
Potion Idea

Feb 18th, 2014
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  1. Potential ways of gathering of the ingrediants
  3. A. Option one continued use of Kekplay where you have a 1 in 100 chance of happening. Some of the mundane things like fruits and vegitables would be ok but aside from that the other plants that could be slotted in can be used as filler for the rolls
  4. 1. Plants that are not assigned to a potion can be given traits at a later date when PCs unlock their skill to learn the precreated potions on the list.
  6. B. Option 2 is where you have the first option for solo adventurers who wish to try their luck, while option 2 works out as a way to have a better chance of getting potions ingrediants taht you can actually use and know that those potions actually make.
  7. 1. Example of this is you have a PC with the 3rd Teir of Apprentice level potions unlocked [that would be the 5th and 6th ones] where they go out on a adventure something simple somthing small; a bear needs honey from buzzing bees, Crabs are buried in the shoreline and snap at your hooves if your trying to collect things. A sense of some kind of conflict, since this is super simple potions that are really minor the danger should show that. If you are getting some kind of potion that can heal all wounds like the Health potion with 3d6 heal then it would be expected that you have to face down something like a timberwolf pack like from the show where it reintergrates into bigger version of itself and cant be lit on fire due to sap protocoles which extinguishes the fire or something along those lines.
  8. 2. Loot- After the conflict that DM/GM would then go to the Ikea Numbered Doc Sheet of Numbers and look up the skill level of the ponies going by the highest one they would then select the ingrediants that are located there with a additional number for nothing to appear with the numbers going in order from top to bottom.
  9. a. Example PC has third teir unlocked on his sheet, so the GM would go 1-nothing 2-sweet grass 3- wisteria 4-frost blooms and so on and so forth. Rolls a dX number of plants that can be found and then rolls a d10 for the amount found.
  11. Potion System itself
  13. A. Original idea where everthing is given a single triat then is given a randomly assigned number for Reactivity[ which is used to balance out the equation so that X is equal to or greater than Y] Power [The amount of force or change behind the potion] and Speed [How fast the potion acts with a certain amount of time.]
  14. 1. Pros - highly customizable idea for the pcs to make potnetialy awesome potions if they are math savy enough. Creates a believeable world gives purpose for foraging rolls other than a spice or food itself.
  15. 2. Cons - Diffcult for most to understand as the entire system relies on entire thing being done, the rates of what a potion can or cannot do have not been locked in stone so as to be declared nice and simple for keeping a reign on meta play/power gaming.
  16. B. Pregenerated Potions with Trainers in the forms of either NPC's from Quests or recovery of scattered potion notes from so called Project G research team.
  17. 1. Pros - Easy to use. Simple System. Can introduce potions once approved by metacil
  18. 2. Cons - Simple. Creativity might be locked out. New player's could be discouraged to play if higher skilled players are already in the market.
  20. C. System mechanics for the system in Option B
  21. 1. First book to be found contains entire list of apprentice level potions the first two written in basic with the proper instructions behind them and takes at least a day to proper prepare. Second teir of the apprenctice potion book can be learned with acombination of basic and High as well as reaching the required skill level of 35.
  22. 2. Gaining Skill level in Potions requires you to create potions, so to unlock the 2nd teir you must practice diligently for a month and some days. 2nd Teir to be unlocked can be determined at a later date.
  23. 3. Potions can be created by use of a doc which keeps track of your inventory in regards to plants and what method used upon the plants in regards to the ingrediant itself will determine its effectiveness. Currently 4 degrees of effectivness. x2 x1.5 x1 and x.5 in regards to the effects of the potion going from greatest to least.
  24. a. Potions created will have a shelflive once created most likely a week at most. If consumed the effects are either reduced by one category of effectiveness due to staleness or if at the bare minmum effectiveness the potion is bad and causes the imbiber to vomit for two turns in combat.
  25. 4. Optional Idea for the ingrediants themselves and the system.
  26. a. Once you reach a certain skill level then you can work to experiment and determin what traits herbs have and begin to mix and match them for new potions. No progress as of yet but an idea to consider for this system.
  27. 1. Skyrims 4 traits and match traits to acquire potions with a possible modifier for skill Apprentice [+1 to effects] Journymare [+2] Adept [+3] Master [+4] as an example of skill modifier.
  28. 2. Single Trait/Keyword assigned that works in conjunction with the other herbs to make a sentance of sorts. Example Sweet Grass; Increase Sunflower; Light/Heal Wisteria; Ghost/Wispy. Some possible verb subject idea to kick it off at least more discussion needed on this.
  29. 5. Required Equipment needed for potion making would be beakers, mortar and pedestal, bunson burner and distilation as well to unlock the methods needed to increase effectiveness of the potions themselves as well as make them. More methods can be discussed and their effects at a later date.
  31. D. Addenum from previouse plays with the potions it took one full round to down a potion. Now for power gaming purposes if you are under the effect of one potion and take another that lasts longer than a round then the effect of the first is overwritten. Do this three times in a single battle and you will most likely vomit out rainbows and be spasming for a turn with 2 damage as a result of the conflicting brews in your stomach.
  32. 1. Potential idea from a fellow horsefucker "some potions have a toxic level and better potions have more of a toxic level just a 10/10 call it vitality health potion lvl 1: +1hp -2Vit at 0/10 they can't fight/ go into toxic shock"
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