
Younganon second day

Apr 26th, 2012
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  1. >…
  2. >Morning comes from an orange earth p0ny and a barbarian yell.
  3. >”TAHM TA WAKE UP!”
  4. >Opening your eyes, you barely have enough time to see that the source of the voice is airborne.
  5. >Adrenaline is one godsend of a drug.
  6. >You roll to avoid damage as she crashes down on the bed, and end up face first on the floor instead.
  7. >Good thing you don’t sleep naked; the floor is freezing cold. You’re a kid. Sleep shirts, y’know?
  8. >With a groan you pull your face off the ground and look on the bed for the aggressor.
  9. >Huh? She isn’t there.
  12. >”Come on an get down, ‘s breakfast tahm.”
  13. >With a sigh, you get up and scurry to the dresser and shove a pair of shorts on with a sleeveless shirt You then join the Apples at the table.
  14. >”See granny? Ah woke im up. Ah c’n do it, ahm a big girl.”
  15. >”Ah suppose so, Applejack. Did you an Anon junior get acquainted?”
  16. “Not really.”
  17. >Big Mac says nothing. Ok.
  18. “What’s up with eating breakfast this early? The rooster hasn’t even crowed.”
  19. >Applejack is quick to correct you.
  20. >”Ain’t even crowed.”
  21. >Is that a fact? You aren’t going to lose this. Glaring, you return as you take a seat.
  22. “The rooster hasn’t even crowed yet.”
  23. >”The rooster AIN’T even crowed yet!”
  24. “It’s SO early, the rooster hasn’t crowed yet!”
  25. >She returns your glare for a second, but then softens and gains a victor’s grin.
  26. >”Verily, for it is so early in the morn, that the crow of the rooster hath not yet heralded the arrival of the morning sun.”
  27. >Stunned silence encompasses the table as Granny Smith places the flapjacks on the table.
  28. “What?”
  29. >”What?”
  30. >Hey, Big Mac spoke.
  31. >She blushes and shifts her eyes across everyone’s faces.
  32. >”Well while ah was in Manehattan, they all spoke lahk that, an I had to pick it up.”
  33. >Hey, did she have that many freckles yesterday? You probably didn’t see them since she was crying so much. She seems in a better mood today.
  34. >You yourself have a nigh-embarrassing amount of freckles on your face, or as your mother called them: angel kisses. Blech, how sappy.
  35. >Applejack noticed you blanche at your internal monologue.
  36. >”Yeah, that’s what ah think about Manehattan too!”
  37. >You an’…you mean AND Big Mac share a chuckle at that.
  38. >Breakfast goes uneventfully, they’ve got at least five different syrups, one of them maple, another labeled maplapple.
  39. >Sounds weird. But it tastes ok, so who’s complaining?
  40. >”Alraght now, Applejack, go ahead an get yer dress on, we’ll head on down to Sugarcube Corner for yer cuteseniera later.”
  41. >Granny motions you over to the sink and you bring all the plates to it and clean them all quickly.
  42. >Fingers help, don’t they?
  43. >With this time to yourself, you scan the wall of pictures again; making sure your dad wasn’t on any of them. He was not there. Phew. You were worried for a bit that maybe he had moved on and started another family. But the lack of his image on the wall allayed your fears of abandonment.
  44. >”Ok, Granny, ah’m ready!”
  45. >Applejack is wearing a really girly dress, like a Halloween Disney princess costume, along with the hat from last night.
  46. >You laugh, but shut your face as she glares at you.
  47. >”An jus’ WHAT’S so funny, huh?”
  48. “The dress.”
  49. >A little blunt, but really it’s the dress that makes it laughable, she looked more natural in the hat, and the dress doesn’t even cover her…uh…butt-area? Criminy, what is that called? Point is, you can still see her apple-y pyramid thing.
  50. >Stomping a hoof on the floor, she wails:
  51. >”See Granny! Ah told ya it looked funny! Now everyp0ny’s gonna laugh at me!”
  52. >Granny Smith just laughs.
  53. >”He’s a boy. Of course junior thinks ya look funny. Though I’d think a human would think we’re all funny cuz we’re naked, instead he thinks wearing clothes is funny!”
  54. >Granny thinks it’s a hoot, but you’re red in the face.
  55. “Nuh-uh!” you sputter out a few syllables, trying to explain yourself “She looked fine without the dress!”
  56. >Granny laughs harder, and even Big Mac chuckles a bit.
  57. >Why is it funny?
  58. “Was it something I said?”
  59. >You turn to Applejack, but she’s gone.
  60. >The laughter dies down, and Granny answers you.
  61. >”Its just yer wordin, junior. You’ll unnerstand when yer older.”
  62. >Well, that didn’t answer anything.
  63. >A light clip-clop sound alerts you back to the stairs, where Applejack has come down wearing only the hat.
  64. >”Granny, is it alraght if ah don’t wear the dress?”
  65. >Granny calms down and gives AJ a warm smile.
  66. >”Of course it is, Applejack.”
  67. >Applejack beams and passes you by without eye contact.
  68. >Yeah, whatever.
  69. >Sugarcube Corner. Apparently, this was code for the witch’s house from Hansel and Gretel. A gigantic pastry shaped building encompasses your view, and you’re alllmost tempted to taste it and see if it was really made of food. But not tempted enough. Splinters on the tongue are too big a risk.
  70. >Granny, Mac and A-jack led you inside, and struck up conversation with a blue p0ny and a yellow p0ny
  71. >From the voices, you can tell blue is a girl, named Cup, and the yellow one is her husband, Carrot. Also, you can tell that they actually have a last name: Cake. Well isn’t this a first, huh?
  72. >The group talk about something ‘cute’ and Applejack rushes off to a large table with four chairs to wait. Big Mac follows, and motions with his head for you to follow too.
  73. >As you sit down, Big Mac actually starts the conversation.
  74. >”Yup.”
  75. >Applejack returns an even slower “Eeeyyup.”
  76. “Yyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuup?”
  77. >Granny Smith sits down.
  78. >”Mmm-hmm!”
  79. >Well, THAT certainly was stimulating conversation.
  80. “Soooo…what exactly is a cutiesenior anyway?”
  81. >”Oh raght, you aren’t from around here. A cutie mark is these pictures on our flanks that represent our special talent when we realize it.”
  82. >Thank you, Big Macintosh of the Exposition Clan.
  83. >”Mahn’s a half an apple because ahm so strong, ah can split an apple clean with a single tap. Not that it doesn’t help mah applebuckin either.”
  84. >”An’ Granny Smith can bake pies lahk nop0ny’s business!” Applejack pipes in “An ah jus’ got mahn yesterday! I’m good with apples!”
  85. >It sounds a little goofy, what with being called cutie and all, but considering you’re an eleven year old kid in magical talking pony land, and you met a princess last night, it’s not exactly your place to judge.
  86. “So the cute senior. What is it.”
  87. >”Cuteseniera!”
  88. “Gesundheit.”
  89. >”Pless ya, pardner.”
  90. “That’s what I said. What’s a …” you try to mimic what you just heard “…cyoot-sinn-yerr-uh?”
  91. >”It’s the celebration of getting our cutie marks! It officially means ahm grown up!”
  92. >To Big Mac, you whisper:
  93. “She’s going to get bigger, right? Or is this as tall as she gets?”
  94. >Applejack overhears your sly whispering anyway. With a huff and a blush, she retorts.
  95. >“Ah didn’t mean physically! Ahm a mare now, not just a little filly!”
  96. “Sure, ok. Only, what’s a mare and what’s a filly?”
  97. >Facehooves all around.
  98. >”Well, seeing as there’s school tmorrow, you’re bound to fahnd out, aren’t ya?”
  99. >Stupid smug Applejack.
  100. >Well you didn’t expect a fast food place to exist in magic-land. What was it called again, anyway? Equestrian? Equestria. Ok. Got it. Back on track: the Cakes bring out a large cake decorated with apple slices. Which is weird, because Granny Smith just ordered it a minute ago. Whaaaatever.
  101. >Everyone grabs a plate, fork and knife. You are passed a slice of cake after a few seconds of antagonizingly slow cake cutting by Granny.
  102. >You take a bite of it, and eye it suspiciously.
  103. >It tastes super sweet. Like nothing from ever before. Weren’t there apple slices in this? IT wasn’t noticeable. It’s just a smooth fluff of sweet and apple flavor.
  104. >Hmm, maybe you should become a creative writer so you can think up some other way to describe things so that it actually sounds appetizing.
  105. >… Nah.
  106. >Applejack, between mouthfuls, decides to try and ask you a question.
  107. >”So Anon, do humans get cutie marks things too?”
  108. >Is this …chick (mare?) serious?
  109. “Considering that I had to ask you what they were, no. I heard that adults get jobs and a lot of times the job has nothing to do with our talents. We don’t get pictures on our butts either.”
  110. >Applejack stares at you stone faced with her mouth full up until you utter the word ‘butts’.
  111. >This unleashes a torrent of cake bits and spittle as she erupts into a raucous laughter, slamming her forehooves on the table a few times. She stops soon afterwards, covering her mouth with a hoof, but it was too late. The damage was done.
  112. >Sheepishly she chuckles out a halfhearted apology:
  113. >“Ahm sorry Big Mac, Granny Smith. He said butts.”
  114. >The three of you victims wipe the stuff off your faces and give Applejack a blank stare.
  115. “Heh.”
  116. >”Heheh.”
  117. >”Hahaha!”
  118. >“Heehee!”
  119. >You all burst back out into laughs for a few seconds before this second wind of comedy dies down
  120. “Yeah, I said butts. Sorry”
  121. >”Ahm sorry for spittin the cake out.”
  122. >”Its alright, Applejack. Y’just gotta learn to keep your laughter under control. If ya can’t keep laughter under control, how’m ah supposed to know when you’re ready for a pet?”
  123. >These words caught her attention and wonder immediately.
  124. >”You mean it, Granny?”
  125. >You can practically feel the hope emanating from her now-enlarged eyes.
  126. >Speaking of, the world is starting to feel very cartoon-like. Expressive faces, bright colors, magic.
  127. >Nah. Probably just your imagination.
  128. >After eating the rest of your slices, regardless of collateral damage, the four of you get the remaining cake to go. Granny sends you and Big Mac to drop the cake off at the farm, and reminds you to hurry back so you can be introduced to the teacher before you actually go tomorrow.
  129. >”So did we answer your question, bro?”
  130. “Uhh, yeah. I guess. How old is everyone?”
  131. >”Well ahm about 16, and mah sister turned ten not too long ago. Even ah don’t know Granny’s age. And while we’re at it, you’re gonna have to say p0ny.”
  132. “P0ny?”
  133. >”Everyp0ny, somep0ny. When you’re referring to p0nies, you gotta say it.”
  134. “That’s pretty weird. Humans don’t say everyhuman.”
  135. >”It’s our society. It’ll help your transition.”
  136. “Ok, whatever you say…bro.”
  137. >The remainder of the trip goes silently. Upon your return to Sugarcube Corner, Granny Smith grabs you and positions you much faster than you thought possible for an old lady, let alone a p0ny. You shake hands with at least 30 differently colored p0nies, including the Cakes, ending on a cherry colored mare with a pink mane and three flowers for a cutie mark.
  138. >”Hello Anonymous. Or do you prefer to be called junior?”
  139. “Uh, Anonymous is fine.”
  140. >”My name is Cheerilee, I’m going to be your teacher tomorrow. I should hope that we’ll get along just swell. Have you been to school before?”
  141. “Yeah, for about 4 years.”
  142. >”My goodness, then you must be very smart already. But I bet you don’t know much about our history or sciences.”
  143. >You don’t. Heck, you hardly remember your baking soda volcano, let alone real science. She can apparently read this off of your face.
  144. >”Well then, I hope you’ll enjoy your next five years of school with us here in P0nyville. Your hands will certainly give you a ‘hand’ with writing at least!”
  145. >Well this is slightly depressing. 5 more years until you could adventure. It’s shorter than going for 8 more years through high school back on Earth! Or was she counting the remainder of spring until summer? Did they have summer classes?
  146. >Audibly you sigh, as only a child filled with the prospect of going to school can.
  147. >Cheerilee giggles at your typical response and trots off. As she leaves, you can hear her say:
  148. >”See? No different than any other child.”
  149. >No different? Well that’s pretty weird. You are, after all, a human among p0nies.
  150. >You find Applejack who had just finished being congratulated by another group of adult p0nies.
  151. “Hey.”
  152. >”What is it, Anonymous?”
  153. “I thought you said this was a party.”
  154. >She sighs.
  155. >“Yeah, it’s supposed to be. Unca’ Anony would always throw the parties, I guess nop0ny else can do it quite lahk him.”
  156. >Oh boy. That awkward moment when someone or somep0ny mentions your dead dad.
  157. “Why was my dad your uncle?”
  158. >”Well that was because…uh. Hmm. Ah dunno, it seemed natural to call him unca’.”
  159. >This removes your fears of being replaced by these p0nies to your father. A small comfort, though, now that he’s dead.
  160. “Well…” AJ looks at you quizzically as you try to form the sentence “…is it natural to call me cousin?”
  161. >”Nope. Just Anony.”
  162. “I hate that nickname.”
  163. >”Too bad.”
  164. >You grumble a bit. It isn’t like you can really complain about a nickname, she isn’t teasing you with it. Besides, you’ve gone off track again. Party.
  165. “So how did my dad make parties? Did he buy lots of gifts?”
  166. >”No, actually he just stayed with us an had a good tahm.” She sighs. “It was more the company he gave that made it fun.”
  167. >This doesn’t tell you how to make the party interesting. You just accept it as the answer and go back to Big Mac.
  168. “So are there any games to play or something? I haven’t seen a TV since I got here, so I’m guessing there aren’t video games around.”
  169. >”Sometimes we play hide an seek, but there aren’t many fillies or colts around in P0nyville lately. I just graduated last year, and there was only a few students left in the class.”
  170. >Why is Big Mac the master of all needless exposition? You only asked if there was a game to play.
  171. “So…what about tag?”
  172. >He stops for a moment, his eyes turn to pinpricks.
  173. >”Hey, bro?”
  174. “Yyyyesss?”
  175. >He snaps back with a grin on his face, and pushes your shoulder.
  176. >“YOU’RE IT!”
  177. “And you’re on!”
  178. >You chase after Big Mac for about a half a minute, and finally tag him.
  179. >He does not take anywhere near as long. Just after you tagged him, he pushes back at you.
  180. >”No tagbacks!”
  181. >What.
  182. “What? Who else is playing?”
  183. >”If ya go tag Applejack then she’ll be playing!”
  184. >A genius plan. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
  185. >You sneak over to AJ, ducking behind everything between the two of you, before you reach her.
  186. “Tag.”
  187. >You lightly tap her on the shoulder, and ditch like you broke a window.
  188. >”Now it’s ON!”
  189. >….
  190. >Two hours later, lunch time has come and gone without you and the three of you are on your backs, catching your breath after a ridiculously long game of tag. After the first half hour, the no tagback rule was replaced with a freeze tag rule. Once you’re it, you have to stop moving for 3 seconds. It made it all the more interesting, even though there were only three players.
  191. >”Well, you three look lahk ya done had fun. Just in tahm to go work at th’ farm! Leeeet’s go!”
  192. >A chorus of ”Awwwww…” rings out from the three of you. As the group heads back to Sweet Apple Acres, you reminisce about the game.
  193. >”Remember the tahm Anon froze on one leg?”
  194. >”Yeah, that was a hoot, Big Mac! How about tha tahm you were frozen whals stretchin acrossthe table in Mrs. Cake’s chair?”
  195. “I remember that one! I thought it was funnier when AJ was stuck between the chairs when she got tagged in the air.”
  196. >This continues all the way back to the farm…when you realize that Granny Smith said ‘work’ at the farm.
  197. >You stop moving, frozen with apprehension. Didn't Big Mac say you wouldn't have to work? Or did he mean in the morning, you wouldn't be working?
  198. “Uhhhh…wait a second.” The Apples look to you, eyebrows raised. “Did you say ‘work’ earlier?”
  199. >”Yes indeedy, junior!”
  200. “Are you sure you didn’t misspeak?”
  201. >”Ahm sure!”
  202. >”Don’t worry so much, Anony, you can handle the work no problem!”
  203. >Thanks for the kind words AJ, but you don’t ‘do’ work.
  204. >You argue, but it was no use, you are suckered into it from their hospitality. You try to bring up that it’s the princess’ order or something, but Granny says she’s supposed to raise you, and she’ll do it with hard work.
  205. >Game over on this front.
  206. >The work isn’t as bad as you thought. Pour the pig’s food in the trough, and haul some apples back to the farm from the orchards.
  207. >You finish the first and come across Applejack and Big Mac kicking trees. Apples fall inexplicably from the branches and land perfectly in the buckets.
  208. “How are you doing that?”
  209. >”Doing what, bro?”
  210. “Kicking a tree and getting the apples to fall in perfectly. Is this that thing you said earlier: ‘apple bucking’?”
  211. >”Sure is pardner.”
  212. “Wow.”
  213. >It sure didn’t seem possible. At least the precision in getting the buckets underneath the trees didn’t seem possible…unless the Apple family is also ninjas.
  214. >As you lift the bucket, straining yourself to hoist the heavy load, Granny Smith yells out to lift with your legs and not your back.
  215. “Why?”
  216. >”Because you’ll throw yer back out. Yer pappy mentioned it while he was helpin out an th’ farm, so you should mind it too.”
  217. “I’m fine!”
  218. >”Now don’t ya raise yer voice, junior, ahm trying to help. If ya lift with yer legs, you’ll get stronger faster, and you’ll need all the strength you can get helpin us out every day!”
  219. >This made sense.
  220. >And besides, if you were going to go adventuring, you might want to be strong enough to haul all the loot back to P0nyville. It seemed a nice enough place to be a home base.
  221. >Right?
  222. >The day passes by rather quickly after that, a game of hide and seek lasting a little longer than it should have due to your ability to climb. Talk over dinner reveals that Applejack will be your classmate tomorrow, and that there are only a few other fillies and colts in the class.
  223. >And with that, your second day comes to a close. Sleep comes easily, and you dream peacefully.
  224. >…
  225. >The door creaks open again, waking you from a dream where you could fly by will alone. Peering over your covers to the door, you see a small p0ny in a specific hat. Applejack whispers softly before exiting.
  226. >”Good night, Anony.”
  227. >You fall asleep again minutes later.
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