
Al, Lex, Xander

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. Name: Alexander "Al, Lex, and Xander" Zaiden
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Cerberus
  4. Age: 42
  5. Physical Description: A nine-foot tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, anthropomorphic Cerberus, with features reminiscent of the doberman breed. Can shift into a more canid bodily structure, or split into/merge from three separate smaller bodies with similar features.
  7. "Al"
  8. Physical Description (Al): A six-foot tall anthropomorpic doberman, with icy blue irises, and an average humanoid physique (similar to a human, but with bipedal legs, paws for feet, a tail, and clawed hands.) Usually the 'Right' head.
  9. Magic Type (Al): [???]
  10. Personality (Al): A shy, intellectual person who has taken an interest in technology and engineering. An avid gamer and hacker, who generally isn't seen without his laptop. Tries to stay away from fights, and attack from distances when necessary.
  12. "Lex"
  13. Physical Description (Lex): Similar to his brothers, but with a stockier, more muscular build, and emerald-colored irises. Usually the 'Middle' head.
  14. Magic Type (Lex): [???]
  15. Personality (Lex): The 'original' personality, he's a friendly, boisterous fellow that eagerly welcomes new friends. Usually ends up breaking up fights between Al and Xander. More inclined to run into the thick of a fight if given a good reason, especially if he thinks someone is in danger. Has a strong moral compass, and a great hatred of drug dealers.
  17. "Xander"
  18. Physical Description (Xander): Similar to his brothers, but with a lean build with some muscle. His iris color resembles the bright orange of hot coals. Usually the 'left' head.
  19. Magic Type (Xander): [???]
  20. Personality (Xander): A distant, cynical, sarcastic fellow that tries to hide the fact he cares for others. More inclined to fight dirty in combat, and take advantage of anything he can to win. Easy to embarrass, and despite his insistence that he doesn't like hugs, doesn't try to push them away.
  22. General Skills: Parkour, firearms, drug identification, guard work, enhanced strength/resilience when merged. Sense-sharing with each other when separate (weakens greatly with proximity, includes pain.)
  24. Short History: Used to be an ordinary were-Dobie. He ran away from home to keep his younger brother (who had unstable psionic abilities) from being turned over to a government facility by their parents. Alex and his brother lived on the streets, relying on parkour and sticking to the shadows for survival, before turning to drugs to ease the pain of being street-dwellers. An incident that Alex doesn't like to talk about resulted in the death of his little brother, but all that is known of the time that he'd spent in the hospital afterward is that his mind was fractured by the stress, eventually forming three different personalities to fill the void left in his life. As they continued to develop within his mind, they managed to somewhat hijack his shapeshifting ability, forming their own heads, and eventually the ability to split into their own bodies (although he lost the ability to 'go human' after this.) The three recently found a decent-paying job as a security guard, to help them pay for their small apartment in the city.
  27. Magic ideas: Smoke and Flames
  28. Can generate smoke and embers, able to throw them at nearby enemies for stunning/pain with minimal damage. A sustained stream pointed downward can slow their descent when in air (only when separate, his Cerberus form is too heavy for this.)
  29. Can generate flames and fire-based attacks, distance/strength determined by amount of magical power they have access to.
  30. Can fade into smoke for a few consecutive seconds at a time, useful for getting through locked doorways, grates, and vents, or for misleading enemies.
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