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Sacred 2 v2.34 modified balance.txt

a guest
Oct 3rd, 2010
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  1. local newBalanceValues = {
  2.   AdjustCriticalDamageFactor = 1200,
  3.   AdjustDamageFactor = 1000,
  4.   AdjustPvPFactor = 200,
  5.   AdjustSpellFactor = 1000,
  6.   BasepointsMultiplier = 500,
  7.   ChanceForAdditionalSlots = 450,
  8.   ChanceForSlotToImprove = 200,
  9.   ChanceIncForSlotImprovePerRareLevel = 50,
  10.   ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForBlankItem = 0,
  11.   ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForMagicItem = 0,
  12.   ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForNormalItem = 250,
  13.   ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForUniqueItem = 0,
  14.   DiceRange = 1000,
  15.   DurationBoost = 2000,
  16.   DurationDot = 500,
  17.   DurationLongDebuff = 3000,
  18.   DurationShortDebuff = 1000,
  19.   DurationStun = 300,
  20.   DurationPulse = 150,
  21.   DurationStunImmunity = 450,
  22.   EffectCombatArtChance = 4,
  23.   EffectWeaponChance = 2,
  24.   EffectWillpower = 25,
  25.   KillCountBase = 15,
  26.   KillCountInc = 2,
  27.   LifeAttribut = 25,
  28.   LifeBase = 130,
  29.   LifeStep = 19,
  30.   MaxDistLevelXP = 15,
  31.   MinDistLevelXP = 3,
  32.   RareBonusDanger = 1000,
  33.   RareMalusThreshold = 150,
  34.   RareStart = 500,
  35.   RuneAmountTotal = 12500,
  36.   SkillPivotPoint = 100,
  37.   SlotGoldPercentageImprovement = 15,
  38.   SlotSilverPercentageImprovement = 7,
  39.   SpellBaseDamage = 25,
  40.   TEnergyDamageRate = 600,
  41.   TEnergyMutateChance = 500,
  42.   ThresholdGreyXP = 150,
  43.   TopLevelCalc = 200,
  44.   balanceLifeRegenerationDelayCombatFac = 50,
  45.   balanceLifeRegenerationDelayDangerFac = 1,
  46.   balanceLifeRegenerationTime = 4500,
  47.   balanceLevelToSkillFactor = 350,
  48.   RegenerationFactorSkin = 800,
  49.   RegenerationFactorArmorBase = 360,
  50.   SpeedMin = 550,
  51.   SpeedMax = 1700,
  52.   SkillGroupPoints = 5,
  53.   damBasepoints = 20,
  54.   resBasepoints = 15,
  55.   RangeAggro = 400,
  56.   RangeXP = 900,
  57.   RangeArea = 200,
  58.   RangeNear = 45,
  59.   AdjustConstitutionFactor = 5,
  60.   InstantHealPortion = 500,
  61.   ExpTeamBonus = 1333,
  62.   ExpUpperCapPM = 125,
  63.   ExpLowerCapPM = 850,
  64.   ExpMinRatio = 50,
  65.   balanceShieldRegDelayCombatFactor = 500,
  66.   balanceShieldRegDelayDangerFactor = 2,
  67.   balanceShieldRegTime = 2000,
  68.   balanceShieldAbsorptionSkill = 50,
  69.   Mounted_ondeath_healthPM = 50,
  70.   NpcFightDamageDownScaling = 500,
  71.   RangeAggroGrey = 100,
  72.   KillDropMulti = 1200,
  73.   IsUsableByHero = 700,
  74.   TraderMaxCount = 10,
  75.   TraderOffer_MaxLifetime = 900,
  76.   ExpMountFactor = 3000,
  77.   RangeClearFOW = 600,
  78.   LifeRegenerationDelayTime = 500,
  79.   dropTimeItemReserved = 30,
  80.   dropTimeItemDestroy = 60,
  81.   dropTimeItemUnloadedDestroy = 120,
  82.   respawnTimeStandard = 1800,
  83.   respawnTimeMPFactor = 3,
  84.   UpgradeStep = 1870,
  85.   UpgradeStart = 3050,
  86.   SwapRune_One = 125000,
  87.   SwapRune_Two = 25000,
  88.   SwapRune_Three = 5000,
  89.   SwapRune_Four = 500,
  90.   SwapRune_Foreign = 1500,
  91.   ForgeSlot_BronceFactor = 1000,
  92.   ForgeSlot_SilverFactor = 1070,
  93.   ForgeSlot_GoldFactor = 1150,
  94.   PriceAdjustment = 5,
  95.   PriceLeveldiscount = 1,
  96.   PriceShredder = 15,
  97.   PriceSlotfactor = 250,
  98.   UBmean = 500,
  99.   UBpivot = 21600,
  100.   UBquot_attr = 3000,
  101.   DropQuestStart = 10,
  102.   DropQuestQuot = 120,
  103.   CAregenItemfactor = 500,
  104.   RegenerationFactorArmorScaling = 1250,
  105.   Mount_Regenburden_Warhorse = 500,
  106.   Mount_Regenburden_Ridehorse = 300,
  107.   RangeDistance = 525,
  108.   RangeMidrange = 300,
  109.   RangePickupLoot = 220,
  110.   SpellResistFactor = 700,
  111.   SkillAttackSpeedQuot = 5,
  112.   SkillMoveSpeedQuot = 15,
  113.   DurationPotionSmall = 0,
  114.   DurationPotionMiddle = 0,
  115.   DurationPotionBig = 0,
  116.   ZRareExpectation15 = 2,
  117.   ZRareExpectation14 = 6,
  118.   ZRareExpectation13 = 14,
  119.   ZRareExpectation12 = 16,
  120.   ZRareExpectation11 = 24,
  121.   ZRareExpectation10 = 34,
  122.   ZRareExpectation09 = 46,
  123.   ZRareExpectation08 = 58,
  124.   ZRareExpectation07 = 72,
  125.   ZRareExpectation06 = 88,
  126.   ZRareExpectation05 = 106,
  127.   ZRareExpectation04 = 124,
  128.   ZRareExpectation03 = 144,
  129.   ZRareExpectation02 = 166,
  130.   ZRareExpectation01 = 456,
  131.   ZRareExpectation00 = 1000,
  132.   ZRareBasepoints15 = 1350,
  133.   ZRareBasepoints14 = 1320,
  134.   ZRareBasepoints13 = 1290,
  135.   ZRareBasepoints12 = 1260,
  136.   ZRareBasepoints11 = 1230,
  137.   ZRareBasepoints10 = 1200,
  138.   ZRareBasepoints09 = 1175,
  139.   ZRareBasepoints08 = 1150,
  140.   ZRareBasepoints07 = 1125,
  141.   ZRareBasepoints06 = 1100,
  142.   ZRareBasepoints05 = 1080,
  143.   ZRareBasepoints04 = 1060,
  144.   ZRareBasepoints03 = 1040,
  145.   ZRareBasepoints02 = 1020,
  146.   ZRareBasepoints01 = 1000,
  147.   ZRareBasepoints00 = 750,
  148.   ZRareBonusamount14 = 4,
  149.   ZRareBonusamount13 = 4,
  150.   ZRareBonusamount12 = 4,
  151.   ZRareBonusamount15 = 4,
  152.   ZRareBonusamount11 = 3,
  153.   ZRareBonusamount10 = 3,
  154.   ZRareBonusamount09 = 3,
  155.   ZRareBonusamount08 = 2,
  156.   ZRareBonusamount07 = 2,
  157.   ZRareBonusamount06 = 2,
  158.   ZRareBonusamount05 = 1,
  159.   ZRareBonusamount04 = 1,
  160.   ZRareBonusamount03 = 0,
  161.   ZRareBonusamount02 = 0,
  162.   ZRareBonusamount01 = 0,
  163.   ZRareBonusamount00 = 0,
  164.   EffectSkillChanceQuot = 5,
  165.   RangeAggroBoss = 750,
  166.   DamScaleIncMax = 1250,
  167.   DamScaleRatioMin = 200,
  168.   DamScaleRatioMax = 350,
  169.   IsRuneForHero = 400,
  170.   DropMaxRandomRare = 12,
  171.   DropPowerupRare = 4,
  172.   ExpFac0 = 110,
  173.   ExpFac1 = 200,
  174.   ExpFac2 = 150,
  175.   ExpFac3 = 40,
  176.   ExpFac4PM = 1000,
  177.   ExpFacAdjust = 200,
  178.   attrSdam_fact = 334,
  179.   attrWdam_fact = 250,
  180.   AdjustRegenFactor = 1000,
  181.   TraderOfferUpperRareBase = 20,
  182.   PotionHealCooldown = 500,
  183.   UBspawn_fact = 175,
  184.   Forge_PricePerSlot = 500,
  185.   RuneMalusThreshold = 150,
  186.   ExpLS100 = 985,
  187.   ExpLS125 = 980,
  188.   ExpLS150 = 975,
  189.   ExpLS175 = 970,
  190.   SkillMagicFindFactor = 200,
  191.   NumSectors = 4183,
  192.   PlagueImmunityFactor = 1200,
  193.   AddOn_RegenFactor = 1500,
  194. }
  195. mgr.setBalanceValues(newBalanceValues);
  197. local beValues = {
  198.   NORMAL_STANDARD = 350,
  199.   NORMAL_RUNE = 15,
  200.   CHAMP_STANDARD = 700,
  201.   CHAMP_RUNE = 45,
  202.   BOSS_STANDARD = 5000,
  203.   BOSS_RUNE = 600,
  204.   EXTRAGOLD = 0,
  205.   EXTRAPOTION = 0,
  206.   EXTRARUNE = 0,
  207.   Trader_Item = 2300,
  208.   Trader_Many = 10000,
  209.   Trader_SpecialOffer = 0,
  210.   Well_Potion = 1000,
  211.   QUEST_UNIQUE = 1000,
  214. }
  215. mgr.setBalanceBase (beValues);
  218. local basetables = {
  220.   tableRows = 16,
  222. -- begin of some hard-coded data
  223.   EFFECTDURATION = {500,3000,5000,5000},
  224. -- end of hard-coded data
  225.   QuestExplow = {200,250,300,400,500},
  226.   QuestGoldlow = {500,3000,3500,4000,5000},
  227.   SpellFactorDiff = {800,1000,1200,1500,2000},
  228.   QuestGoldmax = {30250,40300,50350,60400,80500},
  229.   DefenseFactorDiff = {650,1000,1500,2500,4500},
  230.   QuestExpmax = {40200,50250,60300,80400,100500},
  231.   MP_experience = {1000,1150,1325,1550,1825},
  232.   NPC_speedfac_any = {1000,1050,1100,1175,1250},
  233.   AttackFactorDiff = {800,1000,1750,2750,4500},
  234.   DamageFactorDiff = {1000,1050,1200,1350,1500},
  235.   LifeFactorDiff = {1000,1400,2000,3000,4000},
  236.   MP_damage = {1000,1050,1100,1160,1220},
  237.   MP_lifeHP = {1000,1300,1650,2100,2650},
  238.   MP_EShieldHP = {1000,1300,1650,2100,2650},
  239.   MP_combatvalue = {1000,1100,1210,1330,1460},
  240.   MP_armor = {1000,1100,1210,1330,1460},
  241.   Spawn_OffsetLow = {0,0,40,70,110},
  242.   Spawn_OffsetHigh = {0,35,80,120,175},
  243.   Spawn_FactorPM = {1000,1100,1175,1250,1350},
  244.   PriceFactor = {700,1000,1400,1900,2500},
  245.   RuneLevel = {1,1,20,35,50},
  246.   Potion_big_duration = {9000,9000,9000,9000,7500},
  247.   Potion_small_duration = {9000,8000,7000,5500,4000},
  248.   Potion_middle_duration = {9000,9000,8000,7000,6000},
  249.   NPC_attrWdam_fact = {1000,1100,1250,1500,2000},
  250.   MP_intensity = {1000,1100,1210,1330,1460},
  251.   LevelCapDiff = {60,100,140,180,200},
  252.   BlacksmithSkillForDiff = {1,20,60,105,150},
  253.   LevelMinForDiff = {1,1,60,100,140},
  254.   AllEnemy_lvl = {1,10,20,200,250},
  255.   Enemy_armor = {800,900,1000,6000,7200},
  256.   Enemy_weapondamage = {650,850,1000,3300,3630},
  257.   Enemy_spelldamage = {500,800,1000,3500,3850},
  258.   SpellAttackFactorMT = {1000,1330,2000,2000},
  259.   SpellDefenseFactorMT = {1000,1750,2500,2500},
  260.   HitFactorMT = {1000,1500,2000,2000},
  261.   DamageFactorMT = {1000,1200,1400,1400},
  262.   LifeQuotientMT = {2500,800,125,125},
  263. }
  264. mgr.setBaseTables(basetables);
  266. local subfamSlots =
  267. {
  268.   {"SUBFAM_HORSE_SADDLE",2},
  269.   {"SUBFAM_SEC_ARMSHIELD",3},
  270.   {"SUBFAM_SEC_FOCUSITEM",2},
  271.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_SWORD",3},
  274.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_SABER",3},
  275.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_DAGGER",2},
  276.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_CLUB",3},
  277.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_HAMMER",3},
  278.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_AXE",3},
  279.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_WHIP",2},
  282.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_2H_AXE",4},
  283.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_2H_HAMMER",4},
  284.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_2H_SWORD",4},
  285.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_JAVELIN",4},
  286.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_HALBERD",4},
  287.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_MAGESTAFF",3},
  290.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_SHORTBOW",3},
  291.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_LONGBOW",4},
  293.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_THROW_STAR",2},
  294.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_HELMET",3},
  296.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_CHEST",4},
  297.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_ARM",1},
  298.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_HAND",1},
  299.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_LEG",1},
  300.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_BOOT",1},
  301.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_WINGS",2},
  302.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_POLE",4},
  303.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_BELT",4},
  306.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_CLOTH_ARM",1},
  308.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_CLOTH_LEG",1},
  309.   {"SUBFAM_ARMOR_HEAD_TG",3},
  310.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_MAGESTAFF_2H",4},
  311.   {"SUBFAM_PRI_BLOWGUN",3},
  312.   {"SUBFAM_MOUNT_CONTROL",2},
  313.   {"SUBFAM_MOUNT_PROTECT",2},
  315. }
  316. mgr.loadSubfamSlots(subfamSlots)
  319. local subfamDroplists =
  320. {
  321.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ANIMAL",1501},
  322.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ANIMAL_ATMO",1502},
  323.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_BARBARIAN",1503},
  324.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_DEMON",1504},
  325.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_DRAGON",1505},
  326.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ENERGY",1506},
  327.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_HIGHELF",1507},
  328.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_HUMAN",1508},
  329.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_INSECT",1509},
  330.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_MECHANICAL",1510},
  331.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_MONSTER",1511},
  332.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ORC",1512},
  333.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_PLANT",1513},
  334.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_REPTILE",1514},
  335.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_T_MUTATION",1515},
  336.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_UNDEAD",1516},
  337.   {"SUBFAM_LIFE_DRYAD",1518},
  338.   {"SUBFAM_TRAP_TURRET",1517},
  339.   {"SUBFAM_TRAP_SWITCH",1517},
  340.   {"SUBFAM_TRAP_AREA",1517},
  341.   {"SUBFAM_TRAP_PHYSICS",1517},
  342. }
  343. mgr.loadSubfamDroplists(subfamDroplists)
  346. local shrinkheadMinionMap =
  347. {
  348.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ANIMAL",1527,1528,1529},
  349.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_BARBARIAN",1562,1561,1563},
  350.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_DRAGON",1538,1537,1539},
  351.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_HIGHELF",1535,1534,1536},
  352.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_HUMAN",1549,1548,1550},
  353.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_INSECT",1588,1589,1590},
  354.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_MONSTER",1543,1542,1541},
  355.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_ORC",1558,1557,1559},
  356.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_T_MUTATION",1555,1554,1556},
  357.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_UNDEAD",1545,1544,1546},
  358.     {"SUBFAM_LIFE_DRYAD",1552,1551,1553},
  360. }
  361. mgr.loadShrinkheadMinionMap(shrinkheadMinionMap)
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