
(3) Gaynon and Applejack

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >Weekend
  2. >Time to chilllll
  3. >I got my weed, food, and Netflix
  4. >4 hours later
  5. >Binging can only get you so far
  6. >Maybe I can try to see if my friends wanna chill
  7. >Text my normal friends
  8. >Working
  9. >Sleeping
  10. >I have no clue where this other douche is
  11. >Maybe the girls wanna chill
  12. >I text twilight
  13. "You guys wanna do something later?"
  14. >"Sure, but Applejack isn't too happy with you right now."
  15. >Looks like I'm gonna have to use some diplomacy again, but how
  16. "How about movies and then dinner?"
  17. >"Sounds good to me!"
  18. >Now to just figure out how to talk to Applejack
  19. >BZZT BZZT
  20. >"You wanna talk to Applejack don't you?"
  21. >Man Twilight has your back like a freakin' genie
  22. "Yes twilight! Can you do that for me? You are literally the best thing to happen to this town!"
  23. >"Alright, alright, just let me talk to her"
  24. >10 minutes later
  25. >"Alright, she's agreed to meet you 10 minutes before we all show up.
  26. "Thank you Twilight! I owe you one!"
  27. >"No problem"
  28. >Fast forward to movie time
  29. >Show up
  30. >Surprisingly, Applejack is there
  31. "Hey... Applejack"
  32. >"Hi anon"
  33. >She doesn't sound mad, just annoyed
  34. "Listen, I know you're mad about what happened with me and Applebloom."
  35. >"You could've just humored her! You know, just let her think she was your boyfriend or something."
  36. "Applejack, you know that would've ended in disaster."
  37. >"Yeah, but I mean, she's really bummed about this whole thing."
  38. "I know, I'm really sorry. I would never hurt her intentionally."
  39. >She pauses and thinks about it
  40. "Besides, you know she'll eventually get over it and find someone else."
  41. >She smiles a little. "Maybe you're right"
  42. >You put a hand on her shoulder
  43. "You guys are my friends AJ. You know I would never do anything to hurt you guys, I care about you.
  44. >She blushes a little
  45. >A little too smooth there?
  46. >Maybe
  47. >"Alright anon, it's all good."
  48. >She wraps me in a tight hug
  49. >Wasn't expecting that
  50. "Alright, let's go in now, huh?"
  51. >"Alright"
  52. ---
  53. >Walk up to the counter
  54. >AJ pulls out her wallet to pay for the ticket
  55. >I wave it off
  56. "No no, let me make it up to you. I got you covered"
  57. >"Well that's mighty nice of you Anon!"
  58. "Two tickets"
  59. >The guy smiles. "Ohhh I see, date night with the old lady, huh?"
  60. >Me and AJ share a glance
  61. "No no no" I tell him. "We're just friends"
  62. >"Oh come on, a couple of good looking teenagers like you, how can you just be friends?"
  63. >AJ is now blushing pretty hard
  64. >I just look up and smile
  65. >Man, this has been a weird week
  66. >Anyway, eventually the guy at the counter gives up the tickets and we go inside
  67. >Me and AJ just sit at the table and just chat about random stuff.
  68. >Eventually the rest of the girls show up
  69. >They pay for their own tickets because most of my budget is blown up on food, housing, and my herbal. Besides, I'm planning on treating them to dinner
  70. >As we go in the theater, AJ decides to sit next to me.
  71. >And I think nothing of it
  72. >Then we go out to eat at this cool taco joint
  73. >Not bad
  74. >Bill is kinda high, about $45, not including tip
  75. >I step up like a boss
  76. "Don't worry girls, I got this"
  77. >"Oh Anon, that's not necessary" Rarity tries to protest
  78. "No no, I insist."
  79. >"Awww anon, you're such a sweetie!" AJ says with a warm smile
  80. >Not just a friendly one
  81. >But like, one that's genuinelly affectionate and welcoming
  82. >Weird
  83. >But I just shrug it off
  84. >Dinner's over
  85. >Everyone's going home
  86. >"Bye anon"
  87. >"Later"
  88. >etc.
  89. >Then Applejack comes up to me
  90. >She grabs my hand
  91. >"I had fun tonight anon, I look forward to seeing you again."
  92. "Thanks, me too."
  93. >"Alright, guess I'll see you later."
  94. >She lets go of my hand and maintains eye contact for a good 2 seconds, then walks away.
  95. >Weird
  96. >Is AJ starting to like you?
  97. >Like really like you?
  98. >Even weirder...
  99. >Am I starting to like her?
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