
Anon's excellent adventures in Tartarus pt5

Apr 29th, 2012
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  1. Wherein Unamazing showcases his 4 AM writing skills.
  3. >You are Anonymous, marooned in Tartarus and fighting to survive.
  4. >And some dumbass Diamond Dog hadn't made it easy for you.
  5. >It has been 15 minutes since the eyes got in through the window one of them left open.
  6. >It has been two since you and the rest of the survivors managed to retreat further into the fortress, THIS time without leaving any room for them to enter.
  7. >you glance at the dogs who have survived the onslaught of the swarm alongside you
  8. >no more than fifteen.
  9. >many had fallen to the magical thunder of the eyes, none lucky enough to have your magical resistance.
  10. >however, Tartarus was not so soft as to allow you to be impervious to their attacks
  11. >the thing stopping you from going out there and basically punching your way through the eyeballs (not the least disgusting prospect) was the fact that they were capable of partially bisecting themselves, splitting along the middle to form a maw lined with sharp teeth.
  12. >you cringe
  13. >seriously, what the fuck?
  14. >your logical half, as always, is there to remind you that you're in Tartarus
  15. >you should be expecting some wierd shit.
  16. >besides, you could be dealing with worse.
  17. Dammit, I'm gonna get myself killed at this rate...
  18. >you really need to stop jinxing yourself. You don't normally believe in such things, but you're in Tartarus.
  19. >This place is literally trying to make everything suck.
  20. >"Oi, Human!" a dog calls, beckoning you over to the others.
  21. What?
  22. >"We can't wait dese eyes out. We gotta find a way to bust ourselves outta here, even if it means we don't get ta capture ya."
  23. >Well damn, you were hoping there was a chance of things being easy here.
  24. >But things aren't easy in Tartarus. Never have been, never will be.
  25. >You begin to think, soon coming up with an idea.
  26. >You open your mouth to share--
  27. >"We've already ruled out diggin'." the Dog says, cutting you off. "Lake's too deep, we can't dig under the lava."
  28. >Well shit. There goes your idea.
  29. >"So unless you can fly..."
  30. Our only option is to fight our way out?
  31. >"Bingo. We're gonna be headin' to the armory in the center of the fortress."
  32. Okay, and what does this have to do with me?
  33. >He looks at you like you just asked him why he has three heads.
  34. >"You're comin too, stupid. An' besides, we gotta make sure we can trust eachother, eh?"
  35. >a fair point.
  36. Right... about that. How /do/ I know that I'll not get a bolt in the back of my head once we're out?
  37. >He gives a wry laugh.
  38. >"Buddy, if we're gonna make it outta this, I'd say we should be askin' you if we can trust ya."
  39. >You give a confused frown.
  40. Why is that?
  41. >"You humans and we dogs ain't had the greatest history together."
  42. >You shrug.
  43. Lead on, then.
  44. >The dogs are all too happy to oblige.
  45. >within minutes you are in the fortress armory, located in the central courtyard.
  46. >whilst the dogs are going through compartments, stocking up on crossbows and ammunition, you are drawn elsewhere.
  47. At the very center of the courtyard, there lies a slab of poilshed marble.
  48. >and embedded in that slab, there is a sword, with a blade of dark steel accented with flowing white patterns.
  49. >The smallish crossguard and pommel are both gilded, the latter inlaid with a single large onyx.
  50. >Stylin'.
  51. >Curious, you approach the blade, noting the plaque on the slab of stone it's embedded in.
  52. >Crouching, you read it to yourself, mumbling the words out loud.
  53. I am the hammer of the heavens, and the anvil of hell.
  54. Forged with the metal and magic of the sky, and tempered in the hottest fires of the earth,
  55. I shall descend upon evil and bring it to justice.
  56. This is to hold true no matter my wielder.
  57. If I am used to harm an innocent, the pain and suffering I inflict will be rebounded tenfold onto they who attempt to use me for creulty.
  58. I am Starfury.
  59. I am the justice of the heavens themselves.
  60. Wield me well.
  61. >Well then.
  62. >A dog pipes up. "Nobody's been able to pull that sword from the stone. You're welcome to try, though."
  63. >you consider for a moment.
  64. >You don't know how to use swords, but...
  65. >Ah, why the fuck not?
  66. >You rise, and grip the hilt with both hands, gritting your teeth as you attempt to relinquish the blade from its stony pedastal.
  67. >Nothing.
  68. >You are soon about ready to give up...
  69. >But that, of course, is when Tartarus taunts you.
  70. >Your vision flashes white, and you suddenly find yourself surrounded by very different scenery.
  71. >Gazing around, you find that you're overseeing a battle between Luna, Discord...
  72. >and another human
  73. >the fuck?
  74. >without warning, more images flash in your head, and you begin to understand.
  75. >This was another anon. You were getting a glimpse of HIS life in Equestria.
  76. >He was close with the alicorn you see valiantly fighting the personification of chaos.
  77. >Closer than you, in fact.
  78. >You weren't quite sure how you felt about the whole 'Romancing ponies" thing,
  79. >And you really were a little conflicted about actually se--
  80. >that train of thought is quickly cut off by a flicker as you snap to another image
  81. >You see Dicord has Luna by the horn... and has a talon at her throat.
  82. >Oh shi--
  83. >No.
  84. >NO.
  85. >FUCK NO.
  86. >Your Equestria or not, There was no way in HELL you would allow him to harm anyone, least of all Luna!
  87. >with every fiber of your being, you will yourself to move, to assist, to fight Discord like you had before.
  88. >but you do not budge from your vantage point.
  89. >And, just like the Anon whose reality you are spectating.
  90. >All you can do is helplessly watch as your closest friend petrifies both Discord and herself in a noble sacrifice.
  91. >you gaze at the statue, at Discord's enraged expression, at the other Anon's manly tears.
  92. >And you feel sympathy for the poor man.
  93. >However, this sympathy is accented with frustration, anger.
  94. >Loathing.
  95. >And as suddenly as it all began, the vision ends and you are back at the pedastal.
  96. >"Look, before ya wear yerself out, just take thi--" a Dog begins handing you a Crossbow.
  97. No.
  98. >you say sharply, as he slowly backs away.
  99. >You tighten your grip on the hilt as molten fury courses through your veins.
  100. >to everyone's surprise, the sword jerks upward.
  101. >You remember the pain Discord brought that Anon.
  102. >It rises once more.
  103. >You remember the helplessness you both felt, watching Luna's sacrifice.
  104. >It's almost out now.
  105. >You remember the sadistic glee Discord found in the prospect of killing her, the sorrow you felt when you realized what had just went down.
  106. >And you draw upon that pain, that rage, that hatred, and use it as fuel for the fires of motivation, of strength.
  107. >And with one final, determined yank, you free Starfury from the pedastal.
  108. >...
  109. >"Damn, why am I not surprised?" a dog mutters.
  110. >You don't respond, and just stand there for a few moments, panting as you reflect upon what Tartarus has shown you.
  111. >A minute of silence passes.
  112. >And you turn, giving Starfury a few experimental swings.
  113. >It's light. Damn near perfectly balanced, too.
  114. >Bueno.jpg
  115. Now then, we ready to roll?
  116. >you ask, eyes hard as steel.
  117. >they each give a curt nod.
  118. Good.
  119. >you had some asses to kick.
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