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a guest
Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. RENEGADE COMMANDS as at Fri Aug 09 14:01:15 2013
  3. ADMIN_MESSAGE <message> - sends an admin message to all clients. Host only. (amsg)
  4. BRIGHTNESS [-45..45] - Adjusts brightness for the display.
  5. CONTRAST [50..200] - Adjusts contrast for the display.
  6. DIFFICULTY [0..2] - sets the difficulty level.
  7. DYNAMIC_LOD_BUDGET <n> - sets the Dynamic LOD Budget.
  8. DYNAMIC_PROJECTORS - toggles dynamic projectors.
  9. ENABLE_AUTO_TRANSITIONS - toggles automatic doors and transitions.
  10. EXTRAS <key>
  11. GAME_INFO - Print info about a game in progress to console box
  12. GAMMA_CORRECTION [60..210] - Adjusts gamma correction curve for the display.
  13. KICK - Kick and ban a user from the game (WOL game server only).
  14. MESH_DRAW_MODE <mode> - 0=old 1=new 2=debug 3=debug clip 4=box 5=none 6=dx8 only
  15. MESSAGE <message> - sends a chat message to all clients. Host only. (msg)
  16. NPatches <level> - 1=default, 8=max
  17. NPATCHES_GAP_FILLING_MODE <mode> - 0=disabled 1=enabled 2=force
  18. PLAYER_INFO - Print info about players in the game to the console box
  19. PRELIT_MODE <mode> - 0=vertex 1=multi-pass 2=multi-texture.
  20. QUIT - End game and quit to desktop (dedicated server only).
  22. QUIT_SLAVE slavename - Shutdown a slave server (dedicated master server only).
  23. RESTART - Quit to desktop and restart process (dedicated server only).
  24. SCREEN_UV_BIAS - toggles the half pixel bias in screen text.
  25. SET_BW_BUDGET_OUT <bps> - set total bps budget out. (sbbo)
  26. SHADOW_MODE <mode> - 0=none 1=blobs 2=blobs+ 3=projected textures
  27. STATIC_LOD_BUDGET <n> - sets the Static LOD Budget.
  28. STATIC_PROJECTORS - toggles static projectors.
  29. SURFACE_EFFECT_DETAIL <level> - 0=off 1=no emitters 2=full
  30. TEXTURE_FILTER_MODE <mode> - 0=bilinear 1=trilinear 2=anisotropic.
  31. TEXTURE_RESOLUTION [0..7] - sets the texture resolution.
  32. TOGGLE_SORTING - toggles WW3D sorting.
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