

May 18th, 2013
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  1. Copying questions asked to Pastebin so that if anyone has a similar one, they can check this first.
  2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 1.) What is up with the data that some people are putting at the top of their posts? I didn't notice a rule that said we had to do that, and I thought I read everything.
  6. You don't need that data at the top of your posts. It's just something some people like to do to go along with their banner ( which isn't required either ). Banners are a display of your character and often times have things relating to their personality or interest included. The text under my banner is semi for everyone's benefit. It contains the world map of everyone's location, my character's location, what day it is and the date. Along with a couple extra things just for fun. They are not required. The just help organize.
  8. **********************************
  10. 2.) I'm also a bit confused at the fact that it seems like everyone is controlling more than just their own character in their posts... is that what we are supposed to do?
  12. You can control other characters so long as they are NPCs. ( non-player characters. ) They are just primarily unimportant side characters. Sometimes they help with character development, like a parent of your character. Other times they are just there for simple tasks like a cashier taking your character's order at the BK. You can control as many NPCs as you want so long as it isn't an issue and they aren't like every single post. Sometimes NPCs even overlap and with permission from the creator of that NPC you may be able to seize control over them, given the situation. Controlling NPCs is different than Godmodding, so you won't get a strike for it, but if you can't handle the ability to use NPCs, than I may ask you to stop.
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  16. 3.) Just how far can we take this NPC control thing? I'm going to list a few detailed situations, and I'd like to know what your response to NPC control issues would be. I don't want to do all of these, this is just for clarification purposes.
  17. ---Could you have an NPC directly interfere with another person's character? (IE: Have a randomly generated NPC attempt to mug another player, or arrest them)
  18. ---Could you keep an NPC with your characters for an extended period? (IE: Have someone follow you around, almost like a companion or party member in a RPG)
  19. ---Could you have an NPC indirectly interfere with another person's character? (IE: calling the police on them or stealing their car when they aren't around)
  21. Sort of//Yes//sort of
  22. ---In order to have an NPC you create interact with another character in those manners, you need permission from the other person. There will be times where i post as an NPC and have them do stuff to your characters but that is because i'm the boss and it helps with plot development. There may be times where i ask if anyone wants to control an NPC and use it for the task i request of them.
  23. ---Other than that, it basically is just that you need permission to have an NPC interfere if your character isn't present as well. You can have an NPC with your character a lot, especially if it is family. A lot of interaction in the beginning will probably be with npcs.
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