
Drugging the inn

Jul 5th, 2013
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  1. [17:36] == Hidden_Glimmer [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  2. [17:38] <Arrant_Hold> "Oh, by the way, I'm looking to inquire about a job as a Guard, who would I talk to about that?"
  3. [17:38] <Hidden_Glimmer> Dusk... Dusk something
  4. [17:39] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Sup guys"
  5. [17:39] <Recon_> "Hey hidden"
  6. [17:39] <Arrant_Hold> "Mornin'"
  7. [17:39]  * BlazingSky waves to Hidden
  8. [17:39] <Hidden_Glimmer> "So... what did i miss?"
  9. [17:40] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Give me the news"
  10. [17:41] <Recon_> "ya didnt miss much"
  11. [17:43]  * Arrant_Hold stomach growls "I miss Denny's..."
  12. [17:43] <Arrant_Hold> "And Waffle House, and IHOP... and, McDonald's breakfast hours..."
  13. [17:44] <Recon_> "I miss the sausage mcgriddle"
  14. [17:44] <Recon_> "Never been to a waffle house they were not in my state"
  15. [17:44] <Arrant_Hold> "Mmm... Sausage.... aaaaaaaaahhhh"
  16. [17:44] <Recon_> "But i miss cracker barrel so much"
  17. [17:44] <Arrant_Hold> "It was decent."
  18. [17:45] <Arrant_Hold> "oooo... loved Cracker Barrel."
  19. [17:45]  * Arrant_Hold mouth waters
  20. [17:45] <Recon_> "Best pancakes on earth"
  21. [17:45] == BlazingSky [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  22. [17:47] == Feldspar [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  23. [17:47] == Lightning_Streak_ [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  24. [17:47] <Recon_> "Hey feld and lightning"
  25. [17:47] <Feldspar> "Hey Recon, how are you?"
  26. [17:48] <Recon_> "fine"
  27. [17:48] <Lightning_Streak_> "Hey Recon, how's it going?"
  28. [17:48] <Arrant_Hold> "it's a lot more quiet today. Less violent, thats for sure."
  29. [17:49] <Feldspar> "Yeah, I'ts nice to not be on the verge of a fight"
  30. [17:49] <Arrant_Hold> "Then again, it IS early in the morning."
  31. [17:49] <Hidden_Glimmer> It's almost 6 pm but whatever...
  32. [17:49] <Feldspar> "I suppose"
  33. [17:50] <Arrant_Hold> (huh, its 10 am where i am)
  34. [17:50] <Lightning_Streak_> "I only just got to town last night, not sure what was going on, but it seemed tense."
  35. [17:50] <Recon_> "Were gonna get some captives back"
  36. [17:50] <Feldspar> "Oh, probably becauseof the whole "Inn burning down partially"thing"
  37. [17:50] <Recon_> "that too"
  38. [17:51] <Feldspar> "Really, when are we doing that?"
  39. [17:51] <Arrant_Hold> "Long story. Three Unicorns got horse-napped by seaponys. Whole towns working together to save them."
  40. [17:51] <Arrant_Hold> "Tonight, if I'm correct."
  41. [17:51] <Feldspar> "I heard about High Tide, but two more? Jeez"
  42. [17:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Yeah, Bob and Greensleeves"
  43. [17:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Nothing of value was lost)
  44. [17:52] <Feldspar> "How'd they get napped?"
  45. [17:52] <Feldspar> (hue)
  46. [17:52] <Arrant_Hold> "They went on the rescue mission with us."
  47. [17:52] <Recon_> "And were captured by seaponies"
  48. [17:52] <Hidden_Glimmer> "By Seaponies. Weaklings"
  49. [17:52] <Feldspar> "I'm guessing the mission didn't go well?"
  50. [17:52] <Arrant_Hold> "Horrible."
  51. [17:52] <Lightning_Streak_> "Seaponys huh? I had heard rumors of them while I traveled along the river. Never seen one myself, but I heard they were a nasty bunch."
  52. [17:52] <Arrant_Hold> "Glimmer, they had a sea serpent with them.
  53. [17:53] <Feldspar> "Yeah, I've never seen them myself"
  54. [17:53]  * Feldspar looks at Arrant "A sea serpent? Well balls"
  55. [17:53] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Because that's totally not a total team whipe. Whoever GMed was an idiot)
  56. [17:53] <Arrant_Hold> "I whooped that seaponies ass, but it sic'd her pet on us in retaliation."
  57. [17:53] <Arrant_Hold> (It took Sleeves then ran off, and we where spared)
  58. [17:54] <Feldspar> (We fought a 12 ft tall fungus, that wasn't a team wipe)
  59. [17:54] <Hidden_Glimmer> (>implying a seas serpent would take orders from whimpy sea ponies)
  60. [17:54] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Because it was a fungus, you dipshit)
  61. [17:54] <Arrant_Hold> (>implying Magic)
  62. [17:54] <Feldspar> (Damn man, sorry)
  63. [17:54] <Hidden_Glimmer> (>Implying sea unicorns)
  64. [17:55] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Yes, i'm kinda pissed if you have noticed)
  65. [17:55] <Feldspar> (They could have fish talking powers)
  66. [17:55] <Feldspar> (Sorry mate, didn't mean to get you mad)
  67. [17:55] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Nah, no hard feelings, just hat a shitty day)
  68. [17:55] <Recon_> "What if sea ponies turned their captives inot seaponies?"
  69. [17:55] <Recon_> into*
  70. [17:55] <Arrant_Hold> "I dunno. We'll find out, tonight."
  71. [17:55] <Feldspar> "That'd suck. We'd never get them back"
  72. [17:56] <Arrant_Hold> "I doubt it though. Seaponies are primarily female, to my understanding."
  73. [17:56] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Don't worry ,we'll get them back, and even if i have to rescue them myself"
  74. [17:56] <Feldspar> (They eat the legs off and jam fish into the stumps)
  75. [17:56] <Arrant_Hold> "We have a plan."
  76. [17:56] <Feldspar> "What's the plan?"
  77. [17:56] <Recon_> "I think we could invent a device to make air under water"
  78. [17:56] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Run in, kill everyone, free round at the inn?"
  79. [17:57] <Arrant_Hold> "Me, Green Hoof, Ruby, Silver, and Broken all came up with it last night."
  80. [17:57] <Feldspar> "Sounds good to me. "
  81. [17:57] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Recon, you know we have magic for that shit, right?2
  82. [17:57] <Arrant_Hold> "No, Hidden." (give me a minute to type it out)
  83. [17:58] <Arrant_Hold> "The seaponies seems to be sentient, and aren't normally hostile, until provoked, so we're going to send in a negotiator to try to reason with them. If that fails, we go in, we kick ass."
  84. [17:58] <ChalupaBob> [Appreciates Hidden Glimmer's tsundereness]
  85. [17:58] <Recon_> "We need a source of electricity and we could invent a under water respirator"
  86. [17:59] <Feldspar> "We could use a unicorn for electricity"
  87. [17:59] <Arrant_Hold> "Recon, if we could make something like that, in under a few hours, that would be very helpful."
  88. [17:59] <Hidden_Glimmer> (That feel when i dont know what tsundereness means)
  89. [17:59] <Feldspar> "Just send a jolt underwater"
  90. [17:59] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Recon. Magic. Breathing under water. Stop thinking like a human"
  91. [17:59] <Arrant_Hold> "But, there might be magic, or a potion, or something we could use."
  92. [18:00] <Recon_> "Not all of us are unicorns dipshit"
  93. [18:00] <Hidden_Glimmer> "If you would ask me, we should skip the negotioator"
  94. [18:00] <Feldspar> "Hidden, the only problem is if the magic stops working or never works in the first place we're... sunk"
  95. [18:00] <Arrant_Hold> (Tsundere in a sentence: "S-shut up, i-its not like I like you or anything...)
  96. [18:00] <Hidden_Glimmer> "You know taht unicorns can cast spells on others, dipshit?"
  97. [18:01] <Feldspar> "We'd really be...dead in the water"
  98. [18:01] <Arrant_Hold> "Feld has a point.
  99. [18:01] <Hidden_Glimmer> (OH, thanks arrant. FUCK you, Chalupa!)
  100. [18:01] <Recon_> "We dont even know under water breathing spells!"
  101. [18:01] <Arrant_Hold> (no worries m8)
  102. [18:01] <ChalupaBob> [*Appreciate's Hidden's want to save me despite the salt between us]
  103. [18:01] <ChalupaBob> (Rejects the offer, but appreciates the thought)
  104. [18:02] <ShiningLance> "So what happened that we provoked the seaponies the first time?
  105. [18:02] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Yeah, not knowing spells, like that ever stopped me"
  106. [18:02] <ShiningLance> "This time they were trying to convince Sleeves to jump in."
  107. [18:02] <Arrant_Hold> "We could use weapons, also."
  108. [18:02] <ShiningLance> "Then we became hostile."
  109. [18:02] <Arrant_Hold> "Harpoons, bolts, and spears."
  110. [18:02] <ShiningLance> They provoked us."
  111. [18:02] <Feldspar> "Yeah, she didn't know a materialize spell, but that didn't stop her"
  112. [18:03] <Arrant_Hold> "I wasn't going to leave anyone behind. She got what was coming to us."
  113. [18:03]  * Hidden_Glimmer appreciates felds help
  114. [18:04] <Arrant_Hold> *to her
  115. [18:04] <ShiningLance> "So how did we provoke them?"
  116. [18:04] <Feldspar> "What, didya kill her?"
  117. [18:04] <Arrant_Hold> "I attacked her, because she was trying to take Bob and Sleeve."
  118. [18:05] <Arrant_Hold> "No not kill."
  119. [18:05] <Recon_> "If you can make yourself and some other person breath under water for five minutes ill believe you hidden"
  120. [18:05] <Feldspar> "Ah"
  121. [18:05] <ShiningLance> "So basically what you're saying is, "She provoked us, so we attacked."
  122. [18:05] <Arrant_Hold> "Yes."
  123. [18:05] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Five minutes? Is that all?"
  124. [18:05] <Recon_> "yes"
  125. [18:05] <ShiningLance> "Then how, and in what way, did we provoke them first?"
  126. [18:05] <Arrant_Hold> "We're going to need a lot more than five minutes."
  127. [18:05] <Feldspar> "So, do we have a concrete plan?"
  128. [18:06] <Arrant_Hold> "She would've left us alone if we let her take Bob and Sleeve."
  129. [18:06] <Arrant_Hold> "But like hell, we were gonna do that."
  130. [18:06] <ShiningLance> "BUT!"
  131. [18:06] <ShiningLance> "She was taking Bob and Sleeves."
  132. [18:07] <Arrant_Hold> "Exactly."
  133. [18:07] <Recon_> "Are they only attracted to unicorn males?"
  134. [18:07] <ShiningLance> "In no way did we provoke them first."
  135. [18:07] <Arrant_Hold> "According to a theory, Recon. So far, no one else has been attacked."
  136. [18:07] <ShiningLance> "I think we should walk up and demand our people back, or we take them back."
  137. [18:07] <Arrant_Hold> "Even still, we would of be left alone, if we left her be."
  138. [18:08] <Recon_> "How do we attack under water creatures with land weapons?"
  139. [18:08] == ChalupaBob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  140. [18:08] <Arrant_Hold> "This is why me, broken, green, and ruby made a plan, and I don't want anyone going against it to do their own thing."
  141. [18:08] <ShiningLance> "Even still, we would be abandoning our comrades, which wasn't gonna happen."
  142. [18:08] <Feldspar> "So, we need to be careful who we bring along"
  143. [18:08] <Arrant_Hold> "We need spears, bolts or harpoons."
  144. [18:08] <ShiningLance> "She should've known that."
  145. [18:08] <Arrant_Hold> "Me, Green, and Ruby are going with the negotiator."
  146. [18:08] <Arrant_Hold> "But she didn't Shining."
  147. [18:09] <Feldspar> "Who's negotiating?"
  148. [18:09] <Recon_> "Maybe they're attracted to mostly unicorn males but want only males"
  149. [18:09] <ShiningLance> "How could she not!?"
  150. [18:09] <Arrant_Hold> "According to Green, Checkov, but I'm worried."
  151. [18:09] <Arrant_Hold> "Because she doesn't know us."
  152. [18:09] <Feldspar> "I'd put some faith in him. He's come through in the past"
  153. [18:10] <Arrant_Hold> "There was a theory tossed around, yesterday, that they're using Magic for some reason, but we just dont know what."
  154. [18:10] <Arrant_Hold> "Checkov is a unicorn."
  155. [18:11] <Feldspar> "Oh. That won't work well"(i forgot entirely)
  156. [18:11] <Arrant_Hold> "He's susceptible to her influence."
  157. [18:11] <Feldspar> (That he was a unicorn)
  158. [18:11] <Arrant_Hold> "However, Green thinks, for whatever reason, that they want Checkov for whatever reason. That's why he's going to negotiate."
  159. [18:12] <Arrant_Hold> "And we're there to make sure the Seapony doesn't try anything funny."
  160. [18:12] <Feldspar> "Huh. But if we lose him, we're down another
  161. [18:12] <ShiningLance> With only four people?
  162. [18:12] <ShiningLance> "They have a sea monster."
  163. [18:12] <Arrant_Hold> "The whole village, or at least, whoever can fight, will be waiting behind, to attack, if we need to resort to violence."
  164. [18:12] <Hidden_Glimmer> "You know, if you only go with 3 or four persons, they could just overpower you and take even more hostages"
  165. [18:12] <Feldspar> "We could tie a rope to his ankle. If it looks bad, yank him away"
  166. [18:13] <Recon_> "JH
  167. [18:13] <Arrant_Hold> "We need to find out what they want before we lead a full scale assault on some creature."
  168. [18:13] <Feldspar> (JH?)
  169. [18:13] <Recon_> "How would we speak under wtaer?"
  170. [18:14] <Arrant_Hold> "We're not going underwater."
  171. [18:14] <Hidden_Glimmer> "They have to have a dry place to keep her hostages"
  172. [18:14] <Hidden_Glimmer> "That, or they're dead already"
  173. [18:14] <Recon_> "Or they have magic"
  174. [18:15] <Arrant_Hold> "What we know about the seaponies is that their like sirens back on earth."
  175. [18:15] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I don't know shit about sirens"
  176. [18:15] <Recon_> "Sirens are myths"
  177. [18:15] <Arrant_Hold> "They are. But seaponies are real."
  178. [18:16] <Arrant_Hold> "And they work like Sirens"
  179. [18:16] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Do you even watch the show, Recon?)
  180. [18:16] <Feldspar> "They're a mythical creature. Lured men into the sea with their singing"
  181. [18:16] <Recon_> "Then they eat them i knoe"
  182. [18:16] <Hidden_Glimmer> "You know recon what was also a myth? Dragons. Minotaurs. Serpents, hydras, griffons, SHALL I GO ON?!"
  183. [18:16] <Feldspar> "Targeted ships, all female"
  184. [18:16] <Arrant_Hold> "Enough, for now."
  185. [18:17] <Arrant_Hold> "When Broken, and Green get ready, we'll discuss it further."
  186. [18:17] <Feldspar> "We haven't seen serpents, hydras, or dragons yet though"
  187. [18:17] <Arrant_Hold> "Ahem..."
  188. [18:17] <Feldspar> "Alright"(Same time as always?)
  189. [18:17] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Am i the only one who watches the show here?)
  190. [18:17] <Arrant_Hold> "I've seen serpents. At least, sea serpents."
  191. [18:18] <Arrant_Hold> (i havent been watching the show recently. Havent seen any of s3.)
  192. [18:18] <Feldspar> (No you aren't, but i'm going off what we've seen with our eyes)
  193. [18:18] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Shame on you2)
  194. [18:18] <ShiningLance> [You probably shouldn't]
  195. [18:18] <Arrant_Hold> (save for a few episodes)
  196. [18:18] <Arrant_Hold> (like 3)
  197. [18:18] <Feldspar> Oh, yeah"
  198. [18:19] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Ok then. Unicorns, Pegasi, Alicorns, three more myths we can all agree that they exist and we can draw from that that alot of myyths exist here. For fucks sake)
  199. [18:19] <Recon_> (Only crystal empire dont ruin yourself on twi alilicorn fuckale)
  200. [18:19] <Arrant_Hold> "Now then, whos up for a few drinks. Is the bar being... barkept?"
  201. [18:19] <Feldspar> (yep. Just messin around. sorry)
  202. [18:19] <Recon_> "No"
  203. [18:19] <Arrant_Hold> (yeah, I;ve just seen Crystal Empire and the one with Discord.)
  204. [18:19] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Nope"
  205. [18:20] <Feldspar> "I love it when a plan comes together"
  206. [18:20] <Arrant_Hold> "Well, there goes having drinks."
  207. [18:20] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You can watch everything except the last episode)
  208. [18:20] <Feldspar> (Hidden's right. Last episode was shitty)
  209. [18:20] <Feldspar> "I'll bartend"
  210. [18:20] <Arrant_Hold> (Twilicorn was never a good idea.)
  211. [18:20] <Recon_> 9Last episode was so much shit)
  212. [18:20] <Lightning_Streak_> (Oh it wasn't too bad...well maybe a little)
  213. [18:21] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Then give me a beer, feldspar"
  214. [18:21] <Arrant_Hold> "I need to keep my wits about me. Can you make some tea?"
  215. [18:21] <Arrant_Hold> "if not, just a water, then."
  216. [18:21]  * Feldspar goes to the other side of the bar "Sure hidden"
  217. [18:21] <Recon_> "hard cider"
  218. [18:21]  * Hidden_Glimmer laughs for her self  "Tea, huh?"
  219. [18:22] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Thanks"
  220. [18:22]  * Feldspar hands hidden her beer "here you go"
  221. [18:22] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Thank you"
  222. [18:22]  * Feldspar starts brewing the tea "alright one sec
  223. [18:22] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I know just how to make a fantastic tea, arrant"
  224. [18:22]  * Feldspar hands Recon a mug of cider
  225. [18:22] <Arrant_Hold> "Something strong would be nice. To wake me up, yknow?"
  226. [18:22] <Feldspar> "How?"
  227. [18:23] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Should i help you with the tea, feldspar?"
  228. [18:23] <Feldspar> "Sure. Never made much of it before"
  229. [18:23] <Recon_> "I wonder if i'll get drunk and then kidnapped like green"
  230. [18:23] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Secret engridiences"
  231. [18:23]  * Hidden_Glimmer goes into the kitchen to cook water
  232. [18:24]  * Feldspar grabs herself a glass of juice "Ah"
  233. [18:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It'll be ready in a few minuts, Arrant"
  234. [18:24] <Arrant_Hold> "Thank you."
  235. [18:24] <Feldspar> "Want some water while you wait, Arrant?"
  236. [18:25] <Arrant_Hold> "Nah, I wouldn't be able to drink all my tea, if I do that."
  237. [18:25] <Feldspar> "Ah, alright"
  238. [18:25]  * Recon_ takes a long drink  from his glass
  239. [18:26]  * Feldspar sips her juice
  240. [18:27]  * Hidden_Glimmer comes out of the kitchen with a can of hot tea and some tea cupy
  241. [18:27] <Hidden_Glimmer> *cups
  242. [18:28] <Hidden_Glimmer> "There you go" She puts everything on the table "Anyone else wants a cup?"
  243. [18:28]  * Arrant_Hold takes the tea "Thanks."
  244. [18:28] <Feldspar> "I'll take one"
  245. [18:28]  * Arrant_Hold pours himself a cup then takes a sip
  246. [18:28]  * Feldspar finishes her juice
  247. [18:28] <Lightning_Streak_> "Yeah, I'll second on that offer, need something to take my mind off of all this anyway"
  248. [18:29] <Arrant_Hold> "You said you just arrived here yesterday?"
  249. [18:29]  * Hidden_Glimmer pours tea into a few cups and handing them out to everyone "There you go, guys"
  250. [18:29]  * Arrant_Hold takes a sip of tea
  251. [18:29] <Lightning_Streak_> "Yeah, I've been traveling along the river side before I came here."
  252. [18:29] <Feldspar> "Thanks Hidden, this smells good'
  253. [18:29] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I know, right?"
  254. [18:30] <Arrant_Hold> "Sorry about that. I arrived here yesterday, myself."
  255. [18:30]  * Feldspar sips her tea
  256. [18:30] <Arrant_Hold> "You came at a bad time. Then again, we ARE a budding colony."
  257. [18:30]  * Arrant_Hold sips teas "Of course there'd be problems, in the start."
  258. [18:31] <Feldspar> "Yeah, it can never really start out good. But, it's getting better"
  259. [18:31] <Arrant_Hold> "Still though, with all thats going it, its still taking a toll on us all. But, as long as we work together as a community, we'll survive."
  260. [18:31] <Lightning_Streak_> "Yeah, from what I heard, kidnappings, and burning buildings. Everything seems to be getting better by the looks of it."
  261. [18:31] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Sorry, was in the wrong chat!)
  262. [18:32]  * Arrant_Hold holds up his tea to toast "For Four Cannon."
  263. [18:32] <Feldspar> "Yeah. Nothing beyond that has been too bad"
  264. [18:32] == Chinook-semiafk [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  265. [18:32] <Lightning_Streak_> "Four Cour Cannon!"
  266. [18:32]  * Feldspar raises her cup "to FourCannon"
  267. [18:32]  * Hidden_Glimmer hold her beer up "For four cannon!"
  268. [18:32]  * Arrant_Hold downs his tea, in one large glup
  269. [18:32] <Lightning_Streak_> (Four*)
  270. [18:32] <Feldspar> "Hey Chinook"
  271. [18:32] == Chinook-semiafk has changed nick to Chinook
  272. [18:33] <Chinook> "Hey everyone, looks like I missed something"
  273. [18:33] <Arrant_Hold> "Well, I don't know about you, but I need to brush up on my fighting."
  274. [18:33]  * Feldspar sips her tea
  275. [18:33] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Arrant, roll a 1d20 to check if i overdoes the tea)
  276. [18:33] <Hidden_Glimmer> *overdoesd
  277. [18:33] <Hidden_Glimmer> **overdosed
  278. [18:33] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20
  279. [18:33] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  280. [18:33] <Arrant_Hold> >overdosed?
  281. [18:33] <Feldspar> "Yeah, we were discussing a plan and talking to Lightning here"
  282. [18:33] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Aw shit nigga, dis gon be gud)
  283. [18:33] <Arrant_Hold> (as in what?)
  284. [18:33] <Chinook> "I'd help you out there Arrant, but i'm kinda beat up myself"
  285. [18:34] <Feldspar> (what have you done?)
  286. [18:34] <Hidden_Glimmer> (I used too much from the mica brew, everyone who drank from the the becomes hallucinations)
  287. [18:34] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Ehehe... you feel alright, guys?"
  288. [18:34] <Feldspar> (I thought that'd be on a high roll, since that's what you were aiming for)
  289. [18:35] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20 to resist
  290. [18:35] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  291. [18:35] <Chinook> "What kind of plan? And Lightning Streak?"
  292. [18:35] <Feldspar> !roll d20
  293. [18:35] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  294. [18:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Feld does not resist)(
  295. [18:35] <Feldspar> (No resisting for me)
  296. [18:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Enjoy your trip, Feld)
  297. [18:36] <Feldspar> "it was a... was a... I feel funny"
  298. [18:36] <Arrant_Hold> "Rescue Mission. Long story short, Seaponies horse-napped a three unicorns."
  299. [18:36] <Feldspar> (thanks m8)
  300. [18:36] <Arrant_Hold> (Imma fighter. NO DRUG CAN MAKE ME TRIP BALLS
  301. [18:36] <Chinook> "Seaponies? They're real?)
  302. [18:36] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Shit, i think i might have overdone it... Oh whatever, he'll be fine"
  303. [18:36] <Feldspar> (It's hallucinogenic right?"
  304. [18:36] <Hidden_Glimmer> (It's a pretty intense trip, right)
  305. [18:37] <Feldspar> (She'll)
  306. [18:37] <Hidden_Glimmer> (A bit more and you would be seriously poisoned9
  307. [18:37] <Arrant_Hold> "Yeah, Seaponies. And, she had a sea serpent as a pet, so you can piece together what went wrong"
  308. [18:37]  * Lightning_Streak_ looks down at her drink, and up at Feldspar. "I think I'll pass in the drink"
  309. [18:37] <Feldspar> (Well damn)
  310. [18:37] <Arrant_Hold> "Hold on..."
  311. [18:37]  * Feldspar begins to look around surprised
  312. [18:37]  * Arrant_Hold goes to grab some water and splashes it on Feldspar
  313. [18:37]  * Hidden_Glimmer quickly get's rid of the teacan and the cups
  314. [18:38]  * Chinook shakes his head in disbelief "Just gets stranger and stranger. So who'd they take?"
  315. [18:38] <Feldspar> (lucky my roll wasn't lower)
  316. [18:38] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20 for water to work
  317. [18:38] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  318. [18:38] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Water doesn't help. We trieda lcohol, but that only made it worse)
  319. [18:38] <Arrant_Hold> (fug)
  320. [18:38] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Sorry.)
  321. [18:38] <Arrant_Hold> (is cool)
  322. [18:39] <Feldspar> (nah bro it's cool. just thinking of how to narrate this)
  323. [18:39] <Arrant_Hold> "Captain High Tide, Dr. Bob, and Green Sleeve."
  324. [18:39] <Recon_> !roll d20 to not get drunk
  325. [18:39] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  326. [18:39] <Hidden_Glimmer> (in other news, it would've been very relaxing if you would've rolled a tid higher)
  327. [18:39] <Arrant_Hold> (maybe "doood... the colors... doood.... that horse is talking to me doood...."
  328. [18:39] <Chinook> "Damn, so when's the rescue operation?"
  329. [18:39] <Feldspar> "Oh shit man, the rooms full of horses"
  330. [18:40] <Feldspar> "they're all... staring at me... weird"
  331. [18:40] <Chinook> ".....I really did miss something didn't I?"
  332. [18:40] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Also, it causes a bit aggression. Enough agression to have almost killed 3 ponies in the process. Mostly because of bad rolls though)
  333. [18:40] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Keep playing like that, you're doing great feld)
  334. [18:40] <Arrant_Hold> "Tonight, if I understand, correctly. When Green, and Broken get here, we'll talk more about it)
  335. [18:40] <Arrant_Hold> *"
  336. [18:41] <Arrant_Hold> (4chan go down for anyone else?)
  337. [18:41]  * Feldspar tries to stand up on her hind legs "whymi... why was I walking on all... all fours?"
  338. [18:41] <Chinook> (same)
  339. [18:41] <Chinook> "Hey Feldspar"
  340. [18:41] <Feldspar> "Holy shit dude... that horse, it.. it... spoke!"
  341. [18:41] <Chinook> "How many fingers are you holding up?"
  342. [18:41] <Arrant_Hold> (f5, f5, f5, f5, repeat till death)
  343. [18:41]  * Feldspar collapses on the floor
  344. [18:42] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Ok, maybe it was a bit TOO strong..."
  345. [18:42]  * Arrant_Hold snickers "fingers..."
  346. [18:42]  * Chinook walks over and prods her with a hoof
  347. [18:42] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Can anyone give me some vodka for him?"
  348. [18:42] <Feldspar> "Sh... Shutup horse! You can't talk!"
  349. [18:42] <Chinook> "Neigh way"
  350. [18:42] <Recon_> "We dont have any fingers..."
  351. [18:42] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Alright then, i'll wait till he passed out for it"
  352. [18:43] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to swing at chinook
  353. [18:43] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  354. [18:43] <Hidden_Glimmer> (hue)
  355. [18:43]  * Feldspar flails her arms wildly
  356. [18:43]  * Chinook backs up slightly
  357. [18:43]  * Lightning_Streak_ looks around the bar. "Things just get weirder and weirder."
  358. [18:43] <Chinook> "Was there a bee or something?"
  359. [18:43]  * Arrant_Hold looks at Feldspar and says "KAWASAKI!"
  360. [18:44] <Feldspar> "Yeah... you better... you better  back up! I'ma j... jedininja"
  361. [18:44]  * Hidden_Glimmer stares at Arrant "Uhh... maybe you had a bit too much from the tea..."
  362. [18:44] <Chinook> "A Jedi Ninja?"
  363. [18:44] <Arrant_Hold> "Nah, I'm just messing with Feld."
  364. [18:44] <Chinook> "Tea?! You did this with Tea?"
  365. [18:44]  * Feldspar looks at Arrant "TERIYAKI!"
  366. [18:44] <Arrant_Hold> "You never seen Fear and Loathing?"
  367. [18:45]  * Hidden_Glimmer smiles awkwardly "He he he heee....."
  368. [18:45] <Chinook> ""
  369. [18:45] <Arrant_Hold> "Oh... then you wouldn't get the joke..."
  370. [18:45] <Feldspar> "!rolld20 to balance on hind legs
  371. [18:45] <Feldspar> !roll d20
  372. [18:45] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  373. [18:45] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It was that "special"  blend i learned from able..."
  374. [18:45] <Arrant_Hold> your so drunk you cant even roll right
  375. [18:46] <Chinook> "Well that it explains it then"
  376. [18:46] <Hidden_Glimmer> (He's not drunk, he's high)
  377. [18:46]  * Feldspar tries to stand, collapses back on the ground
  378. [18:46]  * Arrant_Hold helps Feld, if he cans
  379. [18:46] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20
  380. [18:46] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  381. [18:46] <Arrant_Hold> (eh, similar effects)
  382. [18:46] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Not if you give him alcohol now)
  383. [18:46] <Feldspar> "Thanks dude.. Holy shit! You... you're a horse!"
  384. [18:47] <Recon_> "lol wut"
  385. [18:47] <Arrant_Hold> "We can't stop here, this is bat county!"
  386. [18:47]  * Hidden_Glimmer whispers to herself "I hoped i would drug more people, but whatever"
  387. [18:47] <Feldspar> "Bat... Bat country? NOOOOOO!"
  388. [18:47] <Chinook> "I need a water, got some stuff to do"
  389. [18:48]  * Feldspar flails her arms
  390. [18:48] <Arrant_Hold> "Calm down will you, just lie down for a moment!"
  391. [18:48] <Hidden_Glimmer> "How about tea instead? 50/50 chance for a trip"
  392. [18:48]  * Arrant_Hold helps Feld lie down
  393. [18:48] <Feldspar> "Now... now the colors are getting ...weird"
  394. [18:48] <Hidden_Glimmer> (inb4 foaming mouth)
  395. [18:48] <Arrant_Hold> (roll for dis?)
  396. [18:48] <Chinook> "Sure what the hell"
  397. [18:48] <Hidden_Glimmer> (No)
  398. [18:48]  * Recon_ finishes cider
  399. [18:48] <Chinook> (d20?)
  400. [18:48] <Recon_> !rolld 20 to not be tipsy
  401. [18:48]  * Hidden_Glimmer gives Chinook a cup of tea
  402. [18:49] <Arrant_Hold> "Don't worry, it'll all be ogre soon."
  403. [18:49] <Recon_> !roll d20 to not be tipsy
  404. [18:49] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  405. [18:49]  * Arrant_Hold fans Feld with a cloth
  406. [18:49] <Chinook> !roll 1d20 take a sip
  407. [18:49] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  408. [18:49]  * Recon_ gets up
  409. [18:49] <Feldspar> "OGRES? Ah shit.. NO!"
  410. [18:49] <Recon_> "I gots to go now..."
  411. [18:49] <Chinook> "........"
  412. [18:49] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Why would you rol lto sip your tea...)
  413. [18:49] <Arrant_Hold> "Did you have really to over do it, Glimmer?"
  414. [18:49] <Recon_> "I'll be back in a bit"
  415. [18:49] <Chinook> (rolling for effects)
  416. [18:49]  * Recon_ leaves
  417. [18:50] <Feldspar> "Shrek's coming!"
  418. [18:50] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You roll for effects but nor for drinking, silly)
  419. [18:50] <Feldspar> "I won't let you take me!"
  420. [18:50]  * Arrant_Hold puts on accent "DONKEY!"
  421. [18:50] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to swing at Arrant
  422. [18:50] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  423. [18:50] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Otherwise you would be poisoned right now with that roll)
  424. [18:50] <Chinook> (Sweet, 2nd chance at not winding up in a gutter)
  425. [18:50] <Chinook> (5/10 hp would not like that)
  426. [18:50]  * Feldspar continues to flail
  427. [18:51]  * Arrant_Hold whispers to Feld "this is  the part where you run away..."
  428. [18:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Roll it, faggot!)
  429. [18:51]  * Chinook takes a sip
  430. [18:51] <Chinook> !roll 1d20 for effects
  431. [18:51] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  432. [18:51] <Feldspar> "NO! AAAAAAAH!"
  433. [18:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Too bad, only a heavy trip)
  434. [18:51] <Chinook> (oh boy)
  435. [18:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Enjoy)
  436. [18:51] <Chinook> "......."
  437. [18:51]  * Arrant_Hold tries not to laugh at his shenanigans
  438. [18:52] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20 to hold back laughter
  439. [18:52] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  440. [18:52]  * Chinook does a thousand yard stare
  441. [18:52] <Feldspar> (how much longer should I do this? I've got some more stuff to write if needbe)
  442. [18:52]  * Arrant_Hold cackles like a manic
  443. [18:52]  * Feldspar begins to laugh uncontrollably
  444. [18:52] <Chinook> (make a hasty exit, claiming you need have an epiphany)
  445. [18:52] <Arrant_Hold> (i think you can stop, but thats just me. Otherwise, you're doing great, keep it up)
  446. [18:53] <Arrant_Hold> (shits halirous)
  447. [18:53] <Chinook> "Guys"
  448. [18:53] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Well, i don't know. iI usually pass out from poisoning or magic exploding in my face by now....)
  449. [18:53] == Recon_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  450. [18:53] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Yeah?" She asks with excitement
  451. [18:53] <Chinook> "I need help"
  452. [18:53]  * Feldspar looks at her arm "holy shit! I'ma... I'ma FURRY!!"
  453. [18:54] <Arrant_Hold> "No, you're FURY. There's difference."
  454. [18:54] <Chinook> "There's this thing"
  455. [18:54] <Feldspar> (No magic, ride won't end just yet)
  456. [18:54]  * Hidden_Glimmer takes out paper and quill out of her saddlebag "Tell me everything. Are you feeling unusual? Do you see any giant lobsters?"
  457. [18:54] <Chinook> "It's been bugging me for like 3 weeks"
  458. [18:54] <Chinook> "ARGH! HIDDEN WHERE DI YOU COME FROM!"
  459. [18:54] <Feldspar> "Lobsters man! They're... they're the new sith!"
  460. [18:54]  * Chinook cowers in fear
  461. [18:54] <Arrant_Hold> "No, not mythological being. you are the pure definition of Fury! THE EMBODYMENT OF RAGE!"
  462. [18:55] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, don't worry about me. It's all about you now."
  463. [18:55] <Arrant_Hold> "NOW GET ANGRY!"
  464. [18:55] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to go hulk
  465. [18:55] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  466. [18:55] <Chinook> "Me?"
  467. [18:55] <Chinook> "What about me?"
  468. [18:55] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Yeah, how are you?" She scribbles notes on her paper
  469. [18:55]  * Feldspar springs through the air... and crashes in a heap
  470. [18:56]  * Chinook looks at Hidden, then starts rocking back and forth
  471. [18:56] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to swing at imaginary foe
  472. [18:56] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  473. [18:56] <Chinook> "How is Chinook? Hmmm"
  474. [18:56]  * Feldspar sings at an unseen force, Cheering in victory
  475. [18:56] <Chinook> "I like what you've done with the place"
  476. [18:57] <Feldspar> "HULK SMASH!"
  477. [18:57] <Arrant_Hold> (felds face when
  478. [18:57] <Chinook> "Yeah yeah yeah, the whole melting walls thing looks fuckin dope"
  479. [18:57] <Chinook> "How'dya do that?"
  480. [18:57] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Magic" /She iggles
  481. [18:58] <Hidden_Glimmer> *giggles
  482. [18:58] <Chinook> "Sheeeeeit"
  483. [18:58] <Feldspar> "30 experience gained! WOO!"
  484. [18:58] == Quicksilver_ [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  485. [18:58]  * Chinook gasps
  486. [18:58] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Uhh... hey Arrant, everything's alright over there?"
  487. [18:58] <Feldspar> "OH NO! IT'S THE SITH OVERLORD!"
  488. [18:58] <Chinook> "Watch this watch this"
  489. [18:59] <Feldspar> "COUNT DOOKI!"
  490. [18:59]  * Quicksilver_ peers in through an open window before jumping through
  491. [18:59]  * Arrant_Hold makes lightsaber noise
  492. [18:59] <Arrant_Hold> "SO, we meet again, young jedi."
  493. [18:59] <Chinook> "Hidden! Did you see that?!"
  494. [18:59] <Feldspar> "AHH! He's gonna get me!"
  495. [18:59] <Hidden_Glimmer> "oh, ehh, hi Quick! How're you doing? Do you want some tea?2
  496. [18:59] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to fight Arrant
  497. [18:59] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  498. [18:59]  * Arrant_Hold hums Duel of the Fates in "da dun na nas"
  499. [19:00] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, uh, yea, i saw that Chinook. So awesome!"
  500. [19:00] <Chinook> "watch this watch this watch this watch this"
  501. [19:00]  * Quicksilver_ moves over to Hidden "Um yeah sure... what is going on here?"
  502. [19:00] <Arrant_Hold> "you can't win, Feldspar. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
  503. [19:00] <Chinook> "Did you see that Quicksilver? Amazing"
  504. [19:00]  * Hidden_Glimmer brings silver a cup of tea. "Oh, nothing, they're just... drunk, yeah."
  505. [19:00]  * Feldspar attempts to get up to fight Arrant, only to trip over nothing, smashing her face into a table
  506. [19:00] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Wow, hoiw do you do that Chinook?"
  507. [19:00]  * Lightning_Streak_ looks around the bar, bewildered and yet somewhat amused at what she is seeing. She giggles to herself, "What a lively bunch they are. I think I can get used to this."
  508. [19:01]  * Hidden_Glimmer whispers to silver "Just ignore him"
  509. [19:01] <Chinook> "Drunk? My lady I have not been...been drinkininining"
  510. [19:01] <Arrant_Hold> "Feldspar, Obi Wan never told you about your father, did he?"
  511. [19:01] <Feldspar> "You'll never defeat the BANANNA REPUBLIC!"
  512. [19:01] <Feldspar> !roll d4
  513. [19:01] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Hello new face, want some tea?"
  514. [19:01] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  515. [19:01]  * Quicksilver_ looks back at Hidden "Ok sure... I guess"
  516. [19:01] <Arrant_Hold> "Feldspar, I AM YOUR FATHER!"
  517. [19:01]  * Quicksilver_ focus's on her tea and tries to levitate the cup
  518. [19:01] <Chinook> "See? When I tap the table"
  519. [19:02]  * Feldspar smashes her head on the table, sure to leave  bruise
  520. [19:02] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  521. [19:02] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  522. [19:02]  * Hidden_Glimmer hands Quicksilver a cup of still hot tea. It smells like grass
  523. [19:02] <Chinook> "It ripples like water"
  524. [19:02] <Feldspar> "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  525. [19:02]  * Quicksilver_ grins as the cup levitates "Hah you seeing this guys. My magic is back!"
  526. [19:02]  * Feldspar collapses on the ground flailing wildly
  527. [19:02]  * Chinook stares at the the table, watching the ripple travel through the whole room and through everyone else
  528. [19:02] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Wow. Not bad, Quick, you're getting better at this."
  529. [19:03] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Now try to drink it"
  530. [19:03]  * Quicksilver_ tries to levitate the tea over to her mouth
  531. [19:03]  * Arrant_Hold laughs like a maniac and then goes sit down with the others, and leaves feld alone
  532. [19:03] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  533. [19:03] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  534. [19:03] <Chinook> "Arrant, come here"
  535. [19:03] <Quicksilver_> *and promptly drops the tea down herself*
  536. [19:03]  * Feldspar looks at quicksilver "Shutup horse! Magic... Magic ain't real! And you.. you can't talk!"
  537. [19:03] <Quicksilver_> "gah hot hot hot!"
  538. [19:03] <Arrant_Hold> "Yeah, Chin?"
  539. [19:03] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, too bad. But don'T worry, i still got plenty" She gives silver another cup
  540. [19:04] <Arrant_Hold> "dont do it Silver, its drugged"
  541. [19:04]  * Chinook grabs Arrant's hoof and taps the table with it
  542. [19:04] <Arrant_Hold> "Unless you can handle it"
  543. [19:04]  * Feldspar continues to flail wildly, slowly slipping into unconciousness
  544. [19:04] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, silly arrant. You shouldn't believe drunks."
  545. [19:04] <Chinook> "You see that?"
  546. [19:04]  * Quicksilver_ smiles sheepishly "Thanks Hidden... What did you say Arrant?"
  547. [19:04] <Arrant_Hold> "The tea is drugged, Silver"
  548. [19:05] <Chinook> "....beautiful"
  549. [19:05]  * Feldspar finally falls unconsious, whispering, "For the Bananna Republic!"
  550. [19:05] <Quicksilver_> "D-drugged?"
  551. [19:05]  * Arrant_Hold slowly backs away from Chin
  552. [19:05]  * Hidden_Glimmer hisses at arrant "Shush!"
  553. [19:05] <Arrant_Hold> "Yeah, just look at Chin and Silver over there
  554. [19:05] <Chinook> "WHOA YOU;RE SHRINKING!"
  555. [19:05] <Chinook> "ARE YOU OKAY?"
  556. [19:05] <Arrant_Hold> "I don't want to deal with another one tripping balls!"
  557. [19:05]  * Quicksilver_ looks at Hidden then at the tea, before leaning down to sniff it
  558. [19:05] <Chinook> "OR AM I GETTING BIGGER?"
  559. [19:06] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Roll for unusual sniffing)
  560. [19:06] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  561. [19:06] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  562. [19:06] <Arrant_Hold> "No, Chin, your eyes are getting lower."
  563. [19:06] <Quicksilver_> [oh boy]
  564. [19:06] <Feldspar> (does someone save these?)
  565. [19:06] <Hidden_Glimmer> You smell nothing
  566. [19:06] <Quicksilver_> "It doesnt smell unusual Arrant..."
  567. [19:06] <Arrant_Hold> "Trust me, just look at those two, over there."
  568. [19:07]  * Arrant_Hold gestures towards Chin and Feld
  569. [19:07]  * Hidden_Glimmer goes over to arraant and whispers to him "You and me are going to have a little talk later, now shut up!"
  570. [19:07]  * Quicksilver_ focus's her magic and tries to lift the tea to her mouth hesitantly
  571. [19:07] <Chinook> "NO!"
  572. [19:07] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  573. [19:07] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  574. [19:07]  * Feldspar snores quietly, mumbling about ogres
  575. [19:07] <Quicksilver_> [shit]
  576. [19:07]  * Arrant_Hold whispers back to Glimmer "I'm not dealing with another one!"
  577. [19:07] <Arrant_Hold> "FUCK!"
  578. [19:07] <Hidden_Glimmer> Quicksilver burns her private parts. Once again
  579. [19:07]  * Quicksilver_ again drops the tea on herself
  580. [19:07] <Quicksilver_> "Ah fuck!"
  581. [19:07]  * Hidden_Glimmer whispers to arrant "Then go, they're not your problems anymore"
  582. [19:07] <Quicksilver_> "fuck tea and fuck all it stands for"
  583. [19:07] <Chinook> "Can anyone else, you know, paint the air?"
  584. [19:08] <Hidden_Glimmer> "just use your hooves, silver."
  585. [19:08] <Arrant_Hold> "I literally have an empty schedule today, save for later. Besides, I'm waiting on someone."
  586. [19:08]  * Hidden_Glimmer walks back to the counter and fills another cup
  587. [19:08] <Hidden_Glimmer> "There. Taste it, it's good. Homemade blend" She smiles
  588. [19:09]  * Arrant_Hold glares at you
  589. [19:09]  * Hidden_Glimmer agressively glares back at arrant
  590. [19:09] <Arrant_Hold> [glaring intensifies]
  591. [19:09] <Quicksilver_> "H-home made..."
  592. [19:09] <Hidden_Glimmer> "No, now that you think... I'm not able, you know?2
  593. [19:09]  * Feldspar neighs randomly
  594. [19:09] <Hidden_Glimmer> *not
  595. [19:10] <Hidden_Glimmer> *what
  596. [19:10] <Chinook> "FELDSPAR!"
  597. [19:10] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to randomly scream in sleep
  598. [19:10] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  599. [19:10]  * Arrant_Hold sighs "why jesus?"
  600. [19:10] <Hidden_Glimmer> (hue)
  601. [19:10] <Arrant_Hold> "why u do dis?"
  602. [19:10]  * Quicksilver_ lifts the cup to her mouth with her hooves and is about to take a drink
  603. [19:10] <Arrant_Hold> "why me?
  604. [19:10] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20 to see if she smells the grass
  605. [19:10] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  606. [19:11]  * Feldspar screams, almost at the top of her lungs, "GAME OGRE MAN! IT'S ALL OGRE!"
  607. [19:11]  * Hidden_Glimmer looks stressed
  608. [19:11]  * Chinook runs over to Feldspar
  609. [19:11] <Hidden_Glimmer> But presses out a smile
  610. [19:11]  * Quicksilver_ jumps in shock at Feldspar's scream
  611. [19:11] <Chinook> "FELDSPAR!"
  612. [19:11] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20 to see if she gets more tea down herself
  613. [19:11] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  614. [19:11] <Chinook> "....I can see your atoms"
  615. [19:11] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Three cups in one go, nice job)
  616. [19:12] <Quicksilver_> [saved by the scream]
  617. [19:12] == Liven_Up [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  618. [19:12]  * Quicksilver_ drops the tea in fright and it spills onto her leg
  619. [19:12] <Arrant_Hold> "Just wait for Dusk... and then I can go... HEY, LIVEN! Hows the patients holding up?"
  620. [19:12] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to wake up
  621. [19:12] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  622. [19:12] == BlazingSky [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  623. [19:12]  * Lightning_Streak_ looks at Quicksilver. "You look like your having trouble there."
  624. [19:12] == Foxius [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  625. [19:12]  * Feldspar manages to get up, slowly
  626. [19:12] <Quicksilver_> "Ah fuck me sideways with the moon that hurt!"
  627. [19:12] <Feldspar> "WHAT CHINOOK!
  628. [19:12]  * Liven_Up walks in, dark circles under his eyes befrore taking hisusual seat and faceplanting. "Owww..."
  629. [19:12]  * Foxius walks in.
  630. [19:12] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Uhh... Silver, maybe you need some training in holding cups? Should i get you a bowl or something?2
  631. [19:13] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Or a towel?"
  632. [19:13] <Chinook> "The spirit of the warrior will always be with you"
  633. [19:13]  * Chinook falls down
  634. [19:13]  * BlazingSky awakes from his slumber on the bar "Rgh.. I really need to stop falling asleep in public places.."
  635. [19:13]  * Quicksilver_ smiles at Glimmer "A towell would be nice, and i think i will stick to cold drinks for now"
  636. [19:13] <Arrant_Hold> "hey, Liven, you don't look so good. Rough night?"
  637. [19:13] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, hi blaze, i haven't noticed you! Want tea?"
  638. [19:13] <Feldspar> "Thanks Sorrow, you're a bro
  639. [19:13] <Chinook> "Why is the floor made of mud"
  640. [19:13] <Liven_Up> "You know it...."
  641. [19:14] <Hidden_Glimmer> "ohh, you sure about this, silver? It's really good!"
  642. [19:14]  * Foxius slowly gazes around the pub. "Yeaaah. I think I'll go to the forest today."
  643. [19:14]  * Liven_Up orders a cup of coffee.
  644. [19:14]  * Foxius walks out.
  645. [19:14] <Arrant_Hold> "They're gonna be okay, right?"
  646. [19:14] == Foxius [] has quit [Client Quit]
  647. [19:14]  * Feldspar falls onto the floor and begins to feel it
  648. [19:14] <Feldspar> "Holy shit, it is!"
  649. [19:14] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Sure they will, aslong as they don't harm themselves"
  650. [19:14]  * BlazingSky arches an eyebrow "Tea? What kind?"
  651. [19:14] <Quicksilver_> "Im ok Glimmer, water will do me fine"
  652. [19:14] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I dunno how long they'll be like that btw"
  653. [19:14] == Hot_Pot [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  654. [19:14] <BlazingSky> "Hi, by the way."
  655. [19:14] <Chinook> "We're at one with nature"
  656. [19:14] <Arrant_Hold> "Drugged, Blazing."
  657. [19:14]  * Hidden_Glimmer gets a towel for Quicksilver "There ya go, girl"
  658. [19:14] <BlazingSky> "Drugged? What?"
  659. [19:14] <Chinook> "Like we were meant to be"
  660. [19:15]  * Chinook starts crying
  661. [19:15] <Arrant_Hold> "Drugged tea."
  662. [19:15] <Feldspar> "I'M HIDING! YOU CAN'T SEE M!"
  663. [19:15]  * Hot_Pot walks in.
  664. [19:15]  * Quicksilver_ grabs the towel and wipes off the tea
  665. [19:15] <Hidden_Glimmer> !roll 1d20 throw a spoon at Arrant
  666. [19:15] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  667. [19:15] <Arrant_Hold> "HA! Missed!"
  668. [19:15] <Liven_Up> "Yeah, they'll live, but I neeed them at the clinic for a day or two so I can observe them. I don't know how long they were out of oxygen, so there may be some brain damage..."
  669. [19:15] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Get out! Now!"
  670. [19:15]  * Chinook gets up
  671. [19:15] <Feldspar> "AH!flying spoons man! they're... they're after us!"
  672. [19:16] <Chinook> "NO"
  673. [19:16] <Arrant_Hold> "I'm not letting you poison half the town!"
  674. [19:16] <Chinook> "FELDSPAR YOU GOTTA TAKE A STAND"
  675. [19:16]  * Hot_Pot is shaking, with bloodshot eyes, dried up blood all over her face. She still has nightmare-fuel face on.
  676. [19:16]  * Quicksilver_ begins spacing out as she looks at her good old metal mug
  677. [19:16] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I'm not poisoning them, i'm just drugging them!"
  678. [19:16]  * Feldspar stands up "YEAH!"
  679. [19:16] <Chinook> "There's a point where we say "FUCK YOU SPOON" and this feldspar....THIS is it"
  680. [19:16] <Arrant_Hold> "We need them at their fullest for later."
  681. [19:17]  * Hidden_Glimmer looks at tsilver "Ehh... just act like you dudn't hear that"
  682. [19:17] <Chinook> "It's now"
  683. [19:17]  * BlazingSky shakes his head "Yeeeahh.. I think I'll pass on the drugged tea.."
  684. [19:17] <Feldspar> "SPOONS CAN'T BEAT ME! BECAUSE I CAN FLY!"
  685. [19:17] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It's not drugged! ...Only overdozed"
  686. [19:17] <Liven_Up> "Exactly. Hey, who's serving drinks right now?"
  687. [19:17] <Hot_Pot> "IT'S BLOOD SABBATH'S EVE!! IT'S COMING!!"
  688. [19:17] <Arrant_Hold> (Stand up, righteous brothers. Overthrow the Spoon overlords."
  689. [19:17] <Hidden_Glimmer> "No one, but i can offer you a tea if you wish"
  690. [19:17]  * BlazingSky facehoofs "Overdozed with what?"
  691. [19:17] <Chinook> "It's not drugged its.....enlightened"
  692. [19:17] <Arrant_Hold> *)
  693. [19:17] <Chinook> "Blood sabbath?!"
  694. [19:17]  * Arrant_Hold sighs
  695. [19:18]  * Feldspar jumps up, smashing into the ground and slips back into unconsciousness"
  696. [19:18] <Hidden_Glimmer> "With rainbows and happiness" She says in a sarcastin manner
  697. [19:18]  * Chinook walks up to Hot Pot
  699. [19:18]  * Chinook screams like a little girl and hides in the corner
  700. [19:18] <Hot_Pot> "BLOOD GOD NEEDS HIS TITHES!!"
  701. [19:18]  * BlazingSky leans forward "So... LSD?"
  702. [19:18]  * Quicksilver_ continues staring at her mug, contemplating her earlier misfortune with it
  703. [19:18]  * Hidden_Glimmer fills two cups with the and puts one besides Quicksilver and Blaze "I'll just leave this here, if you want it or not"
  704. [19:19]  * Hot_Pot is laughing maniacally
  705. [19:19]  * Liven_Up slams his hoof down on the bar. "Oi! I was just up all night making sure Featehr Duster and Silver Tongue lived, can you all quit your bitching and SOMEONE get me a fucking Irish Coffee!"
  706. [19:19]  * Arrant_Hold humor hot pot "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD POT!"
  707. [19:19] <Arrant_Hold> "I'll get it, Liven"
  708. [19:19]  * BlazingSky looks down into it, and gulps as he takes hold of it "This isn't dangerous, right?"
  709. [19:19]  * Chinook crawls up Liven_Up "Doc....doc i'm so sorry"
  710. [19:19]  * Arrant_Hold "not that i know what Im doing..."
  711. [19:19] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to MIND-RAPE ARRANT HOLD BY STARING
  712. [19:19] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  713. [19:19] <Hidden_Glimmer> "No, don't worry. We drank it multiple times"
  714. [19:20] <Chinook> "There' justice"
  715. [19:20] <Feldspar> (Did hot pot drink it?
  716. [19:20] <Hidden_Glimmer> (No)
  717. [19:20] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Try it, it's good"
  718. [19:20]  * BlazingSky nods, and slowly brings the cup to his mouth "Okay.." he takes a small sip of it
  719. [19:20] <Arrant_Hold> !rolls d20 to look resist
  720. [19:20] <Chinook> (oh god i hope she doesnt)
  721. [19:20] <Arrant_Hold> !roll d20
  722. [19:20] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  723. [19:20] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Roll, Blazing)
  724. [19:20] <BlazingSky> !Roll d20
  725. [19:20] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  726. [19:20]  * Liven_Up grumbles as he sits back in his chair and waits for his coffee with Kahlúa.
  727. [19:20] <Hidden_Glimmer> (See, told you you'll be fine)
  728. [19:21]  * Quicksilver_ looks over at the tea mug in hesitation
  729. [19:21]  * Arrant_Hold goes make coffee, utterly tramatized
  730. [19:21] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Aaand?" She ascs with anticipation
  731. [19:21] <BlazingSky> (What happens to me, exactly? nothing?
  732. [19:21] <Arrant_Hold> !roll d20
  733. [19:21] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  734. [19:21] <Hidden_Glimmer> (No, you did a good roll)
  735. [19:21]  * Quicksilver_ lifts the tea in her hooves and brings it to her mouth
  736. [19:21] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  737. [19:21] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  738. [19:21] <Chinook> "if anyone needs me, I'll be looking at my eyelids"
  739. [19:21] <Hot_Pot> (You are min-raped now.)
  740. [19:21] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You just feel happy and relaxed)
  741. [19:21] <Quicksilver_> [not again]
  742. [19:21]  * BlazingSky smacks his lips "Hmm.. Not too bad.." he brings the cup up for another sip
  743. [19:21] <Hot_Pot> (You failed resistance twice...)
  744. [19:22] == Rain_Drop [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  745. [19:22] <Hidden_Glimmer> "See, Quick, Blazing likes it. Go on, try it"
  746. [19:22] <Arrant_Hold> (i dont know how to act mind raped, just be act scared?)
  747. [19:22] <Chinook> "I can't see anything"
  748. [19:22]  * Rain_Drop walks into the bar yawning a bit
  749. [19:22] <Hot_Pot> (Okay...)
  750. [19:22] <Rain_Drop> "Heyo fellows..."
  751. [19:22] <Chinook> "Like when I try to look at my eyelids. I can't see anything"
  752. [19:22] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, hello Rain. You know what helps against sleepiness? Tea. Here, i'll give you a cup"
  753. [19:23] <Chinook> "Do I even have eyelids?"
  754. [19:23] <BlazingSky> "Yeah, it's not so bad, Quick"
  755. [19:23]  * Quicksilver_ waves at Rain as she tries to pick up the tea again
  756. [19:23]  * Arrant_Hold is utterly traumatized and cannot speak, and fucks up the coffee
  757. [19:23] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20
  758. [19:23] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  759. [19:23]  * Hidden_Glimmer fills a cup and puts it on the table, looking at rain
  760. [19:23]  * Liven_Up impatiently taps his hooves on the bar.
  761. [19:23]  * Quicksilver_ lifts the tea to her mough and takes a sip
  762. [19:23] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Quick, say what you are rolling for)
  763. [19:23]  * BlazingSky waves to rain, while drinking his tea
  764. [19:23] <Feldspar> (you resisted it)
  765. [19:23] <BlazingSky> ( The tea, I presume.
  766. [19:23] <Chinook> "Liven_Up, are you okay?"
  767. [19:23]  * Rain_Drop looks down at the tea dubiously. "What kind is it? I only remember sweet ice tea from the old world..."
  768. [19:23] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Blaze resisted it. Quick, now you'Re rolling)
  769. [19:23] <Quicksilver_> [i was rolling to not drop it]
  770. [19:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It's someting like that."
  771. [19:24] <Quicksilver_> !roll d20 to see if the tea takes effect
  772. [19:24] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  773. [19:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> (hue)
  774. [19:24] <Quicksilver_> [shite]
  775. [19:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> (too bad for me)
  776. [19:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You'Re ok)
  777. [19:24]  * Arrant_Hold still trying to overcome mind rapage
  778. [19:24]  * Rain_Drop shrugs her shoulders before taking a sip.
  779. [19:24] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 for DAEMONIC DEFORMATION!!
  780. [19:24] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  781. [19:24] <Hidden_Glimmer> (By now, i only managed to drug chinook and feld)
  782. [19:24] <Chinook> (what)
  783. [19:25] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Rain, roll for effect)
  784. [19:25] <Quicksilver_> [so what happens to me?]
  785. [19:25] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20
  786. [19:25] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  787. [19:25] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 ???
  788. [19:25] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  789. [19:25] <Feldspar> (I had fun)
  790. [19:25] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Uh oh...)
  791. [19:25]  * Arrant_Hold didn't overcome mind rapage
  792. [19:25] <Chinook> [you reach nirvana]
  793. [19:25] <Feldspar> (Oh shit)
  794. [19:25] == ShiningLance [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  795. [19:25]  * Hot_Pot 's grow unbelievably sharp...
  796. [19:25] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You get poisoned, Rain.)
  797. [19:25] <Hot_Pot> *teeth grow sharp
  798. [19:25] <Liven_Up> "The fuck do you think? My best friend is missing, I can't go rescue him because I have to take care of the clinic, and last night two other citizens came in after said rescue attempt failed, one of whom is a good friend and the other I have strong feelings , and I was up all night trying to make sure they lived, so what do you think!?"
  799. [19:25] <Rain_Drop> "Wha...what's in this Hidden?"
  800. [19:25] <BlazingSky> (where were you when Rain was kill
  801. [19:25] <Feldspar> (Quicksilver, you rolled 18 right?)
  802. [19:25] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Nothing silver)
  803. [19:26] <Chinook> "I think you're a bit angry Liven_Up"
  804. [19:26]  * Quicksilver_ drinks the tea down, noting the grassy taste
  805. [19:26]  * Chinook starts softly crying
  806. [19:26]  * Hot_Pot lets out a roar!
  807. [19:26] <Arrant_Hold> (come on now, no ones gonna make Liven a coffee?)
  808. [19:26] <Liven_Up> "NO SHIT!"
  809. [19:26] <Rain_Drop> (? well how do I do that?)
  810. [19:26] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 for FURIOUSITY!
  811. [19:26] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  812. [19:26] <Chinook> "I'm sorry!"
  813. [19:26] <Hidden_Glimmer> "uhh... you feeling alright, hidden?"
  814. [19:26] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20 un-mindrape
  815. [19:26] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  816. [19:26]  * BlazingSky scoots away from the brewing Cluster Fuck
  817. [19:26] <Hidden_Glimmer> (You wanted to, arrant)
  818. [19:27] <Liven_Up> "And to top it off after being up all night, I still can't get a fucking coffee because of the bitching going on here!"
  819. [19:27]  * Chinook puts a hoof over his shoulder whilst crying
  820. [19:27] <Arrant_Hold> (and now, hot pot tramatized me. I'm stunned)
  821. [19:27] <Hot_Pot> (Wow, no exorcism yet?)
  822. [19:27] <Chinook> "I'm sorry"
  823. [19:27] <Arrant_Hold> (but I rolled a 12, did that count?)
  824. [19:27]  * Rain_Drop holds her stomach looking back at the tea. "Hidden what did you put in this? My stomach hurts..."
  825. [19:27] <Chinook> (busy watching the walls melt)
  826. [19:27]  * Quicksilver_ goes to take her plants book out of her bad, before she realises Lucyne still has it
  827. [19:27] <Feldspar> (Yeah)
  828. [19:27] <Quicksilver_> "Are you ok Rain?"
  829. [19:28] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Rain, roll 1d4 for dmg)
  830. [19:28] <Hot_Pot> (Yeh, but your head should hurt or something...)
  831. [19:28] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d4
  832. [19:28] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  833. [19:28] <BlazingSky> "You don't look so good, Rain.. You okay?"
  834. [19:28] <Rain_Drop> "Nope."
  835. [19:28]  * Liven_Up gives out a sharp sigh. "Look, it's not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry for, okay?"
  836. [19:28]  * Quicksilver_ ges up and walks quickly towards Rain Drop
  837. [19:28]  * Arrant_Hold shakes his head and goes make coffee
  838. [19:28] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Uhh, don't worry, i got this." Pulls out a bottle of vodka from under the counter"
  839. [19:28]  * Chinook says whilst sniffling "But someone has to be!"
  840. [19:28] <Chinook> "It's not fair"
  841. [19:28] <Feldspar> (Roll good! Get that man some coffe)
  842. [19:28] <Quicksilver_> "Rain, you dont looks so good, Hidden what was in that tea?"
  843. [19:29] <Arrant_Hold> !roll 1d20
  844. [19:29] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  845. [19:29] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh girl, you don't lok good. There, drink as much as  you can as fast as possible"
  846. [19:29] <Liven_Up> "Then those damn merponies who caused this should be."
  847. [19:29] <Arrant_Hold> "Could I get a little help here?"
  848. [19:29]  * Hidden_Glimmer hands over the vodka
  849. [19:29] <Feldspar> (didn't know we had to roll for coffee)
  850. [19:29]  * Rain_Drop leans against the ground curled up in the fetal postion....
  851. [19:29]  * Chinook snaps back up and gasps
  852. [19:29] <Rain_Drop> ""
  853. [19:29] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Drink, damnit!"
  854. [19:29] <Chinook> "Merponies?"
  855. [19:29] <BlazingSky> "Rain, come on, drink the vodka!"
  856. [19:29] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It neutralises the poison!"
  857. [19:29] <Hot_Pot> "SEA-HERETICS!"
  858. [19:29] <Arrant_Hold> (do we have to roll?)
  859. [19:29]  * Quicksilver_ moves next to rain and grabs the vodka from Hidden, pushing it into Rain Drops hooves
  860. [19:30] <Rain_Drop> "What? Alright..."
  861. [19:30] <Chinook> "Wait...what's happening with Rain?"
  863. [19:30] <Hidden_Glimmer> "And you maybe get halluvinations, but that's still better than being dead, right?"
  864. [19:30] <Quicksilver_> "Drink. Now!"
  865. [19:30]  * Rain_Drop gently sips the vodka
  866. [19:30] <Chinook> "RAIN DON'T HEAD TOWARDS THE LIGHT"
  867. [19:30]  * Lightning_Streak_ back away toward the door, away from the cluster of drugged drunks "This all escalated quickly."
  868. [19:30] <Chinook> "IT MIGHT BE A TRAIN"
  869. [19:30]  * Rain_Drop gags at the taste. "This shit burns!"
  870. [19:30] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Not sipping, take some huge swigs!"
  871. [19:30] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Roll, rain)
  872. [19:30] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  873. [19:30] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  874. [19:30] <Arrant_Hold> (do we have to roll to make coffee?)
  875. [19:30] <Liven_Up> (I'd say it's a pretty basic skill so no)
  876. [19:30] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Alright, poison cured. Phew)
  877. [19:30] <Arrant_Hold> (oh, alright.)
  878. [19:31] <Chinook> (just get the man his coffee look at him he's desperate)
  879. [19:31] <Hidden_Glimmer> "You feeling better, Rain?"
  880. [19:31]  * Arrant_Hold "Oi, Liven, its almost done in here."
  881. [19:31]  * Rain_Drop takes a deep swig of the vodka grimacing at the taste.
  882. [19:31] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to overcome the effects and wake up
  883. [19:31] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  884. [19:31] <Liven_Up> "Yeah, thanks."
  886. [19:31] <Rain_Drop> "Bleh, yeah...what was in that tea?"
  887. [19:31] <Hot_Pot> "GIVE ME SOME WATER!!
  888. [19:31]  * Quicksilver_ stands up and walks menacingly towards Hidden "you used the drugged tea from Able didnt you? didnt you?"
  889. [19:31] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, nothing extraordinary."
  890. [19:32] <Chinook> "I need some water"
  891. [19:32]  * Feldspar slowly gets to her hooves, looking around
  892. [19:32] <Liven_Up> "Hold on..." He walkes over to Hot_Pot and gives her a swift back-hoof. "WILL YOU SHUT UP?"
  893. [19:32] <Rain_Drop> "Wait what? Drugged tea?"
  894. [19:32]  * Arrant_Hold walks out, with a cup of coffee and gives it the Liven "here you go."
  895. [19:32] <Rain_Drop> "Hidden is that true?"
  896. [19:32] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Only water, some herbs, uhh... one or two drops from the mica sollution." She has a frightened smile on her face
  897. [19:32] <Liven_Up> !roll d20 for backhoof
  898. [19:32] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  899. [19:32] <Feldspar> "Hey guys, what happened? I feel like i missed something"
  900. [19:32] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to MIND-RAPE LIVEN UP BY STARING
  901. [19:32] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  902. [19:32]  * Quicksilver_ continues to advance glaring "and you gave it to unwilling test subjects, including me, didnt you!"
  903. [19:32] <Feldspar> !roll d20 for unmindrape
  904. [19:32] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  905. [19:33]  * BlazingSky wipes a bead of sweat from his head "Whew.. Nearly thought you were in trouble there.."
  906. [19:33] <Feldspar> (nope sorry
  907. [19:33]  * Rain_Drop stares in disbelief at Hidden. "Isnt that the same stuff that made HP foam at the mouth?"
  908. [19:33] <Liven_Up> !roll d20+3 to resist because zebra nigga
  909. [19:33] <GameServ> (11) + 3 == 14
  910. [19:33] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It wasn't supposed to poison you. Able said it had some benefits for your health in the right dosis"
  911. [19:33] <Hot_Pot> (YOU LOSE!!)
  912. [19:33] <Feldspar> "Hey liven, when did you get here?"
  913. [19:33] <Liven_Up> (How can you fucking mind rape someone?)
  914. [19:33] <Arrant_Hold> "Liven, coffees on the table when you need it."
  915. [19:33] <Chinook> (I think she's a bit giddy)
  916. [19:33] <Rain_Drop> "It felt like you dumped a sack of sledgehammers in my gut Hidden..."
  917. [19:33] <Hot_Pot> (I'M FUCKING POSSESSED!)
  918. [19:34]  * Quicksilver_ has a hurt look on her face "you lied to me, and you lied to Rain"
  919. [19:34] <Chinook> (may or may not be overdoing it)
  920. [19:34] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Well, atleast we know now that you have a sensitive stomach, rain. That's something atleast"
  921. [19:34] <Feldspar> "Hidden, what was in that tea?"
  922. [19:34] <Liven_Up> (Is this nigga serious?)
  923. [19:34] <Arrant_Hold> "This is giving me a headache, I'm going for a walk."
  924. [19:34]  * Arrant_Hold leaves Inn before shouting "HOT POT HAS A PUNNY NAME!"
  925. [19:34]  * Rain_Drop looking angry. "Some of Able's damn drugs..."
  926. [19:34] <Hot_Pot> "I... need... WAATEERRRRR!!!!!!"
  927. [19:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Why do i get shouted at, but Able just get's off free?)
  928. [19:35]  * Chinook puts a hoof over HotPot's mouth
  929. [19:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Uhh, silver, i..."
  930. [19:35]  * BlazingSky stands up, and stands in between Quicksilver and Hidden "Hey, come on, Quicksilver.. We were never in any real danger, right? Hidden had the vodka to netralize the poison"
  931. [19:35] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to resist biting.
  932. [19:35] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  933. [19:35] <BlazingSky> (neutralize*
  934. [19:35]  * Liven_Up angerly moves over and grabs his coffee. "Is there Kahlúa in this?"
  935. [19:35] <Hot_Pot> (NO BIT!)
  936. [19:35]  * Quicksilver_ shakes her head in dissapointment "Glimmer we only test this on willing volunteers who are informed of the dangers"
  937. [19:35] <Rain_Drop> "He could have at least told me what was in the tea instead of just making things up!"
  938. [19:35]  * Hidden_Glimmer looks at blaze. "He's right, i would've never let you in danger without preparations"
  939. [19:35] <Feldspar> "I can get you some liven, I remember where it is"
  940. [19:35] <Chinook> (wait what, are you biting me?)
  941. [19:36] <Hot_Pot> (No. Resistance rolled 20)
  942. [19:36] <Liven_Up> "Please do. This is my only break from the clinic I'm getting today."
  943. [19:36] <Chinook> (oh)
  944. [19:36]  * Feldspar heads behind the bar and grabs some kahlua
  945. [19:36] <Hot_Pot> "VAWAF!!!"
  946. [19:36] <Chinook> "HotPot? Have you been drinking?"
  947. [19:36] <Hidden_Glimmer> "W-well, i-i..." She begins so tear up. "I-i guess you have a point there, Quick..."
  948. [19:37] <Chinook> !roll 1d20 to try and shake off the effects
  949. [19:37] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  950. [19:37]  * Feldspar pours it into a glass and hands it to Liven "Here, it's on me"
  951. [19:37] <Hidden_Glimmer> (I wonder what able would say)
  952. [19:37]  * Liven_Up grabs the bottle and pours nearly half of it into his coffee before sipping it."
  953. [19:37]  * Chinook breathes rapidly
  954. [19:37]  * Quicksilver_ puts her hoof on Glimmer's shoulder and smiles"Just, be more careful in future ok?"
  955. [19:38]  * Rain_Drop quickly softens her angry glare at Hidden. "Look I dont like it when things are slipped to me on the sly. That's why I'm upset Hidden."
  956. [19:38] == Arrant_Hold [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  957. [19:38] == Recon_ [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  958. [19:38] <Hot_Pot> "MO! AH HAVVFF WEEV DWIFFDGN!!"
  959. [19:38]  * Chinook storms over to Hidden_Glimmer
  960. [19:38] <Chinook> "What did you do?"
  961. [19:38] <Hot_Pot> "AH NEFF VAWERV!!!"
  962. [19:38]  * Hidden_Glimmer sniffs "T-thanks Quick" She gives silver a hug
  963. [19:38]  * BlazingSky sets a hoof on Hidden's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her "Yeah just... Try to inform ponies of the poison next time?"
  964. [19:38] <Feldspar> "Why does my head hurt so much? Did I hit something?"
  965. [19:39]  * Recon_ enters and sees hot pot
  966. [19:39] <Recon_> "Aw hell naw"
  967. [19:39] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I-i#m sorry Chinook. I'm sorry to all of you"
  968. [19:39] <Liven_Up> [afk]
  969. [19:39] <Chinook> "Oh great you're sorry. That's great yeah WHAT DID YOU DO?"
  970. [19:39] <Rain_Drop> "No idea Feld let me see if your eyes dilate..."
  971. [19:40] <Feldspar> "No problem. I'm going to go take a nap though. My head hurts"
  972. [19:40] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to CONTINE TO RESIST BITING!!
  973. [19:40] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  974. [19:40]  * Quicksilver_ moves over to chinook "she was perforing an experiment"
  975. [19:40]  * Rain_Drop quickly holds a hoof over Feldspar's eye to check for possible concussions
  976. [19:40] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I-i uhh... might have..."
  977. [19:40] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  978. [19:40] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  979. [19:40] <BlazingSky> "It's okay, Hidden"
  980. [19:40]  * Chinook looks at Quicksilver "...she what?"
  981. [19:40]  * Hot_Pot nibble's on Chinook's arm a little...
  982. [19:41]  * Chinook retracts his arm "ow!"
  983. [19:41]  * Hidden_Glimmer whishes a tear away "Thanks Blazing"
  984. [19:41] <Rain_Drop> "Doesnt look like it to me Feldspar, try to stay awake for a full day though just in case..."
  985. [19:41] <Quicksilver_> "I wouldnt worry about it Chinook"
  986. [19:41] <Recon_> (its a leg not a arm)
  987. [19:41]  * Hot_Pot shakes her head rabidly...
  988. [19:41] <Chinook> "What kind of experiment?"
  989. [19:41] <Rain_Drop> "Will someone get Hot Pot to chill her shit?!"
  990. [19:42] <Chinook> "God, fine Hidden, you owe me an explanation, but not now"
  991. [19:42] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to MIND-RAPE RAIN DROP BY STARING
  992. [19:42] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  993. [19:42]  * Quicksilver_ grins at chinook "a reckless one, but a harmless one"
  994. [19:42] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Uhh, how different ponies react to a low dosis of mica poisoning inside a healthy tea."
  995. [19:42] <Quicksilver_> "now go andd drink some more"
  996. [19:42]  * Recon_ approaches Hot pot cautiosly
  997. [19:42] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to resist fuck yo markers
  998. [19:42] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  999. [19:42] <Feldspar> "What doesn't look like it,rain?"
  1000. [19:42] <Hidden_Glimmer> "It was going well, untill..."
  1001. [19:42] <Rain_Drop> "Concusssion flauahgagon"
  1002. [19:42] <Recon_> "Hot pot calm down..."
  1003. [19:42] <Chinook> "Harmless? My goddamn brains feels like it's in the middle of a tug of war!"
  1004. [19:43]  * Hot_Pot turns her head towards Recon with owl-like movement.
  1005. [19:43] <Hidden_Glimmer> "But you looked like you enjoyed it" She says with a shy smile
  1006. [19:43] <Feldspar> "Oh no, I didn't think that, I just mus'tve smacked my head on something"
  1007. [19:43] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to stare out in the wild blue yonder...
  1008. [19:43] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1009. [19:43]  * Chinook puts his head in hooves "ugh....what else did I do?"
  1010. [19:43] <Rain_Drop> "Its blue"
  1011. [19:44]  * BlazingSky returns to the bar, tempted to take another sip of the tea
  1012. [19:44] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Oh, nothing unusual... The usual trip i guess"
  1013. [19:44]  * Feldspar smiles at Hidden "I feel like I enjoyed... whatever happened. I don't really remember"
  1014. [19:44] <Recon_> "Uh hot calm down we dont want to hurt you..."
  1015. [19:44] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Want some more, Feldspar?"
  1016. [19:44] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to SPONTANIOUSLY BURST INTO FLAMES!
  1017. [19:44] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  1018. [19:45] <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to remember something important
  1019. [19:45] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  1020. [19:45] <Chinook> "Next time? Warn me"
  1021. [19:45]  * Chinook shakes his head in disappointment and walks away
  1022. [19:45] <Hidden_Glimmer> "O-ok Chinook. I'm sorry."
  1023. [19:45] <Feldspar> "No thanks, maybe later. I've got some important stuff to do. I'll take some water though"
  1024. [19:45] <Chinook> "yeah yeah..."
  1025. [19:45]  * Hot_Pot is on fire, but doesn't seem to feel it...
  1026. [19:46] <Chinook> (what is she even doing)
  1027. [19:46]  * Recon_ roll d20  to calm hot pot
  1028. [19:46] <Hot_Pot> ... or be burning up...
  1029. [19:46]  * Feldspar pats Hidden_Glimmer on the back "Hey, cheer up"
  1030. [19:46] <Recon_> !roll d20
  1031. [19:46] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1032. [19:46]  * Quicksilver_ walks back over to Hidden "Hey are you coming with us to the caves today?"
  1033. [19:46] <Hot_Pot> "I AM LEGION!!!"
  1034. [19:46] <Feldspar> !roll d20 to remove posession
  1035. [19:46] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1036. [19:47] <Chinook> "The power of Feldspar compels you!"
  1037. [19:47]  * Hidden_Glimmer seems to brighten up a little "You still want me to go with you?"
  1038. [19:47]  * Feldspar slaps Hot Pot on the forehead "BEGONE, FOUL DEMON!"
  1039. [19:47]  * Hot_Pot is exorcised.
  1040. [19:47]  * BlazingSky curiously looks at Quicksilver "The caves?"
  1041. [19:47] <Chinook> "Hey HotPot?"
  1042. [19:47]  * Hot_Pot now feels the fire on her coat...
  1043. [19:47] <Feldspar> " IN THE POWER OF THE LORD AND KEK, I BANISH THEE"
  1044. [19:47]  * Quicksilver_ grins "Of course Glimmer, where would our group be without you acting as your flashlight"
  1045. [19:47]  * Hot_Pot runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
  1046. [19:47]  * Rain_Drop perks her head up as a thought occurs to her. "Oh hey Chinook when did you want that flying thing again?"
  1047. [19:48] <Hot_Pot> "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..."
  1048. [19:48]  * Chinook perks his head up
  1049. [19:48] <Liven_Up> [back what did I miss?]
  1050. [19:48]  * Hidden_Glimmer smiles a bit
  1051. [19:48]  * Hot_Pot is SERIOUSLY ON FIRE, PONIES!!!
  1052. [19:48] <Chinook> "Whenever you're ready, as nice as HotPot is she can be a bit of a hooful"
  1053. [19:48] <Rain_Drop> (Hot pot acting like a possed demon i think)
  1054. [19:48] <Recon_> "Nothing liven but i just got here"
  1055. [19:48] <Chinook> *handful
  1056. [19:48] <Hidden_Glimmer> "That wasn't funny."
  1057. [19:49] <Liven_Up> "I say let her fry."
  1058. [19:49] <Chinook> "Come on, Doc we've all got our irks"
  1059. [19:49] <Feldspar> !roll d20 for the fire to randomly go out
  1060. [19:49] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1061. [19:49]  * Quicksilver_ chuckles "try not to catch your mane alight"
  1062. [19:49] <Chinook> (brb)
  1063. [19:49] <Feldspar> !roll d20 for the fire to magically go out
  1064. [19:49] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  1065. [19:49]  * Rain_Drop looks over the inn noting all the chaos before turning to Chinook. "Lets just go fly, its getting a little nutty in here..."
  1066. [19:49]  * Hot_Pot falls over, and begins rolling on the floor...
  1067. [19:49] <Chinook> (brb dinner)
  1068. [19:50]  * Liven_Up groans and grabs a conviently placed bucket of water and throws it on her.
  1069. [19:50]  * BlazingSky takes another drink of the tea, hoping that he is still resisting the poison
  1070. [19:50] <Liven_Up> !roll d20 to put the fire out
  1071. [19:50] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1072. [19:50] <Hot_Pot> !roll d20 to EXTINGUISH THE FLAMES
  1073. [19:50] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1074. [19:50] <Feldspar> "Thanks Liven"
  1075. [19:50]  * Liven_Up puts the bucket down and finishes his alcoholic coffee.
  1076. [19:51] <Hidden_Glimmer> "I'm sure there's a friendship lesson to be learned somewhere inside this mess."
  1077. [19:51] <Hot_Pot> "HHhhhhhhhnnnnnnnggggggg..."
  1078. [19:51] <Recon_> (hot pot came)
  1080. [19:51] <BlazingSky> (Thank you for being yourself, Hot_Pot
  1081. [19:51]  * Feldspar finishes the water and heads for the door "Bye Guys! You should make that tea again Hidden, It was good!"
  1082. [19:52] <Liven_Up> "The lesson is; let the doctor take care of everything."
  1083. [19:52]  * Quicksilver_ looks at Glimmer "There is. Never drug your friends without their consent first"
  1084. [19:52]  * BlazingSky waves to Feldspar
  1085. [19:52] <Rain_Drop> "Alright Im just going to go practice flying some more...wait up Feld!"
  1086. [19:52] == Arrant_Hold [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  1087. [19:52]  * Hidden_Glimmer giggles "Alright Blaze, next time i warn you"
  1088. [19:52]  * Hot_Pot lays there on the floor, panting...
  1089. [19:52]  * Rain_Drop trots out the door following Feldspar
  1090. [19:52] <Hidden_Glimmer> *feld
  1091. [19:52] <Feldspar> (Someone make a letter out of this. please)
  1092. [19:52] == Rain_Drop [] has left #FourCannonInn []
  1093. [19:52] == Feldspar [] has left #FourCannonInn []
  1094. [19:52] <Hidden_Glimmer> "Let's get going, shall we silver?"
  1095. [19:52] <BlazingSky> "Thanks, and if you have any other experiments that aren't dangerous, I'll gladly help out."
  1096. [19:53]  * Lightning_Streak_ looks around the room, still unsure of really what happened for the last few hours. "i can tell this town is gonna take some getting use to."
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