
Gardener Anon - Unknown

Jan 1st, 2015
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  1. Original Author: Anonymous Sat 27 Dec 2014 14:23:32 No.21173541
  2. >Be a slightly broke Anon.
  3. >When you came to this world of crazy horses, you thought it would be paradise to live in Canterlot.
  4. >And you were right, until you run out of bits.
  5. >Now you've been job hunting and the best one with the most constant pay is: Gardening.
  6. >Wooo.
  7. >From the add in the paper, it truly doesn't seem so bad.
  8. >Work outdoors, 14 bits per hour, with promises of raises quickly.
  9. >It actually was in the castle, so it can't be that bad.
  10. >You're in a rather cushy looking office, talking to the interviewer.
  11. >"So you have no prior gardening experience?"
  12. "Unfortunately not, but I am fairly confident that I will be able to learn quickly."
  13. >She raises an eyebrow to that, but doesn't seem to actually look questioning.
  14. >"So Mr.Anonymous, what would you do if I could tell you that you could make 17 bits per hour, as soon as you get the job."
  15. "I would say, 'yes, please'."
  16. >A large smile crosses her face, and she hands over a large piece of paper.
  17. >"Well, as luck would have it, we have an opening in our rare and exotic part of our garden."
  18. >As you skim the paper, it looks like a non-disclosure agreement, that seems particularly tailored to you.
  19. "I will do what my employer asks, and be sure to entertain the guests of the garden?"
  20. >"Well, there are dignitaries that enjoy seeing exotic animals, or animals that they have in their home country."
  21. "But the "entertain" part.."
  22. >"It won't be much more then acting as a butler for a minute or so."
  23. >While you're not so sure about signing, you were jumping at the chance of 14 bits per hour, so 17 does have you frothing at the mouth.
  24. >How bad can it be?
  26. >As you make your way down the garden path, you chat with your interviewer.
  27. "So who will my new boss be?"
  28. >"Well, you will be working with a Ms. Stonesworth. She's a very capable and understanding pony, but it might be difficult with her."
  29. "What do you mean by that?"
  30. >"She deals with strange things every day and has a, hmmm, dislike for the larger animals."
  31. "And you think she'll see me as a large animal?"
  32. >She doesn't reply, but gets consistently closer to you, as you pass by some larger animals.
  33. "At the least, apparently I'm good protection."
  34. >She smiles nervously at that, looking up at you.
  35. >"Well I'm not scared, it's just protection in numbers."
  36. >While they all look docile, you did glimpse some bears, and what you thought was a phoenix.
  37. >Neat.
  38. >As you round some hedges you notice the sheer attention to detail on the pruned hedges.
  39. >You didn't see a single leaf cut, but rather just the branches themselves.
  40. >"Do you see that building at the end of the path?"
  41. >It's hidden by some trees, fully in the shade.
  42. "Yes."
  43. >"It's the lunch break now, so all the employee's will be in there. Including Ms. Stonesworth."
  44. >You turn to the pony, and perform a sort of bow, to be able to shake her hoof.
  45. >"Good luck. If you ever want to be re-assigned, come see me."
  46. >With that, the interviewer walks away, leaving you slightly confused as you turn towards the shed.
  47. >Before you turn the handle, you breathe in.
  48. >As you open the door, you get hit with a corn broom.
  49. >"Out! Out, this is MY food!"
  50. >You grab the broom by the handle, and feel the magic leave it.
  51. "Hey, I don't mean any harm, I'm just here about a job."
  52. >As you set down the broom, you take a look at your new boss.
  53. >She has a dark brown color on both her fur and mane, except for her cutie mark, which looks to be a large ruby.
  54. >She looks to be an older unicorn, but she still looks quite spry.
  55. >Judging by how hard she hit you, she's certainly not old-old.
  57. >"Well, i'm certainly sorry for hitting you, little colt, but do you really think you could keep up with the job?"
  58. "I'm fairly certain."
  59. >You pass her a resume, showing where you had worked had been mainly construction, and other heavy lifting.
  60. >She reads the resume, looks at you, and reads it again.
  61. >"Well, then, mister Anonymous, I think we can start working."
  62. "Wonderful. Can I sit down?"
  63. >She magics up her sandwich and waves her hoof at you.
  64. >"Please, please, sit down."
  65. >"Thank you."
  66. >She continues to munch on her sandwich idly, but seems to truly be looking at you with interest.
  67. >"Soooo, I take it you're not from around here?"
  68. "No, I actually think I got put with you because I'm 'exotic'."
  69. >You see that she smiled at that, but looked away from you when she did.
  70. >"Well, we do have quite a few 'exotics' around here. But it'll certainly be nice to have one that is sentient. And command-able."
  71. >She finishes her sandwich, gets up, stretches, then opens a door into what looks to be a tool shed.
  72. >"Grab the shovel. We have to clean up after the bears."
  73. "Alright."
  74. >"Bears, dear. We're going to be dealing with bears."
  75. "They looked pretty calm to me."
  76. >She looks at you quizzically, but grabs a shovel herself.
  77. >It wasn't much work, cleaning up after the bears.
  78. >You've scooped dog shit before, and considering how tame they were, you couldn't believe that Ms. Harshstone thought you couldn't keep up.
  80. >You are that gardener Anon from earlier in the thread
  81. >It turns out that your new boss has a speech impediment
  82. >When she said "bears" she actually meant "mares"
  83. >So you end up shoveling the trash they left lying around after a party
  84. >And shoo away the bears that are trying to eat from the rubbish bins
  85. "Go on, shoo! You're making a mess!"
  86. >"[BEAR NOISES]"
  87. "Go on, SCRAM!"
  88. >The bear ignores you
  89. >Now hat did they tell you about bears in the scouts?
  90. "If an animal gives you trouble, shout and beat it until it stops"
  91. >You grip your shovel like a bat and smack it against the head of the bear with all your strength
  92. >PANG!
  94. >The bear isn't getting out of here
  95. >You swing again
  97. >You feel something spray onto you from the bears direction
  98. >You look at the bear and see that you've accidentally decapitated it
  99. >Must have hit it with the wrong part of the shovel
  100. >You really hope bears aren't expensive to replace.
  102. >Still, she still was seeming to test you.
  103. >After the bears, you went to clean out the koi pond by hand.
  104. >Although the filter was filled with fish shit, having hands to shake the crap out didn't prove too challenging.
  105. >Ms. Stonesworth might have critiqued you all the way through, but it was clear she was flaunting her seniority, giving you the tough jobs.
  106. >"Alright, Mister Anonymous, now it's time to feed the animals. You can handle the carnivores, I'll take the herbivores?"
  107. "Sounds fine to me."
  108. >As she leads you to a fridge with various cooled meats inside, she speaks up.
  109. >"A lot of my old employees hated working with the carnivores. They were always afraid they'd be gobbled up!"
  110. "To be honest, I've seen shih-tzu's with more bite then those bears."
  111. >"What's a shit zu?"
  112. >She seems genuinely curious, leaning in slightly.
  113. "A kind of dog. They're really tiny, and have no real use."
  114. >"Why keep them then?"
  115. "They're a fashion statement, and somewhat cute."
  116. >While your worker stands there, you reach in and grab a portioned out piece of meat.
  117. >Holding it up, you turn to her.
  118. "So how much meat am I going to need?"
  119. >You watch as a little color drains from her face, and realize you're dealing with herbivores now.
  120. "Sorry, sorry. I guess that makes you uneasy?"
  121. >She looks down, seemingly gulping.
  122. >"Not as much as most mares, and certainly not as much as most past employees. But if you could keep it off the floor, that would be appreciated."
  123. "Off the floo- oh crap, sorry."
  124. >You had accidentally made a small puddle of meat drippings on the floor.
  125. >As you set the meat back in the fridge, you look at Stonesworth.
  126. "Don't worry, I'll clean it up. And uh, how many portions do you need?"
  127. >She snaps out of looking at the floor, and looks straight into your eyes.
  128. >"Yeah, yeah you will. And just one large piece of meat for each bear, tiger and lion and one bag of cut meat for the wolves."
  130. >She certainly was angry when she started talking, but then switched into a tone as if she was reading a shopping list.
  131. >"You can grab the wheelbarrow from out back. It has red tape on the handles, its only for meat transfer."
  132. >When you returned to the door with the wheelbarrow, she had hooked herself up to a small wagon, and was pulling what looked like hay.
  133. >As she saw you coming towards her, she pulled a key seemingly from the haystack and threw it towards you with her magic.
  134. >"That key unlocks the gate to the carnivore section. Pull the meat in, lock the door behind you."
  135. >As you look down and pocket the key, she whistles at you.
  136. >"Hey! Make sure you don't leave the door unlocked. We don't want the wolves getting out. The bears can be dealt with, wolves just, just run you down quick."
  137. >You look at her and nod, watching as she strains her body, finally easing the cart along.
  138. >Right before you actually start moving, she calls out again.
  139. >"Remember, lock the door and watch yourself! They get aggressive when there's meat in the air!"
  140. >As you head off to the carnivore's, you can't help but feel a little giddy.
  141. >You haven't had the funds to have a dog, and you miss your old dog from back home.
  142. >Sure, they might be wolves, but they're from the same genetic family.
  143. >As you come across to a golden, gilded gate, you see a sign that says : Carnivores! Proceed at your own risk!
  144. >You had the key in your hand, but you hesitantly look through the gate.
  145. >It's a very large space, from what you can tell by the walls, but the hedges prevent easy sight of the animals.
  146. >As you take a deep breath, you slam the key in the door, feel the tumblers give, and throw open the door.
  147. >Aside from the loud clang of the door hitting the gate, nothing interesting happens.
  148. >You walk back, grab the wheelbarrow, and push it through the gate.
  149. >When you turn around to lock the gate, a loud grumble is heard.
  151. >Spinning on the spot, you see a bear with white on his chest, looking at you.
  152. "Fuuuuuuck."
  153. >You tense, but the bear just looks at you as you grab some meat.
  154. "Comon. Do something."
  155. >He looks at you blankly.
  156. "Uhh... Sit!"
  157. >Nothing.
  158. >Why would a bear know a dog command?
  159. ...
  160. >You stupid sonnuva bitch.
  161. >As you walk towards the bear, you say the most calming things you can think off.
  162. [spoiler]What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Care Bear academy, and Ive been involved in numerous
  163. secret raids on Berenstain, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in fuzzy warfare and Im the top snuggler in the entire Urusus forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Equestria, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Ashton Forrest? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across equestria and your cave protocol is being traced right now so you
  164. better prepare for the storm, pooh. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, cub. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bear hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Growl Corps and I will use it
  165. to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever action was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, Winnie.[/spoiler]
  167. >Although he seems confused, he certainly doesn't seem any more aggressive. Then again, he is a fucking bear.
  168. >When you get within convenient mauling range, he's looking up at you.
  169. >You just sort of shake the meat in front of him.
  170. "Come on. You're hungry right? Come oh- good boy."
  171. >As he finally bites into the meat, he still looks at you as if you're about to kick him in the jaw.
  172. >With speed you didn't honestly think he could muster, he sets his teeth, and bolts with the meat flapping in his mouth.
  173. >You just stand there, half in awe, half in amusement, and some kinda fraction shitting yourself at what you just saw.
  174. >As you turn around waiting for either 900 pounds of death to come barreling at you, or for the shoe to drop, you see Stonesworth, standing there, with much the same expression you
  176. have.
  177. "I think that went rather well."
  178. >You see her turn and walk away, but you couldn't help but catch a glimpse of a frown on her face.
  180. >The rest of the feeding went rather uneventfully, compared to the bear.
  181. >All the animals acted scared of you, and waited for you to come feed them.
  182. >On one hand, you are the first human they've ever seen. On the other hand, they were literally lions.
  183. >Except for the wolves.
  184. >The wolves ran away when you approached them with meat, so you couldn't help but dump the food on the ground, and walk away.
  185. >Strangely enough, even though you had just fed a tiger a slab of meat, you had wanted to spend some time with the wolves.
  186. >Might remind you of home, and your old dog.
  187. >As you exit the carnivore's gate, you look up and see the wolves waiting, and watching you.
  188. >Stonesworth didn't have to tell you twice to lock the door, seeing those wolves. They might be timid, but they scared you more than the bear.
  189. >You arrive at the shed, and drop off the wheelbarrow.
  190. >You are just about to find Stonesworth, and ask what else to do, but you remember the blood on the floor.
  192. >Once you find a rag bad enough to be used for drippings, you get down and scrub the floor.
  193. "Shit."
  194. >It was only blood, so it was easy to remove, but it had slipped under a door.
  195. >As you reach up, still on your knees, to open the handle, you find that it was locked.
  196. >Why in the hell would they have a locked door in a shed?
  197. >As you stand up, somewhat frustrated you won't be able to get the job done on your first day, you manage to see a large commotion by a small pond.
  198. "Two chances to guess where the boss is."
  199. >As you get close to the pond, you realize that she must have just fed the flamingo's, as there was a large flock flapping around.
  200. >You were right in your assumption, because as you wound around a slight hill, you saw Stonesworth, straining against the carts weight.
  201. "Hi Stonesworth, need a hand?"
  202. >"No, Anonymous, I need you to go back and feed the carnivores."
  203. >You can almost see the venom dripping of her words.
  204. "I did already."
  205. >Considering it's your first day, you decide not to laugh when she does a double take at you.
  206. >"Hmmph! Well, then grab a saddle, and start pulling."
  207. >As you walk closer to her, you notice that there is another saddle, no longer hooked up.
  208. >It looks well worn, but it looks like it hasn't been used in a long time.
  209. >As you go to hook it up, you realize that there's 4 hooks, and Stonesworth is on the middle two.
  210. >Which makes sense, but you don't want to have to ask your boss to move on your first day.
  211. >But as you stand there, Stonesworth looks at you, getting increasingly annoyed.
  212. >"Is there a problem?"
  213. "Yeah, there's four hooks, and you are on the middle two."
  214. >You can almost hear her brain backpedal.
  215. >"Oh goodness, I'm sorry. I guess its just a force of habit."
  216. "Not a problem. Stay still, I got it."
  217. >She opens her mouth in protest, her horn already alight, but once you grasp onto the metal hooks, it fizzles out familiarly.
  218. >With four quick snaps, you're up and running.
  219. "Threetwoone heave!"
  221. >You just about fall, having grossly underestimated the weight of the cart, and send it jerking forwards.
  222. >You finally catch Stonesworth smile, when she watches you recover.
  223. >"Underestimate the weight?"
  224. "Ever so slightly."
  225. >She chuckles at that, as you finally get a good footing again.
  226. >"So, you weren't scared of the animals?"
  227. "No, they were scared of me. I think. Hey, so when I went to clean up the blood in the shack, there was a door it leaked under that was locked. Whats behind it?"
  228. >She looks away from you, but yells slightly.
  229. >"We have to take a left up here."
  230. >As you go through the left, you wait for the answer, that she doesn't give.
  231. "Stonesworth?"
  232. >"Yes?"
  233. "What's behind the locked door in the shack?"
  234. >"It doesn't matter. You can leave the problem to me, I'll take care of it."
  235. >Obviously she's dodging the question, but you shouldn't press it.
  236. "Ok. So what do we have left to feed?"
  237. >"Well, there's the mainly aquatic animals left, but once those are taken care of, we don't have much left."
  238. "So what, just basic gardening?"
  239. >She grimaces at that comment, but seems to agree.
  240. >"Yes, just gardening left. Should take us to around four."
  242. >She wouldn't have been lying when she said four, but if she hadn't criticized everything
  243. you had done.
  244. >But, you weren't able to really get started on a task, before she started to tell you to
  245. change how you should do it.
  246. >It was kind of cute, admittedly, when she watched how you used your hands instead of magic.
  247. >But then she complained about how you used your hands.
  248. >As it stands, it's now 5:30, and you're finally putting tools away.
  249. >"Well, Anonymous, it's been interesting."
  250. >You did hear a slight pause before 'interesting', but you couldn't care what it was.
  251. "Yup, it's certainly been fun."
  252. >As you turned around, she was looking straight at you but then quickly turned.
  253. >"Well, I suppose you want your pay?"
  254. >She almost said it snappily, but had sat down at a table, with a rather large bag of bits.
  255. >"So that's 8 and a half hours, so 8 times 17 is 136, and overtime makes 149."
  256. >As you deposit it into your wallet, you look at her.
  257. "Pretty good with numbers I see."
  258. >She looked rather annoyed at that comment, as she pushed your pay towards you.
  259. >"We can't all coast on looks, you know."
  260. "Eh, I guess."
  261. >As you open the door and wait for her, she looks at you expectantly.
  262. >"Do you still want something?"
  263. "Yeah, aren't you coming along?"
  264. >"I can't, I still have work to do."
  265. "Well then, let me stay and help. Off the clock, of course."
  266. >You can see her eyes shrink at that, and she stands out of her chair.
  267. >"No no no, you go have fun. It'll just take me a second, honest. I'll see you tomorrow."
  268. "Alright. Don't work too hard, ok?"
  269. >"Alright."
  270. >Just before you get out of the gardens, you hear your name being shouted behind you.
  271. >Sure enough as you turn, there's Stonesworth.
  272. >"Anonymous! Thanks for a good workday!"
  273. "Thanks for showing me the ropes!"
  274. >As you fully leave the castle and make your way down to your apartment, you realize that you're barely tired.
  276. >You could go grab some groceries, or go to a park.
  277. >Nah, might as well just go home to your roommate.
  278. ...
  279. >When you open the door, you have both hands full of groceries.
  280. >And some cake.
  281. >What? You had the cash.
  282. "Oi, Gaffy!"
  283. >You get a muffled reply from behind a door.
  284. >"Yeah?"
  285. "I bought some cake, want some?"
  286. >"What kind?"
  287. "Chocolate."
  288. >You have just about put away the groceries when you hear her door open.
  289. >You're red bodied, white maned unicorn roommate sits down at the table.
  290. >"So, how was work?"
  291. "Eh, not as tiring as I thought it would be. Boss is pretty good. How was yours?"
  292. >"Hot, sticky. Finally got that vase order done, so my rent's paid this month."
  293. >You dish out a plate of chocolate cake for your glassblowing roommate.
  294. >"Thanks."
  295. >Guessing from how she smells, she hasn't taken a shower yet.
  296. "So, you have supper yet? I snagged some groceries."
  297. >You caught her with a spoon of cake in her mouth, so she just nods and points towards the fridge.
  298. >As you open the fridge, you see a tuna sandwich with pickles on the side, with cling wrap over the plate.
  299. "Awwwwe, you made one for meeee. Ha. Thanks, Gaf."
  300. >She looks at you with a grin on her face, and as you finish of your sandwich, she talks about her day.
  301. >Once you've both done talking and eating, you grab the plates and set them in the sink.
  302. >When you sit back down, Gaffy's looking straight at you.
  303. "So, do you want to shower first, or can I?"
  304. >"I want to."
  305. "Come on, I had a hard day."
  306. >"You didn't! You told me!"
  307. >As you stare down your roommate, she suddenly bolts for the door.
  308. "Git back here you lil' shit!"
  309. >Although you're playing catch up, you do have one advantage.
  310. >You jump into the air, planting your hands solely on her ass.
  311. >She looks back at you with a glare and a blush, interestingly enough.
  312. >You reply with you most shit eating grin.
  313. >With a quick downward aimed yank, you propel yourself over your roommate.
  314. "Nevah gonna catch me!"
  316. >As soon as your in the bathroom, you kick the door closed with your foot, and drop your pants.
  317. "I won!"
  318. >You watch as the doorknob glows your roomates signature red color and reach out just late enough to miss completely, but just enough to fall flat on the floor.
  319. >"Alright, you cheater, get oo-"
  320. >When endangered, snails retreat. You are not a snail, so there you are, pants down, ass up.
  321. >Shaking said ass.
  322. >You could cut the tension with a knife, as the door slowly closes, by Gaffys magic.
  323. >Once you've fully disrobed, you open the bathroom door just a crack.
  324. >You can see that she's in the bed under the covers, and judging from how her hooves are shaking, she's laughing.
  325. "Gaffy?"
  326. >You weren't sure what she was doing, but she practically screams back:
  327. >"AHhh! It's not what it- what?"
  328. "Gaffy?"
  329. >"What?"
  330. "I won. Nyhaha!"
  332. >"Go to Taurtrus!"
  333. >Heh. I won.
  334. ...
  335. >You are Ms. Stonesworth, and right now you're 'out on the town', as the young ones call it.
  336. >Ehh. Who are you kidding. You've been out of this town for fifteen years.
  337. >But you need groceries, and supplies for the garden.
  338. >You take a deep breath, before you walk into the butcher's shop.
  339. >You always have to breathe in, but the less blood you smell the better.
  340. >Ericka, the elderly griffin who runs the business, looks up from her crossword as you enter.
  341. >"Stony, dear, I was wondering if you were going to show!"
  342. "Come now, we both know I can't miss this."
  343. >She folds the newspaper close, and gives it a perfunctory tap on the counter.
  344. >"Well look at this, a new customer! And such a cute little pony! How can I help you dear?"
  345. >She seems to be having a bit of an episode right now, but it's nothing you've never seen.
  346. "I'd have an order to a Ms.Stonesworth."
  347. >"Ah, one of my son's must have taken it then."
  348. >Her sons haven't been in her shop in years, you know this personally.
  349. >"Payment now, or later?"
  350. >You know she can get like this, but you've grown used to it.
  351. "Now."
  353. >To emphasize your point, you drop off a bag of bits, that has the exact amount of money she asks for.
  354. >"Wonderful. I'll get one of my son's to carry it home with you, you cute little thing."
  355. "I'll go to the back then."
  356. >"Alright. Have a wonderful night."
  357. >As you walk by her, and go into the cooler in the back, you glimpse the note that she always leaves you.
  358. >Grabbing the meat from the cooler, you grab the note on the way out.
  359. "Goodnight, Ericka."
  360. >"Oh! I guess you slipped by me. Goodnight Stony."
  361. >You both know not to look at each other, because she and you both know that you couldn't 'slip' by her.
  362. >As you walk back home, carrying 254 bits worth of meat, you half read the note, half dictate what it'll say.
  363. Hi, dear.
  364. I hope this finds you well. I hope I was well when you saw me.
  365. Remember, us tough old bitches need to always hope.
  366. Ericka
  367. >Hope. You hope that the new recruit performs as well tomorrow as he did today.
  368. >He certainly did surprise you, taking care of the carnivores so well.
  369. >Hopefully, he wasn't just trying to impress you on his first day. But if he was, you can't really fire him.
  370. >PR doesn't like it that you are the only mare in your one mare team.
  371. >But if you put a stallion in with the carnivores, you don't see him the next day.
  372. >And if death doesn't scare them, bear crap does.
  373. >But you do hope you see him tomorrow.
  375. >Be Anon.
  376. >"No, that's entirely the wrong way to do it! You have to start at the edges, work your way in, then drag it back!"
  377. >And you are currently being taught the intricacies of prepping a garden path.
  378. "So then why don't you just drag the stones that get knocked of the path into the middle, and be done with it?"
  379. >And your questions seem to be registering as constant complaints, rather than genuine interest.
  380. >"If you just do that, ponies complain will complain about their hooves hurting!"
  381. >You don't want to really instigate things with your boss, so you start raking away.
  382. >From the way that she's mumbling into the flowerbeds she's weeding, you mus have really ticked her off.
  383. "Look, I'm sorry. I guess with my shoes, I don't really appreciate a flat path. Sorry."
  384. >As you look up to her, you see that she has her mouth hanging open.
  385. >She seems to realize that she did, because she made a popping noise with her lips, and looked at you again.
  386. >"Sorry that I got of the handle. It's my garden. I'd like it if ponies er, uh, you didn't come in and mess it up."
  387. >Awwe, wait, was that an insult?
  388. >"I just put so much work into it, I see you not spending as much time as I would, that annoys me."
  389. >That was, wasn't it. Oh well, take what you get.
  390. "It's alright. I get what you mean, though, and I'm sorry."
  391. >She gives you a quiet nod, then goes back to working.
  392. ...
  393. >As lunch rolls around, you and Stonesworth sit on a bench, eating sandwiches.
  394. >While you down a turkey and mayo sandwich, she has a daisy one on rye.
  395. >Currently, both of you are watching a pair of couples in a swan boats, paddling idly around in the pond.
  396. >Apparently, Stonesworth knows these ponies, because she's just idly naming them.
  397. >"And that is the Queen of Saddle Arabia, and her not-so-secret lover on the side."
  398. >You murmur in acknowledgement, through a mouthful of chicken.
  399. >"And in boat number two, we have, oh, that looks like some Lilly, that head PR worker, and her husband."
  401. "Must be nice, being able to take such long breaks."
  402. >You catch a quick smile, before it's replaced with a grimace.
  403. >"Speaking of."
  404. >Stonesworth gets up, knocking the back of your head.
  405. >Which you normally wouldn't mind, but she made you drop your sandwich.
  406. "Dammit, my turkey!"
  407. >With a bit of a jolt, Stonesworth turns and looks at you.
  408. "Uhh, Whoops, my turkey?"
  409. >She still is looking at you like you grew two heads.
  410. >"You're a carnivore?"
  411. "Omnivore, actually. You couldn't tell from the teeth?"
  412. >You raise your gums, showing your large canines.
  413. >"No, you we so reserved, I thought you were a herbivore."
  414. >You can't help but grin a bit to that.
  415. "Well, I am an omnivore."
  416. >She's still standing perfectly still, save for the occasional tremor in her body.
  417. >... She's scared of you, isn't she?"
  418. "Hey, uh, you aren't scared of me, are you?"
  419. >That pissed her off.
  420. >She looses that tremor instantly, and gets right up in your face.
  421. >"Young colt, I have never been scared of a stallion once in my Celestia-damned life!"
  422. >She's raising her voice, and pushing you back repeatedly with her hoof.
  423. >"And you have to remember, you are not cleaning out the lions den because I like you!"
  424. >She gives one last shove, and you trip into the bench behind you.
  425. >"So if you think that I need you to make me feel safe, you have to have lost your damn mind!
  426. >With one final shove that threatens to send the whole bench tipping, she walks down to the shed.
  427. >She practically screams back:
  428. >"Come see me once you're done with the path!"
  429. >You sit there, watching her walk straight by her flowerbeds, going in the direction that you could only assume to be ending at the shack.
  430. >Well. Anon. You're going to get her job, and yours done quickly, aren't you, you little shit.
  431. >With a single audible curse, you stand up and just short of sprint down to your rake.
  432. >Once you get about ten feet raked, you hear the characteristic noise of a door being slammed.
  433. >Goddammit.
  435. >You half-jog, half-walk your way to the shed. You got her and your job done in about thirty minutes, but knowing her, she'll find something to complain about.
  436. >All the time you were working, you were rehearsing how you were going to apologize.
  437. >It was rude of you to mock her, and you are going to do anything to make it up to her.
  438. >And considering her shouting match, It'll probably involve cleaning out the lions den.
  439. >But you don't want to loose your first job because you insulted your boss.
  440. >Oh shit. You idiot, you could loose your job over this.
  441. >You put the tools back into the shed, then walk around to the front.
  442. >With a deep breath, you open the door, only to find Stonesworth coming out of the locked door.
  443. >You look at each other, her still closing the door, while looking straight at you.
  444. >"Anonymous. Please sit down."
  445. >Ohhhh, that doesn't sound good.
  446. >As she gestures towards the table where you first met, you push out her chair for her as well.
  447. >Hey, if you're getting fired, you might as well leave a good impression.
  448. >"Thank you."
  449. >Not a bit of happiness in her speech.
  450. >Yup. You're fired.
  451. "Before we start, can I say something?"
  452. >You seem to have caught her off-guard, but she motions with her hoof to continue.
  453. "I'm truly sorry that I made fun of you. I realize that making fun of you for what you are is wrong."
  454. >She looks at you silently, impossible to read.
  455. "I'm sorry that I made you get so angry, because I think I hit something that I have no right hitting."
  456. >You can see some emotion return to her, but it doesn't look like any good emotion that you've ever seen.
  457. "So if you want to fire me, I completely understand. I hope though that we can put what happened behind us, and leave on somewhat good terms."
  458. >She's looking straight at you, her cold blue eyes scanning your soul for any signs of bullshit.
  459. >"Anonymous. Do you honestly think I could fire you for something so minor?"
  461. >YES, we're not being fired!
  462. "Yes."
  463. >"I over-reacted up there. You are right. You did hit a bit of a nerve, but it's not anything that I truly will hate you for."
  464. >You're looking at her, and although you can't read horse face as well as you could read human, you can hear the sincerity in her voice.
  465. >"You've been rather constantly impressive to me. And I don't think I could truly fire you if I wanted to."
  466. >Well, your ass is safe.
  467. >But just to be on the safe side, better out-sincere the boss.
  468. "Aright then. Are you sure that there isn't anything I could do for you."
  469. >She smiles a small smile, but the happiness isn't really reaching her eyes.
  470. >"No, the best things that you can do for me, is come back out with me, and get our jobs done."
  471. "The pathway and the gardens?"
  472. >Her smile grows bigger, and you see a bit of light go to her eyes.
  473. >"Those are the ones."
  474. "Got them done already."
  475. >That caught her off guard, but she quickly regained her composure.
  476. >"Well then, I guess we're off for the day! I'll pay you a full day's work, don't worry."
  477. "What about the job you did yesterday? Did you get that done today?"
  478. >Her eyes flicker in hesitation for a split second, but regain her calmness.
  479. >"No, but-"
  480. "But nothing. I'll help you get it done, that way can both be done at the same time."
  481. >"Well it's a bit of a stranger job, and it will involve some heavy lifting."
  482. "I think I can handle it."
  483. >"Alright then, wait here."
  484. >Looking you in the eyes, she unlocks the door, then quickly slips in.
  485. >You hear the lock close again, and hear some muffled noises through the door.
  486. >"No time....grab..... alright let's go."
  488. >You jump back in time to look nonchalant, and look at Stonesworth.
  489. >She's got saddlebags on her hips, and a slight spring in her step.
  490. >As she closes the door and locks it, you catch a glimpse of something.
  491. >Huh. That's interesting. You should ask her abo-
  492. >She turns to look at you, eyes wide.
  493. >"Alright Anon, ready to go?"
  494. >With a bit of a stretch, you open the door to the outside of the shack.
  495. "Lead the way."
  497. >You are Anon, the Lucky Bastard.
  498. >You could have had a hearing, where it would be proven, that yes, you did insult your boss straight to her face.
  499. >But instead, in some twist of fate, it turns out that she felt worse then you!
  500. >God, whoever or what ever you are, thanks for this one.
  501. [spoiler]You are Discord.
  502. Been a while since someone respected you.[/spoiler]
  503. >Oh crap, Stoneworth's talking.
  504. >Stop praying to god, before she catches on.
  505. >" -and if you get all that done before 3:00, we can do this again if you want."
  506. >Say yes say no whichever one you pick, you're fucked either way.
  507. "Sure. Sounds like a good time."
  508. >She visibly brightens up.
  509. >"Thank you Anonymous. It would be nice to have a helping.. hoof?"
  510. "Hand."
  511. >"Helping hand with this."
  512. >You've never been in this part of town, as all your friends say not to go there, and all your guy friends say they wouldn't be caught dead here.
  513. "Hey Stonesworth?"
  514. >She was nodding at a griffon who was passing by, who gave her a wink in response.
  515. >"Huh wha? Sorry, wasn't paying attention."
  516. "Where exactly are we going?"
  517. >Her eyes narrowed at you, a slight frown accompanying her face.
  518. >"I told you, we're going to Ericka's butchery. It's just a couple more blocks."
  519. >She seemed a bit huffy, saying that.
  520. >Yeah, she knew you weren't paying attention.
  521. "Also, 'nother question, where's all the ponies?"
  522. >You've been noticing this as you got closer to your destination, that there were a lot less ponies, and the passersby were more minatours, and griffons.
  523. >"You've never been in this area, have you?"
  524. "No, I haven't."
  525. >She makes a slight sigh in exasperation.
  526. >"Anon. This is the more seedy part of town. I told you, you should stay close to me."
  527. >Bitch you know the streets.
  528. >You've been in seedy parts of town before, everything around her look downright joyful compared to your old neighborhood.
  530. >At the least, she's worrying about you.
  531. >"We're almost here."
  532. >As she leads you around a corner, you see the butchery.
  533. >If this was the bad part of the neighborhood, this looked like it was stolen from upper class society.
  534. >It had coils of sausage hanging in the window, and pre-marinated steaks in the cooler underneath.
  535. "We're buying from here? How expensive is it?"
  536. >Stonesworth smiles at you.
  537. >"My mother went to school with the person who owns the shop. She gives me discounts by the bucket-load."
  538. >It's been so long since you got protein from something that wasn't tofu.
  539. "So how much would a steak cost if you were to buy it for me?"
  540. >Stonesworth grins at you, with a knowing smile.
  541. >"A lot less than if you were to buy."
  542. >Oh, it's going to be a good supper tonight.
  543. >She opens the door for you, but not before taking in a deep breath.
  544. >As you enter the shop, a griffon behind the counter looks up from her crossword.
  545. >"Welcome to Ericka's Butchery, how may I- oh hi Stoney!"
  546. >"Hi Ericka. Just here to pick up my order."
  547. >Considering how you are trying to get on your bosses good side, you step forwards.
  548. "I can get it."
  549. >"That's not necessary Anonymous, I can-"
  550. >She's not making this easy is she.
  551. "I got it."
  552. >You are already walking behind the counter, and you see the meat around the corner.
  553. >It's a bit heavy, but it's not unbearable.
  554. >As you come back into the front of the store you hear talking
  555. >"No, he's a omnivore."
  556. >"You sure dear?"
  557. >"Please?"
  558. >"Oh alright Stoney I- oh hi Anonymous. Will you need help with those bags?"
  559. >Well you guess Ericka knows your name.
  560. "No, I got it. Stonesworth, you ready to go?"
  561. >Ericka looks at Stonesworth with a strange look, but then replies.
  562. >"Yes, she's ready to go."
  563. "Hey, before I go, would I be able to grab some steaks from you?"
  565. >"Sorry dear, I'd need to make some up for you, and I close soon."
  566. "What about the ones in the windowsill?"
  567. >Ericka's eyes widen, but quickly readjust.
  568. >"Oh. They've been out for so long dear, I'm not sure you could even chew through them."
  569. "I'm sure they're go-"
  570. >The griffon gets out of her chair, looking straight at you.
  571. >"I could not sell these to you. Not in good conscience."
  572. >You look at her and realize that you should back off.
  573. "Alright then. Stonesworth, you ready?"
  574. >As you turn to her, you realize that she was looking right at you.
  575. >The whole time. Weird.
  576. >"Yes, let's go."
  577. >While walking back to the gardens, you got some weird stares.
  578. >Not that you weren't used to people looking at you strange by now, but it was still strange.
  579. >What was stranger still was that they seemed to be looking more at Stonesworth than you.
  580. >Oh well.
  581. >Stonesworth is being unusually quiet.
  582. >Luckily, you got to the gardens at around five, so you wouldn't have to work late.
  583. >As you came up to the shed, Stonesworth finally speaks up.
  584. >"Thanks for carrying them all the way, but I would've been able to."
  585. "It's a reward remember? For being so accepting of the apology."
  586. >"Apology. Yes."
  587. >As Stoneworth opens the door to the shed, you put the meat down, only to have her open the fridge door as well.
  588. "Thank you."
  589. >"Not a problem. Can you put the meat in?"
  590. >Heh. Innuendos.
  591. "Yeah, any particular order?"
  592. >"Cut meat on bottom, the rest, just make it fit."
  593. >As you put the meat in, Stonesworth is counting out your pay.
  594. >Huh. Why are there-
  595. "Stonesworth?"
  596. >"Yes Anonymous?"
  597. "Why's there steak in here?"
  598. >"Oh shoot, I wanted to give it to you as a gift!"
  599. >Awwwwe, dis pony.
  600. "Thanks, but I could have bought it myself."
  601. >"You uh, you like it?"
  602. "Yeah I love .. pepper marinated steak."
  603. >You read off the package, but goddamn, does that sound good.
  604. >You look at each other for a second, before Stonesworth coughs.
  605. >"Well, here's your pay."
  606. "Thank you."
  607. >"I hope you actually like your present."
  609. >This pony needs some confidence.
  610. "I'll be cooking it as soon as I get home."
  611. >She gets a small smile, and then gives you a small salute.
  612. >You stand up straight, and give her a professional salute.
  613. "See you tomorrow, Stonesworth."
  614. "You too, Anon."
  615. ...
  616. >Be Gaffy Glasser, the roommate of the only human in Equestria.
  617. >You were slightly curious when Anon brought home steaks for his supper.
  618. >Slightly mortified as well, but curious.
  619. >But then it turns out that, who knew, burning flesh smelt bad.
  620. "I'm opening all the windows."
  621. >"It's supposed to smell like that!"
  622. "Food should never smell like blood and mud!"
  623. >"Half your goddamned food comes out of mud!"
  624. >What? Rice is good.
  625. "You know what, take it outside!"
  626. >"Come on, really?"
  627. "Yes! Let the whole neighborhood know that you can't cook."
  628. >As he walks out grumbling, you can't help but take a look at his butt.
  629. >After yesterday's show, he really didn't leave much to the imagination.
  630. >As you sit down in the couch, with all the windows open, you hear Anonymous.
  631. >"Come on, let me back in!"
  632. "No! Not until the plate is clean, if you like that food so much!"
  633. >He murmurs something about 'slavs', but seems to be honestly enjoying his meal.
  634. >Eh. Better than your last roommate.
  636. >You are Ms.Stonesworth.
  637. >You're in your bed, watching your clock tick up to its morning alarm.
  638. >6: 57
  639. >6: 58
  640. >6: 59
  641. >You will yourself out of bed, pushing down the alarm before it has a chance to kill the morning atmosphere.
  642. >As you get up and drag yourself towards the kitchen, turning on the coffee as you do.
  643. >As the water for the oatmeal starts to boil, you hear a rather prompt knocking at the door.
  644. >You glance into a mirror, you don't look too bad.
  645. >But when you glance at the clock, it's barely 7: 15.
  646. >They should have a good reason.
  647. >As you open the door, you are greeted by a professional looking mare in a black shawl.
  648. >You might not know who made it, but you know where it comes from.
  649. >Comparing you to her, you look positively radiant, at the least.
  650. >She looks like she's been up three nights and hungover for four.
  651. >"Good morning. I presume I'm talking to Ms. Stonesworth?"
  652. >She's courteous at least.
  653. "You are, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"
  654. >"I'm a representative of Her Highness, Durru Shehvar from-"
  655. "Saddle Arabia?"
  656. >Her eye's light up, at this.
  657. >"You know of her?"
  658. >This was almost a stupid question, everyone had heard of the queen of Saddle Arabia.
  659. >While not known for her politics, she was known for her extravagance, and the sometimes unreasonable demands she made.
  660. >Even though you didn't listen to politics much, you knew the reason anybody cared about her was the vast amounts of gold and jewels her country held.
  661. >Thinking back, you did remember seeing her in the pond, before you and Anonymous argued.
  662. >Embarrassing, considering how easily you went off the handle.
  663. "I have seen her actually."
  664. >"Well then, there's no easy way to say this."
  665. >You squint your eyes at her.
  666. "Say what?"
  667. >"She wants the new carnivore to entertain her."
  669. >You process this somewhat slowly.
  670. "Look, I'm not really the pony you should be talking too."
  671. >"Well, from what we understand, you made him sign an agreement that says he would entertain guests."
  672. >You did look at his employee papers once, and that was in there somewhere.
  673. "Shouldn't you be asking Anonymous about this, instead of me?"
  674. >"I did, he looked at me with a mouthful of meat and went 'omnomnom' until I walked away."
  675. >Freaking Anonymous.
  676. "Well, I'll try my best to make him agree, but there's only so much I can do."
  677. >The representative brightens up at this, handing you a bag.
  678. >"The queen also asked that uh, he wears this."
  679. >As you look into the bag, you blush slightly.
  680. "Is that-"
  681. >"The queen has very hmm, shall we say, peculiar tastes."
  682. "I doubt he'll wear it."
  683. >You honestly do, what kind of self respecting stallion would be willing to wear something so... provocative?
  685. >Huh? Whuh?
  686. >What kind of ignorant son of a whore sets the alarm at 7: 45?
  687. >Oh. You do.
  688. >As you get up and stretch, ready for another day of gardening, you hear a frantic knocking at the door.
  689. >You hear Gaffy get up and get it, but can't make out the conversation.
  690. >As you pull up some pants, and throw on a t-shirt, you hear a knock at your door.
  691. >"Anon? There's a mare here to see you."
  692. "Didn't know I was that famous."
  693. >Before you open the door, you zip up your fly.
  694. >Yeah, class.
  695. >As you look out, you see Stonesworth tentatively standing outside.
  696. >While you wonder what she wants, you wave her in.
  697. "Stonesworth, come in. Is something wrong?"
  698. >She sits down, dejectedly on the couch.
  699. >"I'm afraid that there is."
  700. >She motions you to come closer, and brings you in to whisper.
  701. >"Does your roommate need to be here? This is political."
  702. "Gaffy, could you go to your room for a sec?"
  703. >She looks at you questionably, but doesn't really object.
  704. >When you hear the door close, you turn to Stonesworth.
  705. >She looks like a mixture of nervous, and embarrassed, neither of which you want to see.
  707. >"So! Anonymous, I, do you remember that pony in the swan boat?"
  708. >Nope.
  709. "Which one?"
  710. >"The one I said was the queen of Saddle Arabia?"
  711. >Was she purple?
  712. "The purple one?"
  713. >"Yes, the one with purple hair!"
  714. "Yeah, what about her?"
  715. >Stonesworth stops herself, and takes a deep breath.
  716. >"She wants you to entertain her today."
  717. >Goddammit. You aren't classy enough for this shit.
  718. "I take it I have to?"
  719. >She widens her eyes at you, shaking her head profusely.
  720. >"I wouldn't make you, but its in the contract."
  721. "And if I don't?"
  722. >"I received a letter from Celestia, saying that you should entertain the Queen, for peacekeeping reasons."
  723. "Well that sucks. But, you gotta do what you gotta do."
  724. >You drain Gaffy's cold coffee in one go, then get up.
  725. "So, I still gotta shower, but I'll make it quick, then we walk to work together?"
  726. >As you stand up, Stonesworth sets a bag on the table.
  727. >"She wants you to wear this."
  728. "Is it embroidered?"
  729. >"No."
  730. "Then whats the problem?"
  731. >Stonesworth rolls her eyes, and opens the bag for you to see.
  732. >It looks like a purple fish-net stocking, only for a torso.
  733. >It has holes for the legs, and a banana hammock for the bottom.
  734. >Stonesworth looks mortified as you place it against your body, seeing if it'll fit.
  735. >"You don't have to wear it, and I'm fairly certain Celestia will forgive-"
  736. >You're not even listening to what Stonesworth is saying, but you are grabbing a knife from the drawer.
  737. "Stonesworth? Want to see me play fashion designer?"
  738. >She rolls her eyes, but nods her head.
  739. >You place the bottom part of the design on a cutting board, then hack and slash until you've got Freddie Mercury's partywear.
  740. >You lift it up, and although it reaches a little too long, no way are you removing any more material than you need to.
  741. >Setting it down on the table, you look at Stonesworth.
  742. "Alright, Stonesworth. Shower, then we go?"
  743. >She's looking dumbfound at you, the tanktop? Gonna call it a tanktop.
  744. >Then back at you.
  745. >"Uhh... ok, yeah sure."
  747. >You are one confused mare.
  748. >Anonymous not only agreed to be a 'worker' for that whorse, but also agreed to wear... that.
  749. >You hear a door open, and sit up straight, expecting Anonymous.
  750. >Instead, it's his.. roommate?
  751. >You never asked.
  752. >He would probably have a marefriend, after living in Equestria for .. how long has he been here?
  753. >You realize you've just been sitting, staring into space, as she stands there.
  754. >But, strangely enough, she's not looking at you, she's looKING AT THE SHIRT WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE SHIRT ON THE TABLE
  755. >With a genuine lack of grace, you slam the shirt back into the bag, making sure that you didn't tear it.
  756. >You look up at her, and she's got a bit of a smile on.
  757. >"Soooo. Who's wearing that saucy little number?"
  758. "Anonymous."
  759. >Her eyes widen, but then re-adjust as she sits down.
  760. >"Did he loose a bet?"
  761. "No, uh, political reasons."
  762. >She raises both her hooves, saying:
  763. >"I try to stay out of politics. Gaffy."
  764. >You reach across the table, shaking her hoof.
  765. "Ms. Stonesworth. So. You're Anonymous's roommate?"
  766. >She smiles pulling her coffee to her mouth.
  767. >"Yeah. He's not bad, keeps to himself."
  768. >She points to her empty cup, looking at you.
  769. "Anonymous did it."
  770. >With a grimace, and a flick of a switch, she flicks on the coffee pot.
  771. >"Do you want one?"
  772. "Sure."
  773. >"Sooo. He a good worker?"
  774. "Very. He's not afraid of the carnivores, which I guess isn't that strange, but it is for a stallion."
  775. >She nods her head, grabbing cups.
  776. >"He is a bit different then others, yeah."
  777. >As the kettle begins to boil, you realize that you've been sitting quietly for a minute.
  778. >Talk, you idiot.
  779. >"I know you said it was political, but why is Anon wearing that thing?"
  780. >Thank you.
  781. "Well, you know the Queen of Saddle Arabia?"
  782. >"That worn out queen? Yes."
  783. "Well, she wants Anonymous to entertain her today."
  784. >Gaffy's face curls up in disgust.
  786. >"That's terrible!"
  787. "Yes, well as Anonymous put it, you gotta do what you gotta do."
  788. >"Yeah, he really wanted that job."
  789. >She finally sits down, passing you a cup of coffee.
  790. "Why did he need it so bad? Most stallions would run from dirty-work."
  791. >She shrugs her shoulders, while sipping the coffee.
  792. >"Ehh. He's worked at shipping places, a couple factories, and when I met him, he was working as a pizza delivery pony and bouncer."
  793. "Why does he work so hard? He could- never-mind."
  794. >She shrugs again, placing her hooves on the table, stretching.
  795. >"Rent. He has to buy some seasonal stuff, the clothes, cooking his food, it all adds up."
  796. >You hear the shower door open, and glimpse him slide quickly into his room, with nothing but a towel.
  797. >As you turn your head back to look at Gaffy, she's still looking at his closed door.
  798. "He could settle down, though, couldn't he?"
  799. >She whips back to look at you, a greater hue of red on her face.
  800. >"I bet there's a mare or two that be willing to."
  801. "Indeed."
  802. >When his door opens, he comes out in blue jeans, and a jacket.
  803. >"Well, let's get to work then. You got the shirt?"
  804. >You levitate up the bag of unmentionables.
  805. "Yes."
  806. >You push out of the table and go towards the door.
  807. >"Alright then, Gaffy, see you later."
  808. >"See you anon."
  809. >Anon walks out into the street, but Gaffy knocks you on your nether.
  810. >"Hey. Get some pictures if you can."
  811. >You smile solemnly.
  812. "Blackmail?"
  813. >"Yeah. Blackmail."
  814. >As you catch up to Anonymous, you can't help but feel a little giddy.
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