
CYOA FR- The Unicorn's Dominion

Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. Keep in mind that this story isn't of the same level of quality as that from one of my own planned out stories. This is all train of thought writing from the suggestions of fellow writefags. This is one of those cases where I had fun writing it, but the readers may not necessarily think it was fun reading it. However, it would take too much time to completely rewrite it. Instead I just fixed the worst of mistakes.
  3. To prevent anyone from wasting their time, the flow is sloppy, events aren't always that funny, Strongbuck is both an obvious parody and too OP for an Original Character (Too perfect, used as a plot device rather than a character in its own right), AJ is conveniently holding the idiot ball just for the sake of a few laughs, the dialogue is tepid at best, Rainbow Dash serves no purpose, and I was too lazy to write any other ponies in when it actually would make sense to summon the rest. If anyone has any complaints, concerns, or hate, let me know. Hopefully at least one person gets a kick out of it.
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. >It was the rare day when Applejack and you both had the same day off. Of course, all of her friends were working, so Applejack was tempted to work on the farm again.
  8. "Oh, no. You're not going back to the farm."
  9. >"But Anon, what do I do? I'm more bored than a goldfish in a bowl."
  10. "Well, we're going to find you a hobby."
  11. >"A hobby?"
  12. "Yeah. A hobby. Anytime you've ever been bored, you just leech off entertainment from someone else."
  13. >"I'm no leech. I work hard, I can play hard as well."
  14. >You doubt that. Rainbow Dash is usually the one to goad her into doing anything at all.
  15. >Before you could put that argument to words, the two of you finish eating and walk out of the barn.
  16. >A little bird tells you to go to a hobby shop.
  17. >Namely a parrot.
  19. >"That's not a bad idea, Anon. Let's go and try this hobby shop."
  20. "I guess. But usually they specialize in something. I don't know, AJ."
  21. >"It's worth a shot."
  22. >So the two of you walk over along to the town square to get your bearings and to find more accurate directions.
  23. >Just then, your find that pony reading from one of the cafes, shielding her face with nothing more than a newspaper with a few holes cut out.
  24. >The only problem is, they'll be subtle with AJ around.
  25. >That works against you as well, since you can't flush them out.
  26. >Rarity and Twilight Sparkle worked in tandem.
  27. >One's the brains and the other was the silver tongue.
  28. >How did you get in this mess?
  29. >Word was, you are a virgin.
  30. >But that wasn't true. It was obviously a lie.
  31. >"Why are you sweating, Anon?"
  32. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
  33. >"Fine. Don't tell me."
  34. >Turns out, the fact about unicorns approaching virgins wasn't just a folk tale.
  35. >Rarity saw you as a challenge since you gave none of the fucks.
  36. >You were pretty sure Twilight just wanted to tear up her virginity card with whoever.
  37. 1/?
  40. >Speaking of the devil, Twilight was watching from above one of the rooftops.
  41. >You tightened your hand, gripping Applejack's mane. She didn't mind.
  42. >The two of you finally made it to the hobby shop.
  43. >And when you came in, it was quite a surprise.
  44. >There were wooden animals, and boats, and was that a tank?
  45. >Cards in laminate lined one wall (not the rare ones, those had their own area tucked in the glass below the counter)
  46. >The other wall had posters, including a beauty poster of Fluttershy during her modeling days.
  47. >There were novelty items like oversized playing cards and combs in one corner.
  48. >Magic items and accessories were placed in a booth to themselves, including telegram gems (SOLD OUT) and magic books.
  49. >Even the ceiling had model planes, and foam D20s strung from the ceiling.
  50. >The clanging of wind up creatures and other automatic toys surprised you as one of those planes were flying freely.
  51. >It tried to swerve around you, but your dodge sent it straight for a wind knocking hit in the gut.
  52. "Mayday. Mayday, AJ."
  53. >But she was so absorbed into something else that she didn't even notice you.
  55. >She was glued to the one wall filled with different cards.
  56. >It was relatively simple, but the artwork was far more ornate than something mass-produced with pony tech would suggest.
  57. >Ignoring the plane, you place it down since it ran out of magic gas or something.
  58. "Hey, AJ. You found something?"
  59. >"I sure do. But it seems like it isn't just pretty art. It's the cards with the least numbers and words on them. What are they?"
  60. "Hell if I'd know. Where is the owner, anyways?"
  61. >You looked for something, but the only thing near the glass counter was a bell and a note which read:
  63. >So you did what the sign says.
  64. >The bell rang, but it quickly settled into a unique hum that lasted for quite a few seconds.
  65. >Out came a pony who was obviously doing his squats and oats.
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  69. >He wasn't as buff as that one white pegasus, but he was more chiseled.
  70. >And he wore a mustache shaped like a 1920's barbell lifter.
  71. >"You rang? I take it that one of you are interested in my merchandise."
  72. >He smiles and extends his hoof.
  73. >"The name is Strong. Strongbuck. And yours?"
  74. "My name's Anon."
  75. >You take his hoof in your hand and do a firm shake while the two of you grunt knowingly.
  76. >You didn't expect a person like him to be here.
  77. >Just then, you noticed a wrestling poster with his body behind him, striking a pose for the artist.
  78. "That's you, right?"
  79. >"The one and only."
  80. "Well, AJ might know more about pony wrestling. HEY AJ."
  81. >She was still staring at the wall, eyeing the tropical patterns. "Sure. You got cancer. Applebloom is really Blueblood. Yup."
  82. "I'm sorry, Strongbuck. AJ's usually more focused than this."
  83. >Rather than getting upset, he had an even bigger grin on his face.
  84. >He moved around the counter and walked next to the entranced earth pony.
  85. >"That there, young lady, is the cards for the game Dominican. It's a deck building game where you build the most luxurious resort."
  86. >"Yeah. Building."
  87. >"You start off with a crummy hand and you compete with other players to outbid them on monsters and special locales in order to gain victory points and get a better hand."
  88. >"Monsters are bad."
  89. >You slapped your hand on your face in shock. Applejack doesn't strike you to be the obsessive type
  90. >Except for work.
  91. >Strongbuck continued to act the perfect salesman though, while still flexing the occasional muscle.
  92. >So you decided to leave your attention from her for a second and look for something else instead.
  93. "Heh. There's even a game called Toad Warriors. Kinda looks like...
  94. ...Battletoads."
  95. >You quickly put that thought away though as the door rings and two unicorns came in impeccably crisp business suits and black glasses.
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  99. >If you tilt your head and wish a bit, it looks like Rarity and Twilight wanted to do some MIB cosplay.
  100. >Twilight said in a voice an octave lower than normal, "FREEZE ALIEN. ACCORDING TO REGULATION 17, YOU ARE TO BE DETAINED. THE USE OF FORCE HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED."
  101. >Applejack turned her head back just enough to see the two unicorns.
  102. >"Aw crud. It's the police."
  103. "AJ, It's just Twilight and Rarity. Again. For the hundredth time. They’re in costume."
  104. >In response, both of them flashed semi-official looking badges.
  105. >"Anon, they look like it and everything."
  106. >You sighed.
  107. >Strongbuck looked at the situation and saw some trouble. He placed his body between Twilight's charged horn.
  108. >You let loose a scream that sounded like a raptor.
  109. >There was this one story in 4chan where a retarded kid screamed before charging straight on.
  110. >For whatever reason, you decided to do the same.
  111. >Before you did so, Strongbuck held you back.
  112. >"They're not worth it, Anon."
  113. >So much for plan B.
  114. >You always wanted to try plan C.
  115. >Bum rushing the two unicorns might surprise them for one second before they quartered you like those medieval torture pics.
  116. >"Anon, quit screaming like a little girl. You're coming with us."
  117. >That was definitely Rarity's voice, not her MIB voice.
  118. >Applejack caught on immediately. Disguises fooled her, but the moment you let it slip up, bam.
  119. >"Rarity, is that you?"
  120. >She walks up to get a closer look.
  121. >"It is you. What are you doing in that fancy getup of yours?"
  122. >Twilight said in her regular voice, "Ugh. Thanks, Rarity. Now we'll have to think of another plan."
  123. >The two of them left, but not before Rarity apologized to Strongbuck.
  124. >Then the bell attached to the door chimed before they left.
  125. >Silence.
  126. >"Strongbuck, I want to let you know that I want to buy Dominican."
  127. >"That's great."
  128. >"How much?"
  129. 4/?
  132. >"Well, by itself, it's 30 bits, but each expansion is 20 bits extra. All ready for two or more players right out of the box."
  133. >He flexed his muscles a bit and gave a smile to seal the deal.
  134. "AJ, you can't believe what he says. Just buy the base copy and let's go."
  135. >"But you're missing out on so much."
  136. >He forgoed the smile with you and extends his hoof while putting on a more serious face.
  137. >"How about this? I'll wrestle you for the cost of the base set. The extensions are all still 20 bits though."
  138. "Uh."
  139. >"I'd rather not. You look like you’re pretty ripped."
  140. >The bulky stallion nods and accepts your bits.
  141. >Both of you left the store with nothing to show but a big box.
  142. >Having the twin terrors ruin your day out chillin' with AJ didn't do any favors to your disposition.
  143. >She still picked that up though.
  144. >"Come on, Anon. I'll pay you half when we get home. I just forgot my bits, that’s all."
  145. "No. AJ, I still kind of owe you for the barn incident."
  146. >You walk past the streets, keeping an eye out for any trouble. AJ walks ahead.
  147. >"Come on, Anon. That barn incident wasn't that bad, we needed another one anyhow. Now hurry up. I wanna see what this game is all about."
  148. >She starts to gallop in excitement, and because she's a horse, you can barely keep up.
  149. >In fact, you start falling behind.
  150. >Soon, she was almost at Sweet Apple Acres while you were wrapped up in something else.
  151. >Namely, one of Twilight's traps.
  152. "Hmmm. Satin rope."
  153. >"Of course, darling. Only the best for our hostage."
  154. "Wait. Hostage? Rarity, what are you talking about?"
  155. >Twilight walked from the shadows with a slightly sadistic smile.
  156. >"Silly, Anon. We're going to set you free."
  157. "Great. Do it now."
  158. >"Take this first, and we'll let you go."
  159. >She passes to you a vial with a clear liquid.
  160. "... Really guys? Really? I mean, like, wow. A vial of mysterious clear liquid? I mean, if you guys wanna date-rape me so badly, ya' know you could just ask first."
  161. 5/?
  164. >Rarity stuck her nose up at you.
  165. >See, this is why you don't like Rarity. Approachable in some cases, and a complete snooty bitch for the rest.
  166. >"Anon, I'm shocked and disappointed in you that you would think of such a thing."
  167. "Hey, I'm a human. It's what we do."
  168. >"But I like that in a man. So gritty and noir."
  169. >Twilight didn't show any class though when she breathed down your neck and whispered, "So, if I said it was, even though it totally isn't..."
  170. "It is."
  171. >"Fine. But even if probably is, can I rape you? Please?"
  172. >Her breath smells like hay and grass. That's how close to your personal space she was.
  173. >Your snarky comment did nothing to get you out of this noose except to make Twilight horny as ever while Rarity waves the vial ever closer to your closed mouth.
  174. The alleyway is strangely quiet due to the festival that Twilight just came up with literally five seconds ago.
  175. >The rope, it seems, was held up by magic.
  176. "Twilight?"
  177. >"Yes?"
  178. >God, you really hate doing this. But Twilight can smell your desperation.
  179. >So with your hands you take her lips onto yours, and make out with that slimy thing she calls a tongue.
  180. >You seriously hoped that that lump was a tumor and not a grass cud.
  181. >At first, she was hesitant, but soon her tongue intertwined like the grosses thing you could think of.
  182. >Snails having sex.
  183. >Yes, it was that creepy.
  184. >You could hear it working though, as the shimmer from her horn fades.
  185. >Rarara was too jealous to notice, staring daggers into Twilight's skull.
  186. >One of Twilight's rear hooves kicked up, and the process was complete.
  187. >You fell, and the snare came loose. A simple yank, and it was free from your ankle before Twilight can recognize what was happening.
  188. "C-c-c-c-combo breaker," you stuttered.
  189. >Rarity came alert far more quickly, and she had enough intelligence to thrust the vial right in your face.
  190. >"I'll combo breaker you, you, you knave."
  191. >Wait. That was it?
  192. 6/?
  195. >Twilight was still in lala land, but Rarity tried holding you back with magic.
  196. >Then it was brute human strength for the win.
  198. >The clock? What the fuck was that?"
  199. >You were never so glad to see that red barn house as you did right now.
  200. >The lights were on, and when you opened the door, Big Mac was standing right there.
  201. >"AJ’s been looking for ya, Anon. I’ll go get her."
  202. >Sure.
  203. >"Also, you might want to get your face looked after."
  204. >Whoa. What?
  205. >Looks like you’ll have to add it to your to-do list..
  206. >At least something other than setting up that card game.
  207. >Or cooking supper.
  208. >Or the dozen other things you could be doing.
  209. >Instead, you walked up to your own personal bedroom (complete with toilet) and checked the mirror.
  210. >Okay, if this turns out to make you Twoface or something, that'd be shitty. Cool, but shitty.
  211. >You looked at it.
  212. >It looked perfectly normal.
  213. >Except for the pink hearts coming out from around your face.
  214. >And when you stared closely, you can see your waifus Twilight and Rarity embracing you.
  215. >Kissing you with their adorable mouths.
  216. >All while you petted their manes and slapped their asses as you gave them the D.
  217. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," you whispered. "You idiot."
  218. >You leaned on your arms, pressing against the sink.
  219. >After washing your face, the thoughts have subsided, but now you know what Rarity had meant by being on the clock.
  220. >That could also just be Rarity bluffing with some mind games, but if it wasn't...
  221. >You'd be up shit creek without a paddle.
  222. >It doesn't sound like AJ is back yet.
  223. >It's time to go to town hall with Big Mac and Applebloom and Granny Smith.
  224. >Maybe Applejack would pop up too.
  225. >And the judge would slam her pony gavel and sentence Rarity and Twilight to pony jail.
  226. >Where they would have to spend their pony lives breaking pony rocks while Rarity complains about her pony jail uniform.
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  230. >In no time flat, you summoned the rest of the family for a group meeting.
  231. "Guys and guyettes, you're in the living room for a reason."
  232. >"What?" said Granny Smith in a slightly confused tone.
  233. >Applebloom was doodling while Big Mac listened outside with the living room door open, chopping firewood.
  234. "I believe in a dream. A dream where I was being raped by two unicorns. You may not believe in that dream and it was more of a daydream, but whatever."
  235. >Big Mac shouts, "ya have my axe."
  236. >Applebloom whips out a paper sword. "And mah bow."
  237. "That was surprisingly easy."
  238. >"What?"
  239. >It was Granny Smith again.
  240. >You get the two able ponies together and form a plan.
  241. "How about we group huddle."
  242. >"Sure thing, sonny."
  243. >"I like group huddles."
  244. "So, I was thinking we should go to the town hall for this one and plead our case."
  245. >"Nope. Closed,” yelled Big Mac from the door.
  246. >Fucking government. They can't even stay open at a decent time.
  247. "What about I threaten to kill myself, and they can't stand to lose me so they'll give the antidote."
  248. >Big Mac said to you, "Nope. You already can't break their hearts, so it's basically magically impossible."
  249. >"Really?"
  250. >"Yup."
  251. "Well, I'm out of ideas."
  252. >"Well, how about I get the cutie mark crusaders? It could be a sleepover?"
  253. "Or we could. We could get Zecora to get us the cure."
  254. >Your hopes were Dashed when Big Mac said, "Nope."
  255. "Why not?"
  256. >"Zecora's closed."
  257. "Really?"
  258. >"Yup. She's part of the government now. Technically."
  259. "But it's under health care. It should be 24-7."
  260. >"Except it's only under Zecora. She can't be there all the time."
  261. "I know, but goddamn she picked the worst time. Wait, how did you know?”
  262. >And wouldn’t you know it, the big lug’s cheeks grew three shades of red that day.
  263. >Applebloom piped up. "She was gettin' super stressed and stuff. But we could make an antidote."
  264. "Coming from the fillies who thought a love poison was a potion, I'd rather not."
  265. 9/?
  268. >"Then what do you want to do, Anon?" said BM.
  269. "I don't know. We might have to get more information from the horse's mouth."
  270. >Just then, you heard knocking.
  271. >You opened the door and there was AJ, looking frazzled.
  272. >"Where were you, Anon? I've been looking for you the whole afternoon."
  273. >It was almost dark out by now, with crickets chirping in the background.
  274. "I was hiding from your so-called friends."
  275. >"Shucks, they aren't so bad. Maybe you should talk to them."
  276. >Applebloom still looks at you. "Makin' an antidote can't be that hard. I'm sure if we all worked together, we might be able to do it."
  277. >AJ cringed, but she had thought of her own idea. "How about we go visit Fluttershy, Pinkie, or Rainbow."
  278. “You seem awfully on board.”
  279. >”Well, Anon. You’ve got hearts coming off of your face. Even I can see that something’s going on.”
  280. "What would the others know?"
  281. >"I don't know. But it's worth a shot."
  282. >Big Macintosh just nods. "Yuuuuup."
  283. >AJ's got the best idea so far.
  284. >She even suggested Rainbow Dash.
  285. >Not exactly the best choice for diplomacy, but she's fast, and has it where it counts.
  286. >Of course, it's night now.
  287. >That was when Applejack whipped out a jar full of fireflies.
  288. >She unscrewed it, and left open a crack for a few to come out.
  289. >"That'll get her attention, these homing fireflies."
  290. >You wait for a few minutes while their blinking bodies headed off for the familiar cloud formation of Cloudsdale.
  291. >And then a few more before Dash flew down from up high to greet you all.
  292. "Applejack, what is it? Do you need an extra hoof, or is something wrong."
  293. >She clues into your situation as everyone had a stern look on their face.
  294. >"Well, what happened. Give me the coles notes version."
  295. "Rarity and Twilight sprayed love potion. Get the antidote back."
  296. >"Awesome. I take it Anon took it like a champ."
  297. >If taking it like a champ meant crying in the mirror for five minutes, then yes, you took it like a champ.
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  301. >AJ replied, "Now will you help us?"
  302. >"Yeah, but you guys are the idea ponies. What am I going to do?"
  303. >The Apple family try to come with their own plan.
  304. >You tried coming up with one yourself, tapping your foot as you did so.
  305. >Dash did a few loops and somersaults, but she didn't see any progress on the Apple's side.
  306. >Your foot continued to tap.
  307. >Dash gnashed her teeth.
  308. >Your foot still tapped.
  309. >"Fine. Geez, I've got a plan."
  310. >Applejack smiled and rubbed her hooves together.
  311. >"That's great, sugarcube. Looks like we're back in business."
  312. >After AJ sent Applebloom to bed, and Big Mac did the same, saying that "AJ is going to be right slow tomorrow if this is an all nighter. One pony's gotta be on the ball."
  313. >Dash and AJ sat down as you laid down some paper.
  314. "What's the plan, Dash?"
  315. >"Well, the plan is this."
  316. >She draws a winged horse.
  317. >It was actually a pretty goddam good, semi-realistic horse, considering the lack of time.
  318. >But Dash sighed. “Shut up about this, Anon. I don’t need ponies thinking that I’m a dork.”
  319. >She drew a diagram where she breaks in, steals the antidote, and breaks back out.
  320. >"We need a distraction. Anon, you're going to be the bait."
  321. "Nope. No way. I did that shit once before. I came back without any clothes."
  322. >”That explains the barn incident,” said AJ.
  323. >Dash was getting peeved. "Fine. Slowly fall in love with those two. See if I care."
  324. >AJ brings up her idea.
  325. >"How about instead of using Anon, we use the power of Dominican!"
  326. "That's stupid."
  327. >"Twilight's never stayed away from a mental challenge. Now all we need is a professional player."
  328. >Both you and AJ looked knowingly at each other.
  329. "That guy? The Stronghoof guy?"
  330. >"So you are thinking what I'm thinkin’."
  331. "Fine. Since everything runs on pony logic or something"
  332. >"What the hell are you talking about," shouted Dash.
  333. >You explained what happened this morning and agreed to meet up in the bushes a block away from the Treebrary.
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  337. "Why can't we just meet up in the bushes right next to it?"
  338. >"Because she's going to be looking there. Duh. Twilight picks the most predictable, logical thing, so we gotta think like Pinkie Pie."
  339. "That's great. What we need to do then is something unpredictable. Go on Dash. I'll distract them both real good."
  340. >Rainbow Dash slaps you in the face.
  341. >"You'd better not be thinking what I think you're thinking."
  342. "No. I'm not thinking what you're thinking I'm thinking. Instead, believe in the me that wants you to think what I'm not thinking."
  343. >Rainbow Dash sighs before flying off above the treebrary and hid in the branches from one of the windows upstairs.
  344. >You strip naked and come out of the bushes.
  346. >You run off, leaving your clothes hidden in case anyone tried to steal your underpants.
  347. >Rarity was the first to open the door, she runs with both poise and determination.
  348. >"Anon dear, you'll need somepony to keep you warm on this chilly night. Allow me to be your blanket and warmer for tonight."
  349. >You'd be laughing your ass off, messing with her mind like that, but the love potion was starting to take effect.
  350. >"I can see that you're happy to see me as well."
  351. >Wait a moment. Why isn't Twilight coming out?
  352. >After you look at the window for any signs of Twilight, you saw Rainbow Dash's face smeared along the right window from the door.
  353. "Shit."
  354. >Twilight comes out with a smile on her face, brandishing Dash with her magic.
  355. >"It was so obvious, Anon. But it's nice to see my presents unwrapped."
  356. >Rarity laughs nervously, Twilight’s magic made her uncomfortable.
  357. >"Happy Birthday, Twilight. Even if it is 10 days early. As we agreed, I'll let you have first dibs."
  358. >"You're so kind."
  359. >"Yes. Enjoy him while you can. I'm not eager to have sloppy seconds, but beggars can't be choosers. Besides, if we argue, neither of us will have Anonymous."
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  363. >The element of generosity ended her phrase with a dull monotone while she looks at Twilight indirectly.
  364. >Twilight looks at her quizzically.
  365. >Rarity responded with a smile that didn't extend to her blue, luscious eyes.
  366. >She was holding back her tears while her head notions Twilight to move on.
  367. >This was all very nice and endearing, but you'll have to improvise on the plan now.
  368. "Where's AJ? She's supposed to be back by now."
  369. >You shrugged, putting all your faith on Applebuddy's return.
  370. >With a deep breath, you start to weave your lies to the pone laying off to the side.
  371. >All the while, Twilight inches closer and closer.
  372. >You started to walk backwards.
  373. >Rarity gasps as she notices you walking towards her. She couldn’t resist you.
  374. "Please. This isn't what I wanted," you whispered.
  375. >"But Anon. This is Twilight's present. I can't just take it back. And if I start fighting her against you, neither of us-"
  376. "Shhhhhhhhhhhh."
  377. >You could hear a snort coming from Twilight's direction.
  378. "Rarity, I have always loved YOU. Your hair, your eyes."
  379. >A simple hand to her face, a flick of your thumb to push her mane to the side so you could see more of her radiant face.
  380. >"B-b-but Anon, I-"
  381. "No buts. Every time I see your smile and grace, my day grows a bit brighter."
  382. >She looks away, with a blush and a hopeful smile.
  383. >"Why all the running then?"
  384. "Because of all those times I saw you, I wanted to ravish you with attention. But such a show of affection is gaudy, so I hid it within here."
  385. >To show your point, two of your fingers tap your heart and then place those same fingers on her lips.
  386. "Is that red lipstick I'm seeing? Such a lady."
  387. >"It's just some Sapphire Shores lipstick. I just slapped it on, really, I mean, it only took me ten minutes."
  388. >She gives off an even bigger blush as time slows down in a rose tinted hue.
  389. 13/?
  392. "I wanted to tell you that I love you with all my being, but I'm such an ungracious beast that just seeing you would bring my blood to a boil."
  393. >"Oh my!"
  394. >You could hear a grunt coming from behind.
  395. "My body knew that if we were to save our virginity until our special day, I had to lock my feelings deep inside."
  396. >"Oh, please!!"
  397. "I love you, Rarity. Let me carry you away to my home while we consummate our love together with the forbidden snuggling technique."
  398. >"Take me away, you daring rogue!!!"
  399. >All of those drama classes worked out for you after all. Fuck those faggots for calling you a faggot.
  400. >And yet, you couldn't look away.
  401. >Rarity was cradled in your arms, with hearts in her eyes.
  402. >Your feet were walking the two of you back home until Twilight shouted out,
  403. >"But you promised!"
  404. >"Oh, it's you Twilight. Well, it's not a Pinkie promise, so that makes fair under the laws of love and war."
  405. >"It's a lie and you know it. The geneva convention..."
  406. >Twilight goes on a rant about rules of conduct while the potion while you tried to remember what you were supposed to do.
  407. >As you continue to carry Rarity in her arms, she smiled and nuzzled the side of your arm with her wet, cold muzzle.
  408. >"Anon, if we're going to be an item, you and me, we'll need to plan out how our relationship would unfold."
  409. >"You must understand that MY reputation could be at stake if you make even the slightest of mistakes."
  410. >Instead of cringing, you bring out a troubled smile.
  411. >"Oh, and I'm forgetting about the wedding. I'll have to make you a black tuxedo to fit your handsome form so perfectly that it's like it's part of you. Then there's the matter of helping my fledgling business grow. You'll provide most of the muscle there; I'm simply no good with grunt work."
  412. >You kept on smiling, twitching a bit with your cheek.
  413. >Rarity melts away as the memories of your past start coming from your mind.
  414. >The other ponies disappear.
  415. >Applejack fades from your mind.
  416. 14/?
  419. >Then a familiar screen comes from a projector and your mind remembers the last thing that stuck with you. The last important thing.
  420. >"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.' 'No!' says the pony in white, 'it belongs to me, Rarity.'"
  421. >Tears start flying as all your memories changed into Rarity as she batting her eyelashes
  422. >"Is this whining?" said your first GF.
  423. "No."
  424. >You go deeper, finding that your mother was baking you pie, while your father smoked a pipe and little Jimmy Johnson, your younger brother, was out playing with planes.
  425. >Except. Except all of them had Rarity's face on.
  426. >All judging.
  427. >All licking their lips while they stared at you.
  428. >No place to escape as your whole family, dressed in 50's clothes, put on the biggest rape face you had ever seen on a pony.
  429. >You back up to the window and see fish floating outside.
  430. >All of your friends, family, and others were on the other side.
  431. >But to break the glass is suicide. The cracks in the glass with water leaking out made it apparent.
  432. >Game over.
  433. >"Hello, Anon! Would you help me carry this heavy load,' said Rarity dad as she placed some boxes of fashion clothes on your hands.
  434. >"How could you forget our quarter-anniversary? It's been three months and I haven't gotten a present yet!" said the ever present Rarity face, as your little brother kicked you in the shins.
  435. >Rarity mom gives you a pie on top. It weighs a metric ton.
  436. >"Now, now Anon. Don't keep a lady waiting."
  437. >The middle of the pie pulses as some tiny little bulb plays peekaboo.
  438. >The Rarity family gives you a shit eating grin while you stood there.
  439. >”Choose!”
  440. >”Choose!”
  441. >”Choose!”
  442. "I choose...RAPTURE!"
  443. >Your hands break the glass protecting you from your fishy friends outside.
  444. >The immense pressure breaks you apart and builds you up again.
  445. 15/?
  448. >The pie turns into a pony's winking vagina.
  449. >Eeeew.
  450. >Rarity gives you an glare before shoving her rear at your face.
  451. >"I said, don't keep a lady waiting. I have big plans for you."
  452. >You shoved her ass away, rolling her off and turning her over again and again like a tumbleweed.
  453. "RAPTURE!"
  454. >Rarity brushes off the mane covering her face.
  455. >"What exactly is going on?"
  456. "BIOSHOCK!"
  457. >Your sudden hulk strength allows you to smash the front door barring your way.
  458. >For a while, your love for Rarity was replaced by something else.
  459. "GAME OF THE YEAR!"
  460. "GRAH!"
  461. >Rarity whimpers as you grab her manicured hoof and her soft hair coat.
  463. >You spin around and around until the world becomes a blur.
  464. >The other hooves flail as Rarity screams for her life.
  465. >A few seconds of that and you tired of this game.
  466. >"EEEEEEEEEE"
  468. >She ends up landing in the bushes before galloping off to her boutique.
  469. STOMP
  470. STOMP
  471. STOMP
  472. >Then, after satiating your primal desires, you quit stomping and run to the goal.
  474. >It took less than thirty seconds what your old self could do in maybe three minutes.
  475. >Maybe it was the magic that coursed through your veins.
  476. >Perhaps it was the same things that your ancestors, the Vikings, have called upon on their world.
  477. >Your world.
  478. >Twilight was still there, debating to a bored Applejack looking downwards, Strongbuck in tow. The two were in magical limbo along with Rainbow Dash.
  479. >"Where is that Anon?" said Twilight.
  480. >That was before she noticed you.
  481. >Aiming a fist.
  482. >Right at her face.
  483. >Just one more second and she would be SMASH.
  484. >But her horn glowed and something deep in your stomach was pulled towards Strongbuck.
  485. >"Anon, of all those times that you've fought against me, you should know by now that I can sense a virgin from a mile away."
  486. "RRRRRGH"
  487. >"Now play nice with that Armstrong fool. Dash, you help out too."
  488. 16/?
  491. >Another shimmer of her familiar magic, and Dash's eyes became unfocused as she slumped down her head.
  492. >"Yes. I will help Anon break this Strongbuck with my own hooves," said a hypnotised Dash
  495. ***
  496. >"Nice try, Applejack. Bet you weren't expecting this."
  497. "Actually, I didn't expect to take it by force. I expected to take this from you by..."
  498. >She zaps Anon and Dash, letting them fight against Strongbuck.
  499. >Twilight indulges in her laughter, showing her teeth in a manic grin.
  500. >How could Twilight do this?
  501. >We were this close to saving Anon, and now Twilight's got him under some kind of brain control spell or something.
  502. >Her horn fizzles out from the effort.
  503. >"I'm so tired, but you're still outclassed. I still have two types of magic left in me."
  504. >She flies into the air, wobbling a bit from her barely used wings.
  505. >Then she lands on the ground, shaking the earth around your hooves a bit.
  506. "Twilight, leave us alone now. Call off your magic and give us the antidote."
  507. >"You'll never find it. Even if Rainbow Dash managed to get inside the house, she'd never find it either."
  508. >Your friend Twilight, cocked her head to the side, letting more strands of her mane split away.
  509. >"I've still got enough strength to deal with you."
  510. >It took one second, but you bucked your friend with enough force to send her reeling.
  511. >Then you start rummaging through the house.
  512. >No sign of it anywhere.
  513. >"TWILY, I LOVE YOU"
  514. >Shucks, Anon's love potion is starting to work again.
  515. >"Applejack, you can kick my ass until next Tuesday, but you'll never know where I hid the antidote," said Twilight as she apparated a handkerchief to wipe off the blood from her nose.
  516. "Where?"
  517. >You exit the house, and prop Twilight's head against her house.
  518. "Where is it?"
  519. >You slap her shit. All that does is make her laugh.
  520. "You've gone mad, haven't you."
  521. >"Madly in love with Anon. Yes."
  522. 17/?
  525. >Armstrong can barely hold back Anon while dodging RD's air raids from above.
  527. >"Applejack," he cried, his mustache still smoking.
  528. >"I need you to take this."
  529. >He thowed out a deck.
  530. >"It's my grandfather's. I need you to finish what we started."
  531. "Strongbuck, that's got all the expansions in it. You can't give it to somepony like me. Twilight's got the maths. She'll murder me."
  532. >"But you know her. Use her friendship against her like a judo throw."
  533. >Anon lunges towards Twilight, flower in hand, before Armstrong flings him hundreds of feet in the air.
  534. >Dash zooms past and gives Anon something to push against.
  535. >But another judo throw keeps him at bay, sending Anon crashing against another house.
  536. >"If you think that's all the tricks I have in my sleeve, I know one more trick that's greater than magic. It's our friendship."
  537. >How did Twilight know?
  538. >Oh, right. Strongbuck.
  539. >"Hey, Applejack? What's 2*2?"
  540. "Knock it off. I've got my deck. Now get yours."
  541. >Tendrils of shadow emerge from Twilight's eyes and envelop the both of you, turning everything into black.
  542. >Twilight is the first thing you see.
  543. >She's writing on the chalkboard while some fillies are laughing behind your back.
  544. >The troublesome trio, Lily Valley, Roseluck, and Daisy.
  545. >"Oh look. Applejack just got her cutie mark. I guess we can't call her a blank flank anymore," said Roseluck giggling with her other friends.
  546. >Daisy whispered to the others. "I guess we'll have to call her Applebrain."
  547. >Lily said, "I have apples for brains," in an obviously dopey sounding voice as all three threw back their heads in laughter.
  548. "I'hm not an apple. Stop it you three."
  549. >The teacher, Twilight, hovered a pointer at the chalk mark.
  550. >"Applejack, stop daydreaming and tell me what 2*2 is?"
  551. >Every time you replay the scenario, the teacher catches you off guard.
  552. "Not an apple, girls! Stop it."
  553. 18/?
  556. >Those three fillies started banging on the desk, laughing as you felt the shame you're all too familiar with.
  557. >"How do I count to apple?"
  558. >"1, 2, 3, apple!"
  559. >"Applejack loves apples."
  560. >A giant stone wall erects itself between you and your ex-friend Twilight as she laughs exactly like those three fillies that day.
  561. "Twilight, I d-d-d-darn it. I d-d-d-duel you."
  562. >Twilight's lips curled in a snarl while her eyes were making more dark smoke.
  563. >"Well, do you have enough damage counters? I'd hate to see you count from 3 to apple again."
  564. "Well, if I win, you give me the antidote. But if you win, I won't beat you up while you rape Anon."
  565. >"You don't have much of a choice."
  566. >You could hear her laughing as lightning came from the ceiling.
  567. >"LET US DUEL"
  568. >Everything became dark, as if it was made of shadow itself.
  569. >The only thing that came from the darkness, illuminating around you, was Strongbuck's cards.
  570. >Instead of dominion cards like you expected, they were even more complicated.
  571. >Twilight's grinning like one of the moggs on your cards.
  572. >She really needs to get laid.
  573. >You place down your cards and stamp a hoof.
  574. "What about your friendship reports? Aren't you getting a little 'tardy?"
  575. >"Nice try, Applejack, but after my little incident I have five friends that'll help take the slack."
  576. >After a bunch of cards later, Applejack lays defeated, crying from her open emotional wounds.
  577. >"But I can count to Apple! See? Apple, apples, apples, apples, bushel o' apples..."
  578. >Twilight's eyes stop glowing green and the shadow dissipates.
  579. >Strongbuck was tossed aside as well, finally knocked down by the relentless assaults by Rainbow Dash and you.
  580. >"You were supposed to let your heart guide you to the right cards."
  581. "Twilight, I have picked this daisy especially for you."
  582. >She shakes her flank invitingly.
  583. >"I've been waiting my whole life for this. Now we'll lose our virginity together."
  584. >You smile, as what remains of your past life disappears.
  585. 19/20
  588. >Twilight's first pleased, and allows your throbbing member to slip in unimpeded.
  589. >She came with little trouble.
  590. >"Anon, that feels great."
  591. >With your rage subsiding, you sniff the flower that she holds in her mouth.
  592. "Alas, poor Twilight. I am not satisfied."
  593. >Your fingers find room in her anus.
  594. >"Wow. I guess we're going to go the next step."
  595. "Yes."
  596. >With each thrust, your love begins to squeeze out the pleasure from your erection.
  597. >No foreplay was needed. Twilight eagerly takes your member, gasping between thrusts.
  598. >She came again.
  599. >"I'm amazed. Humans are really superior, huh?"
  600. >But you kept on thrusting.
  601. >"Anon, that's enough. I'm too tired to do anything, really."
  602. >But you kept on thrusting.
  603. >"Please, I'm starting to get sore."
  604. >But you kept on thrusting.
  605. >"It's daylight. Let me go!"
  606. >But you kept on thrusting.
  607. >But you kept on thrusting.
  608. >But you kept on thrusting.
  609. >But you kept on thrusting.
  610. >When you were satisfied, Twilight slid from your dick and lay face first, panting on the grass.
  611. >A cold wind blew through as you took Twilight in your arms, walking back home.
  612. >No crazy dragons, friends, tea parties, nor princesses.
  613. >Just you, Twilight, and R-Rarity.
  614. >That's what they wanted, right?
  615. >That's true love. Screwing each other until all of their holes are filled, inside and out.
  616. >Rarity was the same way.
  617. >Absolute joy turned into absolute terror.
  618. >There was never such a thing as Love Potion. It's a rumor really, a myth.
  619. >Twilight's experiment went awry, and her modified Love Poison worked its way until Celestia found the three of you at home, dehydrated and exhausted to the point of near death.
  620. >Even your tired frame clutched Twilight and Rarity's bodies with a fervour unseen in Equestria.
  621. >Love is a very strong emotion indeed.
  622. >One of the strongest.
  623. END
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