

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. For those interested, I had ran the fanfiction "FUN FUN FUN" through google translate 10 times and got this.
  3. Terrible is the word. Awakening is not included. Chaos in the region. What is so funny? If California Sprint word to describe what I saw, she changed her mind.
  4. "Yes." Not a word, but it's getting closer. No change is not "entertainment Fun! Interesting!" All this makes it difficult to think of any.
  5. "I know it is right for you Oh, I just knew I would come here to have fun, you Dashie as I see, so of course I knew I wanted to have fun, and see! " bouncing little finger to stop long enough to pose for him with open arms. "I was absolutely right, because I did not come here!" Perfect "is very happy because the event will fire hose - may mean Dashie reason to worry about now worried
  6. "I ... uh ..." Sprint out of his mouth was open, his sunglasses down his face. Nothing is correct. "Well, here, all right."
  7. "It's Entertainment entertainment fun!" Mali answer fingers.
  8. Sprint rainbow seen in youth refers to the little finger and see the rest of the chair in his forehooves support arms, and then the little finger, and then plug your head around. And then, of course, jump, Flood, swimming, running finger to fall everywhere. It is a real victory for the little finger. Another word: awful? No, this is not true.
  9. Suddenly, the Board of Pinkie Pie. "He asked Weeelllll for eyelashes Mali finger wheel vibration.
  10. Rainbow Sprint based on intuition. "Well, what then?"
  11. If you do not sign a contract with a small circle rainbow weighing dance Sprint Pinkie finger back in his chair, with your feet in front of him on the shoulder of a sprint. "Oh, Pinkie finger Mali began his eyes, smiled knowingly." You will have sex with? '
  12. Rainbow Dash little finger side, means that vibrations excited in my heart. I think the different types of beginning, containing more emotional rust finger inside Mali.
  13. In this way, Dashie fall I'm looking for. Two, in fact.
  14. "Fuck you!" Throwing Sprint long front legs in the air, eyes wild monsters. "Hey, you see if you can frmrhfrlhrl", he said, happy to have Pinkie fierce backhand kisses.
  15. "Frrrrrn!" Mali finger directly rainbow mouth screaming sprint.
  16. Rent squee little finger and little finger raised nearly at the top and folding to Dashie throat cut.
  17. "Hey, hey, yo!" Cried the little finger out of the crowd to greet his little finger. "She said yes, absolutely!"
  18. Sprint rainbow from the corner of my eye saw many plants develop Pinkie, a "pleasure Dashie", which took almost everything they did, and began to dance around a bit by Dashie Lawnchair crowded. I love the song, Pinkie Pie recovery wave, the amount of "Fun!" Guangdong amount of steady growth, but interspersed with long heard the mantra seemed to have fun. In addition, at least one of the dogs shouting "Fuck you Shit!" To be fair, it seems very similar.
  19. "Oh, my God, I've wanted to do ever!"
  20. "Wow, I have a chance?"
  21. "How can you combine the two?"
  22. "Oh, oh, I bet I can get when we have enough!"
  23. "Hee hee finger pressure Pony Mali teamwork!"
  24. Pink slip pinky finger waves forward and chairman accident in the shoulder and neck pink stroking horse Rainbow Dash, and sent down.
  25. "Well, what about teamwork?" Long sprints grabbed his mouth. Her answer to wet licks his left cheek, pulling all the way through saliva form on the right cheek of the mouth. It is not over. He was patted her gently on the little finger bolts sprint open mouth tongue throat rainbow.
  26. It is the first shot with the tip of his tongue and broke VAG, followed by the second and third. Dashie happy in despair, thermal runaway expansion of the areas of growth in the number of hot wet tongue licking her crotch complain. Two or three languages ​​are fighting for control of the clitoris, the other wrapped around his legs slowly, at least two eagerly licked his belly. Fun! Fun! "His voice began to decline, as more and more around horses pink,, interstate expansion tongue taste Dashie,.
  27. Once we run out of the room and a trip around your target language candyvag Mali and fingers spread beyond the rainbow and cute Sprint brand. Every language has been considered carefully enough to prevent its wings, but just barely. As well as highlighting where in your brain long sprint and horse fun fun fun, oh, the little finger of God, my tongue hard, you can -
  28. Rainbow Sprint did not stop until she gasped and complain. He was breathing with violent shaking, complained as fever among others opened, never seems to have flashing eyes. Not one, but two small tongue kissing mouth open all long-distance and close to the language, Winds Dashie tears of joy at the end. Progress nod VAG screaming drowned what seems like hundreds of suggestions in language throat itches him on both sides of the door, every inch of skin.
  29. , She bent Pinkieness work very hard in his wet nose to the side of the body, horse and tongue each individual genius only gay sex. Some time crying speaking waste goes directly into twisted and ridiculous fun time happy, and very uneven edge of orgasm hell, panting instructions jump to a full octave.
  30. This is not a special joy and happiness for long, as it only requires a few seconds later, VAG Dashie becomes full, so that more time moving, Chill-language through waves. It is like massage in her vagina - that's what the line you want to cry when it's not full, although sharp tongue out of his mouth, and now three. Language of the little finger covered her face with writhing wet, storage and spit the fingers Mali Mali is covered starting bubble jacket.
  31. "Hey!" Pie Roar Finger Mali, stuck in the position of the outer ring of the mafia. "You should try the language a lot of power!" Waves to the crowd noise.
  32. Stress Rainbow Sprint languages ​​more if the company will spend the last dog ankle, knee and shoulder biking.
  33. Through the thick forest surrounding the language, see the rainbow Finger Sprint tower Mali few fingers on the cake, with tongue as a branch of Pegasus wire. Tower weak chorus cheerful! Fun! "Even if the finger wheel balanced on the shoulders.
  34. "Yes, three ..."
  35. Rainbow Sprint is pressed felt her body every tongue raises the combined forces of the chair, on the tower. Even if they fall in line in the language VAG, turning and running and turning.
  36. Cut a few feet above the ground, rolling, probe pink tongue, hands and feet and expand this way, rainbow dash, I can do anything to scream in ecstasy growth. Multilingual Mali finger to stop fighting for control Dashie clitoris. It looks like a competition to see who likes rainbow sprint harder and it is clear that all are equal.
  37. Sprint Mali saliva wet fingers, and even her hair has started to look messy. His eyes were rolling in the early causes your body at the same time, and feel overwhelmed. He threw himself into the air, draws many to shut up, he thought he heard dogs crying or protest launch tower. She complained ancient woo breathing, trembling, she shook again your muscles get very intense orgasms, tears in his eyes.
  38. Pinkie Pie, pinkie ring, pinkie cake, and refuses to stop work sprint rainbow. Compete in three languages ​​dark growth Dashie appear to have learned to rub along together because of all the random, three-pronged attack to rub her clitoris gather support, VAG four languages ​​scope of their competence. Long counting sprint early, because many of orgasm cramps and difficulty breathing hard loss ...
  39. Fortunately, jump and balance on friends cake inflatable finger Mali to the lake, only to find their Dashie poorly on the beach, wet with saliva and little fingers Dashie. Bad Hair Your hair is swimming and looks Dashie. However, little finger and can smell the sea from all parts of the country, where there is no water in the hair of his friend Pegasus.
  40. "There's no way Even if I leave him?" Pinkie snort to drop rafts and wade in forehoof and discomfort. "Well, I think you should look at how to make cider Sometimes they can be so cruel!"
  41. But first the little finger lake to collect rid sprint rainbow umbrella, open, and to protect the poor, Pegasus broke after he was knocked unconscious rainbow Sprint early and flee fresh apple samples.
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