
Abigail/Yi-Rong (Part 1.1)

Sep 5th, 2015
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  1. [02:31] Abigail Early in the morning. . . .
  2. [02:32] Abigail is cooking in the kitchen, sausages (Halal), pancakes and the like. Her hair is tied back in a short pony-tail, and she's wearing a apron over her normal skirt-blouse combo. She's humming cheerfully.
  3. [02:34] Yi-Rong A rare sight greets the american girl in the form of the oriantal beef cake that just struts into the kitchen in tight trousers and a pair of equally tight shirt. A book of some sort is held in one hand as he pushes a cup into the coffee machine and waits for the black amber to pour forth.
  4. [02:34] Abigail "Good morning!" Abigail chirps
  5. [02:36] Yi-Rong "Morning" the chinese pilot says, still engrossed in his book. He seats down at the table with his coffee, waiting for the liquid to cool down before taking a sip
  6. [02:37] Abigail "So, what are you reading?" She asks, looking over her shoulder from the stove top.
  7. [02:39] Yi-Rong "Technical readouts for the Evangelions, with compliments from Doctor Hansley"
  8. [02:39] |<-- scya has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  9. [02:39] Abigail "Oh. And how's that going?"
  10. [02:40] Yi-Rong takes a sip of the coffee as he considers the question
  11. [02:40] Yi-Rong "Its ... inefficient"
  12. [02:41] Yi-Rong place the book before him, gesturing at what appears to be the power systems for the Evangelion
  13. [02:41] Abigail "How so, if you don't mind me asking?" She moves to the table and begins to set out a breakfast spread, pancakes, jam, toast, turkey sausages and all the other fixings of a continental breakfast. She peers over Yi-Rong's shoulder.
  14. [02:42] Yi-Rong "Take the Umbilical system for example, why would you power a combat platform through an easily destroyed system instead of an enclosed unit like the N2 reactors found on the TRIDENT."
  15. [02:43] Yi-Rong "Bipedal locomotion system just makes it needlessly complicated and a humanoid form for a combat platform just seems ... inefficient"
  16. [02:43] Abigail "Oh. . . You'd have to ask Elise. My guess would be the power draw though. The AT Field takes a /huge/ amount of energy, so a N2 reactor on a eva would probably be larger than that on a Trident. And it's Humanoid because it's a combat cyborg. They're. . . well organic."
  17. [02:44] Yi-Rong "Perhaps, I'm not an expert on these ... AT-Fields but the size should offset the advantages it provides ...."
  18. [02:45] Yi-Rong stabs a sausage and chomps down on it absentmindily
  19. [02:46] Abigail "Might be political too. I mean, plenty of people would be nervous if a eva didn't need to be tied down, and it is /for/ defense actions. Helps keep NERV from looking too. . . sinister."
  20. [02:47] Yi-Rong grumbles something in mandarin
  21. [02:48] Yi-Rong "Still, how are you taking to all these new developments Miss Tennit?" He asks setting the book aside for now.
  22. [02:49] Abigail "Please, call me Abigail, Miss Tennit is. . makes me feel a school-teacher." Her tone is sweet, but there's a hint of something that warns you that this was not a request.
  23. [02:51] Yi-Rong shrugs
  24. [02:51] Yi-Rong "Very well then Abigail"
  25. [02:51] Abigail takes a seat next to him and loads up a plate of food for herself.
  26. [02:52] Abigail "And. . . it's strange, but. . . I'm glad to be here and to be useful. Don't get me wrong, home is nice but my grandfather can be a bit. . . protective at times."
  27. [02:54] Yi-Rong "It is a good feeling to be able to give back to society. And your grandfather simply cares about your safety as every parent should."
  28. [02:55] Abigail "I know, and I don't mean to be ungrateful, he's done a lot for me. But. . . I always wanted to travel, and we never really had the opertunity to do so."
  29. [02:56] Yi-Rong "Oh?"
  30. [02:56] Yi-Rong "What kind of enviroment do you grew up in?"
  31. [02:58] Abigail "Rural texas." She fingers her skirt. "We . . I never went hungry, but we didn't have much in terms of luxuries either. This? Most of my clothing back home was second hand, we didn't have the money to spare on anything too new. And the kitchen here! I. . there's so many ingredients, and knives, and other things, it's amazing."
  32. [03:00] Abigail "It's. . . the pay is good. It's strange to be walking in the mall, see something and realize I /could/ buy it, if I wanted to. I mean, I'm not too material really, but. . . Well I'd say we deserve a few luxuries, right?"
  33. [03:01] Yi-Rong "A simple life. One free from the worries of city life and the outside world. I admit, even I am unaccustom to all these luxury having grown up in a barrack." He looks out through the window at the forest and rising sun. "These people have no idea just how fortunate they truly were ..."
  34. [03:02] Yi-Rong "To be honest, I never seen much point in the pay ... Sure the money is nice but its not why I keep waking up every morning."
  35. [03:03] Abigail "It's. . . hard to really appreciate what you have when it's the only thing you have had. Far easier to notice a lack of things than a abundance of them." She nods "Yeah, same here, but it's nice to have."
  36. [03:09] Yi-Rong eats his breakfest with silent efficiency
  37. [03:09] Abigail takes her time to enjoy the food, but doesn't press the conversation
  38. [03:10] Yi-Rong "I must say, your cooking is splendied." He said as he polish up the plate. "Much better than anything I had back in Beijing."
  39. [03:11] Abigail "Oh. . Thank you. I'm used to making due with a lot less, but now I can /splurge/ ." She cackles
  40. [03:13] Yi-Rong lets out a quiet chuckle at Abigail's crackling
  41. [03:13] Yi-Rong "You know only a poor cook blames her ingredients ..."
  42. [03:13] Abigail "eep!." Abigail blushes "Oh no. That was out loud wasn't it?"
  43. [03:14] Yi-Rong "Yes it was." He answered deadpanned
  44. [03:14] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@687D6421.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  45. [03:14] Abigail "What?! No! I was just saying I'm used to making a good filling meal using what I have on hand, and /now/ I have plenty so it's gonna be 8extra delicious!" She hurmps. "Don't be a jerk."
  46. [03:15] Yi-Rong "Ah but I complmented your cooking didn't I? In that case should my statement mean that you /are/ a good cook since you work with poor ingredients?"
  47. [03:16] Abigail "Exactly." She nods.
  48. [03:16] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 124 seconds)
  49. [03:18] Yi-Rong takes another sip from the coffee and considers something before asking
  50. [03:19] Yi-Rong "This might appears to be a strange question so you don't have to answer but ... how much experience do you have with ... combat?"
  51. [03:21] Abigail "Uhh. . none? Izzy always handled things the few times things came to blows."
  52. [03:23] Yi-Rong "Ah I see. It always pays to know the mettle of the womanfolk you have to deal with." He nods sagely
  53. [03:23] Abigail "What's that supposed to mean?" She tilts her head, smiling
  54. [03:26] Yi-Rong "I have learnt from past experience that one does not provoke a lioness without expecting to be mauled." was his reply. Grinning at the familiar tone of voice Abigail is using he continues "Although one has to confirm with his own eyes if the lioness is really just a big pussy"
  55. [03:27] Abigail "Oh. . " She smirks. "You are /good/ ."
  56. [03:27] Yi-Rong "I had plenty of practise."
  57. [03:27] Abigail "Oh my~"
  58. [03:29] Yi-Rong "In handling fiesty young woman yes." He quirks his eyebrows
  59. [03:29] |<-- Ottawolf has left (Quit: )
  60. [03:29] Abigail blushes slightly. "I'm not used to older men myself."
  61. [03:30] Yi-Rong "Oh how your words have wound me my fair maiden."
  62. [03:30] Yi-Rong clutches at his chest as if shot by an arrow
  63. [03:31] Abigail "Please, if you are /anywhere/ near as experienced as you say ou are, then I think you can handle me *just* fine."
  64. [03:34] Yi-Rong "He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know." Was his reply.
  65. [03:36] Abigail "Oh? So does that mean you'd need to give me a. . . /practical/ demonstration?" She says breathlessly
  66. [03:37] Yi-Rong "PT lessons are not suppose to begin yet my dear, perhaps at a later date."
  67. [03:38] Yi-Rong "It would be most vigerious I can assure you"
  68. [03:38] Abigail "BUt what if I wanted to get a early start?"
  69. [03:39] Yi-Rong "Progressive training, you must learn to crawl before you can run."
  70. [03:41] Abigail "You want me to crawl?" She has a startled look on her face. "On my /knees/ ?" She blinks "Well. . . . maybe. . . for you I suppose."
  71. [03:43] Yi-Rong "I'll be right behind you, supporting you all the way"
  72. [03:44] Abigail ". . . " She glares at Yi-Rong "Oh you are good. I think I'd have to start getting handsy if I wanted to win this. Alright, you win /this/ round."
  73. [03:47] Yi-Rong "I'm but a mere soldier my lady, such intrical games are beyond my abilities. Surely I would not dare to act in such a brazen manner."
  74. [03:49] Abigail "Hmmmm." Abigail leans back in her seat.
  75. [03:50] Yi-Rong reclines in his chair, you can almost catch the ghost of a smirk tugging at the coner of his lips
  76. [03:51] Abigail "I cooked. You can do the dishes." She declares imperiously
  77. [03:52] Yi-Rong "A fair deal"
  78. [03:53] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@687D6421.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  79. [03:53] |<-- ckk185 has left (Connection reset by peer)
  80. [03:53] Yi-Rong stands up and gathers the various plates and cups before making his way to the sink, making sure that Abigail can see the definition of the muscles under his several sizes too small shirt
  81. [03:54] Abigail gives him a brief once over but doesn't linger
  82. [03:54] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@A12C9184.FD897F5F.4042D19F.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  83. [03:55] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
  84. [03:58] Abigail is sitting outside, sketching one of the cats as it lounges in the midday sun
  85. [03:58] Abigail -------------------------------
  86. [03:59] Abigail is sitting outside, sketching one of the cats as it lounges in the midday sun
  87. [03:59] Abigail [Redacting last line.]
  88. [03:59] Abigail is sitting out on the roof, staring out at Thalassa as she leans on the guard rail
  89. [04:00] =-= Yi-Rong is now known as yezar
  90. [04:00] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Rong
  91. [04:01] Yi-Rong "Enjoying the Persian gulf?"
  92. [04:01] Abigail "Yeah."
  93. [04:02] Yi-Rong steps forward to join her by the guard rail
  94. [04:03] Yi-Rong doesn't say anything for several minutes, contend to simply enjoy the view
  95. [04:03] Abigail doesn't quite know what to say either.
  96. [04:04] Yi-Rong "So ... How does it feel to be deployed into combat?"
  97. [04:06] Abigail "It was. . . I feel like I should have been more scared but. . . It was such a rush. I. . . To feel the light of my soul, to twist and form it by my will. . . it's intoxicating."
  98. [04:06] Yi-Rong doesn't say anything
  99. [04:07] Yi-Rong "I ... I see"
  100. [04:07] Abigail "I felt like a god." She says quietly
  101. [04:08] Yi-Rong "... The thrill of combat" he days after several moment
  102. [04:09] Abigail "Is that normal then?"
  103. [04:09] Yi-Rong "It is for some"
  104. [04:09] Yi-Rong doesn't sound ... Happy?"
  105. [04:10] Abigail ". . . sorry. . ."
  106. [04:10] Yi-Rong "It's not your fault"
  107. [04:10] Yi-Rong "I ... I was hoping that you would not have to fight"
  108. [04:11] Abigail "Well. . . that's kinda why they brought me here. What with my freakishly high SR and such. . . but thanks."
  109. [04:12] Yi-Rong "I know ... But you were never meant to live the life of a soldier"
  110. [04:13] Abigail "I. . . That's a strange thing to say. I don't believe in fate, or destiny. Things are what they are, and we make do as best we can."
  111. [04:14] Yi-Rong "Perhaps so, but one can't help but wish that others would not need to take the difficult path in life"
  112. [04:15] Yi-Rong "Although sometimes the difficult path has beautiful roses"
  113. [04:15] Abigail "I know, that's part of why I'm here. I. . . I have this gift, and I should use it to protect humanity. I. . . I shouldn't be a coward."
  114. [04:16] Yi-Rong "Persian roses"
  115. [04:16] Abigail ". . . . " Abigail flushes.
  116. [04:17] Abigail "S-s-s-so what? He's pretty. So is Akram. . . and Ren!"
  117. [04:17] Yi-Rong "I'm not pretty too?"
  118. [04:18] Abigail ". . . . . Shut up!"
  119. [04:20] Yi-Rong "Truly woman works in mysterious ways" He sighs.
  120. [04:20] Abigail "Jerk! I was just worried that a friend was dead. That's /all/ ."
  121. [04:20] Yi-Rong "As am I, but I don't blush and stutter when I talk about him"
  122. [04:21] Abigail "w-w-well. . . Ren does it too! And so does Jane!"
  123. [04:24] Yi-Rong "Ren can't talk about eating out without breaking down into a stammering wreck and Jane is repressed so deeply that you would need at least several years of nonstop work to unwound her. You on the other hand don't have such excises"
  124. [04:25] Abigail "Oh? I was raised by a preacher? Maybe I'm just /really/ repressed and need a outlet!"
  125. [04:25] Yi-Rong "Then go on and conquer the Persian in your Holy Crusade and leave this poor fool alone."
  126. [04:27] -->| scya ( has joined #Adeva3IC
  127. [04:28] Abigail "!" Blushes furiously (0.65 Rens) "I-i-i-i-i-t's not like that! Not at all. I don't want drag him into a closest and shove my tounge down his throat and my hand down his pants and let him-" Abigail jams her fist into her mouth "Hrmamadmaihupdgruhfrehmerder."
  128. [04:30] Yi-Rong "Unless your hands are exceptionally slim, you would need to undo his belt and zippers first. Also it would be difficult to find an unused closet in this hospital but the one on the fifth floor by wards 540-570 are unused and just the right size for two teenagers to engage in some experimentation"
  129. [04:30] Abigail "!" The blush increases (now .9 Rens) "EEEEeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
  130. [04:31] Yi-Rong "Of course the wards are also empty so if you two desires a bed ... "
  131. [04:32] Abigail "S-s-s-s-s-top t-t-t-that y-y-y-you j-j-j-j-jerk!"
  132. [04:32] Yi-Rong "I heard that there are some really interesting equipments down at the gynaecologist's clinic" He whispers to her.
  133. [04:32] Yi-Rong "Stop what? I'm just offering you helpful advise that's all"
  134. [04:33] Abigail wheels on Yi-Rong and grabs him by his shirt collar. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"
  135. [04:34] Yi-Rong You feel his rough hands gently cradling you, pulling you into a comfortable embrace
  136. [04:36] Yi-Rong gently strokes her hair
  137. [04:37] Abigail hugs Yi-Rong tightly. "Stupid Jerk." Her voice is brittle
  138. [04:37] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@AF438762.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  139. [04:37] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi_Rong
  140. [04:38] Yi_Rong "My apologies ... That was uncalled for"
  141. [04:38] Abigail "It's alright. . ."
  142. [04:39] |<-- Yi-Rong has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  143. [04:40] Yi_Rong "... Why do you doubt yourself?"
  144. [04:40] Abigail "Huh?"
  145. [04:43] Yi_Rong "You heard me, why does it hurt when you want him?"
  146. [04:44] Abigail "Because wanting something, and knowing it won't be yours is painful." She says after a very long pause.
  147. [04:46] Yi_Rong "... How do you know it wouldn't be yours?"
  148. [04:46] Yi_Rong "Have you tried getting it?"
  149. [04:47] Abigail ". . . . once. . . ."
  150. [04:48] Yi_Rong doesn't say anything and simply hugs her tighter
  151. [04:48] Yi_Rong "You are afraid, of hurting him isn't it?"
  152. [04:49] Abigail nods
  153. [04:50] Yi_Rong "But you are not Azar"
  154. [04:50] Yi_Rong "How can you know that you would hurt him?"
  155. [04:50] Abigail "I just do. It. . . it wouldn't be good for him."
  156. [04:51] Yi_Rong "Again, who are you to judge what is good and what isn't?"
  157. [04:52] Abigail "I. . . You don't know everything I do. It. . . I can't ask that of him."
  158. [04:53] Yi_Rong "You truly are arrogant"
  159. [04:55] Yi_Rong "What gave you the right to decide for Azar how to live his life? Are you that selfish a woman to only consider yourself?"
  160. [04:55] Abigail "Yes. . . I am. . ."
  161. [05:05] Yi_Rong "Bullshit" He growls. "If so you wouldn't be hurting because of this"
  162. [05:06] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@70BC76CB.D0BD394D.E164C3F6.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  163. [05:06] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Rong
  164. [05:07] Abigail ". . . Huh? What are you trying to say here?"
  165. [05:07] |<-- Yi_Rong has left (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
  166. [05:07] Abigail "You call me selfish, then say I'm not?"
  167. [05:09] Yi-Rong "I /ask/ if you are that selfish a woman my dear idiot."
  168. [05:09] Abigail "And I *am* ."
  169. [05:09] Yi-Rong "That's where you're wrong."
  170. [05:10] Yi-Rong "If you truly are, you wouldn't have cared what Azar might feel"
  171. [05:12] Yi-Rong "And yet you hold yourself back because you're afraid of hurting him, the notion of which is simply moronic"
  172. [05:12] Abigail "It isn't."
  173. [05:14] Yi-Rong "Not for you to judge"
  174. [05:15] Abigail "And who, if not myself, will judge?"
  175. [05:15] Yi-Rong "Azar, Azar alone is the only one for to judge if he is should spend his love on you"
  176. [05:16] |<-- ckk185 has left (Connection reset by peer)
  177. [05:16] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@A12C9184.FD897F5F.4042D19F.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  178. [05:16] Abigail "Azar is a idiot. He'd damn himself on some stupid Machismo thing trying to help me."
  179. [05:17] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@204B96E5.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  180. [05:17] Yi-Rong "How does hurting yourself by keeping away from him makes you any different?"
  181. [05:18] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  182. [05:22] Yi-Rong "Isn't it time to start living fully?"
  183. [05:22] Abigail ". . . . . . I never wanted to live. . ."
  184. [05:25] Yi-Rong "Then what are you doing right now?"
  185. [05:26] Abigail ". . . . waiting. . . ."
  186. [05:26] Yi-Rong "For what? For it to end?"
  187. [05:26] Abigail nods
  188. [05:28] Yi-Rong "In that case what's stopping you?"
  189. [05:28] Yi-Rong lushes forward, backing her against the railing
  190. [05:28] Yi-Rong "The edge is right there"
  191. [05:29] Abigail "Because. . . I'm not so selfish as to throw this away, not while. . . not while I'm still useful."
  192. [05:30] Yi-Rong "Useful? What use is a broken girl who can't even live"
  193. [05:31] Yi-Rong "If you can't even shoulder your own burdens what makes you think you're strong enough to protect millions more?"
  194. [05:31] Abigail :Maybe I'm not, but it's not like NERV is being too picky at this point."
  195. [05:32] Yi-Rong grips Abigail's shoulder still pushing forward
  196. [05:32] Abigail makes no effort to stop him
  197. [05:32] Yi-Rong "Don't get cocky, you're just a civilian who got lucky. There are always more pilots"
  198. [05:33] Abigail "Then do everyone a favor and push."
  199. [05:35] Yi-Rong laughs
  200. [05:37] Yi-Rong "Push you? A waste of effort. If you truly want to end it now jump down on your own. Or are you too weak to even do /that/"
  201. [05:37] Abigail "I. . . . I am. . ."
  202. [05:40] ckk185 /nick Joseph
  203. [05:41] =-= ckk185 is now known as Joseph
  204. [05:46] =-= scya is now known as Azar
  205. [05:48] Azar was walking along the area as he saw that and so he then started to run towards it one hand outstretched to take hold of Abigail while he tries to land his run in that way that he kicks out towards Yi without saying a word, furry blazing in his eyes.
  206. [05:49] Joseph runs in and flicks his hand through his mullet before clicking his tongue.
  207. [05:49] Joseph "Tch."
  208. [05:49] Yi-Rong having already seen the Persian coming shifts his grip on Abigail and flings her towards the charging Persian. But not so hard. Can't have her dying now.
  209. [05:49] Joseph "Man. I thought you were a real man. Not some pussy."
  210. [05:49] Azar "Abigail!"
  211. [05:49] Joseph "Some pussy who can't get what he wants without fists."
  212. [05:49] Abigail his Azar limply
  213. [05:50] Abigail *impacts
  214. [05:50] Joseph "You alright sweet cheeks?"
  215. [05:50] Joseph looks at abigail.
  216. [05:52] Azar tries to take hold of her, and presses her against himself to protect her , Propperty be dammed.
  217. [05:53] Yi-Rong "She'll be fine, just exhausted"
  218. [05:53] Abigail starts sobbing inconsolably into Azar's shoulder.
  219. [05:53] Joseph "Huh. So the attempted rapists says."
  220. [05:53] Joseph "Tell me. Where are your balls?"
  221. [05:54] Yi-Rong "My actions do not require your approval Joseph. I do as I deem fit"
  222. [05:54] Azar looks down at her and luck with naked furry at Yi rong. " Joseph... Knife."
  223. [05:54] Joseph "And you don't deserve to have a pair."
  224. [05:54] Joseph "Not now. Lock the door first."
  225. [05:56] Joseph "We don't need weapons to deal with scum."
  226. [05:56] Yi-Rong "Oh?"
  227. [05:56] Yi-Rong spreads his arms at the manly duo
  228. [05:56] Yi-Rong "What I did was for the good of that girl. The sooner she wakes up from her delusions the better off she would be."
  229. [05:57] Joseph "Huh. And how does what you plan on doing help her?"
  230. [05:57] Azar tries to slowly move her away from the impending justice while stroking her hair" shh you is safe now . "
  231. [05:57] Abigail is still sobbing.
  232. [05:57] Joseph subtly position himself to strike first.
  233. [05:57] Yi-Rong "A little girl who can't even shoulder her own burden. Tell me how is she supposed to defend others in that state?"
  234. [05:58] Joseph "And next you are going to tell me that it is for her own good, huh?"
  235. [05:58] Yi-Rong "I showed her that she's wrong"
  236. [05:58] Yi-Rong "That she does want to live on"
  237. [05:58] Joseph "Tell me coward. How do you look in the mirror without puking?"
  238. [05:59] Yi-Rong gives Joseph a grin, one that has too many teeths
  239. [05:59] Yi-Rong "Results wash away many things"
  240. [05:59] Azar moves her further so that her back is towards the whole scene , and then nods towards joseph
  241. [06:00] Joseph punches the smug little snake hard in the jaw.
  242. [06:00] Yi-Rong Unfortunately the other pilot is long gone, looping behind Joseph with elegant grace
  243. [06:01] Joseph lashes back behind him with the back of his fists.
  244. [06:02] Yi-Rong And the other pilot goes flying across the rooftop, landing on the floor with a groan
  245. [06:02] Joseph "So tell me you slant eye chink."
  246. [06:02] Joseph "You feeling like a man yet?"
  247. [06:03] Joseph "Why don't you pick a fight with someone who can fight back."
  248. [06:03] Joseph "Huh."
  249. [06:03] Joseph "I mean. This how you got a girl to marry you huh?"
  250. [06:03] Joseph "Shotgun to the groin eh?"
  251. [06:03] Yi-Rong "That's funny, I seem to recall that you punch first"
  252. [06:04] Azar meanwhile still tries to calm abigail while moving with her towards the door.
  253. [06:04] Joseph aims a very very hard kick to the balls of Yi-Rong
  254. [06:05] Abigail just clings to Azar limply
  255. [06:05] Yi-Rong however rolls away from the Beefcake
  256. [06:05] =-= Gregor is now known as Cornuthaum
  257. [06:05] Joseph "Not so tough now that you are fighting someone who knows how to fight huh?"
  258. [06:06] Joseph "Gonna run like a pussy?"
  259. [06:06] Yi-Rong "Fight? Who says I'm fighting?"
  260. [06:06] Joseph "Rapist scum."
  261. [06:06] Joseph "By the time I'm done with you. You are going to wish you are dead."
  262. [06:07] Azar looks now even more angry at Yi Rong and while he holds her with one hand, he moves around with the other for something in his clothes before he draws something metalic.
  263. [06:07] Yi-Rong "I wish for many things, but death is not one of them. But if you insist"
  264. [06:07] Joseph tries to grab him by the neck.
  265. [06:07] Yi-Rong is simply too slippry
  266. [06:07] Abigail "E-e-e-e-enough. . He was't. . it's not like that."
  267. [06:08] Joseph lashes out in a hard round house kick to the face.
  268. [06:09] Yi-Rong simply backs up from the kick
  269. [06:09] Azar aims for a moment and then throws the small knife , more of a shard of metal then a propper one towards the Chinese Scum.
  270. [06:10] Joseph "Wait no knife. I want this to look like a accident."
  271. [06:10] Joseph "He simply fell down the balcony
  272. [06:10] Joseph "
  273. [06:10] Yi-Rong just barely ducks the metal shard, gripping it as a knife once it labded
  274. [06:11] Yi-Rong "Trying to kill a fellow pilot there Azar? I thought better of yoy"
  275. [06:11] Joseph slips on a punch dagger and aims a hard punch at the china man.
  276. [06:12] Yi-Rong Again and again the Chinese pilot flows like water, slipping pass any attacks the duo makes
  277. [06:12] Joseph "Better of him? Great comment from a attempted rapist."
  278. [06:13] Azar "One like you is no fellow of mine."
  279. [06:13] Yi-Rong sigh
  280. [06:13] Abigail "It. . . he wasn't. . . it's not like that. . " Abigail mumbles
  281. [06:13] Yi-Rong "Perhaps you should get the proper story first before leaping into action"
  282. [06:13] Joseph "And next you are going to say you did not try and rape her right?"
  283. [06:14] Yi-Rong "Rape her? Well I might if it would have broken her out of her self destructive loop. But no, I'm not that callous"
  284. [06:14] Joseph grits his teeth.
  285. [06:14] Azar looks at her and then slowly sits her down "Do not look at it."
  286. [06:15] Azar slowly advances towards the meele.
  287. [06:15] Abigail curls up against the wall
  288. [06:15] Joseph aims a snap kick at his opponent's knees.
  289. [06:16] Yi-Rong back flips from the kick and onto the railing
  290. [06:16] Azar goes for a kick towards his arm , which was before he landed on the railing.
  291. [06:17] Joseph drop kicks the railing his target was standing on
  292. [06:18] Yi-Rong goes over the edge of the building ... Only to hook himself against the ledge, swinging himself through the windows of the lower story
  293. [06:19] Joseph "SHIT."
  294. [06:19] Azar "You run after him, I protect her."
  295. [06:19] Azar nods at him.
  296. [06:19] Joseph flies off the balcony but managed to grab onto the ledge.
  297. [06:21] Joseph manages to pull himself up.
  298. [06:21] Joseph "No I got a better idea."
  299. [06:21] Joseph "I'll go make a phone call. You two have fun. Ciao."
  300. [06:21] Joseph rams his way through the door."
  301. [06:21] Yi-Rong You know
  302. [06:22] Yi-Rong [Ignore that]
  303. [06:23] Abigail sniffs, still hugging herself
  304. [06:24] Azar now returns to the poor victim of the chinese scum and his unstopable unmanly agression and tries to scope her up.
  305. [06:24] =-= Joseph is now known as ckk1857
  306. [06:24] Abigail makes no effort to stop Azar
  307. [06:27] Azar "I.. Ish find girls and be there for there.."
  308. [06:28] Abigail brings her arms around Azar and doesn't let go
  309. [06:28] Azar sights and holds her "I, care for you"
  310. [06:28] Azar "Protect you"
  311. [06:28] Abigail "You. . . you shouldn't. I'm not worth it."
  312. [06:29] Azar "No you are"
  313. [06:32] Abigail "If I were he would have. . . " She trails off, crying again.
  314. [06:33] Azar "Hmhm? Shhh, he no can hurt you no more"
  315. [06:34] Abigail "It's. . . it's not him I'm worried about . . ."
  316. [06:34] Azar "I neither care for him. I care for you."
  317. [06:35] Abigail "Why? It. . . you'll just. . . I'm not good for you. I won't be."
  318. [06:36] Azar "Sh, you are , and I is show to you"
  319. [06:36] Abigail "And then what? JUst. . . turn on me? Hate me after you get close?"
  320. [06:37] Azar "No, I is no will hate you"
  321. [06:37] Abigail "I thought he wouldn't. . . ."
  322. [06:38] Abigail "I was foolish." She says bitterly
  323. [06:38] Azar "Shhhh, I is not like him."
  324. [06:40] Abigail I. . I wanted him to let go Azar. I. . I wanted him to push me over the edge. Did you know that?"
  325. [06:41] Azar "I shhh , is fear and pain , talking not you"
  326. [06:42] Abigail "It's me. . I've. . . I've been waiting for that for three years Azar. Just. . . waiting to die."
  327. [06:42] Azar "I, you .. what?"
  328. [06:43] Azar is flabbergasted
  329. [06:47] Abigail shrinks in on herself. "I. . .I tried once before, but I. . I couldn't do it."
  330. [06:47] Azar "..What?"
  331. [06:48] Abigail "I tried to kill myself." She glares at Azar "There, you happy now? Go ahead leave, it's no worse than I deserve."
  332. [06:49] Azar "Why?!"
  333. [06:49] =-= yezar is now known as Yezar
  334. [06:50] Abigail "Because I'm a worthless, broken, selfish excuse for a human being. That's why. Because no one could ever like someone like that. That's why."
  335. [06:51] Azar "That ; iwhat is.. "
  336. [06:51] =-= Yi-Rong is now known as Yezara
  337. [06:52] Azar is currently experiencing a unknown command return to previous command.
  338. [06:52] Azar hugs her
  339. [06:52] Abigail shoves him away. "Just leave!"
  340. [06:53] =-= Yezar is now known as Yi-Rong
  341. [06:53] Azar stumbles but is not dropping her "No"
  342. [06:53] Abigail "Just leave. . please. . It. . . it will hurt less that way. For both of us."
  343. [06:54] Azar "No"
  344. [06:56] Abigail "No?" Abigail laughs. "You. . you want to protect me don't you? You think you can save me, don't you? Well news-flash! You *can't* you are three years too late for that. Just give up and spare yourself the heartache now."
  345. [07:00] Azar "I.. No. I not leave you."
  346. [07:04] Abigail "No. You won't, because I will *never* let you in." She smiles "What can you do Azar? You couldn't save your sister, you couldn't even save yourself. You are weak, little boy with delusions of manhood to hide his insecurities. Grow up."
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