
nvram diff between default and configuration

May 28th, 2013
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  1. dhcp_lease
  2. arpbind_listed
  3. block_wan
  4. ddnsx_refresh
  5. ddnsx0_cache
  6. ddnsx0
  7. dhcp1_lease
  8. dhcp1_num
  9. dhcp1_start
  10. dhcp2_lease
  11. dhcp3_lease
  12. dhcpd_endip
  13. dhcpd_startip
  14. dhcpd_static
  15. dhcpd1_endip
  16. dhcpd1_startip
  17. http_id
  18. http_passwd
  19. https_enable
  20. ipv6_accept_ra
  21. ipv6_dns
  22. ipv6_ifname
  23. ipv6_prefix_length
  24. ipv6_prefix
  25. ipv6_service
  26. ipv6_tun_addr
  27. ipv6_tun_mtu
  28. ipv6_tun_v4end
  29. lan_hostname
  30. lan_proto
  31. lan1_ifname
  32. lan1_ifnames
  33. lan1_ipaddr
  34. lan1_netmask
  35. lan1_proto
  36. lan2_proto
  37. lan2_stp
  38. lan3_proto
  39. lan3_stp
  40. log_remoteip
  41. manual_boot_nv
  42. nf_loopback
  43. nf_rtsp
  44. ntp_server
  45. portforward
  46. pppoe_lef
  47. pppoe_lei
  48. pptp_client_mruenable
  49. script_fire
  50. script_wanup
  51. sesx_script
  52. smbd_cpage
  53. smbd_enable
  54. smbd_nlsmod
  55. smbd_passwd
  56. smbd_shares
  57. sshd_dsskey
  58. sshd_eas
  59. sshd_forwarding
  60. sshd_hostkey
  61. tm_sel
  62. tm_tz
  63. udpxy_enable
  64. usb_3g
  65. usb_enable
  66. usb_fs_ntfs
  67. vlan0hwname
  68. vlan0ports
  69. vlan0tag
  70. vlan0vid
  71. vlan10hwname
  72. vlan10ports
  73. vlan10vid
  74. vlan11hwname
  75. vlan11ports
  76. vlan11vid
  77. vlan12hwname
  78. vlan12ports
  79. vlan12vid
  80. vlan13hwname
  81. vlan13ports
  82. vlan13vid
  83. vlan14hwname
  84. vlan14ports
  85. vlan14vid
  86. vlan15hwname
  87. vlan15ports
  88. vlan15vid
  89. vlan1ports
  90. vlan1vid
  91. vlan2vid
  92. vlan3hwname
  93. vlan3ports
  94. vlan3vid
  95. vlan4hwname
  96. vlan4ports
  97. vlan4vid
  98. vlan5hwname
  99. vlan5ports
  100. vlan5vid
  101. vlan6hwname
  102. vlan6ports
  103. vlan6vid
  104. vlan7hwname
  105. vlan7ports
  106. vlan7vid
  107. vlan8hwname
  108. vlan8ports
  109. vlan8vid
  110. vlan9hwname
  111. vlan9ports
  112. vlan9vid
  113. wan_dns
  114. wan_domain
  115. wan_hostname
  116. wan_wins
  117. web_css
  118. wl0_akm
  119. wl0_antdiv
  120. wl0_channel
  121. wl0_country
  122. wl0_hwaddr
  123. wl0_lazywds
  124. wl0_security_mode
  125. wl0_ssid
  126. wl0_vifs
  127. wl0_wpa_psk
  128. wl0.1_akm
  129. wl0.1_auth_mode
  130. wl0.1_auth
  131. wl0.1_bss_enabled
  132. wl0.1_bss_maxassoc
  133. wl0.1_closed
  134. wl0.1_crypto
  135. wl0.1_ifname
  136. wl0.1_key
  137. wl0.1_key1
  138. wl0.1_key2
  139. wl0.1_key3
  140. wl0.1_key4
  141. wl0.1_mode
  142. wl0.1_passphrase
  143. wl0.1_radio
  144. wl0.1_radius_ipaddr
  145. wl0.1_radius_key
  146. wl0.1_radius_port
  147. wl0.1_security_mode
  148. wl0.1_ssid
  149. wl0.1_wep_bit
  150. wl0.1_wep
  151. wl0.1_wme
  152. wl0.1_wpa_gtk_rekey
  153. wl0.1_wpa_psk
  154. wl1_akm
  155. wl1_antdiv
  156. wl1_country
  157. wl1_lazywds
  158. wl1_maxassoc
  159. wl1_plcphdr
  160. wl1_security_mode
  161. wl1_ssid
  162. wl1_txpwr
  163. wl1_wpa_psk
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