
Dear Trump Supporters, you have my sympathies

Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. First, there are many things that need to be stated, for those of you who participated in the #womensmarch, thank you. I wish I could've, but my priorities are a bit tied up at the moment. The fact that there are so many of you who realize what a nightmare scenario you've landed yourself into leads me to believe that you've finally awoken to see behind the flash and whizbang of Donald Trump, and see the ridiculous nightmare creature that hath been born.
  3. you voted for him to build a wall, and yet he backtracked on it. You voted for him because you wanted 'Crooked Hillary' to be locked away and he didn't do that. You voted for him because you were sick of Obamacare, and he put the sickle to it's throat, and laughed snidely at your horrified expressions as he sawed slowly and deliberately to kill that which protected your health. Donald Trump is the Russian version of the Manchurian Candidate, put in power by Russian President Vladimir Putin to show just how corrupt the U.S. is, through misdirection and magic tricks. you poor, forgotten people were used by the man you idolized, and promptly forgotten once again as soon as he was done with you, as Donald Has done with many others once they've served their role.
  5. Sean Spicer, and many of his Cabinet are in the same predicament, they represent only part of his total psychology, only valuable to him if they continue being useful. Sean, himself stated it plain and clearly, "He asks you to say it, and you say it." in simplified terms. Now having sworn the oath of President, presumably with fingers crossed, and giggling like a vengeful school boy, he turns his attention on how best to vindictively get back at all those who laughed at him. In essence, Donald is a figurative Mass Shooter. His ammunition? The powers of president and all that it entails. His manuscript and mouth piece? Sean Spicer, his cabinet members, and congress, and soon the Supreme Court. His list of victims? All of his critics, his enemies, those whom a scared, scarred, paranoid, thin skinned, angry little man who has mostly enshrined himself in towers of gold, statues of himself, and reminders that he and he alone is the most important person in the world, and no one else matters if they make fun of him.
  7. You have my sympathies, for the most part, you have my condolences for the potential loss of loved ones, family members, grandparents, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children because the coverage they had under Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, will no longer exist.
  9. You have my sympathies for the loss of programs which had kept you satiated, happy, and content as you enjoyed the various theater arts and music programs we all love and absolutely need in our lives. you have my sympathies for those of you who voted for him and are illegal immigrants, not yet fully comprehending the fact that he is going to deport you, regardless if you've been in this country longer than five years, or even brought here as children.
  11. You have my sympathies if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or of a sexuality no one can quite define and you are in fear that the goal of marrying your significant other is no longer a viable thing when Donald get impeached and Mike Pence takes over and he over turns the Marriage Equality which you all had fought so hard for.
  13. You have my sympathies if you are a pregnant women, either through choice, force, or incest, and you no longer have the option for aborting a child that you may not be ready to care for.
  15. You have my complete and utter condolences for the loss of those freedoms which you have fought so hard for, but by the swipe of one vengeful man, that you have voted into office, have lost.
  17. There are no words to describe just the utter rage I have against Donald, no insult is good enough, no act of revenge against him, no act of retribution.
  18. This is a man who values himself based on the numbers he gets from ratings, from the opinions of other actors, musicians, writers, producers, the fashion world itself.
  19. This is a man who believes he is doing God's work in the secrecy and privacy of his own thoughts.
  20. This is a man who will start the third World War and the second Civil War, not with a failure of diplomacy, but rather by the press of a button on his phone and the swipe of a pen signing his name.
  21. This is a man who has been covering up his tax returns for years, a man who has taken part in monstrous acts on a sex offenders private island.
  22. A man who rates women based on their looks and has made many statements to prove his male chauvinist nature repeatedly.
  23. A man who's father was a member of the Ku klux Klan, who's very ideologies have infected his son to grow into this very vengeful thing we now defile the term 'President' with the association of his name.
  25. Donald John Trump, is the Illegitimate President, because he has found himself alone, with the cold winds blowing against his back, and the colder grasp of the shadow of his father pulling him closer to the fires of self obliteration.
  26. He is the Illegitimate President because he has abandoned the family he had to grow around him to vote him into office.
  27. He finds himself a cowardly vengeful person, envisioning himself as a god king, a tyrant, a thing to be worshiped by those he was charged with protecting.
  29. Donald John Trump is not America.
  31. He is simply one man, one person.
  32. He may envision himself as the Leader of the Free World, but he has signed into law the first abuse against the American People by making his deplorable Oath Breaker Ceremony day a national holiday, attempting to force us to celebrate a man that the entire world thinks is simply a tool to be used and thrown away, much like how he himself uses and throws away those he no longer has a use for.
  34. You have my sympathies Trump Supporters, you have my pity, and you have my sorrow and remorse.
  36. But you do not have my rage, my anger, my disgust, my revulsion, my utter disrespect of the man.
  38. Only Donald john Trump is allowed to have those.
  40. But, there is hope. There is retribution coming to his, and his cabinets way. there is a way to hurt his ego, to further demoralize him, to make his mind weak and his soul fragile. There is a way to make him look like the court jester who stole the kings throne. He is, by all accounts, just a man. He is just as vulnerable as the rest of us, and there are those out there who would see justice done. Continue fighting on! Continue protesting! Continue making your voice heard! Continue making him feel miserable. Though remember, the man himself, though a creature of utter darkness, has filled his throne room with monsters more vile than he, and should he fall, either through health or harm, a monster shall take the Jester king's throne.
  42. Fight on, never give up, never surrender.
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