
Confederate Admiral Anonymous

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1.!/AKKGx03DAjcEpHXbcRGp(Recap of where I've been)
  2.!/AKKKpUzd5MPVSyh5tQb1(Story intro)
  4. ---
  5. Notes:
  6. -Story starts near the middle of the Clone Wars, months before the Republic issued phase II clone armor.
  7. -Battle droids in this story aren't going to be comic relief like they were in the movies. Don't ask.
  8. -Battle droids have their Phantom Menace voices. They aren't supposed to be pushovers as they were in the movies.
  9. -This starts off in a similar fashion to Sepnon's story. Don't worry, I'm not making a carbon copy of his story or anything. There will be plenty of original content and ideas.
  10. -Don't rush me. I'm going to take my time with this so that I can ensure that it's good reading. I'll write what I can when I can, and to the best of my ability.
  12. ---
  14. >Your name is Anonymous.
  15. >You joined the Separatist movement in its earlier days, before the war broke out.
  16. >Life was easy then. You didn't have to deal with the threat of the Galaxy's largest superpower.
  17. >Then, it happened. Geonosis.
  18. >The day all this started.
  19. >You were present for the slaughter that nobody saw coming.
  20. >Everything seemed fine that day. A momentous occasion for your cause.
  21. >Three Republic captives were about to be publicly executed for their crimes against the Confederacy, when they came.
  22. >The Jedi.
  23. >The damn Jedi.
  24. >But that wasn't even the worst part.
  25. >When they were cornered by your droid forces, the root of all evils decided to knock on the Confederacy's doorstep.
  26. >Ships began to swarm the arena, and before you knew it, you were under attack.
  27. >Where did they even come from?
  28. >The Republic had no standing army besides the Jedi, and even then they didn't necessarily obey them.
  29. >The clone army took the planet in days, and dealt a crippling blow to your organization.
  30. >It's been hell ever since.
  31. >You were barely able to make it out of there, Republic forces were about to swarm your position.
  32. >Some time after the battle, you were promoted to the rank of Captain, and a munificent class frigate was put under your command.
  33. >You've participated in many engagements since then, and now you have yourself a battle fleet, comprised of twelve munificent frigates, six recusant destroyers, three providence class dreadnoughts, and your lucre hulk.
  34. >Recently, you had taken part in a battle over the planet of Malastare.
  35. >The Confederacy wanted it for resources. Oil, metals, and the like. You name it, Malastare had it.
  36. >The invasion force was able to take and hold the planet with ease.
  37. >Shortly after the victory however, the Republic responded.
  38. >Their fleet made yours look like a child's play set.
  39. >You tried your hardest to resist, but ultimately, you had to retreat. In the battle you lost four of your frigates, two destroyers, and one of your dreadnoughts.
  40. >As of now, you're in the middle of a hyperspace jump.
  41. >"Sir, I've compiled a list of our casualties in the battle. Would you like me to submit them to the High Council for examination?"
  42. >You turn to face the tactical droid.
  43. "Of course. Notify Dooku of our recent loss immediately. I want to have a word with him."
  44. >The droid moves to its console to transmit the message.
  45. >You lean back in your chair to think about the battle.
  46. >What would they say?
  47. >This was your first defeat in ages.
  48. >They would surely be disappointed.
  49. >Looking back, the tactical droid is still sitting at its console.
  50. >Perhaps if you can get out of Republic space you could cook up a plan of retaliation.
  51. "FI, new orders. Send a message to the rest of the fleet. Tell them to cancel the journey to Dantooine, and engage in a series of random hyperspace jumps until we reach uncharted space. The Republic is surely on our tail, we need to lose them."
  52. >The droid is quick to retort.
  53. >"Sir, I believe you are mistaken. The Republic launched that attack in order to reclaim Malastare. Chasing our fleet would do little to no good for them. I calculate a 13.53% chance of Republic pursuit."
  54. "Don't question me, droid. I don't care what you calculate, just get the fleet into those jumps!"
  55. >"If that is what you desire, then it is my duty. I shall give out the order momentarily"
  56. >Undiscovered space.
  57. >You've heard stories, but you've never been there yourself.
  58. >What are you going to do when you get there though?
  59. >"Admiral Anonymous, we have an incoming transmission from Count Dooku."
  60. "Good. Put him through."
  61. >Moving to the holoprojector, your prepare yourself for the conversation with the count.
  62. >It fizzles for a moment, and the image of Dooku appears.
  63. "Greetings, my lord. It's an honor to be able to speak with you." You say with a bow.
  64. >Dooku returns the greeting and says, "Please, admiral, relax. Your tactical droid has informed me of your recent defeat above Malastare."
  65. "Y-yes. While we were able to take the planet with little to no effort, the Republic came back with a fleet nearly four times the size of ours. It would have been hopeless to tr—", You're cut off as he speaks.
  66. >"Enough Anonymous, I didn't want to speak with you just to hear your excuse for failure. Something you've done has piqued my interest. I've taken a look at your fleet's current course. Normally, taking ships out that far would be considered treason. However, I've scanned the area that you're heading to, and there appears to be something particularly... unique... there. A planet by the name of Equis. I want you to investigate, and report to me what you find. If you have any trouble with the locals, do not under any circumstances wipe them out. Approach them, but do not show any signs of hostility. Make them trust you. In order to assist with this task, I'm uploading what I know about the planet to your central computer."
  67. >You bow as you say your response.
  68. "Yes, my lord, I shall commence with the operation immediately."
  69. >"Good. If you succeed in this mission, perhaps I can convince the council to overlook your recent failure. However, should you fail me again Anonymous, the consequences will be quite dire.", he says as his image disappears.
  70. >You take a moment to realize what he said.
  71. >A personal mission from the Count himself?
  72. >You must have stumbled onto something important.
  73. >You shudder as you think of what could have happened if you didn't give that order.
  74. >Stepping away from the holoprojector, you take a seat and prepare for your journey.
  76. >Hours later, your fleet exits hyperspace above the planet of Equis
  77. "We're here. Commander, I want you to send a team of probes down to the planet's surface. Give them the prime directive of finding out anything they can about the locals, and suitable areas where we could set down. Seeing how far out we are, we shouldn't have to worry about Republic interference, but just in case send two of our frigates back to make sure everything is clear. Have them destroy anything that might somebody here."
  78. "And one more thing, FI. Start a diagnostics scan on the fleet, and dispatch repair crews to fix any damage there may be on our ships."
  79. >The droid does as you say, and before you know it the frigates get moving.
  80. >Dooku obviously didn't send you here for no reason. Whatever it means to him, he seems to be interested in this planet's populace.
  81. >But what makes them stand out from the rest of the Galaxy?
  82. >What could they do for the Confederacy?
  83. >You'll have your answers soon, when the probes return.
  84. >If the natives pose no threat, then your job will be easy. Send in some of your frigates for intimidation, and make contact.
  85. >It would be nice not to have to stay cooped up in your battleship all day.
  86. >Perhaps Dooku would let you stay here? Rule over the natives after they join the Separatist movement?
  87. >Maybe.
  89. ---
  91. >"What's wrong, Twilight? Is something happening?"
  92. "No, Spike. Well, I mean, something could be! I don't really know what to say about this."
  93. >"About what?"
  94. "Look for yourself, Spike. There appears to be something falling from the sky."
  95. >Moving the telescope over, you adjust it so that your dragon companion is able to see them clearly.
  96. >Just minutes ago you were observing the constellations, when you started to notice these oddly shaped... things..
  97. >There were only a few, so the thought of it being a meteor shower was out the window.
  98. >Apparently your rustling about woke Spike, and he came to investigate.
  99. >"Oh, I see them. What are those things? There wasn't any news of a meteor shower tonight!"
  100. "I'm not sure, Spike. However, since you're awake, I'd like for you to prepare a letter to the princess."
  101. >The little dragon sighs, "Do I have to? It's like three in the morning!"
  102. "I'm sorry, I thought there were weird things falling from the stars! Do you know what this could mean Spike? Evidence of extra-terrestrial life! We HAVE to send this letter!"
  103. >"Fine, I'll do it. I'll go grab a quill." Spike says as he walks off.
  104. >He returns moments later.
  105. "Ready?"
  106. >Spike nods without looking from his paper.
  107. "Okay. 'Dear Princess Celestia..'"
  109. ---
  111. >"...and because of this odd sighting, I believe we're dealing with much more than one could possibly imagine! I'll continue to observe the objects, and when they touch down the girls and I are going to investigate. I might be crazy, but I think there is much more in place than we might believe.
  113. >Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
  115. >Well this is odd.
  116. >Not only were you rudely awakened, but Twilight has sent you the most peculiar of letters.
  117. >She believes something is falling from the sky that shouldn't be.
  118. >Either she's gone mad, or she's on to something.
  119. >But why would she care so much? It could very well just be a few rocks.
  120. >Oh well. Maybe she'll find something interesting.
  121. >But if something were to go wrong...
  122. >Better safe than sorry. Of course.
  123. You turn to General Iron Bond on your right, saying "General, instruct some of your guardsponies to head to the village of Ponyville as soon as possible. They are to keep an eye on Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and to follow them when they leave to investigate whatever is happening. Make sure they aren't detected."
  124. >"But of course, Princess Celestia! I'll tend to this issue immediately!"
  125. >He salutes and leaves the room.
  127. ---
  129. >The next day, somewhere in Ponyville's streets.
  130. >"You want to do WHAT, Twilight?"
  131. "I already told you Rainbow, last night I saw these weird things falling from the sky! I want to check it out and make sure they're not dangerous."
  132. >The already puzzled look on Dash's face twists even more.
  133. >"How does that even make any sense!? Every time something falls from the sky you're going to investigate it?"
  134. "But that's the thing, Rainbow! These aren't ordinary things! They're... different! I mean, wouldn't the weather team have warned us of a meteor shower if they weren't?"
  135. >Rainbow rubs the back of her head, looking at the ground.
  136. >"Well... I guess I can see where you're coming from Twi. If you're so serious about these things, I've got no reason not to follow you."
  137. >Finally!
  138. "Good! I've already told the others, and we'll be leaving in a couple hours. From what I saw, the objects landed somewhere in the Everfree Forest. We'll be meeting on the edge of town around 7 o'clock. Try not to be late Rainbow, okay?"
  139. >She shoots you a smug look before replying, "Twilight, you of all ponies should know by now that I'm not the type that leaves their friends hanging. I'm betting twenty bits I'll be there before anypony else!"
  140. >You can't help but laugh a bit inside.
  141. "Okay, we'll see. Talk to you later, mmkay?"
  142. >"Sure thing, Twilight! See ya!"
  143. >Rainbow takes off into the sky, leaving the area in a cloud of dust.
  144. >The ponies nearby certainly aren't happy with this. Oh well, you've got something to prepare for.
  145. >Turning around, you begin to head back to the castle.
  147. ---
  149. (Think of this theme or something similar playing in these scenes of Anon in his ship.)
  150. >"Sir, two of our seven probe teams have made contact on various parts of the planet. Given some time, they should have everything we need to know to start our operation. I'm also getting that information that Dooku promised us. Loading it onto your terminal now."
  151. "Very good. Keep up the work, we need to know as much as we can before heading into this. Do you have anything on our frigates that went back?"
  152. >The droid presses a couple buttons, and his computer screen flashes red.
  153. >"Admiral, it appears one of our frigates has gone dark. The others are still in progress of completing the objective."
  154. >What?
  155. "What do you mean, 'went dark'? Have we been found out?"
  156. >"I doubt it sir. From what is on the screen here, the ship was well on its way before it suddenly stopped transmitting signals. Not even one distress call. I calculate a 0.24% chance of contact with Republic forces. They simply wouldn't have been able to destroy the ship so efficiently, and then continue to let the others go freely with no knowledge of such an attack."
  157. >Odd.
  158. >What could be the cause of this?
  159. >Some new Republic super weapon similar to Grievous' Malevolence?
  160. >Highly unlikely. It's only been a matter of months since its destruction. They wouldn't have been able to replicate it's weaponry that fast.
  161. >Whatever it is, you just lost one of your frigates.
  162. >That's going to cost you.
  163. >A lot.
  164. >Perhaps there's something worth salvaging from the site.
  165. "Just keep an eye out, commander. Send some of our scout fighters to the site of the ship's destruction. Should they encounter any hostility they are to send us a beacon of their position before initiating self destruct. If they find anything worth taking back, have them report what it is. If what they report seems like it may be useful, send some shuttles with additional fighter escorts, and ensure that they retrieve the salvage."
  166. >The tactical droid processes your instructions for a moment.
  167. >"Noted, sir. I shall give out the order right away."
  168. >You switch on your terminal, opening the information sent to you.
  169. >The first line of text seems to be some sort of scramble of numbers and letters. Beneath it seems to be the first actual line of text, which seems to be serving as a precautionary statement.
  170. >-Should the vessel receiving this transmission come under enemy attack, any and all information contained in this message is to be destroyed along with the ship carrying it.-
  171. >Weird. You've never gotten a transmission in this format before.
  172. >Then again, you're discovering something potentially crucial for the Confederacy.
  173. >You continue to read the document.
  174. >-This transmission contains all known data on Project Hope.-
  175. >-The planet of Equis, in the unofficial Equis system, seems to be home to a wide variety of non-humanoid creatures. While they seem to be capable of speaking basic, their technology and way of life is rather primitive. Not much is known of this, but scans have shown that the inhabitants of this planet have little to no access to any form of electronic devices.-
  176. >Great. So you're dealing with some backwater world that doesn't even have any form of modern tech.
  177. >-The following information is highly classified. Any and all personnel qualified to see this intelligence are to enter the security code below.-
  178. >That must be what that mess was at the top.
  179. >You copy the code, and paste it into the text bar.
  180. >Instantly, the document extends further down.
  181. >-There is something certainly unique about this planet. Something that could be of interest to Count Dooku, or perhaps Lord Sidious. The planet of Equis has blown our scanners off the charts in midichlorian count. These readings suggest that the planet and the local populace are, in a way, heavily tied to the Force and it's usage. There doesn't seem to be one spot on the planet where there isn't an extremely heavy concentration of midichlorians. With such power, it seems that the natives of Equis are born with these abilities. Some intelligence officers believe that their skills come to them naturally. And it may. Caution is advised when dealing with these potentially dangerous beings.-
  182. >The document ends there, showing no more information.
  183. >Holy shit.
  184. >You've struck a gold mine Anonymous.
  185. >In all your time in the Confederate Navy, you've never come upon something like this.
  186. >At all.
  187. >You probably didn't even need to launch those probes now that you've got this information.
  188. >Seriously, this could change the war in the Confederacy's favor!
  189. >Imagine the power of thousands, potentially millions, of force sensitive individuals fighting for you! For the Separatist Alliance!
  190. >Those Republic dogs would be annihilated in such a campaign!
  191. >You start to feel giddy inside, realizing what potential is being left in your hands.
  192. >Your campaign here has to be a success.
  193. >The Confederacy, your career, everything could depend on it.
  195. ---
  197. >6:57 PM, near the edge of Ponyville.
  198. >"Where is everypony? I thought you said they would be here?"
  199. "Relax Spike, we've still got a couple minutes. They'll be here, they always are."
  200. >Spike starts to kick his feet in the dirt, obviously bored.
  201. >"Well they better hurry up, we've been out here for an hour! Did we honestly need to come this early?"
  202. "Duh, how else wo-", your response is cut short by the loud rumble of a wagon coming in from town
  203. >Taking a closer look, you can tell that Applejack and her brother, Big Mac, are pulling it, while the others ride in the back.
  204. >"Ugh, of course they get her right when I start to complain. Just my luck!", Spike says, sitting down with a pout.
  205. >The wagon arrives after about thirty seconds, and the ponies begin to pile out.
  206. >Applejack is the first to greet you, embracing you with a hug.
  207. >"Well Howdy there Twilight! Mighty nice to see you!"
  208. >You break the short-lived hug.
  209. "Same for you, Applejack. How was it getting here?"
  210. >She replies almost instantly "Wasn't too bad, besides the hassle of gettin' everypony in the wagon. Mac here wanted to tag along so he could take it back when we're done. He'll be back to pick us up when we're outta the forest."
  211. >Well, if anything she's practical. Knows how to get things done.
  212. "That's good, makes things easier I suppose. You girls about ready to head out?"
  213. >In unison the four of them reply similar responses, agreeing with your statement.
  214. "Alright then. We just need to wait for Rainbow, and we'll be all set."
  215. >"Oh dear, is that mare late again? I thought she might've learned her lesson last time!"
  216. "Oh believe me Rarity, she'll be here any moment now."
  217. >As if on cue, the blue mare zips in from the sky, landing in the middle of the group.
  218. >She's panting heavily, like after a long exercise.
  219. >After noticing the looks she's getting, she stands up straight.
  220. >Batting a hoof, she says "Okay, okay I was late. Nag me about it later, won't ya? I thought we had something to do here?"
  221. >You roll your eyes at her response, and you can hear several giggles coming from your friends.
  222. "Okay, now that we've got everypony, are we ready to get moving?"
  223. >You get the same response as before, but Rainbow merely gives you an annoyed mumble.
  224. "Right. Let's go girls, we've got some objects to find!"
  225. >You take your first step into the forest.
  226. >None of you seemed to notice the snap of a twig behind you.
  228. ---
  230. >Fifteen minutes of walking later, and you're coming up on a clearing.
  231. >Looking up, you can sorta see smoke above the forest.
  232. "Okay, I think we're close. If that smoke means anything, these things should be just ahead."
  233. >Using your magic, you move the bush that was blocking your way.
  234. >"What in Equestria is THAT?!"
  235. >"Oooh! I bet it's some sort of super-cool party machine!"
  236. >Rainbow chuckles at Pinkie's response.
  237. >You take a look into the clearing, and see some sort of weird metal object.
  238. "AHA! I knew it! Let's go see what this thing is exactly!"
  239. >As you rush up the the hunk of metal, you can faintly hear Spike call out "Um, Twilight, I'm not so sure if that's a good idea!"
  240. >Ignoring him, you get close enough to observe what this thing might be.
  241. >Taking a look, it's hollow on the inside, certainly big enough to hold a pony. There are glowing lights and buttons everywhere.
  242. >You move to the back, where the smoke is coming from.
  243. >It glows with a whitish-blue hue, and the closer you get to it, it gets noticeably hot.
  244. >What is this?
  245. >Aliens? Ancient magic?
  246. >Oh, the research you could write on this!
  247. >You must find out how it works!
  248. >Looking back to your friends, you can see them hiding in bushes.
  249. "What's the matter, girls? There's nothing wrong, just some weird machine. You can come out, honest!"
  250. >They look at each other, before they reluctantly start to move.
  251. >In a matter of moments, they're in the middle of the clearing.
  252. "Look at this! What could this possibly mean?"
  253. >"I dunno Twilight, but I'm not getting very good vibes sitting in the open. We should get out of here. Maybe we could take it to the castle, and look at it later?"
  254. >You sigh at this.
  255. >Even after they agreed to help, they don't want to contribute?
  256. >She does have a point though.
  257. >You almost forgot that you were in the Everfree forest.
  258. "Well, Rainbow, alright. Fine. Let's get this thing back to the castle, and we can make observations tomorrow. I just need help getting it out of the ground. Get to the other end and give it a push, but watch out for the glowey bit. It's hot."
  259. >Applejack and Rainbow head to the other side of the object.
  260. >"Ready when you are, sugarcube. Grab it with yer magic an' we'll give it a push."
  261. >Rainbow nods in compliance.
  262. "Alright, here goes nothing..."
  263. >You grab the object, and give it a tug.
  264. >Rainbow and Applejack do their part, and begin to push it out.
  265. >It sticks for a moment, but slowly starts to lift out of the ground.
  266. "Okay, now that we've got it out I can take it from here. Thanks girls."
  267. >"No problem Twi."
  268. >"Yep.
  269. >You take the object, and lift it high enough to be out of your way.
  270. "Well, now that we've got that, let's head back."
  271. >You turn back from whence you came, but can't help but hear an odd noise.
  273. >There it is again!
  274. "Wait, stop for a second. I think I hear something."
  275. >The ponies stop, waiting for you to confirm your suspicions.
  276. >It sounds like it's coming from your left...
  277. "Fluttershy, I think it's coming from your side. Can you take a look, and see what that is?"
  278. >"Eep!" she says, scurrying behind Rarity.
  279. >"W-well, looks l-like it's not on my side anymore, sorry Twilight."
  280. >"C'mon, Fluttershy, you can't be serious! Look, it's nothing!" says Rainbow, as she flies over to the source of the noise.
  281. >She bats the flora aside, an-
  282. >"AIIEEE!"
  283. >Instantly, Rainbow flies away from the bush, to the back of the group.
  284. >"Ah'm sorry, I thought you weren't scared Rainbow?"
  285. >She points a hoof "LOOK!"
  286. >From the bush rises something that made your heart sink.
  287. >A mechanical menace as tall as three ponies emerges.
  288. >Behind you your friends scream in terror, as the machine approaches.
  289. >You drop your finding and retreat to their position.
  290. >All the while that... thing slowly advances.
  291. >It floats off of the ground as its four tentacle-like limbs rest at the bottom of its body.
  292. >It's black, globe-like eyes peer into your soul, as if searching.
  293. >"HYAAAAAAH!"
  294. >"Protect the Princess!"
  295. >Behind you come four royal guardsponies, charging with their weapons drawn.
  296. >The machine reacts, blasting what appears to be magic wildly in the air.
  297. >If it was trying to hit them, it did a terrible job at it, as its projectiles were terribly off.
  298. >The first pony reaches it, and jumps atop, trying to get a hold of the beast.
  299. >They struggle for a moment, and he is thrown off of it.
  300. >While this was happening, however, the others managed to get behind it.
  301. >As the other pony was thrown off, they attacked the thing with a barrage of attacks, piercing its metal hide with their spears.
  302. >The machine throws one of them away, but the other pony recovered from its injury, and took the other's place.
  303. >After taking a good amount of hits, the alien tries to run away from the conflict.
  304. >The guards notice this, and block its way out.
  305. >All at once they charge it, impaling the machine with their weapons.
  306. >After holding it there for a minute, they drop it onto the ground.
  307. >Sparks are flying everywhere, and the alien loses all color from its lights.
  308. >The leader of the guards approaches you, taking off his helmet, standing at attention, and saluting.
  309. >"Princess Twilight, Captain Humble at your service."
  310. "At ease, Captain. I've just got a question for you. What were you doing out here? Without you and your ponies, who knows what would've happened!"
  311. >"Well, while original orders stated to remain undetected, we were ordered by Princess Celestia herself to keep an eye on you. It isn't smart going in the forest like you did. Things like this can happen."
  312. >He kicks the robot.
  313. >"While I have no idea what it is, it was following you ever since you stepped into that clearing. We waited to see if it was going to make a move, and it did."
  314. >"Now, while I'd love to stick and chat, we need to move. We can't stick around here, not after we destroyed that thing. Exit to the forest is just this way."
  315. >He turns back to his team, and they look towards him.
  316. >"Let's go, soldiers. We need to get out of here as quickly as possible. Remain vigilant, and watch out for more of those things. We don't know if that was the only one."
  317. >"AWHOO!"
  318. >They bang their weapons on their armor, and salute their superior.
  319. >You pick up both the destroyed robot and the object from earlier.
  320. "You girls ready? We should be fine from here on out."
  321. >Most of them look petrified, besides Rainbow, Applejack and Spike.
  322. >Did Fluttershy faint?
  323. >No, she's just really good at playing dead.
  324. >Regardless, you get signs of agreement from them, whether it was a 'yes' or a simple nod.
  326. >Just under twenty minutes later, you finally exit that terrible place.
  327. >As Applejack promised, her brother is there with the cart.
  328. >"Hey there big guy, y'bout fell asleep there?"
  329. >He shakes his head, "Nope."
  330. >"Well good, it's time to head back home now."
  331. >He nods.
  332. "Applejack, you wouldn't mind dropping these off at the castle for me? I've got to take Spike back, and walking all that distance with these things would tire me out."
  333. >"Well sure thing, Twilight! They'll be there before you can count to twenty five!"
  334. "Thank you, Applejack. I appreciate it."
  335. >She playfully hits you on the shoulder "Aww shucks, it's nothin' sugarcube, I'll be heading that way anyways."
  336. >You nod in response, and lift the objects into the wagon.
  337. >Shortly after, the ponies who rode before get into their seats.
  338. >Rainbow flies off, leaving the same way she came.
  339. >The wagon takes off, and the Captain approaches you once more.
  340. >"Princess, would you like for me and my ponies to escort you to the castle?"
  341. >Would be nice to have some company, even if it's just a couple guards.
  342. "Of course, Captain. Lead the way."
  343. >He salutes, and takes his spot by your side.
  344. >His ponies form a perimeter around the three of you.
  345. >You begin to move when you notice that Spike has fallen asleep, leaned against your foreleg.
  346. >Rolling your eyes, you lift him onto your back, and begin your walk.
  347. >Oh, the letter you're going to have to write.
  349. ---
  351. >Fifteen minutes ago, aboard Anonymous' Lucre Hulk.
  353. >"Admiral, sir, I have the most peculiar of news."
  354. >You swivel your chair around to face the droid.
  355. "And that is?"
  356. >"We've lost four of our seven probe teams. The other three are submitting the last of their intelligence."
  357. >How do you keep losing precious equipment like this?
  358. "What the hell? Do you have any footage from the droids before they were destroyed?"
  359. >"Yes, sir. Uploading it to your computer now. From what they were able to report, all but one of the probes were destroyed in one singular part of the planet. The other was destroyed on a completely different continent."
  360. "Interesting. While I observe what their cameras were able to capture, get me anything and everything the probes gathered on the populations of the planet."
  361. >"Yes sir, right away sir."
  362. >You spin around to your computer, and open up the footage.
  363. >From what you can see, the probe landed in a large, flat area with a couple mountains in the distance.
  364. >An ideal place to set down and house your operations.
  365. >However, the camera appears to be at an angle, and near the ground.
  366. >After a couple seconds, the droid starts to move as if it’s being dragged, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.
  367. >This goes on for about a minute, until the droid is suddenly picked up, and thrown into a pile of what you assume are the other probes.
  368. >With the way the camera is placed, you can see two pairs of scaly feet.
  369. >One pair is blue, the other green.
  370. >”You’ve brought me another of these machines?”
  371. >”Y-yes, Lord Ember. It was hiding in the valley, an’ I smashed it up real good. It ain’t movin’ no more, I guarantee that.”
  372. >”Hmph, really? That’s the third one you’ve brought me. It looks like the hunting party is back. Go on, you’ve earned your fill.”
  373. >”Really? You mean it? T-thanks, Lord Ember!”
  374. >The green feet move off-screen.
  375. >As this happens, the blue pair approaches the droid, and the being picks it up, bringing the camera-end up to where you can see it's face.
  376. >It’s reminiscent of a lizard, as you’ve previously thought. It has a long snout, as well as wings.
  377. >”Just what are you? Why do you spy on my people?”
  378. >The droid is barely able to muster up a response, and even then it’s in a code that the creature doesn’t know.
  379. >”Gah, stupid thing. Why did I even try?”
  380. >The creature drops the droid back into the pile, and the footage ends.
  381. >Lord Ember?
  382. >If her people can find and take out that many probes, albeit the droids weren’t instructed to fight back, they could prove useful to you.
  383. >Plus, their land is a perfect place for you to build your FOB.
  384. >Noted.
  386. >You close out of that, and bring up the other video clip.
  387. >As it starts, it seems that the droid is in a much different environment from before. It’s sitting in a forest, observing a group of quadruped creatures.
  388. >They seem to be approaching its drop canister.
  389. >Thy sit there and tinker with it for a minute, but they’re too far for you to be able to make out their voices.
  390. >The purple one is talking to two of the others, motioning towards the canister.
  391. >The others nod, and get behind the opposite side of it.
  392. >After that, the purple one’s horn glows, and in turn so does the drop canister.
  393. >The creatures on the other side push, and within moments it’s out of the ground, and floating in the air.
  394. >So it’s true…
  395. >Just look at that, the midichlorian concentration is so strong you can even see it!
  396. >Perhaps you can grasp the secret of this power somehow.
  397. >The footage cuts, and now the probe is observing the group walking down the forest, getting dangerously close.
  398. >Suddenly, the purple one stops, and looks around.
  399. >The creatures talk to each other again, and the blue one starts to fly close with its wings.
  400. >The probe, in response to this, tries to flee, but is caught by the creature, who goes into a panic.
  401. >Great.
  402. >The probe exits the bushes in an attempt to greet the creatures as a last resort effort.
  403. >As it makes its approach, there is a loud rustling of leaves, followed by more of the creatures emerging from behind the others.
  404. >These ones, however, are armored, and have some form of weaponry.
  405. >They charge the droid, who at this point tries to flee. The probe even attempts to fire warning shots to deter them but to no avail.
  406. >After a short-lived fight, the probe is cornered by the natives.
  407. >They charge it once more, and the probe is immobile.
  408. >The armored beings drop it to the ground, and as all of the systems shut down, the camera focuses on one of them in particular.
  409. >The purple one.
  410. >The footage ends.
  411. >So the purple creature and 'Lord' Ember seem to be two figures of interest.
  412. >You shall keep an eye out for both of them when you make your appearance.
  413. >”Sir, we’ve got the other probes’ information ready. Could you join me at the holotable?”
  414. “Alright, commander. I’ll be there in a moment.”
  415. >Getting out of your seat, you meet FI at the table.
  416. “Okay, show me what you’ve got.”
  417. >The droid presses a couple buttons.
  418. >“It seems that there are various societies around the planet, each comprising of a different race. I have compiled a list, as well as pictures, of the three biggest influences in the world of Equis."
  419. >The droid presses another button and a picture of several scaly creatures appear.
  420. >"There are the dragons, who you saw in the first piece of footage. They generally rule under a pecking order, following one Dragon Lord who in turn proves themselves worthy of ruling over their people. The griffons, an odd mix of feline and avian, are a people who are rather greedy, and have a lust for gold and treasure, similar to the dragons.
  421. >FI brings up an image of a being, looking just as described.
  422. >"They reside in the kingdom of Griffonstone.
  423. >"Finally, the ponies. These seem to be the most diverse and powerful of the bunch, and besides the video, we have no other footage of them. They rule over the lands of Equestria. There are four types of ponies, those being earth, unicorn, pegasi, and alicorn. Earth ponies seem to be the standard of the bunch, just being simple ponies with nothing particularly special about them. Pegasi are like the earth ponies, but they have wings and for whatever reason can stand on clouds. Unicorns are certainly the most relevant to our mission here. They are capable of using the force, which they call magic. It’s been a part of their society for thousands of years, and what keeps them where they are. There are only five known alicorns in existence. Alicorns are a combination of the three previous ponies. They have a horn, as well as wings. They fulfill leadership roles in society, and the five that exist are either princesses, or the daughter of a princess. They rule over the kingdom of Equestria as an entirety. Besides this information, there isn't much we need to know."
  425. >Perfect!
  426. >This is just what you need!
  427. >To start the operation, however, you’ll have to formulate a plan.
  428. “FI, bring up a map of Equis.”
  429. >The droid presses another button, and the map flashes to life above the table.
  430. “Look here. I want to bring a dreadnought down the the planet over each of those three nations, so we can make an impression. Shortly after, I want to meet with the leader of the dragons, and see if we can set up base in their lands. Once I have that settled, I’ll organize a meeting with the other two in the capital of Equestria so that we can work towards our goal. Allegiance of this planet with the Separatist Alliance.”
  431. >The droid thinks about what you said for a moment.
  432. >”A brilliant strategy, sir. I shall give out the orders to the fleet immediately, and I shall have your ship prepared for launch.”
  433. “Good, commander. Inform me when it’s ready, I’m off for a drink.”
  434. >With that, you turn off the holotable, and leave the bridge.
  437. No, I'm not dead.
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