
Snippets Of the Daily Life and Troubles of Rain Drop

Jul 18th, 2014
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  1. Rain goes and does the daily weather management for her crops as usual, set the weather to begin watering then notice something at the edge of the woods. Go to investigate the phenomina and discovered Mr Bear staking out in a shady tree panting from heat and hot. Decide to help by bringing a pinch of cloud over to cool off Mr. Bear. Mr bear is happy about the cool off and grumbles happily at Rain before waving her down to give a bear hug then pats her on the head before leaving with five good berries in her possesion.
  3. >Going to do the chores for the day you do your morning stretches as you hum you stretchy song.
  4. "Up down touch the ground, up down touch the ground, this is the way we do our excercises."
  5. >Repeating the childish mantra to yourself you finish your preflight checks and get into position for take off.
  6. "Breaker Breaker this is 201 Pegaflight ready for take off, over."
  7. >Getting into a run you imagine yourself at the helm of a airplane as you slowly increase the throttle of the ship as you hear the radio squawk that you are clear for take off.
  8. 'Here we go...'
  9. >Spreading your wings you begin to flap them rapidly as you feel that boyant giggly feeling in your chest begin to hum with your wings the magic you have long become used to strengthening your wings and slowly your hooves begin to loose traction on the ground as you feel that sudden weightlessness that comes from taking off.
  10. >Fuck you love to fly, as you gracefully curve up off the ground and beat your wings heading for the cloud line.
  12. >The feeling of the wind rushing by, the sudden coldness as you start to by pass the layers of atmosphere, then the soft wumpf at hitting the clouds as the surface tension strains to hold against your insertion before ultimatly folding allowing you into its gentle embrace is like nothing else.
  13. >Though for some reason you are reminded of a ball pit that scattered though is banished as you languish about in the fluffy cloud stuff wings lazily mushing about inside the cloud as you relax for a bit.
  14. "No wonder RD was always taking naps in these things, holy crap."
  15. >Lazing about for a while longer you eventually get back to work sticking your head out from the cloud to see Lucy on the ground below waving flags in specific patterns, taking a moment to translate you nod to yourself and shape the cloud underneath you into a check mark.
  16. >Lucy had come up with the rather ingenious idea of using flags to give orders on what needed to be done while you were in the air mucking about with clouds, handy thing that as it let you know if Farmerbro would need help on his side for watering or if Hallowed was in trouble with her own crops.
  17. >Current orders stated it was just a standard shower for all three crops and was going to need to disappate for within the hour, so easily enough you head about gathering the local clouds together north of Hallowed's farm.
  18. >Doing the job of at least three pegasi would be relativly hard if not for the fact you cheat a bit by using the natural wind current that plows over the town to make the job easier. Once you're done with getting enough clouds wrangled together and adding in some artifical clouds from the river you give it a swift kick in the rear to let it loose from your hold to begin raining and drift south bound with the major air current.
  20. >In the meantime considering your rather hard work you decide to take a break for the day ontop of a spare cloud that you had seen floating about.
  21. >Getting ready for sleep you began to drift off until you noticed something out of the corner of your eye, down by the woods was something shuffling about making some of the trees begin to move.
  22. >Concerned it might be something like a Ursa Minor like in the show you cautiously fly down with your cloud bed to investigate.
  23. >Keeping to the skies you slowly drift your way down to see what was causing the tree to shake moving past branches and leaves to find.
  24. "Mr. Bear?"
  25. >True to form, it was none other than Mr. Bear, you could tell because one of his ear tufts was longer than the other and his left paw was missing a claw on the second finger.
  26. >Not only was it Mr. Bear, but he was panting heavily and his coat seemed to be matted down with sweat the poor thing was dying of heat exhaustion no doubt.
  27. >Mr. Bear seemed to not pay attention to you as you float above him as he leans his back against the tree bark and scritches inbetween his shoulders shaking the tree.
  28. >All fine and dandy if the branches hadn't tried to sweep you off your hooves, ducking a little lower you decide the only thing to do for your friend is to cool him off.
  29. >Deciding to make it a bit of a surprise you slowly gather your wings up as the humming in your chest grew a bit more, moving the wings in a push and pulling motion you feel the tingly feeling of Frost gathering on your wings and fling the spell into the cloud making it darken into a light wispy blue.
  30. >Grinning at your success you nudge the cloud into position then give it a little tap making the cloud shudder for a moment before tinkling down a rain shower of chilled water.
  31. >With a startled high pitched yelp that didn't fit the large bulky frame of the bear he jolts to his paws looking around as he is drenched naturally looking up to see you waving cheerily to him.
  32. >Mr. Bear just sits there for staring uncomprensivly before sitting down with a sigh and basks in the chilly water cooling his over heated body, idly he scratches at his belly with a claw looking the picture of lazyness incarnate.
  34. >Having a laugh at the bear for being so darn lazy you decide to indulge yourself as well by flopping back on the cloud to take a rest.
  35. >Thats odd you're not stopping, oh shi-
  36. *Thud*
  37. >Bouncing off the bear's belly you bounce to the ground getting your fur wet and your wings dirty.
  38. "Oh darn it all."
  39. >Looking up to where your cloud should be you only see a few misty whispers of a cloud before it drifts away.
  40. >Not that helps you much as the next thing you know you're wrapped up in a hug from Mr. Bear.
  41. "Hey, hey Mr. Bear you mind putting me down?"
  42. >Instead of complying the bear gives a huff before rolling over and squeezes you to his chest before rolling on his back.
  43. >Not particularly feeling like smelling of bear all day long you struggle in the bears grasp.
  44. "Oi! I'm not a teddy you know!"
  45. >Mr. Bear's chest rumbles deeply in a specific pattern that, is he laughing at you?
  46. "That's not funny Mr. Bear! Lemme go!"
  47. >Instead the bugger just brings a paw up to pat you on your mane like a child!
  48. >Cheeks flushed from the emberassment of being ma- well bear handled to easily you squirm and try to flare your wings out to no avail.
  49. >Tiring out after the fifth time you grumble darkly to yourself as the bear dozes back to sleep cuddling you into his chest.
  50. >You can hear the storm by the farms rumble by and the steady stacco of water hitting the ground gets the better of you and slowly lulls you to sleep.
  51. >Struggling to stay awake so you can wiggle free you falter as the white noise, the work you had done for the farm and the magic you had to alter for the farm takes it toll, you pass out.
  53. >You are now Mr. Bear and you have a friendly pegasus as your hostage for snuggling.
  54. >Feeling her start to still you huff to yourself with a small smile, these ponies were always so cute when they tried to act big and tough.
  55. >Was a bit of a drag to have her dump that cold water on you, your tackle was still hiding from the sudden tempeture change but she was trying to help in her own pony ways.
  56. >None the less you noticed the tired eyes and lined experssion on her face for what it was, stress and not getting enough sleep no doubt.
  57. >Bringing a paw up you gently pet the mare's mane idly wondering what could get a pony so stressed out to begin with, she had a strange scent around her that wasn't her own for one thing, if you didn't know any better you would say it smelt like the wrongness that was from the caverns to the west.
  58. >Ponies have no right business to be messing about in those things, better off dealing with their own problems instead of inquiring debts and deals from that ilk.
  59. >Your hackles raise unintentionally at the thought of the Others that lived there, not natural indeed.
  60. >Hearing a small sniffle you look down to see the mare looks stressed even in her sleep.
  61. >Feeling bad you reach down and resume petting her which seems to relax the mare, before long the right eye travels across the sky to high noon making your fur dry once more, sniffing you wrinkle your nose in reflex.
  62. >Defintly need a dunk in a river before long, surprisingly the mare had yet to wake though the rain she had summoned over her den seemed to have ended.
  63. 'Such a strange thing to do, intentionally make it rain over your den.'
  64. >Seeing that she had yet to wake you gently pick her up and set her down atop of a patch of clover to let her wake at her own time.
  65. >Feeling oddly charitable and not wanting her to hold a debt above your head you start to scavange around for something good to eat that might cheer her up.
  66. >Luckily you manage to scrounge upon a small bush of tasty berries, the good kind as they made you feel better when you had stomach cramps or had a particularry rough fight with a cougar for fishing rights.
  67. 'Damn cats and their claws and stupid fast reflexes. Think their so much better than us bears.'
  68. >Caticide thoughts for later you gather up a few while eating the rest you return to the mare and gently tie them into a leaf leaving it near the mare for when she would awake.
  69. >Good deed for the day done you head off to see if you couldn't snag some fish and a bath, nothing like a good fish to accompany a side dish.
  71. >You are now Rain and you awake to the sun in your eyes.
  72. >Carefully sitting up with a groan and a yawn you look about to see where you are finding no bear in sight.
  73. "Did he just up and leave?"
  74. >Getting your footing back you stretch out a few kinks and look about to see that he had indeed left by the rather obviouse trail of prints leading into the forest.
  75. >Pondering on whether or not you should chase after him to scold him for making you waste a day away you spot a oddly shapped bundle of leaves, taking it up in your hoof you stare at it in confusion before trying to undo the wrapping.
  76. >Upon opening the package you blink staring at the good berries in your hoof and giving a soft chuckle "Well I'll be."
  77. >Stashing your gift back into the package you try to tie them back together without much success mind you since, hooves and decide to head home for the day happy for a gift from a friend.
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