
Mind of Matter - Chapter 08

Aug 12th, 2012
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  1. MoM Chapter 08
  2. "Its not much compared to my sisters, but its quaint."
  3. 'Not too shabby, its a nice spaced room... why are  both your rooms dark? was half-expecting Celestia to have sun filled wallpaper.'
  4. Luna sighs, rolling her eyes.
  5. "She is around all day Anon, wouldnt expect her to want to see it at night, i had taken great pleasure in painting her room."
  6. 'you?'
  7. "mmmhmmm"
  8. she nods her head, smirking with satisfaction.
  9. "She loves me so much that she allowed it over several other artisans! it was a  wonderful treat to paint the perfect night for her."
  10. 'I can imagine that you are pretty regarded by  her, so then  why that law.'
  11. "it bothers you so?"
  12. 'yeah, to the point i don't even care about BlowBlood.'
  13. Luna chuckles, walking towards her dresser as she slowly eases off her royal ensamble she too was wearing, unlike Celestia's golden parts, this was made out of dark blue metal, it wasn't as glamorous but it still was pretty as they were neatly placed in drawers before she trotted behind a screen.
  14. "He'll simmer down in good time and be at it again, Celestia has had to deal with him for generations without  my support... we both would deal with him when his antics surface.. but for the Thousand years i was gone..."
  15. 'she was going through hell as well.'
  16. Luna sighs, walking from behind the screen in a 'baby-doll' nightgown, a near transparent silk fabric gown of light blue that glinted along with her mane as she trotted over to her window as she gently pulled a picture of the two of them from the banister of her fireplace.
  17. "I can imagine, with a stallion heir to the throne, it conflicts with Celestias capability to properly judge herself... or her actions.''
  18. You sigh, resting against the fore end of her bed as you just watch, putting a hand to your head.
  19. 'Then what do you think about her having signed the law we just wasted time and humiliation, course it was fun when we bombed his sorry arse.'
  20. You chuckle, Luna turns, a curious expression on her face.
  21. "sir Anon, do you take pleasure in these misfortunes?"
  22. 'you mean if i like to watch people suffer?'
  23. Luna turns to you, her eyes fixated on yours with a rather serious expression.
  24. "You have a violent nature, more so with the fact you swung a stool at him..."
  25. '...and nailed a guard, i swear i did not think he could move so fast... good thing the guard had a helmet, would been a lot worse. Pegasus too, poor guy.'
  26. "oh don't worry, the guards are all unanimously toughened to be equal in performance and strength, despite the weaknesses, the primary focus is durability and efficiency."
  27. 'Makes sense, but that still don't 'splain how Blueblood could actually lift one...'
  28. The Alicorn smirks "its one story that does seem to sound odd, but I do not mind saying it." she steps over, drawing over a few images of Guard Ponies she had around, among them was one that looked...oddly familiar.
  29. "BlueBlood was at one point a guardspony, a nice one at that, rewarded for his skills and regarded for his kind and capable nature. he was not like other unicorns, he was a capable fighter and a brilliant tactician. hes obvious as a general, even with the attitude, but he cannot be higher than Major for being royalty bled, its troublesome to consider yourself worthy if you cant become the highest standard."
  30. You nodded 'sounds like a major hindrance on your career path.'
  31. "indeed it does, he certainly was doing his best, though apart from the lying i don't think either of us would have stood a chance."
  32. 'gee very supportive...' you mutter
  33. Luna blushes "s-sorry...not one to sound glum, just stating facts; hes not Blueblood for nothing."
  34. you sigh, apart from being tired, your certainly glad that Luna was so willing to take you in...
  35. you did just save her ass...
  36. Suddenly a bottle hovers before you, held in place the enchantment Luna had on it.
  37. 'what is that?'
  38. Luna smirks 
  39. "Zap apple cider, only a wee bit is made each year specifically for the royal court.  my sister had procured a bottle or two and gave  one to me. its strong cider, id say its almost a wine but then it wouldn't have the kick  cider does."
  40. Two glasses levitated beside you, gently taking one as you gulp.
  41. you remember the last time you had zap apple, the jam knocked you on your back, what would the cider do?
  42. 'Hold on Luna, I'm not so sure this is a good idea?'
  43. Luna blinks, having already poured.
  44. "why is that sir anon?"
  45. You rub your head a bit 'i had zap apple before and it wasn't too...accustoming for me.'
  46. "oh... does it make you sick?"
  47. 'i don't know...i mean i want to know cause it tasted good but the kick... well...'
  48. "i guess i should mention why they are call zap apples; tis their hint of raw magic in them that makes them unique."
  49. 'explains me being thrown on my ass, humans aren't too good with magic.'
  50. Luna giggles "explains how my magic was impervious to you."
  51. 'perhaps....' you take the whole bottle as you hold it up 'a swing won t hurt.'
  52. you wiggle the jug in  the air as Luna giggles
  53. "well then  good sir, a toast to victory and justice."
  54. 'to keeping a cool head and standing by whats right'
  55. You take a glug of it from the bottle as Luna drinks through the glass.
  56. second glug
  57. then put the bottle down.
  58. 'man..' you lick your lips 'thats gooooo-'
  59. you feel yourself thrown into a wall as the hit literally knocks you to the back end of Luna's bed, resting yourself against the wall as a dozen plush pillows cushion your impact
  60. Your mind wobbled in place as the dizzyness slowly subsided.
  61. "anon?"
  62. 'im okay princesss...ugh, that stuff hits hard...gotta get use to it.'
  63. Luna giggled, tortting over to your side and nestly lightly against you.
  64. a bit of blush on your cheecks as looks at you.
  65. uber cute eyes
  66. "are you hurt?"
  67. 'just my tastebuds....'
  68. another giggle as she leaned firmer against you, resting her head over your legs, looking up as she smiled
  69. "thank you again Anon, it means so much to have had you as my guardian for that sea of trouble.'
  70. 'now now m'lady, you showed the utmost of skill reading the entire book in a matter of seconds! i do not think even Twilight could have  done it better.'
  71. Luna flushed lavender along her cheecks as she  giggled again, easing her head up your chest to face you.
  72. "a-anon?' she whispered, easing closer
  73. 'Luna...' she was coming closer, her eyes alight with the cosmos her breath
  74. a faint smell of wild berries....
  75. no
  76. no no no
  77. you pull back, surprising Luna
  78. 'S-sorry... i i cant be  that  close to you Luna, not...not now anyway.'
  79. Luna blinks, a huff of defeat as she just went back to resting against your chest, nestling close with a pout.
  80. "cant blame a mare for trying?"
  81. 'yeah, but your a pony, I'm a human, not really seeing it there.'
  82. "well i don't think your physiology is all-"
  83. 'not the time for that....'
  84. you stand, going to the table and grabbing the second glass.
  85. 'say, would you be okay with me seeing how Celestia is holding up? last i saw she was ripping Bb a new one with a verbal lashing, maybe she needs some 'tlc?'
  86. "TLC?"
  87. 'tender love and care, least i can do when she took care of me after your party in Ponyville.'
  88. Luna sighs, but nods 
  89. "i can understand your reasoning...though i do not wish you to go''
  90. 'ill be back later, for now why don't you chill out n stuff? Maye later we can do some painting?'
  91. She looks at you almost dumbstruck but nods slowly with a grin on her face as you step out to the stairwell and begin to climb to Celestia's room above.
  93. <><><><><><>
  94. You exhale as  you reach the land just before Celestias room, oddly quiet, but you had a hunch the sun princess still  had work to be done, still if she was just being lonesome, company never hurt.
  95. *knock knock* 
  96. you rap your knuckle gently against  the door
  97. 'celestia?'
  98. silence?
  99. was she asleep?
  100. as you turn to leave, you hear a click as the door opens on its own, seeing the entrance way bathed in a warm orange glow of a fire, the smell of burning wood and a sweet taste of berries.
  101. Similar to Luna, did they bathe in the thing?
  102. "enter..." spoke a soft, almost meeked voice as  you press your back into the door and slowly push it open.
  103. It smelled sweet, much sweeter than before and the scent of berries was about.
  104. Before you, on the floor was the ensemble the Princess had worn during the trial; golden 'hoof-shoes' and the neck piece just dropped in a neat pile on the rug, following the mess to a shrew disaster zone of books, scrolls and quills covering a woefully unkempt desk that seemed to whine under the strain of its occupants.
  105. 'I...brought some drink?' you say aloud as the trotting of hooves echo from the balcony and Celestia returns to her room.
  106. She certainly had seen better days as the slap of exhaustion seemed to harm her elegant features. Her mane, still  flowing, slightly frayed here and there as she smile weakly.
  107. "a pleasure Anon, it brings warmth to my heart to see you..." she eyes the bottle "is that...?"
  108. 'Zap apple cider, thank Luna for it.'
  109. the Princess broadens her smile as she trots over.
  110. "Sorry for the mess Anon... i have  not been in the best of straights since the trial ...i... cannot thank you enough for your aid for my sister...i just-"
  111. 'cant believe Bb did what he did? Seriously why do you stick your neck out for that blowhard?'
  112. Celestia sighed, turning from you to look at the view outside.
  113. "because i had made a promise to watch after him."
  114. you smirk, putting the bottle and glass on the table before leaning against it.
  115. 'sounds like a story is in order'
  116. Celestia smiled, turning to you before looking over at the painting of herself and Luna.
  117. "When Platinum abdicated the crown to take the roll of duchess, she had asked me to watch out for her son and heir Blueblood, being his aunt and all... he was family."
  118. 'as you've said over and over...'
  119. she shoots you a look but sighs
  120. 'Luna said he was better before, what happened?'
  121. "he wanted to achieve the highest regards, but his royal ties hindered him for that."
  122. 'so why not just remove the royal title? I mean he can simply choose not to follow-.'
  123. "it isn't that easy, especially when  his mother had request he
  124. be her heir, it troubled him  so and i fear the rest degenerated into angst for his 'set' path without the freedom of choice."
  125. you nod again as you listen in
  126. 'seems like he cant get a break, sorta feel bad for breaking him like that...'
  127. "I would not fret Sir Anon, BlueBlood has done this many times, more often it has little merit towards my sister and I, only the trial tonight had beckoned concerned."
  128. You pour  Glass for Celestia, picking it up an d walking over to her, extending it out..
  129. 'still don't 'splain the law you signed.'
  130. Celestia ruffles her wings a bit as you extended the glass to her and she magics it to herself.
  131. "wont let me forget?"
  132. 'Its your sister, for pete sake, least tell me  why.'
  133. she let out another sigh as she trotted back to her window, gazing out over Canterlot
  134. "when the elements infused themselves with me, the power was unimaginable! Forgive me if i gorge upon its essence and capabilities that i had lost realization of the world around me. They said a law to help prevent my sister from committing such an act, but, be young and naive, i was easily swayed to finding any way to prevent my sisters darkness from consuming her and my kingdom."
  135. she sips, pecking her lips at the taste before sighing with a sense of relief.
  136. "it has been too long since I enjoyed such vices..."
  137. 'so, basically they took advantage of you? Thats-'
  138. "diabolical? yes, yes indeed it was, but i was stubborn to its reality, perhaps you could say Platinum had a say, she was at the time a close and powerful relative."
  139. 'why did she stand down from the throne?'
  140. Celestia pauses "no one is sure, perhaps because she wanted a war  to show her strength, perhaps she was ashamed she had ton rely on other-worldly beasts for her tasks, no one is sure, it was just...sudden."
  141. you swing the bottle back with one gulp
  142. cringing and expecting the kick...
  143. nothing...perhaps you were getting use to-
  144. you feel your head knock back as you recovery instantly shaking your head viciously to give Celestia a giggle.
  145. 'stuff packs a punch.'
  146. "it is good."
  147. you sigh
  148. 'look, lets just put that behind us, shit happens, we gotta live with it.'
  149. Celestia arches a brow
  150. 'sorry...stuff happens.'
  151. she nods in approval.
  152. fucking ponies... you hold the bottle tight.
  153. 'maybe i should see Blueblood, i feel a bit uneasy having mucked about with him. I feel...well...perhaps i should see if i cant settle the dispute with him, maybe some kindness can go a long way.'
  154. Celesia blinks, fluttering her wings a bit as she approaches you
  155. "he may not wish it.."
  156. 'fuck that, least being nice and offering to share a drink is always a good way to settle things.'
  157. you wiggle the bottle as its magicked away, only to be replaced by  a full one.
  158. You look at Celestia.
  159. "Its best you play the part proper, a near empty bottle certainly isn't worth the moment."
  160. you nod 'i guess not...thank yo-"
  161. you didn't have time to react as Celestia 'hugged' you, her body was incredibly warm and down soft, like a comfy blanket as she rubs her neck along your shoulder.
  162. "Anon, it just a few days you have proven much of yourself to be seen as a friend to our kingdom, your kindess and dedication to my sister, your generosity to aiding her in a time of need and your care for the guard you had...
  163. 'uhp uhp, that was partially Blueblood.'
  164. Celestia huffs but smirks
  165. "that may be true, but you had still committed it."
  166. she giggles as you roll your eyes, she slowly parts, bowing her head.
  167. "Anon, though i am still uneasy about you seeing Blueblood, i respect your desire to help him, but im not so sur-"
  168. 'dont worry about it, i wont do anything to him, hopefully i made enough of a point to show im not worth a struggle against him.'
  169. Celestia eyes you, but sighs
  170. "i trust you to take kind to him anon, please do not harm him."
  171. 'you have my word  princess, though i may smack him around if he  starts acting like an arse.'
  172. "Anon!"
  173. 'just kiddding...'
  174. you wiggle the bottle as you leave the room, giving Celestia sigh but the nagging feeling something may happen still bothered her. With  a ruffle of wings she heads outside, taking flight to go to where the best place to monitor this feeling... Bluebloods quarters.
  176. BlueBlood certainly didn't skip out on luxuries of royalty, he had a whole level of the south western tower to himself, probably one of the more confusing locations to get to had some of the guards not been helpful enough to escort you there. It was obvious how much influence Bb had in this part of the castle; from golden armoured pony knights to more stately gray and regal blue of those set to guard the Platinum heir. These guards were a lot more menacing to look at, their faces just as stern as any other guard, only a tint of resentment seemed to linger as they watched both you and the royal guards proceeding through the halls.
  177. Bluebloods quarters were similar in height to Celestias, not wishing to be any less of her no doubt as you wave off your escorts, bowing to thank them as you walk up to the door, knocking gently.
  178. "who dares disturb my study?" came a sour voice from within as you roll your eyes, gritting your teeth as you exhale
  179. 'Sir Anon.'
  180. "go away, you are not welcome here anon, i have more pressing matters to attend to."
  181. 'I brought drink.'
  182. a pause
  183. "what kind?"
  184. 'Zap apple cider.'
  185. another pause, you step back a bit, turning slowly  before you here A click.
  186. "come, and be quick, i may have  just enough time for you after all."
  187. what a prick...
  189. Celestias quarters were something, but Blueblood held no expense in extravagance. His room presented a victorian style furnishing that would make Napoleon proud, as seeing as their complex's could match so well. 
  190. 'Nice digs' you mutter as you step inside, a lance pointed at you, with Blueblood at the handle of it.
  191. "they are not 'digs' you barbarian, please, some civility in my presence is all i ask."
  192. he lowers the weapon, magicking it away
  193. 'civility?'
  194. "yes, you do know what that is?"
  195. "it means the elegance of royalty is to be given proper treatment?'
  196. "exactly"
  197. wow, dumb too, how the hell did he get so influential unless brains were in short supply...
  198. "now then, make your statement, I'm a busy stallion with much do to...your fiasco has put me behind in my duties and i must catch up."
  199. you take a good look at Blueblood, unlike Celestia, he seemed in calmer straights, his white fur well kept and blond mane neatly combed. He wore a red velvet gown similar to a kings from medieval times and each hoof had a slipper embroidered with gold. His desk was certainly spares aside from a book or two and a scroll and quill, definitely not as busy as Celestia, perhaps gloating to himself as you walk over to the desk and sit on it.
  200. "Heavens! Do get off my study! I shall not have the likes of you encroaching your filth on it."
  201. 'geeze, relax, came here to chat, not be scolded like a bad student.'
  202. "hah, that certainly is fitting for you."
  203. 'oh shush....'
  204. you put the bottle down as BB whisks it from the table
  205. "Hmmm, a good blend, where did you acquire this?"
  206. 'your auntie gave it to me when i decided to see you.'
  207. his expression changed, a flash of disgust? 
  208. he tossed the bottle back to you
  209. "WELL?" he demands "serve us."
  210. you blink as you look around for glasses, seeing a few on another table you go over to it.
  211. "no no, those are cider glasses, ugh, must i do everything myself?" he walks over to a cupboard, opening it wide to show his...liquor collection of ciders, a dozen or so, perhaps more as he grabs a pair of glasses, one...oddly smaller than the other.
  212. he places them both on the table as he ushers you over.
  213. there was a rather large...knife...on the table, but you can see its a dull blade, a scroll-opener perhaps, it was...unsettling to see it, but you shrug, uncorking the bottle as you pour for his big glass...and then for you.
  214. As you pour yours, BB magics his glass to 'bump' yours aside, spilling a bit on his desk.
  215. "Ack, you mongrel, do you lack the skill for such a simple task?"
  216. 'funny how you call me the mongrel when you bumped the cups.'
  217. "accusations now? such trifle, your species is certainly primitive."
  218. you roll your eyes, huffing as you pick up your glass and pour, going to raise it for a cheers only to see Bb drinking his down.
  219. "mmm excellent, you certainly do have some merit in your blood,  excellent choice of brews."
  220. 'its just cider...' you mumble as you drink yours back.
  221. "now then, to what do i owe this gesture of'...ahem...gratitude?"
  222. you finish your drink as you look at him 'errr nothing, just wanted a chance to get to know you, both Luna and Celestia spoke quite well of your past became 'el gradne douschbagery'.
  223. Blueblood raises a brow "your sarcasm is not welcome here, and neither my care for my aunt or her sibling, they mean little to me."
  224. 'certainly not the most pleasant thing to say about them...'
  225. "and why not? Luna, the deranged psyco who had sought control over the kingdom because of her loneliness or perhaps Celestia and her spineless leadership."
  226. 'hey now, considering how  much Celestia looks after you.'
  227. "oh please! hold your tongue, i can manage myself fine without them,  Celestia cant even manager her own sister let alone her kingdom."
  228. You can feel the hate in you towards this prick rising, as does the urge to kill him, your hand grips the glass tight as the unicorn prince swirls his around, studying the liquid.
  229. 'why do you say that?'
  230. Blueblood seems intrigued.
  231. "are you familiar with the dragon wars? its the war that was to decide the fate of Equestria and dragon-kind, despicable beasts those dragons were, only seeking their own salvation...ah yes, i remember the stories well despite what you may know already, let me tell you what those fillies and colts who wrote our history neglected to mention." he magics the bottle, pouring himself another glass...and does bother to fill yours only half way... "the Dragon Wars were a sham, it was not us fighting for our survival, rather it was the dragons plight to prevent themselves from going extinct." He turned from you, looking at the small fire in the fireplace as he swirled his glass.
  232. "When my mother, Platinum, held the crown, she rarely had to call on any sort of elements of harmony as my auntie had often used, rather, my mother had a much better understanding of the true strength of Equestria: she was so influential in her speak that scores of ponies would submit to her wishes, eventually rallying the entire country of Equestria behind her banner in a grand crusade to rid the world of the dragon menace!" he trotted about, almost taking a triumphant pose under a painting of himself. 
  233. "Let me be clear Anon that dragons have no purpose for us, despite being immune to all but the most powerful magics, the dragons sought nothing more than to pillage, steal and destroy from out loyal subjects. With those thoughts in mind, it was simple to rally every mare and stallion to battle and the grand army had never in  Equestrian history been so large under the lead of my mother." His expression suddenly soured.
  234. "When the battle was about to commence however...they...those...despicable ancient dragons, showed up. 
  235. Their words and powers far surpassing that of my mother as they extended an olive branch of peace to both sides. My mother had never felt such shame in her life, so much so that she relinquished the crown to my sister and allowed for those terrible creatures to even use our airspace for their silly migration. I tell you Anon, had none of those creatures showed up, my of Equestria would have rallied under one banner...Platinum, and no force on this earth would dare ever oppose us.'
  236. he slammed down his glass, panting heavily as his mane was frayed, with a soft exhale, he coughs, fixing himself up as he pours another glass.
  237. 'I Take it by how things are now its not the same, I don't see a dictatorship around me.'
  238. Blueblood turns to you "sometimes..." he begins with a grin "the best kind of ruling is one that keeps everypony in line, no one speaks out, no one takes a stand, simple control of the masses."
  239. 'Sounds like a brilliant plan.' you mutter with a mocking voice.
  240. "Doesn't it? You see Anon, all these ponies that  bicker and complain in court simply desire to solve all the problems the common pony speak of." he sipped his cider "but if you remove all that and simply place one ruling power...well." he waggled a hoof as he walked up to  you "things become a whole lot simpler."
  241. He turns away, walking back to his window.
  242. "Had the dragon wars been a success, then things would have been different, Platnium would have been a Queen and all our loyal subjects to our beck and call; the world would never dare question the Platinum ruling.'
  243. You gulp the rest of your cider down, a chill in the air, Blueblood wasn't just crazy, he was twisted, messed in the head, how could a pony be so hellbent on such an evil form of ruling.
  244. "yes...those stupid...pathetic beasts, those mongrels that had brought nothing but shame and spite to our subjects, to royalty, to everything!" he began to stamp around, clapping his hooves onto the floor. "we're mocked from the outside, nearly overruled from within, the world is against us...all because of those worthless, useless beasts call dragons, nothing has pained me more than those foul beasts..they don't even deserve to exisit-"
  245. That tore it, at least that's what your mind though...
  246. Cermian thought so too, but she wasn't restraining herself.
  247. she was angry
  248. piss angry
  249. you had finished your glass when you noticed her, her expression showed it all as she started walking towards Blueblood during his rant, claws flexing, tail lashing as you look in surprise at her
  250. 'no' you whisper
  251. 'no, dont you dare...'
  252. she dared as she grinned, clenching a talon into a tight fist....and smashing it into Bluebloods head, sending him right into his desk.
  253. She then picked him up right by the scruff of his neck and threw him across the room into the bedside table, smashing the lamp and breaking the wooden furnishing with the impact of the unicorn. 
  254. You drop your glass
  255. "Cermina!?" you  bark, she growls, passing you a look before walking towards Blueblood, her eyes filled with rage, blinded, clouded with the utmost of hate and disgust to this Pony as she stepped towards him.
  256. You grab her tail, pulling it as she turns and hisses wickedly, those eyes baring into you. 
  257. "Release me!!" she barked as you held her 
  258. 'Don't, fucking don't do get me?"
  259. "He deserves it."
  260. 'No he doesn't, your better then that...'
  261. Cermina growled, lashing her tail from your grasp as she walks over to the Unicorn, groggy and unable to get his bearings as she lifts him up.
  262. "Pathetic..." SHE hissed, dumping him back to the floor as she walked away.
  263. "hehe...hehehe" Blueblood twitched as he looked at you "you fool, you have written your must watch, as the very shrivel of trust she has given...deteriorate under your falure."
  264. *ahem*
  266. No words, your eyes simply gape to the reality as the window frame blasted open, rushing wide from the powerful burst of wind uttering one word
  267. "aAnon!"
  269. Celestia came through the now open window, her benevolence now radiating as all her prior exhaustion had simply been swallowed up by the power she was no radiating,c as she trotted slowly into the room, her expression is of both surprise and bewilderment. seeing you, standing before her, a d Blueblood in a heap against the wall.
  270. "Anon, what is the meaning of this...?!"
  271. 'Celestia...i can explain.'
  272. "Oh Auntie Celestia, please protect me from thus vile monster, he has sought nothing but to harm me!" Blueblood cowers close to his Auntie, almost clinging to her leg. ]
  273. Celestia, never having seen such amount of injuries to one Pony turned to Anon, sternness in her eyes.
  274. Grumbles, this shit got stupid real fast as you slowly back away to the door...Celestia simply trots forward, following you.
  275. "Anon-"
  276. 'Celestia, gonna ask you real nice, just keep cool and let me explain myself... I came here just to speak to BlueBlood...' you raise both hands slowly, opening your palms
  277. "He lies, he lies, he tried to murder me!"
  278. 'what? What are you talking about?'
  279. "You see, there, in his hand, a knife, A knife!"
  280. You look at the object in your hand, it definitely wasn't there before, but you can tell it's all too familiar.
  281. The letter opener from BlueBloods desk was now in YOUR hand.
  282. " this true?"
  283. "No!" you bark, gripping the 'weapon' tightly in your hand as you put your arms down to your side "I told you I wouldn't DO anything to him."
  284. "Oh Auntie, do not listen to his forked tongue! He is trying to trick you, he had done so to get close to me and now I lay before you a wreck, thank your horn you had arrived when you did."
  285. Celestia glared at her nephew, a long moment of silence before she turned to you.
  286. " could you?"
  287. 'Celestia, I didn't-'
  288. "How could you? A-after what we had talked about, after all that, why...why would you suddenly break the trust I had given you?"
  290. Celestia trots forward, almost over the desk as she glares at you, the once calm and soft expression you had remembered only an hour ago was forever replaced by the serious face of this royalty, and her now utmost desire to see you brought to justice.
  291. "Anon, I ask that you lay down your arms and surrender immediately."
  292. You back away just a bit, finding it harder and harder to keep a distance between you and the Princess 'God damnit you mother fucking...' you mutter
  293. "what was that?" Celestia demanded, her voice holding no sympathy..
  294. "I said 'you mother fucking idiot!"
  295. "Anon!?"
  296. "Don't Anon me Celestia, I didn't do shit to Bb, but rather than listening to me, you instantly cower to the beck and call of your nephew, just like in the trial right, over your sister, over the human who stood by her, not some blow hard Prince who just wants to get ahead."
  297. Perhaps it got a bit too personal, but Celestia began to trot towards you quickly now as you blink in surprise and duck to the side, jumping on the bed to you right as Celestia looks up at you from where you were standing before.
  298. "Anon, do not make this hard for either of us, stand down and submit to your actions."
  299. 'No... and I don't plan to without a fight.'
  300. Celestia huffed, turning towards the bed, her trots very firm on the wooden floor, you can feel the pressure as she flapped her wings and lept towards you.
  301. you dodge again,jumping to the left, now your back was to the door.
  302. again, she turns to look at you, wings fluttering as she lunges at you, you tumble, over the desk and behind it, reverse from the start.
  303. Back to the window.
  304. "Anon...there is nowhere to run, give up, make this easy on you and surrender."
  305. You stamp the knife down onto the table, blade jammed into the wooden counter top.
  306. 'forget it Princess, I won't give in to your nephew. Until you realize how blind you are, then I don't plan on wasting my time.'
  307. "Anon, do you not know what you have done?"
  308. 'I do, but i don't think my explanation can justify the action, especially since....well..' you point to Blueblood who is now cowering against the wall '...Prince Blowhard here is a stunning example of the violence a human can present.'
  309. "Anon...what are you-"
  310. You grab the bottle of zap apple cider, uncorking the thing as you point at Celestia 'I'm sorry for what may happen, but let it be known no malice shall be mine to wrought, and if I must defend myself from you Celestia, I will, but for now, don'!'
  311. You knock back half of the bottles contents before putting your free hand down to grip the table edge.
  312. waiting for it
  313. Celestia trots forward, slowly letting her horn glow "Im sorry Anon..." she replied as you chuckled.
  314. 'No you aint...'
  315. you flip the whole table up towards her.
  317. Time slowed again, and for a moment you can almost here classical music as the Zapp apple hits you like a brick, only this time you force it through your whole body.
  318. Celestia reacts by taking flight away from the object, you take the low road, sliding underneath her feet first until you leave the room and plant both feet on the opposite wall in the hallway. Time returns and you hear the loud fwump as you can see Celestia stopping the whole thing mid-air with her magic and slowly, with some strain, easing it back upright and dropping it, letting it hit the floor with a THUD.
  319. Celestia flaps over to her nephew to help him onto his bed...Sweet of her as she did before turning to you.
  320. You blink...then remember what you were doing.
  321. ohshit!
  322. You run, full speed down the hall, the guards at both sides just watch you, no order to bother with you had been given as Celestia flaps out of BlueBloods room.
  323. "Aanon, stop this instant!" she barked, you don't listen, just run.
  324. feet don't fail now...
  325. Your guts turn about as you approach the main section of the tower now, its canopy opening to expose a massive hollow cylinder with several floors descending down towards the base.
  326. You can't admire the view as you run towards the balcony...your heart skips.
  327. 'always wanted to fly...' you mutter as you jump right from your run...Celestia yells your name but you tune it out as you decend on an angel towards the lower floor...and wham, smak right into the stone floor three levels below.
  328. You tumble, catching yourself just a bit to roll onto your rump and skid to a stop, turning to see Celestia wide eye as she began to gallop to the stairwell...why didn't she fly after you?
  329. You didn't bother to answer as she begins to descend the staircase, her heavy hoof-falls echoing nearby as you leap up and dive towards the opposite wall and its staircase, trying to keep your distance as you begin leaping flights of stairs, hanging onto the handrail for dear life as each leap increases your speed..faster and faster until you blow yourself from the stairwell into the hall of the main level, landing flat on your face as you feel your body scream, winding down from the rush of zapp apple as you slowly risee to your your surprise right in front of the medical staff and the guard from thee court room.
  330. "Sir Anon?" the doctor said, you wave a bit as you notice the cider bottle still in your hand.
  331. 'Here...' you say giving it to the guard 'get well soon.'
  332. all three are speechless as you hear Celestia "Aanon!"
  333. 'gotta go!'
  334. You're off again, not as fast as before but with enough of a lead to give Celestia a workout, she was now flying after you...made you feel good she was trying, even though you were sick with what just happened; fuck...wish it could have gone differently.
  335. You turn right, then left, then right and left again, for being so simple, it certainly was troublesome to go around this castle as you finally make a left and see the gateway to the exit
  336. Almost home-
  337. You stop, well, your body stops as you feel yourself pulled into a small crevice.
  338. You cannot move, your body is still, you cannot speak, something on your mouth.
  339. "hush and be still..." spoke a voice "she will not see you."
  340. You watch, hearing the flap of big wings as Celestia zooms past follow closely by two Pegasus guards. "Anon! Aanon!" she barks "tsk...where has he gone, he is becoming more trouble then he is worth...Guards, search the castle, he must not be permitted to leave the grounds!"
  341. Well, there goes an easy escape as the two assistance to your flight nod slowly "stay quiet, someone wishes to speak with you."
  342. What choice did you have as the creatures led you into the shadows.
  344. "Oh Anon!" Cried Luna as the entirety of the alicorn princeess's weight was sent into your gut as you fall back onto her floor. The guards had led you through a secret stairwell back to Luna's chambers, where you now rested on the floor with the night princess atop you.
  345. "I had been so worried for thy safety, there has been much commotion going on around the castle..w-what has happened?"
  346. You huff, easing Luna off you as you dust your shirt and pants.
  347. 'Its a long story...'
  348. "I have the night Anon..."
  349. You sigh, and explain everything, from visiting BlueBlood, to seeing Cermian break him, to being framed and then pursued by Celestia herself.
  350. Luna just listens, her expression turned from fear to shock to sudden despair in a flurry of motion before she began to speak again.
  351. "Anon...h-how is that possible?"
  352. 'I don't even know... the thing is, Cermina...'
  353. "Cermina?"
  354. you sigh 'she is my spirit guardian, and well, she's been helping me through Equestria since my arrival, helping me keep a low profile and all that, being tactical in a new environment. Well, when `Bb began bashing dragons as the most useless things in existence, she got pissed..i mean she IS a dragon...and i was just suprised how easy it was for her to literally break reality and do such harm to Bb. Of course, its hard for anyone to believe a 'ghost' beat up a prince when the only person in the room is a human with a knife.'
  355. Another sigh as you look at Luna, she stepped closer to you, you can see tears in her eyes as she embraced you instantly.
  356. "Oh Anon, such a terrible position you have settled in."
  357. you gently return the hug, keeping her close 'yeah...yeah...and i can bet your sister would be on the way here right now to see if I snuck over to see you.'
  358. Luna sighs, shoving you away slowly, she had a wicked grin.
  359. "Well, we just have to make sure you aren't here..."she motioned to her guards as they approached "Arrowstone, Sunshine, see Anon is escorted from the grounds of the castle immediately, take the secret tunnels to the resivour and show him a way out."
  360. "Yes m'lady, he shall not be harmed." they both say as Luna smiles
  361. *knock knock*
  362. "Princess Luna, this Captain Stratos of the Solar Guards, your sister request we move you to safety, please come with us immediately, a menace has been set lose in the castle and your safety is priority one."
  363. "Oh shoot...Just a moment!" she called out, rushing over to her wardrobe and yanking out a drab, brown woolen cloak.
  364. "Anon, wear this."
  365. she tosses it to you 'what is it?'
  366. "Its a illusion cloak, it will turn you into a regular looking pony for anyone who may look at you, I enchanted it myself when I was young to sneak out at night, using the hidden passages all over this castle, it became second nature, same for my guards."
  367. You nod, slowly slipping it over and onto your body.
  368. "Now hurry, those guards wont wait forever."
  369. You smile under the cloak 'thank you Luna.'
  370. Luna shakes her head "just be careful...come back to me when this is over."
  371. You nod...turning to the guards as they escort you back down into the secret staircase.
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