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Aug 22nd, 2012
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  2. WNrite Rite
  3. 12:43 AM (16 hours ago)
  5. to info
  6. This is some info given to me by Purple Tinker while talking to her on Skype. I have both the screenshots of the conversation and a transcript. There are some ill words spoken about your convention in there. Do with it what you will.
  7. Transcript can be found here -
  8. Screenshots can be found here -
  9. The screenshots need to be viewed in full resolution in order to be read for accuracy.
  11. Klisk Midori
  12. 1:45 AM (15 hours ago)
  14. to me
  15. Hey,
  17. Normally I ignore this drama - Believe what you want, but Purple Tinker is someone I had considered a close friend, and whose psychological health I still worry about constantly. I resigned from Bronycon for very cordial reasons, and started my own convention to follow my personal dream/vision...
  19. I guess curiosity got the best of me since I keep hearing about this week's drama. So I started to read your conversation.
  21. I was only able to get half way through your log before it started to tear me up emotionally, so I'll finish it later. I started a convention to make people happy - To make bronies happy. The people that added so much warmth to my life. It still shocks me I get so much hate for trying to do something good.
  23. That being said, the information about "Everfree East" is incorrect... Roy was never upset. He simply told us that he thought we were aiming too large with our venue. So we both mutually agreed to do our conventions separate.
  25. No drama, nothing. Heck, I spent this weekend not only hanging out with Bejoty, but also Andrew Brockert from Bronycon. We're all still great friends. (Same goes for Midwestria, though we haven't chatted in a while now.)
  27. Getting to meet Markarian from EFNW for the first time was one of the largest highlights for me this weekend.
  29. EFNW was a great event for me, and hanging out with awesome people like Bejoty wasn't business. That was genuinely us, as friends, having a good time. (When the time permitted, of course... Conventions do tend to be busy and tiresome. Totally worth it, either way.)
  31. Either way, I appreciate your concern. I don't think there's much I can personally do with these logs, but I do thank you for giving Canterlot Gardens a chance despite all of this.
  33. Thanks for everything.
  36. WNrite Rite
  37. 3:06 AM (14 hours ago)
  39. to Klisk
  40. See, this is what I'm talking about. I'd rather see something like this over the post Purple Tinker wrote, and I feel that most others would as well. In most cases, I think the experiences are like yours for everyone, just meeting new people and having a good time. Sure, there are a few that have a bad time because something they saw or heard made them upset, but most have a positive look on it. It's hard to get a full grasp on the full picture when I get bits and pieces from all sides, but I'm trying my best to put together everything. My only goal with this it to try and show everyone the big picture of what's going on and I'm sorry if at times I portray the wrong image of people. An example would be the fact that if I hadn't started a thread last night on 4chan, I wouldn't have gotten the ability to talk to PT at all and hear her side of the story. Thanks again.
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