running as fast as he can towards the two of you
  451. >Cadance immediately changes her tone as he approaches
  452. >"Yes, what is it?"
  453. >Her regal aura is back
  454. >It's amazing seeing her change like that
  455. >The guard hands her an envelope and whispers something in her ear
  456. >After that he salutes her and runs off
  457. >Cadance looks worried
  458. >As if something is going to pop out of the envelope and destroy her
  459. >She just looks at it
  460. >Doesn't even open it
  461. >Simply looks at it
  463. >After a few minutes of silence, Cadance still hasn't open the envelope
  464. >It's probably a dumb question, but you ask it anyway
  465. "Is it for me?"
  466. >Cadance looks at you in surprise
  467. >Ultimately she smiles, as she always does
  468. >"No. But it is related to you, in a way."
  469. >You look at her in silence
  470. >"I told the guards to carry out an investigation regarding Sombra's potential descendants."
  471. >Now you're starting to feel worried as well
  472. >"This is the result of the investigation."
  473. >Cadance looks back to the envelope
  474. >She sighs heavily before finally opening it
  475. >She takes out a single sheet of paper and reads
  476. >Your heart is pounding at full speed the entire time
  477. >And the look on her face does you no good
  478. >She slumps to the ground and throws the paper to the side
  479. >"There is one."
  480. >You can't speak through your nerves
  481. >"A pony. Here in the empire. No more than a filly."
  482. >Cadance sobs at the end
  483. >And it takes only a few seconds before she loses control
  484. >She cries her heart out
  485. >Letting out all of the frustration and anger
  486. >Crying harder than a filly who just lost her parent
  487. >Her composure is no more
  488. >She has broken, just as any other pony would
  489. >Just as even Celestia would
  491. >It breaks your heart to see her like this
  492. >But you know not how to properly console her, so you simply ask
  493. "Do you know the filly?"
  494. >Sadness coats your words
  495. >And you hope to God the answer isn't
  496. >"Yes."
  497. >With that, she breaks completely
  498. >There's no shed of happiness left in her
  499. >Cadance has become sadness incarnate
  500. >"A sweet filly."
  501. >She manages to control her crying while speaking
  502. >Even now, even after this, she has some composure
  503. >"An innocent filly."
  504. >All Cadance was
  505. >All happiness and joy she had shown
  506. >It was gone
  507. >There were only tears and sadness in her heart
  508. >And there you stand
  509. >A mere human
  510. >With no power to right things
  511. >No ability to make things better
  512. >There you stand, watching the princess cry
  514. >You can't take it any longer
  515. >You kneel down and throw your arms around her
  516. >She returns the hug and puts her face on your shoulder
  517. >Gently, you stroke her mane and her back
  518. >She soaks your shirt with her tears
  519. >And as you sit there, with the princess in your arms, you realise she needs someone else
  520. "Guard!"
  521. >You're not sure if anyone heard you, so you shout again
  522. "GUARD!"
  523. >Slowly, Cadance is running out of tears
  524. >As a guard approaches, she is still sobbing in your arms
  525. "Get Shining Armor, it's urgent."
  526. >Worry overtakes the guard's eyes as he sees the princess
  527. >"Yes, sir."
  528. >He immediately rushes off
  529. >All you can do is simply stroke Cadance' mane and gently shush
  530. >Rocking back and forth with her in your arms
  531. >Anything to calm her down
  532. >Little by little, her sobbing quiets down
  533. >Until she is simply sitting there in silence
  534. >Hugging you tightly
  535. >You speak not
  536. >She needs time to rest
  537. >She needs all the time she can get
  538. >"What do I do?"
  539. >Her voice is but a whisper
  540. >Rough and jaded
  541. >Your hand never stops stroking her mane
  543. >For a moment you think
  544. >You're not sure what Cadance would do without your advice
  545. >But surely it could be nothing good
  546. >You speak with careful words and a gentle tone
  547. "You could adopt the filly."
  548. >Cadance lifts her head at that
  549. >It almost breaks you to see her eyes in this state
  550. >Those beautiful eyes full of tears
  551. "With you around, surely she'll grow up to be good."
  552. >Cadance looks away as she thinks
  553. "Her past can stay hidden until the time is right."
  554. >Cadance seems torn
  555. >Like she wants to say yes
  556. >Wants nothing more than to simply do so
  557. >But for some reason can't
  558. >"Anon, she is a descendant of Sombra. If we aren't careful, she could grow too powerful. And there would be nothing I could do."
  559. >You sigh heavily at her words
  560. "I know. But give the filly a chance. Give yourself a chance. With you around, she could be good. She would lead a normal life. A good life."
  561. >Cadance seems about ready to start crying again
  562. >In the distance you hear hoofsteps
  563. >You look up and see Shining Armor rushing towards the two of you
  564. >You know this is probably the last you'll see of Cadance for a while
  566. >This is your chance
  567. >Probably your only chance
  568. >Shining Armor may be able to see both of you, but you don't care
  569. >You look Cadance in the eye and move in
  570. >Either she doesn't manage to react, or she doesn't care
  571. >It doesn't matter to you, at least
  572. >You kiss her with all the passion and joy you have
  573. >Pressing your lips onto hers
  574. >Enjoying every second the two of you are connected
  575. >Enjoying her soft fur on your hands
  576. >Enjoying what will probably be your last happy, living moment
  577. >Shining Armor is probably going to kill you
  578. >Or at least throw you in a dungeon for the rest of your life
  579. >But you don't care
  580. >All you have ever wanted since arriving is the love of this mare
  581. >The unobtainable princess
  582. >This perfect creature of love
  583. >And in that brief moment your lips are connected
  584. >You are happy
  585. >Truly happy
  586. >It feels like the world stopped and waited hour for you to finish
  587. >When in reality, you were connected for no more than few seconds
  588. >And as you let go of Cadance and get up, you are shoved to the ground
  589. >A loud voice and harsh words fill the air
  590. >But you hear them not
  591. >You lie on your side in the grass, looking at a crystal flower
  592. >It's beautiful
  593. >Perfectly shaped and its smell so magnificent
  594. >You hear hoofsteps trail off into the distance until there is only silence
  595. >And then, then you get up
  596. >Looking around the empty garden
  597. >Filled with the most beautiful flowers
  598. >And you realise that moment made you a better man
  600. >If Shining is going to kill you or imprison you, you want things to end well
  601. >You slowly walk over to the paper lying in the grass
  602. >You pick it up and read
  603. >"Descendant of Sombra found. Amount: 1. Name: Freeleaf. Address: Key Street #23."
  604. >Freeleaf
  605. >You would have to find this pony
  606. >And bring her to Cadance
  607. >That was the last thing you had to do
  608. >You stuff the envelope and paper in your pocket and leave the garden
  609. >With confidence in your step, you walk through the castle
  610. >You take everything in as if it was new
  611. >The beautiful, crystal walls and ceiling
  612. >The armored guards standing at every corner
  613. >And as you leave the castle, you take in all of the city
  614. >The entire empire
  615. >It truly is a magical place
  616. >Through the streets you roam, looking for the right place
  617. >Looking for the right street and house
  618. >Ponies around you stare in wonder
  619. >They've never seen a human before, of course
  620. >Some of them even try to speak to you
  621. >But you have no time for that
  622. >All you need is that one house
  623. >And as you reach the house, you feel not nervous
  624. >You feel sad
  625. >Sadness for the fact that you are about to take a filly from her family
  626. >Give her to another mare
  627. >But it has to be done
  628. >The alternative could be far worse
  629. >And with calm hands you knock on the door
  630. >A crystal pony opens
  631. >She, too, stares at you in wonder
  632. >"C-can I help you?"
  634. >With sadness in your heart, you reach out to the pony
  635. "Come with me if you want to live happily."
  636. >The pony just looks at you in confusion
  637. >"But I live here."
  638. >It pains you to look at her
  639. >Looking at the filly who will have to leave her home
  640. >Her parents, her friends
  641. "You need to come with me. It's for your own good. The princess wants to see you."
  642. >The filly gasps at that
  643. >"The princess wants to see ME?"
  644. >You nod slowly to her
  645. >You show her the piece of paper and the envelope
  646. >Intentionally holding your finger over the part containing Sombra
  647. >All the filly sees is the official seal on the envelope
  648. >And her name and address
  649. >And as she sees the words that will remove her from her family, she smiles
  650. >She giggles
  651. >It breaks your heart
  652. >But you can't cry, not now
  653. >"I'll go tell my parents! I'll be right back!"
  654. >You put your hand on the filly's head and pat it
  655. "There's no need for that. I'm on a secret mission for the princess, you see?"
  656. >"Oooooh."
  657. >Her wonder and happiness is too much
  658. >You feel tears forming in your eyes
  659. "I'll just leave a note right here, okay? So your parents don't get scared."
  660. >You move your head so the filly can't see your eyes
  661. >See the tears creeping down your cheeks
  662. >You put the envelope and paper on a drawer
  663. >And take a pencil from a cup to add
  664. >"Freeleaf is in good hands. Your child will be all right. Please do not worry. The princess is taking care of her. She will return one day."
  665. >And with that, you and the filly leave
  667. >The filly skips and jumps through the street as you walk
  668. >Constantly giggling and cheering
  669. >She's going to meet the princess, after all
  670. >This is a great day for her
  671. >And as you watch her express her happiness, you cry
  672. >Tears stream down your face as you walk
  673. >You just want this to be all over
  674. >Her sweet, innocent voice fills the world
  675. >You wish you could run off with her
  676. >Raise her as your own
  677. >Somewhere safe and secluded
  678. >But that will never happen
  679. >No, she has to be taken to Cadance
  680. >Cadance will be able to help her
  681. >Save her from her own doom
  682. >And as you reach the castle, a final tear drops from your eye
  683. >The guards, knowing who you are lets you in
  684. >The filly gasps in wonder and awe as you walk the halls
  685. >Up a flight of stairs you go, to the hall that leads to Cadance and Shining's room
  686. >And as you reach the end of the stairs, you see two guards rushing towards you
  687. >You kneel down and look the filly in the eye
  688. "Go to that room there at the end. The princess will be in there. Go to her and tell her your name, okay?"
  689. >The filly nods and scampers off
  690. >Excitement in her step as she gets closer to that fateful meeting
  691. >The guards reach you and you turn your back
  692. >The cuffs land around your wrists and they take you away
  693. >By order of the prince
  694. >You are to be imprisoned in the dungeons
  695. >And you cry not as you accept your fate
  696. >You feel happiness in your heart
  697. >You saved the filly
  698. >You did all the good you needed to
  700. >The dungeons are quite spectacular
  701. >Just like the rest of the castle
  702. >Even the bars are made of crystals
  703. >It brings a slight joy to you, knowing this is where you will spend your life
  704. >At least it is nice to look at
  705. >You are put in the very first cell of the row
  706. >The only cell to be occupied
  707. >Hopefully the guards will speak to you
  708. >Otherwise this could get so very lonely
  709. >You stand in your cell, looking out the tiny, barred window
  710. >The gardens are out there
  711. >Fitting, really
  712. >That is where you sealed your fate after all
  713. >You spend some time in your cell
  714. >You know not how long
  715. >Until you hear a voice in the hall
  716. >A sweet, loving voice
  717. >And you hear the guards leaving
  718. >You turn, with hope in your heart
  719. >And there she is
  720. >Cadance
  721. >Staring at you in disbelief
  722. >"Anon..."
  723. >With her magic she opens the door and runs to you
  724. >She throws herself in your arms and hugs you tightly
  725. >It feels good
  726. >It warms your heart
  727. >"Anon, please believe me when I tell you this was not my doing."
  728. >You believe her
  729. >Of course she would never do this to you
  730. >"I'll let you out of here, don't worry. You are not going to spend your life here in this place for what you did."
  731. >You smile, a tear in your eye
  732. >"But you have to tell me one thing: Why?"
  734. >You lean back and out of the hug
  735. >Cadance, for the very first time, looks worried
  736. >Now it is your turn to smile
  737. >Hell, you even giggle at her
  738. "I'm not sure. Heat of the moment, maybe."
  739. >You chuckle heartily at Cadance
  740. >Oh, life can be good sometimes
  741. >There she is, the perfect mare
  742. >Her face twisted into worry
  743. >The usual smile and composure gone
  744. >"Anon. That wasn't a heat of the moment move."
  745. >You chuckle one last time before speaking
  746. "Maybe not."
  747. >Your smile never leave your lips, however
  748. >Cadance fails to see the humor of the situation
  749. >Well, she couldn't be perfect in the end
  750. >Of course, no one is, really
  751. >"Anon, I've tried talking to Shining. There's nothing I can do. I couldn't convince him to set you free. He's furious."
  752. >Even now the smile is present on your lips
  753. >Even knowing what she will probably say, you smile at her
  754. >This fantastic mare and amazing ruler
  755. >"You'll have to leave, Anon. Far away. Shining would send his guards to Ponyville if necessary. I-I'm sorry."
  756. >Tears well up in her eyes as she speaks
  757. >She is truly sad
  758. >Truly wants happiness for you
  759. >And that is enough
  760. >You need no more than this
  761. >Once more the two of you hug
  762. >The princess once again sobbing quietly in your arms
  763. >Down here in the prison cell
  764. >With the garden in sight
  766. >The hug doesn't last as long as before
  767. >You have more pressing matters to settle
  768. "Where is the filly?"
  769. >Cadance moves back and out of the hug
  770. >She looks at you, her characteristic smile back
  771. >"Freeleaf is fine. I've explained everything to her. Except for the Sombra part."
  772. >You smile at that
  773. "Will she be okay?"
  774. >Cadance nods
  775. >"Freeleaf is a smart filly. She understands. Thank you. I don't know if I could have done it myself."
  776. >You just smile and stroke her mane gently
  777. >A few minutes pass like this
  778. >You and her, enjoying each other's company
  779. "But I can't leave, Cadance."
  780. >For the first time ever, the princess seems angry
  781. >"You have to! You can't spend your life in here!"
  782. >You just keep smiling away
  783. >She really didn't quite understand
  784. "Cadance, I don't want to leave. I'd rather be here, closer to you."
  785. >She looks at you in frustration
  786. >"Anon, if you don't leave right now, you're going to have to spend your entire life in jail! Is that really worth it?!"
  788. >With happiness in your heart you smile
  789. "Yes."
  790. >Finally she gives up
  791. >She admits defeat
  792. >She slumps together in your arms
  793. >With the time you have left, you stroke her mane
  794. >"Why wouldn't you just run?"
  795. >She whispers at you
  796. >She has no energy left
  797. >Gently, so very gently, you stroke her soft and beautiful mane
  798. "Because, Cadance, I'd do anything to be near you. Even give up my life."
  799. >With those words, she looks to you
  800. >"But-"
  801. "We may not have known each other long. But you have shown me something no other pony has. Something truly amazing. It was always you, Cadance. I could never leave this."
  802. >Tears well up in her eyes
  803. >She puts her hoof on your cheek
  804. >You hold it firmly in your hand
  805. "It was always you. Never forget that."
  806. >Just as you feel the need to plant your lips on hers, you hear hoofsteps in the distance
  807. >"He's coming."
  808. >You simply nod and let Cadance go
  809. >For the last time you touch her soft fur
  810. >As she leaves your arms, you feel empty
  811. >But she will be close
  812. >Till the end she will be there
  813. >As she closes the gate you feel your heart imprison itself
  814. >Locking up and leaving the key
  815. >And you see Shining enter the room
  816. >He looks at you in contempt
  817. >Speaks with words of venom
  818. >"So, there you are. Fitting for such a horrible person. I hope you suffer in there for what you did. You'll spend your life in there, you know?"
  819. >You simply smile at the stallion
  820. >A truly happy smile
  821. "I know."
  822. >He snorts in frustration and leaves
  823. >Leaves with Cadance
  824. >The perfect mare
  826. End
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