
journal entries

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. What the fuck.
  2. I pass out on my bed and wake up as a female pony er zebra.
  3. I didn't ask for this.
  4. I didn't want to lose my dick I still wanted it.
  5. Their was so many things I was going to do with.
  6. Damn it.
  7. How am I going to use the bathroom.
  8. At least a train station with some other people...ponies i guess now are nearby.
  10. Now I find myself at a train station.
  11. There are a lot of happy and overjoyed people-ponies.
  12. I also see a lot of really pissed people.
  13. I wonder if they lost something dear to them.
  14. I'm not going to ask simply out of respect.
  16. Lines and lines and guess what. More lines.
  17. Fucking customs the lines here are too long and there's only one booth to use.
  18. You would think these ponies that can build cities and shit would at least have the foresight to add more than one booth.
  19. after a visit from customs
  20. Well I now know why the customs line took so long.
  21. Turns out you have to make a pony name and people were spending too long to come up with one.
  22. when it was my turn.
  23. I chose slow diving. I chose it on the account that I can work at 100% long past everyone else.
  24. Now that I think about it my name is kinda stupid.
  25. At least the lady pony who wrote down all of my information was nice.
  26. After I gave her my new name she gave me a train ticket and told me the train was leaving in 10 minutes.
  27. The lady pony also gave me a care package of a tent and map and some basic survival stuff.
  29. When I got on the train I put my stuff in the space above the seats and sat next to unicorn.
  30. The unicorn just looked out of the window the entire time I tried to make friends with him.
  32. After a while I fell just to wake up at my stop in some place called 4cannon.
  33. 4cannon is just tent city; but at least it has some buildings.
  34. Since I didn't know anything I just stood in a group with all the new people and eventually just got herded into the job assignment are.
  35. I put myself down as an adventurer,botanist, and basic medic.
  36. You never know when your going to break a leg while exploring the woods.
  38. After awhile of exploring I decided to set up my tent near some woods near this house labeled D4.
  39. I hope my new neighbor is nice.
  41. Day 2
  42. today i got over 100 grape seeds
  43. going to start planting but i need a place first
  45. Day 3
  46. starting to meet new people
  47. found some guys to help me build my green house
  48. were going to need alot of sand and coal to make the glass
  49. also got about 30-plants worth of blackberry seeds in the town's surrounding areas from green hoof
  51. Day 4
  52. Officially get my greenhouse on the map
  53. moved in with liven up (formally ivan)
  55. Day 28
  56. Apparently in my hiatus quite a number of days have passed. All this time was not a waste.
  57. I have learned a little zebra magic and can make seeds grow out of season and climate. Yet the seeds die because they are out of season and climate.
  58. I did manage to get a couple of grape and blackberry seeds to grow.
  59. Im now down to 43 grape seeds and around 14 pounds of black berry seeds.
  61. I did meet this new pony called Shadow Spark.
  62. He lives out near the cemetery and is its grounds keeper.
  63. I actually went to his place and chit chatted for a while and found out some thing.
  64. 1. For some reason Drew beats him for giving people compliments (i have to have a word with her about that)
  65. 2. He studders sometimes
  66. He also tried to put the moves on me but i didnt let it escalate too far. All we ended up doing was hugging and alittle kissing here and their.
  68. Day 29
  69. Hung out with Shadow Spark and went swimming with him. Later he ate some blackberries and then i walked him home, then took a nap.
  71. Later I went to the inn to get a some drinks, and meet new ponies.
  72. I ended up meeting Mary the puppet lady with the cute smile. Sun Shimmer who i thought was the weather forecaster. Al Dente the drunk gambler and Golden Touch.
  73. We talked for abit then Feather started to gamble with Al and Al lost every-time and is now forced to wear bunny ears for a week.
  74. To cope with his lose Mary made him the strongest probably drugged mix known to ponies.
  75. Then the fun started
  76. The entire place turned in to the equivalent of a gay bar with the dancing and the lights.
  77. Liven showed up but didn't dance he just sat and was all mature and shit.
  78. Feather saw Liven and they talked for awhile while Mary and I but Al in a bunny suit.
  79. Liven and Feather eventually left to the clinic. (probably for gay sex).
  80. After a more dancing we got Al out of the bunny suit and Golden Touch and I helped him get home.
  82. Since Al was in a altered state Golden and I decided to mess with him.
  83. We just said random things and watched his reaction while Golden tonged his ear.
  84. We ended up getting him in bed even though t=he was flailing about.
  85. After we got him in bed Golden left and said something about being gay and shortly after I left for home.
  87. I'm starting to like it here.
  89. Day 30
  90. Woke up pretty late and decided to go to the inn.
  91. Saw all the usual faces except for this new guy named Ginger Ale.
  92. I shit you not he looks like the ponified version of Shrek. Anyways he used to be a bar tender and he can make a good chocolate alcohol shake type thing.
  94. Then some cute mare named Ruby McCoal walks in and orders a drink.
  95. I come up with some lame excuse to talk with her but Mary takes the wind out from my sails.
  96. Luckily she invites me over to her table and we talk for a bit. I found out that she works in the mines and has some necklace that makes for fur super thick and can block falling rocks.
  97. Then I met Ruby's friend Arrant and we chatted for awhile.
  99. After sometime Nova and others walked in with Lucyne and I felt some tension in the air.
  100. After some time of them talking I left.
  102. Day 33
  103. Went to the in to have some drinks and chat.
  104. Saw Mary in a mask and it turns out her magic backfired in her face twice and now it's all scared and burnt.
  105. Ended up with sending her to the hospital.
  107. Later Al Dente burst in asking for a doctor.
  108. We asked him what was wrong but he never explained the reason.
  109. Mariel and I got up and rushed over to the hospital just to find a unconscious Penny.
  110. Since I have some medical training I checked her over just to find out that she had a concussion.
  111. Mariel left for for a quick walk while I looked for supplies but all I found was a fork.
  112. So i tried to fix up Penny but messed up and stabbed her with the fork by accident.
  113. Then she started bleeding.I asked Al if he had any supplies and he had some bandages and alcohol.
  114. Then Al explained why Penny was hurt, and it was because of some stupid tea party grudge.
  115. Mariel came back in and tried to help but ended up just bashing Penny with the alcohol and bandages.
  116. Then Al screamed for us to leave her alone but luckily I managed to bandage Penny completely.
  117. Then Mariel and I decided not to touch her any more.
  118. Penny eventually woke up shortly after Al came back with Boris and Starlight.
  119. Al and Boris brought cookies and scotch.
  120. Then I feed Penny a cookie and shortly after Star left and Boris somehow phased out of the room.
  122. Liven showed up with a new sword and Penny started freaking out and was talking about how Liven killed Silver which I didn't really know about.
  123. After Al talked with her for a while she managed to let Liven check her over and Mariel and I were free to leave.
  124. Liven did tell me to keep the house clean since he wasn't going to be home for a couple of days.
  126. I decided that I would help Mariel on a foraging trip in the East-woods and Flip came along to.
  127. After walking in the woods for awhile we meet this weird thing called a Skull kid.
  128. It talked with us for a while and basically said it would wreck our shit if we start trouble.
  129. We took its warning to heart and it just blew a way with the wind.
  131. After some more walking we heard a growl in the bushes and out jumps a baby timber wolf.
  132. We readied our sticks/spear for when the mother came up.
  133. A couple seconds later the mom jumped out and we just slowly backed a away from them and went along our way.
  135. After some walking I found a old chest and promptly kicked its lock off.
  136. Inside the chest was some paper with writing on it and 4 glass vials with one full of some carbonated red goo.
  137. I ended up putting the whole chest with its contents in my bag.
  139. After more walking we hear a loud roar from some bushes that eventually passed us.
  140. After we heard the roar we decided to leave the area and came across a steam.
  141. We stopped for awhile and then I saw a large figure just smashing trees like they were nothing and it just wandered away.
  142. Since we didn't want to get eaten we quickly looked around for supplies and I found 2 basil plants, Mariel found 1 aloe plant near the water, and Flip found two pieces of willow bark which she gave to me.When we started to walk back toward home it felt like the darkness was surrounding us which was crazy since we were only like a mile from town.
  143. As the darkness came closer Flip wondered if the darkness would follow us home and wreck the town.
  144. Then Mariel told us to run away but we didn't.
  145. We weren't going to let some fog monster just eat her.
  146. So we stayed and fought it.
  147. The monster as basically a floating neon green skull that made a clicking noise.
  148. It wasn't to hard to beat all we did was just smash it's head with sticks then Mariel jabbed it in the eyes with her spear and it fell apart into imps which retreated into the ground.
  149. Flip and I ended up picking up some of its teeth while I forgot what Mariel picked up.
  151. As we entered the town we decided that we were going to do this again tomorrow.
  152. I just have to remember to give that vial of red goo to one of the scientist.
  154. Day 34
  155. Hung out with shadow spark for awhile and got Ikea to build my greenhouse.
  156. [dont remember much]
  158. Day 35
  159. Decided to take the mystery goo vial to Lucy but found out she's in a coma or something so Liven said he would talk to her about when she wakes up.
  160. Also found out Penny tried to off herself because of hurt pride or something equally as stupid.
  162. Made friends with a new pony named Moon Chaser who was making bone swords and wants to be the town tailor.
  164. Went to the inn to surprise Ikea with a drink for helping me build my greenhouse but got side tracked by a mare who started flirting with me.
  165. After some drinks and conversation I found out she was Vesuvius Matches and works at the sewage plant.
  166. After some drinks she just up and passed out. Guess she couldn't handle her liquor.
  167. I took her up to one of the beds in the inn.
  169. Then without warning Ikea and Feather burst in asking for a metal smith.
  170. Since no one was qualified I decided to volunteer and started to leave.
  171. But before I left Mariel started talking about going into the woods to find more plants but I couldn't stay and talk so she will tell me later.
  173. At the smithy Feather had me on bellow pumps and we were making some pagan pendent to drive a demon or something out of Cherenkov's body.
  174. We eventually made it and let for the clinic.
  176. At the clinic I saw Feather put the pendent on Cherenkov from the safety of another room and saw smoke and light come out of him.
  177. Then Liven and others came in looking all bitten up like they were attacked by zombies.
  178. Eventually Liven told all people not crucial to the situation to leave and so I did.
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