
Ubermensch Anon Short - Through His Eyes

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. Ubermensch Filler #1: Through his eyes.
  3. Before you begin these little fillers are going to contribute nothing to the main Ubermensch story but rather to show you lot that I'm not dead in a ditch nor that I have lost interest in this story. I still care for my readers and I did see a lot of you guys asking for something on the board. So here they are, there will be three-four fillers total, Possibly five if I get more time.
  5. > Grrrrooowwwlll…
  6. > By the natures spirit you were starving.
  7. > Normally you would sneak out of this entrapment and go hunt in the woods or something but you wouldn't dare risk another slam from the Alpha.
  8. > For you are..what did he name you again?
  9. > Oh, Aggro!
  10. > Stupid name but the Alpha was always right.
  11. > Lying on your belly and patiently staring at the backdoor you began to wait.
  12. > Patiently…
  13. > Waiting…
  14. > So patiently….
  15. > ….
  16. > A low growl escaped your muzzle.
  18. > You would even eat a Bugbear at this point.
  19. > They tasted horrible if you remembered correctly.
  20. > Suddenly the backdoor slid open.
  21. > Yes!
  22. > You hop up and spin around in a circle, the world turning into a crazed blur.
  23. > Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  24. > Suddenly you skid to a stop.
  25. > Wait a minute…
  26. > You didn't recognize that voice.
  27. > It wasn't the small one or the crazy-eyed one.
  28. > “Come here Aggro.”
  29. > The soft-spoken voice reminded you of your mothers presence back when you were hatched.
  30. > You slowly turn around, a yellow pony with a pink mane taking your sight.
  31. > What?
  32. > She wasn't the Alpha.
  33. > You let out a low growl and crouch down, raising your thick, scaled tail, and wagging it back and forth.
  34. > She better avert her eyes or you would eat her.
  35. > Probably not.
  36. > That would make the Alpha mad.
  37. > The pony cocked her head to the side before she gave you a soft smile.
  38. > “Come now, your owner is out for today. I'm supposed to be taking care of you.”
  39. > Her voice… so soft.
  40. > No!
  41. > She was lying!
  42. > She was trying to take you away!
  43. > Hah! Let her try, you would show her why you were the biggest, baddest monster around.
  44. > Her features softened into a light frown.
  45. > “Please?”
  46. > You crouched even lower, glowering at the one who would dar-
  47. > Her eyes suddenly narrowed, a tight-lipped glare taking her features instead.
  48. > A brief image of your Alpha standing over her flashed in your mind.
  49. > Oohhhkay….
  50. > You plop onto your haunches and lower your gaze.
  51. > Maybe you should listen….
  53. > “Now Aggro, I don't know when he'll be back. But I'll be taking care of you until then, now if you would be so kind as to not scare the others please?”
  54. > Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
  55. > This little pleb had a friggen collar around your neck.
  56. > It wasn't even cool, it was pink with a bunch of paw prints running around the length of it.
  57. > She led you through the town, other ponies giving the two of you lingering stares or just jumping out of the way when the two of you came close.
  58. > A couple more curious ones would lean in and gaze at you but a low growl would scare them away.
  59. > “Aggro be nice.” She said firmly.
  60. > You were being nice! None of these infernal creatures were in your stomach yet!
  61. > A group of the younger gazing ones trotted up to your sides, each one 'Oohing' and 'Awing' at your bulky, mighty form.
  62. > It was annoying.
  63. > Your Alpha hated attention and so did you.
  64. > You whirled around suddenly, yanking the yellow one from her spot and earning a surprised squeak from her.
  65. > Opening your powerful jaws you let out an earth-shattering roar.
  66. > The younger ones were literally blown away from your vocal power, those that got up in time managed to scamper off in screeching terror.
  67. > You give them a smarmy smile.
  68. > “Bad!”
  69. > With a roll of your eyes you slowly turn to face the yellow one.
  70. > Oh boy here we go.
  71. > “That was very, very bad Aggro! You should know better!”
  72. > You give her another roll of your eyes.
  73. > “Aggro! This is no way to act!”
  74. > She gave you that tight-lipped stare as her voice droned on and on.
  75. > That stare had been kind of sort of intimidating earlier you'll admit, but it was nothing now.
  76. > With a grunt you throw you head to one side, sending her careening off into a pile of hay.
  77. > The colorful bodies began to back away, most screaming in outright terror and fleeing the scene.
  78. > Yeah…
  79. > That's right! Run!
  80. > They should know better.
  81. > It was time to cause some pandemonium up in here!
  82. > A brief thought of you Alpha with a sagely beard appeared in your mind.
  83. > 'One must be nice if one wishes to get what they truly want in life.'
  84. > A fly buzzed by interrupting the god-like figure.
  85. > He snatched it out of the air in the blink of an eye with a pair of chopsticks produced seemingly from nowhere.
  86. > Wow…
  87. > Snapping back to reality you let out a low growl and shake your head clear.
  88. > Turning over to where Fluttershy landed you could see her picking herself up with a woozy groan.
  89. > What where those?
  90. > She let out a sniffle and began to wipe the tears away from her face.
  91. > …
  92. > 'AGGRO.'
  93. > The mental image of a cold gaze from your Alpha pierced your back.
  94. > …
  95. > With a soft whimper you bow your head and skulk over to the sniveling, imprudent creature.
  96. > She held back a stifled cry and gazed up at you, tears still running down her face.
  97. > …
  98. > Oh man.
  99. > You could feel some of the other ponies staring at you and the yellow one, most of them probably judging you harshly.
  100. > With a wheeze you reach down and nudge her back to all fours, pushing your muzzle forwards.
  101. > This earned a surprised squeak from the mare.
  102. > She wasn't your Alpha but maybe you could treat her with a little respect.
  103. > That and your Alpha would give you such a beat down if he figured out you hurt one of these antagonizing, incredibly annoying creatures.
  104. > She stopped sniveling like a newborn hatchling and reached out a hoof gingerly.
  105. > “I-I'm sorry...” She muttered patting your snout. “I shouldn't have tried to be so assertive...”
  106. > Damn right.
  107. > With a growl you turn away from her once more and wait for her to pick herself up.
  108. > She should also dust herself off, it was kind of pathetic.
  109. > The yellow one trotted past you and began to lead the way once more, a lot less lively and more solemn than before.
  110. > Yeah, she knew what was up.
  111. > You could toss her into the sky like a sack of potatoes just as easily as you could lay down an entire bag of dog food.
  112. > Which speaking of…
  113. > Your stomach growled loudly once more, this time being followed by a pained growl.
  114. > For the love of the benevolent reptile mothers please let this one give you some food!
  115. > By the time you reached the yellow one's den your stomach was practically eating itself.
  116. > But all you could think about was how small her den was compared to the Alpha's.
  117. > Just goes to show you how much better he is than everybody else.
  118. > But what was this?
  119. > Food!
  120. > Small food, flying food, swimming food, large food. It was all here and it was all currently darting away from you at the moment.
  121. > Crap!
  122. > You needed to think of a plan fast!
  123. > Otherwise all this delicious meat would get away.
  124. > Rearing on your hind legs you scan the area.
  125. > There was one.
  126. > A white bunny, bounding into the yellow one's den.
  127. > Oh yes, it was running!
  128. > You fall back to all fours, rocking the very earth to its core.
  129. > The yellow one glanced back at you before her eyes suddenly widened.
  130. > “No!”
  131. > Too late.
  132. > You rocketed past her, eyes set on that succulent little white meal.
  133. > “Aggro!”
  134. > Ignoring you!
  135. > The bunny turned around and caught glimpse of not what, but rather who was rushing his way.
  136. > Oh you could already taste that little furbags tender meat.
  137. > It's eye widened before it bolted into the den, slamming the door shut.
  138. > CRASH!
  139. > The door was no match for your thick, scaly hide.
  140. > Basilisk superiority wins again.
  141. > Skidding to a stop in the den was all you could do to keep from crashing into everything lining the den.
  142. > Seriously, like half your body was still sticking outside.
  143. > With a growl you search the room, whipping your head back and forth to catch a glimpse of… IT.
  144. > You could hear the yellow one shouting for you to come out this instant but you didn't care.
  145. > You wanted to-
  146. > Oh hey, something was grabbing your tail.
  147. > Before you could plant yourself down the world became a blur, something seizing you from the den and tossing you back into the waking world.
  148. > As you crashed onto your back you couldn't help but feel a little bit of shame.
  149. > Shooting back up you caught a glimpse of… the yellow one.
  150. > “Now I didn't want to do that. But you need to behave right now mist- OUGH!”
  151. > She was silenced as your tail caught her side, sending her body tumbling into the distance.
  152. > She was a strong one, she would be fine.
  153. > A powerful roar took the air, although it was nowhere near your own.
  154. > Which food source dares?
  155. > You peered back around, catching sight of a brown grizzly bear raising its claws over its head.
  156. > Bah.
  157. > You shot up to your hind legs, your tail shooting forwards and wrapping around the bears dominant paws.
  158. > The bear gave a quick glance of regret before you snaked your tail back suddenly, causing the creature to slam into the ground.
  159. > It let out a defeated grunt before you bought your tail back down, slamming it into its chest.
  160. > Down and out, you wouldn't eat it. Bears were gamey.
  161. > But rabbits~
  162. > A sinister smile took your features as you turned back to the den the creature was still hiding out in.
  163. > Suddenly something tackled your side, not even causing you to budge.
  164. > Shooting a glance downwards you caught glimpse of that annoying yellow creature once more.
  165. > “Stop this instant please!” she pleaded.
  166. > Bah.
  167. > Your tail snaked in between her stomach and your side, prying her off with little effort.
  168. > She hit the ground with a grunt.
  169. > You don't listen to weaklings.
  170. > Dropping to all fours once more you begin to sulk towards the den, ready to see something dart out.
  171. > Come on you little…
  172. > BZZT!
  173. > A purple beam suddenly crashed into your jaw, sending your form stumbling over itself.
  174. > With a grunt you catch yourself and glare towards the source of the beam.
  175. > “Enough of this!” Some purple pony shouted as she touched down on the ground. “You're not going to destroy my friend's house for no reason!”
  176. > You could sense great power coming from this one… but it wouldn't be enough.
  177. > Suddenly something whooshed by overhead, leaving a multi-colored trail.
  178. > “No! Girls wait!” The yellow-one shouted.
  179. > It wasn't long before some orange pony and white pony joined the purple one, each one in a defensive stance.
  180. > A couple of golden clad ponies soon joined the fray, forming a half-circle around you.
  181. > Too much…
  182. > This would be too much effort.
  183. > With a roar you turned around and skedaddled back to the nearest form of cover.
  184. > The forest from where you had come from.
  185. > “Aggro wait!”
  186. > You ignore the yellow one and bound into the thick forestry.
  188. > Welp.
  189. > You blew it.
  190. > All that food and you got caught up in a 'hunt'.
  191. > ...Once again.
  192. > With a grunt you tear some more bark from the tree's trunk a munch away.
  193. > This was probably one of the blandest things you could eat but basically everything in this part of the forest knew to clear away when you came near. It made hunting incredibly hard.
  194. > With a growl you ripped off a chunk of the strip of bark in your clawed hand.
  195. > It wasn't even redwood.
  196. > You would go back eventually but you didn't really want to.
  197. > Your Alpha was the only one who could treat you right.
  198. > Mmm…
  199. > You fall back to all fours and prowl through the forest, vibrant colored leaves and plants soon making way to jagged branches and bushels, a heavy fog setting over the darkened area.
  200. > It was almost night time. Around then you would probably return.
  201. > As you made your way through the forest something suddenly caught your attention.
  202. > Voices.
  203. > Not too many, maybe three or four but definitely voices.
  204. > None of them held any weight like your Alpha's but they were definitely heavy and seemed to be ready for...something.
  205. > You crouch lower and make your way through the bushes.
  206. > “I'm just saying it could have gone better.” A deep voice grunted.
  207. > “Shut it.” A more feminine voice snapped. “It went fine, we were just supposed to test the waters anyway.”
  208. > “Oh test the waters she says!” The deep voice taunted. “Twelve of our teammates thrown around like ragdolls by that freak of nature, and a whole base in Fillydelphia torn apart.”
  209. > “It wasn't torn apart literally you idjit!” Another voice butted. “He's not that strong.”
  210. > “I wouldn't doubt it if he was.”
  211. > “Enough! No more talking about the Princesses and that freak. Bad enough we're without a base right now… even worse that we're this close to ponyville, you know, where the Elements of Harmony live?”
  212. > “Bah!”
  213. > Hm…
  214. > This didn't really concern you.
  215. > Now you would just prowl awa-
  216. > ZZIP!
  217. > You let out a pained growl as a stabbing pain gripped your back.
  218. > You wanted to turn around and bite whatever it was.
  219. > You wanted to grip it with your tail and slam it around on the ground.
  220. > But all you could do was fall forward.
  221. > And let the world go black.
  223. > “What is it?”
  224. > The world slowly but surely came back to you, reality pushing its way back into your incredibly thick skull.
  225. > “I don't know...”
  226. > “Ya'll probably don't want ta' know. Just be glad we ain't its dinner right now.”
  227. > An awkward cough filled the air.
  228. > “Riiighht… will that cage hold it?”
  229. > “Probably, the magic reinforcement is still active right?”
  230. > “Should be.”
  231. > “Then we should be fine.”
  232. > The world suddenly came back in one painful, twisting realization.
  233. > You rocketed upwards, only to crash into some ceiling.
  234. > That had actually hurt.
  235. > With a growl you lower yourself and tender rub your head.
  236. > “Hah! That was kinda funny!”
  237. > What was this?
  238. > You slither around your own body, whatever holding you in place being surprisingly strong.
  239. > You found yourself separated from a group of thuggish looking Griffons by thick, metal bars.
  240. > Thick, metal bars that couldn't hold you- HAH!
  241. > You use all of your appendages to push outwards, the cage not budging one inch.
  242. > Okay…
  243. > Time to try that again- AHA!
  244. > Nothing.
  245. > “It's kind of cute actually.” One of the female Griffons said eying cautiously, but also with the gaze one would give a small puppy.
  246. > This just better served to piss you off.
  247. > You roar and snap your jaws, earning a cheap jump from the crew.
  248. > “Oh, he's a feisty one.” A bulkier griffon said.
  249. > You bring your maw into a sneer and growl in response.
  250. > They will only get this one warning.
  251. > “Hit it with the stun stick again, it's starting to creep me out.”
  252. > ZZAP!
  253. > You let out a howl of pain as the stabbing pain returned to your side.
  254. > One of the Griffons let out a snicker as he retracted the glowy-blue stick thingy from this area of entrapment.
  255. > “Heh… hit it again.”
  256. > ZAP!
  257. > Into your side once more.
  258. > You tried your best to swat the stun stick away, but was met with another quick retraction.
  259. > This little…
  260. > ZZAP!
  261. > He poked it in once more.
  262. > This time you jolted in place, a whimper escaping your maw.
  263. > This earned a laugh from the Griffons.
  264. > A familiar smell filled the area, the smell of lilacs and just something...pleasant.
  265. > “It's like a dog in the end really.”
  266. > “”Not so tough are ya'?”
  267. > “Yeah you're- Omph!”
  268. > A purple beam of light cut through the air, knocking one of the Griffons out mid-sentence.
  269. > Before the other two could react an orange blur tackled one while a white blur flew from the bushes and ninja-kicked the other in the side of the face.
  270. > “Ki-yah!”
  271. > All of this had happened in a matter of seconds, the only bodies taking up the clearing now were the ponies from earlier.
  272. > Oh, saved by such annoying and prudent creatures.
  273. > Secretly you were thankful.
  274. > The orange one spoke first.
  275. > “Ah don't see why you wanted to go through all this trouble.”
  276. > “Especially for such a thuggish creature who treated you so horribly.” The white one added. >“Honestly Darling it just doesn't make any sense to me.”
  277. > The yellow-one stepped forward from seemingly nowhere, a look of relief on her face.
  278. > “Thank you so much girls! Oh I thought we would never find you!”
  279. > She galloped forward and undid the lock, which was as simple as her just picking up a nearby key and using it.
  280. > You could have done that.
  281. > As the door to the living Tartarus pit opened you unfurled your form and stepped out, the feeling of freedom and short-lived incarceration swirling within you.
  282. > “Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. We couldn't find you at first-”
  283. > With a grunt you push the yellow-one away from you and turn your snout the other way, folding both your prominent fore-arms over each other.
  284. > “O-Oh...okay...”
  285. > “Now wait a minute!” The orange one suddenly butted in. “Ah know ya'll can hear an' understand us just fine so you listen here! Even after ya'll went and destroyed her home she went and thought about you first! Get it through your thick skull! Ah don't care what kinda' monster you are!”
  286. > You prop one open eye and stare down at the orange-one.
  287. > With a huff you twist your body to turn even further away from the two and snub them even more.
  288. > The orange-one's cheeks became an angry red before the purple one pulled her away.
  289. > “Come on… let's just go home girls.”
  290. > They began to trot away from the scene, leaving the unconscious Griffons in place.
  291. > “What about them?” The white-one asked.
  292. > “Ah, I've got them.” As she said this a purple glow enveloped the trio and lifted them into the air. “If I remember correctly, these three are a big part of a Griffon Gang that has been terrorizing Fillydelphia recently…. Anonymous and the Princesses are taking care of it.”
  293. > “I see...”
  294. > You reluctantly follow after the girls, not wanting to be alone much longer.
  295. > You just wanted to get back to your den and sleep.
  296. > As they led you through the forest you couldn't help but notice the yellow-one kept shooting you offside glances.
  297. > Hmph, she wasn't worthy of your presence.
  298. > A rustle caught your attention.
  299. > The ponies ahead of you commented on it briefly before turning back to what they were doing.
  300. > As they chatted on about whatever it was they were doing the yellow-one kept quiet, staring at the ground and occasionally you.
  301. > These fools, if they kept making those mouth noises they would attract so many-
  302. > Another rustle.
  303. > Predators….
  304. > Normally the others would have given you a wide berth, but around nighttime most of the prey creatures were safe and sound in their caves or trees, so others tended to get desperate.
  305. > Just like-
  306. > Brown blurs burst from the bushes, taking the paths faster than you could register.
  307. > With a low growl you watch as a pack way to big for the normal Timberwolves surrounded the ponies, completely unaware that you were there.
  308. > The yellow-one gave a shocked squeak and hid behind the others, the purple and white one's horns glowing with brilliant lights.
  309. > The orange-one grimaced and began to gather a nearby set of rocks.
  310. > “Ah thought we would be fine on the path.” she muttered.
  311. > “I said might be fine.” The purple-one corrected.
  312. > “Oh dear….” the white-one said. “This is far from the day I had planned.”
  313. > “Lemme guess, spa's an' fashion stuff? How basic.”
  314. > “It's not my fault I-”
  315. > “Girls!” The purple-one snapped.
  316. > Both girls snapped to attention.
  317. > “Sorry.” They said simultaneously.
  318. > Hm…
  319. > Technically if the wolves ate the horrid creatures you wouldn't be at fault….
  320. > But the Alpha would not like that one bit. Even though he claimed many times to hate them.
  321. > Standing on your hind-legs you step a little closer and growl.
  322. > This caught the attention of the eight or so wolves.
  323. > Who all turned to you.
  324. > Before the nearest one could react your tail snatched it up, dragging its howling form behind you.
  325. > Weak!
  326. > With a roar you send a clawed hand into one of the others, splinters taking the air.
  327. > Another swipe and another wolf bit the dust.
  328. > You tail suddenly whipped forwards, flinging the ensnared wolf at the others.
  329. > Within seconds you had already taken down five of these weaker beta's.
  330. > You would have this done in no time.
  331. > With another roar you drop down and charge forwards, bounding over the girls and body-slamming another one.
  332. > As you went down though dread filled your chest.
  333. > This was the same feeling you got when slammed by the Alpha.
  334. > What seemed like hundreds of howls came from all around you at once.
  335. > The ponies let out a surprised shout and with good reason too.
  336. > Timberwolves everywhere, they just came pouring out of every crevice.
  337. > They weren't here for them, there were here for you.
  338. > Before you knew it you were overwhelmed, seemingly millions of Timberwolf bodies leaping onto you and taking you down to the ground.
  339. > They were trying to break through your hide with their teeth but it was holding fortunately.
  340. > But you couldn't fight back, they had actually got the drop on you.
  341. > As their bodies swarmed yours the last thing you would most likely see was millions of glowing, green eyes glowering at you.
  342. > The Alpha…
  343. > You just wanted to see him and all of his glory once more.
  344. > You would even take the googly-eyed one.
  345. > The suddenly…
  346. > “ENOUGH!”
  347. > Faster than it had started, the swarming stopped.
  348. > You let out a roar and took the opportunity to shake them all off.
  349. > Whirling around just in time you caught the yellow-one staring at each and every one of the Timberwolves, her friends frozen behind her.
  350. > “Stop it this instant!” She had the same glare from before. “He has done nothing to hurt any of you!”
  351. > Some of the wolves squirmed in place, shooting offside glances at you.
  352. > “Now go back to your dens and think about what you have done.”
  353. > They complied, seemingly being much less than you had thought before.
  354. > As the area cleared out the yellow-one kept up the glare, suddenly her features softened and she turned back to you.
  355. > She was….
  356. > Strong.
  357. 'Senpai.'
  358. > You lower yourself and peer down at the ground.
  359. > “Uhm… Aggro… are you okay?”
  360. > She moved forward and reached at hoof out cautiously.
  361. > Suddenly you leapt forward, tackling her to the ground.
  362. > “Fluttershy!” The others shouted.
  363. > But they were silenced by her ginger laughs as you began to lick her face repeatedly.
  364. > The others shared a couple of looks before turning back to the two of you, Fluttershy's laughter echoing into the night.
  366. > You drop the duffel bag with a grunt.
  367. > Fillydelphia sucks.
  368. > It was slimier than you had thought.
  369. > Massaging your shoulders you wait for the train to finally make its stop at the nearest station.
  370. > Oh man…
  371. > You had thought that was going to be an easier mission but Griffons were oddly more resilient than you had originally thought.
  372. > Celestia and Luna were doing pretty good though.
  373. > Never saw a pony do a back breaker before.
  374. > Nor had you thought the Princesses would take time from their royal duties to personally deal with something like that but apparently it was much more fun than sitting in court all day.
  375. > As the train halted with an ungodly screech you let out a sigh and wait for the doors to slide open.
  376. > The first thing you were greeted with was Fluttershy and Aggro, some ponies shooting the duo odd glances.
  377. > You give them a warm smile.
  378. “I thought I would come back to some ruins honestly.”
  379. > “O-Oh really?”
  380. > You chuckle and shake your head.
  381. “Thank you Fluttershy.”
  382. > “N-No problem, it really wasn't an issue.”
  383. > As she said this Aggro let his tongue loll out and gave her a sloppy version of his 'kiss'.
  384. > Essentially a giant dog licking your face.
  385. > She let out a petite giggle in response.
  386. > You quirked a brow.
  387. > Things seemed to go much better than you had thought.
  388. > You loved it when that happened.
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