

Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. I had to go out to do something important.. I had almost finished writing it then.. Sorry for the delay. Here it is.:
  2. So, here I am just as I had said a couple of days before. I couldn’t write all of this earlier because I was a bit busy. The audio clip that I had sent you contained like 90% of the truth. Why? You will understand this if you keep reading what I am about to write next. You must understand that I have no ulterior motive behind what I am about to tell you. I am simply telling you all of this because I just want you to see the truth. You are a good human being and there is way more to life than what we all have been led to believe. If you find this to be the truth then share it with whoever you want because the truth needs to be spread and not suppressed. So, before you read any further go drink a glass of water. Now sit down, relax, forget what you have been taught all your life or have been led to believe as the truth and just read on with an open mind.
  3. I have had no online presence that can be tracked since 2011. Why? It is because I came to realize then that we all are being tracked and watched by the ones that are running this world. This might seem like the thoughts of a crazy person but it’s the truth whether you believe it or not. Whatever you type on the internet is being monitored and they keep on adding that to your profile that they have kept since we don’t know when. How I started using discord? Well there was some sort of clash of clans tournament and they told the participants to join a channel on an app called discord and that’s how I stepped into the world of discord. I used to have accounts on almost all the social sites that existed in/before 2011 like yahoo, Google, orkut, myspace, facebook etc but then deleted all of them in 2011. So, now you know how I started using discord. Now, this app is of no use to me and that is why I am going to delete my account here too and again have no presence on the internet even if that was through an alias. I have never lied to you about anything and you can go through our previous chats to confirm that. I think I have wasted more than enough sentences on this topic.
  4. Now…. coming to the main topic. The truth! We all have been led to believe: you only live once so do whatever you want to do and just enjoy your life. We have been brainwashed through the media and the social media. Whatever we hear on the news is nothing but lies that are told to us again and again until we start to believe them as the ultimate truth. They have created false idols for us to worship in everything that we indulge ourselves in whether its music, TV shows, movies, sports, games etc. We follow them blindly without paying any attention to the message that they are instilling into our minds. Just to clarify this I am going to give you an example. Go to google and search for the type of dresses that girls/women from any culture used to wear a century ago. Now compare them with the dresses that the girls are being taught through social media as being hip and trendy. This is just an example of how we are constantly being pushed towards immorality. You feel depressed at times and it is because subconsciously we have been led to follow certain idols. We try to live their lives or want to live their lives. We have been programmed into believing that having a big house, a nice car, a beautiful girl, dining at the best restaurants and living a luxurious life is the true meaning of life. Most of us spend our entire life trying to chase one of those dreams but fail miserably to achieve it.
  5. That is not life. Even animals know and have faith in God and stop eating when they no longer feel hungry and do not save anything for the next day.
  6. These games and TV shows just take us to fantasy lands and make us forget about the (real) troubles for the time being. It is OK to escape to those fantasy worlds but overindulgence in them is not fruitful. One really forgets the true purpose of life. These games, movies and TV shows have all been created with a certain mindset that is to make all of us wander into fantasy lands and forget about the real problems that we or our fellow humans might be facing. Acts such as giving a piece of bread to a homeless person who has not eaten for days might seem like nothing to us but to that homeless person it can bring unlimited joy that cannot be calculated. It might restore his/her faith in humanity. It is acts like that that can bring feelings of happiness to those people that might even last a lifetime. Just by smiling at a random stranger who you think might be having a bad day can bring some joy to them. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Nowadays no one truly cares about anyone. People have become completely selfish but there are still people out there who care about the humanity. There are people that even if you punch them, they are going to help you when someone is bullying you. Man is good by nature but it is this programming that makes most of us selfish and greedy.
  7. Now I am going to shed a little bit of light on this “New World Order: One world government”. I do not know whether you listened to that audio that I sent you but when Myron says that Christianity is the biggest threat to illuminati then he is dead wrong. Illuminati’s biggest threat at the moment is Islam. They orchestrated the 9l11 and blamed it on the Muslim world just to start their end game. How was 9l11 an inside job? I am not going to go into the details, you can search it online. Many sites have been shut down but there are still books and sites out there that explain all of that in great detail. Almost all of the US presidents have been Illuminati puppets even the supposed Founder of the Nation George Washington. I know you are not a US citizen but I am telling you all of this because United States government is being used by Zionists to carry out their agenda. Osama bin Laden(Tim) was a CIA agent and the right puppet to claim the responsibility for 9l11. So, they decided to invade Afghanistan and the entire world rallied behind them even the leaders of the Muslim world who are and have been puppets of Zionists since the end of WW2. Despite being in Afghanistan for over 2 decades USA still has not taken control of the entire Afghanistan and is constantly trying to sign peace treaty with the Taliban to get out of Afghanistan because they have already accomplished what they wanted to achieve by entering Afghanistan.
  8. After the invasion of Afghanistan their next target was Iraq and Saddam Hussein. They said that Iraq had supposed “Weapons of Mass Destruction” aka WMD’s. Well they went to Iraq and again brutally murdered hundreds and thousands of innocent Muslims and raped Muslim girls just like they had done in Afghanistan and the entire world celebrated. Oh the Muslims are terrorists! It’s such a sad world that we live in when we blindly believe whatever lies we are told by our governments. To this day we have not been shown even a single “Weapon of Mass Destruction”. It is because there were none in the first place. I am not going to go into the horrors that the armies of USA and her allies, private contractors etc. inflict upon innocent civilians (men, women and children) over there in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. The same is what the Israeli forces are doing in Palestine & Israel and what India is doing in Kashmir. They invade their homelands, kill their men & children and rape their women and expect Muslims to do nothing about it. Then when they fight for their homeland in their homeland they are called terrorists. The ISIS, Daesh etc are not Muslims but are agents of CIA & Zionists fighting their proxy war.
  9. Now, I will tell you why they consider Islam as their biggest enemy. All of these Western governments are run by slaves of the Illuminati/Zionists and most of the Muslim countries are governed by the slaves of the Illuminati/Zionists. Whichever leader tries to revolt against their agenda or work for the betterment of their nation, he is instantly killed like Gaddafi. They tried to do the same with Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey) but failed.
  10. The Zionists want a one world government because they serve the Antichrist. They are preparing the entire world for his arrival. That’s why you see the all seeing eye symbolism everywhere. Antichrist is known as Dajjal in Islam and the reason they use that one eye symbolism is because he will be blind in his right eye.
  11. They consider Islam to be their greatest threat and want to destroy the Muslim world. They have failed so far despite having almost all the rulers of the Muslim world in their pockets. This is because they can never truly defeat the true religion of God that is Islam. Now my friend, continue reading this with an open mind:
  12. Islam is the true religion of God. I will try to summarize some of its aspects for you and you can always countercheck everything. Islam has been the religion of all the Prophets: from Prophet Adam to Prophet Mohammad including Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Ishmael, Prophet Isaac, Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus (Peace and Blessing upon all of them). All of these Prophets preached one divine message to their people which was to believe in the Oneness of God. Now I am going to use the word Allah instead of God because Allah is the real name of the true God of this universe, the heavens and the Earth. Allah is the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and all the Prophets that were sent by Allah to preach Islam to mankind. I am using Allah instead of God because Allah himself wants to be called by the name of Allah. Allah sent approximately 124000 prophets to teach mankind about the Oneness of Allah. Almost all the followers of these prophets followed Islam during the lifetime of their prophets but after they died the followers brought changes to the original message of Islam and started worshiping man made deities etc.
  13. All the prophets told their followers about the final Prophet who was going to be the Seal of the Prophets and this Prophet was Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him). Jews were told about him in the Torah and by Prophet Moses (PBUH) while the Christian were told about him in the Bible and by Prophet Jesus(PBUH). Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) name was mentioned in the original Torah and Bible but after the death of Prophet Moses(PBUH) and Prophet Jesus(PBUH) they changed the original message of Allah. The Jews have been the most despicable nation ever because those idiots killed many beloved prophets of Allah and Allah sent the most Prophets to the Jews. Prophet Jesus (PBUH) was also sent to guide the Jews. Now let me clarify to you that Prophet Jesus is neither a god nor the son of Allah. Prophet Jesus is the Prophet of Allah. Those who say that he had no father and God was his father are complete idiots and liars. Allah created Prophet Jesus (PBUH) just like he created Prophet Adam (PBUH) and the only difference was that Prophet Jesus had a mother.
  14. The Jews tried to kill him but was ascended bodily to Heaven by the grace of Allah. Now he is the reason why the Zionists want to destroy Islam but they never will because Islam is the true religion of Allah. I will discuss this point towards the end. Prophet Mohammad is the direct descendant of Prophet Abraham. When Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) started preaching Islam many Jews and Christians who had somewhat unaltered versions of Torah and Bible and had no malice in their hearts saw the signs of prophethood in him converted to Islam. The Holy Quran was the book that was revealed to Prophet Mohammad and Allah Himself took the responsibility of protecting it and it is because of Allah that even after 1400 years it is exactly the same as when it was first revealed to Prophet Mohammad. Now my friend I have no ulterior motive behind telling you all of this. I just want to reveal the truth to you.
  15. The Jews/Zionists have been preparing for the arrival of their idiot AntiChrist while the Muslims are awaiting the arrival of Prophet Jesus(PBUH). Prophet Jesus is known as Prophet Isa(PBUH) in Islam and he will destroy all the crosses upon his arrival and convert all the Christians to Islam and will lead Muslims into war against the army of Antichrist. Prophet Jesus(PBUH) will be the one who will kill Dajjal the AntiChrist and he will lead Muslims to victory against the Jews. Then there are more details about how the world will end and how the Judgment day will come. You can search for muslims’ belief about the End of time. Even if you do not believe all of this I would advise you not to give into the Satan and the AntiChrist because he would perform certain acts that would make him appear like a god to normal humans. He would kill a person and then bring him back to life. If he were to kill the same person one more time then he would not be able to bring him back to life. As I have already told you that he would be blind in his right eye. It is described in detail in books written by Muslim scholars. All that was foretold to the Muslims by Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) including the remaining signs of the end of time. If the Dajjal/Antichrist appears during your lifetime then do not accept his religion my friend even if you don’t believe what I have told you. He would ask you to believe in him or die. Those who believe in him will get to live a nice life whereas those who refuse to believe in him will be killed. At that time just believe in Allah and Inshallah you will be sent to heaven.
  16. Now The Holy Quran is a book that can easily be read in a month if you read a chapter a day. It consists of 30 chapters. You do not have to believe me, just go and read the English translation of the Holy Quran. You will see for yourself that it is the true word of Allah and the Holy Quran is the only book that is meant for all the ages. Just read a biography of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) written by a just Muslim/NonMuslim author and you will see for yourself why believers love him and the non-believers hate him. I have nothing to lose or gain whether you believe in what I have just told you. It is very hard to accept the truth at first but when you do then all your doubts go away. Just read the Quran my friend and may Allah guide you. Tonight just take a fresh bath and pray to Allah to guide you and indeed he will guide you if your heart is pure. Allah loves us seventy times more than our mothers love us and even more then why would he not guide us to the true and straight path if we ask him without any doubt in our hearts? He surely will. Take care my friend.
  17. I will be leaving in a few days and just wanted to share the truth with you. Stay safe
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