
Peep Adventures 1: never fuck wit' da Peep

Aug 12th, 2016
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  1. >Be Hardcore, and that...thing?...never saw what hit him.
  2. >It looked like an emaciated, shaved minotaur. Whatever. It was wearing an expensive tailored suit. It looked loaded and the Canterlot town guard was nowhere around for once.
  3. >You didn't even have to show yourself or even threaten it. No need even for a spell.
  4. >One tap from one of your forehooves and the thing folded. Another one put it down on the street in a pool of its own blood. No idea if it's dead. Who cares?
  5. >Damn, but whatever it is, it's fragile as all fuck.
  6. >Ten seconds later, you were back in the alley with a heavy bag of bits and a watch he was carrying. And some block of...stuff with a glowing front. Whatever. You dropped it in the garbage.
  7. >You stop to count the cash a couple of blocks away.
  8. >"You shouldn't have done that," you hear. The voice is light and feminine. Nothing startles you, really. What you feel is caution. Nothing more.
  9. >You stop counting, stand up and turn around. Your horn glows. "I'd show yourself, if I were you."
  10. >She still doesn't show herself. "That was a good friend of mine. You really shouldn't have done that," she says. Where the fuck IS she?
  11. >You turn around, and she's standing there, not five hooves away. You have no idea how she got there so fast, because you didn't hear a damned thing.
  12. >At first you think she's a pegasus. But no pegasus ever had that feather color scheme, and there's enough differences in the muzzle structure of the face and head to tell you she's not a pegasus. At all.
  13. >"You're in the wrong place, little filly," you say. "Fillies get hurt when they wander in dark alleys. Maybe you need a lesson, huh?"
  14. >"A lesson," she says, slowly, teasingly. "I'd like that. Why don't you teach me?" Her head's down, and her eyes are...okay, that's special, she can make her eyes glow red on command. Oh well.
  15. >You grin and you start forward, your horn glowing. You levitate a knife out of your pack.
  17. >And then she's not there.
  18. >You literally didn't see her move. One second, she was there, and the next, nothing. Poof.
  19. >Nor did you see any sign of a teleport, not that that was likely.
  20. >You feel a tap on your flank.
  21. >You turn to see it, involuntarily, and suddenly you're on the ground, your head ringing. "Oh Luna you're slow," you hear. "So when's the lesson gonna start?"
  22. >You haul yourself to your feet, and there's no one around in range of your hornlight. "We're all meat, girl," you snap. "Someponies just don't know it yet."
  23. >"Now SHOW YOURSELF!" you snarl.
  24. >Another blow comes out of nowhere. You get back to your feet, shaking stars from your eyes, readying a fireball spell...
  25. >And stop, because just out of range of the edge of your hornlight are eyes, all glowing red, and shining, white-wolf grins. Lots of them.
  26. >And they're all around you.
  27. >And she steps into the light, her eyes glowing red and her head down like a wolf. "Can you pick out the one word you probably SHOULDN'T have said?" she asks, still grinning.
  28. >You back into a corner. Your hornlight fails as she advances.
  29. >and as they fall on you, you have enough time to reflect that "Hardcore" probably was one of the more ironic names you could have been given, since the last thing you associate with "hardcore" is "screaming."
  31. >be anon.
  32. >Be anon in the hospital, with four broken ribs, a punctured lung (now healed thanks to magic) and a concussion.
  33. >And Peep is chattering animatedly at you, while you pick over your lunch.
  34. >"...we didn't see any sign of the bad guy, but while Beady was stabilizing you, Tweet found your cell phone and I managed to find your coin purse," she said. "When we managed to get you to a constabulary station, and...well..."
  35. >Your coin purse felt a good bit heavier than you remember it, but you haven't had a chance to count it.
  36. >You find you really aren't hungry. Maybe it's just a lingering aftereffect of the assault, or maybe it's just the meds. "Hey, you want my lunch?" You say. "The food here is crap, but the desserts are pretty awesome, and they had apple crisp today."
  37. >She belches. You notice that she actually looks a little...well, green. "Ehh, that's okay," she says. "I'm not very hungry either."
  38. >"Peep not hungry?" you joke. "You sure you're feeling all right? Maybe YOU need to see a doctor..."
  39. >She titters. "Nah, I'll be fine," she says, belching again. "It was probably just something I ate."
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