
#Flarp2 - Session 40

Jul 20th, 2012
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  1. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> *** In time, the early morning shifted to late evening-- the sun hung just over the mountains, casting a peaceful evening glow over the villages and forest. The group recontinues their business in the uncharted cave, standing just in the middle of the natural stone opening, in the aftermath of a recent SPIDER ATTACK. There are currently three paths available
  2. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> to the party, excluding the cave's exit.
  3. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> coooool
  4. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> storms are neat :3
  5. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee fingerpaints a spider next to the entrance of the RIGHTMOST PASSAGE. He draws a sad face beneath it. Only spiders and sadness lie this way, and melons of deceit.
  6. -*- KnightStrider Sollux stands there looking at the two unattended paths, he was starting to feel a bit woozy at this point but he could get over it. "okay 2o whiich one next?"
  7. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> What you think, dogbro? Any of em got that special smell you up and smelled?
  8. <Nitro> Halley, this time, actually thought of using his Super Sniffer! He attentively assessed the smells around the two unexplored paths, trying to determine which direction the strong scent of rotting was from.
  9. -*- chthonianGunslinger Cave? What cave? This pair of preteen children hadn't a clue about spiders or caves. Mindless fairytales, pah. Not like vampirism or demons.
  10. -*- chthonianGunslinger Instead, they were at the foot of the beloved ARENA. They tried finding the others, really, but failed magnificiently in their tireless quest. Eventually, they found themselves here. What else could they do? Their finances were...not the best.
  11. <Nitro> Halley's finances were the best.
  12. <chthonianGunslinger> Are You Sure You Dont Want To Keep Looking
  13. <Nitro> He was, after all, a loanshark.
  14. <chthonianGunslinger> We Might Have Simply Misplaced Them
  15. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> [[Pffff]]
  16. <chthonianGunslinger> cuz misplacin some dude with a giant red fro is so easy, right
  17. <chthonianGunslinger> whatever theyre doin, theyre doin it without us. probably rescuin some dumb cat off a tree.
  18. -*- KnightStrider Ainsely on the other hand was wandering around town upon finding their acquaintances. Walking up to the "mystical" pair they tapped Kanaya on the shoulder. "Hello."
  19. <chthonianGunslinger> Well I Left A Note On The Door In Case They Come Back
  20. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> *** The Super Sniffer (c) is put to use, helping the ambitious pooch more thoroughly investigate the tunnels. To the LEFT, he could more than easily pick up the scent of the unfortunate rotting fellow from previously, whereas right in FRONT of them was... a much less definable smell. Peculiar. Foreboding, even.
  21. <chthonianGunslinger> Though I Must Admit I Shouldnt Linger Too Long After The Sun Se-
  22. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> nero also still has gamzee's wallet. and his clubs, i think.)
  23. <chthonianGunslinger> Oh Hello
  24. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> unless he gave them back while the dude was snoozin)
  25. <chthonianGunslinger> (nero you cheap whore)
  26. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> [[>Party: Explore dark cave where someone died.]]
  27. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> [[>havE NO WEAPONS.]]
  28. <KnightStrider> (P MUCH)
  29. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> :3c)
  30. <KnightStrider> It is good to see familiar faces. How are you two?
  31. <chthonianGunslinger> exhausted
  32. <chthonianGunslinger> we just searched the entire city for the crew
  33. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> [[Did Gamzee give him the normal clubs, or just the Mirthful Murderers :?]]
  34. <chthonianGunslinger> not hide or honk of em
  35. <chthonianGunslinger> Not To Be Rude Nero But Entering The Arena In This Condition Might Be-
  36. <KnightStrider> Oh? Perhaps I can be of assistance then.
  37. <chthonianGunslinger> cmon, well be fine. it takes them forever an a half to ready those fights anyway.
  38. <chthonianGunslinger> Oh No Theres No Need
  39. <chthonianGunslinger> Weve Written A Note In Our Room In Case They Come Back
  40. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> oh right, he does have both doesn't he)
  41. <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk> [[Yep 8y]]
  42. <chthonianGunslinger> I Can Only Hope Theyre Doing Alright
  43. <-> Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk is now known as Jaspersprite
  44. <chthonianGunslinger> (yyyyup)
  45. <Jaspersprite> [[People surprisingly don't]]
  46. <KnightStrider> Oh, very well then. So, you two are planning to fight here?
  47. <Jaspersprite> [[List equipment in their inventory when they equip/de-equip something]]
  48. <chthonianGunslinger> you act like theyre getting disembowled as we speak
  49. <Jaspersprite> [[Weapons included y:]]
  50. <chthonianGunslinger> theres not a damn thing to do in this town
  51. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> whoops ok)
  52. <chthonianGunslinger> you said so yourself, right?
  53. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i guess gamzee gave him his normal clubs and kept the mirthful murderer. he also has the tolerance baton still in his sylladilly)
  54. <chthonianGunslinger> That Is True The Job Well Has Run Unfortunately Dry
  55. <Jaspersprite> [[Tolerate the enemy, Gamzee]]
  56. <Jaspersprite> [[Tolerate them to /dEATH/]]
  57. <chthonianGunslinger> so there you have it
  58. <chthonianGunslinger> we cant find em
  59. <chthonianGunslinger> so were beatin the crap outta some poor saps instead
  60. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee plops down next to Halley, waiting for the dog's next move.
  61. <chthonianGunslinger> ywanna join
  62. <KnightStrider> ... Sparring would probably prove... Beneficial.
  63. -*- KnightStrider slowly nods.
  64. <chthonianGunslinger> you get a ton of cash an crazy supplies, so its not for nothin
  65. -*- KnightStrider sort of zones out, plopping on down next to Gamzee. "maybe ii 2hould ju2t waiit here untiil we're ready two leave..."
  66. <Nitro> [Did you see that Halley was searching for a scent, Jasp, or are you typing? o:]
  67. <chthonianGunslinger> Which Would Be Quite Beneficial If We Are To Prepare For The Upcoming Battle
  68. <Nitro> [Or did I miss something --]
  69. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> jasp already replied)
  70. <Jaspersprite> [[I already typed something uou]]
  71. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> you did)
  72. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> <Twlt|Ivee|NotDirk>: *** The Super Sniffer (c) is put to use, helping the ambitious pooch more thoroughly investigate the tunnels. To the LEFT, he could more than easily pick up the scent of the unfortunate rotting fellow from previously, whereas right in FRONT of them was... a much less definable smell. Peculiar. Foreboding, even.
  73. <Nitro> [thank you uvu]
  74. <Jaspersprite> [[And yes, the other half of the party is waiting for the arena? v8]]
  75. <KnightStrider> (Yeeep.)
  76. -*- Jaspersprite drawed out groan and retrieves notes--]]
  77. <chthonianGunslinger> aight
  78. <Nitro> Halley looked between the two tunnels for an indecisive moment, then started down the LEFT path cautiously.
  79. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> heehee)
  80. <chthonianGunslinger> you pull off some of those butterfly explosions, an im sure youll do fine
  81. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Do what you feel is right up in your heart, Solbro. Your ass should probably be restin' with that bite, anyway.
  82. <Jaspersprite> [[Tbh I might only be able to do one fight for the Arena--]]
  83. <Jaspersprite> [[If all goes according to plan. uou]]
  84. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Holler if you need us, motherfucker.
  85. -*- KnightStrider nods and flops back to lie down on the cave floor.
  86. <KnightStrider> (Sure :3)
  87. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Want a candle, bro?
  88. <KnightStrider> ii'm good thank2.
  89. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Cool.
  90. -*- chthonianGunslinger The pair starts to stroll into the Arena, pushing open the massive doors. Nero didn't waste any time in approaching the desk, with Kanaya hot on his heels. If one were to squint, they could have sworn they saw the shadows of anxiety on their faces.
  91. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty With that, he tromps off after Halley. To the LEFT!
  92. -*- chthonianGunslinger But that was insane, absolutely insane.
  93. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Right?
  94. <KnightStrider> Oh no, I recently preformed the explosion and am currently unable to do so, however, my training with the special forces should do me well enough.
  95. <chthonianGunslinger> Oh Dear
  96. <chthonianGunslinger> Are You Sure Youre In Condition To Fight
  97. <KnightStrider> Quite. I am more than capable without my ability at hand.
  98. <chthonianGunslinger> if you say so
  99. <chthonianGunslinger> but keep in mind, youre not just smashin some suckers face in
  100. <chthonianGunslinger> youre puttin on a show
  101. <Jaspersprite> *** The two travel down the left-most tunnel. The air is moderately stagnant, and the scent of gut-turning rot becomes more and more thick in the air as they approach the end of the cave. It's a dead end, and there's not quite a lot to see...
  102. -*- KnightStrider follows along oops.
  103. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Save for the unfortunate soul slumped up against the stone wall, small remanants of flesh clinging to pieces of bone. Their moth-eaten clothes are still present, along with a leather satchel just at it's side.
  104. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aww, hell.
  105. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee shuffles over to the corpse and kneels down, greeting it with a soft "Hey, brother."
  106. -*- KnightStrider lies on the ground like a useless lump.
  107. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Looks like we found the poor motherfucker, dogbro. Or if not him, then some other lonely brother what got lost up in this cave.
  108. <Jaspersprite> *** Meanwhile~! The other half of the group enter the Seaside Arena. The building is kept particularly clean and formal, in high contrast to other parts of the fishing village. The woman behind the desk looks up from her paperwork, painted lips pursed as she asks if they're here to participate or watch. Two tunnels are at either side of the lobby-- the RIGHT
  109. <Jaspersprite> grated off and sealed for the time being, no doubt leading to the main arena, while the LEFT remains perfectly open, leading up to the stands.
  110. -*- chthonianGunslinger Well, that's an easy answer. They're here to kick ass and chew gum, and they're all out of gum. Actually, they never had gum.
  111. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...God, what would he do for some gum.
  112. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> What you got in this swag-bag, my man?
  113. <Nitro> Halley cringed at the scent but approached alongside his clowny companion despite himself. He sniffed first at the corpse, curiously, then at the satchel, curious as to what odd human implements they'd find within.
  114. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee reaches over to open the leather satchel.
  115. <KnightStrider> >Swag Bag: Contain More Spiders.)
  116. <Jaspersprite> *** The arena worker simply pulls out a single stick of mint gum and tosses it over before reaching behind the desk, taking out the proper paperwork necessary.
  117. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> entire cave: actually be spiders)
  118. <KnightStrider> (WELP)
  119. <Jaspersprite> [[The cave is a giant spider]]
  120. <Jaspersprite> [[Econ is on the back of a spider--]]
  121. <Jaspersprite> [[Or a rat-]]
  122. -*- chthonianGunslinger Holy shit, it was Christmas up in here. He is chomping down on that like there's no tomorrow.
  123. -*- KnightStrider way to not share. :I
  124. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> wow, flarp)
  125. <Jaspersprite> *** Nero forgets to remove the wrapper. oW HIS FILLINGS.
  126. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i just tried to say 'i'm kinda hungry' while reading this)
  127. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> and told my mom that 'I'm kinda spider')
  128. <KnightStrider> (GOOD)
  129. <Jaspersprite> [[Pffffff]]
  130. <Jaspersprite> [['I'm kinda spider']]
  131. <Jaspersprite> [['... mAN']]
  132. <Jaspersprite> [[>Non: Crawl up wall and out window.]]
  133. <Nitro> [non u goober]
  134. -*- chthonianGunslinger jeSUS. Good thing thing those fangs could tear through alumnium no problem, or else he'd be feeling that for days. But still, his fillings. Ow.
  135. <chthonianGunslinger> ...Are You Alright
  136. <Jaspersprite> *** Smooth.
  137. <KnightStrider> Shall we fill out the paperwork?
  138. -*- chthonianGunslinger She asks, as she neatly goes over the paperwork. Signing her name in all the right places, gracefully writing it off in the ancient Alternian language. That was only proper, yes?
  139. <Jaspersprite> *** In the previously mentioned swag bag contains the following:
  140. <chthonianGunslinger> yeah yeah, im fine.
  141. -*- KnightStrider does the same in singing said paperwork, writing in their own Ditrysian language because is an alien.
  142. <Jaspersprite> *** (1) Adventurer's Journal
  143. <Jaspersprite> *** (1) [Full of Water] Glass Flask
  144. -*- chthonianGunslinger He mumbles through his gum, scribbling down his name. He didn't have a fancy language to write in but god, was his penmanship lovely. More lovely than a preteen boy had any right to be. What were they teaching him in that school of his?
  145. <Jaspersprite> *** Slipped just through the straps of the satchel is (1) Statue's Blade.
  146. <Jaspersprite> *** End list.
  147. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee carefully removes the journal and, by flickering torchlight, peeps all of its secrets. He reads it aloud to dogbro, also.
  148. <Jaspersprite> *** The party fills out the required paperwork and, before the adventurers can read the fine print, the arena employee quickly snatches up the three sheets of paper and sticks them behind the desk before politely asking that the adventurers wait until they are called.
  149. <Nitro> Dogbro appeared to be listening intently! Despite this, he did not fathom a word of it.
  150. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee retrieves the Adventurer's Journal. Despite it being almost entirely full, there are only two real entries that are worth reading. Read both? Y/HY/HFY/N
  151. <Nitro> HY.
  152. <Jaspersprite> *** "Febuary 16, 2XXX. Today I've come across a truly exciting sight in the wilderness. I'm fairly certain that not a single other living person has set foot in this spacious cavern-- or so it seems. I'm thrilled to be one of the very first to witness these astounding sights firsthand, and am more than eager to explore it to it's very fullest extent."
  153. <Jaspersprite> *** "April 14, 1999. Today, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in myself. Upon discovering the abandoned cottage in the woods, I heard a rumaging of something just inside-- whether it was a person or creature, I was unaware. However, upon looking through the window, not a soul could be seen! I tried the handle, but it just wouldn't budge, and every time t
  154. <chthonianGunslinger> (wait)
  155. <chthonianGunslinger> (what)
  156. <chthonianGunslinger> (WHAT)
  157. <Jaspersprite> [[Hm? :?]]
  158. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Heeeell Y
  159. <chthonianGunslinger> (oh)
  160. <chthonianGunslinger> (just a joke)
  161. <chthonianGunslinger> (8y)
  162. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> is that nero's birthday or something)
  163. <Jaspersprite> [[>"April 14, 1999. i need another beer."]]
  164. <chthonianGunslinger> (it went from 2XXX to 1999, and i was like tIME TRAVEL HOLY SHIT)
  165. <Nitro> [> green writing]
  166. <chthonianGunslinger> [[>"april 15th, 1999. make that ten beers."]]
  167. <Nitro> [> time travel]
  168. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff nah, it's just out of order 8y]]
  169. <Nitro> [> you know what this means]
  170. <Jaspersprite> [[heRE LIES JAKE ENGLISH]]
  171. <Nitro> [> HALLEY: GROSS SOBBING]
  172. <Jaspersprite> hat I called into the house I got no response at all. After seeing that the door was locked and after /much/ deliberation, I resolved to slip a Generic Bullet into the lock and hit it with a Hammer, blowing it clear open-- my fit of quick thinking went well rewarded, for not a step into the abandoned house did I find a litter of abandoned pups! I immediately
  173. <Jaspersprite> brought them back to Seaside, and made sure that they found a particularly pleasant home."
  174. <Jaspersprite> *** "Yours truly, jAKE ENGLISH--"
  175. <Jaspersprite> *** Only no. Jake's still, like. Strapped to the top of the van, probably.
  176. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> like a neglected surfboard)
  177. -*- chthonianGunslinger And so they wait, dragging themselves to the couch. The wait is agonizing, like an endless black hole of moments wasted. Can they stand the terrible burden?
  178. <chthonianGunslinger> ...Are You Sure Youre Alright
  179. <chthonianGunslinger> jesus its just gum
  180. <chthonianGunslinger> do i look like an invalid to you
  181. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Probably.
  182. -*- KnightStrider sits patiently, staring ahead at the wall, still like a fucking statue, it's almost creepy.
  183. <Jaspersprite> *** The wall stares back.
  184. <Jaspersprite> *** /Hello/.
  185. -*- KnightStrider greetings.
  186. <Jaspersprite> [[Also whups brb 8y]]
  187. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Huh, cool. Looks like this motherfucker liked dogs. Shit, I hope somebody else took care of them furry brothers and sisters after this dude bit it.
  188. <Nitro> Halley, deciding he was sick of the overpowering, gut-churning smell of rot, headed back to the main cavern -- where he came upon Sollux conversing with a wall.
  189. -*- KnightStrider ho shit.
  190. -*- KnightStrider Sollux was talking with a wall too? He must be pretty loopy off that poison.
  191. <Nitro> [wait]
  192. <Nitro> [fff colors]
  193. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> dude you got to specify who's doin what, zee)
  194. <KnightStrider> (FFF)
  195. <Nitro> [I should pay attention]
  196. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i thought it was sollux too)
  197. <KnightStrider> (XP Sorry.)
  198. <Nitro> [uvu No harm done either way.]
  199. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> it's cool breh)
  200. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> at least sol isn't going slowly insane due to bug venom)
  201. -*- KnightStrider yep.
  202. -*- KnightStrider is just sort of laying there uselessly.
  203. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well, bro, looks like you didn't up and get whatever you came here for, but we motherfuckers found you. Can't just leave a brother hangin'.
  204. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty The fucked up, tattered bedroll Gamzee used for his cosplay back in the mansion is summarily whipped out and lain on the floor. Gamzee carefully shifts the sad remains of the adventurer onto it and begins to drag it out of the cave.
  205. <Jaspersprite> *** The bones creak and clack as they're moved from their original space, but after putting their back into it, Gamzee manages to pull the fallen adventurer onto the bedroll-- leaving a pool of dried blood in it's wake. Slowly but oh so surely, the corpse is pulled out of the caverns to the mouth of the cave.
  206. <Jaspersprite> [[*Dark blue and also yes hi I'm back uou]]
  207. <Nitro> [Welcome back uvu]
  208. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty "Yo, Solbro. Can your skinny ass still move?" asks Gamzee as he passes, dragging the reeking corpse.
  209. <-> Midna is now known as MidnAway
  210. <Jaspersprite> [[Nnnot sure who to have fight first 8y]]
  211. <Jaspersprite> [[Actually w8 nevermind I got it--]
  212. <Jaspersprite> ]
  213. <Jaspersprite> *** After much waiting, the speaker at last comes to life with a loud hum, ready to announce the next bout of the evening!
  214. <Jaspersprite> *** *A*I*N*S*L*E*Y*
  215. <Jaspersprite> *** V.S.
  216. <Jaspersprite> *** *C*A*T*S*E*Y*E* *P*E*S*T* *C*O*N*T*R*O*L*
  217. <Nitro> [oH FFFF]
  218. <Jaspersprite> *** Please take your leave to the RIGHT when you are ready to begin.
  219. -*- KnightStrider the butterfly Alien stood and left, taking their place in the arena.
  220. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> oh my god awesome)
  221. <Jaspersprite> [[8y]]
  222. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> solbro are you catatonic)
  223. -*- KnightStrider Sollux glanced up to Gamzee. "well... two be quiite hone2t... no..."
  224. <Jaspersprite> [[He was traumatized]]
  225. <Jaspersprite> [[By spiders]]
  226. <Jaspersprite> [[Also--]]
  227. -*- KnightStrider THE TRAUMA.)
  228. <Jaspersprite> *** *Fizzle*. The torch goes out right around... now.
  229. <KnightStrider> (Sorry, I had to go take my meds, which I did... Sort of.)
  230. <chthonianGunslinger> ...pest control?
  231. <chthonianGunslinger> I Suppose So
  232. <chthonianGunslinger> ...shes fucked.
  233. <Jaspersprite> *** On the plus side, while Sollux might not be feeling so hot, his state of health doesn't seem to be deteriorating anymore!
  234. <Nitro> Right as they're about to enter the CHAMBER OF FOREBODING.
  235. <Jaspersprite> *** A gust blows through the cavern and blOWS OUT THE TORCH.
  236. <KnightStrider> well 2hiit...
  237. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> It's cool, bro. We all friends up in here.
  238. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Just you, me, dogbro and the dead guy. (o:
  239. <Nitro> Not to fear! Halley's CANINE SUPERVISION can guide them! Sort of.
  240. <KnightStrider> ... you brought the dead guy?
  241. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> We'll be aight. I think I got a candle somewhere up ins.
  242. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well, yeah. Couldn't leave the motherfucker all by his lonesome.
  243. -*- chthonianGunslinger Betting pools aside, they drifted their way to the arena. Despite their best efforts, they were swept away by a wave of spectators. The crowd dragged them to their seats, giving them little say in the matter. Like it or not, they were getting front row seats. That, and a dreadful case of bed head.
  244. <KnightStrider> ... riight...
  245. -*- chthonianGunslinger Some people were less than enthused about this turn of events. Immediate primping was in order.
  246. <Jaspersprite> *** As Ainsley takes their possition in the center of the arena, their opponent does just the same-- the poorly animated orange feline packing heat makes their way in, standing just at the opposite end of the arena.
  247. <Jaspersprite> *** If anyone counts as an organic rodent? It's Ainsley. And he's the best of the best.
  248. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee discards his used up torch and decapchalogues a CANDLE. Man is it useful to have multiple light sources.
  249. <Jaspersprite> *** To get rid of /this/ /pest/.
  250. <Jaspersprite> *** FIGHT.
  251. -*- KnightStrider Ainsley however did not seem deterred by their opponent, face blank as usual. Causally the alien removed their balisong, flipping it open with skill before bolting head first at the feline.
  252. -*- chthonianGunslinger Some people, however, didn't give a flying fuck what their hair looked like. What was the point, when it was going to get messy anyway? The headphones were slipped on with little fanfare, as the preteen demi-demon leaned on the railings. He hadn't see the bug eyed wonder fight until now. Hopefully all that talk about special forces wasn't just some bullshit story.
  253. <Jaspersprite> *** Assumedly, the candle won't be lasting much longer either-- after all, how many times has it been used by this time around? For the time being, however, it'll just have to do as it illuminates the surrounding area of the cave.
  254. -*- KnightStrider the troll glances over to the corpse and... "urgh..." craaawls away to vomit in a corner, the poison and the corpse stink is too much.
  255. -*- Jaspersprite also has--]]
  256. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee holds up his candle stub and squints at Solbro. "Aight, I'll carry you out first, then...aww."
  257. -*- Jaspersprite yet to find good fight music--]]
  258. -*- chthonianGunslinger Y'hear that Ainsley? You're on the clock.
  259. <chthonianGunslinger> (done B])
  260. -*- Jaspersprite For the damn Catseye Pest Control Cat--]]
  261. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Damn, man, hold up, I'll get you out.
  262. <Jaspersprite> [[Also pff]]
  263. <chthonianGunslinger> (how many songs does he hold in that tiny thing)
  264. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He drops the edge of the singed bedroll and clomps over to Sollux. Hopefully his normal clown funk is less nauseating.
  265. -*- KnightStrider lucky for Sollux he had gotten used to the clown funk by now.
  266. <Jaspersprite> [[Alright, this will have to do-- 8y]]
  267. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty The weakened troll is offered one paint-smeared beefy arm. Allow Gamzee to carry you out of the death cave y/n
  268. <chthonianGunslinger> ( answer: more than enough to blow your mind.)
  269. -*- KnightStrider the troll will gladly take that arm thanks, more than willing to get the fuck out of there.
  270. <Jaspersprite> *** Ainsley, with a flourish, prepares his weapon of choice and makes a dash for the orange-furred fiend. With amazing agility, they close the distance and--
  271. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  272. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Lit by the dim stub of Gamzee's candle, they GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE.
  273. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Get a healthy dose of RAT POISON thrown in their face like a pinch of stardust, pbbbth. Needless to say, it's a rather unpleasant feeling, getting hit in the face with /poison/ right off the bat-- thankfully, it doesn't really get in their mouth or nose, but jesus christ almighty does it sting in the eyes! Their ACCURACY diminishes notably from the ac
  274. <Jaspersprite> t.
  275. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  276. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh...this was not a good start.
  277. -*- KnightStrider shutting their eyes tightly Ainsley quickly went to relying on their ears, waiting for the cat's next step before slamming their heel down and spinning back on it, aiming to take a slash at the exterminator.
  278. <Jaspersprite> *** They do indeed get the fuck out of there, heading out from the dark, uncharted cavern with haste. It wasn't as bright out as it was before-- but it wasn't difficult to sea, which was a good start. A few fireflies make their presence known in the small clearing.
  279. -*- chthonianGunslinger And that sun was starting to get awfully low...
  280. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee takes a few moments to admire the beauty of nature. /Fireflies/, man. When did they first get the idea to up and /glow/?
  281. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He sets his groggy alien baggage next to them, smiling dreamily at the sudden blink-vanish, blink-vanish of their evening dance.
  282. <Jaspersprite> *** Spinning like a top, the blade slashed at the garfield-imposter, strands of orange hair fluttering in the air in wake of the bladed weapon. Despite not being a bleeding wound, it certainly affects the nefarious cat to make it recoil.
  283. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  284. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You got these kinda bugs back on your planet, motherfucker?
  285. -*- KnightStrider the troll glanced around at the blinking bugs before shaking his head. "not that ii can recall..."
  286. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Shit, we got 'em all over the damn place where I'm from. They make that light when they wanna get they groove on.
  287. <Jaspersprite> *** /Bastard/. You dare scathe the symbol of peaceful living's exterior like such? He has brought batallions of your kind to their insectial knees, and Ainsley is no exception. Making a bit of a show of it, the orange-furred menace retrieves a short stack of GENERIC MOUSE TRAPS...
  288. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> I wish people had that kinda chemical shit what made them up and glow like Kansis.
  289. -*- chthonianGunslinger Like that meant anything. You didn't need your eyes to see, not if you were smart. And at the very least, Ainsley was clever. They could choke this furball, right?
  290. -*- chthonianGunslinger 'Course they co-
  291. <Jaspersprite> *** ... And tosses them right at the butterfly-built bro, which either land at their feet or pinch painfully onto their skin. Yowch.
  292. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh ggggod, this song was good.
  293. <Jaspersprite> *** Needless to say the display is hilarious.
  294. <chthonianGunslinger> (yeah good support there, nero)
  295. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  296. <Nitro> Halley, finding the philosophical discussion rather boring, took to nipping at the fireflies who strayed too near to him. Man, what weird little things. All floaty and glowy. What was their deal?
  297. -*- KnightStrider Sollux sort of stared up at the buggies before swallowing and sighing. "maybe but then everyone would be glowiing all the tiime... whiich miight get annoyiing..."
  298. <Nitro> [> Fireflies: Morph into ONE GIANT LIGHTNING BUG. ATTACK CANINE.]
  299. <Jaspersprite> *** The fireflies retort, swARMING HALLEY WITH FURY.
  300. <Jaspersprite> [[Alternatively /that/]]
  301. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Shit, it'd be so nice. When you looked down at a town, like, at night, you'd see all sorts of little lights walkin' around.
  302. -*- chthonianGunslinger Why in God's name was he leaning like that? You'd think he'd died right on the spot. He...he didn't die, right?
  303. -*- KnightStrider Ainsley stepped out of the way just in time for the traps to fall at their feet, stepping back a few feet the alien took a deep breath before sprinting forward and vaulting their self into the air, aiming to leap over the traps and land directly on the cat.
  304. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aw, dogbro, why you got to harsh a glowy brother's chill like that?
  305. <KnightStrider> but liike what iif you were tryiing two 2leep? wouldn't iit be diifiicult?
  306. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He reaches out to pull Halley into a TOLERANCE HUG.
  307. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Naw, man, you could turn that shit off.
  308. <KnightStrider> ... than ii gue22 that'2 not 2o bad.
  309. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> See, look. They know what they doin up there, them motherfuckers got a /plan/ for them lights.
  310. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Flashin' just right for them other bugs.
  311. <KnightStrider> what are they 2ayiing?
  312. <Jaspersprite> *** Ainsley, in their sprint, step on several mouse traps. Ow. Ow. oW. OW.
  313. <Nitro> Halley tolerated the tolerance hug, still twisting in the clown's grip to watch the bugs and nip when he could.
  314. <Nitro> [> Serenity: Land on Gamzee's fro.]
  315. <Jaspersprite> [[Pfff]]
  316. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee affects a high pitched voice and grabs Halley's scruff. "Ooooh, other bug, girl, you lookin' so /fine/"
  317. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Just got all /kinds/ of glow on. Work that motherfuckin' abdomen.
  318. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He rubs noses with the dog.
  319. <Nitro> Halley sneezed softly at that. Right in Gamzee's face. He wagged his tail nevertheless, attention successfully drawn from the bugs.
  320. <Nitro> For now.
  321. -*- KnightStrider snorting a bit Sollux rolled over onto his side. "2o they're ju2t tryiing two fiill quadrant2 or 2ome 2hiit..."
  322. --> Midna ( has joined #Flarp2
  323. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee laughs and splutters right back at the dog. He shoves the dog over and scratches vigorously at his belly. Friends, man.
  324. <Jaspersprite> *** While a multitude of the traps fell off, some still manage to hang off of the butterfly alien's clothes, clamped tight. The acrobatic display is performed admitably well, and if he were in the olympics he would get high ratings, but squishing the poorly animated cat was a bit short from impossible-- Ainsley wasn't /that/ fat, just big boned. That didn't s
  325. <Jaspersprite> top them from toppling onto the garfield imposter with an audiable thump, though.
  326. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well, that's what I been told, but like.
  327. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Maybe them motherfuckers just feel like it.
  328. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  329. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> 'Cause you know, sometimes you look good because you wanna get some, right, but other times you look good just because you feel like bein' motherfuckin' /swag/ that day, na'msayin?
  330. <-- MidnAway ( has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  331. <KnightStrider> ii 2uppo2e... though fa2hiion ii2n't all that iimportant where ii come from,
  332. <Nitro> [> Gamzee: Use up candlelight for philosophical discussion.]
  333. -*- chthonianGunslinger gET OUT
  335. <Nitro> [> Players: Capture fireflies for light source.]
  336. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Really, brother? 'Cause you and Kansis both got some fly-ass outfits.
  337. <Jaspersprite> *** The Garfield imposter in question will be stuck helplessly just underneath the alien-- argh, what a cheap blow. He /let/ you have that one. You got /lucky/. Squirming violently underneath their foe and after several moments of struggle, the exterminator feline manages to free himself with a kick and a roll.
  338. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  339. <Jaspersprite> *** Also, yes, the stub of a candle /ought/ to be going out around now. A blow of the wind snuffs out the flame, leaving only an ever so small lump of wax in it's wake. Great time managment, kiddos.
  340. -*- KnightStrider Sollux snickered at this. "whiile ii thank you for the compliiment thii2 outfiit wa2 actually de2iigned by the kanaya from where ii'm from 2o my fly-a22 outfiit ii2 all on her."
  341. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh It Was Nothing Really
  342. -*- chthonianGunslinger Anything For A Friend uou
  343. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aw damn, I /thought/ that was the motherfuckin' case. I couldn't imagine that girl standin' by and lettin' a whole planet full of grey motherfuckers walk around without pretty shit to wear.
  344. -*- KnightStrider getting back to their feet Ainsley ignored any pain coming from the mouse traps. Reaching out while it was still in reach the alien aimed to grab onto the feline's tail, yanking back on it in an attempt to lift the creature into the air.
  345. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Haha, fuck, we forgot dead-bro. I'll be right back, motherfuckers.
  346. <KnightStrider> 2ure.
  347. -*- KnightStrider just sort of lies there, sloowly closing his eyes.
  348. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You stay by him, dogbro.
  349. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee re-enters the cave and squints around, provided by light only by his trusty ICP lighter.
  350. -*- chthonianGunslinger If only he had the firesord, or Kansis.
  351. -*- chthonianGunslinger Siiiiigh
  352. <Nitro> Halley seemed to be distracted by the bugs as soon as he was released, but stayed where he was while nipping at them. Such impossible opponents -- it was like he couldn't catch them with his ferocious, powerful jaws! Elusive little scoundrels.
  353. <Nitro> He'll demolish you one day.
  354. <Jaspersprite> *** Whoa, /whoa/ /dude/ the fuck are you doing ow, oW. The exterminator feline is suspended by the tail, mraowling sharply from the act. They aren't too keen on it, that much is clear, hissing wildly in the grip.
  355. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> body: BE GONE)
  356. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  357. <Jaspersprite> *** dUN DUN DUN...
  358. <KnightStrider> (FFFF)
  359. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee is attacked by a ZOMBIE.
  360. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Aw, dip! Is there enough light for him to see without his lighter?
  361. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty or was he actually not attacked by a zombie)
  362. <Jaspersprite> *** No, he's not attacked by the undead thankfully enough. Gamzee enters the cave without a problem, the dead body still very much so dead. The lighter doesn't provide much light at all-- in fact, he can hardly see as much as he did previously, but the cave was still illuminated well just on it's own.
  363. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Cool. He just uses the natural light to drag the body outside by, then.
  364. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He casts around for some ROCKS to cover the dead guy with so animals don't eat him.
  365. <Jaspersprite> *** Twisting in the butterfly alien's grip, the exterminating feline retrieves another pawful of SPECIAL POISONDUST from their seemingly bottomless supply and toss it square into Ainsley's face. They were just /not/ going to catch a break with this furball, were they? Regardless of the answer, Ainsley is now afflicted with POISON.
  366. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  367. -*- KnightStrider does not let go, grip tightening even before lifting their knife up to the cat's throat. "I would suggest you not be doing that again."
  368. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee drags the dead body out of the cave's mouth and into the forest clearing. It's not quite a proper burial, that much is clear, but... what're you gonna do, right? Besides! He might have been a total douchecicle, for all you know.
  369. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Now, you ain't gonna be here forever, motherfucker. I'ma take your things and see if anybody knows you, right? Then take 'em back here so they can send you off proper.
  370. <KnightStrider> (Oh... I... That's not in the right color, sorry. OTL)
  371. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Right now, though, you can be near the sky and the birds and trees and shit instead of in the dark all the time. Check them fireflies, homie. Ain't it nice?
  372. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff, it's fine-- also, sorry for being late with the responses y8]]
  373. <KnightStrider> (Is okay.)
  374. <Jaspersprite> *** Ainsley threatens the orange feline-- hardly causing it to simmer down or halt it's efforts by any means. If you're putting him down, you aren't doing it without a fight.
  375. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  376. <Jaspersprite> *** It's efforts including pulling /another/ exterminating utensile from it's apparently bottomless bag of tricks and /pAIN/. It retrieves a can of INSECTICIDE not-too-gracefully from who knows where, flicking off the cap and spraying at the butterfly-based alien. This...
  377. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Isn't doing his skin too good.
  378. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  379. <Jaspersprite> *** The corpse unsurprisingly doesn't respond-- which is kind of relieving, really.
  380. -*- KnightStrider Ainsley stands a moment, a light frown curling at their lips before flipping the sword in their palm and jamming it up the feline's neck, inside the creature past it's sternum.
  381. <Nitro> [Sorry if I'm being unresponsive or just not participating -- moderating TM is hard.]
  382. <Jaspersprite> [[I understand. uwu]]
  383. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee talks on regardless as he piles up stones around the unmoving adventurer. "The library dude didn't know who you were or what you were after, but I bet /some/ motherfucker in that shanty town does."
  384. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He takes the dude's SWAG BAG and his FLY-ASS SWORD.
  385. <chthonianGunslinger> (gamzee)
  386. <chthonianGunslinger> (rude)
  387. <Nitro> [I am so set to op dreadlockequius, y'all don't even know.]
  388. <Jaspersprite> *** Leather Satchel: A old and worn leather backpack, capable of holding a multitude of pounds despite it's size.
  389. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> do it do it DO IT DO IT)
  390. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> I'm just borrowin' these, bro. Maybe some motherfucker'll recognize 'em.
  391. <Jaspersprite> *** Statue Blade: A sword with a handle of smooth stone and tin-- it'd be a bit awkward to use in a battle practically, that much is certain. Really, it looks like it belongs more in a fancy sculpture.
  392. <Nitro> [I totally should.]
  393. <Nitro> [Just like]
  394. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> dooo iiit)
  395. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> what's going down that they need your modhood anyway?)
  396. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> *peeks in*)
  397. - {Day changed to Fri Jul 20 00:00:00 2012}
  398. <Nitro> [A couple people were basically posting a bunch of pictures and being generally disruptive. They weren't doing anything strictly wrong but.]
  399. <Jaspersprite> *** (1) [Full of Water] Glass Flask: A small, glass container that is currently holding one dose of spring water.
  400. <Jaspersprite> [[Sssorry for getting distracted, hrk x:']]
  401. --> childJohn ( has joined #Flarp2
  402. <Jaspersprite> *** With little fanfare and a flash of crimson, the exterminator feline's life is ended just like that, the cat's body falling limp in the butterfly alien's grip.
  403. <Jaspersprite> *** childJohn, Ainsley just killed an innocent house cat.
  404. -*- KnightStrider mercilessly.
  405. <Jaspersprite> *** It was brutal.
  406. -*- KnightStrider and painful.
  407. <Jaspersprite> *** *V*I*C*T*O*R*Y*.
  408. <childJohn> [That poor cat.]
  409. <Jaspersprite> [[Ikr]]
  410. <chthonianGunslinger> ...
  411. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> in ainsley's defense, the cat poisoned them)
  412. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> a lot)
  413. <chthonianGunslinger> jesus
  414. <chthonianGunslinger> That Was Quite...
  415. <chthonianGunslinger> ...Efficient.
  416. -*- KnightStrider pulling out their blade Ainsley dropped the feline corpse to the ground and walked out of the arena as if nothing had happened.
  417. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> ainsley does not give a /fuck/)
  418. <KnightStrider> (Ainsley gives no fucks, ever.)
  419. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> hardcore)
  420. <chthonianGunslinger> i think i see them in a new light
  421. <chthonianGunslinger> an its a damn scary one
  422. -*- childJohn the perfect crime.]
  423. <Jaspersprite> *** The crowd soon calms down from the display, and as the announcer does the same, he proceeds to state the ranking of that bout.
  424. <Jaspersprite> *** RANK
  425. <Jaspersprite> *** E
  426. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee rests one of his hands on the makeshift grave, thoughtful. Though usually his monster mitts dwarf everything, the large boulders hiding the corpse have a sobering shrinking effect. Death does that to a motherfucker, makes him feel like a child all over again.
  427. <Jaspersprite> *** Ainsley is rewarded the following:
  428. <chthonianGunslinger> didnt give em much of a show though
  429. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty He looks up and over to Sollux's unconscious body slumped against the tree where he left him and stands. Better get Solbro the fuck back to town.
  430. <chthonianGunslinger> just a chill
  431. <chthonianGunslinger> Yes...
  432. <chthonianGunslinger> We Should Probably Congratulate Them
  433. <chthonianGunslinger> Shall We
  434. -*- chthonianGunslinger Reluctantly, they do.
  435. <Jaspersprite> [[Whups sorry looking for notes 8y]]
  436. -*- KnightStrider the butterfly being in question is waiting just outside the arena, staring at their bloodied knife.
  437. <chthonianGunslinger> Ah Ainsley
  438. <chthonianGunslinger> There You Are
  439. <chthonianGunslinger> Congratulations On Your Win
  440. <chthonianGunslinger> It Was Very...
  441. <chthonianGunslinger> quick.
  442. <chthonianGunslinger> thats one way of puttin it
  443. <Jaspersprite> *** 200 BD
  444. <KnightStrider> I suppose you could call it that...
  445. -*- chthonianGunslinger He tilts his head, looking past the battered butterfly. Was the corpse still out there, rotting away like some animal?
  446. <Jaspersprite> *** End list.
  447. <Jaspersprite> *** From their very first completion of the arena, Ainsley obtains more fighting prowess than s/he's ever had before. S/he gains a level!
  448. <Jaspersprite> *** STR +1
  449. <Jaspersprite> *** End list.
  450. <Jaspersprite> *** Also, the GM
  451. <Jaspersprite> *** Actually should get the stat sheets for these knew character ahah
  452. <Jaspersprite> *** 8y
  453. <Jaspersprite> [[*New even]]
  454. -*- Jaspersprite fUCK]]
  455. <KnightStrider> (Oh geeze, I don't actually have stats for either Ainsley or Sollux... XP)
  456. <Jaspersprite> [[Yeah, I should get them real quick <w>]]
  457. <Jaspersprite> [[I'll post them in Skype--]]
  458. -*- childJohn had actually been in the crowd/stands/whatever of people watching the competitors! She was soooo glad that they had gotten rid of a cat and not anything else, because she really dislikes cats, like, a /lot/. Cats are terrible, even.
  459. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee whistles for dogbro and hefts the sleeping Sollux into his grody arms. "Think you can sniff us out of these motherfuckin' woods, brother?" he asks Halley.
  460. <Nitro> Halley wagged his tail happily in response and sniffed the air, as if he actually understood the inquiry.
  461. -*- chthonianGunslinger There was only one thing to do in a situation like this.
  462. -*- chthonianGunslinger Awkwardly cough.
  463. <Jaspersprite> *** Halley could more than easily smell the familiar scents and retrace their steps from the cave-- really, it wouldn't be THAT hard if you remember thoroughly.
  464. <Jaspersprite> *** And thanks to his ~*super*hearing*~, he could totally hear that cough. They must be thataway!
  465. <Nitro> But, since neither Gamzee nor Halley were known for their memories or attention span, Halley led the way with his nose. Onward to the fishy-smelling town!
  466. <chthonianGunslinger> (halley follows the scent of rotting corpses and horrid brimstome)
  467. <chthonianGunslinger> (must be pale girl and weird boy)
  468. <-- tenaciouslyCrunknasty (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  469. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff]]
  470. --> tenaciouslyCrunknasty (Mibbit@ has joined #Flarp2
  471. <chthonianGunslinger> (wb, baby)
  472. -*- KnightStrider lowering the blade Ainsley swung it close, the quick action flicking off any remaining blood. "Perhaps the next battle will not end in such a way..."
  473. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> hhhh)
  474. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> okay there we go)
  475. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> what'd i miss)
  476. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh yeah, still rotting there. The flies were already starting to swarm, no doubt attacking in the name of brutal vengeance. The boy made a face, before giving Ainsley a once over.
  477. <Jaspersprite> *** Cats are, in fact, terrible. Jade will find herself just at the stands of the arena, which have either been left by the eager voyeurs who watched the previous bout, or reserved by those waiting for the next match. The main lobby should be right off to the RIGHT, if the signs are true to their word.
  478. -*- chthonianGunslinger Pacifist, huh? ...Yeah, right.
  479. -*- chthonianGunslinger flexes her xchat muscles)
  480. -*- Jaspersprite Pffff]]
  481. <chthonianGunslinger> (look at those sexy italics)
  482. <chthonianGunslinger> (LOOK AT THEM)
  483. -*- Jaspersprite Xchat is to Iblis as spinach is to Popeye]]
  484. <KnightStrider> (Ho damn.)
  485. <Nitro> [sexay rich text]
  486. <chthonianGunslinger> [don't you even go there, sister]
  487. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> aaaaaaaa)
  488. <Jaspersprite> *** The rest of the party traces their steps through the woods, the sounds of crickets, insects and other local wildlife very much so audiable in the backround. Soon enough they're drowned out by the sounds of roaring rapids as they arrive at the edge of the river.
  489. <Nitro> [you wanna do this]
  490. <Nitro> [let's go B[ ]
  491. -*- Jaspersprite sobs, they]]
  492. <chthonianGunslinger> [you have no chance]
  493. -*- Jaspersprite they want nice text too omo]]
  494. <Nitro> [Au contraire.]
  495. <chthonianGunslinger> [two can play at that game, miss]
  496. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Oblivious to the battle of wills and font going on behind the fourth wall, Gamzee enjoys this walk through the forest of the night, humming to himself with his bros by his side.
  497. -*- KnightStrider Sollux stayed the fuck asleep.
  498. <Nitro> [this is incredibly silly]
  499. <Jaspersprite> *** Sollux is eaten by bears.
  500. <Jaspersprite> *** *GAME* *OVER*.
  501. <chthonianGunslinger> [an' look, the game's already over.]
  502. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty But Gamzee is carrying him. Is Gamzee secretly a bear?
  503. <chthonianGunslinger> [didn't even get to kick the kid's teeth in]
  504. <Jaspersprite> *** He is a werebear.
  505. -*- KnightStrider ho shit.
  506. <chthonianGunslinger> [laaaame]
  507. <Nitro> [i am a pretty princess omg these colors amuse me]
  508. <chthonianGunslinger> [wEEP]
  509. <chthonianGunslinger> [look, i made yellow not hideous]
  510. <Nitro> [PORTAL]
  511. <Jaspersprite> [[u guise]]
  512. <Jaspersprite> [[srsly u guise]]
  513. <Nitro> [srry]
  514. <Jaspersprite> [[guise]]
  515. <Jaspersprite> [[*srsly*]]
  516. <chthonianGunslinger> [we'll stop making you feel jelly uou]
  517. -*- Jaspersprite ;^;]]
  518. <Nitro> [wow those portal colors are actually really eye-burning]
  519. <chthonianGunslinger> I Suppose One Of Us Is Going To Be Next
  520. <chthonianGunslinger> Unless Theres An Unknown Participant Somewhere In The Midst
  521. <Jaspersprite> *** *J*A*D*E* *H*A*R*L*E*Y*--
  522. <Jaspersprite> [[Only no--]]
  523. -*- childJohn totally didn
  524. <childJohn> t space out like that, and totally didn't accidentally hit the enter key accidentally.]
  525. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff, it's fine cJ uwu]]
  526. <KnightStrider> (Totally.)
  527. <chthonianGunslinger> you sure you got the cojones to pull this off?
  528. <chthonianGunslinger> Ive Fought Off Against A Tentacled Abomination Of A Tyrant
  529. <chthonianGunslinger> I Do Believe My Cojones Are Well Gotten
  530. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee and friends (tm) follow the river downstream for a while, and alebit eventually, arrive just at the fishing town of Seaside. Lights flicker on and illuminate some of the windows in the houses, while the occasional store's door is closed for the night.
  531. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> >Dave: Say cojones like co-jones)
  532. <chthonianGunslinger> (oh god)
  533. <chthonianGunslinger> (is it night?)
  534. <KnightStrider> (FFFF)
  535. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> it is night)
  536. <Jaspersprite> [[Just about, yeah. uou]]
  537. <chthonianGunslinger> (>kanaya: FIZZLE)
  538. <Jaspersprite> [[Snrk]]
  539. <chthonianGunslinger> (>kanaya: PFFFFFT)
  540. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> aw snap)
  541. <Nitro> [We should all probably sleep soon too, actually?]
  542. <Jaspersprite> [[She could always try and just
  543. <chthonianGunslinger> Though...
  544. <Jaspersprite> ]]
  545. <Jaspersprite> [[Camp in the Arena]]
  546. <chthonianGunslinger> It Is Not Advisable For Me To Stay Out Much Longer
  547. <Jaspersprite> [[Also probably soon, though I can spare an hour uou]]
  548. <KnightStrider> Perhaps you should return to the inn?
  549. <chthonianGunslinger> Lest I Die Yet Another Painful Death
  550. <chthonianGunslinger> (i'm good for another hour or so uou)
  551. <KnightStrider> (Same.)
  552. <chthonianGunslinger> Nero Would You Be So Kind As To Inform The Secretary That I Will Be Unable To Battle Tonight
  553. <chthonianGunslinger> I Think Itd For Me To Retire For The Night
  554. <chthonianGunslinger> hey, do what you want. wouldnt want you to burn up into a pile of ash.
  555. <chthonianGunslinger> Yes That Would Be Very Painful
  556. <chthonianGunslinger> I Bid You Good Night And Good Luck
  557. <chthonianGunslinger> Though I Doubt Youll Need Much Of It
  558. <KnightStrider> I will be waiting in the crowd then...
  559. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee jostles Sollux a bit. "Hey, brother, you wanna see a doctor for that sting you got?"
  560. -*- chthonianGunslinger She affectionately, but reservedly, pats his hair. With a nod to both of them, she bustles out of the door. The clicking of her high heels echo the lobby, even as she slips out the door. They grow quieter and quieter, until...
  561. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...It was if she was never there at all.
  562. <Jaspersprite> [["aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH iT bURNS"]]
  563. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Did she just toussle his hair?
  564. -*- chthonianGunslinger /:<
  565. <-> You are now known as Tyrannitro
  566. -*- KnightStrider Sollux slooowly opened his eyes before lazily looking over to the clown holding him. "what now?"
  567. <chthonianGunslinger> [and then she fizzled and died]
  568. <chthonianGunslinger> [oops]
  569. <Jaspersprite> [[Pfff]]
  570. <Jaspersprite> [[Just in front of the Arena is a puddle o' Kan.]]
  571. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You got bit, remember? Wanna go get it looked at?
  572. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee grins, teeth shining in the dim light.
  573. <-> You are now known as Tyrantro
  574. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Nityrant)
  575. -*- KnightStrider looking up into the sky Sollux blinked before shaking his head. "tomorrow ii doubt there'2 anyone awake now two look at iit even iif ii wanted two go 2omewhere."
  576. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You sure, man? The vet might still be awake.
  577. -*- chthonianGunslinger He smooths down his hair, though more out of rebellion than actual frustration. What was with everyone and toussling his hair? Was there some kind of sign stuck up there?
  578. -*- chthonianGunslinger Whatever.
  579. -*- KnightStrider the troll thought for a moment. "okay we can try the vet"
  580. -*- chthonianGunslinger So long as they didn't mess it up too bad, he guessed it'd be alright.
  581. <Jaspersprite> *** Nero's hair has been slain.
  582. <KnightStrider> (FFFF)
  583. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee, presumably followed by the dog, lugs Sollux's dead weight over to the VET'S OFFICE.
  584. <Jaspersprite> *** The speaker at last comes to life with a loud hum, ready to announce the next bout of the evening!
  585. <Tyrantro> Always followed by the dog.
  586. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Bros 4 lyfe (o:
  587. <Jaspersprite> *** *J*A*D*E* *H*A*R*L*E*Y*
  588. <Jaspersprite> *** V.S.
  589. <Jaspersprite> *** *T*O*M* *A*N*D* *J*E*R*R*Y*
  590. <Jaspersprite> *** Please take your leave to the RIGHT when you are ready to begin.
  591. <chthonianGunslinger> ...
  592. <chthonianGunslinger> who?
  593. -*- childJohn makes her way to the right, because she had signed up for this.
  594. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> seriously, nero)
  595. -*- KnightStrider glancing over to Nero Ainsley spoke. "It would appear as if another match has begun, shall we go to the stands to watch?"
  596. -*- chthonianGunslinger Well what did you know, the vamp guessed right.
  597. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> seiously)
  598. <chthonianGunslinger> cant hurt to watch, but...
  599. <chthonianGunslinger> ...seriously? tom an jerry? shes boned.
  600. <chthonianGunslinger> unless they kill each other right then an there
  601. <Jaspersprite> *** Jade passes through the stands and then right on through the lobby, heading through into the main arena. At the farther end of the arena stands the two /fiends/ in question-- sworn enemies, teamed up for a common goal. To sate their unrelenting blood lust, to /feast/ /on/ /the/ /flesh/ of their /unfortunate/ /victims/.
  602. <Jaspersprite> *** One thing is for certain-- she is /boned/. Prrrrobably.
  603. <Jaspersprite> *** FIGHT.
  604. <chthonianGunslinger> see? what did i say.
  605. <chthonianGunslinger> boned.
  606. <chthonianGunslinger> (>ainsley: tom and jerry? boned? human boy you are being weird again)
  607. <chthonianGunslinger> (sTOP THAT)
  608. <Jaspersprite> *** Meanwhile~! The rest of the group arrives at the Vet's Office-- only to find that it's been closed, unfortunately enough! A small sign hangs from the door, stating their usual hours and beseeching to come back later.
  609. <KnightStrider> ... Though I don't really understand what or who you're talking about, I think observation of many fights is good for improving your eye.
  610. <Jaspersprite> [[>Party: Steal sign. Make sign into weapon.]]
  611. <KnightStrider> (GOOD)
  612. <chthonianGunslinger> (signkind)
  613. <Jaspersprite> [[Beautiful]]
  614. <chthonianGunslinger> ...geeze, its always business with you.
  615. <chthonianGunslinger> dont you ever do anything for, i dunno, fun?
  616. <KnightStrider> ... I do apologize... But... Well no... There wasn't time for that in the age I grew up in.
  617. <Jaspersprite> ***
  618. <Jaspersprite> *** 8y
  619. <KnightStrider> (FFF GOOD)
  620. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aw, dang. Guess it'll be aight till tomorrow.
  621. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Pff, you already went back to sleep. Poor motherfucker.
  622. -*- KnightStrider A2LEEP.
  623. -*- childJohn is just a gun toting teenage girl about to fight a vicious cat and a mouse. She promptly equipped her HUNTING RIFLE, what a trusty badboy. But politeness is first like always, and would prefer it if Tom or Jerry made the first move or something like that!
  624. -*- KnightStrider really Sollux, why for you so useless?
  625. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You drool all over the place just like my Solbro does. That is cute as fuck.
  626. <Jaspersprite> *** How polite-- one could even call it cute. But politeness got you nOWHERE in this business, kiddo. Jade is on GUARD.
  627. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee carries the useless bundle of troll to the INN and deposits him on a bed. Sweet dreams, lisping wonder.
  628. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  629. -*- KnightStrider dreams of sugar beasts and plum nuggets or some shit like that.
  630. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Cute as a goddamn button what has monster fangs.
  631. -*- KnightStrider sleep sleep drool snore a little sleeeep.
  632. <Jaspersprite> *** The acme-bearing duo of the stars are more than well equipped with an arsenal of novelty contraptions and other frivolous bullshit-- they kick off the bout with something simple enough; Tom retrieves a single STICK OF DYNAMITE, lighting the fuse via match in a motion far too quick to process and /pegs/ it over, which...
  633. -*- KnightStrider is the best rper.
  634. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Goes off just at their legs, thankfully enough.
  635. <Jaspersprite> *** They are doomed to a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.
  636. <Jaspersprite> *** *GAME* *OVER*.
  637. <Jaspersprite> *** It's not quite that severe, but /oW/. Jerry...
  638. <Jaspersprite> *** Jerry continues to be a mouse and snickers loudly at the display. God dammit Jerry.
  639. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  640. -*- childJohn Oh geez, that was kinda funny, actually. She felt just a teeny bit sorry for Tom, how are you gonna be a four legged animal with only two legs? Sounded pretty hard to her! But she didn't have to worry about the cat until she was done with the mouse. Speaking of the mouse, Jerry was actually very adorable. She would rather use the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP on th
  641. <childJohn> at mouse but.
  642. -*- KnightStrider Ainsley watched carefully, as if shit was hitting the fan, real serious shit too.
  643. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh-- hrk, I probably ought to have rephrased that, actually-- it went off at Jade's legs, which didn't like]]
  644. <Jaspersprite> [[Blow them off]]
  645. <Jaspersprite> [[Into the stands]]
  646. -*- childJohn oH
  647. <Jaspersprite> [[But still hurt like a bitch y8]]
  648. <Jaspersprite> [[>Jade's Legs: go flYING ANYWAY]]
  649. <Jaspersprite> [[And it's fine-- sorry for not being clear <o>]]
  650. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Shit, he had nothing to say to that. What could he say? If you didn't have time for fun, you didn't have time for anything. They were fighting a seemingly endless (but losing) war with hell, and his old man still found time to goof off.
  651. <Tyrantro> [> Halley and Gamzee: Track down the vampire demon duo.]
  652. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> What you listenin' to, dogbro? You hear the rest of our crew?
  653. <KnightStrider> ... To be honest it is one reason as to why I wish to return home as soon as possible... I... Don't want something to happen that I could have helped to prevent if I was there.
  654. -*- chthonianGunslinger Incredibly, that was even worse. Now he felt the guilt train hitting him like a heavyweight. Yeah, so much for fun.
  655. <KnightStrider> I may not in my life time have the chance to have fun or do things simply because I want to, but I can at least try and help make things better so those surpass us in life might have that chance.
  656. <KnightStrider> (>Nero: Take Ainsley on a girls night out, make them experience fun.)
  657. <Jaspersprite> [[Pffffff]]
  658. <Tyrantro> Halley did not, in fact, hear their companions, raucous as they may have been. He does, however, hear the commotion of the arena -- how could he not? It sounded like the Running of the Bulls was going on and people were about to get trampled. Thoroughly interested, the canine headed towards the door to investigate.
  659. <chthonianGunslinger> in your own opinion, youve never experienced 'fun'
  660. <chthonianGunslinger> (let's break it down people)
  661. <chthonianGunslinger> (f is for friends who do stuff together)
  662. <chthonianGunslinger> (u is for u and me)
  663. <Jaspersprite> [[pFF]]
  664. <chthonianGunslinger> (n is anything at any time at all)
  665. <chthonianGunslinger> (down here in the deep blue)
  666. <chthonianGunslinger> (...whatever this place is)
  667. <Tyrantro> [out here in the seedy seaside town]
  668. -*- childJohn Oh wow /dynamite/. Surely it was a dud, because they wouldn't just light off a stick of dynamite with acrowd of people watchOLY SHIT. And as the dynamite went off, she was so lucky that her legs didn't fly off, that would be really gross and scary at the same time! But it did sent her off of her feet, kinda just throwing her back a few feet. Golly jesus,
  669. <Jaspersprite> [[Next town is Bikini Bottom]]
  670. <Jaspersprite> [[Canon]]
  671. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> fuck yes, crabby patties)
  672. <Jaspersprite> [[Fluthlu is actually just a suped up squidward--]]
  673. <chthonianGunslinger> (someone give him a clarinet)
  674. <chthonianGunslinger> (wait)
  675. <KnightStrider> I have always done things out of order or need... Not because I wanted to... Though, if there was anything I did enjoy, it was the chances I got to rest... When I didn't have to worry about harming or killing others... And I could just let the world go on with me watching.
  676. <chthonianGunslinger> (NO)
  677. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee trips along after dogbro, enjoying the sea breeze. Tonight's a good night for Gamzee.
  678. <chthonianGunslinger> (DON'T GIVE HIM THE CLARINET)
  679. <KnightStrider> (FFFF)
  680. <Jaspersprite> [[The vast clarinet solo]]
  681. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> jesus)
  682. <KnightStrider> (OH NO)
  683. <Jaspersprite> [[Total party kill, game over]]
  684. <KnightStrider> (DARNIT)
  685. <Tyrantro> Every night's a good night for Gamzee.
  686. <childJohn> that hurt a /lot/, and she was pretty sure that when she tried to stand up, one of her legs actually didn't feel like standing, so she focused on her right foot. She officially hates cats now. Good job,Tom. She could totally make a shot while standing on one leg. So she aimed at the /cat/ and fired at him, like three times.
  687. -*- childJohn she also fell back.
  688. <childJohn> [woop.]
  689. <chthonianGunslinger> that is...
  690. <chthonianGunslinger> ...the biggest downer ive ever heard
  691. <Jaspersprite> [[Good cJ uwu Also hold on, Nitro, I'll right Halley getting to the Arena soon--]]
  692. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Damn right, dogbro. Damn right.
  693. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well, not /every/ night. I try to make it like that, though.
  694. <KnightStrider> The world of war is not particularly pleasant no... But it is something we must unfortunately live with, some more so than others.
  695. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Sometimes shit just happens, you feel me?
  696. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> And you can't but ride through it and try to float on afterwards.
  697. <chthonianGunslinger> a world with nothin but war must be a livin hell to live in
  698. <chthonianGunslinger> but listen
  699. <chthonianGunslinger> i...
  700. <chthonianGunslinger> i know youre achin to get home
  701. <chthonianGunslinger> everyone does
  702. <chthonianGunslinger> (cept gamz but, uh)
  703. <Jaspersprite> *** Tom took a sense of /pride/ in the fact that he made Jade even more angry at the feline race. Good, Jade, good. He feeds off of your hate. Her shot as shakey as it was, it was surprising that two of those bullets actually managed to hit dead on with the cat's torso-- while the third went wide, the cause being Jade's abrupt falling backwards. The crowd gas
  704. <chthonianGunslinger> (thats a whole different animal altogether)
  705. <Jaspersprite> ps. /Oh/ /nooooo/!
  706. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  707. <chthonianGunslinger> but while were here, it couldnt hurt to enjoy it while you can.
  708. <chthonianGunslinger> for once, you dont have to worry about the whole world burnin down fore your eyes
  709. <chthonianGunslinger> yknow?
  710. <KnightStrider> ... That does make sense, thank you... However... I find it a bit difficult if you will, to think of anything to do for enjoyments sake...
  711. -*- chthonianGunslinger Now that he thought about it, neither did he. No infernal warlords breaking into the human realm, no crazy assassination attempts, not a single home invasion. Maybe he should take his own advice.
  712. <Tyrantro> Gamzee's philosophizing was probably mostly lost on Halley, but the canine nevertheless turned to offer a solemn look, as if he understood. Your heart's gotta all feel what it's got to, brother.
  713. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Truth, motherfucker.
  714. <Jaspersprite> *** He DIDN'T take too much pride in the bullets lodged in their fur-covered body, though. Hissing loudly at the injury, the devious and cunning feline was quick to retort, pulling another miscellaneous tool from their supply of bullfuckery-- specifically, a BOTTLE OF SELTZER, which was tossed with a flourish onto the arena's ground and crashing with a splash
  715. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Halley receives an appreciative head scratch. You /get/ him, dogbro.
  716. <Jaspersprite> . Hahah, have fun shooting while sitting down, gun girl. The glass might be a problem too-- watch out for that, perhaps.
  717. <chthonianGunslinger> cmon, think of it this way. whats somethin you always wanted to do, but never could?
  718. <Jaspersprite> *** Meanwhile, Jerry continues to mOCK JADE W/ LAUGHTER.
  719. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  720. -*- Jaspersprite casually can't--]]
  721. -*- Jaspersprite write battles out coherently hah wow whups <u>]]
  722. -*- childJohn No it is /perfect/]
  723. -*- Jaspersprite nOT PERFECT ENOUGH]]
  724. <KnightStrider> ... Well to be honest... I always imagined romance to be something... Pleasurable... At the time, people chose mates for the sake of breeding. Very little did people actually end up with someone they loved... Those few times though....They seemed so happy.
  725. <Jaspersprite> *** Halley and Gamzee soon arrive at the Seaside Arena, entering the main lobby without a problem. The secretary gives the duo a glance before simply brushing them off, elbows propped up on the front desk. The passage to the RIGHT is sealed off with an iron grate, while the one to the LEFT is open just fine, leading into the stands.
  726. <chthonianGunslinger> uhhhhhh
  727. -*- chthonianGunslinger Way to croak, demon boy.
  728. <KnightStrider> I really would... Like to feel that kind of happiness some day.
  729. <chthonianGunslinger> ...well, i cant say thats gonna happen anytime soon. but you can always hope, right?
  730. <KnightStrider> Yes.
  731. <chthonianGunslinger> and down here, no one gives a damn about breeding. who knows, maybe youll find someone?
  732. <Tyrantro> The place was alive with commotion -- and smelling vaguely of a feline and a rodent. Halley sniffed around the area more thoroughly -- he thought he smelled familiar scents amid the thousands of human scents, some faint and some stronger, that meshed into one strange conglomerate of tangled smells. Disregarding it, he turned to approach the stands, where most of the excitement was centralized.
  733. <KnightStrider> Maybe.
  734. -*- chthonianGunslinger Are you blushing? Oh kid no, you better not be blus-
  735. -*- chthonianGunslinger gODDAMNIT. FUCK YOU PUBERTY.
  736. -*- childJohn Once again she stood up, and seeing that he was hit with /two/ bullets, she cheered herself in her mind. So she took a few steps forward, but woops there's glass and water on the ground, she slipped and landed on her bottom, not on any glass but still. She could shoot while sitting, although it didn't look professional. Casually, she took her sweet time t
  737. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Speaking of hair in strange places and skin problems, here comes Gamzee now.
  738. <chthonianGunslinger> (pfffhahaha)
  739. -*- Jaspersprite Pff]]
  740. <-> Midna is now known as MidNap
  741. <KnightStrider> (Perfect description, obviously.)
  742. <chthonianGunslinger> (gamzee how do you stop it from selectin all)
  743. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> There's our main motherfuckers now, dogbro.
  744. <chthonianGunslinger> (cuz im gettin really tired of this)
  745. <chthonianGunslinger> (whats next, the dog)
  746. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> hopefully not, motherfucker. i don't think dogbro likes you like that)
  747. -*- childJohn o actually reload her rifle, and then, just kinda shot at JERRY'S feet one time, although it was kinda not like shooting at his feet cause he's small but that's what she /tried/ to do.
  748. <chthonianGunslinger> (im pretty sure there are laws against that, gamzee)
  749. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> laws and a dog that would probably bite you on the dick)
  750. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> so. the dog'd be a bad idea)
  751. -*- childJohn hng these descriptions are pretty boring and lengthy, sorry bout that .u.
  752. <Jaspersprite> [[What no they are perfect childJohn don't ever stop]]
  753. <chthonianGunslinger> (oh god)
  754. <chthonianGunslinger> (john wait until you see my descriptions)
  755. <Tyrantro> [Descriptions are good things.]
  756. -*- childJohn pff.
  757. <Tyrantro> [Well. No one here has a problem with too much description, anyway.]
  758. <childJohn> [Cool c:.]
  759. <chthonianGunslinger> oh. sup gamz.
  760. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> What up, motherfuckers?
  761. -*- chthonianGunslinger Good, there couldn't be a better distraction. He'll just smoothly slip away from this line of conversation, and move on to...
  762. <KnightStrider> Hello.
  763. <Jaspersprite> *** Between the lessened accuracy from sitting down and the target in question being a mouse, the chances that the bullet hits the little guy is as small as he is. Really, you'd have to be the best gunslinger this side of Econ, or the luckiest.
  764. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Could y'all check to see if there are spiders up in my hair still?
  765. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...whatever it was that Gamzee was blabbing about now. Not that he minded, oh no.
  766. <chthonianGunslinger> this chick is gettin her ass handed to
  767. <KnightStrider> Why would there be spiders in your hair?
  768. <chthonianGunslinger> nothin much
  769. <chthonianGunslinger> wait, spiders?
  770. <Jaspersprite> *** ... And even still, it does. By some force of nature and against all odds, the bullet hits the mouse square in it's tiny gullet.
  771. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> I made a truce with them motherfuckers, but like. Shit's startin' to itch up there and I can't exactly see what they're doin', na'mean?
  772. <chthonianGunslinger> what, have you been chattin with some of our eight legged friends.
  773. <Tyrantro> Halley, upon rediscovering their companions, immediately approached the nice, odd-smelling humanoid lady for petting. The glowy-skinned one. She was nice.
  774. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Wait, did she just hit that mouse dead on?
  775. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> kanaya isn't there, she left before moonrise)
  776. <Tyrantro> [oh she did?]
  777. <chthonianGunslinger> (she'd be a pile of as
  778. <Jaspersprite> *** She has slain the bane of this particular feline fiend-- a task that he himself could never carry out. As a thanks, he'll make sure to make this as quick and painless as he can.
  779. <chthonianGunslinger> h if she didn't :y)
  780. <Tyrantro> [bad at paying attention]
  781. -*- chthonianGunslinger Holy Mary, mother of god; she was good. Maybe even better than him.
  782. <Jaspersprite> *** Tom enters TIER TWO of the FINAL BOSS BATTLE.
  783. <Jaspersprite> *** He ascends to DEMONHOOD.
  784. -*- tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee leans down and scratches furiously at his fro. God knows what will fall out.
  785. <Jaspersprite> *** Only no--
  786. <Jaspersprite> *** Enemy turn.
  787. <Tyrantro> Halley, instead of approaching the glowy lady who was not present, approached the third member of the little human party: the one that smelled and bugs? He sniffed at them uneasily, wondering who /this/ girl was.
  788. -*- KnightStrider reaches out a hand for Halley to sniff before giving pets.
  789. -*- KnightStrider ALSO SMELLS OF CAT BLOOD
  790. -*- chthonianGunslinger True to form, a good sized spider dropped to the floor. It scuttled around in panic, before rushing underneath the seats.
  791. <chthonianGunslinger> ...spiders.
  792. <chthonianGunslinger> in your hair
  793. <Tyrantro> Halley, despite the being's...unusual scent, decided that they were nice because they had clearly recently slaughtered a feline. Despite the fact that his true hate lay with rabbitkind and their other rodent cousins (the rATS), he still pretty much despised cats.
  794. <Jaspersprite> *** Still clutching the bullet wounds from the previous lead onslaught with one paw, the villainous feline glares intensly at the fallen gunslinger. He retrieves what could be loosely called his next DEATH BRINGING ARMAMENT; a fishing rod. With much deliberation, they gripped the handle and reeled back before casting out the line... and catching the hook just
  795. <chthonianGunslinger> dare i ask what else youre smugglin in there
  796. <Jaspersprite> at the skin of her arm. And then, in one quick motion,
  797. <chthonianGunslinger> is there an entire zoo in your fro
  798. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Could be, little brother.
  799. <Jaspersprite> *** Reeling the line back with a rip, leaving a notable and alebit /painful/ cut. thAT ONE'S FOR JERRY.
  800. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> If you could check for me, I'd appreciate the fuck out of it.
  802. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Shit still itches.
  803. <Jaspersprite> *** End turn.
  804. -*- chthonianGunslinger Itching? Dear god, what was in there? He couldn't think of anything more repulsive...but, you always had to help a brother out. And more than anything else, Gamzee was his bro. Struggling to repress a retching heave, he pried his fingers into the murky crimson death. Please, god please, no more spiders.
  805. <Tyrantro> [We should]
  806. <Tyrantro> [sleep]
  807. <Jaspersprite> [[But]]
  808. <Jaspersprite> [[Fight v8]]
  809. <Jaspersprite> [[V8]]
  810. <Tyrantro> [sleep after the fight??]
  811. <Jaspersprite> [[Yiss uou]]
  812. -*- childJohn Oh, a fishing rod, that's cool! She totally didn't see the hook coming at her, but then /ow/. She looked at her arm, a bandaid probably wouldn't fix it at all. It was a kind of big cut. She just kinda sat there, dwelling on the fact that this was pretty god damned painful. After like, what. Five minutes, she got up, determined on /winning/ she got up, and
  813. -*- Jaspersprite >Jaspers: Wrap up fight in fastest way possible.]]
  814. <Tyrantro> [soon hopefully because 2:20 is late for those of us on the east coast]
  815. <chthonianGunslinger> (i am not the least bit sleepy but)
  817. <chthonianGunslinger> (i am fine either way uou)
  818. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as turntableGeneration
  819. <turntableGeneration> [[Same uvu]]
  820. -*- childJohn wow it /is/ 2:24
  821. -*- turntableGeneration Pff]]
  822. -*- turntableGeneration We can recontinue this fight the next session? ouo Though then that'd mean that there have been]]
  823. -*- turntableGeneration Four sessions throughout a single day period]]
  824. -*- turntableGeneration Which is kind of why I wanted to do this uvu]]
  825. -*- childJohn whoaaaa
  826. -*- turntableGeneration yes keeps track of time periods what of it Bu]]
  827. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> coool)
  828. -*- turntableGeneration Also did Dayna get lost forever in the forest--]]
  829. -*- turntableGeneration I'm assuming they just headed back to the Inn but the former would be]]
  830. -*- turntableGeneration Infinitely funnier]]
  831. -*- turntableGeneration She becomes friends with the bears and meets the Lorax]]
  832. <-- KnightStrider ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  833. -*- childJohn pfff
  834. <chthonianGunslinger> (duuude)
  835. <chthonianGunslinger> (so unfair)
  836. <chthonianGunslinger> (all we ever did was kick a dragon's teeth in)
  837. <turntableGeneration> [[Snrk]]
  838. <-- childJohn ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  839. <turntableGeneration> *** *G*A*M*E* *O*V*E*R*
  840. <chthonianGunslinger> look
  841. <chthonianGunslinger> what did i fuckin say
  842. <chthonianGunslinger> totally boned
  843. <chthonianGunslinger> B[
  844. <Tyrantro> *** TOM acquires: [ALL OF JADE'S EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING]
  845. <Tyrantro> *** TOM has joined your party.
  846. <chthonianGunslinger> (why is that cat wearin a dress)
  847. <chthonianGunslinger> (Im Unsure But He Is Certainly Working That Outfit)
  848. <chthonianGunslinger> (...)
  849. <turntableGeneration> *** Tom quietly
  850. <turntableGeneration> *** Oh so quietly
  851. <turntableGeneration> *** Destroys the party from the inside out
  852. <turntableGeneration> *** all akerdin 2 plan.................
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