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Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. Failures:
  3. 1) Access control anonymous user searching
  4. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_no_content('Hidden Object')
  5. expected #has_no_content?("Hidden Object") to return true, got false
  6. # ./spec/features/access_control_spec.rb:39:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  8. 2) Access control anonymous user viewing file attached to hidden object
  9. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content('test content')
  10. ArgumentError:
  11. invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
  12. # ./spec/features/access_control_spec.rb:60:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  14. 3) Visitor wants to look at the collection search results view with no issued date should see the collection result page with no issued date
  15. Failure/Error:!
  16. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  17. 404 Resource Not Found
  18. # ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:73:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  20. 4) Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the related resource with no URI
  21. Failure/Error:!
  22. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  23. 404 Resource Not Found
  24. # ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:95:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  26. 5) Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the names in order
  27. Failure/Error:!
  28. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  29. 404 Resource Not Found
  30. # ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:95:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  32. 6) Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the internal and external common names
  33. Failure/Error:!
  34. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  35. 404 Resource Not Found
  36. # ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:95:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  38. 7) Visitor want to look at objects titles and curator data views should have an rdf/ttl view
  39. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content("@prefix");
  40. expected to find text "@prefix" in "400Unsupported format: turtle/objects/xx00040590ERRORInvalid format: 'turtle'"
  41. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:50:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  43. 8) Visitor want to look at objects linked metadata records should display linked metadata
  44. Failure/Error: @o = DamsObject.create( titleValue: 'Linked Metadata Test',
  45. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  46. 404 Resource Not Found
  47. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:120:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  49. 9) Visitor want to look at objects linked metadata records should display curator-only linked metadata
  50. Failure/Error: @o = DamsObject.create( titleValue: 'Linked Metadata Test',
  51. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  52. 404 Resource Not Found
  53. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:120:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  55. 10) Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should display linked metadata
  56. Failure/Error: @o = DamsObject.create( titleValue: 'Internal Metadata Test', typeOfResource: 'image',
  57. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  58. 404 Resource Not Found
  59. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:249:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  61. 11) Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should display curator-only internal metadata
  62. Failure/Error: @o = DamsObject.create( titleValue: 'Internal Metadata Test', typeOfResource: 'image',
  63. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  64. 404 Resource Not Found
  65. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:249:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  67. 12) Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should have a collection-scoped format link
  68. Failure/Error: @o = DamsObject.create( titleValue: 'Internal Metadata Test', typeOfResource: 'image',
  69. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  70. 404 Resource Not Found
  71. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:249:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  73. 13) Visitor want to look at objects viewing files should show a sample public html content file
  74. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_link('test link', href: '/test')
  75. expected to find link "test link" with href "/test" but there were no matches
  76. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:400:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  78. 14) Visitor want to look at objects viewing files should index fulltext of complex object text file
  79. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_selector('h3', :text => "Image File Test")
  80. expected to find css "h3" with text "Image File Test" but there were no matches
  81. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:419:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  83. 15) complex object view should see the component hierarchy view
  84. Failure/Error:!
  85. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  86. 404 Resource Not Found
  87. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:464:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  89. 16) complex object view should display iternal and external reference common names in object level and components
  90. Failure/Error:!
  91. RestClient::ResourceNotFound:
  92. 404 Resource Not Found
  93. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:464:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  95. 17) complex object component view should see the download link
  96. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_link(' ', href:"/object/bb3687588z/_1_1.tif/download")
  97. expected to find link " " with href "/object/bb3687588z/_1_1.tif/download" but there were no matches. Also found "", "Digital Collections", "Digital Collections", "Browse By", "Search Tips", "Take Down Policy", "Sign Out", "The Library", "Leo Szilard Papers", "Szilard, Leo", "RDF View", "RDF N-Triples View", "RDF Turtle View", "Data View", "DAMS 4.2 Preview", "Mint DOI", "Terms & Conditions", "Library Home", which matched the selector but not all filters.
  98. # ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:563:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  100. 18) Derivative download anonymous should not see download link for audio file
  101. Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_selector('h1', text: 'MP3 Test')
  102. expected to find css "h1" with text "MP3 Test" but there were no matches. Also found "Internal Server Error", which matched the selector but not all filters.
  103. # ./spec/features/file_spec.rb:53:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  105. 19) Derivative download curator should see download link for audio file
  106. Failure/Error: visit dams_object_path @obj2
  107. ActionView::Template::Error:
  108. No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /pub/data2/dams/streaming.key
  109. # ./app/helpers/dams_objects_helper.rb:839:in `read'
  110. # ./app/helpers/dams_objects_helper.rb:839:in `encrypt_stream_name'
  111. # ./app/helpers/dams_objects_helper.rb:819:in `block in grabWowzaURL'
  112. # ./app/helpers/dams_objects_helper.rb:815:in `each'
  113. # ./app/helpers/dams_objects_helper.rb:815:in `grabWowzaURL'
  114. # ./app/views/dams_objects/_audio_viewer.html.erb:6:in `_app_views_dams_objects__audio_viewer_html_erb__2793275471896527921_70233336494900'
  115. # ./app/views/dams_objects/_simple_object_viewer.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_dams_objects__simple_object_viewer_html_erb__1083434515496851731_70233339176500'
  116. # ./app/views/dams_objects/_object_viewer.html.erb:39:in `_app_views_dams_objects__object_viewer_html_erb__1323955233771456566_70233197088300'
  117. # ./app/views/dams_objects/show.html.erb:20:in `_app_views_dams_objects_show_html_erb__974549915046084328_70233366802980'
  118. # ./app/controllers/dams_resource_controller.rb:73:in `show'
  119. # ./app/controllers/application_controller.rb:31:in `anonymous_user'
  120. # ./spec/features/file_spec.rb:58:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  122. Finished in 5 minutes 2 seconds
  123. 919 examples, 19 failures
  125. Failed examples:
  127. rspec ./spec/features/access_control_spec.rb:34 # Access control anonymous user searching
  128. rspec ./spec/features/access_control_spec.rb:56 # Access control anonymous user viewing file attached to hidden object
  129. rspec ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:80 # Visitor wants to look at the collection search results view with no issued date should see the collection result page with no issued date
  130. rspec ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:103 # Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the related resource with no URI
  131. rspec ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:108 # Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the names in order
  132. rspec ./spec/features/dams_collections_spec.rb:116 # Visitor wants to see the collection record should see the internal and external common names
  133. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:44 # Visitor want to look at objects titles and curator data views should have an rdf/ttl view
  134. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:192 # Visitor want to look at objects linked metadata records should display linked metadata
  135. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:232 # Visitor want to look at objects linked metadata records should display curator-only linked metadata
  136. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:294 # Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should display linked metadata
  137. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:336 # Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should display curator-only internal metadata
  138. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:344 # Visitor want to look at objects internal metadata records should have a collection-scoped format link
  139. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:394 # Visitor want to look at objects viewing files should show a sample public html content file
  140. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:417 # Visitor want to look at objects viewing files should index fulltext of complex object text file
  141. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:472 # complex object view should see the component hierarchy view
  142. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:489 # complex object view should display iternal and external reference common names in object level and components
  143. rspec ./spec/features/dams_object_spec.rb:560 # complex object component view should see the download link
  144. rspec ./spec/features/file_spec.rb:51 # Derivative download anonymous should not see download link for audio file
  145. rspec ./spec/features/file_spec.rb:56 # Derivative download curator should see download link for audio file
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