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Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. %% GDP.tex
  3. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. \documentclass{ecsgdp} % Use the GDP Report Style
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  11. \hypersetup{colorlinks=true} % Set to false for black/white printing
  12. \input{Definitions} % Include your abbreviations
  14. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
  16. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  17. % Code Snippet
  18. % LaTeX Template
  19. % Version 1.0 (14/2/13)
  20. %
  21. % This template has been downloaded from:
  22. %
  23. %
  24. % Original author:
  25. % Velimir Gayevskiy (
  26. %
  27. % License:
  28. % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
  29. %
  30. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  32. \usepackage{listings} % Required for inserting code snippets
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  35. \definecolor{DarkGreen}{rgb}{0.0,0.4,0.0} % Comment color
  36. \definecolor{highlight}{RGB}{255,251,204} % Code highlight color
  38. \lstdefinestyle{Style1}{ % Define a style for your code snippet, multiple definitions can be made if, for example, you wish to insert multiple code snippets using different programming languages into one document
  39. language=Perl, % Detects keywords, comments, strings, functions, etc for the language specified
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  62. }
  64. % Create a command to cleanly insert a snippet with the style above anywhere in the document
  65. \newcommand{\insertcode}[2]{\begin{itemize}\item[]\lstinputlisting[caption=#2,label=#1,style=Style1]{#1}\end{itemize}} % The first argument is the script location/filename and the second is a caption for the listing
  67. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
  68. \begin{document}
  69. \frontmatter
  70. \title {Acoustic Vehicle Detection}
  71. \authors {\texorpdfstring
  72. {\href{}{Thomas J. Bell}}
  73. {},
  74. {\href{}{Charlie Dedic}},
  75. {\href{}{Hussein L. Iga}},
  76. {\href{}{Michael Roberts}},
  77. {\href{}{Luke A. Smallwood}}
  78. {}
  79. }
  80. \addresses {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname}
  81. \date {\today}
  82. \subject {}
  83. \keywords {}
  84. \supervisor {Dr Geoff Merrett}
  85. \examiner {Dr Alex Weddell}
  86. \degree {Master of Engineering}
  87. \maketitle
  88. \begin{abstract}
  89. This work is all about \dots
  90. \end{abstract}
  91. \tableofcontents
  92. \listoffigures
  93. \listoftables
  94. \lstlistoflistings
  95. \listofsymbols{ll}{$w$ & The weight vector}
  96. \acknowledgements{Thanks to some people.}
  97. \dedicatory{To \dots}
  98. \mainmatter
  99. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
  100. \include{Chapters/Introduction}
  101. \include{Chapters/Background}
  102. \include{Chapters/InitialSystemDevelopment}
  103. \include{Chapters/HardwareDesign}
  104. \include{Chapters/SoftwareDesign}
  105. \include{Chapters/HardwareImplementation}
  106. \include{Chapters/DataCollection}
  107. \include{Chapters/SoftwareImplementation}
  108. \include{Chapters/ResultsAndTesting}
  109. \include{Chapters/ProjectManagement}
  110. \include{Chapters/RecommendationsForFutureWork}
  111. \include{Chapters/Conclusions}
  112. \appendix
  113. \include{Appendices/AppendixA}
  114. \backmatter
  115. \bibliography{ECS}
  116. \bibliographystyle{plain}
  117. \end{document}
  118. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------
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