
TSW: 3.1 Kasra reports to Walker

Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. [18:14] Kasra has been sitting patiently outside the captains door. It's the day after the attack, and he's reluctant to bother her, so he's currently standing, conflicted in the hallway.
  2. [18:14] IcePickLobotomy You hear Walker stand up and approach the door from the other side.
  3. [18:15] Kasra (Do you recall who did much damage to the last angel?
  4. [18:16] Kasra (I remember I was too busy eating shit, Arina didn't do much, I think Robin tagged it. Anyone else?)
  5. [18:16] IcePickLobotomy (Off the top of my head? Reagan cripplied it's torso, and then Robin finished it off iirc.)
  6. [18:18] IcePickLobotomy Mind you everyone did damage to to it.
  7. [18:18] Kasra (I didn't.)
  8. [18:18] IcePickLobotomy Chalk it up to Kasra being out of it due to pain so he only caught the highlights
  9. [18:19] Kasra (Again, I was too busy dying for their sins.)
  10. [18:22] Kasra Kasra has been sitting patiently outside the captains door. It's the day after the attack, and he's reluctant to bother her, so he's currently standing, conflicted in the hallway.
  11. [18:22] Kasra IcePickLobotomy You hear Walker stand up and approach the door from the other side.
  12. [18:23] Kasra faces the door and stands at attention before knocking at the door.
  13. [18:23] IcePickLobotomy She opens the door, looking deeply tired as she rubs her eyes. "Kasra?"
  14. [18:24] Kasra "Hello, Captain." He gives a smart salute. "Do you have a moment?"
  15. [18:24] IcePickLobotomy She nods and motions you inside.
  16. [18:25] Kasra Sitting stiffly at the chair, he begins his report. "I'm not sure if you saw or heard any of the engagement, but I thought there may be a few things that may be relevant to command."
  17. [18:25] IcePickLobotomy "Go on."
  18. [18:27] Kasra (Permission to call our characters Eva Wing 1)
  19. [18:27] IcePickLobotomy (Lance. Term for a group of Outriders is Lance.)
  20. [18:29] Kasra (Roger that.)
  21. [18:29] Kasra "Well. The most pressing matter is the...hallucination, or memory blackout or whatever it's being called. There were some other strange items within the lance. Were you already aware of John and Arina's hallucinations?"
  22. [18:30] IcePickLobotomy "Yes, I was."
  23. [18:31] Kasra "Were you aware that Reagan reported visual hallucinations directly after the engagement?"
  24. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy "No I was not."
  25. [18:32] Kasra relays Reagan's reports, and the abject terror they caused in her.
  26. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy Walker taps her thigh with a finger as she listens, frowning deeply. "That is. . . rather worrisome."
  27. [18:35] Kasra "Furthermore...I may have experienced some form of...retroactive confirmation in one of my dreams. During the fight, I was absolutely convinced that the intruder was a creature I'd seen in a dream the night before."
  28. [18:35] IcePickLobotomy Walker blinks. "You. . . You are serious."
  29. [18:36] Kasra "I wouldn't call it a hallucination, but I can't shake the notion that had some form of...vison...and I'm aware that delusions of grandeur and the belief in supernatural capabilities are associated with many mental disorders."
  30. [18:36] Kasra attempts to make a disarming gesture.
  31. [18:36] Kasra "I'm not suggesting anything abnormal, just an altered state of mind at the time."
  32. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy Walker takes a seat on the edge of her bed. "Right, what. . . sort of vision did you have?"
  33. [18:38] Kasra looks slightly uncomfortable at her interest. "As I recall, in my dream, there was a warrior confronting some form of demon in a cave. I tried to assist and was badly injured by fire when I woke up."
  34. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy "And the "Demon" was the Intruder I take it?"
  35. [18:42] Kasra "It had a striking resemblance, but only in hindsight." He laughs halfheartedly. "You're not..."
  36. [18:42] IcePickLobotomy "I'm not what?"
  37. [18:43] Kasra He trails off staring at Walker for a moment before looking towards a wall to gather his stomach. "You just seem particularily interested in this. I hope you're not thinking that it affected my performance."
  38. [18:43] IcePickLobotomy "You come here, tell me in full honesty that you dreamed about the Intruder before we fought it. There are a lot of ways I can take that Kasra."
  39. [18:45] Kasra Feeling chastised, Kasra falls silent for a bit. "A-anyways. The other thing to report is that I'm concerned with the squad's dynamic."
  40. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy "Hang on Kasra, I didn't mean to chastise you, rather . . ." She sighs "More that I am taking this seriously."
  41. [18:46] Kasra (And yes, I got that that's not how she meant it, btw)
  42. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy (True but Walker is making sure here.)
  43. [18:47] Kasra "Oh. Of course, Captain. I just...anyways, our mental stability is just something we may have to...moniter.
  44. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy "It is, yes. The stresses of combat deployments are hard enough, and when you factor in the intensity of piloting. . . Well I think you know where I'm going with that line of thought."
  45. [18:52] Kasra "Yes. But again, a more mundane concern. Our squad."
  46. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy "Go ahead."
  47. [18:58] Kasra "After we'd gone dark, we didn't really notice until after the fight.That's when we thought we heard the order to withdraw to the base."
  48. [18:59] IcePickLobotomy She nods
  49. [18:59] Kasra "We had no idea Mary was missing until long after the fact, and that's an issue, but when we were preparing to enter the base,"
  50. [19:02] Kasra tells Walker about the idea to leave three sentries, and Arina's refusal to stay put.
  51. [19:03] IcePickLobotomy "It wasn't a good call but it wasn't the wrong one either." She comments before motioning you to continue
  52. [19:04] Kasra "I understand that she was curious, and in /theory/ we'd ended the engagement, but she put her own interests in front of the squad, and we had no way of knowing what was happening. Because she and John were too bullheaded, we left the most damaged unit on high danger duty, and sent one of the lesser trained members of the squad into an unknown scenario."
  53. [19:05] Kasra "With all due respect, ma'am, how is that not the wrong call?"
  54. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy "
  55. [19:07] IcePickLobotomy "COnsider the context, you had all heard a direct order from to ordering all personal into Level 13, now we know that is false now, but at the time she was following the orders you received, not to say she should have but that's the context of things."
  56. [19:11] Kasra "...understood, ma'am. So for future reference, we are to make no deviations from orders? I was under the impression that until we were given the official all clear, we were to be prepared for anything."
  57. [19:12] IcePickLobotomy "If anything like that happens again, I'm going to tell you all to exercise your best judgement."
  58. [19:16] Kasra "If I may ask ma'am, what was the 'wrong call' and the 'good one', then? We were attempting to stay prepared because we didn't know if the area was clear, while sending our best trained personnel as a team in to restore contact with command, rather than one person in the event of conflict in the base. I thought we were as well prepared for all contingencies as possible."
  59. [19:16] Kasra suddenly realizes what he's doing. "Sir."
  60. [19:17] Kasra (Fuck, can we retcon that he's been saying ma'am this whole time?)
  61. [19:17] IcePickLobotomy (YOu have been)
  62. [19:18] Kasra (Fair enough, but Kasra wouldn't. Again, just edit that if anyone asks.)
  63. [19:20] IcePickLobotomy "The correct call would have been to have the most damaged units dismount and proceed on foot, as you are most familar with the layout. You'd need at least one additional person for basic safety while the rest of the team stays on standby. However due to the lack of comms sending a larger party, or simply not going would also have been valid decisions." She thinks a moment "As a rule of...
  64. [19:20] IcePickLobotomy ...thumb, if you are cut off the first thing you should do is secure the area, regroup with other units, establish contact with higher ups, and repeat that."
  65. [19:21] Kasra "Good. I'll stick to my instincts then. And the wrong call?"
  66. [19:22] IcePickLobotomy "Leaving the surface completely unguarded, though I'll make sure to add a link to the SCRIVNR network so you can see if any Intruders are active in the region. If not then there won't be a need for a surface guard."
  67. [19:23] Kasra "I understand. And I apologize for sounding impudent. I spoke out of turn to a superior officer, but it won't happen again."
  68. [19:24] Kasra has a look on his face like someone who's trying to hide nausea in a crowded venue.
  69. [19:24] IcePickLobotomy She nods "And thank you for raising your concerns with me Kasra, I do appreciate it."
  70. [19:26] Kasra almost visibly swallows. "There was one other thing, but I'd prefer to mention it on terms of...selective detail."
  71. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy "Define selective detail first, and what you exactly intend by that."
  72. [19:27] Kasra "I would prefer not to give specific names, because as of now, it is a delicate subject, but nothing has come of it yet."
  73. [19:27] IcePickLobotomy "I see, and do you want me to keep this between us as well?"
  74. [19:28] Kasra "As long as possible."
  75. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy Walker mulls it over for a minute. "Very well, I'd rather you feel comfortable telling me and having to keep it to myself than forcing you to keep silent then."
  76. [19:31] Kasra "Members if the lance were alarmed after the event, and convinced that they were not being told the whole truth about it. They were discussing bypassing confidentiality and security precautions to 'get to the bottom of it.'" He accentuates the last point with air quotes.
  77. [19:32] Kasra "I assured them that there was no reason to jump to such a conclusion, and that if METI has not given us clearance to certain resources, then there is good reason."
  78. [19:33] Kasra "So far, they have not done anything but...I felt it was my duty to report it."
  79. [19:34] IcePickLobotomy "I see." She sighs "I'm not surprised. Try and dissuade them but don't burn any bridges. And yes, please. Tell them about the worker's who've gone missing in the lower levels over the year or something. But as long as they don't actually breach any security zones I can't stop them either."
  80. [19:35] Kasra "I told them I'd even guide them myself, as long as they didn't break any rules. I'll handle it, sir."
  81. [19:36] IcePickLobotomy "Thank you Kasra. And /please/ be safe if they go down there? The lower levels give me the creeps." Walker trails off, seemingly lost in thought "I'm probably being a bit silly, but. . . just be careful down there ok?"
  82. [19:37] Kasra "It's not silly. I get that feeling too." He laughs again. "But then, I'm the one who believes he has visions, right?"
  83. [19:38] IcePickLobotomy "We're all a little crazy here Kasra, as long as it's not negatively influencing your day to day activities or piloting then I'd just roll with it. I'd advice you to talk to Dr. Wernbeck as well, but. . . I'd understand if you are hesitant to do so."
  84. [19:42] Kasra "No, I've spoken to her before. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you for your time, Captain."
  85. [19:42] IcePickLobotomy (Him. Werbeck is a him. He's not been introduced on screen yet.)
  86. [19:43] Kasra OOOOOOOPS
  87. [19:49] IcePickLobotomy "Any time Kasra, have a good night."
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