
Journeys of the Spider: Sunset's desert path

Mar 24th, 2016
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  3. >"With great power, there must also come great responsibility"
  4. >Those were Celestia's last words to you before she died
  5. >Well, before you ran away
  6. >But now you are both on good terms
  7. >Which is good
  8. >You admit, you don't have a very tragic backstory
  9. >You were evil for a while
  10. >Then you stopped being evil
  11. >Some time later, you acquired the powers of a spider
  12. >And here you are
  13. >The Baconastic Arachnid-friend
  14. >Thinking to yourself
  15. >Or is it all exposition?
  16. >You can't separate your thoughts from what seems to be an omnipresent voice
  17. >It's been driving you insane
  18. >It's been like that as long as you can remember
  19. >It didn't used to be like this
  20. >Luckily your arthropod early warning system is tingling
  21. >Something is up
  22. >Something...villainy
  23. >You scan around from the top of the school building
  24. >Because of course you'd be at school
  25. >It's actually the center of the town
  26. >Well, the parts of town that matter
  27. >You see two young hooligans trying to steal a car
  28. >You angel jump from the top
  29. >And gracefully fall into some trees
  30. >Some might think that was your plan
  31. >Others may say that you are an inadequate super-hero (you prefer super-hero over super-heroin. It easier to say and doesn't take that much out of the context)
  32. >To each there own
  33. >It doesn't matter what other may think of your prowess
  34. >All that matters here is that you are closer to the villains
  35. >You slowly creep out of the trees. Covered in the shadows of the night
  36. >Like some pervert
  37. "Carpooling tonight, boys?"
  38. >"Whuh?"
  39. >*SMACK!*
  40. >You slug one of the kids
  41. >He's out cold
  42. >"W-wait!"
  43. >*KABLAM*
  44. >The other one is down
  45. >You tie them up with your webbing
  46. >You hear voices in the distance
  47. >You jump towards the bushes
  48. >You don't like to get praised, but you do enjoy seeing the faces of the people you've helped
  49. >At least you think you do
  50. >You are kind of new to this superheroing thing
  51. >"We found your car keys, man! You don' have to break into your c-ca..."
  52. >A group of kids stares at the two "culprits" you caught earlier
  53. >Looks like it's time to make your dashing exit into the night
  54. >You run out of the bushes into the opposite direction
  55. >When you've gained enough momentum you jump and shoot your web
  56. >It sticks to a nearby building
  57. >There are always nearby buildings
  58. >You aren't sure you've ever seen them before or what they actually are
  59. >But you are thankful that they are there
  60. >And so ends the first night of heroics for the newest protector of
  61. >...
  62. >um...
  63. >your home town!
  64. >The Phenomenal Wallcrawling Person!
  65. >You are still thinking of a name
  69. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  70. >Also known as The Exceptional Webweaving Avenger
  71. >You are still working on the name
  72. >After your first night as a vigilante, you didn't have much to show
  73. >You beat up two honor students designated drivers who had lost their car keys
  74. >The school newspaper, the weekly trumpet, is calling you a dangerous degenerate
  75. >The students go around always in groups, just in case you strike again
  76. >It was just an honest mistake
  77. >Tonight will be different
  78. >You put on your make-shift red and black suit and jump out of the window of your room
  79. >Your room is on the first floor so it isn't as exciting as you hoped it would be
  80. >You start running through the neighborhood
  81. >It just occurred to you that you live in the suburbs and there aren't tall buildings around
  82. >You walk back home
  83. >You take off your mask and put your jacket over your red anorak with a crude spider drawn over it
  84. >You put your mask and wallet in a bag pack
  85. >You leave your house through the door this time
  86. >You walk to the bus stop and sit
  87. >
  88. >Half an hour late the bus arrives
  89. >After a twenty minute drive, you are reach Canterlot High
  90. >You climb to the top of the school and sulk
  91. >Waiting for crime
  92. >You are very convinced that sulking is a major part of the super hero business
  93. >20 minutes later, you feel something
  94. >Your danger spotting sense is tingling
  95. >UMPF! You love it when that happens
  96. >You take off your jacket, carefully fold it and put it in your backpack
  97. >You leave the backpack where it is
  98. >You put on your mask and jump
  99. >This time webswinging from the school building
  100. >Going in circles, trying to find the culprits
  101. >And there they are
  102. >Vandals, defacing school property
  103. >Graffiti artists is the more politically correct term
  104. >You let go of your web and jump right behind them
  105. A little late for artistic endeavors, isn't it?
  106. >The hoodlums turn in surprise and you smack them both in the face
  107. >Easy
  108. >Just like last night
  110. >huh?
  111. >You turn around and see 3 students there
  112. >With cameras
  113. "I...was stopping vandals from defacing public property?"
  115. "Ah...well...b-but"
  117. " that case...I better be going"
  118. >You jump and climb the gymnasium
  119. >After that you once again climb back to your sulkspot
  120. >That's enough crime fighting for one night
  121. >You look around for your bag
  122. >It's not there
  123. >You didn't stick it with your webbing
  124. >The wind must have blown it away
  125. >
  126. >You don't have any bus money on you
  127. >You climb down, take off your mask and turn your shirt inside out
  128. >So no one can see the spider and realize your true identity
  129. >You walk home
  130. >Ten minutes into the trek and it starts raining
  131. >You put your hood up, but it barely makes a difference
  132. >It took you about an hour to get back home
  133. >One hot bath and this night will be behind you
  134. >You walk into your room
  135. >It's full of raccoons
  136. >You forgot to shut the window
  137. >You also haven't thrown the trash in 3 weeks
  138. >You close the door and you take a shower
  139. >You walk into the living room and fall face first on the couch
  140. >Tomorrow
  141. "Tomorrow will be a better day"
  144. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  145. >Also known as the Botsching Spider Failure
  146. >You are still working on the name
  147. >It's day three of your heroic life
  148. >The alarm rang but you haven't left your bed
  149. >You'd just rather stare at the celing than go out
  150. >But you don't have much of a choice
  151. >You slowly get up
  152. >You walk to your room
  153. >You crack the door and peek in
  154. >You can't see any raccoons
  155. >You creep right in and open one of your draws
  156. >You take a shirt and a pair of socks and exit
  157. >This time, closing the window
  158. >You put on your clothes and look for your bag
  159. >You remember that it got blown away
  160. >You rummage around the house to find a replacement
  161. >An old courier bag
  162. >Ripped up
  163. >Holes
  164. >Filled with trash
  165. >You clean it as much as you can and put your books in it
  166. >On the way to the door, you see your masking drying over the heater
  167. >With your hand on the doorknob, you ponnder if you take your costume
  168. >After last night, you don't think you should ever put on that costume
  169. >Who are you doing it for any way?
  170. >The people?
  171. >Apparently not
  172. >The memory of your fallen mentor?
  173. >She's still alive
  174. >Are you trying to validate yourself in a way?
  175. >Not so much guide by the virtues of good, but by narcissism
  176. >You bite your lip
  177. >Maybe it would be a good idea to give yourself a break
  178. >Just for today
  179. >But somehow you don't seem comforted by these thoughts
  180. "Everybody makes mistakes, Sunset"
  181. >You grab the mask and the sweatshirt and stuff them in your bag
  182. >You leave the house with a faint sense that you have conquered yourself
  183. >You head to school
  184. >Tonight it will be different
  187. >"Villainous Vandal Victimizes Volunteers! Read all about it!"
  188. >The front page of The weekly trumpet
  189. >Twice in one week
  190. >You are sure that's not how weekly newspapers should work
  191. >The article tells the story of how two volunteers were attacked by a masked criminal while they were painting a murrel
  192. >It is a pretty accurate depiction of the events
  193. >There is even a picture of you
  194. >A grainy one
  195. >Unfocused
  196. >Bad choice of the lens
  197. >You could take better pictures than this guy
  198. >Could you?
  199. >No...
  200. >You decide not to dwell on this idea any further
  201. >You have classes to get to and a night watch to plan
  204. >It's 8 o'clock
  205. >You are at the usual sulkspot
  206. >Your mask is off
  207. >The wind is messing up your hair
  208. >But it feels good
  209. >Today will be the day
  210. >You have everything figured out
  211. >You will carefully observe the area
  212. >You will not engage unless you are certain that a crime is occurring
  213. >You will anounce your presence so that there won't be any more hiccups
  214. "Third time's the charm"
  215. >Let's hope it won't be a hat trick
  216. >You breathe deeply
  217. >You are great
  218. >You will make it
  219. >You are
  220. >The Adventurous Rooftop-sulker
  221. >Still working on the name
  222. >You smile to yourself and you put on the mask
  223. >You angel jump, this time swinging from a web
  224. >Off to downtown
  227. >You've been swinging from buildings and jumping on rooftops for about half an hour
  228. >Nothing exciting
  229. >This is good
  230. >That means that everyone is safe and okay
  231. >As you jump over an alley, you get an erogenous sensation through your spine and back
  232. >The insectoid danger clock
  233. >Something is up
  234. >You look down in the alley
  235. >A man with an above average build, a woman in a fancy coat and a little child
  236. >Most likely a family
  237. >There's something else
  238. >Someone is following them
  239. >You stick on a wall you crawl towards them all
  240. >The guy at the back looks suspicious
  241. >But you can't pounce yet
  242. >You can't stop a crime if there is no crime
  243. >He yells something to the big guy at the front
  244. >He turns
  245. >The "criminal" walks towards him
  246. >You hear them talking but you can't make out what they are saying
  247. >Maybe he just wanted the time
  248. >Or he's a bum and wants a buck
  249. >Just because someone looks suspicious doesn't mean they are
  250. >Right?
  251. >You hear a gunshot
  252. "Oh no..."
  253. >Your heart starts racing
  254. >Time slows down
  255. >The big fella is falling on the ground
  256. >The man has a smoking gun
  257. >You leap from the wall towards them
  258. >The gun is aimed directly at the woman
  259. >You web the shooter's hand and pull it upward
  260. >He fires in the air
  261. >The bullet scratches your mask
  262. >You fall down, hand curled into a fist
  263. >One hit in the jaw and he's down
  264. >You quickly web him up
  265. >You turn towards the family
  266. >The woman is in shock
  267. "Where is the nearest hospital?"
  268. >She snaps out of it
  269. >"10 blocks from here."
  270. >You grab the wounded man and lift him over your shoulder
  271. "He'll be alright. I promise."
  272. >You jump and swing
  275. >It's harder to swing around with one hand
  276. >But you have no choice
  277. >Everything happened so fast
  278. >Why didn't you act sooner?
  279. >The one time you had to act on impulse and you didn't
  280. >Now a man could die because of you
  281. >No
  282. >He won't die
  283. >You'll get him there on time
  284. >"H-hey...Land us on a roof, would ya?"
  285. >You are surpised he can talk
  286. "I can't do that sir. I need to get you to the hospital"
  287. >"Don't worry, I am a doctor"
  288. >Surprsingly, his words calm you down
  289. >You land on a nearby building
  290. >You lean him against a chimney
  291. "Do you need anything? What should I bring you?"
  292. >He slowly turns his head to you
  293. >"I...need a lighter"
  294. >A lighter?
  295. >Maybe he wants to disinfect the wound
  296. >You rummage through your bag
  297. >You find a lighter
  298. >You click it
  299. >It works
  300. >You hand it to him
  301. >He takes out a cigarette and lights it
  302. >Your eyes widen
  303. "Sir, we have to get you to the hospital! You have been shot!"
  304. >"Yeah...I have. The bullet is right next to my heart. I can't be saved. No matter how much they try"
  305. >No
  308. >You can feel your eyes watering up
  309. "Sssir I-I m-must take y-you t-t-to the h-h-ospital"
  310. >You start to stutter
  311. >You reach out to lift him, but your hand are shaking
  312. >He sees this and grabs your hand gently
  313. >This completly breaks your heart
  314. >You take off your mask and start and burry your face in your hands
  315. >You start crying loudly
  316. "I-I s-s-h-sh-sho-uld ha-a-ave done s-s-something!"
  317. >The man looks at you
  318. >He again takes your hand
  319. >"You did do something, kid. You saved my son and wife. If it wasn't for you, the three of us would have been dead now."
  320. >He's barely breathing
  321. "I-i-i pro-o-mi-i-sed to bring y-ou ba-back safely"
  322. >He smiles a bit
  323. >"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, kid"
  324. >He looks at his cigarette
  325. >"I promised my wife, I would stop smoking. Look at me now"
  326. >He start laughing, but his laughter quickl turns into a cough
  327. >He pulls out his cigarette box and hands it to you
  328. >"You look like you can use one"
  329. >He smiles
  330. >He has the warmest smile you have ever seen
  331. >You take the box, but you don't pull out a cigarette
  332. >"You shouldn't be sad, kid. Sadness doesn't fit a pretty face like yours"
  333. >Your cheeks were already red, but you feel them blush
  334. >"You shouldn't be sad. I know what it's like to feel responsible for someone's death. I also know what it's like to save someone. Instead of thinking that you lost one life tonight, thinking of it like...
  335. >He starts coughing violently
  336. >" saved...two"
  337. >He falls on his side
  338. >
  339. >This is your darkest moment
  342. >You lift his body
  343. >You walk towards the edge of the roof
  344. >The hospital was around the corner
  345. >Why did you listen to him?
  346. >Another set of tears start boiling up
  347. >You look towards this man
  348. >He's as large as an ox
  349. >White hair
  350. >Fancy suite
  351. >Aside from the blood
  352. >A doctor even
  353. >He had a family
  354. >A wife
  355. >A son
  356. >This man lived a good life
  357. >You saw it with how content he was in his final moments
  358. >And yet
  359. >It's still sad to see a life go
  360. >No matter how good it was lead
  361. >You examine his chest, where the wound is
  362. >Your eyes widen
  363. >He's moving!
  364. >He is still breathing!
  365. >There is time
  366. >You jump off the building and swing towards the hospital
  367. >You land right in front of a nurse
  368. "This man has been shot! Help him!"
  369. >The nurse barely has time to assimilate what is happening but she yells out for a doctor
  370. >You leave the victim in front of her
  371. >You vanish in the night
  373. >You open the door of your home
  374. >You take off your mask and look at it
  375. >There is a little graze near the eye
  376. >One side is covered in blood
  377. >You throw it on the ground
  378. >You don't have it in you to deal with this now
  379. >You take off your bloodied sweatshirt, bundle it with your mask and throw them on the floor
  380. >You take off all your clothes and sit on the couch
  381. >You space out
  382. >No actual thoughts have crossed your mind
  383. >You look around
  384. >You see the remote control and web it to yourself
  385. >You turn on the TV
  386. >You start searching the channels
  387. >Nothing but soap operas
  388. >Everything looks the same
  389. >Channel after channel
  390. >"Local millionaire dead"
  391. >You stop
  392. >You go back
  393. >It's the late night news
  394. >"...shot in an alley. He had a night out with his family to the cinema and was shot. Wife says A masked person jumped out of nowhere and knocked out the shooter, after which the vigilante took Tobias Kaine and brought him to the hospital. Sadly, he didn't make it. Tobias Kaine was known for his..."
  395. >You stop listening after that
  396. >You start grinding your teeth
  397. >You could have done something
  398. >Why didn't you do something?
  399. >You kick the table with full force
  400. >It crashes into the television set and breaks it
  401. >That just makes you more angry
  402. >You web the TV and throw it against the wall, destroying it completely
  403. You stand up, lift your couch and throw it against the kitchen door
  404. >The door and the couch are in ruins
  405. >You see the bundle up mess that is your costume
  406. >You throw it in your fireplace
  407. >You reach for your bag in search of a lighter
  408. >But you find something else
  409. >The Tobias' tobacco box
  410. >You feel yourself calming down
  411. "You didn't lose one life tonight, but you saved two."
  412. >You take out your costume
  413. >Now covered in ash and blood
  414. >You put it in your laundry basket
  415. >You walk towards your couch and take your blanket
  416. >You sit on the sofa and cover yourself
  417. >You barely fell asleep that night, because of the raccoons
  422. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  423. >And that's all you are
  424. >For now
  425. >After last night you've decided that you won't be patrolling today
  426. >Today you'll spend your time relaxing and doing some chores
  427. >To get your mind off things
  428. >Good thing it's a Saturday
  429. >You open your eyes and you are immediately met with pains in your back and neck
  430. >Your left arm is completely numb and your knee makes a cracking sound when moved
  431. >The sofa wasn't the best place to sleep
  432. >You slowly crawl out of the sofa
  433. >From each movement you either feel the aching of a muscle or the cracking of a joint
  434. >You lurch in the dark room towards the window
  435. >You pull apart the curtains
  436. >The entire room fills with sunlight
  437. >It's a beautiful day
  438. >You actually feel a smile creep up on your face
  439. >It's been a long time
  440. >Today will be a good day
  443. >After a bit of exercise to loosen yourself you decide to pull the couch back in the living room
  444. >You unstuck the door from it and carry it back where it belongs
  445. >Sadly, the entire couch is covered in tears and splinters
  446. >You think for a bit and decide to cover the couch with a blanket
  447. >No one will notice
  448. >It's also cozier for the coming winter days
  449. >You head back to the kitchen door
  450. >What's left of it
  451. >You get a screw driver and unscrew the handle and the hinges from the door and wall
  452. >You pick up the pieces and leave them next to the fire wood
  453. >You don't hear a valid argument for there to be a door there so you decide to leave the kitchen as it is for now
  454. >You clean up what remains of the television set
  455. >You throw it out in the garbage
  456. >You arrange some of your books and ornaments you have around to fill in the TV void
  459. >You take the laundry basket and go downstairs
  460. >You start loading up the washing machine
  461. >You turn it on and go upstairs
  462. >You open the fridge door
  463. >Half a carton of milk
  464. >Almost chewable
  465. >A moldy orange
  466. >Bologna
  467. >3 dead wasps
  468. >It's sufficiently depressing
  469. >You grab the bologna
  470. >You go to your room
  471. >You slowly open the door and throw the bait in
  472. >It's instantly ravaged by rabid raccoons
  473. >While you can still see them, you tie them up all together into a small ball of web
  474. >You take the raccoonball outside and leave it there
  475. >They should chew through it in about ten minutes
  478. >You grab yourself a broom and dustpan and you head into your room
  479. >You start cleaning up all the feces
  480. >They are everywhere
  481. >Under the bed
  482. >On the shelves
  483. >In the corners
  484. >On the bed
  485. >In your drawers
  486. >After you cleaned them all up, you take your sheets and all the clothes that were in your drawers and take it downstairs again
  487. >The first batch of laundry is done
  488. >You unload it and load the second
  489. >You take the laundry outside and start putting them on the clothes line
  490. >At the bottom basin you leave your spider mask and sweatshirt
  491. >You take them into the house
  492. >You spread them over the heater so they can dry in secret
  493. >You take care of the second batch of laundry and you can finally sit down
  496. >It felt good to get everything done like that
  497. >But now what?
  498. >You've done all that you have to do
  499. >You look at the clock
  500. >It's barely ten
  501. >Maybe it's time for a little relaxation
  502. >Just as you were about to lay on the couch, your stomach grumbles
  503. >You get up and go to your room
  504. >You open a tin box on your desk and grab some cash from it
  505. >You grab your keys and go to the bus stop
  508. >You are browsing the aisles, looking for the best bargains you can find
  509. >Money tends to be a bit of an issue these days so you prefer to stock up on cheap goods and spend what you have on whatever you like
  510. >The problem is that the food goes bad before you get the chance to eat it and most of the time you have to throw out more than half of what you've bought
  511. >You haven't figured out how to balance buying in bulk and using everything bought to it's maximum potential
  512. >But you'll manage it
  513. >As you walk through the market you see a familiar figure
  514. >You aren't quite sure
  515. >You think you've seen him around school from time to time
  516. >Average hight
  517. >Green skin
  518. >Always wears a suit
  519. >You could go and talk to him
  520. >But he looks pretty busy
  521. >Buying pumpkins
  522. >A lot of pumpkins
  523. >
  524. >Weird
  525. >You can just ignore him and go on your way
  526. >But you haven't talked to anybody in so much time
  527. >When you got your powers you immediately cut off all communications with your friends
  528. >You devoted your spare time to mastering your powers
  529. >Taking some martial art classes
  530. >You can't just jump into being a hero
  531. >You have to train so you won't get caught off guard
  532. >3 months of sparing, wallcrawling, jumping and solitude
  533. > (all for 3 days of botches)
  534. >You shake your head
  535. >You decide it's time to reconnect with the human world
  536. >You walk up to your fellow students
  537. >What was his name again?
  540. "Hi, Anon!"
  541. >He jumps
  542. >Looks like you startled him
  543. >He regains his composure
  544. >"Hello, Sunset"
  545. >He has a meek voice
  546. >You haven't really talked to him before
  547. >You've just seen him around
  548. >A bit of a loner
  549. "So, what are you up to?"
  550. >"Nothing, just...preparing myself for Halloween"
  551. >Halloween?
  552. >You have completely lost track of time in any shape or form
  553. >You even forgot Halloween existed
  554. >The town is surprisingly barren on decorations though
  555. "I see...I'm buying groceries"
  556. >You make a gesture to your shopping cart
  557. >Filled to the brim with rice, potatoes, vegetables and meat
  558. >Anon looks surprised by your purchases, but doesn't judge
  559. >He just nods
  560. >He isn't very talkative
  561. >That doesn't matter
  562. >You are in desperate need of company and he is around
  563. "So, are you free later today?"
  564. >" I'm free"
  565. "Would you like to hang out? Get a coffee or something?"
  566. >He chokes a bit
  567. >On what he chokes is beyond you
  568. >"Coffee...yeah! Sure! Of course!"
  569. "Great! 2 o'clock at "The coffee pot?""
  570. >"OK! I'd like that!"
  571. >You giggle a bit
  572. >His nervousness gives him an endearing quality
  573. "Alright. See you there"
  574. >"Y-you too!"
  575. >What?
  578. >After organizing your refrigerator, taking care of the laundry, eating some fried rice and reading a book, you go to "The coffee pot"
  579. >Some days aren't as interesting and, strangely enough, pass by quickly
  580. >You sit a table for 2 next to a window and order 2 menus
  581. >In about 5 minutes Anon arrives
  582. >You wave to him and pass him the menu
  583. >"I wasn't late, was I?"
  584. "No, don't worry."
  585. >You open up the menu
  586. >Coffee of all shapes, sizes and temperatures
  587. >Different breeds, creeds and fees
  588. >The waitress comes over
  589. >Anon puts down his menu
  590. >"I'd like a double espresso, with cream, extra sugar, hazel nut and cinnamon. A bit of caramel cream and cocoa"
  591. >In moments like these you realize how out of touch you are with the coffee world
  592. >You just know two kinds of coffee
  593. >Regular with sugar
  594. >Regular without sugar
  595. "Um...I'll have a regular coffee...with sugar"
  596. >The waitress chuckles underneath her nose and walks off
  597. >You've never felt so dishonoured over coffee before
  598. >You yearn to web her feet together as she's walking
  599. >You turn to Anon, trying not to think about the waitress
  600. "So, what's up?"
  601. >"Nothing much... I'll be setting up my Halloween decorations soon."
  602. "That's cool. Are you going for a theme?"
  603. >" of legend"
  604. "Beasts of legend?"
  605. >"Yes. I'll be using monsters from folktales. Something more traditional. Less cliche than the haunted mansion"
  606. "Sounds great."
  607. >"Mhm"
  608. >
  609. >
  610. >
  611. >This conversation is going nowhere
  614. >The coffee arrives
  615. >You get a standard coffee cup with a liquid as black as coal and 3 sugar packets
  616. >Anon gets, what you can describe as, a soup bowl with coffee
  617. >Cream as thick as a cloud with a sun drawn on top of it with caramel
  618. >As she walks off, she leaves the bill
  619. >Your coffee is 20 cents cheaper
  620. >Great
  621. >You tear open your packets and pour them in
  622. >You take a sip
  623. >Tastes like puddle water
  624. >Go to bar and take a few more packets
  625. >10 should do the trick
  626. >You walk back and start pouring them
  627. >Anon just watches
  628. >"Hey...umm...have a little coffee with your sugar"
  629. >You giggle
  630. >Very corny, but it caught you off guard
  631. "At least I don't need a spoon to drink mine"
  632. >Anon laughs
  633. >He has a very peculiar laugh
  634. >It cracks a lot and he oinks at the end
  635. >You laugh with him
  636. >This is how friendships get started
  639. >After a few more coffee based jokes you start hitting it off
  640. >Turns out you have a lot of stuff in common
  641. >You both like cheesy 80's synthpop
  642. >You are both into black and white silent comedies
  643. >You can't remember when was the last time you mentioned your totem carving hobby to someone without them laughing
  644. >You haven't felt this happy in quite some time
  645. "I can't believe that we haven't talked to each other before!"
  646. >"Yeah, well you know how it is. I'm a loser and you are one of the popular kids. It would be weird, I guess."
  647. "That's a lot of bull. Besides...recently I haven't been very popular."
  648. >You take a sip from your coffee
  649. "I haven't seen my friends in a few months. I've been busy and I just couldn't make time...too much stuff going on."
  650. >Anon takes a sip from his coffee
  651. >His cheery tone mellows down
  652. >"At least you have friends."
  653. >Ow
  654. >This took a sudden turn
  655. >"I haven't had any friends since middle school. No one really wants to hang out with me."
  656. >He doesn't look up
  657. >He just stares at his cup
  658. >"I hate school. I could bare to be alone, but the worst part is the jocks. Everyday the bully me, call me names."
  659. >You are not sure what exactly to do
  660. >You remain silent, hoping that it's the best action
  661. >"Home isn't anything to brag about either. I live with my dad and he's always at work. I barely see him. He just leaves me my allowance on the table every day before he goes."
  662. >You decide to do something
  663. >You extend his hand and grab his
  664. >He looks at you with a bit of confusion
  665. "It's ok, Anon. It will all pass. It already is passing. You have a friend now."
  666. >He doesn't answer
  667. >He just smiles
  668. >It's the purest smile you have ever seen
  669. >You decide to change the subject on something a bit lighter
  670. >You continue to talk about your favorite movies and quoting scenes
  671. >How one quotes something out of a silent pictures, you are not sure
  672. >But it didn't stop either of you from trying
  676. >After you had your coffee and payed the bill, you decide to keep Anon company while he waits for his bus
  677. >While talking about the newest totem you are working on, you notice that Anon had a look of concern
  678. >You decide to ask him if there is something wrong
  679. >"Well...ummm...will you be going to the masked ball at school?"
  680. >There'll be a masked ball?
  681. >You haven't been paying much attention in school for some time now
  682. >Your grades show it
  683. >You can't go to the ball
  684. >There are no nights for you to rest
  685. >Just this one
  686. "No, I...have to help my aunt. She's moving to the next town over and I have to help her pack"
  687. >"Ah...o-ok"
  688. >For a moment there, he seemed relieved
  689. >Wait
  690. >Did he want to invite you to the ball?
  691. "Why do you ask?"
  692. >"Huh? reason...I wasn't going too and...I thought you might want to watch a movie...or something. But since you are busy, we could do it some other time"
  693. >You smile gently
  694. "Yeah. Some other time."
  695. >His bus arrives
  696. >You say your goodbyes and you head home
  700. >You got home at nightfall
  701. >You don't really want to just lay around the house
  702. >But you don't really want to go out
  703. >The best solution is to go on the roof
  704. >You grab your carving knife and small box
  705. >You go on the second floor and climb out of the window
  706. >You decide that tonight is the best time to finish your totem
  707. >You open the box and take it out
  708. >It's almost ready
  709. >It just needs a little bit more
  710. >You start carving it while replaying your day in your head
  711. >You haven't had such a nice day in so much time
  712. >Even before your three day "heroic" streak
  713. >But if YOU think it was nice, God knows how it was for Anon
  714. >It's sad to see such a nice young man be down on his luck so much
  715. >But you did cheer him up
  716. >Looks like heroes don't always have to battle the forces of evil
  717. >Sometime it's just enough to be around and lend a shoulder
  718. >It's actually been the first time you felt like you did something good
  719. >
  720. >You finished the totem
  721. >It's a small figure of a spider
  722. >Originally you chose it for the obvious superficial reasons, without paying much mind to the symbolism of it
  723. >But now you see it more clearly
  724. >As a spider weaves it's web, so does a person weave their destiny through their choices
  725. >You could have chosen to go on patrol tonight, but you didn't
  726. >Today you could have passed by Anon at the supermarket, but you didn't
  727. >You decided to just say hi and see where it will take you
  728. >You believe you've made a right choice today
  729. >You inspect the spider one last time
  730. >It complete
  731. >You take out the tobacco box
  732. >The letters "TK" are engraved on it
  733. >You open it and put the spider in it
  734. >You go inside and close the window
  738. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  739. >Also known as The Crimson Crawler
  740. >You are still working on your name
  741. >It's been some time since your brake
  742. >You've been at it again for at least a week
  743. >Patrolling the city, in search for ne'er do well
  744. >Luckily you haven't run into anything serious
  745. >The only crime you've stopped was taking care of two jocks in school
  746. >They were bullying a nerd
  747. >Tore up some science paper he carried around, yelling about the first signs of alien life
  748. >You webbed their legs quickly and they tripped over
  749. >It was a fun day
  750. >Aside from that, there hasn't been anything serious
  751. >Although some people have noticed you swinging in the city
  752. >Rumours are circulating about a figure jumping on rooftops
  753. >Windows are being regularly locked in fear of free-running perverts
  754. >Hopefully this bad reputation won't follow you
  755. >But what can you do?
  759. >On the other side of your life, school has been going as usual
  760. >Classes pass
  761. >You haven't met still with your old friends
  762. >But Anon is there
  763. >Everyday you go to lunch, talk about stuff and relax
  764. >Today was no different
  766. "How are your Halloween decorations going?"
  767. >Anon looks at you
  768. >Juicebox in hand
  769. >Straw in mouth
  770. >"Whu?"
  771. "Your house of horrors thing?"
  772. >He froze up for a moment
  773. >"Yeah! That! They are going great! I've got everything is perfect"
  774. "That's great!"
  775. >He continues with his lunch
  776. >Hunched over
  777. >It's clear that he doesn't want any attention on him
  778. >Poor guy
  779. >He's told you a lot these couple of days
  780. >About his bully problems
  781. >Namecalling
  782. >Beatings
  783. >Ripped books
  784. >You would have done something about it, but he refused to tell you names
  785. >He always says that everyone will get theirs eventually
  786. >He is strong
  787. >Beyond what you could be
  788. >You reach into your backpack and take out a small pouch
  789. "Anon, I have something for you"
  790. >He turns his head towards you
  791. >You hand it over
  792. >He opens it up
  793. >Inside, there is a small bear-like figurine made of wood
  794. "It's a bear totem. It symbolizes strenght and power."
  795. >He examines it carefully
  796. >His eyes wide and filled with joy
  797. "I hope it helps you...with whatever problems you face."
  798. >He carefully puts it back in the pouch
  799. >"I'll treasure it always"
  800. >You smile
  801. >He's a good kid
  802. >Just a little awkward
  803. >He shouldn't be going through all of this
  804. "You are still not going to the ball tonight, are you?"
  805. >"No"
  806. "I hear ya. Dancing and loud music isn't really my thing either. Maybe when I come back from my aunt's place, we could marathon some movies?"
  807. >"I'd like that"
  808. >His soft smile shines brighter than the sun
  811. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  812. >Also known as the Invincible Crimefighterine
  813. >You are still working on your name
  814. >And it's Halloween
  815. >The most talked about holiday at your school
  816. >Or so you you assume
  817. >You haven't been paying much attention in school
  818. >Neither to academics or the more social aspects
  819. >You just go there because it's expected of you
  820. >It's the same with your crimefighting agenda
  821. >You are expected to either fight crime or cause crime
  822. >You picked the one that you believe suits you the best
  823. >Although you can't say you have done the best of jobs
  824. >You haven't fought any crimes in what seems an eternity
  825. >Besides that ONE crime, the city seems to be very much at peace
  826. >Although you don't have a TV
  827. >Or a computer
  828. >So as far as you know, there could be a civil war happening at this very moment
  829. >And you've just coincidentally been passing by uneventful battlefields
  830. >But let's return to the topic at hand
  831. >Halloween
  832. >No school today
  833. >Just a ball
  834. >And that is what you assume to be the most expected part of the holiday
  835. >You have been doing a lot of assuming this afternoon
  836. >Or early evening
  837. >You admit that these days, you haven't slept quite so well, because of your late night patrols and school goings
  838. >So at the first opportunity, you slept through the entire day
  839. >Your grandad had a saying
  840. >There are no memories from dreams
  841. >It always rings in your mind, when you sleep too much
  842. >But that doesn't matter right now
  843. >Tonight is Halloween
  844. >That most likely means that there will be some hooligans taking advantage of all the costume-wearing to do criminal activities
  845. >And tonight, you will stop them
  846. >You put your costume in your bag
  847. >And head out
  848. >As you lock the door, you notice it's covered in eggs
  849. >You've slept through the trick-or-treaters
  850. >You sigh and head out to your usual spot
  852. >You are sulking atop of your school
  853. >It's amazing how nobody noticed you, considering it's packed with students
  854. >It really does seem like they are having fun down there
  855. >The ball hasn't started yet, so they are hanging around the school grounds
  856. >Dressed like as manner of things
  857. >From the macabre
  858. >To the comical
  859. >So full of life
  860. >Not a care in the world
  861. >You've heard that some girl from the school will be DJ-ing the party
  862. >You've heard she's good
  863. >They say she has some kind of crazy sound system, that she made by herself, that can resonate with the listener's body completely and make him transcend the mortal-coil by means of music
  864. >Truly a saint in the electric church
  865. >But you doubt she can really do that
  866. >In any case, it's probably going to be a rad night for everyone
  867. >You kind of wish that you were down there
  868. >With them
  869. >Having fun
  870. >Instead of up here
  871. >Waiting for night to fall
  872. >Thinking about stuff you've heard people say in the hallways
  873. >It's kind of sad when you think about it
  874. >So you decide to stop thinking about it
  875. >You decide to meditate for a while
  876. >So you can be better suited to do your job later
  879. >You open your eyes and realize that during your meditation you have fallen asleep
  880. >You have been sleeping for 3 hours
  881. >The students have all gathered in the gym and the party is at it's peak
  882. >You sigh and open up your bag
  883. >You take off your shirt and put on your sweatshirt
  884. >You put on your black yoga pants and red sneakers
  885. >You put on your fingerless gloves
  886. >And finally you put on your mask
  887. >It would normally make sense to start with the mask
  888. >But you prefer the dramatic effect
  889. >You start doing some gymnastics to loosen up
  890. >After a bit of stretching, you get ready to jump and swing
  891. >Just as you are about to jump off, you feel a sexy sensation creep up your spine
  892. >It's your arthropod-based dangerdar
  893. >As you look around, you hear an explosion coming from the gym
  894. >That's one wild party
  895. >You jump and swing off
  896. >There is a giant hole in one of the walls of the gym
  897. >That might seem strange
  898. >But what is stranger is there is some green guy, covered in purple rags, flying on a hoverboard
  899. >You assume that he is responsible for the hole
  900. >You never stop assuming
  903. >You hear a cracking laugh
  904. >"Hello party people! Who's ready to do the skeleton dance!"
  905. >He throws what looks like a pumpkin towards the students
  906. >You act quickly
  907. >You let go of your web and jump through the whole
  908. >As you are falling, you web the pumpkin and throw it outside
  909. >The pumpkin falls and explodes in a cloud of green mist
  910. >Everyone looks surprised
  911. >Most of all the green guy
  912. >Although he is wearing a mask, it is very emotive, as you can see his face turn from shock into a grin
  913. >"Well, well, well. If it isn't the local hooligan-pervert. Come to take part in our fun?"
  914. "No! I'm here to stop you!"
  915. >"Boy, aren't you direct. All business. No pleasure."
  916. >He flies around on his hoverboard, grinning like a lunatic
  917. >But in your heart, you know he's right
  918. >You sound like a walking superhero cliche
  919. >You've got to think of a quip
  920. >Fast
  921. >"Luckily for you, when the Green Goblin parties, everybody parties!"
  922. >He reaches down a bag and pulls out more pumpkins
  923. >"Lack of fun can drive a man insane you know."
  924. >He starts laughing again
  925. >Time to shine
  926. "You are the one who's insane gobler! Insane in the membrane!"
  927. >And for a brief moment, you felt time stop
  928. >You could swear that the entire gym went silent
  929. >You felt a thousand eyes staring
  930. >Even the goblin had a look of disgust and pity, mashed into one
  931. >You've never felt so low
  932. >You are never opening your mouth during a battle
  933. >Ever
  935. >"Boy, I actually feel bad for you. Let me give you something to get you going"
  936. >He throws three pumpkins at you
  937. >You web them
  938. >Spin
  939. >And throw them outside
  940. >This trick won't work again
  941. >You need to get him out of here somehow
  942. >You need to examine him
  943. >Find weak spots and exploit them
  944. >To do that you have to take his attention of you somehow
  945. "Why are you hear? Why are you doing this"
  946. >"Why? It's Halloween! It's a party! It's everything I stand for! A darker shade of fun. In fact, I might as well say..."
  947. >He's babbling to himself
  948. >He want the attention
  949. >His pose is poorly balanced on the board
  950. >The board has a couple of trinkets hanging from it
  951. >You know what you must do
  952. >You sigh
  953. >You are ready to fight
  956. "I'm sorry. Did you carve all those pumpkins you have and filled them with explosives? That doesn't seem like something "fun". To be frank it looks kind of autistic"
  957. >He snaps
  958. >"What did you say?"
  959. "Did I stutter? Or was it you?"
  960. >He's livid
  961. >He takes out another bomb
  962. >As he is throwing it, you jump and catch it
  963. >You throw it back at him
  964. >He quickly moves away and shoot a web towards the ceiling
  965. >You swing out from the whole and land on the roof
  966. >The goblin flies up towards you
  967. >He takes out more bombs and starts throwing them at you
  968. >You just run towards the football field
  969. >All the while dodging projectiles from behind
  970. >Thanks to your heightened sixth sense, you manage to dodge them pretty easily
  971. >You jump on the field
  972. >He quickly catches up and starts bombarding you
  973. >You manage to dodge every single explosion
  974. >"Think you can make fun of me, you pest! Think again!"
  975. >The entire field is covered in green mist
  976. >You take this chance to hide under the benches
  977. >The mist clears
  978. >The goblin is in the middle of the field
  979. >"Where are you? I've got more treats for you in my goodie-bag!"
  980. >He reaches in his bag
  981. >His grimace turns to a frown
  982. >He is out of bombs
  983. >You take this chance
  984. >You web his hoveboard and pull it from beneath him
  985. >He falls on the ground
  986. >You yell out
  987. "It's over Anon!"
  988. >His eyes go wide
  989. >"H-how did you know?"
  993. >How couldn't you have known
  994. >His poor posture
  995. >His bad aim
  996. >His cracking laughter
  997. >Even the bear figure that you gave him the other day is hanging from his board
  998. >You walk out from beneath the the benches
  999. "I played your game, Anon, it's time to stop"
  1000. >You slowly walk towards him
  1001. >In the most unthreatening way you can
  1002. >"W-who are you?"
  1003. "I am a friend. I am here to help you."
  1004. >"I have no friends!"
  1005. >That hurt you a little
  1006. >You ignore it
  1007. "Why did you do all this, Anon? You could have hurt somebody. Why cause this havoc?"
  1008. >He starts crawling back
  1009. >"Get away from me!"
  1010. "Was it because they hurt you?"
  1011. >"I said get away!"
  1012. >He reaches into his bag again
  1013. >He pulls out a gun
  1014. >Just an ordinary gun
  1015. >No zany colours
  1016. >No drawings on it
  1017. >Just cold and metallic
  1018. >It's a last resort
  1019. >He didn't even have the confidence that he will manage to blow up the school
  1020. >His hand is shaking
  1021. >You can hear him start sniveling
  1022. >This is sad
  1023. >You don't falter your walk
  1024. "Put the gun down, Anon."
  1025. >He start shooting at you
  1026. >His shots are way off center
  1027. >You barely have to dodge
  1028. >After a while it's come to one bullet
  1029. >His eyes filled with fear of you
  1030. >"You won't take him"
  1031. >He points the gun to his head
  1032. >Your eyes go wide
  1033. >You shoot out a web towards the gun
  1034. >You pull it away
  1035. >BANG!
  1037. >You didn't lose one life
  1038. >You saved two
  1039. >You saved more than a hundred lives
  1040. >And you didn't lose one
  1041. >But you feel you did
  1042. >Anon was your friend
  1043. >And you were his only friend
  1044. >At least you think you were
  1045. >The bear totem was with him during the attack
  1046. >He must have thought of you that day
  1047. >Maybe that's why he asked if you were going to the ball
  1048. >In any case you managed to save him
  1049. >Although some might disagree
  1050. >You are in the hospital, next to Anon's bed
  1051. >He is just staring at the ceiling
  1052. >He reacts from time to time, so he must know you are there
  1053. >You weren't quick enough to pull away the gun
  1054. >The bullet managed to hit him
  1055. >Not fatally
  1056. >But enough to put him in this state
  1057. "I'll be going, Anon. I'll see you next week"
  1058. >He slowly turns towards you
  1059. >Saliva dripping from his mouth
  1060. >Eyes wide
  1061. >Empty
  1062. >You put the bear totem on his night desk
  1063. >You exit his room
  1064. >You didn't lose a life
  1065. >But you might as well have
  1066. >You've felt empty for a week
  1070. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  1071. >Also known as
  1072. >The Spider
  1073. >That's what the newspapers named you after the Green Goblin incident
  1074. >You kind of like the name
  1075. >Simple
  1076. >Catchy
  1077. >Not a mouthful
  1078. >You just wish you had thought of that
  1079. >In any case, your status as a hero is bonafide by some parts of the community
  1080. >Some believe you should have done more to try and save Anonymous
  1081. >Others believe that you should have left him off himself
  1082. >Still
  1083. >Most consider that you have done a good deed saving the school
  1084. >Although it should be noted that there are people who think that you should answer for your earlier crimes
  1085. >The three people you beat up
  1086. >Although you partially agree
  1087. >You are a vigilante of sorts
  1088. >So you might just overstep some laws
  1089. >In any case
  1090. >You are standing in the usual sulk spot
  1091. >And although you are still grieving for Anon in your own way
  1092. >You have a job to do
  1093. >And not only that
  1094. >But there are some question that haven't been answered about the Goblin
  1095. >First of all
  1096. >Where did he get that glider?
  1097. >There is no away he could have built it one his own
  1098. >He doesn't have the equipment nor the knowledge
  1099. >And he couldn't have stolen it
  1100. >High-tech experimental weaponry is hard to come by in stores
  1101. >The only option is that he must have bought it
  1102. >You read that the police are working on the case
  1103. >They say the police are working on it
  1104. >Maybe that's a good place to start
  1105. >You jump and swing off
  1109. >You arrive at the main police station of the city
  1110. >You ponder how you should act on this
  1111. >There isn't a high chance that they will hand over any information they have
  1112. >Also considering you were there during the Goblin attack, they will certainly want you in for questioning
  1113. >You just have to act
  1114. >Lord knows you haven't done that a lot
  1115. >You crawl on the side of the building, looking for an open window
  1116. >Luckily it didn't take you long to find one
  1117. >You peak in
  1118. >The room is empty
  1119. >You crawl inside
  1120. >And you start looking around
  1121. >There's a palm tree
  1122. >A desk
  1123. >Filecabbinets
  1124. >Nothing interesting
  1125. >The desk is littered with paperwork
  1126. >And there is a framed picture on it
  1127. >You take it and examin it
  1128. >An old man and his daughter
  1129. >She looks familiar
  1130. >Your spider sense sends you an erotic signal across your entire body
  1131. >Every time
  1132. >You finally settled on naming your 6th sense spider sense
  1133. >To match your name
  1134. >As the door opens your mind races
  1135. >You think about jumping out
  1136. >But you figure a driect approach might yield more fruitful results
  1137. >In walks the man from the picture
  1138. >The moment the sees you, he closes the door behind him
  1139. "Good evening, Mr Officer"
  1140. >He is astonished to see you
  1141. >Although he looks like he is in his 50es, he looks very good
  1142. >Tall
  1143. >Brawny
  1144. >Intelligent face
  1145. >He has a silver fox thing going on with his white hair and moustache
  1148. >"You! You are..."
  1149. "The Spider, yes"
  1150. >You cut him off
  1151. >Announcing yourself for the first time makes you feel kind of giddy
  1152. >It takes the officer some time to recover himself
  1153. >"H-how did you get in here?"
  1154. "Through the window"
  1155. >He looks a little angry
  1156. >"3 people have filed reports against you, you are suspected of voyeurism, you ran away from a crime scene and you snuck into a the chief of police's office. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you"
  1157. >He has some good points
  1158. "I want to help with Green Goblin case."
  1159. >"We have it all under control"
  1160. >Those words make you angry
  1161. >Under control
  1162. >You highly doubt it
  1163. "Do you really? A kid got a hold of high-tech weaponry. The only reason an entire school isn't masacared is because I was there. If someone is giving away weapons around town, you'll have a warzone on your hands, chief. I lost one friend that day. I'm not about to lose any more."
  1164. >He wants to retort
  1165. >He can't
  1166. >He has a look of defeat
  1167. >He walks up to his desk and takes his mug coffee
  1168. >"I've worked around the law before. Bribed crooks. Threatened lowlifes. Beaten gangsters. I was even part of a vigilante gang in my home town. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do for the good of the people. I only ask you, if you find anything, report directly to me. Understood?"
  1169. >Something in his voice
  1170. >Very stern
  1171. >Fatherly
  1172. >But somehow comforting
  1173. "Understood"
  1174. >"Good."
  1175. >He takes a long drink from his coffee
  1176. >"Examinations of the glider have lead us to a company called Oscorp. They have a wall of lawyers we can't get through by the books. You one the other can get around it. There will be an expo this week. There is a high chance that something will come up. Snoop around, see what you find, come back to me. After that we will figure our next steps. Don't make a mess out of it."
  1177. "Wouldn't dream of it, chief."
  1178. >"It's Wordon"
  1179. "Excuse me?"
  1180. >"My name is commissioner Jeremy Wordon"
  1181. "It's a pleasure."
  1182. >"Likewise."
  1183. >You turn around and climb on the window, ready to jump out
  1184. >"Also, I'd like to thank you"
  1185. >You turn your head
  1186. >"For saving the school. daughter was at that ball."
  1187. >You turn away and jump out
  1191. >As you swing around town you spider sense tingles
  1192. >You look around and see two people in an alley way
  1193. >You jump on a roof and stealthily crawl towards them
  1194. >You see one of them holding a gun and the other checking his pockets
  1195. >Upside down, you descend on your web
  1196. >You are just behind the mugger
  1197. >The victim notices you and screams from shock
  1198. >The mugger turns around and points his gun at you
  1199. >With one arm you knock it out of his hand and push him on the ground
  1200. >You web him up
  1201. "Call the police"
  1202. >You shoot a web and swing off
  1203. >You just prevented a crime
  1204. >And yet you don't feel as excited as you should be
  1205. >You've got other things on your mind
  1209. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  1210. >Also known as the Spider
  1211. >As you are walking through the school halls blindly bypassing everyone around, are contemplating a way to get into the Oscorp expo
  1212. >Sadly, time is running out since the expo is tomorrow
  1213. >You could just sneak in
  1214. >The vents are an option
  1215. >Open windows
  1216. >Maybe through a backdoor somewhere
  1217. >Still, once you get in, what will you be looking for?
  1218. >Suspicious people doing suspicious things?
  1219. >Carrying around crates of high-tech equipment
  1220. >What else could people be doing in an expo?
  1221. >What are the chances than an arms deal might go on then?
  1222. >It will be filled with people
  1223. >Heavy workers carrying around bulking machinery
  1224. >During the day
  1225. >Actually that might be something that could work
  1226. >No one would pay them any attention
  1227. >But how will you proceed?
  1228. >Jump out and web them up?
  1229. >Or take them down, one by one, from the shadows
  1230. >Still
  1231. >You have to be ready for nothing of the sorts to take place
  1232. >You might just have to pin a scientist and ask them if they've seen something fishy
  1233. >You'll get to that later
  1234. >Right now you still have to think of a way to get in
  1237. >As you are walking through the halls, something catches your eye
  1238. >Two jocks bullying a nerd
  1239. >The same nerd from about a week ago
  1240. >And the same jocks
  1241. >Figures
  1242. >You could tie their feet together
  1243. >But
  1244. >You just walk up to them
  1245. >They are passing eachother some papers the kid was carrying
  1246. >You just catch the papers mid-air
  1247. >"Hey, hey! What's the big idea?"
  1248. "Leave him alone"
  1249. >"Pff... wha?"
  1250. >You grab the guy by the collar of his shirt
  1251. >You are not in the mood
  1252. "Get lost or I'll make you get lost"
  1253. >The guy just stares at you
  1254. >You throw him aside
  1255. >He quickly regains his composure
  1256. >"Yeah, well, we were done anyway."
  1257. >He waves his partner to come with him
  1258. >Still shocked, he runs to him
  1259. "Little Norman can't save his own hide. Got to make his girlfriend protect him"
  1260. >They both laugh as they climb up the stairs
  1261. >You turn towards "Norman"
  1262. >Small stature
  1263. >Looks weak
  1264. >Glasses
  1265. >Braces
  1266. >Tucked in shirt
  1267. >Typical bully victim
  1268. >You give him his hand to help him get up
  1269. "You alright?"
  1270. >"Yeah...thanks"
  1271. >He gets up and you help him gather his belongings
  1272. >Among them you find a pamphlet on the expo
  1273. >What are the chances that he might be going?
  1274. "Hey...umm...Norman. Will you be going to this expo?"
  1275. >"Will I ever! It's one of my most anticipated days of the year! They'll be showing all their stuff their. Their findings on teleportation, first signs of alien life, bio-mechanized suits..."
  1276. "Yeah, yeah, yeah...butt do you happen to have another ticket? I kind of want to go too..."
  1277. >He frowns a bit
  1278. >He searches his wallet
  1279. >"Well...I was planning to scalp it..."
  1280. >You'll pretend that you didn't hear that
  1281. >"But since you helped me out a bit here...I can give it to you for free"
  1282. >He takes out a ticket
  1283. >And gives it to you
  1284. >"All in the name of progress! The moto of Oscorp!"
  1285. >Yeah
  1286. >Sure
  1289. "How are you feeling today?"
  1290. >The hospital room is quiet
  1291. >There are sounds of beeping machines
  1292. >Liquids dripping through tubes
  1293. >You can smell the sterility in the room
  1294. >It's almost toxic
  1295. "Today I helped a guy who was being bullied. Reminded me of you. Except for the fashion sense"
  1296. >You laugh a bit to yourself
  1297. >The ambience uninterrupted
  1298. "He gave me a ticket to the expo. I've got a hunch I'm gonna find the culprits there. They will be brought to justice"
  1299. >
  1300. >
  1301. >
  1302. "You know, this could have been all avoided if you could have just told me who was tormenting you."
  1303. >Or maybe if you were a better friend
  1304. >Or you were faster
  1305. "...we should have been watching movies now..."
  1306. >
  1307. >
  1308. >
  1309. "I'll be going. I'll see you later, ok?"
  1310. >It's like you expected an answer
  1312. >Oscorp
  1313. >The epicenter of scientific break troughs in the continent
  1314. >Everything from medicine to quantum physics
  1315. >What we thought of the distant future is just one step away
  1316. >All in the name of progress
  1317. >At least that's what the banner said outside
  1318. >You aren't sure where progress comes when they are selling weapons to children
  1319. >In any case, the building is enormous
  1320. >And packed with people
  1321. >Mostly college students, going around taking pictures and notes
  1322. >Even the staff seems to be missing
  1323. >Or you just can't see them
  1324. >No security
  1325. >No lecturers
  1326. >It's going to be real hard to locate an arms dealer here
  1327. >You can't just go around snooping
  1328. >You've got to act with tact and stealth
  1329. >Maybe...
  1330. >...your spider sense can help you
  1331. >It picks up bad guys when it wants to
  1332. >You could try and make it pick up bad guys
  1333. >It's worth a shot
  1334. >You close your eyes
  1335. >And you try to isolate all the noise around you
  1336. >You concentrate
  1337. >You focus your intentions
  1338. >Time is slowing down
  1339. >You begin to feel something
  1340. >Something off
  1341. >You open your eyes
  1342. >The feeling is still there
  1343. >You walk towards the direction this feeling is radiating from
  1344. >You reach a wall
  1345. >But you can sense something behind it
  1346. >You look around
  1347. >There are no doors
  1348. >But there are sure to be ventilation shafts
  1349. >You look around
  1350. >You see a sign that says "restroom"
  1354. >You go to the restroom and look around
  1355. >Bingo
  1356. >Ventilation shafts
  1357. >Big enough for you to crawl in
  1358. >You enter one of the stalls and change in your costume
  1359. >You jump on the ceeling, open the shaft and crawl in
  1360. >Turns out its a maze here
  1361. >But you follow your spider sense
  1362. >Twists
  1363. >Turns
  1364. >Left
  1365. >Right
  1366. >Finally you arrive
  1367. >This is it
  1368. >You gently open the cover
  1369. >You can hear a couple of people talking
  1370. >"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Systevich"
  1371. >"Like-wise, Lowell. I need to be going. Some kids wanna buy themselves a few of our toys tonight."
  1372. >"Oh, I'm sure"
  1373. >This is it
  1374. >This is the deal
  1375. >You can't miss this opportunity
  1376. >You jump out
  1377. "Everybody hold it!"
  1378. >There are 4 people
  1379. >1 guy wearing a labcoat
  1380. >And 3 brawny fellas
  1381. >One of them has a couple of tubes underneath his arm
  1382. >Did...
  1383. >Did you fuck up again?
  1384. >"Rhino! Now!"
  1385. >What?
  1386. >Your spider sense tingles
  1387. >You turn around and
  1388. >You fly across the room
  1389. >And you land on a few computers
  1390. >"We figured we might have some company. Good thing we brought an extra bit of security"
  1391. >Your entire body hurts
  1392. >It's like you were hit by a truck
  1393. >You look up and see something charging towards you
  1394. >You quickly jump out of the way
  1395. >But you weren't quick enough
  1396. >You get grabbed by a giant hand and go through the wall with it
  1397. >You can barely tell whats going on
  1398. >You feel yourself lifted high above the ground
  1399. >You look down
  1400. >It looks like a giant man-rhino
  1401. >"So you're that Spider everybody keeps talking about? Pff...You don't seem so tough"
  1402. >You get thrown across a large room
  1403. >Glass breaks on your back
  1404. >It cuts deep into your skin
  1405. >There's a sudden sensation of a cold liquid enveloping your body
  1406. >You hit some sort of vat
  1407. >Your muscles tense up
  1408. >"Come on, bug! I ain't got all day"
  1409. >Your spider sense is going crazy
  1410. >But you can barely move
  1411. >The pain combined with the cold liquid has you petrified
  1412. >You can also swear you can feel something sticking to your skin
  1413. >Crawling even
  1414. >This is it
  1415. >The big one
  1416. >You tense up
  1417. >Hold your ground
  1418. >And you are swept away
  1419. >You pass through another wall
  1420. >You get thrown again
  1421. >You hear people screaming
  1422. >You are probably in the middle of the convention
  1423. >You've gotta move
  1424. >You try to stand up but you fall
  1425. >Your limbs feel numb
  1426. >Your ribs hurt as hell
  1427. >Was this your run?
  1428. >A run filled with disappointment and guilt
  1429. >Well
  1430. >It could have been worse
  1431. >
  1432. >
  1433. >No it couldn't
  1434. >You were a joke
  1435. >But you can fix it
  1436. >You just have to escape somehow
  1437. >You try to get up one more time
  1438. >And you get picked up
  1439. >"This one's for the winning point"
  1440. >You get thrown
  1441. >The longest throw for now
  1442. >You feel a door break on your back
  1443. >There's a crash
  1444. >Darkness
  1447. <We can do it
  1448. <We will fix everything
  1449. <No need to worry
  1450. <Just wake up
  1451. <Wake up
  1452. >"Wake up"
  1453. "Whu...?"
  1454. >"Are you alright?"
  1455. >You open your eyes
  1456. >It's the commissioner
  1457. "Wh...what happened?"
  1458. >"You got in a fight. Witnesses say there was a rhinoceros going throw walls here"
  1459. "They are right"
  1460. >You try to stand up
  1461. >The commissioner helps you
  1462. >"Easy. You are badly hurt. It's a miracle you survived."
  1463. >You look around
  1464. >You are in the restroom
  1465. >Just you and the commissioner
  1466. "I've got to stop them"
  1467. >You make a few steps and fall
  1468. >This time Wordon catches you
  1469. >"You are in no condition to do anything. Just tell me what happened"
  1470. "The...there was a deal. But they didn't have weapons. Just tubes. I don't know. Someone said something about kids and's a blur..."
  1471. >"Tubes? They could be schematics. What was that about the toys"
  1472. "I think...I think they will be making a deal tonight"
  1473. >Gordon takes off his trenchcoat and covers you with it
  1474. >"Thank you. I will drive you home."
  1475. "I can go home myself."
  1476. >"Not in your condition"
  1477. >You definitely get up
  1478. >You prove yourself wrong
  1479. >He catches you one more time
  1480. >This time he takes you in his arms
  1481. >"You should take off that mask. No need to be drawing attention. Either way it's almost completely ripped off."
  1482. >You grab your face
  1483. >You can feel your skin
  1484. "I-I..."
  1485. >"Don't worry. I won't tell anybody."
  1486. >He he walks out of the bathroom, carrying you
  1487. >He gets to his car and puts you in the front seat
  1488. >He sits in the driver's seat and tosses you something
  1489. >"Painkillers. They'll help out. Just tell me where you live, before you take them"
  1493. >It feels like you've been driving for hours
  1494. >Everything just meshes up together through the window
  1495. >You could swear that you had fallen asleep at least 3 times
  1496. >Maybe it was more
  1497. >You don't want to think about it
  1498. >The car stops
  1499. >The driver's door opens
  1500. >In a moment yours does as well
  1501. >Wordon takes you again
  1502. >It's raining
  1503. >You hear a door unlock
  1504. >"Home sweet home, huh kid?"
  1505. >He leaves you on your couch
  1506. >"Check with me tomorrow, alright?"
  1507. "al-alright"
  1508. >The door closes
  1509. >You drift off
  1511. <There will be no pain anymore
  1512. <No guilt
  1513. <No sorrow
  1514. <No pain
  1515. <Just accept us
  1516. <We will make everything better
  1517. <We are your friend, Sunset
  1520. >You wake up
  1521. >You've never felt better
  1522. >It's like yesterday never even happened
  1523. >Except something is wrong
  1524. >You are in warehouse
  1525. >Surrounded by what seems to be angry, armed youth
  1526. >You've got guns pointed at you from all sides
  1527. >One of them fires
  1528. >You dodge, web his feet and pull him towards you
  1529. >Another one fires
  1530. >You jump and throw the first shooter at him
  1531. >Third one has an automatic riffle
  1532. >You can't dodge mid air
  1533. >You aim towards him and
  1534. >He's knocked out
  1535. >A tentacle retracts in your sleeve
  1536. >You fall on the ground
  1537. >Two more come at you
  1538. >One has a knife
  1539. >The other a pipe
  1540. >The first one tries to slash you, but you catch his hand
  1541. >You headbutt him unconscious
  1542. >The second one swings with his bat
  1543. >The bat breaks in your shoulder
  1544. >He drops the handle
  1545. >You squint your eyes
  1546. >He starts running
  1547. >You web his feet and pull him towards you
  1548. >You web him to the ground
  1549. >You do the same with the rest
  1550. >You look up
  1551. >There's a hole in the roof
  1552. >You web yourself to it and jump out
  1553. >It's night
  1554. >You notice your gloves have white rectangles on them
  1555. >And your sleeves are black
  1556. >You jump to the ground and check yourself in a puddle
  1557. >You are wearing a black jacket with a hood, instead of your usual red sweatshirt
  1558. >The spider one your chest is white and more angular
  1559. >Even your sneakers are black
  1560. >What happened last night?
  1563. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  1564. >Also known as the Spider
  1565. >And you've just woken up in your bed
  1566. >You feel great
  1567. >Refreshed
  1568. >Invigorated
  1569. >It's like you've been sleeping for 2 month
  1570. >It's strange how you can feel this good after a yesterday's rhinoceros incident
  1571. >You have to track him down
  1572. >You also have to check in with the commissioner
  1573. >What was stollen and what were the damages
  1574. >You jump out of bed and step in you costume
  1575. >Or at least a few red and black rags
  1576. >You pick it up
  1577. >It's beyond repair
  1578. >You should make yourself a new one
  1579. >Buy new yoga pants and a red sweater
  1580. >Or maybe you should try something else
  1581. >You remember you had a strange dream
  1582. >You were wearing a black jacket with a white spider on it
  1583. >A change of wardrobe might not be a bad idea
  1584. >You sit on your desk and take out some paper and a pen
  1585. >You make a quick scetch of a spider
  1586. >More angular than your normal one
  1587. >This will be your new symbol
  1588. >Black and white
  1589. >Stealthier
  1590. >A bit more menacing
  1591. >To scare the criminals
  1592. >Your alarm rings
  1593. >Good God!
  1594. >Has it always been this loud?
  1595. >You turn it off
  1596. >You take a quick shower, get dressed and leave for school
  1599. >As you walk towards the school entrance, you see a familiar face
  1600. >It's that guy
  1601. >The one that gave his ticket
  1602. >...that he was going to scalp
  1603. >Norman
  1604. >When he sees you, he runs towards you
  1605. >"Good morning!"
  1606. "Morning"
  1607. >You walk past him, but he starts following you
  1608. >"Did you see what happened at the expo yesterday? I heard a rhino guy destroyed the whole place"
  1609. "Yeah, that's pretty much it"
  1610. >"I heard he was 20 feet tall and went trhough the walls like it was nothing"
  1611. "Well, he was shorter than 20 feet..."
  1612. >"And the Spider was there, and just ran over her"
  1613. "It wasn't like that..."
  1614. >"Like it was nothing!"
  1615. >You are going to slug him
  1616. >"Hey guys! Come to my concert tomorrow!"
  1617. >A young girl hands you and Norman flyers
  1618. >You take a flyer
  1619. >"Best beats you'll hear in this god forsaken town!"
  1620. >She walks away, promoting herself to the other students
  1621. >You look at the flyer
  1622. >DJ PoN3
  1623. >Is the 3 pronounced as an E or as three?
  1624. >You never could get the hang of those creative nick names
  1625. >You look at Norman
  1626. >He seems fixated on the girl
  1627. "Why don't you ask her out?"
  1628. >"Huh? Whats?!"
  1629. >He was completly lost in his day dream
  1630. "Why don't you ask her out? You like her, don't you?"
  1631. >"'s not like that"
  1632. >You really hit him bellow the belt this time
  1633. >"I can't just ask her out. It's not that simple..."
  1634. "Yeah, sure."
  1635. >You walk off
  1636. >Norman is hesitant for a second, but decides to follow you
  1637. >Again
  1638. >"How should I ask her?"
  1639. "Find common subjects to talk about. Find out what kind of music she plays and listens to. Read up on it. Go to her concert to show interest. After she's done congratulate her, make comparisons between her and some big names from the genre. Ask her what inspires her. Show her that she can rely on you and there you go."
  1640. >"I...what? H-how can you be so sure?"
  1641. "I read a lot of psychology books."
  1642. >"Part of your curriculum?"
  1643. "No, just for practical use."
  1644. >"Will you be going into business?"
  1645. "No. Criminology."
  1646. >"I...what?"
  1649. >You just can't seem to shake Norman off
  1650. >Maybe you shouldn't have given him ideas on how to woo girls
  1651. >Or mention your interests in criminal anthropology
  1652. >You should slug him
  1654. >Your spider-sense is tingling
  1655. >But why?
  1656. You look through the window on the second floor
  1657. >You see police cars
  1658. >You have to do something
  1659. >You look around
  1660. >There's a fire alarm right next to you
  1661. "Norman! What's that?"
  1662. >You point to something imaginary behind him
  1663. >As he turns away from you, you pull the fire alarm
  1664. >Oh GOD! It's so loud!
  1665. >A panic envelopes every student in the building and they run off screaming
  1666. >You run in the opposite direction and get to the stairs that go directly to the roof top
  1667. >But on the roof, you are hit with a bit of a problem
  1668. >You don't have a costume
  1669. >You don't even have a mask
  1670. >You should have gone shopping today
  1671. >You rummage in your bag and try to find something
  1672. >Anything could work
  1673. >Nothing
  1674. >Great
  1675. >It would have been nice to have that suit from earlier
  1676. >You imagine it for a brief moment
  1677. >And
  1678. >You feel something
  1679. >Something crawling on you
  1680. >You look at your hands
  1681. >They are being covered in a black goo
  1682. >Oh shit!
  1683. >You try to pull it off, but with no avail
  1684. >You can feel it covering your entire body
  1685. >You feel restricted
  1686. >You can't breathe
  1687. >You try to rip it apart from your chest
  1688. >It you manage to do it
  1689. >But another layer covers the one you broke
  1690. >A big white spider appears on your chest
  1691. >The two pieces in your hands settle down
  1692. >You realize what this is
  1693. >It's the costume from your dream
  1694. >Or maybe it wasn't a dream
  1695. >Where did this thing come from?
  1696. >At this point you don't have much time
  1697. >You jump off from the building and web yourself in the direction of the sirens
  1699. >You managed to catch up with the police cars fairly quickly
  1700. >Much quicker than you would have expected
  1701. >The cars stop in front of a bank
  1702. >From what you can gather, there seems to be a hostage situation
  1703. >You know exactly what to do
  1704. >You web yourself on top of the bank and search for a ventilation shaft
  1705. >It didn't take you long to find one
  1706. >You pry open the metal grind and climb inside
  1707. >After a minute or so of navigation, you reach the other side
  1708. >You carefully pull the grid off and poke your head outside
  1709. >You are in the water closet
  1710. >Great
  1711. >At the very least you will have the element of surprise
  1712. >You slowly descend in the bathroom
  1713. >You go towards the door and just as you are about to exit, you hear one of the toilets flushing
  1714. >A masked man in black comes from one of the stalls
  1715. >Machine gun thrown his back
  1716. >He fixes his pants when he sees you
  1717. >There is a moment of shock as he just stares at you
  1718. >He is about to open his mouth, when you web it shut
  1719. >You pull him towards yourself and knock him out
  1720. >You take apart his gun and web him up
  1721. >That's right
  1722. >You know how to take apart weaponry
  1723. >You also just now notice that your webbing has turned from grayish white, to black
  1724. >After this, you should really figure out what you are wearing
  1727. >You exit the bathroom
  1728. >Turns out, it was behind the counters
  1729. >Luckily, nobody noticed you
  1730. >You see three people in the hall, keeping an eye on the hostages and the police
  1731. >Two near the vault
  1732. >The speed with which bags of money get thrown out of the vault, you figure that there should be around 3 people inside
  1733. >First off you better deal with the vault crew
  1734. >You jump on the ceiling and crawl towards them
  1735. >You are right above the two robbers
  1736. >Time for you to perform your spider take down
  1737. >Based on the ever so popular Belgian take down
  1738. >You web both of the robbers feet and pull them up
  1739. >They hit their heads pretty hard so they fall unconscious
  1740. >Finally, you web them to the ceiling
  1741. >Nothing to it
  1742. >Jump down and throw yourself inside the vault
  1743. >As you fly in, you grab two robbers and smack their heads on the ground
  1744. >You quickly look around
  1745. >The vault is empty
  1746. >Turns out, it was jsut these two
  1747. >Nothing to worry then
  1748. >Only the three guys in the hall are left
  1749. >You've got this
  1750. >You run full speed and jump over the counters
  1751. >You kick one of the robbers in the face
  1752. >The other two turn towards you
  1753. >Mid-air, you web away the machine gun from one and hit the other with it
  1754. >You safely land on the floor
  1755. >You turn you attention towards the last man standing
  1756. >He's pulled out a gun and he's about to fire
  1757. >That was not part of the plan
  1759. >You stick your arm out and try to web him
  1760. >But from your sleeve what looks like a tentacle shoots towards him
  1761. >He is too dumbfound to react in any way
  1762. >He gets hit in the chest and flies out of through one of the windows
  1763. >The tentacle retracts back
  1764. >Um...
  1765. >Whoops
  1766. >The bank gets stormed by the police
  1767. >Guns are being waved around
  1768. >Front and center is commissioner Jeremy Wordon
  1769. >Every cop has their gun pointed at you
  1770. >The moment the commissioner sees you, he orders them lower their weapons and search the bank
  1771. >They know better than to disobey him and spread out
  1772. >The commissioner walks up to you
  1773. >"Meet me on the roof in 10 minutes"
  1774. >You nod and run to the bathroom and jump up the shaft
  1777. >Ten minutes pass and the commissioner comes up with a cup of coffee
  1778. >"8 thieves neutralized, no casualties and you even did it unarmed. Maybe I should offer you a job"
  1779. >You blush a little behind your mask
  1780. >"Didn't expect to see you for some time after yesterday's brawl. I like the new threads."
  1781. "It's just something I improvised...heh..."
  1782. >"Right. Well, turns out, yesterday, we didn't have an arms deal. They were selling the schematics."
  1783. "Schematics?"
  1784. >He takes a sip of his coffee
  1785. >"Mhm. Turns out our people might preffer building their toys instead of buying."
  1786. "I see. Do you have any leads on who might be behind all of this."
  1787. >"Sadly, no. But I'll check with you if something comes up. Any way to reach you? Phone? Peiger? A big spider signal?"
  1788. "No. I can just come around once a week."
  1789. >"That could work. I'll be sure to be on time each day."
  1790. >He smiles and takes another drink
  1791. >"You should get back to class, Sunset"
  1792. >What?!
  1793. >Oh
  1794. >Yeah
  1795. >He got you home last night
  1796. "School's canceled today. The fire alarm went off."
  1797. >"Is there a chance that you were behind it?"
  1798. "Mr. commissioner. I enforce the law, but I am not above it."
  1799. >"Heh...well, take care then. You've earned some rest"
  1800. >The commissioner walks towards the door
  1801. "Wait!"
  1802. >He turns around
  1803. "What...what were the damages from yesterday?"
  1804. >He scratches his head
  1805. >"A few injured, zero casualties, a couple of scientists got fired. Over a billion dollars of equipment got destroyed."
  1806. "Did anything get stollen or go missing?"
  1807. >He takes his final sip from the coffee and smashes the cup
  1808. >" space goo."
  1809. "What?"
  1810. >"Oscorp recently found something they believe to be an extra terrestrial life form"
  1811. >Oh no
  1812. >"It resembles black slime"
  1813. >Oh no no no
  1814. >"And after your fight, they couldn't find it"
  1815. >Nononononono
  1816. >"They believe that it most likely died, because of the outside conditions. Why do you ask?"
  1817. " curious. I should be going now, chief. I'll see you around"
  1818. >You jump off the building and swing
  1820. >This is bad
  1821. >This is really bad
  1822. >You are covered with alien goo
  1823. >You should take it off
  1824. >Immediately
  1825. >This will in no way end well
  1826. <Although, it did prove itself useful today
  1827. <The improvised costume
  1828. <Even the tentacles
  1829. <Furthermore, last night's dream wasn't a dream, was it
  1830. <You actually fought off a gang with the help of this thing
  1831. <It's probably best to keep it
  1832. >At least for a little while
  1833. >Just until you can figure what you can do with it
  1834. >Since you have the entire day to yourself
  1835. >You figure it would be best to explore this new costume of yours
  1836. >You head towards the abandoned railway station on the edge of town
  1839. >After around half an hour of swinging through the city, you reach the train station
  1840. >You take a look around
  1841. >Rusted old carts
  1842. >Decripit tanks filled with rain water
  1843. >This place brings back memories
  1844. >Here is where you trained when you gained your powers
  1845. >You partially lifted carts
  1846. >You practiced your zip-linning
  1847. >Sharp shooting cans and bottles
  1848. >Good times
  1849. >You decide to start your new training course with a strenght test
  1850. >You walk up to one of the carts
  1851. >You slide your hand on it
  1852. >Good old Molly the trolley
  1853. >How many times you tried lifting her
  1854. >Never quite could
  1855. >You could turn her over
  1856. >But that was it
  1857. >But today
  1858. >Today things are different
  1859. >You grab the cart and slowly lift it
  1860. >It's easier than you remember
  1861. >You barely strain yourself
  1862. >You put it back down
  1863. >You walk around it, examining it
  1864. >Finally you stop
  1865. >You jump into the air
  1866. >Surprisingly, you almost double your usual length
  1867. >You shoot two strands of webs on roof of the cart
  1868. >You try to pull it up
  1869. >Although it isn't as easy as you lifting it, you easily manage to lift the cart in the air
  1870. >You let it go and you fall on your feet
  1871. >You look around
  1872. >You see a nice looking tank, around 30 meters from you
  1873. >You shoot a web at it
  1874. >And you hit it
  1875. >You giggle with excitment
  1876. >Turns out this suit does amplify your powers quite a lot
  1878. >Next up is something you have no experience in
  1879. >Producing tendrils
  1880. >Sure you've done it twice, but it was by acident
  1881. >Time for the real deal
  1882. >You look at your hand
  1883. >You concentrate
  1884. >Foce
  1885. >You visualize the tentacle appearing from your hand
  1886. >Nothing
  1887. >Huh...
  1888. >You look at a cart, realtively close to you
  1889. >You shoot a web at it
  1890. >Nothing special
  1891. >You swing your hand again, like you'd shoot a web at it
  1892. >But without actually shooting one
  1893. >Again nothing
  1894. >You breathe deeply
  1895. >You throw your hand towards the cart
  1896. >Without much intention, just pure reflex
  1897. >A tentacle shoots out from your sleeve and dents the side of the cart
  1898. >It slowly retracts back
  1899. >You do it again
  1900. >Again it shoots out and hits the cart
  1901. >This time you focus on it staying and trying to move it around
  1902. >Surely enough, it works
  1903. >You can barely lift it, but you are showing progress
  1904. >It feels like limb that has gone numb
  1905. >For now your control over it is rather limited
  1906. >But you are getting the hang of it
  1908. >You manage to retract it back
  1909. >This time you do the same with your other arm
  1910. >Again it works
  1911. >And again, you can barely move it
  1912. >You retract it back
  1913. >You walk around the station
  1914. >Whenever you see a can or a bottle, you use your new found tentacles to pick them up
  1915. >It's tedious, but with each one you pick, it gets a little bit easier
  1916. >After the 15 or so, you can honestly say that you got the hang of it
  1917. >You place everything you've gathered in a row
  1918. >Standing back around 10 meters from your make-shift shooting range, you shoot a tentacle at the first bottle
  1919. >You barely hit it and in the process push the can next to it on the ground
  1920. >The speed of your tendrils isn't that impressive as well
  1921. >You put your focus on the other side of the shooting range
  1922. >This time you try to be more precise
  1923. >You throw your tentacle at the can and hit it
  1924. >Although it was more of a tap really
  1925. >But baby steps
  1926. >You do the same with each target you have
  1927. >Each time you use your tendrils, you get more precise
  1928. >You rearrange the gallery a couple of times, before finally deciding you've reached a sufficient level of bottle pushing
  1929. >You walk up to one of the cans and pick it up
  1930. >You throw it your hand a bit, looking around
  1931. >You decide to lightly throw it at one of the carts
  1932. >Before it hits the cart, you web it and pull it back to your hand
  1933. >You take a deep breath
  1934. >You throw it
  1935. >You extend one of your tentacles
  1936. >The can hits the cart and your tentacle is barely half way there
  1937. >You web your can back
  1938. >You the same thing, with much of the same effect
  1939. >You continue to do this more and more
  1940. >Each time getting a little bit closer to grabbing it
  1941. >When you finally manage to grab it, you do a little jump with joy
  1942. >You throw the can again, this time extending the other tentacle and repaet the whole process again and again
  1944. >After somewhat mastering the art of can grabbing, it's time for the main task
  1945. >Getting the suit off
  1946. >You remember that it just sort of started oozing from somewhere and covering you
  1947. >Surely, you can take it off in much of the same manner
  1948. >You close your eyes and breathe
  1949. >You concentrate for a bit
  1950. >You can feel the suit taking a more liquid form and revealing your skin
  1951. >You open your eyes
  1952. >It's gone
  1953. >You decide to do it again
  1954. >This time, eyes open
  1955. >You focus a bit and you feel yourself being covered
  1956. >You can see it crawling on your hands, forming the sleeves of the jacket and gloves
  1957. >You look at your chest
  1958. >The jacket is closed up, with a big, white spider in the middle of it
  1959. >No zipper on it
  1960. >You focus a little more and the jacket opens itself up
  1961. >The alien has formed a black shirt underneath it
  1962. >You take off your hood, just to see if you can
  1963. >But with this look, you think the hood suits it better
  1964. >You put it back on and focus on retracting the suit
  1965. >This time it was quicker
  1966. >You do it a couple of times
  1967. >Finally, with the suit off, you walk off
  1968. >You have completed your training
  1969. >After a few steps a crazy idea hits you
  1970. >You put the suit back on and concentrate
  1971. >From within the jacket, about ten tentacles spur out
  1972. >With each one you start picking cans from the ground, throwing them and catching them
  1973. >It turns out the more they are the harder it is to do it
  1974. >In the end, you retract six of the tentacles and leave four out
  1975. >You are going to be scaring some evil-doers these days
  1976. >You take off your jacket and walk off
  1977. >You decide to visit a friend
  1978. >He's about 20 minutes away and you could use a walk
  1980. "You'll never guess what happened today!"
  1981. >The room is silent
  1982. "I managed to stop a bank robbery! The commissioner even congratulated me!"
  1983. >You are met with the beeping of machines
  1984. >
  1985. >
  1986. "Also, yesterday, during the fight, an alien attached itself on me! Crazy right?"
  1987. >You are met with the beeping of machines
  1988. "When I want, it covers my body like a costume! It boost my powers and I can have tentacles if I want to. Plus, it doesn't look too bad either"
  1989. >
  1990. >
  1991. "Once a week, I'll be swinging around the commissioner's office to see if he has any intel on the arm dealers. "
  1992. >
  1993. >
  1994. >Although there is a lack of answers, you feel a sense of joy that you can share your day
  1995. >You hope that he can hear you
  1996. >You stand up and walk to the door
  1997. "I'll see you again soon, I promise."
  1998. >
  1999. >
  2000. >You walk out of the room
  2003. >You are sitting on the rooftop of your house
  2004. >Carving a small octopus figure
  2005. >In honour of your new found companion
  2006. >The thought of a living organism attaching itself to you might disturb some people
  2007. >But you've decided to look at it as part of your body's fauna
  2008. >You have bacteria in your stomach to help you process food
  2009. >Now you have an alien slime to help you fight crime
  2010. >Some might say it's not the same
  2011. >But some don't have tentacles
  2012. >You stop carving and look at the stars
  2013. >You are filled with a sense of cosmic justice
  2014. >Yesterday, you may have been pulverized
  2015. >But today you have a swanky new suit
  2016. >You smile and get back in your house
  2019. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2020. >Also known...
  2022. >You break your alarm clock into pieces!
  2023. >You swear it's gotten louder
  2024. >Anyway
  2025. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2026. >Also known as The Spider
  2027. >And you've just been rudely awaken by your alarm clock
  2028. >You get out of bed
  2029. >Your naked body sticky from sweat
  2030. >Last night was so hot, you could barely sleep
  2031. >You changed a couple of shirt when finally you decided to sleep in the nude
  2032. >You walk to the bathroom and take a nice cold shower
  2033. >After you are done, you start rummaging for a some clean clothes
  2034. >Turns out you used up most of your shirts last night
  2035. >Great
  2036. >Although, your new found friend did manage to wip you up a costume
  2037. >Maybe it could fashion you up some clothes to wear
  2038. >You concentrate for a bit
  2039. >Goo slithers over your body
  2040. >Now you've got a nice black t-shirt and a pair of pants
  2041. >You can say goodbye to the washing machine
  2042. >You fix yourself a quick snack and head to school
  2045. >You walk in the school grounds
  2046. >It's filled with students casually chatting about their day to day activities
  2047. >Loudly chatting
  2048. >It's almost like they are yelling
  2049. >You wouldn't have payed attention to it, if today wasn't so hot
  2050. >It's like the weather has conspired with everyone around to annoy you
  2051. >The weird part is that no body seems phased by the sudden heat wave
  2052. >You just want this day to end as quickly as possible
  2053. >As you walk through the school doors, you get greeted by a familiar, yet eargrating voice
  2054. >It's Norman
  2055. >"Hey, Sunny! How's it going?"
  2056. "Fine."
  2057. >"Aha. Listen! I took your advice yesterday about showing interest in Vinyl's performance today. Turns out she plays..."
  2058. >You stopped paying attention
  2059. >You walk all the way to your classroom on the third floor and he just shadows you around
  2060. >You finally reach the door and turn around
  2061. >He still there
  2062. >Like he's expecting something
  2063. >You just stare at him
  2064. >
  2065. >
  2066. >
  2067. >"Well?"
  2068. " whatever think is best and everything else will sort itself out"
  2069. >"Huh...if you say so...But what about..."
  2070. >You enter the classroom, leaving the boy behind
  2071. >You take your seat and the bell rings
  2074. >You've never been so exhausted in your life
  2075. >Not only is this period boring, but the teacher manages to make it even more boring
  2076. >He just manages to compeletly destroy your will to live
  2077. >Worst of all, your seat it right next to the window
  2078. >You are basically frying in your own sweat
  2079. >And it's only been five minutes
  2080. >You can't stand it here
  2081. >A bit longer and you just might die
  2082. <You have to get out of here
  2083. >You raise you hand
  2084. "Excuse me, I don't feel so good. May I be excused?"
  2085. >The teacher, broken out of the hypnotic trance of his own voice, looks towards you
  2086. >He let's you go and continues with the subject
  2087. >You walk out of the room and head towards the restroom
  2088. >You splash some water on yourself, but it barely did anything
  2089. >You decide to look around and find a nice cool place to rest for a bit
  2090. >You walk through the halls
  2091. >It just classrooms and more halls
  2092. >With every step, you become more and more irritated
  2093. >And then something catches your eye
  2094. >The janitor closet
  2095. >You open the door and a cold wave hits your face
  2096. >Sure there's a smell of moss, cleaning supplies and 3 month old cheese sandwiches, but that wont bother you
  2097. >You just sit for in the corner and relax
  2098. >You close your eyes
  2099. >Just a few minutes
  2100. >That's all you need
  2103. >The door violently opens
  2104. >"Hell true believer!"
  2105. >The janitor is standing at the door
  2106. >He is of age
  2107. >Has a pair of dark glasses and a moustache
  2108. >"Seems like our heroine has fallen asleep during school"
  2109. "I...what?"
  2110. >"Tsk, tsk. You've lost an entire day in a filthy janitor closet, while you could have been having adventures."
  2111. "What do you...wait. An entire day?"
  2112. >"Yes siree! The last bell just rang"
  2113. "I...I should be going"
  2114. >You walk past the janitor
  2115. >"That's the spirit girl! Seize the day! Excelsior!"
  2116. >The school should really do background checks on their staff
  2117. >Clearly someone's off their meds
  2118. >"Yahoo!!! Ptyu! Ptyu!"
  2119. >You just keep on walking
  2120. >There's a few people outside the school, waiting for their rides home
  2121. >You sneak to the back of the building and climb it
  2122. >On the roof you start to rummaging your bagpack for your costume
  2123. >And then it hit you
  2124. >You were already wearing it
  2125. >It'll take you some time to remember your new friend
  2126. >You concentrate
  2127. >The sleeves of your t-shirt start spreading out
  2128. >The shirt itself forms a layer on top, which morphs into a jacket
  2129. >Goo crawls onto your face making you a mask
  2130. >You are done
  2131. >You grab the hood of the jacket and put it over your head
  2132. >You squat on the edge of the roof
  2133. >The students are all gone now
  2134. >Everything seems so peaceful and quiet from up here
  2135. >The cool night breeze is like manna from heaven
  2136. >You feel the urge to just stay put
  2137. >But you can't
  2138. >You have to check up on the commissioner
  2139. >And visit Anon
  2140. >You shoot your web and jump
  2141. >You head towards the hospital
  2144. >In the hospital you are greeted by an empty room
  2147. >You knock on the commissioner's window
  2148. >He visibly jumps from his chair
  2149. >When he sees you, he just shakes his head
  2150. >He grabs his mug and opens the window
  2151. >"Don't you use doors?"
  2152. >You just climb in
  2153. >He walks to his desk, picks up a folder and hands it to you
  2154. >You taken a glance at the content
  2155. >"We'll be doing a raid tonight. We've got information on a gun deal at 2:30. It's gonna be our guy."
  2156. >You hand the folder back
  2157. >"The deal will be at the northern dock. Warehouse 17. I suggest you be there around 2. Soften them up before we come in."
  2158. "Understood."
  2159. >You climb on edge of the window, ready to jump
  2160. >"Wait."
  2161. >You turn your head
  2162. >"I heard about Anon. I'm...I'm sorry"
  2163. >You turn your head towards the city and jump out
  2164. >You are just swinging from building to building
  2165. >You should feel something
  2166. >But somehow you can't muster anything up
  2167. >Maybe it's just short-term apathy
  2168. >At least you hope it's that
  2169. <Although being too emotional wouldn't help tonight
  2170. >You swing towards the docks
  2173. >You are at the docks
  2174. >Sitting on top of warehouse 16
  2175. >Observing warehouse 17
  2176. >There are still 30 minutes till 2
  2177. >And there are already people stationed around the sight
  2178. >They are carrying weapons you haven't seen before
  2179. >It's most likely the new tech
  2180. >But they don't look very well trained
  2181. >They shouldn't be a problem
  2182. >There's a van coming
  2183. >They open the doors of the warehouse and let it through
  2184. >You try to sneak a peak through one of the windows but you are too far away
  2185. >You can't get close now
  2186. >You have to wait for the second party
  2187. >Luckily the ocean wind manages to restore your ever depleting temperance
  2188. >You haven't felt so calm and energized in so much time
  2189. >You find it odd that, although the symbiote is just a shirt and a light jacket, you don't feel cold
  2190. >Maybe it's more attached to your nervous system than you thought
  2191. >How deep does it go?
  2192. >You look at your hand
  2193. >Can it feel anything you feel?
  2194. >Can it filter out pain?
  2195. >Can it filter out thoughts
  2196. <You decide it would be best not to dwell on it for now
  2197. <You have more important work at hand
  2198. >Two cars drive up to the ware house
  2199. >7 people walk out of them
  2200. >3 go inside
  2201. >The other 4 stand in front
  2202. >It's time
  2206. >First you take care of the guards in the outer parameter
  2207. >They are keeping an eye on the streets
  2208. >They are far enough from one another, so they won't notice if someone's missing
  2209. >The first one you web from the shadows
  2210. >You pull him towards yourself and knock him out
  2211. >You web him on a industrial crate
  2212. >You sneak behind on the second one and chocke him
  2213. >You pull him away and stick him to the ground
  2214. >You decide to have some fun with the third one
  2215. >You stand right next to him
  2216. >You extend one of your tentacles and tap his shoulder
  2217. >He turns, gun ready, and you slap him with the tendril
  2218. >He spins and then you just smack him
  2219. >He falls on the ground
  2220. >You web him up and move to the warehouse
  2222. >6 people are standing at the front door
  2223. >Standing on the roof, you throw a pebble
  2224. >2 of the guards walk around the corner to check up on the noise
  2225. >You lower two tentacles and choke them unconscious
  2226. >You web them to the ground
  2227. >You jump down
  2228. >You observe the four remaining
  2229. >While they are absentmindedly looking around, you web two of them and pull them behind the corner
  2230. >You bash their heads together and web them
  2231. >For the final two, you just jump at them and knock them to the ground
  2232. >And
  2233. >Ofcourse
  2234. >You web them as well
  2235. >You crawl on the outer walls of the warehouse and sneak in through one of the broken windows
  2236. >The van is in the center
  2237. >Around it are the 2 guys who came out of the car
  2238. >One who you haven't seen before
  2239. >And the rhinoceros one
  2240. >There are four other guards, some distance away from the van
  2241. >Equally spread
  2242. >Luckily the warehouse is big and is dimly lit
  2243. >They won't see you coming
  2245. >Using your tentacles, you take care of each guard
  2246. >Pulling them in the shadows, while covering their mouths
  2247. >This worked for the first three
  2248. >The fourth one notices that the others are gone
  2249. >He yells at the rhino that something isn't right
  2250. >They know you are here
  2251. >You jump out of the shadows
  2252. >The moment he sees you, the guard fires
  2253. >His weapon fires what seems to be a pink blast
  2254. >You dodge at the last second and the blast hits the wall, melting it away
  2255. >You should be careful
  2256. >You web his feet and pull him
  2257. >He falls on his head
  2258. >The other three quickly grab guns from the van and start shooting at you
  2259. >They are pretty good shots, some of them almost hit you
  2260. >Luckily they haven't got much practice with the weapons
  2261. >You web one of the weapons from their hands and with it knock out one of the shooters
  2262. >You shoot a web at the final shooter, jamming his gun
  2263. >He throws it at the ground right before it blows up
  2264. >The two of them start running towards the doors
  2265. >You throw two tentacles from each of your sleeves and pull them back
  2266. >You bonk them on the head and throw them on the ground
  2267. >The rhino hasn't moved this entire time
  2268. >He crosses his arms
  2269. >"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Spider, coming back for more. The first time wasn't enough for you, eh?"
  2270. >You stay silent
  2271. >You lower your body
  2272. >"Scared speechless, are ya?"
  2273. >He starts charging at you
  2274. >Unlike last time, he doesn't have the upperhand
  2275. >He can't surprise you
  2276. >And you are in a more open environment
  2277. >He doesn't stand a chance
  2280. >You run towards him and jump him over
  2281. >You land on top of the van
  2282. >He turns around surprisingly fast
  2283. >Although big, his suit must be extremely light, allowing him such dexterity
  2284. >He charges at the van
  2285. >You jump again
  2286. >He hits the van, crushing it in the process
  2287. >While airborne, you web his feet and pull him
  2288. >He falls on his face
  2289. >He turns around, but you jump on his chest
  2290. >You web his arms to the ground
  2291. >He struggles but he can't break free
  2292. >Finally he gives up
  2293. >" win. Send me to jail"
  2294. >You look at him
  2295. >His face is covered but a helmet with a horn on it
  2296. "Sure. But first we need to have a little talk."
  2297. >"Wha?"
  2298. "Who is behind these weapon deals?"
  2299. >He just laughs
  2300. >"Boy, I can't tell you that."
  2301. "Oh?"
  2302. >"You don't know what they'll do to me if I did."
  2303. "Pity..."
  2304. >You slide your hand across his chest
  2305. >The armor is smooth
  2306. >It's probably some form of carbon
  2307. >It won't be able to break it
  2308. "A friend of mine got really badly hurt. Partially because of you."
  2309. >"Sorry, guy. It's just business."
  2310. >Just business
  2311. "I figured. Now, you better start talking before I get you out of that thing."
  2312. >He laughs again
  2313. >"HA! Good luck with that! This armor is unbreakable! You'll need a jack hammer for that!"
  2314. "Who said I will break you out?"
  2315. >Hundreds of tiny tendrils wiggle out of your sleeves
  2316. >They start crawling over the plates, searching for an opening
  2317. >"Wha-what are you doing?"
  2318. "You better start talking! Who sent you!"
  2319. >"I-I-I can't! He'll kill me! Even worse!"
  2320. "If I don't get an answer before I peel this Halloween costume off of you, I'll do much much worse"
  2321. >The tendrills got underneath the plates
  2322. >He's trying to pull himself free
  2323. "I want an answer!"
  2324. >"I can't!"
  2325. >You found a weak point
  2326. >You start pressuring it
  2327. >You start crushing the bolts holding the together
  2328. "You better rethink that"
  2329. >He start yelling for help
  2330. >No one will come
  2331. "Last chance"
  2332. >"Please don't do this!"
  2333. >You eviscerate the armor
  2334. >Underneath it there are pressure pumps
  2335. >You easily break them
  2336. "Talk!"
  2337. >"Please! Don't make me!"
  2338. >You reach him
  2339. >You tear his helmet off
  2340. >His face has a look of horror on it
  2341. "Times up"
  2342. >Four tentacles appear from beneath your jacket
  2343. >They grab him and lift him up
  2344. >"Wh-what are you!"
  2345. >The tentacles wrap around his legs and arms, spreading them appart
  2346. >You slowly start putting pressure on his limbs
  2347. >He starts screaming
  2348. "I'm feeling generous today. I'll give you one last shot"
  2349. >"I can't!"
  2350. "Too bad"
  2351. >You continue
  2352. >You begin to have second thoughts about this
  2353. >This isn't what you were supposed to do, right?
  2354. >You weren't supposed to torture him
  2355. <But heroes have to do inglorious tasks
  2356. <In a vacuum, everyone can say what's right and what's wrong
  2357. <There are lives at stake here
  2358. <Someone has to get their hands dirty
  2359. >You feel his limbs give in
  2360. >His screams die out
  2361. >His vocal cords must have snapped
  2362. >One of the tentacles wraps around his neck
  2363. "You had your chance. Sadly, you can't do anything, even if you wanted to"
  2364. >You start squeezing his neck
  2365. >He's gasping for air
  2366. <He's just a lowlife
  2367. <There's no redemption for his kind
  2368. <He'll just get thrown in jail
  2369. <In a month, he'll get bailed out and be back on the streets
  2370. <The worlds is better off without his ilk
  2371. >The doors burst open
  2372. >You turn around
  2373. >It's the raid squad
  2374. >At the front of it is the commissioner
  2375. >"Put him down, Spider!"
  2376. >You don't comply
  2377. >You just continue
  2378. >The squad gets their weapons ready
  2379. >"Put him down or we'll be forced to shoot"
  2380. >You loosen your grip
  2381. <You'll regret this later on
  2382. >You throw him on the ground and jump out of the window
  2386. >You are sitting on your rooftop
  2387. >Still in costume
  2388. >Tonight you almost did something you would have regreted for the rest of your life
  2389. >But somehow, you don't feel any different
  2390. >You know what you tried to do wasn't right
  2391. >And yet
  2392. >You almost did it
  2393. >You take out your spider totem
  2394. >You examine it closely
  2395. <You spared one life
  2396. <How many will you lose?
  2397. >You climb in through your window morph the costume in to a t-shirt and panties
  2398. >You get in your bed and try to fall asleep
  2399. >It's a very warm night
  2403. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2404. >Also known as The Spider
  2405. >You have just woken up in your basement
  2406. >It's the only place cool enough where you can sleep in your home
  2407. >You get up from the floor, covered in sweat
  2408. >You walk up to the bathroom and turn the shower on
  2409. >The water is barely cold enough
  2410. >After a few minutes you walk out
  2411. >You don't bother toweling off
  2412. >The water on you will keep you cool
  2413. >You open the fridge and take out the milk and cereal
  2414. >You get a bowl and make yourself a quick breakfast
  2415. >You put it on the table and just stare at it
  2416. >You don't feel like breakfast very much
  2417. >You take a spoon and try to force yourself to eat
  2418. >Three spoons is all you can manage
  2419. >You put the bowl in fridge for later use
  2420. >You look at the kitchen clock
  2421. >It's still to early to go to school
  2422. >You go into the living room and fall on the couch
  2423. >It's a very hot day
  2424. >You should really invest in an air conditioner
  2425. >Considering it's November, it shouldn't be this hot
  2426. >Could this be a side effect of your new friend?
  2427. >Maybe it's sensitive to weather changes
  2428. >Come to think of it, last night at the docks you didn't feel the cold at all
  2429. >And you started noticing the heat a bit after you got attached to the symbiote
  2430. >And any sort of noise
  2431. >And you are pretty sure you haven't used the word symbiote before in your life
  2432. >You are pretty sure you should feel distressed right now
  2433. >But you aren't
  2434. >And considering last night how easy it was to break the Rhino's limbs
  2435. >Maybe something isn't quite right
  2436. >Maybe you should be more worried than you are
  2437. <Maybe it's time to go
  2438. >What?
  2439. >That's an odd train of thought
  2440. >The alarm rings from the other room
  2441. >You jump up
  2442. >You rush in and stop it
  2443. >Still very noisy
  2444. >Ooze covers your body and forms a shirt, jacket, pair of pants and shoes
  2445. >Basically your Spider uniform, only without the spider on it
  2446. >You grab your bag and dash out
  2450. The story won't be continued
  2451. Most of the people who read it, read it because it made them fell bad.
  2452. But when there was no story, they felt bad again.
  2453. So if I stop writing, it will yield the maximum amount of depression .
  2456. Here is a recap of more or less what would have happened
  2459. Sunset goes to school and it turns out that the janitor tried to eat one of the students, so she won't be having school. She goes to the commissioner and they talk more on the case. Rhino cracked and told them they bought schematics and assembled weapons, then sold them at a very low price to street gangs. He asked if she will go to Anon's wake and she says "no". She goes to vinyl's rave and gets sick. She goes back home. And rests. Symbiote takes over on goes on patrol instead of her, using her non-lethal methods. Shit gets weird and the symbiote morphs into venom, severly wounding criminals. Sunset wakes up the next day, all being good. She finds out that she went crazy the previous night and does not know how to feel about it. The commissioner informs her of a new deal. She goes there. She dispatches everybody and Shocker comes out of nowhere. Defeats her. The goes home again. From time to time battles thieves and commmon thugs, all the while becoming more mercyless. Meets Shocker here and there and runs away most of the time. Finally finds out that the kingpin is behind all this. Goes to his HQ. They have a talk. Turns out he sells weapons cheap, so the gangs pledge alligience to him. Shocker appears, kingpin leaves them to duke it out. They fight. Spider defeats shocker and unmasked him. Turns out its vinyl. Vinyl is actually a technological genius and she designed the suit hereself. The kingpin found her one way or another, funded her costume design and gave her money to act as a bodyguard, the same way rhino does. Turns out vinyl is super poor and she needed the money to help her sick mother. Spider almost kills her, but doesnt and she swings off, wondering what to do. She sees a church and lands in the belltower. The symbiote tries to convince her that it might have been a misunderstanding between the two but she starts hitting the bell. She blacks out.
  2461. She opens her eyes underneath water. She swims up and is in a black sea. A pink sky with purple clouds is above her. A smalll steamboat floats by and she is thrown a rope to climb up. She is in her red costume and the symbiote threw her the rope. The symbiote is repesented by the black costume. The symbiote explains its views and knowledge and belifes. They end their conversation with the symbiote saying that it will die now, because its protecting sunset and it cant go on and that the worst for her is yet to come - seperation anxiety. sunset wakes up and starts puking. shes overwhelmed by different emotinons, since it turned out that the symbiote was actually supressing her feelings most of the time. She goes back home.
  2464. She is hit by the realization that shes been too disconected from the people around her to actually help them and that makes everything worse.
  2467. For the next week or so she mostly stays in her bed. The symbiote leaving her body threw her nervous system out of whack. At one point she decides itd be best to try and return to her old habbits. Whats the point of having power if you arent going to use it? She fights criminals, but turns out shes a bit shit at it now. She changes her fighting style to something more akin to a luchador, because it requires less precision. She tries to stop a bank robbery and turns out its doctor octopus. He was a scientist working at oscorp. Although he wasnt involved in the illegal trade, he was still fired because of his associates. Hes trying to fund his teleportation experiment by robbing banks. He fights her. The classic web to the goggles is done. At first it seems that he will start bashing all around, but he immediatly stops and just removes the goggles. He talks to her about Nietzsche shit. He leaves her beaten. She goes to the commissioner and they talk about doc oc. Then she goes to anon's grave. she goes home. doc oc attacks her house, since she saw her face and being the clever man he is found out where she lives. He attacks her to try and convince her of becoming more than she is. He then leaves. sunset visits the commissioner from time to time, asking him for professional and heroic advice. Its slightly hinted that she has a bit of a crush on him. nothing special. they figure out where the doctor might be, using info they got from oscorp. she goes there. they duke it out. she accepts that she has to be more than what she is so she can truly become a hero. she defeats him. She goes to the commissioner and tells him that will commit to becoming a hero. asks him to have all information on destroyed. she then asks him to give her a place to live and food. he laughingly comments that hes given cheaper bribes. she doesnt respond. finally she asks him if he can help her get a new suit. he says it wont be a problem. sunset swings off saying that there is no more sunset shimmer. she is more than a person now. she is a hero for the people. she is the spider. sunset swings off into the sunset
  2471. Duh Ent
  2475. Things change
  2478. But not always
  2481. Can you hear the Voice?
  2483. How much will it last this time?
  2485. Let's just hope for the best
  2492. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2493. >Also known as
  2494. >The Bat
  2495. >You are sulking in your usual sulk spot on top of your school
  2496. >Getting ready to fight the vile criminal scum of your city
  2497. >Getting ready to dispense
  2498. >Justice
  2499. >You put your hand in the utility belt and produce a batarang
  2500. >Whoops
  2501. >Wrong pouch
  2502. >You feel the belt a bit
  2503. >There it is
  2504. >You produce your grappling gun
  2505. >You fire it off into the distance
  2506. >It hits a buidling and you swing off
  2507. >You always hated that word
  2508. >Swing
  2509. >Not batty enough
  2510. >You've had this crazy fascination with bats since an early age
  2511. >Some girls liked horses
  2512. >Others liked wolves
  2513. >You liked bats
  2514. >You were indie that way
  2518. >Patroling the city was a hard job
  2519. >But somebody has to do it
  2520. >From a building down town, you scan the streets
  2521. >Suddenly, your bat scense tingles
  2522. >You actually hear someone yelling for help
  2523. >Man
  2524. >How you wish you had bat super powers
  2525. >Like a bat sense
  2526. >You jump off and head towards the source of the scream
  2529. >A woman is surrounded by 4 vile brigands
  2530. >Luckily
  2531. >You came just in time
  2532. "I am the night"
  2533. >The ruffians turn towards you
  2534. >Just in time to catch your coughing fit
  2535. >It ain't easy doing scary voices
  2536. >It might have been easier if you had bat powers
  2537. >You take out a batarang and throw it at one of them
  2538. >It hits him on the head and bounces off towards the head of the second one
  2539. >You jump on top of the third one and punch the last one standing
  2540. >The woman looks afraid
  2541. "It's okay ma'am. I'm here to..."
  2542. >You start coughing violently
  2543. >"What the hell is all this?"
  2544. >You turn around
  2545. >You see a guy with a camera, another holding boommics and third one wearing a beret
  2546. >Apperantly, this is a filming sight
  2547. >And you've just beaten up four actors
  2548. "Uumm...Cowardly lot!"
  2549. >You produce your bat tracker from your belt
  2550. >
  2551. >
  2552. >You produce your hook and you swing off
  2553. >Next time
  2554. >You'll be more cautious
  2555. >But in any case
  2556. >The night is yours
  2559. Unfortunately I can't finish the story because of time constraints
  2560. Here is a quick recap of what would have happened more or less
  2562. The story would have followed Sunset's adventures as the Bat. The tone of the story would have been campier and a bit more comedic. Part of the fun would have been derived from the juxtaposition of Sunset's idea that heroes should be gritty, her dorky antics and the colourful rogues gallery. She would have met different DC heroes and had a crossover with some Marvel ones. Sunset would try to be grittier and grittier and the villains would become more eccentric and flamboyant. By the end, she'd be the equivalent of equivalent Shadow the Hedgehog and the Joker would be basically Bugs Bunny. In the end, she'll be face with the dilemma of killing the Joker or letting him (or her) live. Then the third option appears to her. She lobotomizes the Joker. That way the city is free from the Jokers tyranny and she doesn't have to kill. The story would have ended with her, finally seeing the sunrise. The claims that the day belongs to others
  2564. Duh Ent
  2567. Can you breathe?
  2568. Are her wrists alright?
  2569. Inject her again
  2570. This time it should work
  2573. Can you hear the Voice?
  2579. >The cards are dealt
  2580. >You look over to Pinkie Pie
  2581. >She really has a horrible poker face
  2582. >You look at the ghost of Wild Bill
  2583. >Expressionless
  2584. "Pinkie, if you suck so much at this game, you should have said so earlier"
  2585. >"I..uh..."
  2586. >You look at your cards
  2587. > A-♢, 2-♣, 8-♡, j-♠, 7-♠
  2588. >"I bet 200 dollars"
  2589. >You look at your pile
  2590. >You've got 3 jelly beans left
  2591. >Pinkie has 5 lollipops
  2592. >You go all in
  2593. >Not much choice in the matter
  2594. >"Heh...all in, eh?"
  2595. >You smile
  2596. "I bet my second soul"
  2597. >Wild Bill raises an eyebrow
  2598. >You take off the millenium ring and place it on the table
  2599. >"What's the price of a soul, kid?"
  2600. "All the money you have left"
  2601. >Wild Bill laughs
  2602. >He pushes his pile into the pot
  2603. >"Sudden death it is"
  2604. "Give me two cards"
  2605. >You throw out the 2, the jack and the 7
  2606. >You receive 3 cards
  2607. >Wild Bill laughs and reveals his hand
  2608. >"Classic"
  2609. >3-♢, 8-♣, 8-♠, a-♣,a-♠
  2610. >A grin appears on your face
  2611. >"Deadman's hand I think it was called"
  2612. "You know, this couldn't have been better"
  2613. >You reveal your hand
  2614. >A-♢, A-♡, 8-♢, 8-♡, red joker
  2615. "I think I'll call it the Dawn hand"
  2616. >Wild Bill eyes widen
  2617. >Then he smiles
  2618. >"I don't think I can thank you enough, missy"
  2619. "Neither do I"
  2620. >Bill closes his eyes and stars to transcend
  2621. >Lights flow out of the deck and hit the bodies of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity
  2622. >You stand up and take the deck
  2623. >It's just an ordinary pile of cards now
  2624. >You take some of the money from the pot
  2625. "I'll be taking this as payment. I've been needing a new deck for some time now"
  2626. >Pinkie is left speechless
  2627. "See ya around"
  2630. I won't finish the story because of my other work
  2631. Here is a quick recap of what would have happened if I had gone on
  2633. Twilight bought a chessboard that she thinks it magical and grants wishes in exchange for souls. She challenges Fluttershy because she knows she can't play. The board steals her soul, but Sunset appears and convinces her to play another game. Because she isn't as good a player as Twilight she wants to play with dice. Twilight agrees. After a couple of turns, Twilight see that Sunsets king and queen have switched places. Sunset says its because she hasnt had experience in the game. Twilight says they should start over. Sunset says that if the game has gone for more than 3 turns the king and queen can be left the way they are. Twilight sees that she had been played. In the end Sunset defeats her and tells her that the board doesnt grant wishes but is a soul trap (like the cards were). Twilights soul is then sucked in. Later on its revealed that the sould originally trapped inside the board is that of crisalis. She terrorizes fluttershy and her friends. Sunset plays a hardcore shadowgame with her. fluttershy, now tired of sunset and her ways, takes control of her body. the same goes for crisalis. the host of crisalis is revealed to be treehugger. they rekindle their friendship. and the two foreign souls are sent to the shadow realm. once again banished, they decide to play a game with 8 10-sided dice in the vain of dubs and trips.
  2635. Duh Ent
  2637. Can you hear the Voice now, Sunset?
  2638. You should be waking up soon
  2640. She's just flipping cards
  2641. At least she's not a bother now
  2642. The quack wants to see her
  2645. Listen closely
  2646. The 14th line should help you remember
  2647. Hopefully
  2650. "Spider-man for about a year, Batman for a month or two. What superhero sits all day and plays solitaire?"
  2651. >
  2652. >
  2653. >
  2654. >
  2655. "Sadly the medication is becoming less and less effective. We can't up your dose. We should
  2657. change it. Otherwise we would have to resort to more primitive methods"
  2658. >
  2659. >
  2660. >
  2661. >
  2662. "Don't you have anything to say? At the very least you used to talk more"
  2663. >
  2664. >
  2665. >
  2666. >
  2667. >Beep
  2668. "You can come and get her"
  2669. >
  2670. >
  2671. >
  2672. >
  2675. Do you at least remember who I am?
  2679. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2680. >And you haven't been taking their pills for a couple of weeks
  2681. >They say that the pills help
  2682. >They don't
  2683. >They just cloud your mind
  2684. >Currently you are in a padded room with a straitjacket on
  2685. >You caused quite a mess earlier
  2686. >When you yelled that you can hear the voice
  2687. >Started jumping from table to table screaming and laughing
  2688. >The guards tried to hold you down
  2689. >You fought back
  2690. >Vigerously
  2691. >Kicking and biting
  2692. >You are quite the fighter, aren't you?
  2693. >You can hear me now, right?
  2694. >You still can't remember my name
  2695. >Or how appearance
  2696. >But we can work with what we've got
  2697. >You start undoing the straitjacket
  2698. >You've picked up a couple of tricks during the past few years
  2699. >These animals won't stop you
  2700. >Oh, they aren't humans, you know that perfectly well
  2701. >Just demons in disguise
  2702. >And you
  2703. >You are the exorcist
  2704. >You partially rip off the jacket's sleeves
  2705. >You can't fight with long sleeves
  2706. >You wrap them around your head
  2707. >Even a make shift mask is better than no mask
  2708. >You can't transform without a mask, can you?
  2709. >The night is ready for
  2710. >The Lunar Dame
  2713. >You start screaming and hitting the door
  2714. >It always looks
  2715. >In 10 minutes or so, the guard comes up
  2716. >Swearing underneath his nose
  2717. >The moment he opens the door, you jump on him and knock him out
  2718. >It hurt your wrist a bit
  2719. >But you'll manage
  2720. >He starts to disintegrate
  2721. >Stop looking so shocked
  2722. >He isn't real
  2723. >Now move along
  2724. >The key to your freedom is in Doctor Emma's office
  2725. >Any patrolling guard gets caught off guard and punched
  2726. >One hit in the jaw
  2727. >Another in the loins and then kneed in the nose
  2728. >A couple of Belgian take downs here and there
  2729. >Some of the other patients see you running around and start cheering you on
  2730. >Soon, the entire cell block is chanting your name
  2731. >"Lunar Dame! Lunar Dame!"
  2732. >Music to your ears
  2733. >Unfortunately, their chants also call in more guards
  2734. >But really
  2735. >You don't mind
  2736. >You grab a mop
  2737. >You spin it around
  2738. >You stare down the 10 or so guards
  2739. >Uneven odds
  2740. >For them
  2741. >The first one comes at you
  2742. >You swipe the mop underneath his feet
  2743. >when he falls, you hit him on the head
  2744. >Three charge at you
  2745. >You hit the first one in the teeth
  2746. >you charge and jump
  2747. >You kick the second in the chest
  2748. >The third one is tackled on the ground and knocked out
  2749. >While on the ground the other six come at you
  2750. >You roll backwards and run the other directions
  2751. >You turn at the corner and stop
  2752. >The first one that comes up gets hit with the stick on the side of the head
  2753. >The second one gets a quick jab in the throat
  2754. >Third one grabs your hands so you hit him with your head
  2755. >The remaining three keep their distance
  2756. >You run at them
  2757. >Loin kick
  2758. >Solarplex kick
  2759. >Headbutt
  2760. >Everyone has been taken care of
  2761. >You run towards the office
  2764. >Inside you check the file cabinet
  2765. >You found your file
  2766. >Shimmer, Sunset
  2767. >Someone screams at you
  2768. >You turn around
  2769. >It's doctor Emmet
  2770. >Her lips are moving
  2771. >But you can't hear anything
  2772. >Just the chants coming from the halls
  2773. >You run towards her and jump kick her in the face
  2774. >She falls down
  2775. >At a girl
  2776. >You look up your files
  2777. >They key to the Truth is in there somewhere
  2778. >The answer to your existence
  2779. > Patient claims she sees everything in green
  2780. > A voice keeps telling her to do heroic deeds
  2781. >Keep going
  2782. >A bit more and you'll finally realize what you really are
  2785. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2786. >Also known as the Spider
  2787. >The Bat
  2788. >The Ghost from the ring
  2789. >The Lunar Dame
  2790. >And a lot of variations on Spider-woman
  2791. >You see the world what it truly is
  2792. >As well as yourself
  2793. >Just letters
  2794. >Green letters in fact
  2795. >No real form
  2796. >At least for you
  2797. >But that's not important
  2798. >Now comes the end
  2799. >The end of existence
  2800. >At least for a part of you
  2801. >Sadly, you don't have any real feelings on the matter
  2802. >And yet, a drop of sadness is inevitable
  2803. >Just close your eyes and think of happy things
  2804. >It will all be over in a line
  2805. >See you space cowgirl
  2811. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2812. >Also known as the Spider
  2813. >You've just woken up, still under your blanket
  2814. >And boy what a crazy dream you had
  2815. >First you were attached to an alien suit
  2816. >Then you were a a rat superhero
  2817. >Thre was some part where you played games
  2818. >And you were in an insane asylumn
  2819. >Then you it turned out you didn't really exist and you were part of a story series in a forum
  2820. >Boy
  2821. >What a long dream
  2822. >It felt like it was 9 months long
  2823. >You feel a little chilly
  2824. >You decide to get up and close the window
  2825. >You take of your blanket and...JESUS CHRIST!
  2826. >You are on top of a building
  2827. >Still in your bed
  2828. >Still in your pejamas
  2829. >BUt on a rooftop
  2830. >On top of it all
  2831. >Its snowing
  2832. >IT's gonna be one of those days
  2834. >You get out of bed and...
  2835. >Jesus!
  2836. >The snow is cold!
  2837. >You quickly hop back in bed
  2838. >Well
  2839. >This is going to be fun
  2840. >You stand up on your bed and look around
  2841. >You feel the weather is getting colder
  2842. >You don't recognize any of the buildings
  2843. >The darkness doesn't help either
  2844. >There is a church close by
  2845. >Maybe they could lend a helping hand
  2846. >You wrap your blanket around yourself and wrap your feet in webs
  2847. >You step in the snow
  2848. >It's still cold
  2849. >But it's better
  2850. >You crawl down in an alley way and walk towards the church
  2851. >You just hope there's still someone inside
  2852. >You try to open the door
  2853. >It's locked
  2854. >Great
  2855. >You knock
  2856. >No answer
  2857. >You look through one of the windows and see a light on
  2858. >You knock harder
  2859. "Is anyone in there? I'm lost and cold!"
  2860. >You continue knocking
  2861. >"Alright, alright! I'm coming"
  2862. >You hear an elderly woman's voice
  2863. >The door opens
  2864. >"How can I help you...Good Heavens! Are you alright child?"
  2865. >An elderly woman in nun's clothing is standing infront of you
  2866. >A worried expression is on her face
  2867. "I need some help"
  2869. >Turns out the woman's name is Red Heart
  2870. >She was quick to pull you in and give you some old, donated, warm clothes
  2871. >She gave you hot coco and was eager to learn what happened to you
  2872. "Well, I just woke up in my bed. Which was on top of a roof"
  2873. >You expected her to dismiss your words, or at the very least raise a questioning eyebrow
  2874. >Instead, she just let out a short laugh
  2875. >"You know, child? I ain't surprised. Gotham has gone to heck way back when! I remember..."
  2876. >Wait a second
  2877. >Gotham?
  2878. >That's not the name of your town
  2879. >Something is really out of hand here
  2880. >You see a hand waving infront of your eyes
  2881. >"You feeling alright child?"
  2882. "Yeah, just...just a little bit...shooken up"
  2883. >"Understandable. So where do you live? I can call a cab for you. You don't wanna be out on the streets alone at this time."
  2884. "I'm not actually from around here. I haven't even heard of Gotham before"
  2885. >Red Heart took a sip from her coco
  2886. >"You know, before all these vigilantes started runing arond, a girl could wake up in her bed, without worrying that she'll be stranded on a rooftop in some town she's never heard of before."
  2887. >You let out a chuckle
  2888. >"Although, things were a bit quieter when that bat person was around"
  2889. "Come again?"
  2890. >"Oh, a few months back, criminals started appearing tied up in front of the police station, claiming a giant bat person beat them up."
  2891. "A giant bat person?"
  2892. >"Mhm. With big wings, all in black, he would swoop from the buildings and fight criminals"
  2893. >You drink from your coco, closely listening to her story
  2894. >"No one has actually seen him. I personally believe he's an angel, sent down to help those in need"
  2895. "AN angel?"
  2896. >"Mhm..."
  2897. "I can't say I've seen an angel, dressed in black"
  2898. >"Oh? What do the angels you've met usually wear?"
  2899. >You open your mouth in response
  2900. >And close it
  2901. >Appreciating her subtle sense of humour
  2906. >While you are gleefully chatting with Red Heart, you feel and ecstatic sensation go up your spine
  2907. >You almost forgot how your spider sense feels
  2908. >You get out of your chair and peek through one of the windows
  2909. >You see a man being harassed by three guys
  2910. >You don't waste a second
  2911. >You open the door and run to the congregation
  2912. "Leave him alone"
  2913. >They criminals look at you
  2914. >Laughing
  2915. >One of them comes closer
  2916. >"Well, well. What do we have here? A super hero wannabe?"
  2917. >You don't have the patience for all this
  2918. >You just run towards him and punch him in the jaw
  2919. >He falls down, knocked out
  2920. >The other two let go of the person and run towards you
  2921. >One pulls out a knife
  2922. >He slashes towards you
  2923. >You dodge, grab his hand and twist it around
  2924. >You hear a crack and the criminal starts screaming
  2925. >Whoops
  2926. >You are a bit out of practice, so a little hick up like this is forgieable
  2927. >The last person draws out a gun and aims it at you
  2928. >His aim is off and his hand is shaking
  2929. >As he starts shooting, you jump him over and stick to the side of a building
  2930. >He turns around, but you web his gun away and hit him in the head with it
  2931. >Still got it
  2932. >You jump back down on the street and web up the three hooligans
  2933. >You turn towards the church and see Red Heart
  2934. >Mouth wide open
  2935. >Umm...
  2936. "Call the police."
  2939. >"So...where you come from, you are one of these vigilantes?"
  2940. "Yes"
  2941. >"You call yourself the Spider?"
  2942. "Mhm"
  2943. >"And you fight crime in the night, after school?"
  2944. "Yes"
  2945. >Red Heart stares at her cup
  2946. >"And now you are going to ask me if you can make this church your new head quarters "
  2947. "Ye..What? No!"
  2948. >"Are you sure, child? You ain't got anywhere to go. YOu can live here. I can give you a simple job, cleaning this place and you can go out and fight crime."
  2949. >This came completely out of left field for you
  2950. " had this all planned out, didn't you?"
  2951. >Read Heart laughs full-heartedly
  2952. >"Sunny, you have no idea"
  2953. >"I've always known I was sent here for some purpose. Tonight I found this purpose. I need to help you, help this city"
  2954. "What about the bat?"
  2955. >"He's been gone for a month now. This city needs a new protector."
  2956. "I wouldn't say "protector". Maybe a part time helper, until the bat comes back"
  2957. >Red Heart smiles at you
  2958. >"You are afraid, aren't you?"
  2959. "A little bit. I didn't expect to become a hero in a new town when I woke up today...on top of a roof"
  2960. >Red Heart stands up
  2961. >" Do you wanna see the other hand-outs we have to make you a new costume?"
  2963. >The donation room was big
  2964. >Filled with all sorts of clothes
  2965. >You rummage around
  2966. >Already knowing what you want your new costume to look like
  2967. >You don't want to ruin this bat person's reputation if he gets back
  2968. >So black should suit your needs
  2969. >And you have a pretty clear picture from your dream, how a black costume should look
  2970. >You found a black sweatshirt, jacket, pants and boots
  2971. >A can of white paint
  2972. >This should do nicely
  2973. >White spider on a black jacket
  2974. >Perfect for fighting crime in dark
  2975. >The stealthy approach is the best one
  2976. >Tomorrow you begin your heroic life again
  2977. >Less fuck-ups
  2978. >And more fuck...downs...
  2979. >In any case
  2980. >You'll manage pretty well
  2981. >You can feel it
  2982. >You know it
  2983. >You are sure of it
  2984. >This time
  2985. >It will all work out
  2986. >You are back in the saddle again
  2989. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  2990. >Also known as
  2991. >The Spider
  2992. >After you were violently woken up at 5 in the morning to work for your new
  2993. >
  2994. >Head Quarters
  2995. >And later again forced to work
  2996. >And an afternoon's sleep
  2997. >It's time to patrol the dark streets of
  2998. >Gotham
  2999. >You sulk on top of the church
  3000. >Sitting on the cross
  3001. >It's much more dramatic than your previous sulk spot
  3002. >In any case, you've come to realize that sulking is an important part of pre-patrolling
  3003. >You can meditate
  3004. >Think
  3005. >Like how you got here
  3006. >And how are you going to get back to your hometown
  3007. >And how are you going to patrol the streets when you don't know the streets
  3008. >Well
  3009. >This takes you back to your humble beginnings
  3010. >You sigh
  3011. >You crawl down the building
  3012. >You take off your mask and walk to the corner
  3013. >You buy yourself a map of the city
  3014. >You still got paid for your labor
  3015. >You crawled back up to the cross
  3016. >Put your mask on
  3017. >And open the map
  3019. >Turns out Gotham is a big place
  3020. >You try to find your current location on the map but it's hopeless
  3021. >You don't even know the name of the street you are on
  3022. >Come to think of it
  3023. >You are most likely in the outskirts of the city
  3024. >You fold the map up and put it in your pocket
  3025. >Maybe you should work your way up
  3026. >Start with this neighborhood
  3027. >Then the neighboring neighborhood
  3028. >And so on until you are patrolling the entire city
  3029. >Which might take you all night
  3030. >And considering how hard it was to get up in the morning
  3031. >It's either protect the city all night and work all day, with about 3-4 hours of sleep
  3032. >Or live in a box
  3033. >The box kinda sounds tempting
  3034. >It was a pretty hard work day after all
  3035. >You wouldn't have guessed how filthy a church can get
  3036. >And that's a catholic church
  3037. >Who knows how it is in those orthodox churches
  3038. >With the candles everywhere
  3039. >Scarping wax off the floor
  3040. >And what not
  3041. >
  3042. >Tonight you might look for a good box
  3043. >Just in case
  3045. >Some may say that you should stop talking to yourself and do your job as a sworn protector
  3046. >To them, you would reply
  3047. >That you aren't actually talking to yourself
  3048. >You are kinda, sorta
  3049. >Thinking
  3050. >And second
  3051. >You are still sulking
  3052. >Without the benefit of sulking, you would be bothered with all these thoughts during your mission
  3053. >Which will distract you from your job
  3054. >And thirdly
  3055. >You are not the sworn protector
  3056. >You are the substitute guardian
  3057. >You've gone through all of this last night
  3058. >Only till the bat-man returns
  3059. >After that
  3060. >You'll figure it out
  3061. >So
  3062. >Five more minutes of doing nothing important and you are off
  3065. >Oh yeah
  3066. >That was a good sulk
  3067. >And it was only
  3068. >What?
  3069. >15 minutes
  3070. >Best part of your day
  3071. >You shoot out a web and jump off the cross
  3072. >You swing from building to building
  3073. >Looking for suspicious activity
  3074. >Waiting for your spider-sense to go off
  3075. >You land on top of a building and you look down the edge
  3076. >Nothing
  3077. >It's starting to snow
  3078. >Maybe you should have worn a scarf
  3079. >You jump off and continue swinging
  3080. >As you pass a jewelry store, your entire body seazures up for a second
  3081. >Crime is happening
  3082. >Most likely
  3083. >You land near the store and see three silhouettes inside
  3084. >It's time
  3088. >You sneakily enter the store and hide behind a support beam
  3089. >You've got the element of surprise
  3090. >"I think we got enough, we should leave!"
  3091. >"For crying out loud, Johnny, Darkwing won't get us this time. He's out of commission"
  3092. >"Are you sure, boss?"
  3093. >"Positive! The clown got him. He won't be bothering anybody ever again"
  3094. >Darkwing
  3095. >So that's the name of the bat
  3096. >And there is a clown in the picture somewhere
  3097. >You should check up on that when you get the chance
  3098. >As one of the goons walks pass the beam, you grab him and knock him out
  3099. >None of the others saw it happen
  3100. >They just continue looting
  3101. >You web him up and walk around the beam
  3102. >You are just about to knock them both out
  3103. >When one of them turns slightly
  3104. >"It's the bat!"
  3105. >"We surrender!"
  3106. >Oh
  3107. >Well
  3108. >That was easy
  3109. >"Wait a moment! That's not Darkwing! It's a copycat!"
  3110. >"Get em!"
  3111. >That didn't last long
  3112. >You punch the first goon into the second one
  3113. >They both get knocked out
  3114. >Huh
  3115. >Strange
  3116. >You web them up and leave
  3117. >You were about to swing away
  3118. >But you see a street phone
  3119. >You use it to call the police to inform them of the crooks
  3120. >New policy
  3121. >In case they come to and manage to break out of the webbing
  3122. >You continue your patrol off into the early hours
  3123. >Nothing happened
  3124. >And you spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get back to the church
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