
Human Women; Equine Curiosity

Jun 20th, 2016
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  4. >"Tell me about the females from your world, anon."
  5. >"Judging from you, I bet they were pretty great, huh?"
  8. "They were much the same that mares are here. They tend to like the same things, have the same hobbies. I'll give your kind due credit though, I have enjoyed how candid mares are compared to women."
  9. >"What do you mean candid?"
  10. "Other than being considerably more honest on all levels, mares seem to have this innate sense of trust around me that, while perplexing, I find admirable and charming. You all also don't usually wear clothes, so that's a welcome culture shock."
  11. >Twilight buries her muzzle in a raised hoof and tries to cover up a laugh
  12. >"What, you mean you have to wear clothes?"
  13. "That's a tenuous linkage to the issue but yes, humans tend to be picky about what sort of climate we can live in. I could give you a temperature range, but it wouldn't mean anything since we use different systems of measurement.
  14. >"pffft nonsense, Anon. I have a castle full of science junk, we can just test your durability."
  15. "Hey hey HEY!."
  16. >She lifts you off the ground with her magic and starts trotting out of the castle library.
  17. >As she closes the door behind you, she levitates you toward her. and starts moving to...some other room.
  18. "You know it's not that I don't want to help you, I just don't want to test my "durability" with you...again."
  19. >"Anon, if humans are anything like you, I can't imagine you're a fun species. Where's your sense of discovery?"
  20. "Well sorry my kind evolved to have a fear response."
  21. >"To fear 'pretty pink ponies?''
  22. "No, just the talking ones."
  23. >She rolls her eyes at you, and gives you a playful scoff.
  25. >"Here we are! The Blank Room."
  26. >She sets you down, and opens up a pair of standard crystal double doors to reveal a gloriously bright room, an off shade of white-purple, forming to the top in a conical shape.
  27. "Since when has this been here?"
  28. >"Oh, I made it. I repurposed what was suppose to be Spike's room into this. Using my magic I can control everything about this room, Temperature, pressure, color, I use to test anything I can think of."
  29. "Neat."
  30. >Yes well, just take off your clothes and we'll begin the tests.
  31. "Twilight, I really don't want to do this."
  32. >"What if I make it worth your while?"
  33. "Oh?"
  34. >"Maybe I call in a little government favor or two and get you a monthly stipend?
  35. "Keep talking, what's the catch?"
  36. >"Oh a small...400 bit-"
  37. "500."
  38. >"500 bit stipend for letting me do a few tests on you every now and then?"
  39. "I assume you'll display of modicum of safety about this?"
  40. >"Anon I may be a mad scientist, but I'm not "unsafe." So, do we have a deal?"
  41. "No, I still have extreme hesitations about this, what if you turn me into another species, or trap me in a dimension of rainbow colored teenagers!"
  42. >Twilight nervously laughs.
  43. >great
  44. >"Come on, Anon, it's better money than you make being a "handy-man" around town. Don't think I don't know what you do with the flower mares."
  45. >You blush, but considering her offer, it'd take a fool to turn down that kind of money for her mostly harmless tests.
  46. "uhgg. Fine. Throw in a bottle of that Apple Brandy and you've got a deal."
  47. >"Deal."
  48. >She says, as you bend over to shake her hoof.
  50. >You start with your jacket and then your tie. Twilight tries to undo your belt with her magic, but you shoo her off.
  51. >Before removing your drawers, you hold your clothes in a pile.
  52. “Would you mind taking these? I don’t Rarity is up to making me another one.”
  53. >She levitates them with her magic away from you, and eyes down to your waist.
  54. >Your remove your underwear and socks.
  55. >It wasn’t the first time she’d seen you bare, but she still had an idle curiosity to her.
  56. >You clear your throat to get her attention.
  57. >”Oh right, these.”
  58. >She takes the remainder of your clothes into the levitated pile.
  59. >You catch her staring.
  60. “See something you like?”
  61. >”Wah-no it’ least on you, Humans seem so much...smaller, but at the same time time you are about as large as any stallion around here. And the way you are in a flaccid state, it seems so interesting. Why doesn’t your glans retract into a sheath? Is that how all humans are?”
  62. “Size tends to vary greatly, but flaccid size usually doesn’t matter to erect length.”
  63. >”Are you saying that just because you’re so small when you’re soft?”
  64. >You growl at her.
  65. “It’s a grower.”
  66. >”mhmm, whatever that means…”
  67. >You mumble at her jest, but before you can get in a retort she’s already leaving.
  68. “Hey, where are you going?”
  69. >”The control room, I’ll monitor you from outside.”
  70. “Can you even see me?”
  71. >A holographic projection of another appears around the walls, with Twilight looking at you.
  72. >”Crystal...clear.”
  73. “Boo.”
  75. “So what’s going to happen to me?”
  76. >Twilight speaks through a reverberating voice against the walls.
  77. >[I’m just going to lower the temperature until you can’t take it anymore.]
  78. “WHAT?”
  79. >You notice the temperature dropping slowly.
  80. “What exactly is this accomplishing?”
  81. >[It’s to study how different species react to changes in climate. If I see how you react to say, cold. I can better develop new spells to better survive the cold.]
  82. >It’s near freezing now. As you feel the heat being radiated away from you.
  83. “If all you wanted to know was when I felt uncomfortable, it was before this.”
  84. >The temperature is now still, just below freezing.
  85. “Twilight?”
  86. >You rub your arms to get some warmth.
  87. >You move over to the door and try to open it, but Twilight gets to it first.
  88. “Is this some sort of game to you?”
  89. >”What? No. I’m genuinely curious.”
  90. “Then why do I get the feeling it’s not about my ‘durability.’”
  91. >You say as you catch her once again staring at your business.
  92. >Twilight changes the temperature back to normal in the Blank Room.
  93. >“Ok, maybe I lied a tiny bit…”
  94. “Gah, if you wanted to stare at my junk you could have just asked!”
  95. >”No, you don’t understand it’s not that!”
  96. “Then what?”
  97. >” looks so weird! I just can’t accept that it wouldn’t fully retract while not in use, I don’t understand that, it doesn’t make any sense!”
  98. “Oh come on, are you serious about this?”
  99. >”Yes!”
  100. “And this whole cold thing, just some ploy to see how small I can get, or do you just have a kink for small dicks?”
  101. >”Yes to the latter, but that’s besides the point. I genuinely am just curious about human anatomy!”
  102. >You sigh
  103. “Can I have my clothes back, please?”
  104. >”Yes”
  105. >She says, defeated, saddened.
  106. >You start to put your things back on
  107. “Twilight, I appreciate that you indulge our mutual curiosity for science in interesting ways, but I wish you wouldn’t lie to me about your methods.”
  108. >She looks up at you, as if on the verge of tears.
  109. >”I’m sorry, Anon. I was just so curious, and I didn’t want you to think I was weird or-”
  110. >She trips up on her words as she sniffles, hiding herself away.
  111. >These ponies
  112. >More sensitive than women.
  113. >uhg
  114. “Look, Twilight.”
  115. >She raises her head back up.
  116. “I’m not mad at you.”
  117. >”You’re not?”
  118. “No, just be honest with me, please?”
  119. >”Yes, of course!”
  120. >She jumps into your arms giving you a hug as best she can around your form.
  121. “I still that money and brandy, right?”
  122. >”Only if you let me /study/ you every now and then.”
  123. “Whoa, what does that mean?”
  124. >”eheh...maybe don’t wear clothes around the castle anymore?”
  126. >Well…
  127. >At least you’re not a cheap whore.
  129. end
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