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LFG Session 15

a guest
Jan 12th, 2013
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  2. [03:11] =-= YOU are now known as Warm_Smiles
  3. [03:18] Vieral the third spider erupts in a burst of ichor and chitin, it's gore soaking tricks and warm
  4. [03:21] Warm_Smiles drops his goo covered launcher, moving over to Tricks, "LAINI! SHE NEEDS HELP!" Clear blinks blearily under all the gunge, not too sure what to make of it.
  5. [03:24] Laini Leaving Mad_Modd alone, Laini quickly gallops over to Tricks, but probply groans as she feels the ffects of the spiderbite she got herself. Throwing off her saddlebags, laini quickly digs out bandages, potions and antivenoms
  6. [03:25] Ignis looks over at the charred body near him...that was some ugly spider. Laini was already taking care of the injured and everything, which left him free. Without giving much fucks to the battlefield, the unscratched dragon walked his way towards the manor.
  7. [03:28] Mad_Modd reloads his rifle and pokes at the dead spider
  8. Laini swiftly chugs down a bottle of antivenom while quickly examining Tricks face
  9. [03:29] Vieral as ignis walks through the rubble, he finds a pile of seemingly pointless semi-burnt items
  10. [03:30] Ignis takes his time to give another glance at the pile...
  11. Warm_Smiles moves back from Laini and Tricks, leaving the zebra to her work. He picks his grenade launcher up, wiping as much gore as he can from it and his face before trotting over to Clear.
  12. [03:33] Laini fishes the last bottle of antivenom and a health potion "Tricks! How do you feel?"
  13. Mad_Modd confident that it was dead he trots over to the others "Where the fuck did they come from?"
  14. Vieral the pile of items seem to include several slightly damaged plushies as well as the pieces of a broken vending machine
  15. [03:34] Ignis scavenges the pile for anything of value.
  16. [03:35] Tricks is in a shock. Her hooves pull away from her wound and she stares at the blood. "Well...I'm not dead..." she says, still staring at her hooves.
  17. Warm_Smiles holsters his weapon, before picking Clear up gently and holding her. The pup is quivering slightly, but gives the stallion a little lick.
  18. [03:36] Laini offers the antivenom first, then the healing potion "Here, drink this, it should make you feel better."
  19. Vieral the pup's lick smears goo onto warm, as she's still soaked
  20. [03:37] most of the plushies seem bland, and uninteresting, but as ignis sifts through them all, he finds the most amazing thing...
  21. [03:38] Tricks stares at the anti-venom and shakes her head. "I don't feel sick or anything so I don't think I need that...Will it leave a scar?" she slowly starts wipping the ichor from her body.
  22. Tricks wiping*
  23. [ it wipping?]
  24. [03:39] Mad_Modd chuckles a little "Over kill or go home eh Warm?"
  25. Tricks [nope. Its wiping.]
  26. [03:40] Laini "You have been biten by a giant spider. Better drink it, just to be sure, but I cannot say anything about scars yet."
  27. Warm_Smiles glances at Modd and trots over to him, placing Clear on his back, "Did you get injured?"
  28. [03:41] Ignis swipes that...scaley, and yet soft. Its greeness and awesomeness soared at him, it was one awesome plushie, yes it was. So beautiful and majestic. The dragon is quick to swipe it, dust it off a little and pack his new friend, finishing scavenging the pile for the rest of monetary valuables.
  29. [03:42] Mad_Modd shrugs "Not really. Just a bump from when you dropped that thing on me"
  30. [03:43] Warm_Smiles frowns, "I'll try not to make a habit of it. We need to move. There might be more of them, and I don't plan on sticking around to find out."
  31. Ignis stows away away a quantity of shiny valuables (along with some shinysnacks) into his pack. Up to a nice start...
  32. [03:45] Tricks sighs and drinks the healing potion first, then the antivenom. She continues to whipe the goo from her body as the potion works its magic.
  33. [03:46] Ignis looks around, and once he is done with gathering around, he scoots off from the pile and moves on to the manor...
  34. [03:47] Laini After the potion has stopped working, Laini examines Trick's face again, hoping she can fix any damage before it's permanent
  35. Vieral the manor's mostly leveled, only it's chimney still standing as few of the valuables were left whole. a few web-wrapped bundles are tied to the sides of the chimney
  36. [03:49] Ignis uses his cattle prod to dismantle the web from afar.
  37. [03:51] Vieral the bundles fall to the floor with a thump, one of them bursting open, a pony skeleton falling free, still wearing it's bite-riddled barding
  38. Tricks "Well? Whats it look like?"
  39. Ignis lootslootslootslootsloots!
  40. Tricks tries not to touch her wounds.
  41. [03:52] Vieral one or two of the other bundles seem /much/ too large to be ponies, one of them even seeming to be one of the spiders
  42. Mad_Modd keeping his rifle ready "Anypony get hurt?"
  43. [03:53] Vieral as ignis goes up to the first sac, he sees it's occupant is still struggling, muttered cursing coming from inside, the voice sounding... off.
  44. [03:54] Ignis tries to rip off the sac with his claws, DELICATELY, very delicately.
  45. Mad_Modd looks around real quick "Hey! Where'd Iggy go?"
  46. Warm_Smiles glances at Tricks, "Yeah. One of the prisoners and Tricks. Think the prisoner is dead." He starts moving towards the remaining prisoners, "Go find him, bring him back here."
  47. [03:55] Laini "Tricks, I am going to wrap your head in bandages, so that it does not infect."
  48. Laini does what she announced
  49. Vieral a pony's face comes into view, muttering to himself... he seems to have several /very/ sharp teeth, and is muttering to himself, ”shtopid beashts. tring to eat me, huh? Hy show dem...”
  50. [03:56] Ignis looks at the pony. "Hang in there, I just...need a few to get you off..." He continues his work on freeing the pony.
  51. [03:57] Tricks tries to stay still while Laini plays with the bandages. "Thanks..." she says quietly.
  52. [03:58] Mad_Modd trots into the manor, it was the most likely place Iggy would of wandered off to "Hoy Runt you in here?" switching for his shotty
  53. [03:59] Vieral the unicorn, due to his now-visible horn, wriggles slightly, shouting to ignis even though he's right beside him, ”Hey! hyu! quit messink around und gets me out uf diz crap”
  54. |<-- Shady_steps has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925])
  55. [04:01] Warm_Smiles looks around for the prisoners, lighting up a cigarette as he looks around.
  56. [04:03] Tricks turns to Warm with her head all wrapped up like a zombiepony. "Hey. Thanks for blowing that fuckers head off."
  57. [04:04] Warm_Smiles glances back at Tricks, "It's nothing. You well enough to move?"
  58. [04:05] Mad_Modd follows the odd shouting and finds Ignis with the odd pony "Found a live one Iggy?"
  59. Vieral as modd enters the room, oogie sees ih, waving to him with a newly-freed hoof, ”hullo dere”
  60. [04:06] Tricks nods with a funny look on her face. "Yeah. It doesn't hurt. I hope it didn't leave any scars though. But, whats a "slaver" without a few scars huh?" she tries to crack a smile.
  61. [04:07] |<-- Ignis has left (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Pocket_Lint!jnnnufokfud@Pony-iav.cak.7.189.IP)))
  62. -->| Ignis (jnnnufokfud@Pony-iav.cak.7.189.IP) has joined #lfggroup
  63. =-= Mode #lfggroup +v Ignis by ChanServ
  64. [04:08] Laini packs all her things and eats her mutfruit
  65. Ignis continues to free off the pony, careful not to harm him.
  66. Warm_Smiles nods, replying, "Thanks for looking out for Clear. I'm sure she appreciates it. Head to the manor when you're done."
  67. [04:09] Mad_Modd gawks a bit "Why aren't you dead?"
  68. [04:11] Ignis shakes his head as he continues his work. "Whats the meaning of life, why are we living on a giant ball of roasted turd, why you gotta always curse bones....why, why, why? Modd, we aren't here to philosophize, 'sides, that question could be intepreted as racism."
  69. [04:12] Tricks "S'no problem at all hon." she gives him a week and trots off towards the manor.
  70. [04:13] [wink**}
  71. [04:14] Warm_Smiles nods and sits down with Clear, holding her again as she starts to shiver.
  72. Mad_Modd "Fourty two, the zebra war and because he's an ass"
  73. [04:15] Vieral the ... pony grins widely at modd, finally able to stand on his own. ”m' neme's Oogie, an' Hy'm a Jäger.”
  74. Ignis "So are you and I make an effort to put up with everything." And he points to his own undamaged eye.
  75. [04:16] Laini trots up to the others "What is going on?" Then she spots Oogie and eyes him wearily
  76. Ignis nods curteously to the pony and begins to loot off.
  77. [04:17] Mad_Modd "That be your own doing runt." and turning to Oogie "What's a jaeger?"
  78. Tricks makes her way into the ruined manor. "Hey, whats taking you ponies so long in here?" she says, more interested in whats in the manor than whats they are actually talking about.
  79. Ignis shrugs as he scavenges off the goodies.
  80. [04:18] |<-- Alexis has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925])
  81. [04:19] Warm_Smiles hums quietly to Clear to calm her down, wiping as much of the spider gore off of her as he can as he does so.
  82. [04:22] Tricks finally looks at the pony. "Oh...who is this charming stallion?" she says grinning and suddenly embarassed about her bandaged up head.
  83. Vieral as Laini and tricks come into the room, an even larger spider pops seemingly from the floor, snapping it's jaws at Oogie, causing him to whirl to face it, pulling a /very/ fancy polearm from under a bit of more recent rubble, tackling it down what seems to be the cellar doors, shouting out, ”enough uf diz shit, Die hyu shtopid bug!”
  84. [04:25] Tricks stares after him with wide eyes as the stallion disappears into the cellar. Her hooves start to back out of the manor. "Well, I wasn't going to be able to get any caps out of him anyway. Haha. ha...ha."
  85. [04:26] Vieral a few baby spiders crawl from the cellar, moving over to one of the less-emaciated corpses and gnawing at it, the sounds of their feeding unsettling
  86. Laini shivers
  87. [04:27] Mad_Modd points his shotgun at the new spider swearing "FUCKIN FINGZ!" and fires a shot at it
  88. [04:30] Warm_Smiles 's ear perks at the sound of a shot, placing Clear on his back before galloping to the manor, "I heard gunfire, what happened?"
  89. [04:31] Ignis shakes his head. "We should leave this place for good, giant spiders crawling everywhere."
  90. [04:32] Tricks is outside of the manor by now. She turns around just as Warm arrives. "This giant fucking spider comes up from the floor and a random weird pointy teethed stallion attacked him and fell into the cellar. Aaaaaand I'm leaving."
  91. Tricks [attacked it*]
  92. [04:33] Laini "Shouldn't we help him?"
  93. [04:34] Warm_Smiles nods to Tricks, before turning to Laini, "Not now. We have injured, and a job to do. We'll start heading in the direction Arx and Shady left, meet them halfway."
  94. <--| nomad has left #lfggroup ("")
  95. [04:35] Laini nods "Then at least let me harvest something from the spiders. Can you help me?"
  96. [04:36] Mad_Modd stomps "Letz git outta 'ear. Stoopid bugz iz everywher"
  97. Vieral modd's shotgun shot hits the last bit of the spider as the pair fall [posting from the past, sorry.]
  98. Tricks raises an eyebrow at Laini. "Why would you want to follow him down there? So we can fight giant spiders in the dark that bit our heads off? Noooo thank you. I'll keep my head and bodily fluids right where they are...well, unless they are the kind of nonvital bodily fluids I sell."
  99. [04:40] Warm_Smiles nods as he turns around, "Harvest what you can from the ones outside. I'll try to find the prisoners while you're working."
  100. [04:41] Laini goes to harvest some parts from the spiders
  101. [04:49] Ignis sorts out his posessions and gives his friends the stuff they'd use...not like he could carry all of that on his own.
  102. Tricks shrugs and with nothing better to do offers to help find the prisoners. "Mind if I come along?"
  103. Mad_Modd stows the gear for later
  104. [04:50] Vieral as warm turns to leave, he catches sight of the filly, able to take in her entire forlorn figure
  105. [04:51] Warm_Smiles 's face grows very solemn as he sees the filly's corpse, trotting towards it carefully and slowly.
  106. [04:52] Tricks "Heh. I bet the one that got torn to pieces was..." she trails off as Warm slowly trots away. With a worried look on her face she follows. "...Whats wrong?"
  107. [04:56] Warm_Smiles says quietly, "So young... not even old enough to have her cutie mark yet..."
  108. [04:57] Vieral the filly's collar seems to have a little note in it, her face spread in a silent scream
  109. [04:58] Ignis approaches Warm_Smiles and whispers. "Warm, look...I don't mean to be rude or anything, but this isn't really the best place for this." He looks around nervously. "More of those things can be around."
  110. [04:59] Tricks follows Warm's gaze to the foal. Her eyes fall over the bomb collar. "Slavers, especially the ones that take foals, don't deserve to live..." she murmurs. She looks over the foal a little longer and barely manages to notice something on her flank. "Huh...Bet they thought it was funny to tape the button to her flank..."
  111. Mad_Modd looks around "We should burn the bodies. Not right leavin em"
  112. [05:00] Warm_Smiles looks at Ignis, his expression pained and sad, "Go on ahead. I'll catch up." He takes the detonator from the filly, deactivating and removing the collar before picking the note up.
  113. Ignis absconds the decayed manor.
  114. Ignis *from the
  115. [05:01] Tricks looks at Warm for awhile before asking quietly. "We're going to kill the slavers. Aren't we?"
  116. [05:02] Vieral the note reads, ”sorry I didn't notice before... take this map, follow it to a town called rustline, ask for jetset, he'll get it off.” the rest of the note is a crudely drawn map, passing through this area with a barely descipherable signature with a capital J.
  117. [05:04] Ignis sits into a conveniently placed rock...when he was looting, the corpses were torn beyond recognition...yet, one of them...the one where he withdrew the armor from...he felt something under his fingers, something familiar... scales. It was one...
  118. [05:05] Warm_Smiles studies the note before nodding, "Burn the others. I'll bury her." He looks at Tricks and nods again, "Every. Last. One." He tucks the note, bomb collar and detonator into his saddlebags, placing Clear on the floor before lifting the filly onto his back, gesturing for Tricks to follow him.
  119. [05:06] Mad_Modd finds some things to large fire with
  120. [05:07] Tricks smiles. "...excellent." She trots after him.
  121. Ignis Knew it was another dragon, bummers...the first time he bumped into a dragon, it was dead. very much dead...why it felt so odd ?
  122. Vieral [/start/ a large fire with, modd?]
  123. Mad_Modd [build]
  124. [05:10] Warm_Smiles trots some distance from the others, gently resting the filly down before he starts to dig. Clear helps as best she can, more for the fun of it than anything else.
  125. [05:11] Tricks goes to find some stones to make a marker for the filly.
  126. [05:12] Vieral Laini looks to ignis as he touches the dragon, noticing it seems much more... hairy on it's upper body than he is, it's bony fangs longer and thinner than normal...
  127. [05:13] Laini "Ignis, what happened to you?"
  128. Tricks comes back kicking a few small rocks and starts helping Warm with the grave.
  129. [05:14] Ignis shakes his head...suddenly, his scales feel extra-twitchy...he can't help but pry some of them off... "What do you mean?" He asks distractedly as he sheds off some of his own scales.
  130. [05:15] Warm_Smiles stays silent all the while as he digs, stopping once it's large enough and looking up, "Pass her to me."
  131. [05:16] Laini takes a few steps back
  132. Mad_Modd places the bodies on the pyre and lights it, walking away
  133. [05:17] Ignis shakes his head again and continues undisturbed. "Geez, what is up with everypony today?"
  134. Tricks nods and manages to work the filly onto her back. She turns back towards Warm, and moves to his side so he can get to her.
  135. [05:19] Warm_Smiles picks the filly up, laying her gently in the ground before pausing, taking the cowpony hat off her and clambering out of the hole. He then starts to fill it in, Clear sat nearby.
  136. [05:22] Tricks nuzzles Clear before going over to put the rocks into place at the head of the grave quietly.
  137. [05:23] Warm_Smiles Clear gives a little lick in response as Warm finishes the grave, looking down on the earth.
  138. [05:25] Vieral modd's pyre burns bright, the bodies quickly consumed in the flames, their dry husks seeming to light better than normal, though the drake's seems to burn much more slowly, it's bones not even effected by the intense heat
  139. [05:26] Laini watches the whole scene sad and quiet
  140. [05:27] Ignis finishes shedding and scoops off his own discarded scales, sorting out the useful ones apart as he sees the pyre burning...
  141. [05:28] Vieral as the grave is finished, the sky clouds up, rumbling as a pair of raindrops fall from the sky, landing against the makeshift headstone, one a silvery-grey and the other bright, sparkling gold as they run down it's face, the dripping starting to ick up as a slow drizzle forms seemingly localize over the manor-house
  142. [05:30] Warm_Smiles looks upwards, "Looks like rain..." Something trickles down the side of his face.
  143. Tricks trots over to Warm. She hesitates before pressing her head into his sides. "Come on...Lets finish this. Its the least we can do for her."
  144. [05:31] Vieral as the rain falls, it strikes the webs and ground as well as the tres and rubble, causing a slow, sad melody
  145. [05:32] Ignis frowns a little because it reminded him of...what was it? It was so long ago, it felt...
  146. [05:33] Warm_Smiles places the cowpony hat on his head, "... I've lost count of how many ponies I've buried. The first few were the hardest. It never gets easier."
  147. [05:34] Mad_Modd sits in the rain waiting for the others
  148. [05:35] Vieral [POSTING FOR REFERENCE: yeah, I know cop out song.]
  149. [05:37] |<-- Ignis has left (Connection closed)
  150. [05:39] Vieral the group gather together, heading east towards the ranger outpost, the rain following them for a few minutes before going back to the manor it's cloud fading away
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