

Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Gooood, goooood.))
  2. Tsaaq: ((Okay sorry let me post for you muwah.))
  3. Covet: [Dear god XD]
  4. Tsaaq: Remy sat on his bed, absolutely stewing I assume from Thanksgiving dinner because he hates his family they probably fought or some shit. He stared at the wall while inhaling and exhaling angrily before spotting movement in the corner of his eye. Remy shot his glare to the fat cat waddling into his room. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM SYLVESTER!" He stood up and pointed at the feline. // Hayley had been in the kitchen or whatever helping clean cause no mom, glancing over her shoulder periodically to see where Sasha had gone. // And Sasha was outside talking to his brothers the end for now.
  5. Covet: -Cadence heard Remy yelling as she came up the stairs, seeing a tubby cat waddeling back towards the door. She leaned against the door frame and gave him a soft smile- Poor fat cat, he's just checking on you...or wants attention...cats are assholes. -she told him holding the door open for the cat as he walked out of the room again. Cadence closed the door behind her and walked over to Remy- Anything I can do to help? -she asked tentively-
  6. Tsaaq: "I fucking hate him." He scoffed as he sat down once more. Remy glanced at Cadence before getting up again. "You saw that shit first hand. And nobody cares that she's gone but me." He inhaled deeply before going to his dresser and pulling the drawers open as he searched. "I can't do this shit. I can't be here all weekend." // She stared out the window and glanced into the hall before abandoning the dishes and going down into the basement towards the laundry area, trying to be quiet as she moved.
  7. Covet: -Cadence watched him as he continued to rant and rave. She nodded her head- I understand that you're mad at him. He should have told you guys, I'm sure they all care, they just figure she's where she needs to be to get better. -she told him trying to broach the subject tentitively.- We can always bump up our reservation at the Plaza. -she told him, trying to offer a solution-
  8. Tsaaq: Remy tried to calm his breathing before slamming one of his dresser drawers closed. "If they cared why aren't they suffering like I am?" He asked in a strained voice. Remy crouched down as he searched the cardboard box but it was futile. "I have to go for a walk." He said in a grim voice as he went to open his closet. // Hayley looked up the stairs before going through the laundry bottles, going for the large bottle of bleach
  9. Covet: -She sat down on the bed and watched him as he paced around the room, slamming things- Because, from what I gathered, they all knew about it before now and had time to process it. This is still new for you. -she told him then nodded her head- Do you want any company on this walk? Or just need something to clear your head? -she asked him, biting the inside of her cheek, trying to speak in a calm manner, for his benefit.-
  10. Tsaaq: "Just" He stammered and licked his lips. "Just, give me a second." Remy pulled out his cellphone, texting Esteven really fast and pacing while he waited on the reply. "Just wait here." Remy finally decided answer, his phone rang and he answered immeadiately. "Don't worry babe I'll be back I promise." He told her. "Yo, I have like, forty." Remy spoke in a low voice as he made his way to the door or his bedroom towards the stairs. "It's just this once, while I'm here then I'm not gonna use again." Remy tried to whisper. // She wiped the tears before they could fall from her eyes, unscrewing the cap of the bleach and sighing loudly. It wasn't long until her whimpering turned to sobbing.
  11. Covet: -Cadence looked at her feet and bit the inside of her cheek harder when he told her to wait here.- Kay...I'll just wait here then. -she looked around his room a bit, then figured she could at least help Hayley with the clean up if Remy was going off for a walk. She made her way down stairs, well after Remy went down then, and looked in the kitchen for Hayley. She didn't see her there and saw the dishes were still sitting there.- Hmm...Hayley? -she asked out looking arund wondering if she'd walked off to the bathroom or something-
  12. Tsaaq: Remy jogged down the stairs and looked back for a moment before making a bee line for the door and walking down the path away from the house, past his dad and his uncles talking. He kept his head down low cause he was about to get DRUGS. // Hayley lifted the bleach to her mouth while she cried hysterically. She gasped for a moment and pulled the bottle away looking up at the sound of Cadence's voice. She hyperventilated for a moment, wondering if she should answer or hide. The fumes from the open bleach were making her dizzy.
  13. Covet: -Cadence heard Hayley sobbing downstairs and made her way that direction, still calling out her name- Hayley? Is everything okay? -she asked, genuinely concerned for her.- Remy went for a walk, I figured I'd help you clean up from dinner, until he gets back. -She got to the bottom of the stairs to see Hayley with the bottle held up to her face- Oh my god Hayley, No, stop...-she said reaching out to take the bottle away from her- What the hell are you thinking?
  14. Tsaaq: Remy speedwalked, going to get cocaine from his dealer friend next door, he'll be back next post. // She tried to cover her mouth so she'd shut the hell up but obviously her crying betrayed her. She glanced up at Cadence through teary eyes. Hayley covered her face as she sat on the floor. "Everything hurts all the time." She hugged her knees to her chest. "Everybody would be happier if I wasn't here anymore."
  15. Covet: -Cadence took the bottle from her and put it on the counter, twisting the cap back onto it.- Fuck everyone. -Cadence said shortly glaring a bit, crossing her arms as she sat down on the bottom stair to look at her- I doubt that's what everyone thinks, and there's plenty of people that would be sad about you offing yourself. -she put her hand to her forehead and brushed her hair out of the way- I'm not about to get into the semantics of this conversation unless I know you are actually going to listen to me, and not get pissed off because you don't like what I say. -she said looking at her, giving her a very serious tone- But I will tell you this right now, You are trying to permanently fix a temporary problem.
  16. Tsaaq: He made his way back to the house with a bunch of pep in his step cause DRUGS. Remy jogged up the stairs to his room, seeing Cadence wasn't there he went back down to the ground level. "Cay" He called out. // Hayley tried to wipe her face while wheezing. "I'm sorry." She continued to cry. "I don't want to hurt anybody but I'm so tired of hurting and I'm tired of everything." She told her before hearing Remy's voice. "He hates me." She covered her face with her hands again.
  17. Covet: Then take a vacation, get away from everything that's exhausting you and hurting you. A temporary vacation. -she added- Then, find someone to talk professional as possible. They can help you manage the hurt and pain. As for Remy....-she gave a heavy sigh- He hates a lot of people right now, and has his own demons he's fighting with. He shouldn't be taking that out on you, but the situation you guys are both in right now, it's not easy, and it's not going to be easy, but you can get through it. -she told her, then called up the stairs- Just a second, I'll be back up!
  18. Tsaaq: Remy wiped his nose repeatedly as she replied. "I'm in the kitchen." He shouted and opened the fridge door hastily as he speedily went through the leftovers, eating them with his hands. // Hayley stayed quiet as she remained on the floor, listening to her. She lowered her head with a hint of shame. "Just go to him." was all she whispered, her tears finally calming down.
  19. Covet: -Cadence sighed and looked at Hayley- I'm not going anywhere until I know that you're going to be okay. I'm taking the bleach with me upstairs either way. -she told her straight out and stood up to grab the bleach off the counter- Are you going to be okay? -she asked her again-
  20. Tsaaq: "Where are you!?" Remy asked loudly as he spotted Sasha walking back into the house. "What the hell do you want?" He asked quickly and went back to devouring the food. // "Yeah." Hayley lied as she nodded. "When everybody leaves the kitchen I'm going to go up to my room." She tried to sound convincing as she stood up. "I'll be fine. I was overreacting." Hayley whispered as she went towards the basement bathroom just cry in the tub when Cadence went upstairs. // Sasha glanced at the dishes then back at Remy. "Where's Hayley I asked her to do this shit for me?" He asked as he lit himself a cig.
  21. Covet: -Cadence grabbed the bottle of bleach and made her way back upstairs, setting the bottle on the counter, hearing Sasha as she came into the room- She needs a moment to compose herself. I can finish the dishes up for her though, I don't mind. -Cadence said, doing her best to cover for Hayley, she looked at Remy and shook her head- Walked up quite the hunger? -she asked him as she started in on the dishes-
  22. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "Yeah, I feel so much better. Great even." Remy said with his mouth full as he licked his finger tips. "Ugh she's probably crying over fucking whatshisface, some shit. She'll be fine." He spoke hastily and closed the fridge. "You know what, I think I can handle staying. It fucking sucks because MY MOM ISN'T HERE-" He shouted the last part, looking directly at Sasha. "But I'll manage." Remy lowered his voice again. "How you feeling babe? After the dishes we'll go upstairs?" // Sasha gave her a smile. "Thank you Cadence." He said as he took another pull. "But don't wash the dishes with that, alright?" Sasha chuckled as he pointed to the bottle of bleach. His face went blank when Remy yelled. He put his cig out and went to walk out of the kitchen. "Well, goodnight son." He tried to sound chipper. "And night Cadence." Sasha went towards the stairs.
  23. Covet: -Cadence watched Remy for a second, seeing his complete one eighty mood change.- That's good, I'm glad you've had a sudden change of heart. All else fails maybe we'll go visit her? -she suggested as she started in on the dishes, she looked over her shoulder at Sasha- Goodnight Mr. Berkoff, don't worry, I've got the dishes handeled, the bleach was for something else. -she said off handedly as she waved goodnight to him, then looked back at Remy- Yeah, It shouldn't take me too long to get these done. -she told him starting to crank them out like a good kitchen wench.-
  24. Tsaaq: Remy shamelessly took what was left over of Sasha's cigarette and inahled it. "We could." He shrugged his shoulders, obviously getting a little twitchy. "But then we'd have to invite my stupid sister and just ugh. We can try this though. If fucking Sasha will let me know which rehab she's at." Remy waved his hand as he watched her tend to the dishes. "What was the bleach for anyways?" He asked quickly.
  25. Covet: Eh, if not how hard could it be to hunt her down? We might have to make a few phone calls, but I'm sure we can figure it out. -she said going from one dish to the next. She looked at him seeing that he was shrugging his shoulders more than usual.- Oh, I don't remember now. I'll put it away later though. -she said intending to stash it somewhere else, in case Hayley tries a repeat performance.- I was just lucky I found it when I did. -she added softly-
  26. Tsaaq: "We can try tomorrow, god willing." He rose his hands and finished off what was left of his cigarette. He glanced at Cadence suspsiciously through his high gaze. "Oh okay." Remy said dismissively. "Well we need that for laundry y'know." He said as he went to stand beside her, putting his hands on his waist. "If we go in the basement nobody will hear us." Remy brought his mouth to her neck and kissed her skin before bitting it a few times. "Or we can go in my room and everyone will hear us." He snickered.
  27. Covet: Sounds good. -she said finishing up the dishes and drying her hands, she smirked and bit her lip as she felt his mouth on her neck- Hayley is downstairs, but I'm sure she wouldn't be down there long if we went down there. -she told him turning around- But since when have we let people hearing us stop us? -she smirked and looked him over, trying to pinpoint what was off.- What's gotten into you all of a sudden? -she asked him, leaning up to bite his bottom lip-
  28. Tsaaq: He scoffed a bit when she mentioned Hayley being downstairs. "I don't want to be around that... The things, the things from Harry Potter that suck happiness from you, that's what it feels like being around her. I can't." Remy said all in one breath before pressing his body against hers. "Just the good ol' holiday spirit." He laughed as he pulled her in for another rough kiss. "Let's do it, I'm good for like, a thousand rounds." He whispered to her.
  29. Covet: Then it looks like everyone will hear us. -she told him reaching around to smack his ass- I'm sure she says the same about you, lay up on her a little bit. Not all together, just...a little bit. -she told him, in a soft tone, reaching up to wrap her hands around his neck- You could share some of this holiday spirit you know....-she told him not realizing what Holiday spirit was code for.- Okay, okay...let's go..-she told him slipping out from beneath him, taking his hand and rushing upstairs to his room-
  30. Tsaaq: He laughed and gave her ass a slap right back. "Pfffft." He sputtered dramatically then looked at her, listening carefully. Remy shrugged his shoulders. "I guess." He caved quickly because he was mostly high and thinking about the sex he was about to have. He jogged up the stairs behind her and laughed loudly, closing his bedroom door and shutting off the lights and taking her to his bed for hot loud sexy times.
  31. Tsaaq: ((Wooooo.))
  32. Covet: [Okay....sleeps..I've been fighting off a food coma for hours!
  33. Tsaaq: ((Awwww GET YOUR ASS IN BED MISSY.))
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